HOUSE TOUR: Perfect Summer Home in Maine

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on today's episode of homeworthy we're going to rockport maine to tour the 23-acre oceanfront pine family compound with the utterly unforgettable tina pine they're made by herman miller and she not only has remarkable taste in art and design but also has a wicked sense of humor this skull in here that's my ex-husband to remind my current husband what i'm capable of so come along as we explore their stunning grounds and five homes including a frank lloyd wright design house that is now their dining hall for parties enjoy this incredible episode and don't forget to like and subscribe for more amazing home tours you're watching homeworthy where we believe every home has a story like and subscribe for more hi homeworthy i'm tina welcome to our rockport maine home come on in i'll show you around [Music] i'm tina pine cfo chief family officer i live here with my husband joe and we have two lovely visitors our children cameron pine who's 22 and lives in d.c sam pine his wife mary summers and his lovely daughters who are 17 year old twins camille and marguerite but mainly the two cats live here and we work for them johnny john pine and sabine pine this house was built actually in the 80s and we bought it about 12 years ago and it was very different than what you're going to see today it was owned by a couple who had a quite different taste than we do it was pretty gaudy it was so fugly that nobody bought it and when we looked at it we realized that this was just a view with a house attached to it and we had to make uh enormous space for it to so you could see they had small windows covered with curtains and the view is what you're gonna love about this house we started with seven acres we bought the house and and they had a guest cottage which you'll see which was unfinished they had done the stonework and if you did that stonework that would have been a million dollars in itself the house stood on the market for i don't know how many years because it was so gaudy no one could see past it so we bought this property and then we had a neighbor who had this fabulous little frank lloyd wright design house by saying design means it was built after he died but it's his design and it's so close to the water you could never build anything like that again so we bought it and turned it into a dining hall then my husband decided he needed a barn for the little tractor that he has that got way out of hand it's three levels and you could fit 12 suburbans in the bottom i mean it's crazy uh six suburban's not 12. you could put others in the other part and we built an apartment on top of it which is so adorable that was so fun to do that was a great project and a big garden a vegetable garden there because we we needed that uh then there was one property left that was between our two properties so when our neighbor decided to sell she sold it to us and now we have 23 acres and we have five houses on the property and it's become a family compound this is a foyer this is where people enter the house and they see my two famous jamie's picked jamie wyatt pieces that came from the deadly sins collection which i absolutely love this is what i get to wake up and see every day i just love it this living room was so different when we bought this house this was all wall with a little bitty porch on the end that you we never sat on and it had these small windows this was a part of the house i just could not understand people so we blew it out put a big porch out here put the fireplace in found this piece of granite added that small window and just changed it completely it was the ugliest room in the house and now it's my favorite this is colin page he did this piece it's on highway 17 he said that he saw this mountains of camden and did this great piece for us and then we have these darker pieces are by rivington pine who as you might guess is a relative my brother-in-law who just passed away in november and he did he did some kinky kind of fun stuff that i've always loved i got a piece every year for my birthday these are kind of cool these trunks i bought at round top in texas and they have a ct on them and i asked the lady wouldn't what is this for and she said these were for kathy tupper who's kathy tupper the tupperware lady she found a tupperware and this is what she used to haul her stuff around in i thought that was just so cool i had to buy them and these are french hinges from doors got these in london just so much fun and this coffee table which oh you couldn't possibly lift it's big pieces of steel from bath iron work and this guy designed the bottom for it and put it together but they're so heavy you can't possibly move them and then this piece is brian white who is a local artist who we have several pieces this is all made with shells and it's just so cool and he did this with some screen it's i gave him a picture of a dior dress uh he made the waist a little bit too big for me i'd like for it to be smaller but it's a lot it's a big fun piece i can't even count the number of pieces we have you'll see more upstairs and in other rooms as we go through the house this skull in here that's my ex-husband to remind my current husband what i'm capable of you have to come outside just to really appreciate but we have this long porch that you can have great cocktail parties and i love to i that's my little herb garden because i cook and i love to cook it's it's great fun you just go out in the garden pick some vegetables come up and cook them and get some fresh seafood but this is our view tell me about this house over here ah that's our friend angus angus was sitting on this very porch one saturday and he said i need to get out of here i need to get out of alabama it's too hot to need a place and i turned him around and said that 116 acres is for sale the bank has it and it's the deal of the century and he bought it the next morning so now i got angus who i've known for 40 years and joe and i have been friends with forever