How 5,17 Million Sheep In The United States Are Raised By Ranchers - Sheep Farming

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hello everyone today we are going to sheep farms  in the United States to see how millions of sheep   here are raised according to statistics  in 2021 in the United States there are 100   000 sheep farms with more than 5 million heads   currently up to 80 percent of sheep in the  United States are raised on large-scale farms   most large-scale sheep farms are concentrated  in States like Texas California and Colorado this is different from sheep in other  countries like China Australia or New Zealand   the majority of sheep are raised in the  United States for the purpose of meat   with a number of sheep race for wool  in the country only about 17 percent every year in the United States about 1.7  million sheep are born and up to 37 of them   are born in Texas and California on average each  U gives birth to two to three young newborn Lambs   usually weigh 8 to 12 pounds and they will live  with their mother for nine weeks before weaning these are lamps with health problems they are  separated by breeders for medical monitoring this is a sheep breeding Farm in  California with more than 700 views   every year on this Farm about 1500 Lambs are born   these lamps will stay here for two months before  being moved to Grace in other agricultural lands   currently in California there are about 9  300 sheep farms with the number of about 557   000 heads accounting for 10 percent  of the country's sheep population   according to the census in 2021 the  total number of sheeps slaughtered in   California is 222 800 heads and land  production is 13.6 million pounds these workers are cutting sheep's tails sheep  tailing or docking is usually done when the   sheeps reach about two weeks of age trimming  the Sheep's tails is an important job on farms   this helps prevent flies and parasites  from attacking the anal area of the Sheep   in addition this also helps the mating  process later to bring better efficiency foreign these are two-month-old sheep on a ranch  in Idaho and they have just undergone tail cutting   currently in Idaho there are about 4 000  sheep farms with the total number of 248   000 sheep accounting for 4.8 percent  of the country's sheep population   this is a sheep farm in Colorado and this  breed is called Suffolk all sheep on this   Farm are raised for the purpose of meat every  year on this Farm about 1300 sheep are born   according to statistics in 2020 in  Colorado there are about 6 100 sheep farms   and the number is around 368 000 heads  accounting for 7.8 percent of the sheep   population of the country thank you Lambs are  considered sexually mature when they reach   six to eight months of age at which point  their weight ranges from 66 to 83 pounds at this Farm the food used for sheep is mainly  corn hay and the breeding sheep will be fed   with grain on average each sheep will need to eat  three percent of its body weight per day foreign this is the process of removing hair from the anal  region of adult sheep even though these sheep have   had their tails cut their thick anal hairs are  still ideal habitats for parasites and flies   this is a herd of sheep in Texas and they are  being brought to the pastures to feed freely   currently Texas is the state with the  largest number of sheep in the United   States with about 747 000 heads accounting  for 14 of the country's sheep population like the cattle herds in Texas the Sheep here  are also regularly moved from pasture to pasture   to feed annually the number of sheep slows in  Texas is about 306 000 heads and the state's   land production is about 19 million pounds  the grazing of thousands of sheep in Texas   is also aided by these Sheepdogs which help  Rangers protect sheep from attacked by Coyotes   this is the Sheep bathing process the  adult sheet will be bathed every two weeks   this helps protect them from  attacked by lice and other parasites foreign   this is the last trip of the  Sheep this period from 8 to   10 months old is when thousands of sheep  are transferred to lamb processing plants   at this plant sheep are anethetized using an  electric current before Slaughter can begin annually in the United States between 2.2  and 2.3 million sheep are slaughtered and   the average annual production of lamb  is about 137 million pounds on average   each American consumes five pounds of lamb per  year in addition to the amount of land produced   domestically the United States also Imports most  of its lamb meat from Australia and New Zealand   in the next part of the video we will go to turkey  farms in the United States to see how the process   of raising hundreds of millions of turkeys takes  place according to statistics released in 2020 the   number of turkeys in the United States is about  224 million of which Minnesota North Carolina   are Kansas and Indiana other states with the  largest number of turkeys in the country foreign here's what's happening at a turkey farm egg  incubator in Minnesota with its state-of-the-art   equipment this incubator is capable of  producing up to 57 000 turkeys per incubation   in recent years Minnesota has always led  the country in the number of turkeys with   about 44 million accounting for 18 of the  total number of turkeys in the country after seven days these thousands  of eggs will be checked to make   sure the cells inside are developing  well have you ever eaten turkey eggs after four weeks thousands of eggs have hatched  and these turkeys are ready to start a new life this is the procedure for testing  and vaccinating one day old turkeys   defective or wheat turkeys will be discarded   for the slightly larger size  the newly hatched turkeys do   not look much different from the chickens once the testing and vaccination process  is complete thousands of turkeys will be   sent to Farms currently there are about  2 500 turkey farms in the United States   and the number of turkey farms  in Minnesota is about 667. basically raising turkeys is like raising chickens  although they need more time to mature and harvest   currently turkey farms in Minnesota usually need   about 180 days before they  are able to harvest meat these two-week-old turkeys are  on a farm in North Carolina   foreign ly North Carolina ranks second in  the United States in terms of the number   of turkeys with about 33 million  Birds distributed across 389 Farms this was captured on a turkey farm in Arkansas  currently Arkansas is also one of the states   with the largest number of turkeys in  the United States with about 31.5 million according to statistics turkeys contribute   304 million dollars a year to the Arkansas economy  and the turkey industry provides about 19 000 jobs not only do they live in captivity  but many farms in the United States   also raise turkey's free range this is  great for the prevention of disease in   turkeys and also improves the  quality of the meat foreign turkeys are considered fully mature when they  reach 30 to 40 pounds in weight the weight in   wild turkeys is only 15 to 25 pounds currently  Alabama is the state with the largest number of   wild turkeys in the United States the fee used for  turkeys is mainly soybeans corn wheat and barley foreign thousands of these  turkeys are ready for Harvest workers will catch and load thousands of turkeys  into these cages then the trucks will transport   them to the turkey processing plants in 2021 up  to 46 million turkeys were eaten on Thanksgiving   22 million on Christmas and 19 million at Easter Alexander Hamilton the first Secretary of the  Treasury of the United States once stated that   no citizen of the United States should not eat  turkey on Thanksgiving Day and this has come true this is what happens at a turkey processing  plant here thousands of turkeys will be   dipped in boiling water and cleaned of  feathers before moving on to other stages   with modern technology applied this  Factory only needs to employ about   40 to 50 workers in the entire process  of processing thousands of turkeys a day for many years the United States has always  been the largest turkey producer in the world   in second and third are Brazil and Germany thank you thank you thank you foreign foreign how do you feel about the process of raising  and processing turkey meat in this video   let us know what you think in the comments section  of the video goodbye and see you in the next video
Channel: Tony 98 - Discovery
Views: 1,676,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming, agriculture, farm, sheep, sheep farm, lamb farm, sheep ranch, sheep rancher, american farming, ranch, livestock, animals farm, farm life, farmer, harvest, harvesting, agricultural, agriculture technology, #tony98discovery
Id: qcKdQAEqVZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 24 2022
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