How 4 Duelists DESTROYED a Tier 1 Team - Pro VALORANT Breakdown | EG vs. SMG

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[Music] all right guys R is just doing a ping check to make sure you know everything works just lock a random agent and let's get on with this okay all right wait could you imagine if this was our real team comp yeah that that'd be crazy yeah we'd be screwed all right let's get this B check over with wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait no we're getting now we're getting TR uh are you sure this is just a test run oh yeah yeah just a just a tech check h okay the Raina has been play oh tis TS uh can you review this game you guys know I was taking a vacation from making these breakdowns but sure Jimmy uh let me see what you got is this a is this a rain game and did we finally get a replay system wait no it's a game that was played at game changers Champs oh wait is is this for [Music] real see The Flash come through you got Seekers your parano but the utility is just so freaking good right [Music] now okay losing to a team comp like this is kind of embarrassing but you can't really blame EG they're playing on the biggest stage in front of so many people months of preparation all for them to hop on a land and face this all of that prep just goes out the window and now you have to come up with an entirely new game plan on the Fly which only the best of the best can do but how how does one learn that skill well it starts with coaching and if you want the best of the best let me introduce you to the immortal road map program these guys will teach and help you implement everything you need to hit Immortal Plus in just 8 weeks including how to deal with install loocks and playing against or with five duelist comps these games are certainly winnable they're so confident in their service that they are the only coaching program that offers a five division rankup in 8 weeks guaranteed or your money back there's zero risk they've helped hundreds of students hit Immortal and radiant and their coaching sta consists of keki and over a dozen radiant coaches with BCT experience such as Comet who is an analyst on Ascend the year they won Champs in 2021 screwface who's a world champion and Gangsta who played on disguised Immortals and knights now if that offer sounds good to you sign up quick as only 50 spots remain for season 17 hurry up link in the description okay so it shouldn't take a genius to understand why smg's comp is garbage uh for starters they have no smokes that are going to cut up crossfires or deny information petits they have Phoenix and neon's wall and Cypher cages those are smokes you idiot yeah well those aren't enough and are all awkward to place uh they also don't have an initiator so they can't gather information and have accurate rotates with their being for Duelists there's only one way to get info by peeking into the enemies and if they want to reclear spaces on attack it's going to drain their abilities if they want to do so thoroughly so they won't know if the enem is pushed up or who's there or what they need to use and Things become a nightmare pretty quick so yeah the comp sucks surely Evil Geniuses don't get burned by these clowns right for pistol round SMG are starting in a two3 spread where Cipher and Phoenix are going to stall for as long as possible on C while their teammates Rumble for Rubble but the most important part of their game plan is this trap wire and Cipher's identity revolves around being the information Sentinel and his kit is the only information that SMG have with these trips the defense can safely stack sights and allow these to hold various parts of the map for them but if they do get snipped Defenders now have to spread more thin to cover these holes left by attackers so if I'm EG I'm prioritizing breaking these trap wires and it looks like they're going to do that in their initial 3-2 default they two kick off the game by lobing their poison orb to cover the rubel cross and raise lasard boombot to make it seem like EG are moving out behind this smoke but smg's 3 Duelists quickly clear the air by gaining information the only way they can by peeking past the smokes all threats in a have been snuffed out and now IG are using the trbl laser to clear Mound Cypher spy cam spots everything but kamu Peaks a main taking down power pixel Raina is making a statement early by peing this deep into enemy territory I told you without an initiator this is the only way SMG can gather information fighting is what the comp's good at now back on C the dog has snapped the trip and EG are rushing back to their down a teammate and with the Viper walls down Reena can now safely jiggle root and gather constant information past this line and if the attackers do cross she can get get one and dismiss away into secret pretty safely this area is almost built for Raina but C's been quiet for too long so shirazi comes back and releases arumba to sweep up a main before she leaves to let Raina spot it tags someone so Ray turns around and forms into a strong Crossfire with her confident Raina info but what are you going to do against all this Firepower see if they can figure it out again we're seeing all this pressure that's been applied in the beginning of the round they try to swing out into it the paranoia is not going to connect now Rea couldn't get another one but look at the damage she did not only that but these two managed to stall long enough so that neon could Sprint over and get hers from stairs because of this trip wire she felt safe leaving the site I mean if it's not broken why hold space that it's already holding SMG have the player Advantage but EG have found an opening they might not have broken the BP but their Trailblazer tangled up this one so now Ray is calling for her team to come back and hit the Subscribe button her Omen throws a smoke rings the bell and both players pull their knives out to quickly regroup with their rays and it's at this point reher has realized that they've left a gap in the defense so him and his partner rotate back but do they expect Rays this close info and set up scary shark in such a good spot nobody knows that she's there SMG trades but EG have taken the site the only issue is that Raina tore apart their HP in this early Rubble