so it's great to have him as my next door neighbor stucco yeah you don't see that in maine very often as joe said the people that built this house had more money than since they just did all kind of different things that we've been able to turn into more of a comfortable home it had it was bizarre when we bought it there was a solar system that i'm sure 20 years ago was the state of the art that was in here that was built in the side and had black rocks and went up we took all of it out it wasn't functional anymore and we took all of it out and just made it a comfortable simpler much simpler house do you see it here a lot when i'm reading like i just sit here and chill i mean just sit here and look at it from my view it's just it's just so incredible and the breeze comes through and there's not that many bugs in maine you know it's pretty good here because we're on the water and the breeze goes through so we don't have many bugs so i just i just sit here and pretend i'm somebody tina you are somebody a legend in my own mind ryan white did these little things too and he did this for me for valentine's day one year isn't that cool who's this baby up above that's that's a little dead baby head i bought that at an antique shop my daughter thinks it's disgusting i think it's kind of cool people either love it or they hate it i like art because it it invokes people to say that's disgusting or that's gross or oh that's kind of cool i think it's cool little dead baby heads they did them from dolls they made them from dolls i have you'll see the garden and we have lots of flowers everywhere and we keep the house full of flowers all the time that's the deal just filling them up with different things i have garlic scapes i use all kinds of crazy flowers in here it's just really fun to do that this piece we bought at an auction in new orleans it's car from a solid piece of wood and it's african and we had this fabulous tree that was going by so i kept all of the sticks from it and i've used it in several you'll see this in several of the houses that i i just could not let it go to waste it's just too cool looking but that piece is you know very heavy and just an interesting thing my design sense is all about the art and all about the views i i think that if you just do neutral things the furniture doesn't matter the furniture needs to be simple because that's not what you're looking at what you're looking at is the fun things that you find in little shops the previous owners were really fun people i wish i could have known them sparkle was her name and she married she was a weber fuel heir and she married a lobster fisherman's son who became a dentist who wore gold chains and rings on every hand and drove a rolls royce which is very not maine if you know what i mean but they had mirrors everywhere there was dark blue marble it was they had an eight person tub upstairs in the bathroom that you knew that there was some serious party going on they had more money when since then they built this house it was built dynamited into a granite hill at 180 foot elevation overlooking the ocean and then they built a guest cottage and a croquet court a regulation croquet court and i would meet people and they'd say oh yeah i played naked croquet at your house and i just wish i could have been around for that so we kind of simplified everything we turned the croquet cord into a golf putting green which you'll see it's really pretty and it's it's kind of like this eternity line on the ocean or infinity line whatever you call that on the ocean and you'll see it later i can't wait to show you maybe we'll do a few putts together okay let's go the dining room this is the dining room and when i grew up we had a lazy susan in our this is a chihuly piece by the way which i love his stuff i have the i have others in bookshelves but when i grew up we had a lazy susan so we had this made for this table that we bought at an auction and we eat like this you just roll stuff around it's really fun but i'll tell you a little story about these chairs we used to live on an island my husband's family has been here more than a hundred years and we lived on this island until i decided we really needed a driveway but and bought this house but in the attic were these cool chairs well my husband thought they were ugly and we needed to get rid of them so my fancy friend who knows a lot about antiques saw them and said these are very very she's english she goes these are very valuable chairs darling you must check them out let me call my dealer and the dealer said i'll give you fifty thousand dollars for them so then we fell in love with them and here they are otherwise they'd probably still be in the attic that's a brian white piece here little dress he did for me that i just love i have big dinner parties here and we uh have as i told you this this frank lloyd wright house that we call the dining hall can i have actually seated 40 people in there for dinner and you'll see that soon it's so cute and that's a ken nolan he lived here in the summers he was married to paige rentz who was head of architectural digest for many years and these are a couple more little rift pines that we have this little nude is roberta ghetchke she's you know we try to use local artists she's a local artist as well and i found these in a in a trunk i also found a louis vuitton trunk in the garage that they had here when when this couple this interesting couple um who had this house uh they she passed away there's also lots of rumors about that too maybe naked croquet maybe uh anyway she passed away and he uh sold the house and there was just all kinds of stuff it was so fugly you can't even believe how fugly it was i mean it had a giant arrangements of fake flowers everywhere but underneath some of that stuff were treasures like these little pieces of coral which i just love this is sabine this is my baby this is what my bar my daughter got me when she left for college so i have a little baby and she is just a love bunny she's my sweetheart she is the