How ABSURD are Ayaka's Constellations!? Are they TOO Strong? Genshin Impact

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hello and welcome to my channel i went to lose gaming today we will be taking a look at the power gap between a regular constellation zero ioka with a black cliff long sword versus a constellation six aika with a refinement five missed splitters for forged i also want to pose the question to you of whether you think this gap is acceptable [Music] let's first familiarize ourselves with mayaka her stats are as follows first with the black cliff long sword and here are her stats with the miss splitters were forged more importantly the miss splitter were forged passive ever a refinement 5 can provide aika up to 80 percent bonus elemental damage which is absolutely massive we'll be seeing how each of her constellations affect her kit's damage output before looking at her constellations though let's quickly compare the difference in damage between the weapons with the black cliff long sword ayaka's burst ticks are doing 10 306 damage with the miss splitters reforged she is doing 16 686 damage per tick this is already a 62 increase in damage just from the weapon alone moving forward though we'll be using the miss splitter at constellation 0 as the baseline for her other constellations to compare to starting off with constellation 1 every basic attack has a 50 chance to reduce the cooldown on her e by 0.3 seconds [Music] given ayaka's attack frequency if you're using her basic attacks i personally averaged around seven to eight seconds per e this is a two to three second reduction in comparison to her original 10 second cooldown i consider this a very modest gain in effectiveness and personally i'd give this consolation a two slime rating out of five slimes overall a rather poor constellation [Music] the next consolation constellation two is where things start to get interesting for aika consolation 2 adds two smaller bursts to ayaka's burst each of these smaller bursts do 20 of the original big burst damage and they fly off to the left and right by about 30 degrees if both the small bursts connect this leads to a whopping 40 gain in total burst damage however this constellation can be pretty situational and requires a larger mobile target to fully utilize this constellation increases each burst ticks damage if both the small bursts connect to 23 360 damage for a 40 gain in comparison to the previous constellation i will have to give this constellation a 5 slime rating out of 5 slimes even though it is not always consistent and applicable in every scenario this constellation provides sensory overload to blind both you and your enemies and it is extremely satisfying to connect 60 ticks of burst damage on a large target constellation three is next and this is a simple plus three levels to ayaka's burst if we're going from talent level 9 to talent level 12 this increases the sum of the main burst plus the two smaller bursts take damage to 27 483 damage this is a hefty 18 percent increase to ayaka's burst damage in comparison to her constellation 2 counterpart since this is further boosting ike's burst damage i have no choice but to give this constellation a 5 slime rating and although a simple and straightforward constellation sometimes bigger numbers is all we care about [Music] the next constellation constellation 4 turns ioka into an interesting and powerful burst support with 30 defense shred against a level 93 enemy this increases her bursts follow up ticks after the first tick since the first tick does not get the benefit of the defense down to a whopping 32 377 damage per tick guys remember there are 20 ticks to aika's burst if you can get all three of her burst thingies to connect we're talking over 600 000 damage just by pressing the q key however getting all three to hit is another story and some targets despite being deceptively large like the primo geofish app are oddly difficult to do this too [Music] why oh why are we forced to auto target the primo geo bishop's pause can't we just aim it where we want to aim it alas that will never happen against an impact anyway i digress this constellation increases ika's burst damage by another 18 against a level 93 target and this constellation deserves an easy 5 slime at a 5 slime rating next is constellation 5 which boosts her e damage by 17.6 from levels 9 to 12. [Music] [Music] yeah definitely not worth the polls if you're going for just this constellation i will give this one a one slime rating now really quick before i show you guys the super interesting constellation six might i ask you to smash that subscribe button i do put in a ton of effort into these videos and it's the best way you can support my channel and finally her constellation 6 is a very interesting constellation it boosts her charge attack damage by 298 percent this 298 percent goes into the bonus damage multiplier we can see the effect it has on ayaka's charge attack damage bumping it up from hundred 8511 damage per slash to eighteen thousand six hundred seventy three damage per slash a one hundred nineteen point four percent increase to her charge attack damage now unfortunately it has a ten second cooldown so if you're spamming her charge attacks this will only apply to one charge attack every 10 seconds but it does have a cool visual indicator on ayaka's hand when it's ready i personally believe that this constellation deserves a 4 slime at a 5 slime rating although it opens up a lot of new possibilities for ioka you do have to get constellation five as well and considering you need to get two constellations for this one constellation essentially that's why i'm only giving it a four slime at a five slime rating now let's rewind a bit back to ayaka's constellation 4. looking at this we can see through her constellations alone that they increase her burst damage by 94 from 16 686 damage per tick at constellation 0 to 1 to thirty two thousand three and seventy seven damage per tick at constellation four if you compare this to the free-to-play black cliff long swords damage at costly zero which was ten thousand three and six damage we can see that this whale setup ends up doing over three times the amount of damage that the black cliff long sword did with her burst so what can we do with this crazy boost to her burst damage well we can do this you feel nice no more cousins fortunately even with the black cliff a constellation zero ioka can still one cycle the overworld primo geo vishap and the other bosses with the full team but compared to just solo ayaka doing her bursts against those bosses this is an insane jump in her damage through her constellations i've always believed that constellations should boost your character's damage by around twofold and this is actually the case for ayaka surprisingly however once you factor in the miss splitter as well aika ends up doing over triple the damage of a constellation zero free to play setup with the black cliff long sword so what do you guys think about the power gap between the free to play setup with the black clip longsword and the whale setup with a constellation 6 refinement 5 miss splitter ioka as for my personal opinion on iaco specifically her constellation 2 limits its own effectiveness against many smaller targets aika is already an amazing boss slayer even at constellation zero and with these constellations her boss laying potential is amplified even further and if you may have noticed now that my aika is properly set up the next video that's coming is going to be aika vs gone you in a dps showdown i'm super excited to bring you guys that video so be sure to stay tuned as always i appreciate every single one of you this is i went to lose signing out
Channel: IWinToLose Gaming
Views: 144,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact ayaka build, genshin impact ayaka gameplay, genshin impact ayaka team comp, genshin impact ayaka team, genshin impact ayaka weapon, ayaka build, ayaka genshin impact, ayaka gameplay, sayaka theme, ayaka genshin impact gameplay, ayaka demo, ayaka showcase, ayaka vs ganyu, ayaka constellation, ayaka constellations genshin, ayaka constellation review, ayaka constellation 6, ayaka constellations worth it, ayaka constellation 2, ayaka constellation 1
Id: L4zCyWGaqp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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