House of the Dragon S2 Teaser Trailer live Q&A with Glidus

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hi welcome to an ALT shift X live stream to talk about the brand new house of the Dragon season 2 teaser trailer we've had our first glimpses of the next season and to discuss it I have a very special guest please welcome glidus a glimpse of glidus a little glimpse of glidus glidus is a Game of Thrones YouTuber who has done a bunch excuse me the term is youtubeist youtubeist Dragon man about town uh who has made a bunch of videos about House of the dragon and Game of Thrones and I believe you have a house of the Dragon episode 10 video coming out very soon very soon if it doesn't come out it's YouTube's fault yeah we we blame YouTube for any uh uh delays or errors that we my to last night that was YouTube's fault Susan yeah that's correct um we've known each other for a long time but we've never actually done anything together this is the first time we've live streamed together I've heard that you have live streamed extensively with my disreputable Nemesis Al schwift X your scarless counterpart but I'll forgive you for that and I'm happy to be here to talk about Hot D me too how exciting to receive new content after all this time to be reminded that the show exists yeah I I watched this trailer and I rewatched some of season 1 and I I remembered how much I like this show I I sort of forgot what it was like to enjoy a Game of Thrones West Ros TV show because that's just the thing because most people haven't experienced this show in over a year was it's been I've been thinking about it ever since yeah you've been deep in the trenches of hot day for a long time now so I'm so glad to have your expert dragon eye no on this trailer is that what I'm supposed to be so we're going to go through the trailer uh pretty much shot by shot and talk about what we're excited by what some of the details might mean who is this person and this Dragon what's what's going on we're going to get into it and we're going to answer any questions that you guys have uh I think we'll mostly answer super chats towards the end of the live stream but we'll answer some throughout the live stream as well and uh with spoilers we're going to we're not going to do any major plot spoilers we're not going to tell you anything super important uh that's going to happen next season but we will do some like basic information about some of the new characters and some of the some of the general stuff that might be going on without spoiling anything important not going to ruin the show for you that's right um so what's first in this trailer what happens glidus um well narration firstly what's a good trailer without narration um we've got Auto telling us um basically coping as to what happened at the end of season one um trying to explain away the actions of um himself Allison rir and aan probably foremostly yeah I love the um the passive grammar of errors were made as opposed to have died yeah it's such political language instead of admitting no I auto made some mistakes um when that whole fcal race happened between Allison and Otto to take control of Prince aegon so that they could make him King and all the all the um embarrassing um violence that followed um it's been basically a disaster but uh and one of the consequences of that was the death of re's son Luke at the hands of vagar and amond at Storm's end so Luke's mother rero is here looking over shipbreaker Bay looking at storms end I've seen some some people speculating that rer might be here like searching for the body of her son Luke I could see that um CU I think I think there is in the books there's that talk about how the body was never found yeah the body was never found and some people claim that Luke actually miraculously survived falling from his Dragon into the water and then lived out the rest of his days as a simple-minded farm boy or something doesn't the book say that yeah there there is mention of that um I I'm more inclined to believe that the squishes took him yes yeah in the books um there are these lovecraftian uh creatures who come from the Sea called squishes and um there are some like semi-reliable reports that they like really exist and might like take people down Into the Depths and stuff but um yeah this was Luke on arax who got killed by Vega at the end of last season sge and we also saw re's like reaction to the death of her son cuz throughout episode 10 reier was trying to as um as Ry says um with all of these counselors telling her to plunge the realm into war reneer is the only one who's practiced restraint yes and aund kills that restraint here and so this is the last shot of season 1 we're ready for Rene's Dragon to awaken and for uh Fire and Blood to engulf the realm yeah hooray yeah so so so like I it was sort of a cliffhanger at the end of last season wasn't it because we we don't know H how rier is going to react to this traumatic death of her son um her middle son the son who was not so confident cuz like her eldest Jace is so sort of like confident and educated and um has a lot of strength and confidence to him but Luke had all that doubt he's definitely favorite coded as you can see throughout like the last he absolutely is in episode 8 and 10 like he he is coddled he is like absolutely Rene's like baby boy um and like in in the scene where she farewells them when he rides off to Storm's end yeah like he's such a little baby boy and Renea um you know treats him as such and so you know it's basically the death of whatever peace and happiness still resided in this woman after losing her her daughter and her father on the same day and her crown yeah and also her unborn baby via who died like R has lost so much so suddenly um so there's going to be so much emotion I mean guilt is going to be part of it for pushing Luke into this situation and anger I um to entertain a tangent for a little bit which you might come to find is something I do rather regularly oh really um I was wondering if because jeris is the one who suggest just sending himself and Luke to treat with the great Lords of Westeros he might jeris Jer he might blame himself for in some way for what happened to Luke yeah that's an interesting idea I mean Jace um I find quite an interesting character um there's a few layers to him because we've seen him sort of wanting to be this dutiful son I I mean when he was young he was like um upset about the bastard thing wasn't he like he he was asking his mother rer am I a bastard cuz of course he's the son of how and strong not the son of Lor he's like questioning his identity how that like makes him work in the world yeah a bit like Jon Snow and his bastardy so he's got a lot of like Pathos and and sort of fear in him but we see as he gets older he he becomes quite quite confident and for it doesn't matter what people think is is what he's saying here to Luke yeah and and I think I speculated in a video that he might see donon as a bit of a role model um in that sort of defiant attitude and there's that scene in episode 10 where Damon takes uh Jace to intimidate the King's Guard and he's like showing Jace that hey fear is how we get people to do what we want yeah so it's like what kind of person is Jace going to be in this season so you know coupled with the reaction of his brother's death at the hands of a and this like new found vengeful fearsome character what is Jay's reaction going be I'm really excited to see how they depict this in season two absolutely when he's at um the eie and Winterfell yeah cuz remember of course reer sent Jace North on his Dragon to go and uh convince the The Veil The aand of the veil and the Starks of the north to support rier in this war against aegon and Allison um so yeah I mean is he going to you know he's trying to be a diplomat but he might be really angry at the death of the news of his brother so he was made to swear that he wouldn't get up to any silly business but uh he's in the mood if there's one lesson from Hot D it's that silly business is an inevitability you can't control when the silly business happens it strikes when you least expect um so yeah uh so rira is reacting to oh right the trailer the trailer so rer is reacting to the death of her Sun Luke um and I I love that it shows her like standing here facing storms in we've never seen storms end from this angle yeah yeah I love I love that hot D is showing us more of the sort of GE and landmarks that we never got to see in in episode five we saw runstone again it it appeared in one episode of Game of Thrones and they reused the design it was really it was really cool that they did that yeah yeah again I I have been impressed by hot D's um willingness to like stay like respect the the Canon of both the Game of Thrones books and The Game of Thrones TV show which is not an easy thing to reconcile sometimes but also to sort of um iterate and and and from that to make itself its own thing Theon Throne like the Iron Throne yeah yeah the compromise between the Game of Thrones and Ice and Fire iron Thrones yeah it keeps what is Iconic about the Game of Thrones TV show but it adds stuff to make it better and it's completely believable that over time it would become what we see in Game of Thrones um I don't know Haren Hall is a bit small yeah it's true um but yeah mostly they' made great compromises yeah we also see some really cool shots of Kings Landing in this trailer yeah different angles we've never seen before yeah I'm really curious what they'll do if they show costly Rock like are they going to show us the cool big book cast rock or the small lame show Castle Rock God I hope not anyway High Garden as well how disappointing yeah right um so I mean so rer is standing here outside Storm's end she must have flown here on a dragon Cyrax which means like she must be thinking how about I burn storm right how about I go in here and hold Boris barathan accountable for not stopping this yeah um cuz this is yeah the Lord boros here allowed the murder of her son to happen as far as she knows yeah um why not kill boros and install her own loyalists take over the stormlands right now like that that's got to be one of the things going through Rainier's head right now um but it seems you know grief and sadness is most of what's going on for boing music plays uhoh uhoh and then we see King are we going to call him king or are we going to call him the usurper he's King go he's King whatever the history books call him a king we'll call him a king has the conqueror's crown and the conqueror's name and The conqueror's Sword and the conqueror's throne and the conqueror's set of genitals he sure does um so what kind of King is aegon II going to be do you think one whose Crown is too big for his head and I think that that's an intentional um costuming metaphor yeah it does look heavy on his brow does doesn't it that that Crown yeah I I I actually really like what they've done with he's he's not entirely capable of um living up to aegon the conqueror's Legacy yeah yeah it but he but he wants to yeah as we saw in episode 9 when he was crowned and you know he for the first time experienced the agulation of anyone um when you know 10,000 commoners cheered him it's like yeah we got a new king [ __ ] here um and uh he you could see on his face he was so excited well it was more relief it was he was feeling love for the first time it's crazy yeah that I mean that's what he asks Allison on the way to his coronation is do you love me and Allison replies you imbecile you're an idiot um so so when I love that line so much yeah me too episode 9 is sometimes a bit hard to handle but it's got some really great bits as well yeah yeah so so I I I mean my feeling at least from this is you know I I feel like there's a question here like is it possible that aegon II this this monstrous person um who you know puts his own children into a fighting pit and who rapes servants and who is a really really horrible person is it possible that he might be a little bit less terrible is it possible that he could actually make some half decent decisions now that he's been crowned could he live up to this responsibility or will he just be terrible I'll be really interested to see what they do with him excited to see how he reacts to this change in circumstances yeah because he he rejected the crown he really didn't want this yeah and now that he's you know well let's see what we can do with it now that we're here and he laughed at the idea that his father viseris uh would have actually wanted him to be the king so he he he doesn't really believe in his own legitimacy like like he like in the books especially it acknowledges that no Aon thinks reain is the right they come to crown him and he's like hang on a moment I thought it was my sister's turn that's one of the interesting things about the books is that the books emphasize that it was Kristen Cole Who convinced aegon that he should take the throne and he should take it because riro will kill aegon if he doesn't take it I think in some sense that's a hold over from when George was inventing the dance of dragons like in his head it was this story of brother fights brother in Eric and Eric Carill and Kristen Cole the treacherous King's Guard who you know betrayed his King's orders and crowned you know he was Bes smurged by The Princess and so he decided to Crown yeah it like it became a lot less it became more involved with other people as the story evolved in George's head is what I'm getting at yeah yeah in like the early mentions of the dance of the dragons in the main Game of Thrones books it largely is a story about Kristen Cole and about Kristen Cole's uh breaking his King's Guard principles by getting involved in politics and the reason for that is because it relates to how characters in those stories are currently dealing with their own King's SC vows yeah so like Aris oart with Ariana and the dornish plot and Jamie with all of his misdeeds it's like the purpose of Kristen in the main series is to meditate on um what George always bloody meditates on which is about like when should we when do we compromise our duty to the greater good and our principles for our own personal desires and for our own loyalties and like like that's sort of what the dance of the Dragons kind of was is about Kristen in that situation but of course um George as he does gardened and and and grew the story into something much bigger and that's how we got hot D yep so Aon I love aon's outfit here by the way yeah he passes the drip check once more like one of the things about the Game of Thrones especially the later Seasons at the TV show is that everyone just wore dark colored