Beekeeping for beginners and what you need to get started

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hey everybody this is David a barnyard bees and today's the video where we're helping out the new beekeeper get started and things they need to get to get started in the beekeeping and we're going to try to explain this the best we can to get everybody started please stick around to the end of the video and we have a free gift to give away and in order to win all you have to do is like subscribe and share our videos click on the little bill and you'll be notified of new videos and I think everyone will be very happy with the gift that we're gonna give away so please stick around to the end of the video what we're going to start off with is packages and to explain this a little bit for we're trying to explain to the people that's never had bees and trying to go as much depth as possible so what you get when you get a three-pound package you'll get 3 pounds of bees you'll get one mated Queen and you'll have attendant workers in here with her and they actually feed her and what what you'll get you'll have your bees you have your queen you have a feeder kin that sits right here and this quaint will be attached to this line right here dangling down and those bees will be clustered around here because she'll have a strong pheromone and they'll be attracted to her and that's why they'll be around her and what you do when you get your package and also check out we've got some previous videos check out our videos we have videos on stolen packages so you can you can actually go and watch those videos but it's simply you just take the Queen out and there's different ways here's how we we do it we actually put it in the very bottom of the frame and set it back in like that but before you and then put all frames back but what you do before that we're getting ahead of herself we forgot to explain you'll have candy on this end and a cork and then the Queen will be here and then there'll be a cork the reason for this cork here is what for a direct release which you will not do you will pull the cork from the candy in here and that will allow those workers inside the hive time it works like a time capsule and they will actually eat that candy out and release that Queen it usually takes usually around 2 to 3 days sometimes four days and then once she's released meanwhile there's bees will be drawn out comb and by the time she's released she can actually start laying eggs so when you're first starting out with beekeeping you're not going to have the you're not going to have drawn comb now there's different way right there demons demonstrate in different ways that you can put that Queen in here you can actually put it in like that or you can actually put it in between pitch it up against the wall here too some people do this they'll push all the frames over like so with a screen down and these frames will be pushed over and you put a little wedge right here the reason I don't like this is because you don't you use four frames and the bees can actually build a box here where you don't want it build in so we prefer the other method where you can actually put four French in there so that's that so what you do after that you'll have your feeder that goes on top and this is we make these a barnyard bees this is our feeder and this is our rapid feeder and you can see the way the bottom is made here and it goes this inserts in the hole and you have a vent hole here in here the bees will actually crawl up through the ladder on the inside and this keeps them in this is the best feeder we've ever seen we've never used a better feature than this these work much better than any of the homemade versions that you see on YouTube these work good Bar None no comparison so once you fill that up you'll course pick your lid on you let that hive set for at least a week and then you'll go back in you'll check her progress make sure she's laying you'll see eggs law this you can pick up on other videos that we have and we're just trying to get everybody a general idea of what does what to do to get started now you can actually do that same process into this tin frame right here or an eighth frame it doesn't have to be in a 5 frame nuke it can be also in a 10 frame and Jimmy's going distance input here where you can see inside now right here stop right here for a second is our is our feeder now we make these here barnyard bees and these work very well they got ventilation here here your feeder sets here and then it just sets on top of your hive now this is a this is a frame of a full sheet of foundation with support wire in it this is the frame here this wax-coated plastic that the bees will draw out and when we talk about drawing out well will show here what it what it looks like what happens these bees this is like they draw out these low end bosses and when we talk about drawing out comb what we mean is this that's drawn comb right there that's where they actually come out from here out with wax and it'll stick out better to about the end to the edge of the frame like such and the bees from there they'll lay eggs they'll they'll store honey store pollen and when you when you put these frames in you don't have to always go with a full sheet like this what you can do as widows go with a half sheet or not a half sheet with a starter strip and what you do you can put that starter strip every other one you can go that you don't want to put two of them together because it doesn't give them a guideline to go by so when they try to draw that out to them together there they'll probably gum it all together into one big wall what they call wild comb and you don't want that