How A Rugby Player Became an NFL Superstar : Louis Rees-Zammit

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so let me introduce you to Louise ree zamit an actual rugby player Paving his way to the NFL he started his career at IMG Academy where he proved himself and actually got a contract with the Kansas City Chiefs Louise being a rugby player brought him a lot of negative attention and people don't really believe that he can be a wide receiver in the NFL and maybe our doubters are right because for whatever reason in our first practice our connection with Patrick Mahomes was terrible coach even moved us from the wide receiver group to to the Special Teams unit now we have to prove ourselves through kick returns to even get a shot at being a wide receiver on this team this is just not fair in my opinion like we already have the doubters from the media now my coach is even doubting me as a wide receiver how is Patrick Mahomes supposed to even trust me if I'm not catching the ball from him look even our kick returns aren't doing anything we're not getting good yardage I haven't scored yet Coach is starting to get frustrated on the sideline I need to return this for a touchdown and Out of Nowhere by the grace of God we actually got a kick return for a touchdown and you already know coach was watching and that is exactly right Indy Reid was proud of us and in week number one against the Lions we were named the starting kick and PP returner for this team which sounds beautiful in theory but honestly I am craving to be a wide receiver and I am sitting on the bench for a hot minute until we get our first part return and it just occurred to me that we haven't even practiced part return so I don't know what coach thinks I'm do okay J J we get absolutely smacked on our first punt return the Chiefs go down and score a touchdown but the Lions answer right back which means we have our first kick return and honestly it doesn't matter if they kick it in the end zone I'm returning it I need to prove myself oh yeah we're gone no bro of course man we get tackled once again it's not looking good the Chiefs end up scoring multiple touchdowns back to back and our Defense Forces another pump from the Lions and this is right before halftime there's literally 7 Seconds 6 seconds five look if I can get a touchdown out of this this would be beautiful okay the blocking is good the blocking is good one minut to beat the punter please get off me no way did we get tackled by the punter oh my gosh and that was our highlight of this game as we win 42 to 21 against the Lions and you already know coach is happy he got the dub but I'm not happy because I'm not a wide receiver yet thankfully we do have an upgrade though which I guess is a positive note on that game I'm going to apply this to anything will really help us we're at 68 overall now going into week number two I get a text at 3:00 a.m. from coach Big D Reed decides to slide in my DM talking about the coaching staff would love to see me run One V ones against the DBS today so he automatically assigns me to get guarded by McDuffy if y'all don't know who this D is he's actually a really good cornerback I don't think I'm going to be doing anything y'all saw the first practice went oh right back to it huh Patrick you just can't hit me you you have something against rugby players what is going on here come on man just hit me once Patrick I'm trying to impress coach please come on that's mine Patrick coaches getting flashbacks from week one's practice and I really got to prove myself Patrick please let's go okay that's our first completion in practice come on come on yes hit me yes let's go we're starting a t up come on right here all the way moss on his head we are Li get that man Andy reita McDouble in week number two we have a huge week a lot of potential here because we did perform Super well in practice and Coach got to let us know hey we might get some playing time today but of course we got to start this game on the bench waiting for our special teams and right here we're getting our first opportunity here with a kick return and after last week's almost Breakaway part return I'm feeling good man that's a decent return right here back on the bench we go we're waiting for Coach to finally call our name we got another part return turn that goes absolutely oh no we're gone come on oh my gosh these punt returns we're going to get one of those this season and Coach finally calls our number number zero ream it that's our first completion baby we're on the field coach our first NFL reception for Louise Reed damn it you can see how coach is happy and I'm still going I'm out here trying to make some plays I want to score a touchdown I got that adrenaline flowing I drank 16 coffees this morning baby I'm ready let's go Reese come on reys we are like that our first Hy of our career and many more to come right before halftime going into halftime I'm not going to lie I thought we made a perfect impression and we were going to be on the field more than we usually are but coach actually benches us and we're back on the Special Teams unit which doesn't really make sense I don't understand coach what do you want from me we were on the bench for the entirety of this game until the fourth quarter with a minute remaining and of course when we're on the field we're making an impact coach Reed do you see me right now we can't be too mad because we're on the field at least I'm just I'm just happy to be here at this point we have a crucial third down and three and unfortunately we get stopped short Andy Reid is livid cuz he has to punt this ball to the Jaguars and