How Australian Farmers Deal With Millions Of Invasive Foxes

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hello my friends Dawn arrives on the  Australian agricultural landscape and   Farmers start their day by observing foxes  around the farm there was no speed brutality   and bloodiness like the battles on the step  but here exists a war that will surprise you   now we find out how Australian farmers  are dealing with thousands of invasive foxes in some rural areas in Australia foxes  are the main characters in Farmer stories when   it comes to destructive and dangerous animals  they are not only common Predators but also a   serious threat to agriculture foxes are solitary  animals opportunistic hunters and specialize in   capturing live prey they use pencil like Claws  and are skilled at grabbing prey with Precision   combined with sharp teeth ready to tear anything  apart therefore foxes have the ability to kill   their prey very quickly the space is peaceful  and quiet with no signs of danger but in just   a few short minutes foxes can invade the farm  and attack your livestock farms near forests   or wild areas are places where foxes often  appear to attack the chickens lay motionless   on the ground with patchy bite marks something  terrible happened last last night the farmers   knew for sure that the person causing this chaos  was none other than the fox because they've been   lurking here for a few nights foxes are not  only a danger to pets but also a challenge to   Social Security they invade residential areas  and consider this as their territory instead   of wandering through the forest foxes now appear  on the streets even entering people's houses like   this it wouldn't be worth mentioning if they  didn't attack people in the area this was a   brutal attack and everything was chaotic this  woman faced the fox's aggression you can see   she tried to get away from it but it didn't seem  to want to let go fortunately she survived but   the physical and psychological consequences still  follow her every day it is a feeling of fear and pain the use of traps to control Fox populations  is an important measure for Australian agriculture   traps like this are not only highly effective  but also simple easy to use and especially can   be reused many times to implement the strategy  there are many types of traps depending on the   size and weight of the fox first of all farmers  will carefully prepare tools traps ropes and bait   the process of setting traps is simple simple  but requires strategy and caution Farmers need   to choose appropriate trap locations to maximize  the ability to catch foxes usually it is on routes   frequented by Foxes by setting traps two to  three times per week Australian Farmers have   achieved significant results in controlling  Fox populations according to an Australian   government study Fox numbers have decreased  by about 30% in the past years mainly thanks   to the implementation of trapping therefore  it can be said that up to now traps are a   smart solution because it not only controls the  number of foxes but also effectively protects the   agricultural environment however the process  of destroying this invasive fox species also   requires attention and compliance with certain  principles during the trapping process Farmers   must check the Trap regularly to ensure sure it  is working properly and is not causing injury to   humans or other animals besides trapping hunting  is also a popular method among Australian Farmers   the opening shots in the battle to protect crops  for Farmers fox hunting is not only a recreational   activity but also an important means of  controlling Fox populations especially in   areas such as agricultural areas in New South  Wales in Victoria where foxes often destroy Farms there is no denying that foxes are part of  the Australian ecosystem but if left unchecked   a sudden increase in Fox numbers could pose  a major threat to the food chain because of   reduced livestock numbers at the same time it  will affect the food source for other Predators   a sudden increase in Fox populations can create  great pressure on the local environment affecting   ecological balance and the biosphere large numbers  of foxes can create challenges for wildlife   management agencies especially when it comes to  implementing control measures to protect farmers   and the environment these harmful effects together  create a major challenge for Australian Farmers   requiring them to apply Innovative and effective  Fox control measures in the field behind the pile   of hay the farmer was waiting the shop killed the  fox quickly this is their result after about an   hour compared to setting traps and having to wait  passively many farmers prefer to choose to hunt   because they can actively follow the fox's tracks  even find their dens and you see this choice is   reasonable because this way farmers can process  larger quantities quickly you know foxes are   omous they can eat all your livestock and crops  this diversity of food sources has posed a huge   challenge to efforts to prevent Fox overgrowth  they are capable of hunting a variety of prey   from mice rabbits to birds this also increases  the difficulty of control if given the opportunity   foxes will try their luck with adult sheep and  even adult cows in fact a study in Wales also   found that sheep are an important food source for  foxes during the summer therefore Australian sheep   farmers are always looking for ways to eliminate  foxes around their grazing areas especially   during the Sheep breeding period farmers will  organize hunting to protect their Farms the   car was approaching the edge of the forest where  foxes often appeared Hunters holding their hunting   equipment in their hands a dramatic night huntt  begins they walk toward the fence around the farm   and Fields here is imitating Fox cries to lure  them to this area after efforts to entice a fox   appeared this method is really effective for night  hunting trips when hunting in forests and wild   areas Hunters need to be able to move flexibly in  diverse environments they must be really healthy   to carry guns everywhere where foxes off and goat  they had to stalk and hide for hours until they   killed the fox only when Night Comes the fox's  isight decreases so they don't have to hide but   you see night hunting is not easy either their  efforts yielded surprising results this is how   many foxes they killed in one night with every  step taken at night Australian farmers are facing   the risk of great economic and psychological loss  Fox attacks not only mean the loss of hundreds   even thousands of livestock for Farmers but they  also carry with them concerns about personal   safety and the stability of rural communities  but you can see faced with a great challenge   farmers in Australia do not hesitate they have  created unique strategies to protect their fields a farmer's long day begins with care  observation a base used to hunt foxes was   placed on top of the container he was climbing  up there and looking into the distance farmers   do not want to miss any movement in the  fields they must recognize the first signs   of the appearance