HOUSE TOUR | The Perfect Hamptons Cottage with Gorgeous Gardens

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a big thank you to squarespace for sponsoring today's homeworthy tour you're watching homeworthy where we believe every home has a story like and subscribe for more hello homeworthy i'm michael welcome to our east hampton home come on in [Music] hello i'm michael gianelli i'm the owner of east hampton gardens which is a luxury garden store in the village of easthampton i live here with my partner greg shadow who is an interior designer and our dog harper i was the senior vice president of design for victoria's secret and that's where i decided when i turned 50 that i would end my career in fashion and so what i did was i took my passion which is gardening and turned it into a business so i bought a lovely mom-and-pop nursery in the village of east hampton we rebranded it renovated it greg did the interiors of the store and now we kind of have a luxury boutique garden design firm in the village my partner is an interior designer so i have the luxury of working with him and we have a very stringent agreement he owns all the decisions for the interior of the property and i own all the decisions for the exterior so it avoided a lot of uh arguments so greg um he came up with the whole palette the fabrics everything based on sort of a coastal sea glass obsession that he has so um i can take you through that collection later but he used all the colors of the sea glass to inspire the interiors of the home when you enter the home we had renovated where the front door was off center and so we had to center the front porch we added a beautiful brick and stone entry and then when you enter the home you actually enter into this really pretty living room so this is my coffee spot and every morning i make my coffee i come in i sit in one of these low chairs because they are a vintage chair that greg uh found at home nature in southampton and redid them in sort of a chanel-like boucle so they're quite beautiful because they're khaki with a little bit of seafoam green which are great and they have a curved back which is really nice because it's comfortable in the morning i feel like i'm getting a little bit of a hug with my coffee so these are my favorite chairs they're absolutely great a lot of the home is based in sort of a sand khaki neutral with sort of a sea foam green uh sea glass color and then he accented the whole thing with these blinko lamps which are really pretty so um as we go around the room these are just sort of a classic blinko shape in the beautiful like royal blue glass and what's great is on a sunny day the sun will come through these windows and the blue is reflected off onto the floor and everything so when you enter the home you're greeted sort of by this beautiful console that we found at english country antiques in bridgehampton and what we've done is curated a small collection of curiosities so we collected some beautiful vintage um seascapes and we always love to like do a collection of an item whether it's like the seascapes or florals or things like that and then rounding it out like i used to travel to europe all the time so we've collected some you know the hermes trays these shells are always found on the beach during my beach walks with harper so we you know i bring them home and the the colors always work so well and the natural textures are like super inspiring so this is a collection of um shells that i collected with my grandmother down in florida so she used to live in port charlotte and we would go to boca grande beach and just go shelling and it was like a really nice time to like hang out with her and just really be with her so these are all from her house and when i decorated when greg we started decorating the house we would layer the shells in and then my mom and dad would come to visit and my mother would always like want to steal them back so every time she sees these she gets really annoyed but um we've introduced them into her house as well so we have those and then funny story is greg was in paris and he got me some cute things there um but these little um dishes are hysterical because my friend jed has this amazing antique store in east hampton and he has a very eclectic home so when i go there i shoplift and i take a few trinkets and he doesn't even know yet and he's been to my house like seven times so um hopefully he won't see that and then greg worked with stephen gambrell for a long time so when he started his career he interned there with steven and greg was in fashion like i was and in 2009 decided he was gonna have a great career change he went back to school got an internship with stephen gambrell and um then launched his own career so these lamps stephen would always make and greg just had one made it's a vintage i guess it's a vintage wine bottle or liquid bottle of some sort and he had a huge burlap shade made for it which is really great so this is always people come in and they're always like where did you find a lamp of that scale so greg has these made for his clients as well this was an original 1920s fisherman cottage and needed a ton of work so it was a very small cottage sitting on a beautiful double lot but it had overgrown trees it had you know the driveway went all the way around the house and ended in our pool house so there was no landscaping and there was nothing to the home it was probably untouched since the 1950s the best part about the home is the way the garden and the interiors interact we when we renovated it we added a lot of windows and a lot of doors and the light really opened up the space so i can enjoy my gardens from the interior and what i love about the space is we use all of the rooms so not there's nothing that's like a dining room that's never in use or you know a sunroom that's always for show but we use these all season we're gonna go into the sun room now and the original house had a wall here and there were two windows so when we renovated uh we decided that we would add this big sun room in so we did a double height which is something that greg and i are always somewhat against but really going from a lower ceiling height and going into sort of a double height ceiling really gives you a different atmosphere so when you come into the sun room greg designed this with um martin was our architect and they came up with this idea which was gonna be ceiling at first have a high ceiling and then a studio above and