How 1 Error Set the 800 Year-Old Notre-Dame Cathedral on Fire

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on Monday April 15th 2019 a fire broke out at the Notre Dame Cathedral at approximately 6:40 p.m. Paris time by early the next morning it would be extinguished taking with its centuries of French history the Cathedral first conceptualized in 1160 AD has seen the French Revolution the liberation of Paris and countless milestones across an area France has no other cathedral like Notre Dame the call to action was in so many ways inspiring support from wealthy patrons like Tim Cook Francois Henry Pinole had a French president Emmanuel macron that I share your pain your birthday's you see but I also share your hope who's ever met no fair we now have to admit as young and we will act not to mention the support from the community at large the fire will not be the end of notre Dom already work is being done to restore the cathedral to its former glory but the aftermath of this tragedy has left a lot to be discussed specifically what caused the fire what kind of impact will this have on not just Parisians but the rest of the world well folks we're gonna talk about all that today and more but before we go any further we're gonna be covering something new today an event that's unfolding in real time with that in mind we'd like to disclose that what is discussed in this video is subject to change there also be a few sensitive issues relating to culture religion and history this video is meant to be an unbiased account on a controversial subject with that out of the way let's get into it like usual we'll be starting at the beginning history is important after all especially something of this magnitude Nostradamus construction began work in 1160 at the request of Maurice de Sully the Bishop of Paris after deciding that the church that was already there was just not good enough for his standards talk about being humble well let's not be too hard on the guy he passed away in 1196 after only a portion of the cathedral had been completed at that point construction had already been going on for 36 years now you might be thinking huh 36 years is a long time to spend on a single building which is true it's also true that a hundred and eighty-five years is also a long time to spend on a single building yeah it wasn't until 1345 that the building was determined to be complete sorry Morrie our estimates were a little off on that one but hey at least you got to see the choir get constructed neat visuals may be one thing but the sounds of Notre Dame are just as noteworthy however it would be a few more centuries before the iconic Cathedral organs would be first installed by French organ builder Francois Henri Clicquot the organs wouldn't see any major changes until the modern age with the organ being computerized and digitally remastered for a new generation but we're not there yet we've still got a bit of history left including a moment that was kind of a big deal all right so the French Revolution where do we start during the end of the 1700s France had up until that point governed itself under a monarchy referred today as the ancient regime with the citizens being categorized under three different classes or estates they had their first estate the clergy the second estate in the nobles and third estate the commoners now one crucial difference between these three types of people wasn't just in the struggle and labor they endured but the way they were taxed to put it mildly the commoners had to work hard and pay much more in taxes on top of it that ruffled some feathers but what could someone do at a time like that well a group of intellectuals had a couple of ideas so many in fact they began to educate the commoners on matters of government law and society a period known as the Enlightenment during a low point in the country's economy King Louie the sixteenth had decided to increase taxes a little further this time the commoners weren't having it and so there was a revolution King was beheaded because the people decided that Kings were bad until a man named Napoleon Bonaparte came by and said yeah I hate Kings to say you know what we need an emperor in fact the Revolutionists hated Kings religion and other icons of the old age so much that they went to Notre Dame and headed many of the statues of Kings their course in retrospect the statues they desecrated were biblical Kings and not French Kings I guess they got caught up in the excitement of it all and just to drive the point home they essentially modified the entire Cathedral to be no joke a warehouse to store food and non-religious artifacts at least the new emperor made good on things by ordering the cathedrals reconstruction in 1801 reinstituting it as a place of worship though it should be noted that after the reconstruction the cathedral was still only about 50% of its former glory thankfully as we know there was still a lot of work to be done a few decades later in 1831 French poet and novelist Victor Hugo would publish the Hunchback of Notre Dom which became a smash hit at the time it brought the public eye back to the Cathedral which was as much a character in the story as it was a set-piece the novel is considered a classic and has been adapted many times since and while the Hunchback Quasimodo may have been the star of the show Notre Dame itself still just as much of the limelight Hugo clearly had an immense amount of admiration and respect for the Cathedral to quote it is difficult not to sigh not to wax indignant before the numberless degradation and mutilations which time and men have both caused the venerable monument to suffer which is a pretty poetic way of saying Danielle of this building it sure makes me sad that it's not being taken care of fortunately by 1844 King louis-philippe ordered a full and proper restoration of Notre Dom also yes were back to King's again history is neat the project was managed by two architects jean-baptiste Antoine Mathis and Eugene Violette Leduc with a construction period lasting 25 years a lot of major aesthetic improvements were also added during this process including a taller spire as well as sculpting some gnarly looking mythical creatures the structure would remain relatively untouched until the liberation of Paris where it would sustain some mild damages nothing too major a couple of new windows here maybe plaster over a bullet hole there and nothing you can't touch up in fact the damage was mild enough that no Saddam was in good enough shape to host a special mass to commemorate the liberation of Paris from the Germans at this point