we end up losing this game by a field goal Andy Reid is losing his mind we should not be losing to the Jaguars and all I have to say is this week against the Bears I better be getting some more play time I got a touchdown and I only played like 2 seconds of that game coach you better put me in and our prayers have been answered because when I look at the depth chart we see Louise ree Zam as wide receiver three which is perfect I'm okay with that as long as I'm on the field and I am so happy right now we're actually on the field to start a game like we're we're in UNIF form not on the Special Teams not doing a kick return I'm actually a wide receiver we are here but we cannot forget about our doubters in the beginning of this season everyone doubting us as a wide receiver now we're on the field and we're about to score ree is about to bring it home come on Rees we are like that we might be a 68 overall but we are making an instant impact Every Time We Touch the field y'all let me know in the comments if you would wear a Louis ree zamit Jersey because hey he's an actual NFL player for those of y'all who didn't know he's actually on the Chiefs and this team is so St you got Travis Kelce if this dude Zam it actually turns out to be like a star wide receiver Patrick Mahomes is going to have so many weapons as we get another completion and we're gone oh we almost had another touchdown coach has got to be thankful he put us in the starting lineup because this offense right now is moving it does not matter it's too easy Maris brown with another touchdown and this Chiefs offense is looking too dominant for the Bears this route right here me and Patrick have been working on he's going to throw to me we got it but we dropped it oh I know Patrick is fuming we've been working on that in practice I almost had one of our biggest plays of our career so far and it really doesn't matter how much practice I get with Patrick Mahomes something always happens I don't know what it is we're wide open and he throws it behind us behind me how so we give the Bears the ball they throw a int we get this ball right back and I'm right back on the field trying to make a difference we get a completion right here for a first down Patrick doesn't use as much this drive and throws an easy touchdown to mares Brown and right now we have a 14-point lead but the Bears score making it still a onore game and the Bears are really fighting as they get an INT Patrick that is a rare sight a Patrick Mahomes interception and that int may have saved the Bears as they score a touchdown and this game is somehow tied there's about 2 minutes remaining in this one we got another deep ball oneon-one and we drop it again these de balls we have to be able to haul those in if we want to be a Difference Maker on this team looking at our stat sheet for this game so far we have three receptions for 90 yards and a touchdown which is actually amazing but all that don't matter unless we get a win here and there's a minute and 32 seconds Patrick Mahomes is just throwing little dots taking time off the clock we're moving the ball with Pace I'm trying to get open here I want to score a touchdown come on oh my gosh oh I thought we were going to catch that on Third and 10 I'm running a little comeback route here we're wide open we make the catch don't pick up the first down and we have to settle for a field goal if the Bears score here they win this game there is less than a minute remaining come on defense y'all got it bro fourth down fourth and 10 no way on Fourth and 10 did the Bears score there is no way that is honestly depressing we had a 14-point lead over this team how did we end up losing how did we end up losing this game we should not have lost this game I already know Andy Reed's going to be heated lucky for us we did get an upgrade out of 68 overall we're going to put that on slot we go up to a 69 you know what I'm saying my favorite number and it was time I had a little convo with my agent you know what I'm saying I let her know hey look I'm balling out shy I'm going crazy I need to be wide receiver too she basically told me this sorry Reese but right now you're still a rugby bum so go see your behind on the bench I was like hey yo who you talking to so now I'm I'm about to prove you wrong I'm about to prove you wrong in week number four I'm about to ball out and prove to my agent we should be wide receiver number two in my opinion this Jets defense is criminally underrated but right now youall already know we coming out cutting it up we looking good out there to start and look my agent better be watching she calling me a rugby bum and to go sit my beeh on the bench who does she think I am look this one's for her oh okay okay really Patrick okay that wasn't even on us that was not even on us that drive ends in a field goal and the Jets answer right back with a field goal of their own and right away on offense every single time we're making a direct impact so look either my coach my agent whoever needs to see this look we're out here setting blocks we need to start a Rees Reese wide receiver number two chance can we get that going Reese number two Reese number two wide receiver number two this is what we do wide open are you kidding me there is no way that hit our butt cheeks I know our agent is sitting in the booth laughing watching us right now as we kick another field goal but the chief's defense Chris Jones gets himself a fumble and right there there we go that's a touchdown how you like that agent I might I might have tried to catch the ball with my butt cheeks but I just caught a touchdown as y'all know we're trying to