duel so winning a round like this won't be easy got Chi so far up the first will fall and inevitability unfortunately is she will eat her demise SMG get the pistol yeah I mean such a good round because of these trap wires and lack of defaulting from the offense SMG were able to have rotates in the right spots early and accurately EG just needs to take space and break these things after pistol round there was a weird Tech [Music] pause there must be a misunderstanding we didn't actually mean to pick this comp we thought it was a dry run to make sure everything [Music] worked can we reset and swap our agents why not on smg's antio they use this opportunity to let EG know they aren't playing around they took root by force and Raina spotted for info again so that Phoenix could play like this off that information flash there's the flash the dog gets cleared and the kills come through just like that one enemy remain an absolute Slaughter that is I love plays like this valerant is all about confidence and being aggressive like this isn't about the money but is about sending a message to the enemy team that you aren't scared of anything and that they should watch every step and I think they might have rled EG this round the defense have all four dualists leaning towards a funneling all their worst Weaponry into this part of the map until these wires get broken there's no reason to spread back out it's kind of like they're playing uh s versus 5 and EG know that SMG are psychos so they're playing far back and are going to assess the information once SMG have shown their hand and then go from there but while they're waiting power pixel rips a hole into shirazi with her Odin knowing that these Savages are going to instantly path up this Lane to take Rubble early but this wallbang spam isn't deterring the defense we still see paint shells AAR and Ne 's relay bolt and because of these two aggressive duels from earlier power pixel Burns a snake bite now EG have the information that there's three people a a straight shot into C would be the perfect play here as Cipher can't do much with the sheriff and one trap and usually this is the correct play once you deduce that the defense are stacked on a but the offense wants to play slow and it finally looks like they figured out the counter to this comp break these trips raisin Sky contact up B main challenging each off angle with their better weapons once they finally reach the entrance Alexi gets spotted and shot at she responds with a Flash and the dog can't see it missed the Trap wire when you're playing Sky it is so important that you're jumping through choke points so you can find out where these stps are at so you can break them but at least this commotion is dragged over rotates hey guys they didn't break my trap wire go back to a now he's been quiet this STP is still up and now that the offense has flipped up their smokes the defense gets suspicious and come back to Raina back to try to retake that space and like I said these contact plays are going to be so important because any util from each team is going to set off a trigger Thea getting that first kill and what an amazing contact up they pulled those players such a good good rotation where do they go from here though because SMG is already all rotated I me EG had dealt with a three stack well but because the defense have weaker weapons they say screw this and abandon BNC putting full faith into their trap wires so while EG have dodged the initial stack how are they getting out of this one the offense funnel through tree to avoid potential crossfires but the defense are ready an here watching utility whiz by she tries to find the opener on scary shark and does they're falling apart M this is very dangerous can they stabilize can they equalize here 2v2 just the pistol in the hands of Alexi as the spike goes down after all the Fire and Flames we're down to a two versus two Fenix throws up his Blaze repositions to heaven and raay has crawled out of secret darts to Rubble Scoops up a vandal and Taps the door applying pressure to Viper all of this has freaked EG out SMG can come from anywhere all the way around footsteps her wanting to try to catch him it's actually Shi who finds the first Brown goes horribly sideways as SMG win the bonus thanks again to these trips SMG were able to stack a and beat down EG if Evil Geniuses want a chance in this game they need to start defaulting and creating question marks around the map to force the defense to spread out they they aren't going to brute force their way into sights against the team that wants to fight you shouldn't just duel the Duelists after getting stomped on the RICO EEG take a timeout to reins some of their confidence all right everyone I know the Duelists are big mean and scary uh but we could do this yeah uh nice try doc you really got them amped up here try this instead oh yeah how could I forget with your secret stuff demon one we'll surely beat these morons oh yeah give me that stuff yeah give me that stuff oh I'll take a swig of that oh yeah wait wait give me some give me some all right now that EG are feeling confident coming out of their timeout it's time to look at how SMG have adjusted and it's here where we see mind games being played at the highest level maybe the defense have completely flip-flopped their setup by putting Cypher on a and putting their duelist towards C previously they've played for info on C and B while fighting a now they're reversing it expecting that EG were talking about these trrap wires in their timeout so they're hoping that EG mosy on over expecting to cut some wires when in reality they're going to run right into smg's fighter but that's not happening either EG have talked about countering smg's counter or they just don't know what to do and are still pounding it into a uh only time will tell but they creep out of the byas carefully smoke for the cross boombot and nothing's here EG inch a bit closer behind a Flash race sat Peaks above rubble and again nothing now over on C without hesitation the defense has dry swung out of sight and they saw nothing too so far this round has been a whole lot of nothing but because of the lack of resistance across the map both teams move into the next phase of their plans similarly to how Raina was solo