Houseplant Tour | Full Collection Summer 2020

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what's up friends welcome to my channel if you're new here mine what's up friends welcome back to my channel if you're new here my name is pam and today i'm going to take you on a full tour of my entire houseplant collection if you've never been to my channel before i uh do occasionally cuss so this is this is your warning but it will be a joyful cuss because we're talking about house plants so let's get right into it let's kick it off in the room you guys usually see me filming in this is my bedroom that is my cat doing what she does best and i'll just give you a quick sweep around so over there is just a philodendron scandan's it is your standard green version and it will grow over there with very little light i do occasionally bring it back over to the windows for you know a month or so and then i'll move it around most of my plants do get moved around when i let go of the idea that they all needed to stay where they were forever it actually made having plants a lot more fun because rearranging them is actually pretty enjoyable however i do not recommend doing that until you have a handle on any pest problems this is a plant i get asked about a lot that is a calathea setosa i have also seen it sold as a tananthi so i don't really know which one the correct one is but i see it most often listed as a calathea it is pretty easy in my opinion it doesn't like direct sunlight and it can get very droopy when it's thirsty but overall it's a pretty hearty plant and as you can see it is huge something i mentioned in my last plant tour is that i always write on my tags where i got a plant and when i got it so that i know how long i've had something so these are you know the dueling tags for that plant and i've had it for about a year a little over a year this guy right here is a philodendron little phil and i'm loving how it's i'm turning it slowly so that it sort of wraps itself around the moss pole actually got that from josh's frogs a long time ago it was very small when i got it and then back here i have my ravens easy which is putting out some new growth which is pretty exciting so in here this is one of the magic cookie jars as adam from not dude calls them this right here is a monstera peru i actually had a tiny cutting i got a few cuttings from becca from becca de la plants and all of the cuttings just didn't make it except for this one and it was just this little nub for the longest time i think about probably almost a year it's taken to put this leaf out but it just started growing very excited about that and then i've just got some propagations in here this is a paelia peppermioides and over here is just a little watermelon peperomia propagation which you know i'm sure will die eventually when it gets older because i can't seem to keep that plant happy to save my life i can propagate it but i can't keep it happy this right here is a peperomia piccolo bonda this is another propagation actually these plants propagate like crazy like they just want to multiply it's amazing back here's one of my newer acquisitions and this one i can't say the name but i will put it on the screen for you but it is a jewel orchid and it is so freaking cool i love this thing i have to do a little more research on how to best keep it but for now it is in moss in a jar just to maintain a little humidity but not too much this is kind of the same thing with this it no longer needs the lid on where i was trying to get it to propagate once they grow i kind of leave it open and then they just have a little bit of extra humidity in there so on the table over here is my begonia starry nights i got this from steve's leaves and i absolutely love this begonia it is beautiful and this one kind of went dormant on me toward the end of the spring but then it perked right back up and is now looking like this a few months into its regrowth so that's pretty cool i'm cool with that you want to go sleep for a month that's cool so right here we have a calathea lancifolia this is the rattlesnake calathea and this one's just been hanging out on my night table for a little bit and then behind it i have a peperomia this is actually a propagation that i made from a bigger plant that i'll show you in a bit then here i have my raphodophora tetrasperma and this thing i don't know what's going on with it it's kind of like looking like this and that makes me real nervous like what is that it's not mosaic disease or something is it maybe one of y'all can tell me it looks real sad though and i don't know why it doesn't have pests i i just i have no idea what's going on with that plant frankly i feel like every airoid that i had a difficult time getting my hands on has been a total pain in the ass so good times and up here beside mr price is my hoya macrophylla that liara from lyra loves leaves on instagram sent to me you will see quite a few hoyas from miss lira she is very kind with her hoya collection so it's also a little bit dusty and then up just above we have a second round of blooms from my hoya lacunosa this is the cinnamon scented hoya supposedly i don't really think it smells like cinnamon though just my opinion and up here is one of my favorite plants i love this plant so much this is a cissus adenopoda and i got this from steve's leaves these are actually pretty tricky to track down i learned about them on submarine oaks channel because she has one and i just love them the leaves are so cool and this one kind of went almost completely dormant on me over winter but it did come back with the spring so i was very relieved i thought it was a goner and then down here hanging out with gaia we have a little rescue mini philanopsis orchid that i got from stop and shop it was on the clearance rack and it's put out three leaves since i rehabbed it i actually have a video on my channel about that you want to check it