Why Did Fall Guys Die So Fast? (Fall Guys Analysis)

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[Music] i actually fell though so i lost oh my god my hands are so sweaty you're pushing me stop stop the among the four guys trend fell off real fast [Music] fall guys who remembers this game wait what am i saying this game just came out of course you remember but where did it go at first it seemed like everybody played it but out of the blue it just wasn't talked about anymore i was even working on a video talking about the rhizophall guys and then it just vanished and with that being said it's time to ask this mysterious question what happened to fall guys well before the fall can be discussed how did the game rise so fast fall guys was a game being talked about pretty much never before even after their e3 conference in 2019 up until early may when the game was first teased both for ps4 and on steam leaving xbox and switch players in the dust the game advertised to the community was a simple party game kinda like mario party while also mimicking the game show wipeout how to play this game was super simple don't lose and earn crowns to achieve cosmetics to show off your win counter the trailer for this game however wasn't really what brought the game its fame because even after that came out not many people discussed it or built up the hype really that much until the day of its august 4th release and yeah fall guys absolutely blew up in ways nobody has seen before this game just about instantly became the next fortnight and everybody had to play it with quarantine being months in a connection to friends like this was more needed than ever that friendly competition in a silly game show parkour theme was something that no game competed with for those first few weeks the game's success didn't rise from people seeing the trailer and just buying it however a massive number of people that play the game stole it from their favorite streamers and those streamers amounted to hundreds of thousands of viewers and even youtubers decided to hop on this trend mr beast played it pewdiepie played it penguin zero played it every single gaming youtuber like markiplier played it it didn't matter if he even played video games you streamed this game and everyone watching it became immediately obsessed and intrigued into this fun little party game with the game being up so high peaking not only in their own standards but by overall video game standards this game was exploding well unfortunately the servers couldn't quite hold up warnings eventually came out telling players when buying the game that for now you probably couldn't even play it causing massive amounts of people to instantly see the game in a much lower way than before considering they couldn't manage their own servers this was something majority of players didn't mind and the fall guys community seemed to keep going stronger than ever day after day more and more people heard about this game i was even called crazy by my friends for not hearing about it before like a week after a release as they described it was a fun obstacle course battle royale which from that description already had me pretty intrigued which based from what i was told that is probably what blew the game up a new battle royale that's an original but fun concept while having free battle passes just after 120 purchase i have some extra money so why not that is the mindset that allowed this game to spread to millions of people within one week along with of course youtubers endorsing playing it because if pewdiepie played it then it must be good the fall guys developers blew this game up more thanks to its rich and comedic community places like the fall guys twitter brought community interaction starting trends like yellow team being the worst or how tim the tatman can never get a win these little community interactions started memes around tiktok and instagram where billions of people spent their quarantined days and if your favorite youtubers or friends didn't make you get the game a rich community of memes and strategies 100 would at this point it seemed like every single person played fall guys however there was a very very large community of people who were missing out on all the fun xbox and switch i'm not gonna go into contracts mostly because i don't know how they work and would probably say the contract wrong but long story short fall guys would sign the playstation and had to wait until that contract was up to reach xbox and switch consoles which to be honest seems very very counterproductive fall guys has a lot of colors and it's a simple easy game to play with fun friendly characters which attracts a lot of children and children are the kind of the direct audience of the switch that lost fall guys millions of dollars not even including the millions of people who were begging for an xbox release as well i mean if you type fall guys into youtube that's literally the most popular search term is fall guys on xbox however that's all talking about people trying to get the game millions and millions of people already had it were playing it so what caused these players to stop playing well amid the real life pandemic was a fall guy's pandemic a pandemic of cheaters he's just hovering up in the air oh my god he's hot yeah yo that guy's that that guy is modding i'm glad i'm streaming that i don't did you see that guy she just took four guys by storm absolutely ruining a whole entire game any time there was just one player hacking these players were able to fly run fast and pretty much just win every time these cheaters were so common most likely they've been in a lobby of yours but you've just never noticed them because they try to be subtle and they don't get reported cheaters come with every game and it's usually handled by people reporting the players to get them banned and balance the game but the fall guys team had a different idea and said no reports would be allowed fall guys made a couple of twitter remarks talking about reports claiming that their anti-sheet was good enough and that you wouldn't need to report them but not only was that not true but it was impossible for them to keep track of themselves the numbering system in fall guys was simple you got a number from zero to 99999 but that's just ten thousand possible numbers and fall guys had millions of players so the simple solution that they brought up was have multiple people with the same name meaning there were thousands of people that literally had the same name at making tracking potential players was impossible in the first place however with all this taken into account there's only one thing one reason that was the main reason for fall guys demise and it was well it got old the game was never updated the game modes were always the same and there were only a few but once they've all been played like five times they got boring earlier i compared this game to mario party and it had that charm but mario party held itself with much more replayability rather than only being about mini games and had a lot of different ones and this is a battle royale meaning it has to be fun to play over and over but the problem is fall guys is so similar with every play unlike fortnite or pubg where the game changes every time around the same concept fall guys just couldn't hold his ground another big fall for the game was among us i know it isn't direct however most people found out about fall guys from the massive community around it and when a brand new cheap game hit the block and streamers began to obsess over that game instead fall guys kick the can and isn't really ever talked about anymore what is so weird about this phenomenon known as fall guys is it's not like fortnite where they caused their own downfall adding wrong things in at the wrong time the game kind of just uncontrollably died of course there were things like the hacker situation that helped it drop but at the end of the day the game fell down quicker than they could add anything into the game anyway but as of now fall guys is almost all the way back down in popularity as it was when it was first announced and that will most likely continue leaving the game in the dust and it's sad but i feel like everyone can agree that a game like that just didn't have the replay value to last amongst the biggest games like fortnite and after that month of fame people just naturally moved on as they do with other games so what did fall guys do well nothing and when a game about small minigames is what people are playing doing nothing will do nothing but bore people out of the community i feel bad for fall guys a little bit considering it's not like they had really enough time to do anything in the first place but no matter the cause fall guys in just a month was able to go from the biggest game to a complete thing of the past did you guys enjoy this video if you did please make sure to like and subscribe this video took absolutely forever for me or at least i think it has because when i'm typing this i haven't even started making the video but the script took a few hours alone and i'm trying to push out more quality content in a timely manner anyway guys as always i will see you in the next video peace out [Music] you
Channel: Sheeprampage
Views: 2,834,146
Rating: 4.9034543 out of 5
Keywords: fall guys, fall guys gameplay, fall guys animation, fall guys xbox, fall guys mobile, fall guys win, fall guys music, fall guys funny moments, fall guys update, fall guys rage, mrbeast fall guys, fall guys ultimate knockout, fall guys season 2, fall guys trailer, fall guys tips, what happened to fall guys, the fall of fall guys, where did fall guys go, among us, among us gameplay, fall guys ost, fall guys game, where can you play fall guys, fall guys season 2 countdown
Id: b9cLcyYdWjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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