spotting on root Ray is not playing for information on C while her teammates have a crossfire is setup on B and they retaking a with their info trips and EG figure that if no one's here they got to be fighting over on C so they slingshot on the sight but SMG are already here thanks to Phoenix moving forward and flushing up B as soon as these trips were activated so now all the Defenders know that it's a but despite them knowing what's coming none of us SMG are in a position to make a hero play they're better off combining all of their utility at once rushing down the offense with their plethora of duelist utility once everyone's here the defense group up and begin their retake rotations are so key Doug they're so key to this first run it back online and it seems like they're going to try to just flood out and take these fights when again when you're going up against these duelist it could be a problem with scar shark finding one finding a second as power Pi e have come out on top but are badly injured in n's neur locate the remaining attackers and with Omen on his Lonesome Alexi knows that this is the time to fight and not much better off HP as the spike ticks away patient shown from for just a moment they strike it just the right time and it all crumbl Starbound left alone a 1 V2 remember anery week the spam not connecting initially Alexi's gotten it to half that's 3/4s Alexi's going to stick it the whole way and that's another round for SMG oh my goodness EG so close to now with a normal team comp your smokes player should try and prioritize being the last alive in retakes this is so that when it comes down to the clutch they can smoke the spike tap and force the offense to Peak into you but SMG don't have smokes they just have pseudo smokes that I clowned on earlier and it just so happens that Cypress cages lasted just long enough for Phoenix to diffuse now kre did have a Molly that they could have thrown instead of spraying their whole mag into the cage but hey it is what it is while Cipher straps didn't win his team the run this time it was this nasty Heaven duel while on one HP and this cage that did Cipher farmed again against the Eco and things are starting to get pretty ugly I mean this comp should not be getting this many rounds on defense but look EG won a round I mean it wasn't perfect as kilj wandered up be main which when you're the weaker side of the default you probably don't want to do against a four duelist comp you want to let the meat of the default do the fighting and you know defaulting while you play back in strong positions to punish aggressive pushes but regardless her teammates went a and secured the round behind two juicy ultimates and now they're on the board but can they replicate the same success without a rocket launcher and a sight altering ultimate eh probably not it's been eight rounds and we're still running it down against a comp that likes to run it down we're still dueling the Duelists no breaking trap wires defaulting to take map control and keep the Duelists guessing they just keep pounding a I mean who knows maybe there's more to this than meets the eye now SMG recognized that EG haven't been taking rubel quick so they only commit their paint shell to shutting out the attackers this time if the offense are waiting for you to burn utility it's important that you switch up your timings to catch them off guard or just save your U for later but this time EG want the defense to push up and lure them in with this free space back in Sp expecting some of the pressure but if they continue to fight into this a main area it's going to continue to be difficult we're already seeing some of the results of that scar shark with the counter it seems like EG may have finally found some space takeing a step back Empress online three on the round already all right I guess I have to eat my own words EG's game plan was pretty good they knew that SMG had been immediately taking Rubble so by waiting a few seconds and then dumping utility in this area they caught the defense red-handed the only part I don't like about this whole idea is that just look at how much space they've given up on their flank all game SMG have done nothing but push out it makes sense I mean the more these dualists push the more information they gather and now Raina has used her dismiss to get back to safety she pops her Empress gets one with the rate increase and she's bought just enough time for Phoenix and Cypher to do a little already and looking for more you've already got the run it back which was the second in as many rounds if I'm not mistaken yeah I mean this is such an insane way to kind of round this round up EG was looking so good they were like you guys aren't going to bully us in a anymore but and then they did hey gildroy can you hear me oh wait a minute I think she can can because I just talked about holding space and punishing arive pushes and look at eeg's default this round granted they're on an Eco but Kure has a marshall if SMG aren't careful they can get punished hard Strat again taking this fast they're not scared might that's what we've been waiting for the defense are going to Peak they have to if they want info so let's punish them for it and the a players are going to it up a to flash Molly for the push and within the first 10 seconds the offense are splitting a EG are finally cooking with confidence I mean I don't know how well this would have worked if the Duelists were here but it's nice to see them up this round but iniri has been feeling it all game EEG or splitting sight quick but they have one more hurdle to jump this they're executing it to Perfection they're playing with confidence with boldness and it's proving to be way too much as an area continues to Farm after a disgusting spray transfer from the side anchor the player Advantage is even Sky plants but SMG are hot on the flank again they smush kill's alarm bot and kre starts getting PTSD she's gotten burned before from the same area how does the offense deal with this lack of space an an unbelievable performance up until this point and there really no signs of slowing down anytime soon EEG managed to get the spike down again they got the lock down invested and it was a little bit into it here too so the timing may work out if nothing else really