so there's different options when it comes to your frames and we recommend that everybody get on YouTube watch our YouTube channel watch our videos we've got a lot of instructions that goes beyond what we're showing here we're just trying to get a general idea of what you'll need to get started now know what you can do from your deep fruit chamber is some people will offer a queen excluder and then you put your frames on top and this Quinn excluder keeps her from coming up and laying eggs into the honey chamber and that's the reason for your your queen explore just trying to explain what what these parts are so the new beekeeper will understand what they are so some people like this some people don't we don't particularly use the the queen excluder because they can slug your bees down and they can shorten their life because they got to force their way through those cracks every time and we just we don't particularly use them now as far as the polls go just getting started out you absolutely got to have a hive toe you absolutely got to have a smoker you can't go without these that's primarily two tools that you absolutely need now from there you know you start running into well do you want to achieve smoker or American more expensive smoker it all depends on the individual these are manual you can there's different ways of fueling these pine needles that works good or you can use these what we call smoked fuel it works good it's like a cotton mix these little quick starts I've done videos on this before where you'll like that a little plug and it'll it'll burn for five minutes alone in the smoker now here's another option for a smoker this is a battery-powered smoker of course you know the price tag goes up a lot more when you're getting into these high dollar ones for one like this is 149 but everything's everything is automatic the buttons you got buttons to light it buttons to blow it the smoke they're pretty much it just depends what you want to do now you're going to have problems with predators and when I mean predators I mean hive beetles wax moss varroa mites and there's different ways to combat these and as far as the beetles go this is some of the tools that we use this is a what you call a beetle barn and you'll bake this up you can use a Crisco like a tablespoon of Crisco with teaspoon of boric acid mix it up it makes real good bait it'll kill the money it'll kill the beetles and you open this up it'll be packed full beetles there are different other baits that you can use and and you just simply close it up and it goes in the bottom of your hive and then you've got these what they call sweeper sheets and you can simply cut them into little strips and as the beetles these places across your frames as your beetles round across they'll get stuck their legs will get stuck in this just kind of like a fiber material they'll get stuck on it and then you got what they called the beetle blasters and you fill these up with a little bit of oil you can also put a little bit of apple cider vinegar in them to actually attract them in it but what they do bees usually chase chase them in little crevices and little hiding spots the bees will chase them they fall down in that solution it kills them here's another thing it's called a beetle gel they go in between the frames like this and the Beast simply just chase them and they try to escape and they get through these little cracks and get stuck so there's different ways of combating predators this is called a Freeman board made by a friend of ours named Jerry Freeman he actually buys queens and beasts from us and the way this works your hive body will sit right on top of this here just like the gym is demonstrating and as the beetles come in they'll get the fall down through that wire and they'll fall into this tray that will be filled up with oil or diatomaceous earth and you can find diatomaceous earth at a tractor supply or many coops and it's a once the beetles run across that it cuts them up it's almost like a powder some people know what it is some people don't you just simply close it up and they'll fall through that that wires get caught in that kills them it's in this a very good trap and it works good it catches them before they even actually get so that's that's another option right there moving on to okay you got your tools things you need like a cigar but again you use your hive tools your smokers if you need if you think you'll need a some people will next track how many they like using those to be the brush to brush them off queen catchers it's good to have a couple of these around they're fairly inexpensive and there's times that you will have to catch your queen sometimes it's not don't get scared when I say that because it's it's not off often that you do that's more when you're splitting bees and making more colonies and it's growing over here to the bee suits and what you might need if you think you need a bee suit now some people do some people don't with our bees honestly then you can look at our videos we work bees in our tank top shorts and sandals and usually typically the only thing that we ever wear and the other and the only reason we do because you get popped is now you won't be able to see in your look funny so sometimes we'll put on this little cheap veil and sometimes we doubt it just depends on the mood of bees now to to us the man Jimmy of barnyard bees there's our complete BC right there but we understand you know people especially getting started that these suits are necessary and it just depends on what you want and now here's the gloves these are very nice gloves here they're their canvas with a little bit of leather on the end they're ventilated