How AMONG US took over the World (with murder).

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among us the psychological game that has taken over the world and made everyone think twice before ever trusting their friends again as a relatively simple game with mechanics borrowed from the popular party game mafia among us has gone from indie passion project with a disappointing performance on the app store to all of a sudden becoming the most streamed game on twitch and generating a legitimate frenzy of content on youtube today we're going to dissect how all of this happened how what seems like the entire world has gone from passing the time under a monotonous lockdown during a pandemic to taking turns with their friends stabbing each other and lying about it so for the few people who are still unfamiliar with the game or for those curious about the history of the social sensation that is among us let's take a look at it from the beginning among us was developed by three people forte puffballs and amy and together they called themselves inner sloth they met in college and they decided to develop games together we met in college and we didn't really start thinking about game development until after college but um i knew them personally from college i've actually known people for quite a bit of time before college but we all just like started hanging out and then they started in our sloth like after college just jumped on and this is probably a year before um among us was launched and then we yeah we started working on among us and the rest is history the concept of the game they developed is very simple you have four 4-10 people on a ship trying to survive by carrying out minor tasks that scatter the players across the map with one or two of them actually being impostors with the secret mission of isolating and killing off the crewmates one by one it's a very straightforward idea with a pretty repetitive set of mechanics but with the added psychological factor of trying to figure out who the imposter is it lends itself to almost infinite entertainment now of course simply developing a good game doesn't necessarily guarantee success and among us in its first two years after being launched to very much confirmed that with inner sloth admitting in an interview with kotaku that they're quote unquote really bad at marketing it's understandable why for a very long time the game wouldn't reach more than 30 to 50 concurrent players but despite this apparent failure they stuck to their guns and continued to put their time and effort into fixing bugs and releasing updates consistently even if this meant losing money and working off of savings rather than any kind of income by sheer dedication they managed to foster a very small but very loyal fanbase that slowly but surely kept growing [Music] i think what makes the story of amanga so wholesome and quite frankly legitimately inspirational is the fact that they didn't succeed right away but success ultimately found them it's like they were digging a tunnel for what felt like forever refusing to give up despite being depleted of resources until out of nowhere striking a gigantic deposit of gold that they could have easily missed had they given up early when chance morris aka sodapoppin streamed the game on twitch to his almost 3 million followers in july of 2020 it kicked off a snowball that to this day continues to pick up volume at a rapid pace i think what also contributed to the game blowing up in the way it did was how chaotic this year has been for everybody with a lot of countries currently under lockdown and with a general lack of entertainment options out there life had become pretty monotonous so when among us started to pick up steam it offered an escape to everyone who had been trapped inside for months suddenly youtubers had a great opportunity to collab in a way that was wholesome and fun everyone wanted to see various team-ups between their favorite creators and so just in september alone youtube announced that among us related videos had gained a collective 4 billion views they state and i quote among us provides an opportunity for players to socialize with others online while remaining socially distanced which would make it the latest in a line of quote-unquote pandemic games a list which would include animal crossing and fall guys all of these games fostered a sense of social connection during a year in which this was a little more difficult to come by so when inner sloth saw the player count go from 30 to 50 concurrent players up to a hundred thousand concurrent players by the end of july they had initially announced their plans to start working on a sequel for the game but by the end of september that number had gone up to three million concurrent players and the team decided to scrap the idea for among us too and instead focus all energy and resources into optimizing the original game that everyone had already become obsessed with this was probably one of the few times that the cancellation of a game was received with positive feedback because at the end of the day as long as servers run well and glitches are being fixed there will continue to be enormous excitement around it it doesn't need an overly polished sequel at least not right now among us is great for exactly what it is a simplistic game that allows for insidious tactics plot twists and vicious betrayal and no matter how many times you play it the thrill is unquestionably there apart from the inspirational aspect of the development story and the entertainment of the game itself one cannot ignore how among us has also seeped into internet culture so much so that if you go on reddit it's just going to be a giant wall of among us memes granted a lot of them are shameless reposts but hey anything for that sweet reddit karma am i right us finally figuring out who the imposter is after killing half the team and ruining four friendships we did it patrick we saved the city patrick should be like yeah but what did it cost us spongebob everything you got imposter yay five people leave and ruin your game no i swear to god every time i play on a public lobby had to make a color wheel for school so i saw an opportunity that's actually kind of cool i feel like if more teachers embraced this out of the box thinking we'd be living in like the future flying cars and everything among us videos be like 999 999 iq play oh my god among us there's tons of these videos like literally too many of them but here's the thing we wouldn't have these videos if people didn't click on these videos so who's really to blame watson look up at the stars and tell me what you've deduced i see millions of stars and even if a few of those have planets it's quite likely that there are some like earth out there there might also be light no watson we've been ejected you are afk props to this person who made the comic kid totally art on reddit apparently they don't have a twitter or instagram but um kitalyart on reddit good job i am once again asking where i sort of got public lobbies man every time a body is reported a thousand people start spamming where like that's gonna solve anything you join a server with all english speakers hmm you get imposter and no one leaves when they see crewmate huh you get an amazing fellow imposter who does double kills with you and backs you up if another player susses you whoa you get the majority of kills and get a flawless win and people don't get mad at you oh my god by the way how did bernie sanders become the mascot of among us memes electrician knowledge nah among us electrician knowledge yeah i wonder if anyone has what it takes to go to whatever electrician university and they're like tell us a little something about your experience and you're like you should see how fast i am with the wires in among us yo this is so freaking cool the character designs i love how this dude is taller than everyone every character tells their own little story some guy goes i vibe hard with the orange one who just wants to do their tasks they even have the sprout hat and everything this is a really good drawing credit goes to shroon chu shrun chu at shroon chu on twitter and instagram good job there is one birthday boy among us nathan was the birthday boy oh my god that's so freaking cool they all voted for him and everything credit goes to at my key 94. there is one birthday girl among us bro there's so many talented people out there i'm not sure which one of these two i prefer but i think embroidery in particular is more fascinating for whatever reason maybe just because i can't do it if anyone knows how to make embroidery by the way i would love to see something with me and wilfer with like a cool sunset in the background or something just putting it out there into the universe if there's any embroiderers uh watching this video hit your boy up at youtube's on twitter posted this picture red looking sus hm i'm not sure about that i think these two guys over here look more sus than anyone else [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Andrei Terbea
Views: 1,217,854
Rating: 4.9283309 out of 5
Keywords: @andreiterbea, andrei terbea, andrei terbea animation, among us, among us memes, inner sloth, among us iq, 999 iq, among us big brain, impostor among us, among us imposter, impostor, imposter, crewmate, mini crew
Id: jr6RxPLlJrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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