break the record for most receiving yards in a season by a wide receiver which is 2,000 yards so we need every touchdown every yard we can get as the Jets make this a really close game only a field goal between the both of us but we are in the red zone and we're about to catch another touchdown I could already see it okay maybe not us but that's all right we make this a 10-point game against the Jets with an Xavier worthy touchdown the Jets are not giving up I don't know what what they're sipping on but they score a touchdown making this another three-point game and hey I'm not complaining as long as I'm getting touches getting catches getting yards and possibly touchdowns I'm all right with that yo Patrick we're in one-on-one coverage oh my gosh please let's go reys all the way come on baby we are not a special teamer we are not a wide receiver number three we deserve that wide receiver number two spot I think Patrick agrees I think coach agrees and we end up winning this game 30-27 against the Jets if it was up to me 162 yards to two Tes I will be wide receiver one two and three and our agent had a couple words for us look Reese I am so sorry I I I I I mean I guess you're a wide receiver number two oh no no n don't even say it look back then day in Wy now look they all on me see you later agent we have a long way to go if we want to get to that 2,000 yard Mark and break the record right now on the season we have 353 yards with four touchdowns in week number five versus the Vikings this was a career altering game because we had to make some crucial decisions crucial catches especially at the beginning of this game we were looking like a dominant wide receiver like a star Wide Receiver right here we might have ran a diabolical route but we get into the end zone and that is all that matters look if I'm the Vikings if I am any team in this league I am doubling number zero Reese is going off hey and let me know if any of you guys play quarterback because the Vikings need one we are torching them right now as Maris Brown goes for like I don't know what that was a 70 yard touchdown and our offense doesn't get back on the field until late in the third quarter but we're back out here making plays Travis Kelce with a beautiful block and that's why I love playing on the Chiefs not only do we have so many weapons but we play together as a unit as look at this Zam it come on baby that's a tuty go ahead reys go ahead reys let him know what you do blink your eyes twice give him a little rub because you are looking at the number one wide receiver in the NFL but unfortunately it doesn't matter sometimes you could have play an amazing game which Reese did and you still take an L we lose this game 26 to 29 versus the Vikings we get ourselves an upgrade and we are a 69 overall our season stats are looking smooth we got six tutes and over 500 yards we're on Pace to break that record right now in week number six we got the best news we could possibly get give your eyes another little wipe because y'all see it right there breakout wide receiver and all we need to do is get Reese zamit three plus TDS or 100 plus yards which is that's easy for us especially against the Denver Broncos give me that no we dropped it gree we need to catch those buddy we need to catch those we have a Dev tra on the line you want to be a star Dev or or you want to be a normal Dev the rest of your career oh yeah get on the ground buddy come here another block I'm mad come here B get on the ground Travis Kelsey with a big completion and we are in the Red Zone if we score right here oh yeah give me that give me them come on that's what we need that's one touchdown all we need is like three more and we get star Dev oh yeah come here Patrick hit me ring a ding ding that is what we do right there Travis another one thank you okay Travis Patrick what whatever your name is just keep throwing me to rock let me eat I need these 100 yards come on Patrick right here no no we need we need the ball Patrick do you understand what's on the line right now Patrick thr me the ball please oh my gosh please dude he's not looking at me Patrick I need the ball I need to get St de and oh my yep yep patty patty is a a Swifty Patty is a Swifty that's the only reason why he keeps throwing it to Travis Kelce coach call a timeout let these two go in the locker room and cuddle why am I not getting the ball please come on look I'm wide open yes go score let's go throw me to rock Patty all we need is two more touchdowns and we are acquiring star Dev on Reese Dam it which would be detrimental to our career if we do not get this I don't know hey by the way we are smacking the Broncos 21 to zero folks hey if you're a Denver fan I am sorry you have to watch this I'm I'm going to get these four touchdowns whether I don't know what I got to do but I'm trying to get open on every single play we get wide open right there beautiful bl by our boy Maris Brown and we pick up a huge chunk of yards and keep in mind if we get 100 yards we are going to be in an amazing position and of course the cudle Buddies go ahead and score a touchdown instead of us when stard Dev is on the line Travis I'm sure Taylor Swift is up in the stand doing jumping jacks cuz Travis Kelce is getting the ball every single play hey yo what what is happening right now why are we getting cracked the fact we are a 69 overall wide receiver and still holding on to the ball when we get hit like that shows a lot about re Zam it but none of that's going to matter if we do not score a touchdown right here there's only 3 minutes remaining in the fourth quarter if Patrick Mahomes does not throw us