nondescript leather outfits cool and edgy whereas the books talk about all of the fancy clothes and the jewelry and the color and the crowns and all of the drip that the rulers had it looked like a party yeah and and it's and it's about the you know social status hierarchy you look at aegon here and it's like okay this person this person is important he's a king so I'm really glad that they they capture some of that look at his Swagger too look at him go well well he's kind of like like he's got a little bit of a defense like his head is tilted down a bit and he's sort of side eyeing everything like he looks not entirely sure of himself to me like he looks a little bit solid he looks a bit hung over actually he's probably hung over um and then we see Damon Targaryen the RO Prince um he's taking his helmet that we saw in episode one of House of the Dragon yeah we uh previously saw Damon uh bashing someone in the face with this helmet on the step stones Friday we it in that episode as well um and we've also seen dayon wearing this helmet at the tournament this this helmet is apparently made of Valyrian steel which is ridiculous actually is it the same helmet this one has wings maybe he takes them off when you know it's just a display for the Tony is it is it possible that the wings break off at some point like on the stepstone or maybe they break off on this guy skull oh man you would not well if it's breaking off Valyrian steel yeah Valyrian steel would not break off very easily he's got a skull of Valyrian steel a skull of Valyrian steel yeah this guy's hardcore oh my gosh um yeah well the point is that Damon is ready for war yep and check out his armor too cuz he's been wanting a war since episode one of season one and now his wife is finally like yeah all right War it is yeah cuz that was the conflict in episode 10 wasn't it that like rier was trying to find a peaceful solution trying to like connect with her old friend Allison to avert this war partly because of the responsibility of the prophecy that viseris told her about where you know they need to unite Westeros against the White Walkers that are going to come one day whereas Damon's like don't worry Arya Stark will take care of it exactly um and so let's just do the war anyway yeah he pays absolutely no heed to viseris portance and dreams he says that viseris was a slave to these things and he doesn't care for any that but I think part of why Damon was so dismissive is because he didn't get included oh he was Mega upset yeah yeah like maybe if AAS had shown Damon more trust maybe donon would have been a little bit more responsible not to spoil my dire tribe from my video which is coming out hopefully later today um Damon learns in that moment when riro posts leaks about aegon's prophecy he learns that viseris never trusted him he was never a viseris air in his head he was only you know just that guy on the periphery yeah at least that's how it feels to Damon yeah so what does that mean for him in season two I mean is he just going to be more of a loose unit if he doesn't get that trust that he wanted I mean you know I mean it it makes the relationship with reir more important doesn't it like you know if if Damon isn't acting as much out of loyalty to viseris then his relationship and loyalty to reer is going to be even more important but of course that was like so under thre in episode 10 um when Damon choked Rainier after finding out that he was not included um didn't get invited to the party got mad about it so you know Damon is one of Reiner's most important allies not to mention her husband um but he attacks her and he is dangerous and unreliable so like this this relationship is incredibly um fraught and important that's right this is an image that it's not included in the teaser but it is like a promotional image for season two yeah there are some new uh promotional shots that came out that are quite nice I really like how Damon's armor looks it looks so cool it's probably impractical in some Niche way that I'm too stupid to comprehend but it looks so cool well he's sitting he's sitting for a meal wearing gauntlets how's he going to how's he going to cut his meat with those gauntlets he's got people for that yeah yeah but we got some really nice shots in here that uh we will talk about as we go on oh man I haven't seen this one yet that's so cool amond is just unbelievably cool he's so cool he looks like he's really uh growing and uh becoming more confident you know and we'll discuss that as we move on with the trailer which we are currently 10 seconds into we see a camp with a targaryan banner looks like armies are on the move a Allison says the war war will be fought many will die and the Victor will Ascend the throne so it seems as though peace is an impossibility and war is inevitable yeah in episode 9 Allison was also clamoring for peace she was going on about how we need to you know negotiate a way for rira to not declare war on us you know have her give her what she needs so that she can get away and then we'll leave her alone forever but that appears to be the Lost resolution and now war is the only way through partly because of you know um Otto and Damon and some of those more saber rattling Lords and they all seem to uh relish the opportunity for War I mean it's like rise was saying in like episode one about how like it's been a long period of peace and there are all these like young Knights who want prove themselves and win glory and and they've forgotten the horrible Bloodshed of war that characterized jeris the old King's early Reign yeah I wonder who sent aund to storms and like whose decision was it to send aund specifically to Storm's end yeah because that is sort of a catalyst for violence no matter which way you you uh you spin it I mean only in the case where Luke shows up I guess but if Jace had been there something could have happened as well yeah yeah I wonder if he just did it of his own accord you know well he seemed to you know have the Diplomatic power to betro himself to one of boris's daughters well he he believed that he did yeah um and one of the other interesting we shall see if that gets followed up on yes we also get to see Amon looking at the iron throne hungrily in this trailer cuz Amon made that interesting comment in episode 9 about um how he considers himself next in next in line for the throne which is not true um because King aegon II has children does he have three children in the show have we seen all of them yes we have uh well well no this is just a placeholder AI image of meor but we have seen uh agon and Helena's uh twins Jara and jeris and they do also have at least according to the family tree thing in the intro they do have three children that's right that's right they do have three children so and all of these three children come before amond in line for the throne so you know Amon has some uh uh uh overinflated ideas of his own um importance he wants the throne um despite the fact that Aon and his children are ahead of him so it'll be interesting to see how that plays out uh we see so all right so we see all these armies on the Move we see a high tower Army and they look very um Ready for War professional organized uniform it's a rich look at all that plate yeah that doesn't come cheap and we've got the green flamed high tower which as we learned in episode five is you know their symbol of War yeah true because I think I think normally armies are also a symbol of War so a bit very very subtle but it's there yeah I yeah cuz the high tower sigil is normally depicted with just like a yellow or orange flame but the green flame yeah maybe for their soldiers specifically they have the green flame for war so that's cool and of course the high towers are like lowy one of the most fascinating houses in West because they're so old they're so rich they run the biggest city of Oldtown and like in the current main story The High Towers don't do much yet they're barely even mentioned they're barely mentioned in the main series but like there's all these little hints about how the lord it's Leighton High Tower um he's one of George's little fantasy characters that he likes hinting at all the spooky stuff going on with yeah cuz leighton's into magic um and he's up there with his crazy daughter malora the Mad maid and they're doing magic together and they've been up there for a decade and no one knows what's going on it's very exciting and now Sam's there and God I want to read the next Sam chapter and euron is knocking on their door so yeah House hotel is is cool it's so great being able to see them from different historical periods uh so we see that an army here A bunch of soldiers with the rosby mentioned Get Hype yeah this Shield here with the red stripes is house rosby uh and this is with the lamb is House stokeworth of stokeworth is the houses that are both located very close to King's Landing in the crown lands yeah these are both fairly minor um houses uh but they are right outside King's Landing so anyone who wants to have control of King's Landing is going to talk to these people and so as of season 1 we don't know if rosby and stokeworth are siding with uh rira or with Aon we know that rira has control over most of the rest of the crownlands or at least the north side she has support from the masses the darklands the uh bar Emmons uh another one yeah yeah a bunch of the crown Landers are siding with riera last we heard yeah um so maybe stokeworth and rosby will as well maybe they won't maybe their proximity to the greens controlled Kings Landing will sway them towards them though yeah yeah so it looks it it looks as though with all these armies and stuff this will be one of the contested areas is the crown lands around King's Landing uh uh fans of house rosby will of course know gues rosby who's the Lord of rosby during the main series who is most noted for his yeah that's sorry everyone that's one of the best quotes from G rosby that's from Dance with Dragons chapter he's on cersei's ineffectual small Council and he's just sort of useless lip what Banners are back there in the background is that the greens Banner a golden dragon on a Green Field uh yeah I suppose it must be it could be um cuz yeah like the one of the problems with this war is that both sides are on house tug area um which makes it difficult to tell who's on whose side so the greens which that really does look like the greens Banner yeah yeah the the targaryan dragon and Yellow on green so that so that is aegon um Aon and Allison side we solve the mystery so this suggests that stokeworth and rosby have joined aegon which makes sense yeah it would make sense either way really I mean it's interesting that these shields are all bloody that's a lot of blood on these shields actually how how many people are they bashing with their Shields my God so um so yeah it looks like war is happening in the crown lands Get Hype Get Hype oh and oh and while we're talking about the stoew worths um the stoew worths are involved in the main series through lless stokeworth so you'll remember that Braun uh is does he marry or is he just engaged to Mar they're betrothed they never actually marry yeah um and so in the books there's a bit more of a plotline about the stoew worths how uh lady Tander stokeworth worth ls's mother um there's this whole thing where like Cersei uses Bron no well Bron's working for Tyrion I can't even remember exactly what goes down but like Brun gets Lord stokeworth killed so that Brun can take over stokeworth yeah um it's a whole thing and Cersei thinks this is good for Cersei but it turns out to not be good for Cersei which is a bit of a recurring theme yeah you've described most of a face for Crows uh so yeah it's cool to see the stokeworth and the rosb who's next that's Otto hi Tower he's the hand of the king and the brother of Sir uh Lord Hobert high tower accurate and Lord of Oldtown that's a queen Allison high tower Queen Mother Allison high tower important distinction yeah I uh adore uh Olivia Cook's expression here she's got so many great faces yeah she's she she's just brilliant she's fantastic and I I love like the sense of just cynicism that is right there that's going viral on Twitter as we speak that's fantastic CU like she was so fresh-faced and so well-intentioned like a you know Prim proper herione Granger when she was younger played by Emily KY and Emily KY has some great snarky faces as well she does but I mean that just that you know character change as she's become hardened and as she's become sort of corrupted by people like Laris and Kristen and and her father Otto she is so just cynical now it makes me wonder like how a young Cersei Lannister would have looked and behaved before she became so Jaded by Robert baratheon's mistreatment of her I I would love to like read a Nolla about the young Lannisters about like young C young Jamie young Tyrion and with like their uncles garion and Tig around and their [ __ ] Dad yeah and like taiwan's relationship with his dad titos I I've always felt that the Lannisters are the best characters in a song of ice and fire they're just so messed up and so charismatic and so awful and so great I love it boats we love us some boats uh Kristen Cole has had a bit of a haircut he now actually looks like he's aged and you know what else he has the necklace of Hands by the looks of it is that the necklace of hands yeah that's a necklace of hands so you'll remember that uh a similar hand necklace was used by Tyrion Lannister to murder sheay in Game of Thrones uh season 4 I've never seen Game of Thrones so I've heard it's good yeah see that see that necklace of hands well I did actually no that's actually that's a different necklace that's not the necklace of hands is that the chain of gold yeah that's just a chain of gold um but you can trust me when I say that there is a just trust me bro Source I made it up no yeah there is this necklace of hands that represents being hand of the king so that is what is suggested by that necklace uh Kristen of course has undergone um quite a dramatic Journey from a seemingly Noble White Knight into a murderer uh an angry murderer who's really uh pissed off that reera sort of messed him around by having sex with him and then rejecting him and breaking his King's Guard Oaths and now he is Allison's foremost attack dog and it looks like Allison is using him to full effect we see Kristen beheading someone here who is that uh we can speculate uh we but not without spoiling I think I think I think we can have a idea of who it is we might do a brief spoiler corner at the end of this live stream to talk about some of that stuff but um yeah it looks like