out right now it is just sitting in a sphagnum moss it was having i don't know i don't do as well with the bark chips because i'm not a good soaker waterer you need to remember to like kind of really soak those so that they actually get some water before it just drains out this is a little easier for me to maintain so i've had a lot better luck with orchids in just sphagnum moss and then back here this a very old christmas cactus is actually from a friend of mine it was her grandmother's christmas cactus so it's quite old quite old i'm struggling to remember how long but i think she said it was about 60 years old so that's pretty cool and this was a piece that had broken off her plant so she potted it up i have a lot of luck keeping my holiday cactus like in windows if they're like really just getting the weather and the sun of almost being outside i feel like they bloom pretty well for me when it's time for them to bloom and then i will take you through this little area this is mostly a north window so down here we have my manjula pothos which is actually just a really beautiful plant it's got quite a few almost white leaves like this and it's just always been very healthy since i got it so really big fan of that plant this is another peperomia scandan's this is the variegated version back here we have the literal only peperomia obtusifolia varagata that i have ever liked um this is actually sent to me as a gift as well houseplant heather sent this to me and when i got it she said she got me this one because she thought it was really pretty and she thought maybe it would change my mind on the plant and she was right this kind of spindly little babe back here is my philodendron bloody mary i think it was getting a little shaded out for a while so that's why it is so stretched out so i've moved it to a better position so that hopefully it gets a little bit more light and then this extremely tall philodendron in the back here is a philodendron irubescens and this one just kept on growing i love this thing it's one of my favorite plants because it's so tall and silly i may have to top it at some point and start propagating a piece of it just to manage it a little bit but right now i'm kind of enjoying seeing how far it will climb i actually picked this light up the other day for three dollars it's an led light and it's not as strong as like you know a fancy soltec light or anything but i thought for these lower light plants it might be just like a little additional boost at the end of the day that i can turn on and it's actually a pretty pleasant light so i'll let you guys know how that works out so this is a hartley fern and i've had it for about a year and a half and i've found that the key to the hartley fern is to never let it breathe the same oxygen as you and in here i have a pelleonia repens and it is coming back from being very very sad over winter and i really realize this is definitely a terrarium plant and it does not belong like the heart fern uh breathing oxygen with us however it does not like breathing no oxygen so i sort of just keep this slightly adjusted this is also my cat's favorite window so i'll just keep this you know like a jar like that a jar okay syngonium rai and um it's a little fussy it doesn't always seem very happy i've put it under glass and it seems to be slightly happier so i think this may be another one destined for the rehabbed fish tank terrarium i plan on doing in the near future and up here we have a skin dap pictus this is the regular version and then over here i have the silvery and variation and then over here you just have the standard devil's iv regular old pothos the golden pothos and my favorite picture of my son and some new artwork i got so this is the dining room i guess the main room the middle room of my apartment um this is where most of my plants are so let's do it just so you know a few plants will be missing because i'm repotting them in a video in a little bit so you guys will see them then okay so up here that is twiggy not all my plants have names but i've had that one for a super long time that is my bachera aquatica it's uh aka chinese money plant i think and i got that in a four inch pot a long time ago and it just grew into a tree and it's definitely one of my plants i would grab if my house was on fire so and down in twiggy's pot i just have this paelia peppermints this is my big plant and that's just hanging out down here i just moved it over here so it's still leaning from its last not as great spot and then back there i have a haworthia that is rooted into that pot just because i clipped the top of a plant off and i just kind of stuck it there because it just didn't feel like dealing with it and it rooted so i'm just going to leave it alone for a little bit and then i'll repot it eventually so right here i have my philodendron burley marks and this one was not growing for a super long time and it is just now starting to put out some leaves so that's pretty cool and then this right here is my philodendron prince of orange i've had this since it was a tiny little starter plug from josh's frogs and same with this philodendron moonlight i think i think it got a little sunburned right there i'm not too sure what happened there this is my very dusty from being in a window um christmas cat actually this is a thanksgiving cactus i just got that from walmart a couple years ago and it's looking pretty rough because it was uh sitting in a window collecting pollen for a few months i just moved it here so i got to give it a shower and clean it up still all right here we have my othello coleus this is one of my favorite plants it is gorgeous no explanation needed just look at that thing and yes i do keep it over winter i have a whole video on coleus if you need help maintaining one indoors i got you covered and right here is a goldfish plant and it's a little sparse because i kind of up potted it a little too