easiest if she didn't shed she'd be perfect you're perfect baby i became a organic gardener and we grow most of our food here all of the vegetables and herbs i love to grow herbs and i love to cook so it had to be something that we could just go out to the garden pick a tomato pick some herbs come up and make things and i i love doing that we i love putting things away and i put them in bags and freeze them and when we leave for the summer i take all of that stuff with me it drives my husband and child crazy but i love to use my things that i grew to cook with it's just really fun welcome to the kitchen my space this is where i live and this is where i cook my husband says this is a cluster i'm not going to use the other word he says but this is a cluster but i know where everything is and i really love to cook so he's not changing it it's staying just like it is okay so this kitchen is small but it's where i hang out and i we bought these in portland at an antique shop bought all of them and i have to put my spoons and forks and everything in them because i don't have enough space but it's kind of cool because you always know where they are so you see it's my happy place this is wine vinegar that i make a friend of mine gave us for the fourth of july a big bottle of rose and my daughter and her friends promptly drank it in one night mind you she had a little parte down there so i make uh wine vinegar with it i take a base like you could even buy some wine vinegar put it in the bottle and you know when you don't finish a bottle or a bottle happens to be bad you can pour the remains in there and you need to use a cork top though and uh you have it all year and at christmas time or whatever you could give it to your friends use it for marinades use it for sauces it's just way fun to do this is my garlic scapes that i let dry and we grow a lot of garlic so these little pods are actually quite tasty so we let them dry out and then i take them and harvest them and kind of saute them in oil and put them in the fridge in a jar and use them for garlic which is fun so i'm taking some of these cloves all right and you eat them i'm going to have horrible garlic breath after this but you just eat them or you saute them and put them in a jar and use them for seasoning like if you do eggs or whatever they're wonderful there's just two different ways to use garlic the tops and the bottoms this is from the garden this morning this is a little cat feed up here and this is lemongrass for the cat have to keep that on the counter and then we have the morning harvest this is what i live for i just love this we harvested the peaches and i like golden beets my husband hates beets but all the red ones are so messy i grow the golden ones our first melon and potatoes we grow in a sack you take two black plastic bags put some dirt in it and throw some potato eyes in it you can cut them you know you could cut them or just throw them in there and they grow up you just put them outside punch some holes in the bottom and then you empty it out and you have all your potatoes ready what's your favorite main meal last night our meal was pretty fun we did dry roasted mussels with a butter sauce that you just dip your bread in i love to make lobster stew because after we have lobster i cook all the heads down and then i make a stew with it and i like to eat the heads my husband the yankee thinks that's disgusting he hates it these are little patty squash these are really fun to cook and look at these tomatoes these are yum yum and we grow onions it's just it's just so much fun to have fresh stuff some cucumbers they're so cute watermelon our first one and these herbs are just i use them all the time and i make teas with them like this is lemon verbanium this smells i wish you could smell this on the camera it smells so good i dry them all out and i make tea with it and pineapple sage have you ever had pineapple sage it's great in salads but it also makes a great tea it's delicious i do a lot of cocktails with herbs my favorite is a gin and tonic with a little bit of pink peppercorns and a little bit of thyme in it and it makes it so pretty it's so pretty it's lovely like this is what i do with the garlic and i have the other thing that i make with the garlic top and then i make a garlic coffee that's all garlic and this is also garlic coffee just to give you a little bit of oh and this is my honey i also have honey and i make a yeah that's my honey and that's just some of the stuff that happens to be in the fridge the rest of it's in the freezer you can just you know just lay them out like that now this honey is my concoction i i put my honey concoction is i take garlic and i ferment it in honey and then i add turmeric and ginger and lion's mane mushroom uh extract to it and i drink it every day and it's an immune system thing and it's really cool hi darling this baby want a treat wants a treat she did she discovered a new kind of treat this morning and i think she likes it you like your new kind of treat the bookshelves are kind of fun and these are the chihuly pieces uh that are in the kitchen and then we have another rivington pine here um but they're all books that were mostly on the island and we we found all the blue ones and stuck them together you know old books and this is another brian white piece that rivington pine began the piece and he passed away never finished it so we hired brian to finish it and i was going to put it in the bedroom but i thought his face was too scary so we put him in here and these are richard rimson who's a local artist who studied with chihuly and he did these cool lobster claws for us and i know this also looks like a cluster that makes my very virgo husband crazy but i love to do drink fun drink contest here we have like gin tasting and everybody comes and we put little cups out we add herbs to it and we have tastings and we have like five kinds of gin because that's my new thing but i also love tequila so we have tequila tastings and it's just fun to start before a party and everybody