really good timing really good timing of that all everything is great reena's getting caught out in that kjl and we have shirazi left in a 1 V3 trying to make things happen and EG kind of figuring out that hey Cypher kind of weak site and they're being using your kill drill is's one way to secure round SMG are starting to get a bit worried on each of the important by rounds they've been fighting one side while leaving the other for Cipher and his traps to deal with which honestly if you look at the scoreboard has worked great so far as EG haven't defaulted or broken these wires but after a while you'd expect them to eventually catch on right so the defense have gone back to the drawing board to come up with a new plan it's a trap kind of Cypher and neon are setting up on Mound with the spy cam Just In Plain Sight and neon is tuck waiting patiently behind this pile of dirt and when the enemy gets close she's going to burst into a ball of electricity and finger blast the offense now in reality I don't know how strong that trap is but maybe I'm wrong in the meantime Raina is fighting front B while Phoenix and Rays create the same pressure on a that EG have seen most of this game to her them into the set up on C let's see if it works both teams opened with their standard utility sequences Molly and nade to delay the attackers and snake bite and Bot to try and leak out behind the smokes but this time race a satchel on top of rubble signaling to the offense that the defense is prepared ready to fight for the space and a potentially strong Crossfire now EG know that all game wherever there's been fighting the opposite side was weaker held up only by a couple trap wires so the attackers slowly start to rotate back and group up on Mound but what they're going to run into is shocking this is the reaction that they're trying to do but oh my goodness Koh is here with her Al ready to frag out the finger guns find no value oh no Lor's getting the kill and AR's getting pushed you've got Seekers you're paranoid but the utility is just so freaking good right now Cipher finding more value getting away SMG kind of fumbled the bag in this one since EG haven't been defaulting enough I kind of wish Raina left be sooner and was here to flash for neon to explode out the attackers would first have to shoot the blinding spooky eyeball and then an ADHD G fuel snorting ball of electricity at the same time instead Raina was patrolling B I mean she did break KJ's turret which might have forced EG over here since they received pressure A and B but she didn't fall back and support the Trap and then there was an obvious miscommunication because Raina swung out of the smoke while Cipher was getting away from it all of this has resulted in EG with the player advantage while aniri is trying to land some shots trying to even the odds she can't find anything but her teammates are finally here to start an unlikely on scary shark on site that's not what you want it's still a 43 they're kind of playing these really good crossfires on psych but the Flash oh no you got to be careful here because it's not planted for the spam for mound it's planted far deeper if you don't have the utility to really deny this you're just going to get the diffuse happening in your face that's exactly what happens sarbon has to go forward and Alexis's got the diffuse exactly what you're were saying like how is this team playing to so there was a team flash that went on and then the spike wasn't landed for Mound yeah that's the breakdown so SMG ended the half by cleaning up the following Eco round and then EG one their aim duels on a concluding the half at 9 to3 now I'm not one to throw in the towel but playing defense against four dualists is not going to be easy this comp was not supposed to get away with this many rounds on defense but the 93 Cur still exists right no it doesn't and look at what happened on pist in the first half it's going to be the same when they're attack and that's why they were playing so far back but now SMG pushing forward I'm sorry there's no hope I'm just showing you this last round so that you know what to do in case you ever play against a comp like this this is the first full by round and smg's plan is to take Mount control to start farming Phoenix's run it back in their 311 default while EG's plan is to chill out I guess yo guys wake up against four Duelists you should be trying to take some ground without an initiator it's going to be really difficult to reclear areas of the map and break up stron holds if you allow these animals to get close to sight for free I promise you're going to have a bad time and from the looks of it that's exactly what EG are doing they're not fighting for any space with one single Raina Lear SMG have taken Mound and then the orb and race has also taken be main with juster broot just look at how close the attackers have made it to both SES but wait it gets worse because no one has taken any Rubble space anir slaps her C on the wall and immediately clears out any potential Danger these four dualists have an open map all to themselves and I'm assuming because they don't want to run into Viper the attackers scale up asight take it for free and EG get embarrassed scary shark using the N they has a smoke the flash has already come out from Lori seem like they're waiting on some of the utility to push out Satchel in the face the second curveball comes through the snap from Alex is just filthy as another run it back comes through but Starbound is in a position where she should be able to punish and ARA on one it's all on Starbound Starbound Falls and the slaughter continues yeah you can't let this team just explode onto sights like this in the final round the defense did hold Rubble but then lost Secret by once again trying to duel the Duelists something you don't really want to do now if you want to see how to properly deal with a troll comp like this watch this video right here
Channel: Teets
Views: 356,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Teets, Pro Analysis, Valorant, Valorant Guide, Valorant Tips, Valorant Tips and Tricks, Valorant Pro Gameplay, Valorant Pro Breakdowns, Agent Guide, Agent Guides
Id: W1IObnM0onk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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