How to set up a queen mating nuc

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hey everybody this is David barnyard bees in today's video is about making mini mating notes from making Queens now please stick around till the end of video will we will be in announcing the winner of the nikon kit that we had in the video of new beekeepers and what you need to get started and also the winner of the 3 pound package of bees with ylang queen we have the winners of both of those so please stick around the end of the video we'll announce those winners okay today's video is what we got here we got a 5 frame nuke and I've already started this to speed up the process a little bit so if some of this wasn't necessary to share to everyone but what we did this video actually is in two parts of information the first part is when we come across this look right here we come across this situation right here so what has happened when I got in the nuke now these these are overwinter nukes so you know we're really not sure when we get into some of these what we're up against and what had happened one of the combs had fell down and broke off and and it actually got in the bottom and it's it's wet and it looks like it dropped a bunch of pollen gut in here so now there's dead bees and as you can see the old nasty larvae of the hive beetle and they're all through it so some situations what we do we'll just scrape that out and reuse it but in this situation that's so wet and it needs to dry and sometimes it's best to anyways go out and go ahead and change out the whole box so what we did right there you'll see this this is a replacement box right here so all we did we put the new box right there and started transferring the frames over and that's the old one that's the new one in has was going through it we found the Queen she's on actually on this frame right here we won't pull them out to disturb them anymore and I've already selected to the frame that I'm going to use for the Queen mating Duke so what we're going to do we're going to put the replacement frame right here and all it is is a frame it's a starter strip new beekeepers if you want to save on buying some wax and stuff use these right here and as you can see the fishing line it's a pound test line and that'll strengthen up that wax because because new wax is a very very kinder and it breaks off and if you turn it sideways it's going to fall out the string will help us stay in there so the starter strip is all you need now if you if you do use starter strips always use them in between two frames that are already drawn out because if not you end up with wild comb and they'll just they'll pin them together as I put them together and it's not a good situation and okay so if re got a frame here that I've got pulled out and that's it right here now here's the ideal frame that you want to get this right here has all stages of brood brood for the new beekeeper is baby bees there it's the it's the eggs in all stages hopefully you can see us on camera you can see I can see day-old eggs in there I can see two day old eggs three day a lot larger larva all the way up to captive brood now this right here you can use and also it's got a little bit of honey now ideally it would be nice to have a little bit of pollen on this frame as well but it's not actually necessary and this actually has a lot of baby bees a lot of nurse bees and you can see some drones in here so we're getting drones so we're we're okay to to start making some of these not a whole lot of them but you know always check your drone population you want to have adequate amount of drones to make Queen so basically what we do is put them over here and we'll drop this frame in just like that now right here is a starter strip just like that one over there and that's basically it now you can do what we'll call walkway split walk away split is just what I did right there and you don't do anything else to it except for the pollen Patti under the feeder and let it go in 30 days if everything went okay you should have made the Queen now in ten days you can pull it out and check and see if you have clean cells and it's always not a hundred percent but with a walkway split usually last year early because earlier the better you'll get a higher success rate with native Queens earlier in the year because of drone populations high so if you do ten seven eight is probably about right cuz that's what we got last year when we did a lot of these here and later on the year it gets the percentage goes down and down this drone population falls off and so it doesn't nectar flow and then more issues come in five meals and such so if you want to make Queens and new beekeepers doing it early but remember make sure that it's warm enough your nighttime temperatures aren't real code now actually we did some last year in the nighttime temperatures did get chilly but not extremely cold so keep an eye on that you know when when when it's my time temperatures are forty five you're usually okay 45 and above you're usually okay with not getting chilled brew because as long as you have enough bees on that frame you will be okay now the amount of bees that it usually takes for this okay it takes basically one frame and then if you'd shake all those bees off you'd probably have a cup full of bees maybe a cup in half max okay now you saw how simple that was right there and how easy that was now going on a little bit of a subject about another matin nuke that the professionals use and professional queen makers is what they call the the mini matin box which is basically about seven inches by five inches I believe and you you make the frames and they're very tiny very tiny frames you can actually even by star front ones I do not advise those for a new beekeeper if you've been in this for a while and you've got the time to go out there and check these every day or every couple of days okay but I'm telling the new beekeeper you really don't need to mess with these they talked about these online and I do not advise them unless you've been doing this for years and you know what you're doing to stick with these right here you can you can do these right here with your first bees that you get you get you get a package of bees you bring it home you grow it out and your five frame ten frame it's ready to split you can you can do it from there into these mini maintenance you can pull a frame out it's that easy and all you'll do is you'll put you a little Paul and Patty go ahead and buy you some pollen you can buy the bee supply stores we sell them in our store you can order it it's not it's not hard to get it's easy it's just you make pollen patties with them and you put a little bit right here and less your frame has a lot of pollen on it and then they can carry on and then they can bring some in but you want to make sure that does have a little bit of pollen on and then basically you put a feeder on it sugar water it's ready to go it's that simple it's easy you don't these are very forgiving you don't have to come out then when that Queen comes back and expect a whole bunch of bees to be in there impact and then they swarm the very next day that's what happens with those little bitty ones those little tiny ones I'm telling you straight up with we've used them we've tried them if you work a full-time job you get ready first for some a surprise because those things just don't work that well these do these are very forgiving you have double the space right here