gets in a really good mood and then we have this beau bartlett and this uh ken nolan another ken nolan but beau bartlett did this piece which we love it's called the anniversary and joe bought it for me for our anniversary and brian white had this whale vertebra in his shop and every time i'd go i'd say can i buy that no it's mine and the next time we go i said brian come on sell that to me no it's mine and then one day the doorbell rang and brian white is a very different kind of guy he's uh he didn't speak for the first two years we met him he was just this big giant teddy bear looking guy and he walks in and the doorbell rings and he hands me the vertebrae and he goes i found a bigger one and he walked away he just walked away i go thank you thank you very much i am from new iberi louisiana where they make tabasco sauce i moved to houston in 1986 and around 1998 i met my husband on a blind date the blind date was interesting in itself because i was with 12 women and you might wonder about that but um this girlfriend called me and said this guy's going to call you and he called me on a friday at four o'clock and said would you like to have a drink i said what planet are you from you don't call someone for a drive-by on a friday afternoon and he said well i've been married for 27 years i'm just recently divorced i don't know the rules i thought that was cute so i invited him to my girlfriend's house well we were in a group of 12 women and when he drove up he had this sts cadillac in this like seersucker khaki looking suit and i thought this guy's going to be a dud let's all say we're tina and we did we were 12 women in line he went through the whole line and when he got to me he said i hope that you're tina and he asked me out again so he must have liked it and here we are we had a child i was 40 had a child my one and only child at 40. this is the guest room and there's just one thing this this a couple things i want to show you this chest came off of the island we used to live on an island my husband's family home they've been here 100 years and we took some antiques uh well all of the antiques off of it that we liked because an island you have to put it on a barge take it off it's not exactly easy and then i bought him this great little sergeant which is right over here um recently at an auction here and it's right here it's so cute i just love it you know it because he painted it right before he died and he is a you know one of the top 10 american artists and i just knew joe would like it so i wanted to get it for him and you know it was in an auction and not everybody appreciated it so i got a much better deal on it than you can imagine okay not many people want you to see a bathroom but i kind of do because the first piece that brian white ever did for us he did not want to do a bathroom we met through a mutual friend he said tell your friend from texas no i don't do bathrooms then he came over and saw the other art that we had and said i'm doing what i want i said okay brian and this is what he did now i think it's pretty cool and when brian asked me if i liked it i said i love it except the panties are too damn big people are going to think i have a big old butt and so i told him if he ever did anything like that again you needed to make tiny panties these things joe do you remember what these are from i think they're from the late 1500s and they were like done on horseback and they had this big ball i have more of them here put them on this wall because this wall was hard to do so we we just kind of mounted them had this guy make these little pieces and mounted them on here just for fun we're going to go to the bedroom one of my favorite places in the house and the most serene [Music] this is the bedroom we have some more of riff riffs pieces the darker ones and another ugly baby head in here and this is a picture of my husband's grandmother florence and her sister-in-law mary cuttings pine oh they were the grand doms the grand doms they would get on the qe2 and go to london and spend their summers in london and stay at the stafford and when joe and i started staying at the stafford the old bartender there remembered him he remembered what they drank what kind of martinis they liked because five o'clock every day in the american bar there they were the two of them their husbands had passed away and they travel together and hung out together and i have this sable jacket and the pearls that she's wearing which is so cool and that sable jacket is just gorgeous and still in great shape look at her she got her cigarette so mary lived in far hills new jersey and she had an interesting next door neighbor and she decided to invite him over for tea and he was a tyson she must have thought he was from the chicken people but it was mike tyson and mike tyson walks in for tea with aunt mary with his entourage with his gold chains and sits down and has tea with her for an hour so i wish i could have been a fly on the wall for that encounter but can you even imagine how cute that was this is another brian white piece probably his most famous piece it's a wedding dress with a tiffany box and it's all done of shells and this is like this hard stuff that he uses which is like a canvas that he somehow hardens and each of those pieces with shells and beads i just love that but the highlight of this room is the view and this is john pine he's 16 years old and he belongs to our daughter however he has been here for about a year if you know how that goes when your kid has an animal you sometimes get it back his eyes are blue and everything is serene just like him it i designed this room the color of the cat that is what this whole house is very simple furnishings neutral colors because the art and the view are what it's all about as i said it's a view with a house and i mean you wake up in the morning and see this it's just incredible it's hard to be in a bad mood this is the bathroom when we bought this house this bathroom i cannot tell you how fugly it was it had an eight person tub mirrors on