Kristen is out killing uh Aon and Allison's enemies uh I love that yeah we've got the spinny balls I love love the council balls they are cool little visual motifs it's good to see that they'll be continued to be utilized throughout the show instead of just you know that one thing in season one I I just I want to see all the creative ways that balls are used in hot day cuz I I thought it was cool how uh Lyman beesy was killed by Kristen Cole by bashing his head into one of these Stone Council balls I liked the execution like the method I didn't really care for the uh tone like that that scene has issues that yeah we shall not discuss at this moment yeah um I I I've been saying all season that I am waiting to see one of those Council balls roll into a puddle of blood on the table Yeah like that's got to happen at some point leaving a trail of blood behind it as it rolls maybe uh but yeah aegon is on the throne he he doesn't look like he wants to be there or should be there he's looking a bit scary and Evil um what kinds of decisions is he going to make as the most powerful man in Westeros this this awful person he's going to ban beats and this is directly contrasted with reneir in her crown on her doesn't really look like a throne it's a seat it's a chair but she's looking really sort of optimistic it's a funny face God those are the coolest shoulder pads I have ever seen I've got some just like them yeah no she's got some great drip going on here I like a necklace as well I wonder if there's any significance to that necklace cuz I remember Damon gives reer a Valyrian steel necklace in season one but yeah it's different isn't it you know what that looks a bit like go on that looks a bit like the KN King's little jewelry who what Mr first name Knight second name King see see how it's a down arrow I guess it's a it's pointing down and that's pointing down I suppose it's one of the four directions it could have been going is rira the night King no we talked about this it's a he well he does have blue eyes doesn't he yeah he's always had blue eyes actually no he hasn't he's the one character who's I know George has written a few characters whose eye cols change isn't that alone from season 8 I've always had blue eyes at last half yeah we know too much about this series I think we've thought about this for too long and of course I I really like the crown symbolism in Hot D um because in the books there's lots of attention given to to the specific crowns and their symbolism because you know aegon is wearing the crown of aegon the first aegon the Conqueror who took over Westeros for the tarians it's a crown made of Valyrian steel or iron depending on who you ask um but it's it it sort it represents a more sort of warlike conquering um Vibe whereas and it's in it's embossed with embossed it's in great it's got rubies in it to signify like targaryan specific power right and blood yeah whereas as you say as you were about to say uh so whereas reier is wearing her father vas's Crown which was previously worn by King jeris his grandfather uh and that represents more peace and unity you can see that it's got the Tully uh sigil there and all the different great houses sigils and so it represents a more sort of like unified representative let's all work together Seven Kingdoms type Vibe very different to the warlike angry bloody Aon Crown Aon the Conqueror conquered the Seven Kingdoms and Jaris the conciliator you know unified he kept them together it so it's just emblematic of the characteristics of both of their Reigns yeah so what will win out peace or War H Allison blows out a flame like birthday like she wants to Snuff out rira's flame perhaps um yeah it's a candle uh HBO original series returns I'm not sure if TV networks know what them know what the word original means we made this cuz cuz this is a adaptation of a book that's based on another book that's based on the English Anarchy that happened 600 this is a 600y old story The Anarchy happened more than 600 years ago when was it is the late 12th century or early what was it the early 12th century yeah so they're about 800 years late from originality I I I feel but um nonetheless now this is an interesting that you wanted to talk about yeah we did some uh chin comparison on the internet to figure this out um I'm not 100% sure who this character is but based on chin math and based on uh speculation on the internet I think this is actor Clinton Liberty playing the character Adam of H it's Adam isn't it not Alan I believe so yes um and so we'll give you some mild sort of background information on this character no big spoiler but one of the sort of important things about this character is that this is said to be a basted son of Lor valion so Lor valion you'll remember is the son of corus valion and Lor was married to reira and Lor was the supposed father of Jace Luke and Joff even though those children were actually fathered by harn and Lor is gay and he was in a relationship with Joff free and then in a relationship with KL and then rer faked Lor's death and Lor went East um so that everyone thinks that Lor is dead but he's actually alive in the East which is a change from the books the story is so simple right um and so and so then you know this character Adam's going to turn up um and say hey I am a bastard son of Lor and no one's going to believe him it would be a bit odd if this homosexual man had a bunch of Bast I mean possible possible I suppose but it would it surprises some people he he was a fan of the sperm banks it surprises some people so we uh we will find out more about this character and his role and we see this character looking up at a dragon and that dragon is you say they probably sea smoke yeah I I think it's definitely sea smoke you say it's probably sea smoke will agree to disagree well to me one blurry lizard looks much like the other but I'll Trust your I'll Trust your Eagle Eye um no let's definitely see smoke you can tell from the pixels so there's a bunch of dragons in this story and one of the things that was discussed uh in the previous season was that the blacks which is rira's side has a bunch more dragons than the greens which is aon's side uh cuz on Dragon Stone there's a bunch of uh dragons that don't currently have Riders and one of the things the blacks want to do is get riders for these free dragons um so we saw Damon come and say hello to veror hi who was once uh the dragon of King jares and Silverwing his Queen um all these free dragons that they're going to want to find riters for is one of the things that's going on so you know with such alluring names as cannibal cannibal who wants to ride the cannibal what could possibly go wrong I mean I guess you'd feel safer with a cannibal Dragon because it doesn't eat humans it eats dragons um I think it'll eat whatever mate so we see what yeah appears to SE smoke but of course yeah I mean there's a lot of interesting questions about sea smoke aren't there because you know if in the TV show Lor is still alive will sees smoke bond with a new Rider if sees smoke is still bonded to Lor is it possible that sea smoke will want to find Lor you know like cuz Lor really loved sea smoke and we saw them we saw him riding sea smoke and going yeeha and so um so it would uh it would be a bit it would be interesting yeah I contend that like every piece of evidence we have points towards dragons with living riters being unable to bond with other humans yeah so so I think one thing that people have speculated is that you know if seasmoke does bond with a new writer that would suggest that dead which could be like a really beautiful tragic moment for R going like oh like I went to all this effort to try and free Lor from this political mess uh but he's just gone and died um I think that could be a really great moment yeah Ryan if you're listening you're allowed to steal that yeah you can have that one for free Ryan yeah when I'm sure I would have thought of it when's Ryan going to come on the show huh yeah huh huh Ryan come on Ryan what are you afraid of we'll ask you nice questions too busy on your podcast about movie props there are there are a lot of good props in this actually the love for the helmet you this staff actually that Adam's got yeah for a moment it it reminded me of the Dragon Keepers and staff so I wonder if we might speculate that he wants a little dragon stick so that he can use it to prod dragons with just like the pro Dragon Keepers do a keen observation yes well I know a stick when I see one can't tell a dragon so we see this Army marching uh and those with Keen eyes might notice that this is in fact a darkland or at least has some darklands in it darklands of duskendale is another minor house in the crownlands um because if we Zoom right on in uh we can see right is the darkland sigil trust me uh I I [ __ ] you not verified facts I can pull up the darkland sigil and the darklands are extinct by the time of um of the main Series yeah the dark did a bit of an oopsy by kidnapping King Aries tarian the Mad uh which was a crime that was not forgiven um yeah those particular frames you can't see it but it is the dark ones uh their blood does survive on and of course the most noble of characters SOS H yes ever reliable donos and you know Barrison seli like part of his backstory is that he saved the Mad King from duskendale a morally neutral thing to do yeah George sure does love his morally fraught uninteresting things yeah um and yeah as as we were saying we will answer most of the super chats um towards the end of the live stream thank you so much for all the super chats we appreciate them very much and we will get to them towards the end of the live stream and yeah just a reminder that we're not doing any big plot spoilers in this live stream so don't worry about that we're just doing some sort of background info and some sort of non-spoilery stuff about what's to come we're just having a chat really we're just having a good old Yak I love this line there is no war so hateful to the gods as a war between kin and no war so bloody as a war between dragons I I think that that is what Ryan Condell told HBO to convince them to Greenlight this series H CU this is what George is all about he just loves the drama of a war amongst family and he loves the violence and excitement of of a war between dragons and that's what this is it's just the maximum amount of and emotion that you can possi ring from a story so that's what the dance is all about we get to see the painted table uh with reira so many candles planning her War this is a funny little symbol that she's got on the painted table isn't it that is that the same symbol as a necklace there I don't think it is uh it's similar let's pull up the necklace no it's not yeah I don't I don't think it's that looks like a raven skull that that does look like the bloody night King's thing it's it does but that's so weird I I I assume it's a coincidence but you know if after all this time it turns out that the night King actually is a character from this era of targaryan History I'm going to lose my mind look we know that time travel is a thing in this series so it's not all that far not like physical permanent oh I'm in the past now sort of time travel and yet they've got a very similar taste in jewelry what does that tell you huh it's even got like the thing within the thing design you know which is of course unique to this necklace that's pretty similar it is really similar that's very similar oh no no no this is more kite shaped and and it like diverts like a quarter of the way down whereas this one is it's like inverted well this one has little dangly bits on it as well the night Kings the dangly bit around it completely different well it also reminds me of brienne's armor in season 8 which is a raven skull which is a raven skull and which also looks quite a lot like that but of course bran is the night King so it connect bran is the night King and is Rainer don't tell me that that's not weird it's a little weird that's it's even got like the little dangly bits doesn't it those dang bits oh those are like the Raven ribs feathers legs body Ravens don't have that many legs yeah yeah kind of looks like ribs doesn't it yeah yeah well yeah extremely the branches of a weirwood tree yeah well I can't wait to get a closer look at some of that jewelry later on and and yeah yeah all those symbols also look vaguely like like this thing um but yeah they'll be planning their War they'll be figuring out who are their allies who are the enemies it might not be the night King I've decided that is Eric Gil behind rira there yeah and not Eric because that would make no sense so quick Kings guard reminder update Kings guard hour do do you want to go through the Kings guard Corner two in the very first scene of House of the Dragon we see oh God I forgotten his name the the King's Guard who was the Lord Commander red Brian red Ryan red Ryan red wine um who died and then Harold wesling became the Commander after him and he uh just stormed off in the middle of episode 9 he just like got up and left and we don't know where he went so that's one of the Kings guard and the other and three of the others Lauren marbrand Stephan darkland and Eric kgill with the blacks with riro on Dragonstone Christen colon Eric Carill uh with the greens in King's Landing pledged to Aon and the seventh Kings guards like there are always seven Kings guard um we don't know if Harold wesling is still a Kings guard so they might have another one to fill but um this the seventh Kings guard was never really revealed to us in House of the Dragon season 1 but there are two people from the books that it could be and uh oh God I forgotten their names uh one of them's I I I noted it in my video and it's escaped my mind because it's not that important to me um but there two folks that it could be uh we can look that up if we so feel if we so feel um Eric kgill and Eric K are identical twins and they're played by identical twins in the show Luke teda and Elliot Willis fell Willis fell yes that's one of them and Mar Waters no that's later um rard thorn rard thorn Ricard Thorn who is a distant relative of Alisa Thorn from Game of Throne the game of the throne uh thank you this was the King's Guard corner with glus callus he's had an interesting few years yeah he's been around and back his uh his family seems to be dying off one by one that's it seems to be basically an indirect result of things he's done yeah because his wife Reus keeps telling him hey callus can we please not be so involved in politics because it keeps getting our family killed it seems to be murdering our children but Kus is like no it's