they can when that Queen comes back that they will always bring more bees back with them always and they'll start drawing this up really fast this other side and they're very forgiving we over wintered six out seven and they overwinter very good here in Georgia in North Georgia it got down to about eight degrees so you can kind of base your location and your your temperature is what they get down to in your winter so if you're around about ten degrees that's your low you can do these also now the good thing about these okay say we've got an empty right here when they draw this out that Queen comes back she starts laying this sides field out all you got to do is is pull this frame out and stick it here and then you got another one put another empty in here put an empty back in there now you got two you can keep multiplying these you always have Queens throughout the year it's very easy simple to do these are like I said very forgiving and you'll love these they're not complex these are for the new beekeeper all the way up to the advanced beekeeper and a lot of people have been using these these are a barnyard be original we designed these last year and a lot of people compare them to the Queen Castle which Queen Castle has they're basically four of these put together into one ten frame box with the dividers in the middle and but the good thing about these is a queen castle its confined of really close together a lot of times those Queens come back they get confused they'll go in the wrong hole these here you can separate them as far as you want they're individual you don't have to open this one and expose to the whole hive they're separate we're the other one you open the top sometimes you know they'll have that they do have individual blue on plywood in between but it's it's it's not good these are so much easier today especially for the new beekeeper or anybody we'd love these we get a lot of Queens this way this is how we raise our Queens and we raise a lot of them so saying that 30 days like I said give your queen 30 days if you do a walkaway split walk away split is where you just leave it as is and put a pawn patio at the theater and let it go you know take that queen from the tumbler draw off the sale the queen sale about time and hatches she matures inside to hide a little bit before she can fly she flies out she mates was she's satisfied on the mountain of mating that she needs she'll start laying it's usually around about 30 days in the early season possibly 20 and that's but on average is usually right at 30 days now you can increase that time less time by add a queen cells that are ready to hatch now now you're getting into a little bit more difficult a little bit more advanced beekeepers know what they're doing with stuff like yet and we're adding Virgin Queens from from Grafton now there's different ways and like I said you can you can decrease that time because you put a virgin queen in there now all she has to do is mature a couple days fly out mate and usually about a week about time you have the Virgin Queen she's she's back in and mated and playing eggs and a queen cell maybe just a little bit less time because she's got a hatch sometimes it's it's not you will know the exact day but it's pretty close so you put her in you put the cell in that hatches now the queen cell course is not always guaranteed the hats where the Virgin Queen is she's hatched ready to go your acceptance of your queen so is a lot better because they'll almost always accept the queen cell and almost always will accept a virgin queen sometimes not but as you can say is it goes on to get some more complex and harder especially for the new beekeeper but this right here kind of put all that aside that I just said about that if you just want to make you some Queens make you up five of these ala five of these you'll get three of them back with a mated Queen now make sure you're like I said your nighttime temperatures are okay and you do have a few drones by the time most new beekeepers get their bees and they build up you got all that ready anyway it's already warm enough and there's already plenty of drones so so most of the time you're okay to do that if you don't sure ask us well we'll help you out and that's what barnyard bees we're here to help new beekeeper we get called every single day I answer as many questions as possible on YouTube and on our Yahoo address and so we got we get a lot of questions asking we don't mind answering them because we're here to help out the new beekeeper now also we have now got an Instagram page we're trying to get that Instagram page built up I'll put the link in the description please please share it and we're trying to get it built up so please help us out with that that'll also help get things out to the new beekeeper as well and so now what I'm going to do is to go ahead an ounce the winners for the the Queen rearing Nikon set which we had on the video new beekeepers and what you need to get started so the winner of the Nighthawk kit is Charles Thomas Charles Thomas please call our store and she will get your heather will get your Nighthawk it wrapped up and mailed out to you and the winner of the three pound package that we had the video maybe about a month ago I'm not sure about giving the way this free package is Tim Allen Tim Allen please contact the store we selected these people on random pick so there's no that's the best way to do it just randomly pick drawing so there's our two winners contact the store you will get those mailed out to you you can you can also opt if you would rather have the gift card I believe the gift card for the for the three pound package if you'd rather have a gift card as a hundred dollars and I believe the gift card for the night call kid is fifty dollars I believe so that's about it for that and please like and subscribe please click on our little bell it helps our videos out get out to more and more people please help try to spread these videos out because the more beekeepers we have the better we are with saving these honeybees we needed a lot of help and and we're here to try to help everybody out and get everybody started so please spread these out help or Instagram will put that Instagram link in the and we'll also put the all the store number is area code seven zero six nine seven one twenty seven hundred I'll put the store number or we're almost done with our website as well it won't be long hopefully within a month maybe earlier people can buy anything we got there you know you can order anything and it'll be ready to go so we're really excited about getting that website so we'll put the website in the description right now it's just our old website but be looking and and also in Georgia we have got in our man in the man lake catalog you will see we are now one of the top distributors and so you can you can check us out and see our name barnyard bees in the back of the catalog for Georgia world the first on the listing 2018 catalog so that's about it for today please make you up some of these you will not regret them please like and subscribe and thanks for watching barnyard bees
Views: 172,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to raise queens, queen rearing, beekeeping, honey bees, honey, how to beekeeping, beekeeping 101, step by step queen rearing, starting beekeeping, honey bee queens
Id: 4dEEyf2HeJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 16 2018
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