we've reached the home stretch toward the modern age the next major damage to new freedom would be well so here we are back where we started in the interest of full transparency at the time of writing the fire itself is still under investigation though it is largely believed to have started over a renovation mishap however it is worth reporting that the fallout and reaction of the incident has been while interesting to say the least with people declaring their own intuitions and concerns from a wide variety of sources for starters let's just get this out of the way and there are people that believe the fire to have been orchestrated rather than accidental speculation regarding this is and I want to make this perfectly clear unreasonable I'm all for getting to the bottom of a mystery that's kind of my thing but the fires origin isn't one of them not currently in any case but it's not unreasonable to suggest that the fire did occur during an intriguing point in time specifically during the month of April April is an important month for Catholicism while I'm sure some viewers appreciate the Easter weekend really needs to be driven home how important the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ is to the faith and to the same measure in Notre Dame you see nacho DOM is a very holy site and houses many treasured relics a full damage report is subject to change but to list a few of those treasures there's the great organ mentioned earlier the Notre Dame bells Quasimodo's pride and joy the lavish rose windows bronze statues of the twelve apostles who were thankfully away from the location for independent restoration and among so many other priceless artifacts is the cathedrals holiest of items the crown of thorns yes that crown of thorns the one believed to have been present during the crucifixion of Christ so sure let's entertain the idea that under certain circumstances the events surrounding the Notre Dame fire could be considered suspicious we'd be making a connection based purely on coincidence rather than cold hard evidence well it's easy to get swept up in the hysteria produced by a vocal minority it can lead to a viral like spread of misinformation and hostility which in the end leads us to the real mystery what happened with the fire I don't mean physically again renovation issues is what we're working with at present I mean with how we dealt with it what happens during the aftermath of the fire many were quick to point fingers and make accusations this isn't exclusive to just Notre Dom this is an issue we can spot in a number of places something big happens and there are hundred accounts or stories to accompany it say how many times have you heard this conversation I heard it was this Billy I heard it was that or yeah sure that's what they want you to believe well that's because there's nothing more exciting than a story especially one we're taking an active part in sometimes folks will get so wrapped up in a story that they'll begin making connections from an attempt to support their narratives I'd like to introduce you folks to a concept known as a canceling hypothesis one of the many logical fallacies logical fallacies are errors someone can make in their reasoning that when identified can break apart their entire argument in its purest form canceling hypothesis looks like this a is true B is why the truth cannot be proven therefore a is true but in practice it might look like the fire at Notre Dom was an inside job the reason we are hearing about the real truth is because those in power are responsible for hiding as much of this as possible due to the religious and cultural tensions of the present day see that's not even pulled from a headline I've just made it up look how easy that was now of course it's not fair to ask that everyone only accepts the truth at face value history is filled with examples of information being withheld to support an agenda Watergate is a notable example where information was hidden in order to support a political leader and I have to carry that burden with me for the rest of my life an example from today could be the Muller report regarding interference with the United States presidential election of 2016 and regardless of your opinion regarding those allegations it's clear that information is powerful and we don't always get to have access to the full story but how a response to a lack of evidence or manipulation of information shouldn't let our imagination wander it should instead be used to pursue more evidence more facts or as Palomar College instructor Bruce Thompson who coined the term canceling hypothesis says on his website remember that a fallacy is not defined as an argument with a false conclusion but an argument that we should not find to be persuasive since it runs a high risk of having a false conclusion here are the facts folks Notre Dame's fire was until proven otherwise the result of an error there is no definitive reason to believe another story and because there just isn't any evidence the damage was huge but many of the relics have been salvaged and the repairs to the structure are already underway there is an immense amount of financial support coming in from all across the globe and for the most part the community has been tremendously respectful in their treatment of the event so where does that leave us well we can only grow from here on out no Saddam will be reconstructed because if history has shown us anything it's that this Cathedral doesn't go down without a fight this event will be referenced by historians just as the French Revolution or the liberation of Paris is today on April 15th people around the world watched notre-dame burn there was for a moment a chance that's something that was always a part of our lives could suddenly be lost forever but the Dorson notre dam will open again soon enough and when it does there very well may be a lot of new visitors you know maybe I should start saving up for a ticket across the pond and maybe learn some French [Music]
Channel: Brew
Views: 460,590
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Keywords: notre dame, notre dame cathedral, notre dame paris, notre dame paris fire, notre dame cathedral fire, notre dame paris cathedral, notre dame paris cathedrale fire, notre dame fire, notre dame cathedral paris, solved mysteries, unsolved, unsolved mysteries, unsolved cases, mystery, unsolved mystery, investigation, investigate, theory, mysteries unsolved, mysteries solved, solved mystery
Id: FLVM0_23j-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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