really important that I have a legacy well in the scene before this Callis decided yeah you know what we've gone too far and I've got nothing to show for it we're going to retire to to drift Mark and we're not going to but we'll decl declare for no one and just live out our lives and ignore this and rainy is like that's crazy we are in to deep now and then in the next scene kis looks at Raina and Baylor his only um surviving descendants and they're standing next to Jason Luke like they're fully entangled in Rene's family there is no way out for the valarian except through this war with riro yeah so Kus kind of did the worst possible thing which is that he he got his family involved to the hilt and then realized that it was a terrible idea and tried to back out but it was too late so so like what position does that leave him in now like is he going to be sort of defensive and trying to find an out for his family or is he going to be like okay let's just end this as quickly and brutally as possible to just finish it or like you know what is or how about we all just pack up and sail back to you know like what are the options here back to Vala cuz remember the important fact about Kus is that he's a great sea Voyager he's been all over the world he's fabulously Rich he's self-made man self-made man very uh from his position of nobility yes uh very arrogant and confident they have the dragon uh well well the tarians have the dragon rioting blood but the valaran just have the Valyrian blood but not Dragon riding Valyrian blood complicated genetics uh but he his uh children uh through his marriage to rise have the tarian dragon riding blood so that's how his um his children Lor and Lena were able we should probably pull up the bloody family tree Lor and Lena were able to ride dragons vagar and sea smoke um and Lena's children with Damon can ride dragons uh Baya has the dragon Moon Dancer Raina does not yet have a dragon that was your valion dragon update so yeah interested to see what callus does next yeah uh demon he's working out he's working his uh appear his biceps and his delts at the same time he's he's really going for that looks like quite a good dance actually uh so there's a wewood tree in the background uh we've seen a wewood tree in King's Landing there are wewood trees in many castles around Westeros um some of them have been burned or cut down at very various points uh so this really could be a lot of different places um to our knowledge Dragon Stone doesn't have one yeah or rather to our lack of knowledge we don't know if it does it it seems like it shouldn't but it might I guess well well Dragon King Landing does doesn't does melisandra burn a weirwood at Dragon Stone in book two oh in the books jeez cuz she burns the statues of the seven yeah I think she may also burn a weird there I can't remember but yeah there's a lot of different places this weirwood could be but I mean in the culture of the first man and the old gods the uh they often execute people in front of weirwoods like bran has a vision of some ancient person and and it's got got the sort of undertones of sacrifice to the gods and the gods are watching through the heart tree's eyes and so you know it maybe the Demon's executing someone here um it'll be really interesting to see like what role magic and prophecy and and stuff play in this series and that's really interesting because Damon is like the character who's probably least inclined towards all of that like he he says to rira dreams didn't make us Kings dragons did like he's completely uninterested in all of this prophecy and religion and God stuff he's interested in his own power and yet he's got that Dragon Blood yeah and he's obsessed with the legacy of valyria yeah so he he's got that conflict in him he's got that dog in him he's got that dragon in him you know yeah and he we builds dark sister that ancient Valyrian blade and he rides the dragon and so I I think whether he likes it or not he is connected to that Legacy and that magic and so yeah it'll be really fascinating if magic plays more of a role with him and of course you know rir knows about her prophecy and there's all speculation about Lis maybe being connected to the old gods and um yeah the role of magic could potentially be interesting he appears to be beheading someone there by the way we didn't didn't make that clear yeah it looks like it uh amond we we talked about this looking at the Iron Throne hungrily he seems to think that he's next in line I like that there's lightning happening there's like a storm happening how do that work which reminds us of the Storm at Storm's end when uh amond accidentally killed Luke with his Dragon um so I wonder if that sort of storm thing is going to continue to be like a motif with Amon yeah I mean Vaga his Dragon the biggest dragon in Westeros is is quite a force of nature herself you know so I think the storm is quite a nice aan is like constantly contending with this with the forces of nature that's a and he has a very stormy personality as well he's he's like beneath the surface he's he's raging it's a very English teacher sort of way of looking at this I learned everything I know from year nine lit class um I really like it it sort of reminds me of the shots of Daenerys when she first sees the iron throne in season 8 yeah mainly through the blue coloring which we don't typically see in Kings Landing yeah true the throne room is normally like this warm space yeah it's got this orange color temperature to it whereas this yeah it's very similar in color yeah yeah well maybe it sort of deliberately evokes the sort of Devastation around the throne that we eventually see which you know was caused by a dragon you know so we're reminded of how a dragon can be destructive and how can lead to um all manner of unpleasantness such as Game of Thrones season 8 you don't say uh this is an interesting one it sure is where's this it appears to be in the north somewhere um these people wearing what appeared to be black cloak so they could be Nights Watch recruits but those people in the middle there look very small and young or it might be just be the comparison cuz the people on the sides are on horses um yeah looks very very cold there's tall growth trees there so it's in you know old unemp place it really makes me think it is the North and we know Jae is going to the north to try and win craen Stark's Ally ship for his mother so I no yeah I agree with that I like the idea that these could be recruits I it would be really cool to see the Nights Watch in like better times you know because the Nights Watch has been in Decline for Centuries by the time of the main series have far fewer people they are far less respected than they used to be as an seriously when Cersei his petitions to you know help the knights watch adult she's like LOL yeah no but there was a time when they were respected a bit more um I mean wasn't you know Jaris and his Queen alisin didn't they make an effort to supply the Nights Watch with more men and resources and this is that was only two generations before this yeah like it's a long time ago but not that long yeah so it' be really cool to see the Nights Watch as a more powerful respected institution and the things that might have been going on there cuz like the other thing about the Nights Watch decline is that they have lost knowledge you know like like Jill Mormont complains that you know we should have known that Dragon glass can kill White Walkers we should have like had all these patrols and all this information because supposedly the Nights Watch was founded some 8,000 years ago for the purpose of Defending Westeros against the White Walkers apparently um but there's all sorts of mysteries around out in the main series is they think that they're defending Westeros from the wildlings yeah they've completely lost that yeah that's true yeah they've basically forgotten their purpose entirely by the time of the main Series so you know given that the house of the dragon show has introduced these ideas like Aon the Conqueror had a dream about the white walkers and that's why he wants to conquer Westeros uh I wonder if the kns watch may also have some sort of more information and more knowledge about their purpose and about the white walkers and um we could learn more about all of that um I love all the mysteries about the night Ford and the black gate and all of that stuff and I think Jay's talking to Craig would be a great Avenue to explore some of these things about an older North yeah yeah yeah learning about Northern politics in this era could be fascinating um the Starks before Ned before it's just going to be so great to meet another Stark you know yeah absolutely I mean you know one of George Martin's other little series is the Duncan egg Tales which is also being adapted into a TV show right now um and there are three Duncan egg stories but one of the upcoming Duncan egg stories because that's such a strong word I know um but George Martin has plans to write additional Duncan egg stories one of which is set in Winterfell in the north and he almost finished it apparently the it's called She Wolves of Winterfell is the working title and it's about like a northern inheritance dispute for Winterfell so this so this is in the time period in between House of the dra and the main Game of Thrones series um so yeah I just yeah I just really enjoy seeing these like familiar places and families in different time periods is really fun yeah it's like the excitement you get when you meet um the Lannister twins in season one of House of the Dragon oh my God that guy becomes Jamie Yeah well yeah like um I wonder if there's a Lannister genetic predisposition for twins absolutely there is there there are more Lannister twins than the General Public potion per capita and I think that is actually consistent with real world genetics where twins occur more in families where twins occur is that right I believe so so like yeah there's some genetic predisposition for uh fetuses to goo that's the technical definition isn't it uh our next shot is of Allison a this shot's so crazy look at that you know white dress looking so pale and ethereal and there's fog in the background where is this gliders um this is in Middle Earth somewhere it would appear yeah that was my feeling I she just looks so pensive and not of this world yeah I mean my thought seeing this was the God's eye Lake yeah but like H how does Allison wind up there near Haron Hall I mean it's it's very weird for her to be like standing out in the open during this it's weird for her to not be in the red keep ever yeah exactly um because if she's standing out in the open it's entirely possible that a bloody dragon is going to come down and scoop her up right and in episode 10 Damon says that he's going to take Haren hle yeah yeah so yeah I mean I I kind of like the idea that it's the God's eye but it doesn't really make any sense for Allison to be I don't know where else it could be it's not the blackwat it doesn't feel like it should be the Blackwater and is it could it be Blackwater Bay like I guess it could be the bay doesn't the city back onto the the B though like like where's the city like maybe she's a bit down the on the king's wood she could be near rosby or something but yeah so so it's it's very odd so I think our feeling is that this might be a dream um which could be a really interesting way to explore her feelings and stuff because like in the Game of Thrones books there are constantly dreams and visions that give us all sorts of insights into how characters are feeling and like visions of the future and fears and doubts it happens all the time in the books and they almost never did dreams in the show um so it would be really fitting if they used some dream sequences in the show especially given how the meaning of dreams was emphasized in the first season yeah yeah because viseris had the dream that he would have a son and that motivated him to have his wife cut open and all the horrors that followed and Helena taryan uh says all these little prophecies that are probably connected to taryan Dragon dreams cuz the tarians have this sort of genetic predisposition to prophetic visions and and and I mean you know if if you'll allow me to be uh speculative what if I don't allow you for a moment uh the high Towers right Allison is of house high tower in the books if I remember correctly the high Towers uh are described as being blonde um and having those sorts of valan features do they have those purple eyes as well um I think that's more of a Dane thing I don't know if Isa really got into about the high Towers yeah no yeah I don't think the eyes are mentioned but they do have silver gold hair and pale skin leness hiow who was jorah's wife looked like Daenerys Targaryen um and Aller hiow has silver hair even though she's not old enough to have like white hair Jaris in the books Old King Jaris confused Allison our Allison for his daughter Sarah Targaryen who had the who had the pale hair which he was a dying old man at the time so grain of salt yeah maybe that doesn't tell us so much but but I think based on the sort of vague information in the books it sounds as though the high Towers look like targaryens or at least have the the you know silver gold hair and the reason why I think that matters uh potentially is that the high Towers live uh in Oldtown all the way over here all the way over here um which uh is also near starall um and starall the Danes have that gold hair they also have purple eyes even though the books say they are not Valyrian they are like first men or or something um but there's also the high tower were there long long long before the targaryens came to Westeros yeah so we have these like blonde people um before the tarians and we also have the high tower Blackstone uh first Fort which appears to have been made by dragons but not by the tarians not by the valyrians Legend of dragons roosting on Battle Isle before the high Towers conquered it and started Oldtown yeah yeah yeah yeah so so in high tower HQ there's evidence of ancient dragons before the valyrians and they've got silver gold hair and they got silver gold hair and the Danes have silver gold hair and the purple eyes and if you consider that before the arm of Dawn was shattered if you were going to like sail along the southern coast of this continent and Dawn is a desert the first place you would land is Starfall and then the whisper the that that sound whose name I've forgotten or you could fly the whispering sound yeah because the Game of Thrones world book also talks about the great Empire of the Dawn which were Dragon Riders probably