Emiya's Unlimited Blade Works EXPLAINED: ARCHER'S True Power & Abilities - FATE / STAY NIGHT Lore

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Even after watching that video, there are still people who say he's a weak low tier servant.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/DD-Haris 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2018 🗫︎ replies

I know that the timeline is comfusing and that he gets a few things wrong but the abilitys part is still great.Did not know just how op UBW was.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/stareyedhunter 📅︎︎ Jul 04 2018 🗫︎ replies
and we're back talking about the counter Guardian turned heroic spirits Shiro Amida now let's get into how strong this man really is he's not your run-of-the-mill servant though contrary to what you may think he actually doesn't possess any noble phantasms that he could call his own instead he has a reality Marvel called unlimited blade works infinite creation of swords it's referred to as a high-class thaumaturgy which is Greek for miracle and that becomes a reflection of his inner self in the form of a bounded field meaning that each version of Shiro's unlimited blade works will be completely different from each other as they're a representation of their state of mind molded by how they've experienced life and how they view the world to the average viewer it's a minor detail to notice but it holds a lot of meaning if you compared pre hurled speared heroes to counter Guardian enya's you'll notice how grim EMU's is it's described as being enveloped by a thick haze formed from embers of black smoke rising from the ground the world is littered with weapons and flames and giant gears filled the sky as if to represent his feelings of helplessness as he's forced to continuously kill as a counter Guardian it's like he feels he's become a subservient machine with no free will brother than being a hero but she rose on the other hand is much more vibrant it's described as being bathed in Twilight the Sun shines through in cloud sparsely fill the sky this Shiro still believes in the goals and ideals that are worth fighting for it's a much more hopeful state of mind also apparently ultra she rose as much cloudier because he's a bit more corrupted and then mu verse she rose is snowy since he's only focused on saving a single person it's a nice visual representation to show the contrast between how each Shiro feels about themselves but anyway this is Shiro's mage craft his one and only specialization as someone who's actually merged with a sword and has dedicated his life to acting as one it's a magic that fits him perfectly as you already know though in order for the bounded field to be activated he must first chant his incantation though they start off the same the incantation for Shiro and Archer amia are both different from each other mes has a much more dread tone to it referring to his existence as a counter Guardian as a fruitless one Shiro on the other hand focuses on his determination to become a hero of Justice by dedicating himself to this mage craft just by reading from the fourth line onward you can sense the strength in his ideals we'll eventually beat him down the path of despair I wonder at what point as a counter guardian does he decide to change his incantation it's like that would be the moment that you could pinpoint Shiro's realization of regret on the path that he chose now that thing logistics have been explained what does this reality marble actually do other than act as the number one counter to Gilgamesh his gate of Babylon as the name dictates it's literally a collection of an unlimited number of weapons that could be created and projected at any time Shiro basically works like a human photocopier every defensive or offensive weapon that he has ever come across whether it be a basic sword or a noble phantasm their history design and composition are instantly and perfectly noted all amia needs to do is simply glance in the direction of a weapon then he can immediately reproduce and projected once it has been projected it will be stored forever in the reality marble allowing for him to call upon it at any time that he chooses there are a few limitations to this ability though like amia can't just look at these specs for a conceptual sword and then make it in reality the marble relies on his physical senses to provide the information necessary to reproduce it now I know what you're thinking this has got to be one of these strongest abilities that a servant has and yeah I'm honestly thinking so too all this man needs to do is just look at your weapon literally any weapon and then it's his along with all the combat skills and techniques that come with mastering it however as overpowered as unlimited blade works may seem these weapons are still just copies of the original meaning that they'll never quite be at the same strength as the originals due to the inability to fully conceptualize a weapon through only sense so if Cheryl had to fight the original owner of a noble phantasm that he copied with that same noble phantasm then he'd probably lose Avalon is the only known weapon that he can perfectly project since it existed within him for a period of time the reality marble also doesn't need to activate the bounded field in order for projections to be made weapons can be summoned from unlimited blade works directly to his hands or even fired as projectiles at any moment this is why Shiro is such a good counter to Gilgamesh even though Gilgamesh has a seemingly infinite supply of weapons in his Treasury Shiro can just recognize the exact same weapons as Gil and fire them right back although it takes a bit of time in the real world to produce a weapon from the reality marble while in the unlimited blade works the weapons are already there in physical form giving sure the upper hand since he can summon his weapons faster it's simply a matter of choosing then they'll instantly a pair either in his hand or ready to be shot in a massive barrage a few examples of some notable noble phantasms that are within unlimited blade works are Sabres Avalon calibre and Excalibur Duane's Excalibur cooze gay bold Nero's Isis Estus Heracles is 9lives madea's rule-breaker Isis ro ice and a whole bunch more especially from gilgamesh's arsenal so it's pretty crazy to think that Shiro can just use these whenever he wants it's not like it's