The Hidden Way Of Why The Never Ending Supply Of Eggs Is Maintained

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egg farming primarily involves birds like chickens and occasionally ducks and geese raised to lay eggs for human [Music] consumption these farm fresh eggs often not fertilized are known as table eggs but whether they're for eating or hatching most eggs come from big farms where lots of birds are kept layer poultry farming encompasses a range of practices from Raising specific breeds of hens optimized for high egg production in large-scale commercial Enterprises to engaging in smaller sustainable or alternative farming practices these hens need to be taken care of right from when they're just [Music] born they're called layers because they're good at laying eggs regularly selecting the right breed of layer chickens involves considering factors such as temperature and environmental requirements feed efficiency disease resistance the hen's overall welfare lifespan genetic diversity and adaptability to local conditions the primary goal of layer poultry farming is to produce eggs for commercial purposes therefore you should select breeds known for their High egg production rates look for breeds that are renowned for laying a large large number of eggs consistently over time efficiency in converting feed into eggs is another crucial factor to [Music] consider choose breeds that are known for their feed efficiency as this will help optimize your feed costs and maximize your profits some chicken breeds are more resistant to Common poultry diseases than others selecting breeds with good disease resistance can help minimize the risk of disease outbreaks on your farm reducing the need for costly treatments and potential losses consider the management system you plan to implement on your farm whether it's free range cage-free or intensive housing choose breeds that are well suited to your chosen management system and housing facilities research the demand for eggs in your local market and select breeds that produce eggs of the size color and quality preferred by consumers in your area when chicks are born and transported to a new location they can experience stress which might affect their behavior including their reluctance to drink water to ensure the health and well-being of the chicks during The crucial first weeks after birth it's essential to provide them with adequate water and help them learn to drink [Music] proper management of water sources is crucial for young chicks who require guidance and easy access to learn drinking behaviors this could include nipple drinkers water troughs or water dispensers designed specifically for chicks initially the chicks may not instinctively know how to drink from the water sources provided you can gently dip their beaks into to the water to show them how to drink chicks are naturally curious so placing water sources invisible and easily accessible locations within their brooder house can encourage them to explore and discover the water on their [Music] own vaccination programs crucial for maintaining the health and productivity of layer poultry vary based on local regulations and specific pathogen pressures emphasizing the need for tailored Health Management strategies vaccinated birds have a higher likelihood of surviving disease challenges compared to unvaccinated Birds by reducing the incidence of diseases vaccination can significantly lower mortality rates within the flock healthy birds are more productive by protecting your layer poultry from diseases through vaccination you ensure that they remain in optimal health condition allowing them to focus their energy on egg production rather than fighting off infections the productivity of layer hens depends greatly on the care and management they receive good nutrition proper housing regular health checks and attention to environmental conditions are all essential for maximizing fresh egg production and profitability [Music] hens typically begin laying eggs around 20 weeks of age although this can vary by breed environmental factors and management practices by 21 weeks about 10% of the birds start laying the peak of egg production is usually reached between 26 to 30 weeks of age although this can vary depending on the breed of the hens [Music] hens may experience fluctuations in egg production rates after reaching Peak production influenced by numerous factors including breed and health over time the rate of egg laying May gradually decrease although the size of the eggs tends to increase as hens mature the size and weight of the eggs they lay typically increase the peak size and weight of eggs are usually reached around 40 weeks of age however even after this point hens may continue to lay eggs at a reduced rate until they are around 50 weeks old layer hens have specific nutritional needs to support egg production and maintain good health the quality of eggs produced by layer hens is heavily influenced by their diet [Music] many conventional egg Farms use cages with a sloped floor or wire mesh bottom to facilitate egg collection however ethical considerations and new regulations are promoting more cagefree options as the eggs roll away from the nesting area they are directed onto an automatic conveyor system this conveyor is typically positioned beneath the cages to catch the rolling eggs and transport them to a centralized collection point the cage conveyor system is designed for efficiency and automation allowing for the continuous collection and processing of eggs without the need for manual intervention eggs are excreted through the hen cloa a common exit for both eggs and feces stringent biocurity measures such as regular cleaning and disinfection routines are implemented to effectively minimize contamination risks that's why cleaning farm fresh eggs is crucial eggs are washed at the processing [Music] plant after washing eggs most eggs also get a sanitizing rinse while internal contamination like with salmonella enteritis can occur through microscopic shell pores it is relatively rare due to the eggs natural protective barriers in certain egg Farms trucks transport eggs from farms to the egg packaging Center this is where the eggs are processed and prepared for sale eggs come in different sizes and need to be cleaned inspected weighed and [Music] packaged eggs are placed on a conveyor belt to start the process the eggs go through a washing process using an egg washer which is a machine that uses a very light detergent made from organic approved citrus-based products to clean chicken eggs brushes scrub the eggs as they move through the machine here all the dirty eggs get a proper clean after washing the eggs go through a sanitizing rinse to ensure they are free from any remaining dirt or bacteria at the next stage of the egg processing process advanced technology takes Center Stage a network of computerized cameras is deployed to meticulously inspect each egg for any imperfections or residual dirt these cameras operating under the supervision of sophisticated computer systems scan the surface of every egg with precision and accuracy their task is crucial as it ensures that only eggs meeting the highest quality standard proceed further down the production line as the eggs move along the conveyor belt cameras scrutinize them from various angles leaving no area unchecked any defects or foreign particles are swiftly detected by the system this includes abnormalities in shape color or Texture as well as any remaining traces of dirt or debris the efficiency of this automated inspection process minimizes the risk of subpar eggs entering the packaging phase maintaining the Integrity of the final [Music] product upon identifying a defective or contaminated egg the entire system immediately registers the anomaly this realtime feedback mechanism allows for prompt action to be taken the flagged eggs are Swit swiftly diverted from the main flow of production ensuring they do not proceed to the packaging stage instead they are set aside for further assessment or appropriate disposal in adherence to strict quality control protocols in this final stage of the egg processing Journey the eggs undergo a drying process immediately after being inspected this stage ensures that any residual moisture from the washing and sanitizing steps is removed promoting the longevity and freshness of the eggs once dried the eggs swiftly move on to the packing centers for the next phase of the process at the packing centers the eggs are efficiently sorted and placed into egg [Music] cartons each carton typically accommodates six eggs allowing for easy handling and transportation as the eggs are carefully arranged within the cartons attention is paid to proper egg storage to prevent any potential damage during handling and Transit one method to preserve eggs for extended periods involves processing and freezing the contents separating yolks and whites rather than freezing whole eggs which helps prevent spoilage and extends shelf life this method helps Farmers manage excess egg production and ensures a steady egg supply throughout the year [Music]
Channel: Edge of Farming
Views: 2,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: egg farming, poultry farming, layer hens, egg production, farm fresh eggs, sustainable farming, chicken breeds, food production, biosecurity, ethical farming, egg quality, chick care, poultry health, egg processing, agriculture, egg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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