because they built the first forts the so Dragon Riders before the valyrians there's hints that someone taught the valyrians how to ride dragons and so there's a lot of speculation that there was this ancient Eastern Empire that rode dragons before the valyrians and I think based on the hints of the high tower and the Danes and all of that they may have been here and so the high tower with their blonde hair and the Danes with their blonde hair and purple eyes may be like the ancestors the distant ancestors of these ancient dragon riters which is an incredibly roundabout way of saying maybe Allison and Otto and the high Towers have a little drop of that like ancient dragon rer magic blood and maybe they have a touch of that Dragon dreaming uh prophetic Vision ability and that would connect with Leon High Tower who we mentioned earlier right like connection to to Magic Lon and mad malora have a connection to Magic and so it's plausible I think that the high Towers also have a bit of that magic blood and um therefore it makes a kind of bit of additional sense that Allison might have some kind of prophetic dreams that that was quite speculative but uh it's a fun idea I've never seen a more succinct summary of all of that nonsense yeah I've had a bit of practice trying to explain that one it's so um it it's really convoluted yeah I'm trying very hard to make this easy to understand uh so yeah Allison obviously uh has been through a lot um and is probably going to go through more uh like season one is very much about her relationship with reier who was her BFF uh but they became estranged uh because R lied about having sex with Christen Cole and Allison married her dad which was sort of uncool in near his eyes a bit not great and Otto sort of groomed Allison as this you know political figure and her son Aon um and ultimately she sort of convinced herself that King viserys's dying wish was for her son aegon to be king um and she started relying on people like Laris and Kristen who are murderers and not great dudes uh and so you know Allison despite all that did try to figure out a peaceful resolution to this conflict with R in the final episodes of season 1 but uh alas that does not seem to be working out so I guess some of the questions are you know like is peace still possible between rer and Allison like what love is still there if they could just talk to each other you know what might result um those are some of the questions peace violence love hate uh she wants to protect her children what's going to happen next a war between k a war between Ken rineer is looking angry got got old Cyrax behind her there facing off with another dragon now this is a really interesting one cuz it looks like like the color palette makes me think that it's seasmoke that other Dragon there but sea smoke is you know like supposedly an ally of the blacks as much as a dragon can be counted on for you know their uh Alliance um but it's bigger than Cyrax and in in show Cannon Cyrax is older than sea smoke or at least should be if it correlates the age of their writers I mean if we assume that the dragon hatched at the same time that the baby was born which is not necessarily true it's somewhat of an assumption yeah yeah and I mean so maybe some dragons are just bigger than others you know like I mean Caris is a funny sausage noodle like maybe dragons are just different sometimes maybe Cyrax is just a little small girl yeah maybe Cy sea Smoke's just real hungry yeah or maybe it's not sea smoke well yeah I mean that that head I mean SE smoke has a hilarious face yeah um and big curvy horns and I don't I don't see that yeah true here I mean who else could it be could it be Silverwing yeah yeah maybe it's Silverwing cuz Sil Wing was the uh dragon of good Queen Aline and this does look somewhat silver does look very silver and who is this person in front of this Dragon we're debating the identity of yeah it's uh hello definitely a person I can tell from the pixels that it's a person they appear to be like standing off against each other um on this beach or sandb bar which we know there are some of near Dragon stone or on Dragon Stone yeah it well it looks like an interesting meeting like it looks like they're not like about to murder each other it looks like it might be more of a diplomatic meeting or an uncertain confrontation I mean I mean sea smoke sea smoke makes a lot of sense because it's like she would be uncertain about SE smoke if Coke came back like if her ex husband came back you know her Dragon comes back it's like what is the Loyalty of this Dragon what is the implication for my secret about Lor being alive maybe that is Lor yeah maybe Lor just came right back and said I changed my mind a lot of people think that Lor could come back for the war yeah which would be insane well as I said I mean it it is weird the idea that se smoke could be claimed by anyone else yeah what if what if rira just murders Lor so that she can have sea smoke for her side that would be mental it would be fully mental and again like you know these deviations from the books create some interesting possibilities so I'm really excited to see the fate of sea smoke yeah yeah me too just want to see his goofy face again this is a beautiful shot of King's Landing yeah we don't normally see this angle do we I remember in uh Game of Thrones episode one there's a sort of an unusual angle that we get on from the side yeah well like from the bay um yeah I quite like it we get like this shot and you can see the the ruined Dragon pit yep over and there's the uh that Bor sep behind it yeah it looks like a Proto Bor set before they decided what it looked like yeah and now we see the dragon pit as it was before dot dot dot um so yeah so it's nice to see that shot at King's Landing it's yeah there's like a flying aerial shot almost I wonder if this is a dragon flying towards just a misiz on S like I I just think it's a misiz on who well it's an establishing shot of Kings Landing that's what I think it is cuz Dragon shots are usually Whooper than this yeah well it could increase in whoop AG I suppose it could become Whooper as it goes on who's this honestly couldn't tell you so um I think that this is Alice Rivers played by is it Gail Ranken I think is her name the actress um uncharacteristically I've been caught off guard and don't know the actor yeah I I I think it's her eye color certainly the same veryy much does look like it um she's got some interesting stuff on her face by the looks of it H what's going on with her face are they scars are they wrinkles it looks a bit like BN scars or something to me it it connects with her hair almost is it hair on her face guess it could be and there's also things moving through the air around her looks like Embers or Ash or debris leaves leaves flying through the wind soaked snow confetti could it be rice could it be like leaves uh blown about by dragon wings perhaps so so we won't tell you any uh big spoilers but just to briefly introduce this character this character Alice Rivers is a bastard of house strong apparently so you'll remember that how strong is um is uh Harwin strong and Laris strong uh the children of Lionel strong um and lonel strong was handed the king and uh Lara strong is now the like sort of Master of Whispers for alicent um and how and strong was the father of uh Jace Luke and Joffrey Reiner's kids and so important family important family um Lords of heren Hall an old first men family which you know are the people with the blood of the skin changes and the Ws which is why the sort of like um lus being magical potentially mix and um and Alice is this mysterious um witch King all right everyone in the live chat is saying it's Helena could that be Helena I thought it was Alice Rivers it doesn't doesn't look like um yeah it doesn't look like Helena to me um is it Helena oh I get her chin and her mouth looks similar her eyebrows look similar people are saying it's Helena beneath a veil yeah all right I could see that well the chat seems to think it's Helena those are the same earrings no they're not yeah well it's a very interesting shot yeah whatever whoever it is should we keep talking about Alice Rivers anyway well she she's not in the trailer yeah look Alice Rivers is a cool bastard witch who uh we will learn more about um and everyone seems to think this is Helena uh well let's talk about Helena then shall we who who no hel I I really liked Helena Targaryen The Queen of aegon the second um in the first season what do you love about Helena um she she doesn't take no gut from anyone no um I really like that she's she's just so different from every other character um with a um like unmitigated just I I'll blurt out a prophecy to you now I don't know what it means you don't know what it means the audience is going to try to figure it out it's just a lot of fun um and she's got this like sort of detached apathy about everything going like it's just I'm I'm here I guess they made me marry my brother we have some children I guess I'm the queen now but where the Beast beneath her oh my god um she's just a pure innocent Soul who doesn't deserve any hardships ever she yeah she's a great contrast to most of the other characters she's innocent cuz most of the other characters yeah like she hasn't done anything yeah yeah that's so true cuz every other character has blood on their hands or just has made some terrible lawful decisions in their pursuit of love and power and you know Legacy whereas Helena has done none of those things yeah and in Her speech in episode 8 she talks about her marriage to aegon and she's like look look this is my lot I'm dealing with it yeah yeah she show she showed a lot of awareness there like in the earlier episodes Helena seemed to like not even necessarily be aware of what's happening around her most of the time whereas yeah in that in that moment she actually she's acutely aware of what's going on yeah she like tells us that yeah like I'm aware that my husband King Aon my husband brother is awful um but you know uh I'm seeing the bright side you deal with it and I deal with it and um and yeah she's also magic let's see how she continues to deal with it yeah what else will she have to deal with I really really liked this yeah the dancing scene yeah very gorgeous cuz like in the same way that Allison and rira have some distant love for each other like this showed that there could have been a nice connection between the next generation of this feud in the family yeah Family Feud if you if you may yeah Ju Just like like um how the intergenerational hatred was passed down to the children there was also some love that was passed down to the children you know like at the same time that they passed down this awful Feud they also passed down a sort of an affection and the possibility that it could be rekindled so I think they've done a good job of like giving us a sense of hope that you know maybe it's possible that these guys could um reconcile somehow and do a little boogie once more so yeah I mean you know given that Helena uh doesn't seem happy here seems to have these prophecies yeah she does not look too happy you know what those creases wrinkles on her face really do it it does make sense that it's a veil like I can see that now yeah it's weird it's so thin and so transparent that it looks like it's like part of her skin it's a very when I first saw this shot I was like wait are we underwater yeah yeah it's a very strange dreamy shot which fits very strange strange dreamy character um yeah I wonder what will happen with Helena next cuz I mean she's also don't she's well I mean hotti has I mean like in the books Helena is not a magic person as far as we know like Helena having dreams and Visions is an invention of the show so you know even those of us who have read the books and know the basic things that are going to happen we don't know the details and the specifics which are often just as important as the big things you know given that she does have some foresight into the future whatever happens to Helena next she probably sort of has some idea of already yeah yeah which is just terrible and and like you know the whole way that the whole way that dreams work in this series is that um often characters follow their dreams and their visions and they try to fulfill their prophecies they try and make them come true but they often find out that it comes true in a different way than what they expected often with tragic and disastrous results which I which I think is basically a metaphor or a device to explore Ambitions and dreams and hopes and consequence of foll your ambition and dreams and hopes and and so Helena is kind of an interesting contrast to that because so she is not a character who really pursues dreams and hopes like her Visions are just something that she just has and she just sort of mutters them for other people to hear which I guess makes her more similar to characters like patch face um yeah who's another character who doesn't really do much but he just says these prophetic things for other characters to be disturbed by or really the reader I mean patch I mean the reader reacts to patch is prophecies more everyone else is like ah that goofy little guy so I guess one of the other questions is like will anyone listen to Helena's prophecies this season or will she continue to be mostly ignored throughout season one she has been shown to be ignored basically all the time yeah like when she was telling her mother cool facts about this millipede she just was like yep imagine not being interested in Helena's milipede facts that's just outrageous so yeah we love Helena and we'll see what happens next uh we got a drum boom boom something's happening here we got some Riders this definitely looks like I mean that looks like a King's Guard KN doesn't it it sure does that's a white cloak yep King's Guard KN riding through the forest could be a battle could be a messenger could be a secret mission there's one dripped out horse we won't spoil anything too important but we do see a battle do we see any particular heraldry here I don't think we do I'm not picking up on any except for the you know all the white adornments of that horse there there is something in the bottom left there that we might be able to make out I wonder who that horse is what's that horse's name is that a rosby yeah those are the red stripes oh my god of rosby aren't they to yeah yeah so so this looks like a continuation of the um rosby and stokeworth soldiers that we saw over here y same helmets and stuff as well so so yeah I mean that's got blood on the shields so maybe that's like maybe this is like after the battle or