A Series With Tons Of Iso Tips And Tricks | Iso To Ascendant

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welcome to the very first episode of the iso to ascendant series a new series where I try to give you a lot of iso tips and tricks in this episode I'll be playing my first five placement matches so let's hope we don't get placed too low one thing before I start all these games are played on my main account I won't be making a Smurf and going from Iron to ascendant because I don't think that's fair for a lot of other players I got to the rank ascendant lost act and because it's the new season we all get a heart reset so I'm wondering where we're going to get placed in this episode let's open to the first game oh here we go the first game I'm going to be so Rusty my friends hello everyone in the first round the enemies were pushing a and immediately a big ISO tip if you hit your Q ability in the pistol round I would recommend to just go for body shots in this round I tried to go for KO head shots but I missed everything and if I went for body shots I probably would have gotten a kill over there oh I'm so Rusty I'm so Rusty things are different if you have an assault rifle like a Vendo or Phantom though if you hit your funer ability then I still would try to go for the head shots because it's just an insta kill however if you miss that head shot it's a nice backup to have and you can spray on the body breaking theming oh my god oh I forgot to use my e I'm going back to B one enemy remaining if your Shield is active there's nothing wrong with being a bit more aggressive just don't use the same ball as me because it's not a good wall okay that was very bad wall but we got him I think the best way to use your wall is to isolate the enemies and Force One V one battles a bit like I did in this round it was an Eco anyway so I decided to push out the smoke with the wall and look at that easy kill on race and sage and chamber weren't able to see me r ah it works we got one we got one in case you didn't know the iso ability setly don't open the bind teleporter doors no no teleport tricky this season something I didn't realize in my first game with ISO but I realized a bit later is that if you use your ultimate you should always be confident confidence is the first step of winning those 1 V one battles so don't be like me in this round oh no oh no oh no oh no no no no okay that sucks no worries Mr lowlander can happen let's go to the second half if you see a sage all the way up there keep in mind that you could go for the Crouch Peak and then she is a bit harder to see it's a fake e whoa who on top on top of the thing how is he so low what huh oh he crouched Ah that's why he oh my my bad my bad my bad nobody saw that and a few rounds later I managed to use my ultimate on Sage again this time with a bit more confidence let's go oh let's go that's it that's it I know how to play the old now yes my friends I think I found out how to play the iso timate in the most optimal way let me draw you something in paint if you're inside the iso ultimate I would recommend to slowly walk to either the left or the right and slowly peek around the corner until you're on the edge of the enemy's wall by doing this you either have a One V one battle immediately or if you don't see the enemy you know exactly what area of your ultimate the enemy is over here and a good thing your own wall is blocking that whole area so the enemy won't be able to see you until the walls are going down and then it's just a matter of flicking to the right I'm using this tactic in almost every ISO ultimate so I'll show you a lot more examples later this video now the big question though did we win the bind game whoa even though we had some cool shadow shots we lost in the end see we did not get the MVP and we got oh yeah of course let's go to the next one hello everyone an important ISO rule is that if you have your Shield activated you don't have to play aggressive this peak over there was unnecessary after I get the kill on Sage I should have just played safe and played with my team oh no this game had a bit of a rough start even though I made some kills the decision making of me in this game was just very bad like this round you shouldn't be peeking mid with the ghost over here I was very lucky that I got the kill oh I got him I got him I got him okay you remember what I said about the iso ultimate at the beginning of this video in this round I use the same tactic sneak slowly to the left or the right and get that kill ene ah I got him I saw his head do I need to here you know what let's just play it safe okay good luck Sage good luck Sage one enemy remain ah sneaking to the left man that's the trick that's the trick a few rounds later I had a nice wall lineup if you're standing in front of these blue boxes use your wall towards the tree and a good thing your wall goes down exactly at the point of the tree a good way to fake the enemies out but sadly I missed my shots oh no I should also another Tippy shooting the enemies should of course have the priority overshoot shoting your e ability orbs oh oh I almost okay I I should prioritize the enemies before my orbs there of course someone's going to repeat that you know let's go to the second half now here's an important rule for the attacker side on the attacker side the more of your teammates die the higher the chance that the enemies will push and lurk take this round for example I waited to catch the lurk nothing happened until a big portion of my team died in mid and that's the moment when the enemy race was going to push not this time race wow breaking down I think this is a very good way to use the iso wall use it on an open spot a main for example walk behind your wall and when the wall is about to go down use your Q ability and try to get a kill P them I know you want to I know you want to you know I'm here here I really should have walked back play with my team but instead last player oh no let's not do another one I died because I was very greedy okay now a very funny round in this round I made a plan I was going to use my ultimate on Raina that on purpose because I only had the ghost and Enemy at the fendal but my teammates could camp on the Raina spot and easy sight for us this was not what happened though everything about the plan went another way my teammates died on site I got a kill but I got killed by Omen because he was camping on my spot okay I'm going to die I thought my teammate would Camp them the Buddy oh I got him that's insane but I'm dead The Outlaw I didn't talk about this gun yet on this channel what's my opinion about this gun I think it's a very cool addition to fent it's a balanced gun and more options is always nice in the game off your Fe oh I got him with the new gun my first kill with this gun also if you want to counter any