the Rock and we score oh my God gosh that's Xavier worthy why is Patrick Mahomes not throwing us the ball even when we're open yes we're having one of our best games this season a 35-point lead on the Denver Broncos but it does not matter to me because I want this Dev trade so bad and Patrick Mahomes is not throwing us the ball I'm starting to think the only way I get this ball is if I change my name to Travis Kelce come on get in the end zone no we're on the 2 yd line all right there is no way we get this death tra unless we got 100 yards somehow Patrick I'm wide open all I have no words I have no words we have a 41-point lead if Patrick still does it please thank you okay at least we got three Tes at least we got three we just need one more but it was one more too late and we win this game 49 to Z against the Broncos but looking at our stats Luis re dam made three Tes and 123 yards which means he is now a stard Dev 70 overall wide receiver those 100 yards just save us to get that death trade taking a look into our stats on the season 650 yards nine touchdowns we are on our way to Breaking that record and in week number seven the media was going wild Matthew put out a tweet saying there is no way a rugby player is going to break Calvin Johnson's record this is impossible we got to prove him wrong and by the way what is that TW say anyway you already know we're tearing this defense to pieces with our boy Reese call call him Reese PC cuz he's making plays out there I would be lying if I told you I'm not surprised by the fact that the media is still not on our side from the beginning they've been counting us out and every single week since the start of our career we have been proving the media wrong yet they still want to be against us I mean this Chargers defense is probably like top 10 in the league and we're still tearing them up it has not been an easy transition from rugby to the NFL but it is safe to say ree zamit has found his footing in this league as one of the best wide receivers all the excuses all the Rah ra we're ignoring that and we're letting our plays speak for themselves ream it with the touchdown and we are teeing up a little tow drag swag to end this game and we end up winning 31 to 28 against the Chargers in that top 10 defense so hey man y'all can tweet all you want re Zam is here to stay a quiet 122 yards in a touchdown I cannot complain with that performance We're Coming For That record Matthew we get an upgrade right here and move to a 71 overall and this next week we're going against the Broncos once again last time we played the Broncos we won by 50 this time let's just say things were different we start this game off with a nice little completion I'm feeling like okay yeah we know what the Broncos are about their secondary is literally barbecue chicken just throw me the ball and we going to make a play and then Patrick throws an interception but no no no that's not all I don't know what's going on with this defense I don't know who peed in their Cheerios but they were actually teeing up hitting me hard making me drop the ball pause I couldn't do anything Patrick's even overthrowing us and there's just incompletion after incompletion and we lose this game 14 to 21 we literally beat this same team by 50 50 to zero how did we lose we still got a solid 117 yards but no touchdowns and moving on to week number nine we had a lot to do a lot to prove we need some more touchdowns some more yards if we actually want to break this record by taking a bird's eye view of this season we might be breaking multiple records I mean this dude Rees damit has caught so many touchdowns this year we might break the receiving yards record for a single season and the receiving touchdowns for a single season for a wide receiver and breaking both of those records would definitely make us the best wide receiver in history I I look hey hands up y'all got to prove me wrong because ree Zam is having one of the best seasons I've seen from a wide receiver oh yeah and it's his first ever first season in the NFL this boy was playing rugby in Europe or England or something literally last year and now he's out here catching touchdowns from Patrick Mahomes out you're almost breaking records that have never been broken you look at Calvin Johnson and you look at ree Zam who would you rather have on your team in my opinion hey I don't know if Rees zami can do this for multiple Seasons I don't know I might take Reese man he is 6'3 I don't know how tall Calvin Johnson is y'all got to let me know but reys is just able to get open maneuver these quarterbacks in ways I've never seen look at this tuty oh my gosh he is like that reys is like that sign the contract sign him to the team this man is a legend just off this season I'm putting him in the Hall of Fame just off this season he could retire tomorrow and I'm putting him in the Hall of Fame we win this game against the Dolphins and look at Andy Reid I mean he's giving me that lover boy eye I mean I don't know may he wants to kiss me we are playing so well right now shoot we might deserve a little smooch 181 yards and three touchdowns against the Dolphins I mean name a wide receiver who's doing that in this league right now please tell me 181 yards and three touchdowns who in week 11 against the Philadelphia Eagles this was a must-win game for us and if you thought our performance last week was good just wait till you see this game the world has the Eagles beating us in this game we are definitely The Underdogs surprisingly because this Chiefs team is stacked but the Eagles are having an amazing season so far they are on a three game win