after a battle and this is during the battle yeah could be and given that the rosb and stok worth so with the greens this Mak sense that this could be Kristen uh yeah it's nice to see characters actually wearing their helmet is thank God because um that was another complaint about the got TV show is that I mean in episode three when Damon makes his suicide run in the stepstones he doesn't wear helmet yeah like that's sort of dumb but well that well that's because he was being ridiculous and YOLO and suicidal yeah and he and if and wearing a helmet wouldn't make his I'm surrendering thing very convincing so they're using PL props to tell stories and tell us things about characters which is storytelling vent to do who would have thought I love it um yeah so it looks like we got more battles so this is probably in the crown lands um woohoo battles and yeah it looks as though the stokeworth and rosb are siding with uh the greens and aegon against rera by the looks of it based on the heraldry earlier so we will see how that develops and oh my gosh that's fire I know that from real life wait a minute there's dragons in this story burning a wagon or something yeah so there's more rosb shields in there the rosb are just eating L's today they sure are I mean that's what they do all through the series if we're being honest I think it just turns out that being like a minor house in the shadow of the tarians just bad idea just a bad time I would not want to the T actually that doesn't really work out that well either so I guess one question is like which dragon is doing the roasting of the rosb here well we've seen um cyra's flame we've seen corus's flame we've seen SE smok's flame and have we seen any of M's flame I don't think we have are you telling me that you can identify a dragon based on the appearance of its fire yeah and I'm about to oh my gosh um cuz that well please don't ask me to do that cuzz that's not going to happen well that is a thing in the books though isn't it because in the books the different dragons have different colored flame yeah Isn't that cool drogon breathes black flame Reon Regal breathes yellow and green flame been talking for a while haven't we we sure have um so that's so you actually can tell dragons apart by their fire in the books sometimes but probably not here because this is you know real life fire enhanced by computer Imaging of course but I I I don't know how they convince those actors to be set a fire for this show but um there is this cool artwork by the inimitable OU alteras um of Tarion breathing blue flame beautiful uh which is pretty cool um although I suppose we should not get too specific about what that event is but the point is that yeah there are different colored fiery dragons in the books uh yeah so I mean of course one of the things about this war is that uh the soldiers and armies but the dragons can basically roast everyone one of the lessons from agon's Conquest uh is that dragons beat armies almost every time like as we saw in Game of Thrones uh dragons can be killed with things like Scorpion ballistas and in the daish wars that aegon attempted in his conquest of dawn um the way that the dorish won against his dragons was by not engaging with them yeah yeah it is possible to beat dragons um by just avoiding them and striking when uh they least expect and getting a few lucky shots with ballista so uh so yeah like it's this weird sort of asymmetrical Warfare with dragons and armies um and something they discussed in episode 10 is that uh they could go out with dragons and try and burn all the armies but the dragons have to be well the dragons are usually piloted by people by targaryens who are important Royal people and so rir doesn't want to risk her family by having them ride into battle on the backs of dragons especially when half the Dragon Riders are kids yep her kids yeah so it's like we've got these powerful weapons but the only way of using these weapons is by risking her children so it's you know it's almost like it's it's almost like George wrote this to be as dramatic and and violent as possible Ah that's why you have multiple children yeah that's right more tarians some them can die in war and it won't matter mhm uh so being roasted by dragons is not fun uh and then we see Rainy telling riera hey this war is going to be bad because there's dagron oh which is like an extension of what she says to call this in episode one of House of House of the Dragon she's like yeah no one is really grasping like we're playing at War here this isn't no one's getting the gravity of War yeah yeah that that's important because this has not really happened before there has never been a like tarian Civil War at this scale there's no like memory of dragons fighting dragons um yeah this sort of thing would have happened in the days of old valyria but not since then yeah it's it's certainly not in like living memory um like the the closest thing that sort of happened was uh Meo the cruel who was um a son of aegon the first the Conqueror um killed one of his was it his nephew um uh and so that was a dragon on Dragon tug Arian on tuaran battle that happened but that was just one dragon and one dragon and one battle yeah that was one very brief moment now we've got like almost 20 dragons flying around yeah so the potential for Carnage is enormous um this is like you know two nuclear Powers um just starting to fling thermonuclear icbms at each other so uh so yeah Duck and Cover um get beneath your table and so you know R stop drop and roll yeah so rainy uh is great are we rainy fans I think we're rainy fans I'm a Raines fan she's great because she was almost the ruler of Westeros uh but at the Haron Hall Council they chose viseris instead and you know we can wander all day at how much better off we may have been if raining ruled Westeros instead of Aeris um or worse off who knows um but you know she she was spurned by the Lords and she has a certain bitterness about that um partly you know her actor was saying that uh rise kind of hates reera because rera was named as heir to the throne and Rise wasn't and so there's a bit of jealousy there well in this scene rise says Serena um yeah good luck with that yeah yeah and and we've just now reached the yeah that's the look isn't it and we've just now reached the point where riro will be needing good luck with that and R Is Now by her side to counsel her and provide some of that well-wishing that she needs and a dragon yeah it's a weird situation where rain e was previously not really in Rainer corner but now they are bound together well you know um there's a scene where there are a few scenes where CES and rainy have a chat about their Ambitions in the future of their family and rainy says look I've made my Pace with that it happened a very long time ago I have put the business behind me yeah and I think that's sincere I think that she means it when she says that she's not making that up just to get her husband to do what she wants yeah yeah no she means it but the emotions aren't all gone yeah um like it is UN it is literally unfair that R was the air to the iron throne and Rise wasn't yeah rise was rejected for being female riro was not so so it makes complete sense that she'd be bitter about that and of course you know I mean half this goddamn problem is that the tarians couldn't decide on a system and on a precedent for inheritance like if they just decided okay women are or are not allowed to inherit if they just stuck to something then there'd be a much more stable round that's what the purpose of the council basically was to determine the Precedence and then viseris was like I don't like my brother that much or at least I don't trust him to um be be the next king if I die I I don't hate in Game of Thrones season 8 the idea of having a great council at the end of the story to choose a king um because it's it's a step towards accountability and something almost resembling democracy almost in vague distant sense off in the Horizon that might be a democracy someday there's that there's hints that before Robert's Rebellion uh rhaegar Taren was hoping to call a council uh to remove his father the Mad King ays from the throne to um possibly put himself on the throne but like to do so with the support and consent of the great houses instead of just unilaterally having a mad man on the Iron Throne um a soft coup in the direction of a more peaceful rulership yeah a soft CP in a good direction is sort of the Hope um so something like that happening at the end of A Song of Ice and Fire makes some sense to me just not in who has a better story oh my goodness yeah I uh did not like uh the way that was handled at the end of The Game of Thrones TV show that's such a brave and unique Viewpoint you have there I know I'm a special butterfly but I did not love uh a lot about how that went down in season 8 um but yeah anyway rainy really I couldn't tell from your videos on the subject I know I was I was subtle I know uh so rainy you know one of the other complications is that you know rainy has lost both of her children um she has lost uh her daughter Lena and her son Lor has since died in the time since this chart was made uh well I mean she thinks Lor's dead yeah uh but rainy does still have her grandchildren Baylor and Raina wouldn't it suck to have Damon as a son-in-law uh she deals with it oh my God she tries to ignore it I think so Bay is the one with the dragon rain is the one without a dragon um and rain's would like bayor and Raina to inherit drift Mark um and to rule that second most powerful house but also you know there's the question of maybe Joffrey valion might potentially rule the uh valion and drift Mark well especially now that Luke's dead now that Luke's dead and he was meant to be the person so you know there's still that sort of valion power struggle is is a it continues to be a thing you think Raina is going to be sad she seemed to really like Luke yeah yeah cuz Raina was betrothed to marry Luke um just as Bayo was betro to marry Jace yeah um still is yeah so I want yeah Will Raina be betro to Joffrey now instead we're going to know I don't really see the point of having a double betral going on because like established one Alliance and that's good enough yeah putting putting all of your chips yeah it basically leads to the situation where Luke can't give Boris Baratheon anything yeah yeah exactly yeah if they didn't make that double betral Luke could have said okay boros I will marry one of your although in saying that boros's daughters were like 30 and Luke's like 14 again not the worst political marriage that has occurred in this series um so yeah rainey's has a lot going on she mostly just wants to protect her family and she doesn't really want and innovates new dramatic hairstyles yes just look at this it's incredible she sure does um but at the same time we should remember that uh rise is badass um and she's a chaotic mfer and her Dragon was said to be the fastest dragon in Westeros at one point um and uh she's just she's just cool and I hope that we get to see some of her coolness soon some epic dramatic rainy stuff we see bayor yeah so this is reis's granddaughter Damon and Lena's daughter bayor twin of Raina uh she has a little dragon called moondancer well we actually don't know if she's little in the show yeah we haven't seen Moon Dancer in the TV show yet um but this uh carefully photosho uh it's carefully cropped uh image uh is a is a butchered version of a magali vnu uh illustration of Moon Dancer so she's a sort of pale green small Serpentine dragon in the books uh but yeah we're yet to see what she looks like in this really reminds me of Lena riding Vega in episode 6 yeah there's a similar expression there isn't there I think so um what else do we know about bayor we don't know a whole lot about B she seems to be the more like um confident outgoing sibling between herself and raino because um yeah yeah this sort of feeling um raino of course doesn't have a dragon and that that's a thing that targaryens are sort of you know their strength is defined by their connection to dragons and Raina doesn't have one so she's more like Meek um and you know doesn't really get up to much whereas B is a lot she seems a lot more Fierce than raino yeah we we really didn't see much of them in season one unfortunately so it'll be interesting to see what kinds of characterization they get excited to see more of them yeah saw them kneeling to Raina at the end of season one um so yeah we we'll see like if they start participating in battles we'll see if Raina gets a dragon we'll see if they uh get to marry any of R's kids there's a lot of possibilities with these guys so we'll see what happens I wonder if like Raina will want to like steal a dragon get a dragon egg well I hypothesize that she should be the one that might want to try and claim sea smoke yeah that would make a lot of sense and if that works then that would be the tip to rero that Lenor has died off screen yeah no that's a great idea that would make a lot of sense they have a lot of options concerning um the future of these characters the fact that uh Baylor is screaming at Top This Dragon suggests that she's in battle oh she could just be enjoying it's like when you scream on a roller Coter aan screamed when he claimed Vega she looks pretty angry yeah she does oh and look at that uh pin that she's wearing that looks just like daenerys's pin in the latest seasons of the TV show that's interesting let's see if I can find do you remember which episodes she has that gosh it's so probably season 7 episode 4 season 7 episode 4 and then eight e13 oh Mandi mandai has oh there it is there it goes so was that daen I hate this scene so much I banged the unic look at me you have a crush on Jon Snow no I don't shut up I mean it was it was kind of like an important scene because like establishing that daen and Mandi like have an important relationship and a friendship is really important before mandi's death um but yeah I don't think it I don't think it landed the way that they executed it unfortunately yeah that's the that looks the same it's it's the three dragon heads um is this some sort of you know like advisor to the queen symbolism I wonder if we'll see this thing explained at all that is basically the same prop I mean it's backwards yeah or is it yeah no Taran yeah huh cool cool I I'm Ryan Condell probably loves that we're noticing this because you just know that Ryan was like they were saying Ryan Ryan no one's going to notice that it's the same dragon head pin as last time and Ryan was like don't you worry Ryan Ryan has seen enough reactions to the painted table to know