the ceiling mirrors in the front navy blue navy blue granite or marble rather navy blue marble it was so bad but our daughter loved it because it was like a pool inside and joe finally said i can't stand to look at this another day we have to change it but these windows were here and look at this you sit in the tub and look at this view not bad we're going to the barn the barn that got out of hand the barn that can hold a lot of stuff that was supposed to be built for one little tractor you'll see this is a jeremy guy uh sculpture piece that he is a london-born or london-born artist who lives in canada this art piece and the other one in the front are and more that you'll see um i did i worked with rockport steel and did them and it was so much fun and that one uh art dealer friend of ours came from california and she just commissioned me to do three more so hey be fun we built a little workout room i wish we used it a little more for our guests that come and and the kids play ping pong that's picture cami when she was a little baby of course got to have all of the nautical flags up there welcome to the garden which is so much fun i think they're called rose mallow and they're really fun and they're in the hibiscus family and there's some pink ones back there that you can't see and this is lemon balm which i make tea with makes wonderful tea you dry it out and chop it up and just drink it and there's some nasturtiums and corn and oh my gosh and then we have these really cool onions that are just about finished we had all of our garlic but let's just grab an onion a little onion everybody needs an onion i don't even remember it starts with l the name of these but we decided to grow them and see how they did this year so they're new and these are these little teddy bear sunflowers uh different types they're so cute i just love them they're furry and there's some borage and some peppers over here and some wildflowers and some squash over here like we i showed you that petty squash but the corn stalks are fun to also we keep them because we decorate with them for for october aren't these just pretty and that's all sage because sage comes back and i just think it makes a great filler so it's really fun to have sage we grow oh look at these we took these off of the island sweet peas and these are perennials which you can't even find anymore so we just really cherish them and some swiss chard but this is all um delicata which is my favorite squash i see a cucumber over there i see a cucumber and this was um lettuces but you know now it's they're kind of finished and we had some more corn which is finished and this is the potatoes i was telling you about um we have sweet potatoes in here that we haven't harvested but these are sweet potatoes and you see it's just in a bag you could use a black trash trash bag to do it but these are just a little more we've harvested we had bags lined all along so as they harvest as they're ready and you can tell because they flour and it kind of falls over like this so these are ready to harvest and these are little red potatoes in this one we harvested some purple fingerlings and then these are all fruit trees here this is we harvested the peaches here's a peach they missed a little peach we just harvested the peaches this morning these are oh god they're so good yum yum yum yum yum so this whole area was woods where we needed to build that thing here for that little tractor and this is what became of it and then i told you about the dining hall so let's look at that next [Music] this is the second property we bought what we call the dining hall it's this frank lloyd wright design little house and it's just cute you want to see it okay so we bought it and we painted it because it was dark like lots of that stuff was and the people that owned it were from new york and they hadn't been here in 10 years they didn't even have a kitchen so we added a little kitchen and we took some restoration hardware tables put them together bought some chairs built the little benches we have actually seated 50 people for a winding dinner here to benefit the hospital we have these little tables that come here and the fun thing about those dinners is when you get here you have a bowl which i'm going to show you of rocks and you have to pick a rock and the rock has a number on it okay and each seat has a number so you don't know who you're going to sit next to and it makes dinner parties so much more fun because you may have somebody stuffy around somebody really fun and you can't sit by your spouse and we turn this part of it which was just a porch into a cute little bar well i don't know how cute it is but it's functional and it's a bar and everybody congregates in here and comes and we mix drinks and see i gotta have my pink peppercorns everywhere because i use that in a gin and tonics and we have storage under here in the bench and enclose this as part of the house so when we bought this place we thought we're gonna use it for parties we're gonna have dinners so we decided to put a fireplace and we really wanted a pizza oven so we told the fireplace guy the stone worker could you just put a pizza oven in the back of it and you have heat so he did it's not huge i'm scared to open it it's not huge but you know you can make your pizzas in here and and i always put a roast at night because you got that heat you don't ever want to waste your heat in a pizza oven and then we have one of those brazilian grills where you turn the handle but i guess the most important thing we need to look at is my husband's boat he loves the boat so we're going to walk down and take a look here we are at the boat my husband's favorite part he loves his boat have you ever seen a dog when they're in a car and they're sticking their head out with their tongue that's how he is driving that boat it's his happy place this is our property called the tree house it's the last piece of property that we bought and i'm going to take you inside but before i do i want to tell you about these crazy sculpture pieces