then greg was like no we're just gonna do one big double height um sun room so what we did is we added french doors and the side windows to really open up the view to the backyard we added in a beautiful porch there and then a bank of windows across the front that looks out into the front garden so you really get the element of sort of the front and back gardens within the sun room it's one of our favorite rooms in the house it has a very beautiful fireplace with a very clean mantel we argue all the time whether it should stay a wood burning fireplace or it should go to a gas fireplace and since i'm in charge of making all the fires greg thinks it's probably safer just to have a gas fireplace so i don't burn the house down but i've managed to get it well because when i first started making the fires the the smoke alarms would go off all the time and the dog would freak out and go hide um but now i've got it down so greg designed these built-in bookshelves and he's curated and collected all of these books that friends of ours make fun of because they they just naturally go with the surrounding space so they are um landscaping design books garden books artists and sort of decorative books for the shelving and then he's curated them all with these beautiful white vessels and shells that's harper saying hello and so i've started to add in sort of my collection of hotel silver which kind of just blends naturally so greg and i would go to brimfield and travel across kind of a northeast and do sort of like vint the antique fairs brimfield was always our favorite so we would do that one in may and our we started with one or two seascapes and then it became sort of this obsession to see which ones we could find which ones we liked um all of that so what what we've done is we we had them all over in our other house so now what greg did um he curated it this wall and it really is just a beautiful wall of seascapes in different vintage frames which we just think looks amazing and it picks up like the whole color palette of the house this is our favorite room in the house definitely it is very calm serene i love the way it's curated and it's super comfortable so when you have a home with a dog as you all know the dog sheds all over everything i recommend the nylon bristle brush for your outdoor furniture so i go out every morning i sweep off all the pollen and the the dog hair and then conveniently store it in these beautiful chinese vases so now um we're going to go out and we'll see the backyard through the french doors that lead outside here [Music] so i wish it was a better day but you can really enjoy the colors of the garden for some reason on a rainy day the green really pops so greg and i would always travel to paris and europe for business trips and i was always inspired by the grand gardens especially the tullery gardens and so when it was time to design this low-key garden that i promised greg it would be low maintenance and easy to maintain that did not happen i worked with my friend hal goldberg who was a garden designer and has since passed but it's really a homage to him um as greg says uh how would do the design i would take a big red sharpie and like cross everything out and draw exactly what i wanted and then hal had to acquiesce obviously so here we have this beautiful pleached la of horn beams surrounded by boxwood and this is really the entrance into the backyard from the entrance court and then you come in and you see some of these beautiful statuary that we collected um from an estate down in palm beach and then you have sort of a french fountain that sits in these beautiful white hydrangea that will bloom so it's like a cloud of white hydrangea and then the fountain sort of is in the middle um behind that is a triage that was designed with accents of france in california and so that was made in california and then crated and shipped here and then the mirror which reflects the entire length of the backyard um was put in uh on-site here all right guys it's raining so we're gonna run into the pool house so come on in this is our little pool house this used to be the one car garage that you would drive up from the street across the pool and into this garage so greg had the vision of adding a blue stone floor redoing it with wainscoting and leaving the raw beams and everything up top so it looks really finished on the bottom but then we have the rustic ceiling which i think looks really great we have a beautiful um vintage rattan set that we bought at the mulford farms antique shop show um years ago and then this again from jack who owns jet antiques he does specializes in these beautiful like chain tables and lamps and everything so we um pick that up from him so this is where we come after dinner which we serve on the dining porch uh after dinner we all kind of like come here hang out we listen to music have drinks it's really beautiful when all the candles are lit um it's just a really romantic place and it does give you like a really nice view of the garden so through the windows you can see the fountain and then out the front i have some espalier pear trees and a french dining set from accents of friends who did that as well [Music] this is our combo dining room kitchen um during the renovation there was a door here a door here and a door here and you would just go around in a circle and none of it made sense there was also a chimney that went up the center of the house so we removed the chimney we closed up the doors and then we expanded the entryway so the view is really from the sun room to the living room to the dining room to the kitchen so it's sort of like a long open view which we really enjoy so this cabinet is a belgian from belgium and we found it in palm beach which really just worked here because we didn't want to expand the kitchen with a ton of cabinetry um so we really just put in a piece of furniture that holds my china this is from royal crown derby this beautiful pattern chelsea garden which is one of my favorites there's some great silver pieces in here that i collect um which dries greg crazy because it used to just be all white coral and now i've i've absconded like this one shelf this is part of my collection of uh blue and white chinese import and i get most of it from my friend jack store jet antiques in uh east hampton and um this piece which is one of my favorites and rare is from indigo seas um in la right next to the ivy and i loved just having lunch at the ivy