that people care about the props yeah I hope so I I I mean it would be such a weird position being like a showrunner of a show like this and the question of like do I or do I not look at all the youtubs do I cud all the weird nerds who spend their entire lives thinking about this stuff cuz that's one of the mistakes that Westworld made was that they decided to uh write their show entirely for the Reddit nerds and to be like ah yes the average audience member will definitely want to go onto our Secret website to find the Easter egg that leads to the clue that leads to the Facebook chat bot that tells them what that entire episode was about like they really made it difficult for people to I think there's a healthy Middle Ground between all of that ARG stuff and um contempt for the audience that uh Benny off and Weiss seem to demonstrate towards the end of Game of Thrones yeah yeah because yeah because D and D did the opposite of what westwell did and they catered only to the people who don't know the character's names and like you know have no interest in any of the details when they see a dragon do something yeah obviously I mean I do that too yeah obviously the middle ground is both like there we want to woo at the dragons and we want to appreciate the small you if there's some a ARG crap that you want people to be able to indulge themselves in like give that but don't make it too important yeah yeah exactly don't make the um understanding of the show's entire meaning rely on access to it yeah you you've got to try and thread that needle and appeal to M unless like willing to deal with the Fallout of making it that exclusive that's fine like well and also like if you are trying to appeal to an Ultra small Niche audience maybe don't spend $100 million on it like if you're trying if if making a return on your investment is a goal maybe try to appeal to more than five guys on Reddit as one of those five guys I beseech you all right um the other four are going to have words for when I see when next time I see the other um so so Bay's having a yell the the way these shots are ordered makes it look like Baylor is flying her Dragon over King's Landing and scaring the people which is interesting because if you roll the shots backwards it sort of looks like Baylor is in that battle with the rosb and the St if you run them backwards it looks like Bay's flying backwards away from the she's leaving King's Landing um yeah so so it's deliberately ambiguous what's going on there but but seeing all these like see seeing all these fleeing civilians reminds me of season 8 episode 5 where Daenerys decides to do a war crime and uh we see all of the fleeing civilians running away from her which is um maybe a deliberate parallel that they're doing oh well perhaps oh well oh well oh well oh well um so yeah I mean what's going on here why why are all these civilians running around glidus because there's stuff happening and like people panic when stuff happens I find stuff to be very panicky um so so the they grabbing they're grabbing Allison they're grabbing the Queen Mother the queen mother so that of course is similar to the riot in Game of Thrones season 2 episode oh God is it five or six six six God you're good at that um so this was the riot that happened because the common people were hungry and not a big fan of King Joffrey and the opulence exuded by the royal family and so the King's Guard struggled to protect the Royals from the common people and sort of just gave up on protecting Sansa yes until sandor was like n let's let's keep her alive I guess so similarly uh it looks like the common people are grumpy with Allison and the greens um something that I War tends to be a catalyst for famine and things of this nature yeah and while the Royals are prioritizing the war and prioritizing their own safety they might not be looking after the common folk what one of the things that isn't in the books but which I really liked in Hot D was this idea of mazaria as like a champion for the common people um because she spoke to Otto and she's like hey like you know you have no power but what the people allow you and you need to close the fighting pits and you need to respect the the common innocent average people and of course you know there was that moment in episode 9 when rise and Mel murdered a bunch of civilians in the dragon completely disregarding the well-being of the normal people who live in the city so I think that I think that's meant to be a Counterpoint to mazaria saying hey you need to respect the power of the common people so by seeing this this Riot happening and people grabbing Allison I think that's all meant to connect as a way of saying this is the consequence of not respecting the common people and you know the the the fate of the the normal folks is thematically wrapped up in Targaryen power and disregard for um their status yeah so we'll see how that plays out cuz like in in theory the whole idea to justify this feudal hierarchy is that there's a social contract and the contract is that the Royals have the power and they use that power to protect the common people to provide basic security make your life better than it would be if we weren't there you pay your taxes and you get some kind of protection in return in theory that's the system and good rulers uphold that contract and bad rulers fail to uphold that contract that's a biting political commentary I know um so when the common people start trying to um rip you apart that's a sign that you might be failing for you might have dropped the ball on that one Chief you might have done a few whoopsies yeah all right what's next I don't know you're the one with the with the control here this is a Bracken Soldier see a little red horsey down there yeah the brackens of course being a house of the riverlands who are in this constant Millennia long feud between themselves and the blackwoods I love this douchebag Gerald Bracken what a guy you didn't believe me when I said his name was Gerald I thought you were joking it was no joke and that's a Willam Blackwood so what happened to Gerald uh he got he got cut up he he got all killed and stuff on the floor of storms end what is it with storms end and lordlings killing each other over intergenerational beef I think that just dramatic uh environment just encourages dramatic yeah doings dark turbulent bloody doings I I like that we saw a Bracken shield in uh season one didn't we when the Tyrion and Catlin get attacked by the hill tribes in the veil so yeah this is a Bracken and uh it looks as though uh conflict continues what who's fighting who I mean maybe this is related to uh the Blackwood killing the Bracken in episode four that was like 20 years ago yeah that's true uh but it's you know it's a nice maybe we'll see Willam Blackwood again and is finally facing consequences you know someone's like you killed our our Lord's son or whatever and also you know this is a hint that the war is spreading like we've seen that you know the rosb and the stoew worths indicate that there's fighting happening in the crown lands but seeing this Bracken pulling out his sword suggests that the war might be spreading to the riverlands as well that's right when violence breaks out it's like an excuse for other violences to exist also yeah it's true like like there's opportunistic violence like every war if we pledge ourselves to you then you'll pledge yourselves to them and then we can have a war as well which we've wanted to do because we hate you yeah every war is an opportunity for ambitious angry people to settle beef or as put by Peter Bish Chaos's ladder indeed um so yeah we'll see what happens with the brackens and the brackens are like the bad guy coded side whereas the blackwoods are the good guy coded side which is also funny like I always enjoy how George Martin is like everyone has Humanity everyone's deserving of respect there were good people in bad people on the side of every war suck except for the brackens who are all awful and the frease who are all awful and the Bolton so were all awful I don't think George does that with the phrase I think he makes quite an effort to demonstrate phaser true and he also the boltons there's domick Bolton who was appar a cool dude yeah so and maybe we'll meet a cool Bracken there's a small chance there's a there's a possibility yeah but that is funny that he makes titos Blackwood the coolest guy in the world World actually he he doesn't understand it interview where some guy was like man I just love titos Blackwood and George was like I he appears in one scene and he's just got a cloak what why do you love this guy so much some of George Martin's most iconic characters are iconic by accident I I mean the alltime classic is when uh George Martin in the comments of his blog expressed confusion that a lot of people are attracted to the hound and The Hound's relationship to Sansa and he's like but the Hound is is scary ug so you know why would anyone be attracted to this hot man with these issues emotionally and this power and danger George ever spoken to a woman yeah there's all these like people in the comments saying no actually that Dynamic is incredibly attractive to a lot of people and George is like oh damn I wish they were attracted to Sam Fat bookish Sam Good well-intentioned Sam who there are people out there George don't worry yeah um so we see some Bernie people doing the Bernie J yep their best Hayden Christenson Impressions oh my god um and yeah there's that sort of characteristic thick clothing that is worn by the stunt men before they get set on fire for these sorts of shots uh dmon on a dragon on Caris in his armor who who's he going to fight so we mentioned that they anyone he can yeah anyone he can get his hands on yeah so you mentioned that Damon's going to Haron Hall isn't he that's what he said he'd do it's what he wanted to do at least so Hall is the big ruined castle that we've seen before a very strategic location right in the center of Westeros biggest castle on the side of a big lake so it's near King's Landing uh and River Rome basically controls the riverlands yeah so it's a great foothold if you want to conduct a war across the continent which Damon very much wants to do currently the Lord of Haron Hall uh is our buddy Laris strong not that he ever spends any time there from the of it yeah he's busy in King's Landing being Ellison's master of Whisperers and this is of course after he murdered his father Lionel and brother harn uh so who's in charge of Haron Hall we don't know who's who donon going to meet at Haren Hall we don't know we will find out uh if that is indeed where he's going don't touch that dial for six months or so uh and this is an event that is an event we will not spoil any major events but that is Helena and that's a guy yep we will say nothing further so we don't spil where that guy came from or what he's doing there this is Kristen uh copying Damon yeah we got to see plagiarism Kristen we got to see Damon bash uh someone in the head uh in season one and now we see Kristen bashing someone in the head with a I wonder if this is a similar situation where it's a messenger telling him something he doesn't like or if it's just like someone in B he's in battle with if it's someone he's in battle with it's confusing that he's not stabbing him with his sword or something like that yeah hitting someone with your own helmet does not look like a I am in Mortal Kombat type of a move it's more of a I'm superior to you and you've displeased me sort of yeah that is an insult of a move isn't it um it's episode three yeah and I wonder what that armor design like I I don't remember seeing a an armor design like that um um where would you find it well to me it sort of says Tully that armor design um CU they have some of gu is wearing oh maybe not yeah maybe not Tully it does feel Riverland is for some reason yeah maybe it's just I I love the black fish's armor in season six yeah it does look pretty cool so cool very scaly very cool um so yeah Kristen continues his legacy of just being a douche I would not be surprised if this guy is an ally and he's attacking his own Ally because you know Kristen murdered Joffrey um and he murdered uh God who else do murder he murdered Joffrey and he murdered L be lman be yeah rip never forgetti um so yeah kriston continues to be a violent douchebag um some guy's falling off a horse he drifted too fast uh here is who's this glidus I'm inclined to believe this is Eric Carill so remember there's there's Eric and there's Eric yeah you can tell from the from the mustache that is aric yeah you you were saying that um I have become pretty good at telling Luke and Elliot didn't Zar apart but um the footage is too blurry and you know it's just a single still yeah well Eric appears to be or Eric or aric appears to be attacking someone in a bedroom um so what's going on here looks to be in the Red Cap actually yeah wonder if that's connected to anything else combat inside the red keep is a bad sign yeah oh that's a guy with a sword seems to be the same kind of armor yeah anyway that's amond targarian riding vagar presumably who's he fighting what's he doing uh and that's that's rer on a dragon so yeah maybe that's connected maybe it's not teasers like to play around with that sort of stuff deceptive editing the lighting and the sky it does look very similar is it possible that amond is fighting rer that would be extremely dang going up against Vega the biggest dragon alive um in the books we don't see a lot of Raina fighting but it looks as though that's what's happening in the TV show so that would be cool as well she's not wearing armor like something that people complained about with Daenerys is that she she not only didn't have a saddle she she didn't even wear armor when she was in battle on her Dragon I think the saddle complaint is a bit much because you know here the targaryens have have grown up in a in a dragon based cult like dragons are around them all the time they've continued on from the Valyrian Legacy of having dragons dragons being saddled is just the thing they do whereas Daenerys like there are no dragons around in the time of in season one Tyrion designed a saddle yeah for brown yeah yeah I don't know why they didn't pay that off in season seven yeah they very much could have it just it would have made so much sense for tyan to say hey as your hand here's something I can do to help you here's a thing I did in the past that relates to a thing that's in the present they loved doing that in season seven they love nothing better than callbacks yeah maybe the season 1 saddle incident was a bit too obscure for them um but yeah