and and your suits are it depends on what you want for a suit these are ventilated suits these actually breathe and they've got like a plastic comb material that will keep the stinger of the from penetrating the suit and it's been it laid like I said and they're pretty pretty cold they're a lot more cool than than this that one when the wind blows you know you can actually feel a little bit of coolness through these so that's the bee suits now okay we scrolled over here to the to the bee medicine supplies to kind of give everybody an idea of what you might need now as far as mites we talked about mites earlier we didn't go in depth of what what to use here's one option a lot of people use it's called check check mite it comes in little strips you actually put that in between your frames you know you can take care of your mites yeah we've got different stuff for that but you can use you can also cut a little piece off of this and remember when we're talking about the beetle barns you can cut a little strip of this of the check mite and put it in the center and that will as well kill the the hive beetles so and then you know they're just different you got honey bee healthy and then it's uh it's a thetan stimulant with essential oils and we actually make our own variety as well so trying to touch on that a little bit and then you got stuff like like be quick and that they use that to drive the honeybees down from the honey supers and things like catching swarms you can actually bait up boxes and spray a little bit this what the cost warm commander and it will actually attract the bees into it then getting back to the mites there's your oxalic acid treatment and that's our preferred method of using for killing mites and do we have one there's pads Jimmy and they work very well okay here's one thing that we use for my treatments it's called the pro vape 110 it's it works excellent I'm actually going to make a video on how to use this so we'll kind of keep in mind when you first get your bees don't worry so much immediately about mites because actually in my opinion we don't hardly ever treat until fall anyway and when bees are multiplying and at a rate so fast regenerating bees you know live pretty much three weeks and they die the mites really have a hard time catching up to the bees at that time of year so but when it comes to fall time you will need to think of some type of treatment whether you go with the check mite for different other kind of mites trips Apple R or the oxalic acid now there is a these here we we sell these at barnyard bees they they're 489 dollars there we do have a vaporizer that's cheaper that runs about a hundred and from eighty and Jimmy says from 89 to 129 so there's your options on that okay in a very short course we explained hopefully enough to where the new beekeeper will have a general idea of what to do what they buy to get started and like I said we're always here to help the new beekeeper out explain things to them we'll do a little pan around the store kind of you know the smokers and suits you know like I said it always depends on how far you want to go with a suit that come a different different cost so as far as that and the last thing that we want to touch on is the free gift that we promised that we're gonna give away and what it is it's a it's a queen rearing night cot kit now we sell these a barnyard bees this whole kit for $64.99 and that includes the book you will not find these anywhere for under $100 will beat anybody on these prices and we're gonna give away this night whole kit and the book will explain a lot about how you can graph your own Queens into these Nighthawk it's the you'll put I would just get real quickly over how to get started you put that you put these little brown shell cups into your Nighthawk kit and then you release the Queen in here and she'll fill these cups up with eggs so what you got you got a grafted egg that you don't have to literally graph with a tool so then from there then you have to do your research and read your book from there what to do I won't go into any more depth than that because then you got to go to a starter colony and then the finishing colony to grow out your it's very simple the book will explain that but in order to be included in the drawing or you go do is like subscribe and help us spread these videos and write in the comment that you did you can you can copy and paste these videos to to Facebook any other group pages share them with friends on YouTube email them text them however you like and just write in the comments that you did that and we will select from the group the winner from the group and it's just as simple as that click on the little bell it'll remind you of any of our new videos and that's pretty much it for today this is the first of this series of helping out the new beekeeper okay we're at this video up and another thing if people doesn't mind please go to google and type in barnyard bees and then if you don't mind please give us a review please give us a 5-star review there will be a link where you can actually review and in return we're going to do more of these giveaways and more instructional videos to help out the new beekeeper and we appreciate everyone watching and don't forget to Like and subscribe thanks for watching barnyard beasts
Views: 573,218
Rating: 4.8799815 out of 5
Keywords: beekeeping, honey bees, barnyard bees, beekeeping 101, beekeeping tools, brushy mountain bee farm, brushy mountain, beekeeping for beginners, Beekeeping videos, Honeybees, Beekeeping 2019, Beekeeping
Id: 9EIyS7To5Vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 02 2018
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