much but it's slowly growing and filling in and i just put it in this window and it was not quite getting as much light so i think it'll do a little better there we'll see and then over here is another rescued philanopsis orchid from the grocery store is just starting to put this leaf out it put this one out over winter and it's really growing into the pot i have it in so hoping that that one will bloom for me again someday so this up here is either a hoya ds-70 or a bilobata i'm not too sure what the correct one is but i got that you know just like at a box store like about a year ago but it's a nice healthy and thick plant it's been growing since i got it so pretty happy with that one more peperomia scandans this is a spider plant that came off of the mama over there which we'll get to so we have a haworthia tussolata which i just cut all the dead flowers off of it's flowering like crazy it's got all these little pops coming off the side of it so it uh it looks somewhat dead but it is uh doing things it's doing things this cactus here i just got this at lowe's um i don't actually know exactly what kind of cactus it is i think it's a barrel cactus but it's been pretty happy right under the grow lights here so that's my first like spiky cactus so i figured i needed to have one so there it is if you've been watching my channel you may recognize this is the hoya obscura that i just got in the mail from the wonderful giovanna very excited to have that and i'm curious to see if these will get the red leaves under the grow lights because they seem to simulate the sun for most plants over here i have a couple of lithops i did have there was one more in this pot but um i followed some rigid advice with plants which never do you know i mean it's good to get advice from pros but i didn't listen to pros listen to the internet and i killed one of my lithops so now i water them when they look like they need water instead of following some weird seasonal schedule that my plants are not on so i have those in here with just a little a little broken piece of a succulent there and back here you may recognize this from my land terrarium build with aaron deathly the nepenthes is doing quite well in there it lives on a fine diet of fungus gnats thanks to some of the recent purchases that i've made for terrariums and unfortunately the sundews did not take well to being pulled apart and they they have passed on and i absolutely did not maintain the moss nor did i manage to keep it wet enough to keep it alive so that's why this looks a hot mess but the nepenthes is fine and the panties is doing well it's growing growing a little bit right there so could be worse and back here these guys need a little water in their tray but these are the two saracenias that were sent to me by accident um for my birthday from aaron and i actually got the corrected plants later on so we'll get to those but if you just saw my recent mail unboxing these are the saracenias that i received in error and they're doing okay under the light here i do need to figure out some kind of bog garden and maybe put them outside so hopefully we can get to that before they pass on but they're doing okay so far and here is igaroth that's my son named him igarith i think um and it's doing fine just doing pretty good these are the venus fly traps um they definitely like this light that is definitely enough light to make them grow and keep them happy get nice red middles there and it's been growing like crazy since i picked it up see the carcass of a son of a fungus gnat there yeah yeah that's what you get somebody must be trying to exert their rights somewhere this is my string of bananas and it is doing it pretty well over here it gets a little mix of the eastern sun as well as the grow light and i keep it kind of off to the side so it's not directly under the grow light so that seems to be where it's happy same for this right here this is a crassula perforata i believe yeah and that's doing pretty well over here too i actually when i received this one of the tops had broken off so i planted it and it's made like 50 little tops since then so pretty cool plant okay moving right along i hope you guys are still with me here is a peperomia rotundifolia which is possibly one of my favorite latin names this is the peperomia hope and i know a lot of people have trouble with this one but i've never really had too much problem with mine so i just kind of treat it like a succulent i water it probably a little bit more than a succulent but you can really tell when these leaves are starting to to lose their firmness and then you know you can water it then i just try not to let it get too bad but yeah for the most part it's been pretty easy for me this right here is a somewhat unknown hoya lyra from lyra loves leaves again um provider of many of my hoyas she sent this up to me and she thinks it might be a hoya david kamingiai kamenji cummings gi i her brain's already tired so she thinks it might be that david cummings guys hoya was just a few leaves when she sent it up to me and it's it's just killing it right now this is another hoya from lira this is a hoya cartesia and this one sat doing nothing for a very long time over winter and it is now just starting to grow which makes me very happy because you know it's not i'm not happy until a plant i get grows like one new leaf and then it's like it's mine you know i know i'm not alone in that so here is my hoya astralis this is the one that i got that came with free mealybugs that was the best unfortunately it was just those two i didn't ever see any more on this one and um i've now integrated it back in with the other plants i feel pretty safe about it i literally just put it here yesterday so it's probably been in quarantine for like two months now kind of like us don't mind my ugly cordage back there i got to figure that out i i don't know who puts a outlet up there on the wall but whatever