streak and they have a lead right now as we're eaching our way into this Red Zone to tie this game up and guess who the cuddle buddies are back in Action Travis Kelce gets hit for the touchdown and we it seems like we do the Dirty Work man it seems like ree damit has to make all the plays for us to get in the red zone and then Patrick just throws it to Travis Kelce Xavier worthy we're out here trying to make plays look at this come on hit me good blocking Xavier oh yeah we' score right here take that Eagles tie game yall thought you were going to beat Zam it y'all thought y'all were going to beat reys Reesey poo nah bro we going to make them big plays Patrick Mahomes throwing up the runs and the Eagles score once again but we're coming right back at him what a catch by Reese he's out here Mossing folks and if you don't have a Reese Z number zero jersey yet you got to go cop one go to go to dhgate wherever you got to go to get yourself a jersey of this man you're not going to regret it cuz when you throw on that Jersey oh no oh no Patrick what was that that might have just sold the game I'm just going to keep it a buck the Eagles score another touchdown we're down by 14 going into the fourth quarter this would be a dream comeback if we can get back in this game come on hit me hey if anyone can do it it's us it's reys it's reys Zam it Patrick throw the ball to me oh yeah we got that all day get off me oh my gosh we are like that we are out here clip farming on the defense like a phase member come on throw me the rock I'mma make a play put it on the Tik Tock I might hit the Renegade in the end zone but all that don't matter none of those Tik toks no none of them Instagram reels none of them skiy toilet brain rot none of that matters bro we lose this game 28 to 21 and this one hurt this one hurt me so bad because bro take a little peek at our stat line bro 235 Ys two Tes and we lost how is that even impossible not only that we also got AFC offensive player of the week with that performance and our agent wanted to have a conversation with us and at this point I don't know what to expect after that performance are they about to tell me I'm wide receiver one who knows then I read this dear Louis ree zamon after your amazing performance last week and being named offensive player of the week Factor would love to be the first to offer you a sponsorship in your next game versus the Raiders we need you to have 250 plus yards and two plus touchdowns to get a factor Dev upgrade if you want to take on the challenge then sign with factor and y'all already know we have to sign this contract because there is no way I'm missing out on reys becoming a superstar Dev we're a star right now imagine him with Superstar Dev we are improving like crazy shout out to factor for sponsoring this video if you don't know about Factor they are an amazing company that I use myself Vector meals eliminate the hassle for prepping cooking or cleaning up simply heat and Savor in the good stuff I mean just look at this box they sent me full of all of these delicious meals they even included these summertime drinks which are delicious and they're also giving our boy Louise re zamit the opportunity to go from Star to Superstar death before we hop into this week and try to complete this challenge I went ahead and made me one of these Factor meals you can get these Chef prepared meals on your table in 2 minutes all you have to do is go to or click the link down below and use code dd50 to get 50% off your first Factor box and 20% off your next month of orders that's code dd50 at to get 50% off your first box plus 20% off your next month of order shout out to factor man we got to complete this challenge this week but it is not going to be easy when we look back at that message what did they want they wanted like over 250 yards and more than two touchdowns to get Superstar Dev we have so much on the line in this game and I know what you thinking hey the Raiders are trash you're going to win this game no they have a better record than us they are leading our division so winning this game is pretty crucial to us actually making a playoff push cuz right now we behind them we win a game here we continue to win hey we going to be looking good maybe we could take that number one spot but right now we're wide open come on Patrick oh how did we drop that we just look at the ball and say oh no I'm not going to catch that cuz we were wide open but Patrick hits us and we score on the next play and come on man we are getting closer to getting that Superstar Dev and winning this game we only need two ties and 250 yards so hey man we got to lock in and continue to get the yards and why did we just do a somersault mid play that could have been a t or at least a couple more yards reys what are you doing look I'm not against showboating but at the cost of getting more yards right right now Reese we're trying to get you Superstar dead we do a little slant wide open for the first down and we just got to keep stacking on these yards and these slant plays are getting us wide open for these catches I don't know what the Raiders defense is doing Patrick Mahomes throws a dime across the middle of the field and look we got two Tes already we just need one more and then all we got to do is focus on yards 250 receiving yards in one game is insane but it looks like reys how did we drop that come on man we needed those big plays but Patrick throws it across the middle yes go ahead reys okay we make up for it it doesn't matter we dropped that one earlier hey screw it forget about it just keep going and these slam plays are the Raiders Kryptonite as