Inside Vicente Wolf and Matthew Yee's Montauk Home

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when people say to me well in a few words what do you think of the house i mean i always think you know it's a gift from god from a higher power a cuban refugee with no money and nothing to end up in something like this it's just like an amazing gift i'm matthew yee and i'm vincent wolf and we both want to welcome you to our beach house in montauk you know people ask me all the time i mean when did i get the house and i got it in 83 i had been looking for two years and a real estate agent called me up and said i have the house you needed came in walked up this little hill over here every room had different sculptured colored carpet the bathrooms had little fish with bubbles coming out of their mouths and it was horrific left here drove two minutes felt a phone booth and called and bought the house it was beyond what i would ever would have thought of paying for something but now it's a bargain it was probably about five five years ago now at that time we've been together already and we just wanted the house to be about us and because when i came here it was pretty much about him and his past and stuff and you know and then we really needed to have an identity that was the two of us and so expanded it changed it somewhat and uh and then we created this i've always been a fan of him and lots of my style actually is influenced by him he would never ever admit that well i'm admitting it to you without people in the room design wise there's a lot of similarities we do differ but i i would say as a whole we pretty much see eye to eye my style is it's probably a little bit more structured it's probably a little bit more linear um a little tighter whereas vincent style is a little bit more romantic i would say like a little bit more eclectic clean simple when i look at matthew's work i i find it so calming and the the work is always very clean very sharp i tend towards lighter colors he prefers darker colors but i don't think that two people can live together if their taste or their point of views be that far away from each other it just doesn't click well together well one of the things when we first met i had just finished renovating my own apartment we went out to dinner and then he says well let me see what you did and i was like what he said to me i couldn't go out with somebody who was in this business whose design and aesthetic who i did not respect remember you said this and he was very relieved that he was like oh thank god you're about to meet or here it is this is misha the third member of the of the house actually he rules the house but anyway when two people are sharing a space you have to sort of balance it out both people have to feel that they won and i think that that happened here everybody got what they were looking for and wanted to express themselves in the space and have it read like themselves and it certainly did that for a successful home to tie the outside and the inside is always important and i think it starts from the moment you walk up to the house where the stone floor is carried from the steps all the way right into the house so you're always feeling your inside and your outside and all the colors that the ocean takes you don't want to be separated from what you're seeing outside you want to be part of the outside the bedroom upstairs is really great for two or three years we used to sit on the roof and look at the view and just sort of envision having a structure around us while we were sitting on the roof to see it come alive made it you know an amazing space to just lay there and see the thunder and the snow and the waves it's it's a you're right outside in nature the collection that's here anyway is things to do with beach they're all different types of photographers but everything was chosen with the theme of being on the water the sharpness of the black and white to the colorations that are happening it's a great contrast it's not bringing more color into the space it gives it i think a sharpness which i think is great my favorite piece of art in the house it's actually a collection of different photographs from an artist named elite azulee at the top of the stairs it creates another window in that area what it does to the space is really special and how it fits into that wall it worked brilliantly i just love it the pool is painted a medium gray so if it's a very dark ocean the pool reads very dark if it feels very light it picks it up that way so it just keeps tying you to what's happening in the view it's just lovely to be able to look out onto the ocean it's just very very peaceful and you just see the ocean in front of you and it's just very ethereal vincent loves to garden even in the rain he'll be out there you know gardening and planting and it seems like an endless amount of plants that he puts in like endless constantly constantly putting 20 more bulbs here 100 more bulbs there so he's constantly constantly outside i'm always futzing around inside and or laying in the phone i love lighting the sun i just i just do when people come to the house i think it's the sense of sharing i mean to have friends come over and spend the weekend and see that view it's it's a gift and it's a gift i think should be shared with everybody when they're walking through that they feel comfortable enough to plop down the sofa it should look wonderful but it should be a home and it should be a place that people feel welcome and inviting if not it may be perfect but it doesn't succeed [Music] it's very funny living by the water what you get from the ocean so much of my work has all those colors i don't know what came first me liking those colors and then being on the ocean but what's amazing is the power that it has the moment you get here it just sort of deflates you it's so powerful whether it's a storm or whether it's flat winter summer it it always has such a strength to it that i think that it just sort of helps you calm down you're here for a day and you feel you've been here for a week it's a it's a great relaxer [Music] you
Channel: Schumacher1889
Views: 273,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AyQSPRgD30o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2022
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