um so this is my begonia black mamba this was also a lovely and generous gift vanessa sent this up to me dirty roots on instagram so kindly cut off some of her plant and it has been doing wonderful right here just getting the diffused light from the grow lights not really catching any bright light from anywhere so uh so far so good so right here is a hoya rosario way i think is how you say it there you go there's the name for you and um this one is in a bag because it also came with mealy bugs different greenhouse same kind of the name of the game with hoyas from what i understand but i mean this to me is how it came and this looks like a damage i mean i would have checked this plant before sending it out because almost every leaf looked that way it has put out some more leaves since i got it so it's doing fine once again i haven't seen any more mealies since that first little sighting of them so i'm sort of leaving the bag mostly shut but not all the way just to keep her problems to herself i wouldn't recommend something like this for like spider mites or any other kind of pest but with mealy bugs i you know if it's just one or two that you've spotted i i would it's probably best to keep it away from your other plants but i've had this in the bag away from other plants for about a month and now you know now it's kind of sitting here with the other plants but still isolated under here we have a little bonsai ficus ginseng and i got it because it looks like a sassy lady lounging from a certain angle you gotta there it is i actually got this and it came with spider mites but we cleared it up it's doing well i think i need to come in here and probably prune it because i think that's how bonsai works i don't didn't really think that one through to be honest with you got a variegated string of hearts here i actually got one small little strand of this attached to a regular string of hearts so it must have gotten pulled off another plant and i've just been slowly propagating it since so this is what we're up to about two years later i'm not the best at string of hearts but i can keep them alive and growing they're just not always living their absolute best life so we're trying new things we'll see how it goes i think maybe i should stop putting them in these two but you know since when since when isn't that an issue and then there's also a little air plant tucked in there i'm not totally sure on the latin name of that one i'll put it on the screen i've got a hoya compacto varagata over here this is the hindu rope like once again lira sent this to me which is just amazing because this is a hard to find one and it's just starting to grow new leaves now it didn't really do a whole lot for the first like maybe six months that i had it but it is growing now baby and this right here is a philodendron royal queen this was another sweet gift from cody from the plant channel he has an awesome plant shop that you can check out if you follow him i'll put his information on the screen and he gets his hands on some very awesome plans and he sent this to me as well as and that little guy over there that we'll get to we'll get to all right down here i've got one of my pots of monstera silta picana the black begonia back there is a begonia hollows eve this is a cutting from my grandmother's cow and cowies that are starting to finally look a little happier they came pretty beat up but we're working on them and here is one of my moss globe propagation globes so in here i have a peperomia meridiana i have a peperomia piccolo bonda and sitting inside of it who are you oh you're a mikans and then in there is just a little piece of philodendron mikins that fell off when i was repotting mine last week so i just tucked it in there to see if i could get it to root i really love propagating this way it looks super cute first of all and it seems to work really well for peperomia so i just have one of those little clippy grow lights down here on this bottom shelf because it wouldn't have gotten enough light otherwise this is a peperomia capparata this is the silver ripple variety and this one looked terrible for a little while it was just starting to come back pepperoni i definitely like these kind of low level grow lights they do pretty well with just the little cheap grow lights so if you're having trouble with your peperomia give that a shot keep in mind that peperomias are usually summer dormant so if they're not doing a lot right now don't worry about that and this is my original pepperoni meridiana plant i got just the saddest mess of a plant from josh's frog so it's it's always been a little dr seussy but we're working on it i'm just propagating pieces of it as it grows all silly and dumb back here is another recent acquisition this is a begonia lipon from steve's leaves love this plant it is so cool looking this is a propagation that i made that i'm quite proud of this is a propagation that i made from just a few cuttings of lace flower plant that i rooted inside of a washed out plastic tub from a hummus that i you know recycled to use as a propagation container i do have some videos about that i will um link that below if i remember just a tiny little propagation of lace flower and i think i put maybe three or four of them in this pot and it's just grown so beautifully and it did just finish flowering and see there that it's just finished up it might actually be morph yeah that looks like there's more flowers coming too so very excited about that actually like this more than the original plant that i made it from back here is another peperomia i for some reason can never remo genie is it pepperoni and ginny i think um i can never remember the name of this pepper romeo but i'll put it on the screen so i got this as a gift from my friend kristen um for my birthday or something one year i can't remember why she sent me plants but you know just because she's a nice lady okay so that is