long as we keep finding these openings in the coverage we're at least getting 10 yards and in the red zone Patrick throws an interception and that just literally made my heart drop because looking at our stats we still have to do a lot of work we need one more touchdown in over 20 more yards in order to get this star Dev upgrade from factor and man I'm going to do whatever it takes we get wide open right here and that's a couple yards that's at least 10 then Patty with the fatty hits us once again and all we need is a couple more yards in a touchdown there's only a minute remaining but Patrick JY Travis Kelsey a flag is on the play though and it is a face mask meaning we are going to be on the8 yd line and a touchdown right here could possibly win us the game and get get us the stard dev and we're going to get it come on reys Rees Zam it with the last minute touchdown to not only acquire star Dev but get this dub against the Raiders I I'm sorry y'all I didn't want to cry on video I I I I can't help it man this is too beautiful I mean we saw this caterpillar Lis ream it blossom into a butterfly 279 yards three Tes and now he is a star Dev stard Dev 73 overall I mean this dude was what like a 30 overall at the start of this video and looking at re Poo's stats on the season 1,500 yard and 18 Tes we are inches away from breaking these records a couple weeks go by until our final game of the season week 18 we're going against the Chargers after those games looking at our stats we have 1,952 yards and 23 touchdowns all we need is one touchdown and 100 yards to break both of those records for a season we are a six seeds so if we lose this game we're knocked out of the playoffs so this game is super important we have the potential of breaking records and if we lose this game we're out of the playoffs and there's no way I'm going allow that to happen we have to have the best wide receiver season in NFL history and there's no way I'm about to let that go to waste by not making the playoffs as Patrick Mahomes hits Travis Kelce and he's going to bring that all the way to the end zone and you already know I'm hype because I don't really care as long as we win this game I want to make the playoffs I want to break those record so look the cunel Buddies can go off as much as they want as the Chargers go down and they actually score a touchdown themselves then I see something that I don't typically see and that's Patrick Mahomes uncomfortable this Chargers defense is clearly getting a Patrick Mah's head he's not throwing the ball like he normally does he takes a dump off and we don't pick up the first down we got to punt this ball back to the Chargers and they end up kicking a field goal if we want to win this game we need Patrick Mahomes superstar X Factor Patrick Mahomes we need him throwing dimes just like that all right Patrick that's what I like to see this is the Patrick Mahomes I know come on come on hit me Patrick I'm wide open please no did that get out how did that get intercepted there is no way this is happening right now are we actually going to lose this game are we not going to break the records the Chargers go down and score another touchdown and they are up by 10 points and look I'm sorry to my team but my main focus right now is breaking this record at this point I don't know we're going to win this game and if we do it's going to be because we're balling out so I'm focused on getting open getting the ball in my hands Patrick Mahomes throws the ball and it's intercepted once again what is happening Madden what is this and just like that our season is probably ending with this game but I'm not letting it end on a sad note on a depressing note there is no way we're not breaking these records come on Patrick oh my gosh how did we catch that we're going come on come on we got to score on this drive there is a minute left in the fourth quarter if we do not score right here we do not break the records I told you that ree would become the goat of wide receivers he has a chance right here to prove it but he drops it with only 40 seconds remaining in this game we might not get another shot like that to break these records this is truly it this season has amounted to these last 40 seconds if we're not able to make a play and score a touchdown we do not break these records we did not come this far to come this far I need this touchdown 24 seconds remaining come on Patrick hit me please Patrick yes touchdown we break the records baby he is the greatest wide receiver of all time reys Zam now we might have lost this game we may have been eliminated from the playoffs but there is no denying that Louise ree damit had one of the best single seasons for a wide receiver ever in history this man has become the Pinnacle for wide receivers and the absolute undeniable goat of wide receivers he had one of the best seasons in NFL history breaking two records keep in mind this is his first ever season and he was a rugby player only a year ago if y'all enjoyed this video and want to see more of Lis Reed's zamit or more videos let me know in the comments I love y'all man stay blessed keep God first peace what is that tweet say sorry reys but right now you're still a rugby bum so go see your beeh on the bench
Channel: DeeDee Drift
Views: 2,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: louis rees-zammit, louis rees zammit, american football, rugby union, louis rees zammit chiefs, chiefs, kansas city chiefs
Id: aN0kwhT5ZIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 3sec (1983 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2024
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