rockport steels who i work with to do my sculpture and i was walking around and saw this scrap on the ground and that's it i painted them turned them upside down and made them into sculpture that's a piece of driftwood that was on the property welcome to the tree house the tree house was the last piece that we bought we didn't do very much to it except paint and of course furnish it that's another brian white piece boy i have a lot of his stuff and that's another beau bartlett which i just love this is a table that we had in houston that we refinished and had done also going to show you something that i found at the hammer museum in los angeles that i could not resist buying three of them they're made by herman miller and when you're drinking it's really fun see why we call it the tree house they kind of look like pieces of art i mean they can sit you know up and they they were all lined up at the hammer museum they must have had 12 of them and then i saw these kids jump on them and start playing with them and i just thought oh my god i have to have them they're just so much fun so when we lived on the island i commissioned a portrait of the island and i got my husband's boat you think there was a side bard in there i mean yes that's the house but the boat is what he did the painting of these are rosary ghosts is very common in maine they're sea roses because they can take the elements but a lot of people don't know that when they're finished that these are full of vitamin c it's rose hips you just crunch dry them out i put them like a big tray on a cookie sheet in the oven for i turn the oven on 200 when it gets to two and put them in when it gets to 200 to turn the oven off and leave them in there until they're dry and then i take them and crunch them up and make tea with them it's still they're delicious i mix it with mint i mix it with lemon balm a lot of stuff that i grow i make so many different teas and rose petals as well makes great tea it gives it great flavor it's really fun they were roses this is a secondary market at one point yeah yeah like this rose where did we just see some see what this rose is and these are the old kind that um smell good but this is what a rosa rigosa i mean this is the end of it it's not super pretty but that's what it looks like and then it turns to this they dry up this and then to the dry part so you can just pick the dry ones and make tea full of vitamin c chock full so this is the guest cottage and i saved showing it to you for last because it might be my favorite but i have to tell you different people that stay here choose different houses it's so bizarre everybody has different taste of what they like come and have a look we have our zegnas are these just fabulous i love them i use them for cut flowers and in the other pots i decided to make a little herb garden here for somebody that's staying here just some mint and some basil and rosemary and parsley and of course i have to have pineapple sage on everything welcome to the guest cottage [Music] this place we bought with the original house and it was not complete the stonewall the stone work was done which would have cost us a fortune and the inside was a total shell so we got to do exactly what we wanted i wanted to make it look somewhat like a ship you know kind of the feel of the water and so we did it's got two bedrooms and it is where a lot of people like to stay because it's really cute and it's just super comfortable we did the kitchen with drawers so you wouldn't have all of your appliances up and of course it's got its own little bar like every other house this is joe's contribution to the guest cottage he cannot stand to have a television showing so this is called reversica and he had this put in here which i think is so cute you can't tell it's a tv so this is the second bedroom there's two bedrooms in this house we went to auction and bought this in thomaston maine and i just wanted to make it feel really serene this little area here has fabulous views and you could just sit here and read a book and hang out i mean it's just super comfortable this is the master guest room of the guest house and we have twin granddaughters they're 17 now but when they were little we got chair and a half that pull out to single beds so their parents could stay in this room and they could stay in the room too it's just it's just comfortable it's just a fun comfortable kind of place so my husband started playing golf in the last few years and this was a regulation croquet court which we used but it was really hard to take care of so i called this golf company to surprise him i got this with this view we have a trail that goes up to the main house which is uh like a goat trail there's a bench in the middle for a reason because it is not easy to climb but i mean what kind of putt-putt range do you have with this kind of view of course texas flags on the holes i'm happy where i'm planted wherever i am is where my family is and that's where i'm happy and i try to make it comfortable for everyone i love to cook i cook a lot when i'm here we eat a lot of meals at home and we have friends come over and we have we we're out on this patio so much it's just so much fun to be here there's so many and everything's organic on the property the food is fabulous in maine we live in we live five minutes from three james beard restaurants we live within 10 minutes you have the airport and the snow bowl in the winter and of course five minutes from three golf courses which makes it really special thanks for watching for more homeworthy content be sure to like and subscribe
Channel: Homeworthy
Views: 495,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: house, home, house tour, home tour, maine, coast, luxury, mansion, mansion tour, real estate, sothebys, rockport, cottage, cottage core, gardens, luxury property, art
Id: weXv7Scuuoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 12sec (2592 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 10 2022
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