the whole ikea shelf moving on got a couple mixed pots of coleus there the red coleus i've had for god like 10 years or something now um i do have to like keep taking cuttings and like remaking pots of it because it does get leggy and crappy indoors eventually um so that's kind of my one of my secrets to coleus but once again i have a video about that if you're curious down here is a begonia taconite and this one is super cool too it gets these really big leaves that have a cool shift to them and the undersides the ab axial sides are red super neat that is a bird's nest fern down there and it's much happier here than it was in the bathroom where i had it for a while it was constantly getting bumped and people would throw their towels on the hook and the towel would beat it up and stuff so it is much happier since i moved it out here so it's nice to see that one looking shiny and nice again over here is a dracaena or sansevieria cylindrica this one it's got the brown brown tips and stuff i actually kind of had this pushed back and didn't water it probably as much as i should have which that's impressive for a snake plant but you know this is supposedly a silver sword philodendron i think it's kind of just some sort of weird cultivar but because some of the leaves were misshapen but they are starting to look a little bit more like they're supposed to now that it's finally growing so we'll see how it looks in a few months but i got that from peppers and they were selling it as like a silver moonlight philodendron so whatever that is so san severia or dracina zelendrika and then we've got a begonia whitey eye right here angel wing begonia this one and you know we've had some struggles this plant and i uh come back and died back and come back and died back but for right now seems to be doing okay of course we have the beautiful monstera elbow that rachel from heart-shaped leaves sent me and she is doing fine definitely rooted in there now you can tug on it and she's in there so very happy about that apologies for the grow light color here friends so i have a couple more of these little propagation globes this one has some hoya cartesia eye paleo pepperminties we've got some more back there so back there is a dracaena samurai or sansevieria samurai i got that from becca de la plants and we did a plant swap for some reason i am completely blanking on the name of this plant hopefully i'll remember it can't remember the name can't remember the common name where i got it nothing this is a piece of my grandmother's all green spider plant so this is like the the og spider plant i'm very excited about this it was looking a little sad when i got it but like most spider plants it's pretty hearty so it perked right back up and i have it in here so my cat can't eat it because he will up a spider plant so in here i have the somewhat sad looking uh return of my sisis discolor i put it under glass and chopped it up and it is definitely growing but it doesn't seem to be super happy so i think it probably needs a repot it might need more air than it's getting i might need a little less light i i don't i'm not too sure do you have any ideas let me know these plants are difficult and they bum me out this is a cutting from my grandmother's christmas cactus so i got a couple little growth points in there pretty happy about that so baby air plants from lira baby cal and cowie's from lira this is a baby peperomia propagation that i'll probably just give to somebody here's my philodendron brandy from cody it's doing all right it might have some kind of leaf spot issue going on i'm kind of i'm watching it i'm watching it just in case down here we have a recovering begonia autumn ember this was one of my most beautiful begonias and it fell i think three times in one week somehow it was pretty unbelievable um and it's just now starting to come back and once again like these kind of begonias are just they're pretty tough so here are a couple of plants from my childhood best friend she passed them on to me when she moved to texas uh a bazillion years ago so i've had them for probably like 15 years and then she had them for quite a few years before that but they have a sansevieria and dracaena laurentii and then this is just an aloe plant this is actually a pop off the bigger plant that i have from her and then i have some lucky bamboo back here this is a thank you gift for photographing a friend's wedding and then up here is your standard green zz plant philodendron micans which i recently repotted into this wally grow loop planter so far it is really happy i think between the grow light and the planter it is just like so much happier than it was in a clay pot hanging in another window so pretty happy with that decision my daughter made those for me when she was in like kindergarten or something if you ever wondered why those were there very sad ruby cascade peperomia i don't know what happened with this it was very happy until very recently the bottom down here i think it's just not getting enough light up here because the bottom seems pretty happy and that's catching the grow light so i may have to move this into the window because it was a lot happier before i know a lot of people have trouble with these so i won't beat myself up too much plus i have it in a clay pot and they actually need a little bit more water than most pepperoni is like right now i can tell this is floppy it needs to be watered well i just watered it before i started but it's still floppy so up here we have your standard aglionema this is the maria variety it's actually putting off a little pop over here filling in and it just flowered and just flowered up there this is one of my first house plants that i got and i you know aglio nemas are pretty underrated they really are they they're good sturdy plants they don't need a lot of light and a lot of them are very pretty so back there i have a very leggy peperomia obtusifolia