even a jack of all trades master of none type situation he can bring out the full potential of the weapon it's just not as strong as the original now you'd think that'd be everything but there's still more to this reality Marvell there's a weird interaction that happens between Avalon and unlimited blade works when Shiro gets injured instead of the normal accelerated regeneration Shiro's wounds are healed by and I quote changing his muscles and two blades in order to knit his wounds with swords yep he literally gets healed by self stitching swords when he's injured they take the place of his old muscle fibers and reinforce the body which is a pretty useful ability to have but could also be considered a double-edged sword it may be pretty helpful at first especially for minor injuries but if the marbles sword healing yeah I made that up if it's pushed too far it can very well overwhelm Shiro and prove fatal all right so that's his specialty but he also has a bunch of other miscellaneous things that makes him even stronger for one his cloak and mantle are conceptual weapons that actively resist negative effects in his surroundings his lack of fame as a hero makes him an unknown existence to other servants he can reinforce any of the weapons he projects by filling openings of their inner structure with magical energy the reinforcement buffs the weapons purpose of existence so in any --iz case it would be to make them sharper stronger and more durable it is through this filling of magical energy that sure can also bring a noble phantasm back to its true strength by using it as a broken phantasm he essentially packs as much magical energy into the weapon as possible resulting in an unstable creation that will detonate on first impact this is especially favorable for mes since none of his noble phantasms are actually his for a normal servant if they were to activate their noble phantasm as a broken one it would exceed its normal strength but also be destroyed after that one use whereas Shiro can just constantly recreated over and over again given that he has enough magical energy then there's his trusty twin swords can show and bokya the weaponized representations of yin and yang there's a whole story around the origin of these swords but I think what's more important is what they symbolize they're essentially swords that have no purpose they were created for the sake of creating something and were not meant to be better than any other weapon or become wielded by a hero these swords practically embody counter guardian Shiro's current beliefs they both don't have the will to do anything they're just sort of there existing for eternity and waiting to be used it could just be a coincidence that they ended up pairing up with each other after amia having come across them at some point in his life but she refuses to fight with them not because of what they represent but because he finds their craftsmanship to be very much appealing the swords are also well suited to the way that he fights they are noble phantasms on their own but not very strong ones when compared to others they increased magic and physical resistance as well as have a natural attraction to each other so if one was thrown while the other is being held the thrown one will return like a boomerang they can also be modified into long swords with some reinforcement magic or my personal favorite bayonetted handguns with his ultra version he can also project more than 25 pairs at a time and just overwhelm you with the sheer number of swords but his go-to move is called the triple linked crane wings where he only summons three pairs and uses a combination of long-range projectiles and close-quarters strikes to cover every angle and make it impossible for his three-pronged attack to miss it's a move you'd expect from someone who's had all the eternity to hone their skills imagine if he did this with some of the more powerful noble phantasms in his arsenal now that'd be something to see but we don't want to make him too open now in case you forgot he is still an archer and he does have a bow but it's his own original weapon he crafted it himself to be just strong enough to fire noble phantasms or broken phantasms he uses it in combination with clairvoyance AKA hawkeye to perform ultra long-range sniping his range that provides pinpoint accuracy is four kilometres regardless of whether the target is moving or not he can even fire a single arrow that can then alter its course mid-air so that it strikes two people at once as for his mage craft we already know about his reinforcements and projection magic but he also has magic detection and magic resistance though it's very weak when up against the caster any high tier spell would prove to be fatal if they hit him directly even if he did have the increased magic resistance from can show and baqia it still do severe damage and finally there's the basic skills like I of the mind which refers to shows ability to observe and analyze a situation so that he can predict his opponent's moves as well as the independent action skill which refers to his ability to survive without constant support from his master and that my friends is Archer amia in a nutshell a very lengthy nutshell honestly now that I understand who he is and what he's capable of a bit more I think I have a greater appreciation for him as a character there's certainly a lot more debt than I had previously thought and though he may not be our first thought as one of the more powerful servants I think he can hold his own in that upper echelon anyway thank you guys so much for watching and be sure to vote in the community poll for these servant that you won't cover next but as always if you enjoyed this type of anime content then you don't need me to tell you what to do so until next time ciao
Channel: AniNews
Views: 1,407,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aninews, fate stay night, shirou emiya, fate lore, emiya, fate stay night archer, archer explained, shirou emiya explained, unlimited blade works explained, unlimited blade works, fate lore emiya, fate lore archer, fate archer explained, fate emiya, shiro true power, archer true power, archer noble phantasm, shiro vs gilgamesh, heroic spirit emiya, fate, archer shirou, shirou lore
Id: bT5SnN1v-Fs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 04 2018
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