C0 Kazuha is EPIC! 4★ Weapon Showcase! Genshin Impact

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hello and welcome to my channel i went to loose gaming you may have noticed that this video is four days late however here it is and it's time to see what kazuha is capable of at consolation zero with the free to play weapon the iron steam [Music] before getting started with this video i wanted to quickly explain why this video is so late first a little bit about myself i live in california in the united states and play on the north american servers kazuha was already released by tuesday morning on the chinese servers so as usual with these videos i was anxiously waiting for 4pm or so for when kazuha is released in north america usually i let my wife know that i'm going to neglect her for the entire evening and in case you guys missed my community post my wife actually went into labor 18 days early so yeah i am now not just a pawprint of three cats but also of one human child as well we finally settled back in at home with our new family member and i'm finally able to bring you this video so with all that out of the way let's go over kazuha's kit really quick his normal attack garu bladework exists and looks cool for the most part i don't actually use it and unless your kazuha is a constellation 6 i would focus on swirl damage or animal damage instead his elemental skill shihaya buru can be tapped or held holding it increases his suction radius and increases its casting time by just a little bit and finally it also increases the cooldown duration from six to nine seconds both versions of the skill launch smaller enemies towards kazuha and kazuha can follow up with a plunge attack that deals animal damage and leaves a very useful mini vortex where he lands kazu's first passive allows his e to infuse an element and then adds 200 additional infused damage to his follow-up plunge attack from chihaya buru kasuga's second passive provides elemental bonus damage when he procs a swirl for the swirled element in case you're wondering if it boosts all the elements at once unfortunately no it only boosts this world element however if you swirl multiple elements you'll get a buff for each swirled element now let's talk about his burst kazuha slash yes it's actually called that with literally the most pragmatic name in the game you would never have expected the burst itself to be so visually stunning it does an initial animal slash followed by 5 ticks of animal damage the burst can be infused with the first tick which occurs shortly after the slash itself next let's go over my kazuha's build my kazuha is at level 90 with the craftable iron staying at level 90. he has the four piece verdessen veneer and he has a pure elemental mastery build his timepiece goblet and circlit all have elemental mastery as a main stat in total he has 919 elemental mastery since mike kazuha has an elemental mastery build his talent levels don't really matter much but they are at one six and six he will also be at consolation zero throughout the entirety of this video next let's take a quick look at how much he boosts damage but kazuha is first and foremost a support character so that's why i'm starting with this demonstration we'll be doing this with mike who has 100 crit rate and the dodeco tails we can see in this clip that clee's first hit of her normal attack is doing 4 806 damage after a quick swirl from kosovo's e and plunge which provide 40 pirate resistance shred thanks to the viridescent veneer four piece and also provides 36.76 percent additional pyro damage for clean thanks to his ascension 2 passes my cleat is now doing 7 162 damage this is an impressive 49 game in cleve's damage however i did want to put this into perspective here is sucrose providing cleave with the viridescent four piece resistance shred and thrilling tales of dragon slayer's buff with sucrose's buffs klee did 7283 damage which is a 52 percent boost to her damage a few percentage points higher than kazuha's damage boost [Music] next let's take a look at kazuha's crowd control capabilities here in the varidescent veneer dungeon kazuho's hold e is able to suck in all but the two furthest treasure hoarders on the side this is in my opinion currently the best crowd control elemental skill in the game [Music] however to also put this into perspective venti's elemental burst is able to cleanly suck in even the treasure hoarders on the side overall kazuha's damage amplification is great and his crowd control capabilities are far better than i expected in a way he is sort of a combination of sucrose and venti [Music] finally let's take a look at how kazakh performs in abyss 12. now i do think kazuha's performance is highly inflated animal swirls are hilariously broken in abyss 11 and i won't be showcasing kazuha and abyss 11. as of when i film these runs the abyssal moon is also providing tons of energy for animal characters so please please take all of this with a giant grain of salt when observing these demonstrations in this abyss 12 run i mostly wanted to focus on swirling pyro and cryro with kazuha and sucrose as well also i'm using bennett and rosario who are both on the current banner to demonstrate how effective this strategy is and how you basically have a team out of the box if you pull a lot on his banner in abyss 12 1 what's amazing is that kazuo's hold e is able to pull in these jio bishops although his plunge attack does end up knocking them away but this is still a remarkable and surprising amount of suction power [Music] foreign for twelve two as demonstrated in the earlier viridescent veneer dungeon kazuha's hold e's suction radius isn't quite as large as ventings and as such i need to aggro the treasure quarters on the sides closer to the center of the map so that way kazuha's hold e can catch them after they're bundled up puzzle has many vortexes great at keeping them in place and they end up a small fart finally 12 3 is actually pretty difficult for this specific team because everything on this team has massive aoe and actually pretty bad single target damage it's difficult to focus down the base selector as you would normally want to while keeping the abyss mages alive to then swirl the abyss elector's shield away regardless this was still relatively easy and kazuha was able to handily complete it within the recommended nine star criteria [Music] yes [Music] so yeah that's my first impressions of kazuha at constellation zero with the iron sting overall kazuha feels like a blend of sucrose and benti at free free-to-play levels his damage amplification for raw elemental damage is on par with sucrose meanwhile kazuha's hold e is probably the best crowd control elemental skill in the game but venti's elemental burst is by far the superior crowd controlling ability and finally if you haven't subscribed yet do me a huge favor and smash that subscribe button i regularly make c0 showcases guide videos dps showdowns and more and also would you be interested in a support showdown video similar to my dps showdown videos but this one being between sucrose kazuha and venti let me know in the comments below as always i appreciate every single one of you this is i went to lose signing out huh
Channel: IWinToLose Gaming
Views: 299,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact kazuha, genshin impact kazuha build, genshin impact kazuha dps, genshin impact kazuha dps build, genshin impact kazuha pull, genshin impact kazuha gameplay, kaedehara kazuha build, kaedehara kazuha, kazuha, kazuha build, kazuha genshin impact, kazuha dps build, kazuha team comps
Id: XZiCQc_s_Lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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