that i think is either reaching for the light or is just uh maybe it just grows like that but i think perhaps it's not getting quite as much light as it needs up there because it's getting quite tall during its supposed non-growing season this is a little sock monster that my friend made for me there is the original lace flower plant and when i got it it was pretty goofy from josh's frogs it was like a long vine so that's why this plant isn't quite as even and lovely as the one that i made from propagations but you can see this one is about to bloom as well i wish it was open so i could show you we've got a dope xerographica air plant right here love that thing it's a very curly right now because it probably needs to be watered desperately so we're gonna do that when i'm done doing this so that is that little area right there and just swinging around to in front of the window this is my philodendron from the greenhouse down the road i'm still not entirely sure which philodendron this one is so this actually came from a greenhouse with a huge thematophyllum a biped i almost got there guys um but so i'm not sure if this was like a propagation from that giant plant and it's not actually a philodendron or if it's a philodendron little hope i i'm not i'm not totally sure i think it's a philodendron though but i don't know i've had it for a while it's always been pretty floppy like this and it never looks totally happy but it is light years better than it used to be okay here we have the solitary leaf of a recently back from dormancy um alocasia amazonica so that is one pretty leaf right there this is a one of my maranta lemon limes i have cuttings from this all over my house these things are prolific and right here and then right here is one of my favorite monsteras this is a piece from the grocery store pot of monsters that was actually like four plants that i broke up in my planty kindness video you can see how big the leaves are they're huge and it's just growing very nicely on the moss pole all in all very attractive specimen i'm pretty happy with that one and then we have big mama here not as attractive but glorious nonetheless so here is the little pile of plants i use to hide the unattractive heating hole in my wall from the heater that will be being replaced this fall so hopefully i'll get something a little more attractive but for now we're just hiding it with plants so here is my giant monstera i inherited a piece of that from a broken up older plant that a friend got a hold of the plant had been allowed to vine so it's actually been kind of hard to get it to go upright because it really wanted to just fall all over the floor but slowly we're training it i need to get some more cocoa to wrap the rest of the pole so that it doesn't look quite that stupid but yeah that's that's a big mama i've had her for probably about eight years now i think and then that is the big spider plant my mom gave me and i really like how that looks right there hopefully my cat leaves it alone and then this is a peace lily over here this is one of the giant peace lilies which i think are highly underrated plants they have these big awesome leaves they're super easy to take care of they're thirsty as hell all the time but i mean who isn't they're basically like is the smaller cuter bird of paradise for people who don't have enough sun for a bird of paradise and i almost forgot this window up here here i have a just starting to bloom hoya shepherdii and i know it looks like a kentiana but it's not it's a shepherdy eye if you look at the blooms that's how you can tell so it was actually labeled as a kentiana when i bought it but it's not so this is actually the second round of blooms on this one as well and tragically i missed the bloom on this for the plant tour which bums me out but this just had a nice big bloom on it this is a curly lipstick plant that my mom gave me a piece of hers that's doing really well i actually just put this here so we're gonna see how it does this is like a northeast window so like east is here north is over here so it's about a northeast window and it's it's probably one of the better windows in the house for plants and i just have a philodendron brazil right up here all right so we'll back up so there you go that is the it's a big plant room with the most plants in it if you're still hanging in here you are a champion and we don't have very much more to go okay so now we are i'm sorry if it's echoey in here this is the room where i keep my grow lights and my rabbits and all my pet supplies so it's kind of a it's not it's not the most aesthetic of rooms so so this is my western window it gets like just a touch of southern light but mostly it's a western window so the plants on this side will get a skim of that southern light they get just a little bit more than the plants on this side so you'll notice the difference in plants from side to side here i'm just trying to keep these things in mind while i'm designing what i want the plants to look like you also have to keep in mind their needs so these are my higher light plants over here so you might recognize this one if you watch the unboxing of my grandmother's heirloom plants so this is a bromeliad and this actually came right out of the ground at my aunt's house she inherited all of my grandmother's plants when my grandmother passed away and you can see it is putting off a puff so this one you know it looks obviously a little banged up and stuff but that was very clearly because it was working on putting out this guy so very excited to have this little heirloom plant from my grandmother and then underneath it is the this is the aloe plant that i told you guys about um earlier that my best friend passed on to me when she moved and then it actually has a few pups in there that also came in the package full of my grandmother grandfather and aunt's plants so those belong to them back there this is another