and going and explore that store and i would always come home with some fabulous piece so this um is a vintage iron garden table that did not have a top so we had a piece of glass cut which um basically drives me insane so it is sort of like the minute you have dinner it's fingerprinted it's slimed it's like a big mess so i have windex and paper towels at the ready at all times this is again part of the collection of shells that i collected with my grandmother in florida this which i love is a antique leaching bowl that i use um as a vase which holds um a beautiful peony arrangement from my garden what's a lychee bowl a leaching bowl is when they would have these in medical offices and they would use leeches to uh kind of clean up wounds and well you've turned something very chic michael so now it's a bus so this little area um is hilarious because we have a friend aida tutturo who came over one night to make us a beautiful italian feast and then complained the entire time that our kitchen was not functional which it isn't because we don't cook so we have things like this in the kitchen which is sort of acts as a bar so i have collected a bunch of baccarat crystal again this is one from indigo seas and you know i collect them from sage street antiques which is my hidden treasure that greg and i go to all the time this is a great piece that came from portobello road on one of greg's trips he got me as a gift and then here just more peonies i love the topiary um which is from christopher smith miller and anthony store up in millbrook they were down here for the mido garden show and i have round and square shapes at my store but they had this amazing triangle so i had to buy it and then this is just a sampling of greg's beach glass collection so now we enter our what my friend jack calls our service kitchen um here we renovated there used to be a big wall here there was a freestanding refrigerator brick linoleum and basically a freestanding stove and in the mud room was a washer and dryer so we removed the wall we added the soffit we kind of added in all of this if you don't know about ph or cordoza it is probably one of the most amazing stones you can use in your kitchen it does not stain it doesn't ring it feels amazing it's been here for like 12 or 15 years and it's my favorite favorite stone to use it's in our city apartment as well and then here you know it's just a basic galley kitchen um that we use for basically breakfast shakes and that's about it so this is our stove and what i use it for is display and i have my hotel silver my sugar bowl this is my sterling that i use every day so i just keep it in this little picture i have my coffee station i make my coffee and i go sit into the living room this is a portrait of harper the artist is beth runquist and she is unbelievable she does gorgeous landscapes and she does these fantastic dog portraits um and so we have this one there's one in the city and my favorite thing is she sent us which i have at the shop is the color study so it's a quick you know painting she does it to make sure the colors and everything all right but i have to tell you it's like one of my favorite pieces of hers it's like this big i love it so this is the upstairs but um greg did a fantastic job on the gallery wall so um we've always loved that look of like you know a collection of different art and pieces hung together so we've collected sort of silver leaf mirrors which we got at brimfield so greg has curated all the pieces here um beautiful vintage map of long island where we live um and different artworks of harper right baby are you going to go downstairs now she's like i've had it and then i did remember this is a portrait from valerie schaff she did this beautiful portrait of greg and i oh my gosh when was that in our youth a few just a few years ago welcome to our primary suite um here you can see that the color palette of the sea glass and the sand is really carried out throughout the house so we have a lot of the textures in the wallpaper and some great e-cats here so it really is just a blend of sort of like a very serene neutral palette which keeps us very very calm and then greg introduced a lot of vintage pieces so we have this great these pair of gray tufted chairs this beautiful sort of earl wood blonde dresser this is sort of a serused desk and it really is a play on all the patterns so there's a lot of e-cat there's a beautiful wave pattern that kind of is very reminiscent of the ripples of the water okay so this is harper's little bedroom so we have these like smaller doors here built into the dormers and then harper really loves her crate so when she was younger she would come up in here and we would crate her when we would leave but now it's just her little bedroom that she finds her way into when she's fed up with company really home is something that means um comfort safety um a place to be with greg and harper um i am very sort of gregarious and i have to do a lot of selling and i'm always on in the retail environment in my store but when i come home and greg is here and harper is here it really is just a lovely place to just like sit down and relax and spend time binge watching on netflix or just like cuddling on the couch with harper sorry greg i know she's not allowed on the sofa but she is always on the sofa when greg's in manhattan thanks for watching for more homeworthy content be sure to like and subscribe hi everyone thanks so much for watching today's homeworthy episode welcome to our new york city terrace before you go i want to tell you a little bit more about today's sponsor squarespace they are the ultimate platform for beautiful website design the templates are amazing they have countless stylish fonts and backgrounds i also love that squarespace offers unique tools for creating members only content and email communications plus they have analytic tools to help grow a loyal audience and they have powerful ecommerce capabilities that can help you manage inventory 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Channel: Homeworthy
Views: 675,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the hamptons, hamptons, east hampton, interior design, home decor, nancy meyers, somethings gotta give, cottage, beach cottage, home, house, home tour, house tour, beach, luxury, new york, ny, architecture, cozy, beach house
Id: EtGvfK_mEwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2022
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