of foxes before this invasive  species disappears this battle will continue every day hello my friends throughout the agricultural  regions of America especially Texas there exists a   smoldering and persistent War it is a war between  farmers and wild BS with no mercy and no end inside it is estimated that there are more than  9.3 million feral hogs in the United States Texas   is home to more than 5.7 million feral Hogs  and they can be found in 99% of the state's   254 counties every year wild BS calls about 1.7  billion USD in damage to Agriculture and the   environment they are large and ferocious with some  weighing up to 590 L their presence in the area   has deprived native species of food sources deer  are one of the species that must leave a habitat   when wild BS arrive the pigs dug with their snouts  wallowing in the dirt creating huge holes in   the ground and tearing up crops according to the  Department of Conservation a group of 10 pigs can   destroy 13 to 25 acres in one night and the holes  created by pigs can destroy Farmers livelihoods   not only do they invade Farm fields and disturb  Crop Production while BS are also vectors for   many pathogens and parasites they defecate in the  fields leaving behind feal Cola forms that can be   infectious and pose serious health risks to humans  and livestock Farmers on farms in north Texas say   feral Hogs can cause thousands of dollars in  damage every night many prevention methods   have been implemented but farmers must still have  to face problems caused by wild BS because their   ability to invade is proportional to their ability  to reproduce and adapt to the environment while   boes are an invasive species so they have no real  natural predators to speak of this means there is   no natural mechanism to control their numbers  worse still a female pig can give birth to 2 L   of 5 to8 Cubs each which further complicates the  population problem births can occur every month of   the year with most wild boore populations having  Peak births occurring in the winter and spring   months in areas where forage is abundant such as  crop lands or where provision of supplemental food   for wildlife is common reproductive rates may be  higher than average their ability to adapt to the   environment is extremely good during dry years  wild BS expand their home range in search of food   and water in years with above average rainfall  while BS grow larger and have higher survival   rates of their young Roots vegetables worms and  insects they eat everything they can fit in their   mouths when conditions permit while BS will choose  agricultural crops often accounting for more than   50% of the plant diet and causing significant  damage to agricultural Fields wild BS even eat   ve sheep and deer when given the opportunity  known for its gluttony an adult wild boore   will consume approximately 3% of its body weight  per day and consume it within 4 to 6 hours Pig's   rapid digestion shows their tremendous appetite  that's why Wild BS can turn your farm into ruin these farmers are building fences around  their Farm areas they will prioritize materials   and designs that not only protect stray  animals but also deter invasive species   as you can see Wild BS are strong enough  to overturn many types of fences and rush   into Farms even during the day therefore  Farmers need to build a solid protection   system excluding feral pigs with fencing is a  safe option for small scale Farms although it   can be expensive however if implemented on  a larg scale it will not be very effective   in addition to fences traps are a common and  effective method of eliminating feral Peaks a   wire gate system is used to allow while bore  ENT tree but prevent them from escaping the Trap the large trap is made of sturdy metal  farmers will spread corn as bait to attract   them the goal is to get the whole herd of  pigs at once at night wild B's eyesight is   quite poor and everything will be easier you can  see a lot of wild BS caught in traps after being   captured the next morning farmers will come  and shoot the wild BS and let them decompose   on their own or collect them on the truck to be  processed traps help them save time and still   be able to take down a series of Invaders like  this Texas documents show the effort has cost   about $3 million of the budget each year as  rice and soybean Fields begin to mature they   will become a favorite Target for wild BS wild  boes are not often active during the day and a   farmer works all day but you know farmers will  have to protect their land he would have to go   out at night and do something hourlong stalking  sessions like this take place to protect their fields the more often hunting will take place  the more likely the area in the vicinity of the   farm will limit the presence of wild BS at the  same time it inhibits their rapid reproduction   rate after setting the time this machine will  shoot corn out to attract nearby pigs at this   time Hunters can easily aim and kill them  from far away Corners along the fields of   Texas you will see this image appear often you  may find this Pursuit quite brutal however it   is the final result of devastation that  causes heavy damage to the economy and   people's lives these shots were fired in  the hope of reducing the number of wild   BS in the area hunting pressure will cause wild  BS to relocate from their habitats or at least   limit their movements hunting with guns is  the most popular method but it is not very effective Broken Arrow Ranch in Texas works with  Trappers to capture and deliver feral Hogs to   slaughter houses for meat processing and packaging  they sell 1,500 to 1,700 wild boars every year   they prefer to buy medium-sized pigs weighing  between 80 and 180 lb because the larger the wild   boore gets the more hormones it secretes making  the meat smell unpleasant all pigs entering the   food food system are subject to federally mandated  inspection under fsis whether they are farm raised   or wild cot there are currently 15 federally  inspected facilities that specialize in feral   hog Slaughter scattered across the United States  some Texas chefs farmers and meat suppliers have   introduced wild boar into the food chain they are  turning this invasive animal into a sustainable   source of protein for humans at a restaurant in  Austin Texas wild Bo is a prominent dish on the   menu however eating wild Bor meat can pose many  health risks so it is not popular this may be a   negative sign for the wildbore meat production  industry but it is not necessarily a bad result   because when the demand for wild bore meat  increases the invasion of this species will   explode strongly at this time Texas Farmers  battle with wild boes will become increasingly difficult
Channel: Tony 98 - Discovery
Views: 2,632,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming, agriculture, invasive species, foxes, fox, animals of australia, farm, farm documentary, farming documentary, farm life, harvest, agricultural, australian farming, agriculture technology, #tony98discovery
Id: Hx1BXlTGijY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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