piece of that sansevieria that my friend left me before she moved as well this table used to belong to mike's dad and he him and all his friends carved in it it's pretty cool so this is my peperomia my watermelon pepperoni peperomia sandra ci i thought it was uh algeria did they change that so um i expect this will die like the other one i'm not good at this plant i um i give up after this one so yeah i've watched all the videos on this plant and i don't know i just don't get it i just don't get it and over here is the soul surviving piece of my grandmother's umbrella tree right here is the only surviving cutting from my grandmother's umbrella tree from that package so hopefully uh that eventually becomes a whole plant we'll see but if not i have this little plant and there's more where it came from so i might have to try again right here is my alocasia louder bakiana this is the purple sword i think is what it's called um alocasia and i've never had this many leaves on this successfully so i think i finally found the window that it likes and that's very exciting this is a piece of a old heirloom christmas cactus that i purchased off of etsy so this one's about almost 40 years old so it's just a cutting from somebody else's plant i went through a moment where i just needed to have a bunch of different kinds of christmas cactus in case you can't tell so i have several other varieties over here that bloom all different colors another one up here up front over here out of the direct light my god are you gonna die why do you look so bad um what the are you called antherium clarinet and then right here out of the direct light i have my antherium clarinervum i won this in beccadela plants and plant that plants instagram giveaway like a while back was before i knew becca it's always basically had two leaves one nice one and one deformed one here is the deformed one but it's putting out another leaf and to be doing a lot of work down here so i'm hoping to have a nice full plant like everybody else soon back here is another um piece of that big monstera this one is going to my friend ross when i get a chance to get that to him so that is his monster back there this pot is a queen of the night serious cactus and it actually contains two gifted cuttings of the same kind of plant so one came from lira and one came from my friend shannon and right here is my alocasia maharani i just got this from ill exotics not too long ago so far it's doing all right no sign of a new leaf just yet this is the antherium fingers that i got from aaron from my birthday recently antherium padada radiotum i think is how you say it this is another cutting of the silver satin potos and this is my pepperomir metallica i think that this one might need to go in a terrarium it's not doing super great out in the air right now but it's it's still growing so i'm not giving up hope yet i think it actually needs some water and then i have an asparagus fern just hanging over here for right now i don't know what i'm doing with that yet so that's that table right there and then i just have some plants under my grow light over here that did not really have good window space so i popped them under the grow light and i turned this this is another hidden harvest this is his a bigger bigger model hidden harvest light so that's kind of pot growing strength and i have another chunk of that coleus under here some recovering sansevieria from my aunt that i think this one might have gotten rained on a bunch in the window and i think it overwatered itself without me actually doing it on purpose and then here we've got a funky looking rickrack cactus right here that i just popped in this pot and stuck under here because you know needed somewhere to put it i have to get rid of some plants you guys and then i've got a recovering peperomia back there that seems to be liking this spot under the light a dope euphorbia back there that lyra sent me you can see all of the new growth on it so it seems to be happy under the lights as well sarah as holy eye aka out on sonia and this i think i may have triumphed over it it was being a real bastard so i cut its head off and i stuck it in a pot and made a bed a much more effective plant you can see where it was still being a bastard down here and i yeah i propagated it and i kept it in this ikea greenhouse for a long time and just let it recover and grow and now it is quite happy so i think i might actually be able to keep one of these alive and then in the little recovery greenhouse this is sort of my plant hospital there is a hoya that came with mealy bugs from logee's i got this when i met submarine oaks and it is just it's just it's just not a happy plant uh it did recently grow this mess here so i don't know but we'll see this here is some propagations of that peperomia ginny in the other room weirdly none of them have variegation so that's interesting this is my calathea freddy which was always pretty happy but it's definitely in need of a repod it needs a plastic pot so it maintains its water better and for now it's just recovering in here because it was getting a little sad once again another begonia that just sort of died back and is now coming back seems to be pretty happy in here and then this is the pitcher plant that aaron recently sent me i'm just keeping it in here for humidity purposes for now it needs a new terrarium home so eclusia plant that i recently hauled and i still love it i'm keeping it under the strong the stronger grow light because i was told that it likes very strong light so it's hanging under here with my peppers and stuff this is and this is the last of the tomatoes that i started from seed because as of maybe three weeks ago you could still get away with starting some quicker varieties and then i've got a mint and a purple basil in here just ready to go into some pots outside if anybody's wondering about the cacti seedlings here they are they did