How to tell fast if virgin queen is mated yet

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hey everybody this is David again at barnyard bees I've got an idea for another video I want to share any time I'm not hearing the bee yard I just I never planned the videos they just want to come across something that I think needs shared or people don't know about then I'll I'll stop pull my phone out to film everything from my phone and and then I'll record the video okay as you can notice the yards cleaned up today got everything picked up I got the Sun and water weed eat for me I mowed everything looks clean well better than it did yesterday's video so here's today's video on this first row here and the last row is where we did on the previous videos you saw where we confined the Queen for 10 days to produce to entice them into producing Queen cells which they did and as I'm going out you got to remember when you do splits it's not always a hundred percent sometimes you'll come and look and the Queen when she goes on a slighting mating flight she doesn't always return and the reason being there's so much out there she's got so many predators there's a barn swallows dragonflies purple martins are bad anything like that they'll come back and maybe they'll fly in the wrong hive like this high right here which is there's a queen in there I just kept but I just want to show you in something that is one reason why we turn every box alternating forward and backwards one forward one back and then also on top of that there's different colors that increases your your percentage of mating coming back so say if you have a stand in there solid white and they're all facing the same direction that Queen can get really confused when she comes back she doesn't know she'll flying the wrong one she's mated therefore she's full of pheromones they don't have a pheromone smell a strong until they mate once they mate then they have that smell and it's not familiar to that hive with a baller up and no killer it just simple as that and then you check you're like where's my maid of Queens you never come back well she may have she may went in the wrong box or she may got eaten by something so it's not a hundred percent so that's why you got do numbers you want to do a lot of splits you want to come back with 70 percent mated or even 50 percent or whatever you can get but here's one way to tell by opening the box pretty quick without even pulling a frame out when I do the splits we just have like one frame of bees and it'll have a queen cell on it and that's about it we'll put a blank on both sides and that's about it well when as soon as I open this box I could see the numbers in here was double what I put in here originally at least double and that's one indication we've got to make a queen in there and the reason being when she comes back on a mating flight a lot of people don't know this she brings a whole lot of bees back with her drones workers they just all congregate to her and you wouldn't think that the workers would but they do because this hive has very few bees in it when I started out it did has a few cat cells in there but not this many and this works it just it's like every time you come up to a mated hot there was another one I checked right there same thing and this one I usually mark the tops of them like this one here I went through it didn't find anything I better date the question work so that means you tell me to come back in fact sometimes it takes them longer sometimes when we're older maybe in flight it takes longer than a few days or a week it just depends it's just that just how it goes and be keeping you don't know so I'll mark it and before I do any take any action to add in another queen cell I'll give it a couple more days and then I'll check again if nothing then I'll have another Queen cell given their chance so those the population on those keep in mind I put a frame and brood in there just like I did here the same amount of bees the population in there is not even half of what the population here is so that's itself is proof and I do this so much and every time I open it up I look and I see a number of bees all like aw there's a native Queen there even before a full frame up so that's one way to tell that's a good way to tell so and they seem to be working a lot harder also that's always a once they get a mated clean they pick up the pace really hard heavy when they have nothing they're in a lot more of a limbo state of mind kind of they're not oh yeah check on eBay today guys uh my tripod is on its way let's go see if I could sputters because I just had did a second ago of course your net went down on the side of the box you never know but I cannot share you shoes in there I saw her and look for that as soon as you open that box up you're looking for a mated Queen your population will indicate to you same way with those many made into extender same way every time I would go through those I see the population cell she's in here even before I look for eggs and this here I know you'll be able to see it on the camera but there's eggs inside stream close up okay good luck we'll be able to spot her now she was on this frame she's probably walked down the side or stepped over on the neck off no thought of sorry there for a second was it okay sometimes they go up under the other bees to keep hid and the newbies that that's a nursing a new Queens can be extremely shy especially mated Queens or unmade a queen sorry that could be really shot first and as they get older like when you when I'm going through the house these older Queens they could care less they don't pay any attention to you but these new ones they're really skittish and maybe that's in their instinct to be skittish because there's predators everywhere and once they get into hide then they're say they over a period time they feel safe but I thought that was a good piece of information to share with everybody I've never talked about that before but pull that top off look when you see a good population in here your hive a lot more you know that you did splits in think oh right away I got a made a clean in there I just want to share that please like and subscribe to my youtube channel thank you very much thanks for watching barnyard bees
Views: 402,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: queens, mated queens, bees, honey bees, honey, wax, drones, bee hive, bee hives, new beekeeper, beekeeping, selling bees, selling queens, spring, stings, sting, nuc, nucs, fat beeman, fat bee man
Id: XynZm9iNT_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2017
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