Is this the Scariest Path in Scotland? The Mighty Liathach

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hi guys welcome to a beautiful morning in taured it's the start of me and the target for today is the monster that is and you can see it bearing down on me from down here [Applause] so i'm up into the first quarter of liga it's been relentless so far we'll look at these views behind me of the famous rock formation the layer stacked up towards the top of light well that's me up on the ridge of league have a look at this so it's benny down into taured in ben jerrag ben alleghen and then there's the biggie with the first monroe there wow this place is unbelievable so monroe 120 oh what pull up that is over here you can see the next monroe and the famous pinnacles and this monroe is known as spidean akari lay and means peak of the grey quarries and it stands at 1055 meters high the cloud is cleared and it's given a fantastic view of the pinnacles it's safe to say that i was getting pretty nervous with the sight of these pinnacles ahead [Music] as you can see the pinnacles start off pretty easy with no difficulties [Music] but coming up i made my first mistake of the day i don't know if i had a lack of confidence because the rocks are still slightly wet but i decided to take the bypass path which you'll see in a minute is a pretty exposed alternative [Music] this is [Music] [Music] as you can see here this path is extremely exposed and there's times where you're crossing bits that you can see where you're parked between your feet [Music] do so the bypass path is not only extremely exposed but it's also wet which didn't help at all it was at this point that i wished i stayed at the top of the pinnacles [Music] you this that's me just past the pinnacles and i'm not afraid to say that i use the bypass but the views from here are still stunning what a place and the next monroe is just over here monroe 121 so the second monroe was known as malach and rathan which means the summit of the police and it's 1023 meters high so this is monroe 121 and what a fantastic viewpoint this is this has to be one of the best viewpoints in scotland so i decided here must be the perfect spot to stop for some lunch and what a viewpoint it was so [Music] so i'm going to end the video here as there's quite a long walk back down to the road and then a couple of kilometers back to the van so leah i'll rate it 10 easy 10 out of 10 all day long one of the best viewpoints i've seen in my monroe round so far so that's it for today's video and hopefully you'll join me for some more monroes in the next one [Music] on the sea and so slowly i sing to the deep as i try to remember peace you
Channel: Scottish Munro Journey
Views: 78,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scottish highlands, liathach ridge, liathach, liathach pinnacles, pinnacles of liathach, liathach mountain, liathach mountain torridon, torridon munro bagging, munro bagging in torridon, best mountain in scotland
Id: hb0LXzY0Kq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2022
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