take a spill onto the floor and it was very traumatic and awful but i did replant them all and they seem to be doing okay so fingers crossed they do okay and i didn't kill them all so yeah that is the pet slash plant room okay last room guys it is my crumbly wall falling apart bathroom don't judge me we are redoing it asap it's just expensive and i shouldn't have to do it because i rent but you know it is what it is we rent in the city uh so we get what we get we don't get upset this is a euphorbia terracoli i guess how you say it and um i think i picked this up at logee's at some point um it's been okay it's definitely grown a lot of little leafy things hasn't done a whole lot since i got it so see how it goes here is a black coral san severia this is another sweet gift that one came from houseplant heather i have another air plant back there this one's a little beautiful but it's doing all right i need to water those this is the original cutting of the hoya bilobata that i purchased shortly before realizing that there were whole pots of them at lowe's and that i probably bought a piece of one of those so good times this is your regular old red antherium up there if you guys didn't know these turn green to help with photosynthesis during the winter time i see a lot of people asking about that but that's why they turn to green because they're trying to get the plants some more food essentially and then when the summer comes and there's more light they can go back to being red so fun fact for you this is one of two stag horn ferns i have in here that i would like to eventually mount this is a particularly lovely cutting from my marble queen pothos we've got the og wide form monsterass holy eye here one of two staghorn ferns that i have in the bathroom and here is a particularly lovely cutting from my marble queen pothos with my mother plant of my lemon lime maranta very beautiful got crunchy leaves see i didn't even fix everything up guys i'm keeping it real here my leaves get crunchy too got another cutting of the marble queen down there here is another pachira aquatica dusty ass cheer aquatica juice bryce pam i'm so very sad oh this is this is what this is what having children is like my god so difficult okay there we go so i'm very very sad that this begonia is in this state because this has always been one of my favorite plants my most perfect and beautiful begonia i think it's just i think it's getting a little tired so it's starting to get a little droopy i don't know what's going on i haven't changed anything it's kind of been in the same spot but it's still really beautiful but it was just less droopy before but this is a begonia harmonies passing storm and this is by far one of the most beautiful begonias pretty it's pretty easy to take care of too you know i'm starting to understand why this plant looks a little beat up all of a sudden what do you guys think this is my absolutely enormous hoya crimson princess i don't remember where i got this i think it might have been the crappy nursery down the road but um look at this thing actually i got this at a box store it is so big it is constantly putting out new growth and vines and all kinds of mess and it's never bloomed one time it touches me every time i come in here and it blocks out eighty percent of the light from the window but it just it just will not bloom yet we will see so up here i have a shamefully unkempt um peperomia flora bunda so on this shelf i have a hoya pubic helix another string of hearts this one's a little happier uh staghorn fern very sad begonia this is the begonia jolly silver and this one has been basically miserable since i got it i think this would be much happier in a terrarium i have just a little talanzia in here don't buy my crappy wall pain i have another monstera siltabakana up there and that big old neon philodendron is just there temporarily i need to put that back up somewhere and then weave the vines in but it's there for now because it just had a shower but there you go there's the bathroom and that is the final room i do keep just a couple plants in my kitchen window that i move when i cook because anything i keep in this kitchen unfortunately gets covered in grease because for some reason no one thought to put a grease hood in over the oven so everything in my kitchen gets wrecked but this is a peperomia quadrilangularis and this is a really good find i found this at home depot or lowe's or something only been tricky to keep happy this was a much fuller plant but i lost a lot of the branches but so far we're doing okay and it is flowering so i think we're out of the danger zone and in my crappy old window here i just have a couple oxalas plants and then my century plant from my aunt and then just a little burrow's tail here and that's uh that's pretty much it another string of hearts another sansevieria and then we've got this plant right here that is always sad always blooming pull these off if you see them they smell like feet and your plant is trying to die so we're going to pull that off not a huge this plant is gorgeous but it is a pain in the ass let me tell you total pain in the ass okay now we're really done did you make it all the way to the end let me know leave a little leaf emoji down below i need to see who the serious plant addicts are in this crowd thank you for sticking all the way to the end i hope you enjoyed this plan for and i will see you in the next one [Music] babylon
Channel: Pam's Pretty Plants
Views: 80,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2020 houseplant tour, Houseplant tour, Houseplant collection, Indoor jungle, large houseplant collection, philodendron collection, hoya collection, rare houseplants, houseplant care tips, pams pretty plants
Id: jOktvAmhVNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 27sec (3447 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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