sniper player the Ray sels are your best friend one enemy remaining no what the what I head shot him no yeah Mr lowlander got to bit tilted after that round luckily I got some more Outlaw kills one of them in my ulti okay I have one shot that works but in the end we sadly lost the game let's go to the next one hello everyone in this round it seemed like all the enemies were pushing a but especially on Ice books It's always important to let one guy watch middle not this time you sneaky little Omen Omen is uh I think kitchen one enemy remaining if you're playing with ISO I don't think it's very smart to go with a sniper the main reason is that ISO doesn't really synergize with sniper rifles if you get a kill when your e ability is activated for example it's hard to shoot on your orb haha you greedy but Mr llander why do you play with the sniper then well the outlaw was new you know so I wanted to test the gun out also I hate it when this happens what how did this what was that one body shot anyway um let's move away from the snipers and go back to the fendal one enemy remaining woo when the enemy Omen is using his ultimate don't let the smokes fool you all that matters is using your ears and try to listen for that very low boom scatter I hit him spawn our spawn I hear you as you see at the scoreboard we were 5- Z ahead so easy win right well about that oh he's on the left last player last player I hit her I hit her yeah I guess the only tip I can give you don't backseat game even though you're very far ahead but no worries it's 55 we still can can win this oh what the heck how did I survive that I guess we're playing operator this uh game like I said earlier sniper not the best gun for ISO I should have dropped it to chamber but I mean who doesn't like to play with an operator so now and then let's do it oh it was all the way to the right second off we were pushing B and again one of the biggest ice tips that I can give you just because your Shield is active doesn't mean that you have to Peak aggressively I just should have played safe over here W what I had Shields oh the timing dude dude I should have walked back I got to be honest the rest of the game was pretty boring we ended up in overtime where this happened Focus oh I couldn't on oh I think it's okay I think it's okay no Mr lowlander it was was not okay because we lost the game in the end oh we're playing with Platinum I don't think we're getting in higher rank hello everyone okay okay Mr llander where are you with your head you need to focus on the game rule number one if you see a fper wall like this don't push through it I have no idea why I did thatle why did you push through do you guys also hear Ducks I'm living near a p I think that's the reason why anyway in the first gun round we went for an a split and I found out that the iso Shield is the perfect count against operator players I didn't expect that close oh was it an operator I think he showed me with an I'm not really sure if you noticed it by the first round but in this game I was a bit tilted and because of that I only made like four kills in the whole game and we lost in the end whoops okay we lost four games back to back I hope we win this last man man hello everyone I started up the first round with a big mistake if you're playing the post plan from hookah don't peek to the defender spawn you got to play time my friends or this might happen but no worries my teammates won the round so it was Spectre time honestly lighting up your ISO ball is harder than it looks I would recommend to practice the wall in some custom games just don't place it like me because in this round I should have placed it either more to the left or the right not in the middle of the container it basically was blocking nothing on side a few rounds go by and I got my ultimate again same tactic as always one thing you got to remember though is to shoot your orb after you get a Kill from then say oh he's also going oh I forget to shoot that thing every time before a round starts always look at the ultimates of the enemy especially if the enemy is called Brimstone and you're playing on bind because if the enemy got his Brimstone ready never go into lamps it's almost impossible to run out of it Focus now for help I'm ah but all good let's go to the second half your funer ability and your e Shield is so good in the pistol rounds my friends nice yo enemy remaining oh this e is so good in the first round something I like to do if you win the first round is instead of buying full armor with the Spectre is buying half armor with the Vendo just so that I have that fendo in the next round you know there's one very big down side of this though and that's that you can get one tapped with the sheriff oh what there's nothing bad with this type of buying though however I made a mistake if you are deciding to go with half armor and a fendal don't stand on head glitch Bots like I did I think it's time for a renge on Raina right you don't headshot me like that I can do that too okay now I want your opinion about something what agent is the best in one versus 5 I always thought it was Raina because she can dismiss and go away but after this round I might switch my opinion to ISO the thing is after each Raina this miss you need to run away and the enemies can follow you you know but the isoe is instant and that Shield is so strong if the enemies are pushing you one by one elbow elbow one begin nice down B ah I had no bullets anymore a Tippy for the iso ultimate on the defender side don't use your ultimate like at the start of round when just the barriers are going down but wait for the right moment when the enemies are planting for example take them off the side and easy win for you okay oh and in the last round of this game we got some really big leg spikes but somehow even with the leg we got kills not enough disappear how did I get those skills with this leg oh nice IAM play play we even got MVP I think maybe maybe let's see we did got MVP 1990 kills finally and we go to what rank Platinum three Platinum 3 I think oh that's fine that's good so my friends the journey starts with four losses one win Platinum threee let that road to ascendant begin
Channel: MrLowlander
Views: 100,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant, valorant iso, valorant iso tips and tricks, valorant iso speedrun, valorant iso to ascendant, iso to ascendant, iso tips and tricks valorant, iso tips, iso series, valorant iso series, valorant iso tips, valorant iso tricks, valorant iso guide, valorant tips and tricks, valorant tips, valorant tricks, iso guide valorant, how to play iso valorant, iso, iso only, valorant iso gameplay, iso gameplay, gameplay iso, iso competitive, how to play iso
Id: XSFvn_QzYz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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