we'll see we I if if we get a moment of rera coming out Queen rera in her tarian armor looking as cool as like dayon in his armor that would be extremely R gets armor why not why not everyone else so here's Vega uh presumably being ridden by Ammond uh flying over soldiers looking huge I love how Vega eclipses the sun wonderful imagery we see vegar tattered cuz vegar is so old war torn veteran of a zillion battles I like all the jokes about Vega being like a dementia riddled old lady who what's that is we're going to boil the dornish Sands again woo exactly let me get my coat and I wonder like you know they look like the same helmets so I wonder if this is the same battle scene um as all of those soldiers being roasted earlier the rosb and the stokeworth being roasted um I I mean based on what we see it kind of suggests that rera and amond are involved in the same battle against each other above this in the crown lands that's that's what's suggested sure is suggested so we'll see what happens uh fiery targaryan sigil uh HBO TM original TM Game of Thrones TM how hle the dragon TM summer TM 2024 copyright registered they said uh early summer is what has been said so that's right now well it depends on the hemisphere glidus uh so June I think is when this might all start and Al shift X will make uh weekly live streams and weekly videos and glidus will make some timely videos yeah I mean yeah what what are your plans oh I'd like to make look I tried doing the weekly thing in season one and it fell apart when I caught Co and died for a little bit but oh that sucks yeah um and and it's only been a year and a bit and I finally wrapped it up um hopefully season two won't take me that long there are only eight episodes of this season I believe yeah eight episode season so and and hopefully there's not enough to you know hopefully there's just less themes and character stuff going on you know more dragon battles to talk about so that so that I don't have to spend that much time thinking about it for my videos yeah because it's just really annoying when a show has themes it certainly gives more work for us but uh speaking of work for us look at all those super chats yeah I think that we've talked about the whole teaser trailer now if anyone has burning questions and topics i''d like us to discuss we will be answering super chats now um and we'll do our best to answer as many as we can and we will uh not spoil any major plot events um we might have a very brief spoilery Corner towards the end but we will mostly uh just focus on some basic info of what to expect what we're hoping to see happen uh bit of that fun stuff so first Super Chat thank you so much to I will be right back sure uh thank you so much to Alex Shen who says I think the dragon face off is sea smoke and Cyrax yeah I think that's where gladus and I landed on that as well um this shot of the two dragons facing each other uh over here I think based on their appearance it looks like um it looks like Rainer is Dragon Cyrax and Lor's Dragon sea smoke of course SE Lor has gone off into the East so there's a lot of open questions about like who is now in control of sea smoke could this possibly be Lor returning from the east or has someone else taken sea smoke is it possible for someone else to take sea smoke while Lor is alive lots of open questions thank you uh Bilbo Norway who says Scooby and glooby do you think we will get the steamy 50-minute long Auto Corless makeout sesh in this season perhaps in season 3 I have not detected a lot of sexual tension between Otto and callus personally I mean I don't think they've ever really had a conversation um in the whole show I mean they were both on the small Council uh for viseris when Otto was hand and callus was uh master of ships but uh do I expect to see them make out in season 2 it would surprise me what did they miss yeah it would surprise me Bill Norway wants to know if Otto and callus will make out oh now that's a pairing I haven't really considered yeah really Innovative shipping going on here in the super chats um we will just have to wait with baited breath to see if that occurs I don't see them really being in the same location for long enough to pull that off I I don't and like is there that Much Chemistry I mean opposite sides of a war Forbidden love you know I mean they're both very ambitious men I I I see that clashing you know I I don't see that um working too well who who who who do we ship who do we expect to get together here you know I I really like the love triangle between rise reira and no actually the real love triangle is kis rise and K is in love with kis um but well well yeah kis is is in love with the idea of his legacy and his self-importance yeah rainy must sometimes feel a bit left out I know I think a ship that really took off was um Jason and Helena yeah yeah there's of course the Helena and Aon thing that people talk about Helena and amond yeah yeah yeah it seemed as though they had some kind of connection and it seemed like amond was a bit jealous that aegon gets to marry Helena and he doesn't so I wouldn't mind marrying her she's an idiot yeah so I wonder what other romances might happen I mean Jason Baylor yeah is something that makes some sense um but we shall see we shall see uh thank you for the Super Chat from Raven who says glad to catch the stream thank you Liam who says hello Astroglide and sh please stop calling me that question about the episode 10 Bliss have you chosen an Acappella intro yet and may I suggest Your Love by The Outfield I that's a great song um and maybe one day I'll do it but I I chose the song I'm doing for this episode like over a year ago yeah yeah this this BL Series has been long in the making I've been working on this video for over a year and the final one is coming out very soon so everyone should go and subscribe to glidus there is a link in the video description below this stream go and sub to glidus and press the little bell thank you seban Maco who says greetings shim bong belis and Glen CL are you used to just you're just old shift x i yeah I don't know who what happens when you know you bring my people along could you attempt to pronounce that for me please greetings shim bobulous and Glen CU Glenn kabon Glenn cabon Glenn kabon hello from Serbia oh that explains it do you all read Fanfictions of he and fire and House of dragon if so which do you like and which are bad have you read much fanfiction I I don't think I've read any song of a and fire or House of the Dragon oh I've read a little yeah any good stuff no I'm sure it's out there I just like it takes so much time who has the time I'd love to some of them are very long I mean very impressive people put so much work into these things and George hates you for it I I feel like that may have been exaggerated all these stories of George Martin I I mean I think George Martin has said things along the lines of like if you want to become a better writer make up your own stuff yeah is what George Martin has has said in the past I think he's referred to it as copyright infringement before as well which I think he has to say for legal reasons like I think that some authors feel obligated to not acknowledge fan works because that might undermine their legal claim to their own copyrights which because it's this really fun thing about this legalistic dystopia that we live in that you can't admit to liking things because it might make you lose your rights over your stuff I hate Lindsay Ellis We Hate Everything unless otherwise yeah yeah yeah thank you for the Super Chat from Saint na naive who says held off on watching the teaser until now cheers for covering it also Glide us well done on the new Bliss take it was almost as long as carxi name oh this must be a supporters who already watched it thank you very much are you telling me that supporters of glidus on can get early access to videos such as the long awaited Bliss take for episode 10 not just that Mr shift but so do so too do YouTube members and twitch Subs not that anyone cares about twitch Subs oh well if you'd like to support glidus in his efforts you can support him on patreon or elsewhere it'll be coming out in like 12 hours don't worry about or at least it should be if YouTube doesn't sync it again you also might like to support Al shift X on patreon uh because there isn't old shiftx patreon at shiftx it sure is wow um on the uh Pat the live stream tier of patreon supporters we've been doing monthly live streams talking about the real John Snow video that is 90% finished uh and will be out sometime in the near future so uh so that's exciting too you mean tomorrow right I do not mean tomorrow oh thanks for the Super Chat from SS who says do you think jeris knows about agon's prophecy by now I think if that would have H I think if that were to have happened we would have been shown it right yeah because like the the show did put a lot of emphasis on who does and does not know about aegon's prophecy about the White Walker coming um because viseris told that prophecy to rira and rira mentioned that prophecy to Damon and donon was really angry because he didn't know it so yeah I agree I think that if jeris knew about the prophecy we would have seen rira tell jeris about the prophecy it seems really important and maybe he'll learn something about the white walkers when he goes to Winterfell and talks to Craig and Stark yeah yeah yeah um we saw cra's predecessor uh Brion Stark the previous Lord of Winterfell um while viseris was telling R about the prophecy uh in season 1 so so yeah they definitely are starting to bring the Starks and the north into this in a way that's connected to the prophecy so yeah I mean jeris may be involved in that and I mean you know obviously you know the idea seems to be that each the tarian king passes this prophecy down to their successor uh to keep the that knowledge alive so it would make sense for rer to tell Jace at some point about that prophecy but and there's Al also the question of like when was that knowledge lost because we know that you know at least by the time of Game of Thrones no one apart from like melisandra seems to be aware of this prophecy so the question is like you know who knows it and and when was it lost and the significance of the Valerian steel dagger um and like we hear about rhaegar uncovering old prophecies and communicating with MAA Amon about uh these ideas these like lost ancient stories about prophecy and that's probably just this story like it's probably aon's prophecy that he's uncovering yeah yeah so lots of cool questions around that DWF antifa says Hey Globus and Swift offerus um Swift offerus isn't here right now um you're talking to Globus and shift offerus yeah you have me mistaken with my noer do well um a half Cousin Al schwift xft X this person is asking do we think that Jor Mormon will eventually join the knight's watch since it was his father's dying wish again I think this is a case of uh you know the George gardening his plants um he's planted that seed like it makes complete sense that Jr Mormont would say in his dying breath hey can you please make sure my son like redeems himself in some regard cuz he's such a disappointment such a shame Upon Our House's Legacy um that doesn't necessarily mean it's going to happen it just means that like it's going to carry some weight going into the future of jorah's story yeah I agree like just as much as they could have Jorah join the Nights Watch in the end they could have Jorah die or leave and then you know bemoan the fact that oh I'll never be able to fulfill my father's dying wish and they can like lean on the tragedy of that um it could work either way and and I mean you know like the whole like will they need Nights Watch at the end of a song of watch still exist I'm partial to the theory that Tyrion will be the last Lord Commander yeah I really like that although it conflicts with other like um equally or even more narratively resonant ideas about where Tyrion story is heading I know that you really like Tyrion being muted um having his tongue cut outon or someone um but there's a scene in a Game of Thrones this is a very early seed that's been planted when um John says to Tyrion that he needs to go out beyond the wall to look for benjin yeah and Tyrion says and who will look for you yeah and I really like the idea that it's Tyrion oh yeah I don't I just think that's super cute and and like sort of Tyrion being in charge of you know he's this very dishonorable fell and that's like the the nights watches where we send people who have no place yeah in uh you know civilized Westeros yeah it's a place for the outcasts and the re tyan being King of the outcasts that just makes so much sense and and also you know the wall is the place for the punishment for your crimes and Tyrion has committed horrific crimes and his punishment for those crimes is being named hand of the king yeah and it's and it's so weird that bran is like yeah Tyrion being hand is punishment because uh you know all the [ __ ] he did when he was hand of the king yeah because Tyrion was such a bad hand of the king his punishment is to be hand of the king but but also like you know like Bran's implication was that oh it's going to be really it's going to be really difficult being my hand of the king and that's why it's uh and that's why it's a punishment that sounds like the cushiest job in the world well we see how cushy it is at the end of the series when Tyrion is sitting there joking about like donkeys and Honeycombs with his buddy Braun and it's like really like this is what the situation is this is punishment for for sending Daenerys down over War exploded the city yeah tyrian AR makes no sense um in season 8 to me so um yeah I I I like that idea it's all right I like that idea of Tyrion uh going to the wall that's beit difficult if he's also a mute though so I don't know thanks for the Super Chat from Mattis who says so great to catch you guys live greetings from Germany thanks for staying up thank you endera and Haley who says so it seems like they've cut day out of the show oh we didn't talk about this let's talk about drron who's Dron Dron Targaryen is Allis and viseris youngest child he's the fourth child of them it goes Aon Helena a and Daron um and he doesn't show up in House of the dragon and he hasn't appeared in this teaser or any promotional material and there are rumors on Dragon Twitter that he's not in season to at all it would be weird if he was not included because he's there that's him yeah in this so clear and so easy to follow diagram at the start of each episode uh this this circle that represents Allison has four Bloodlines coming from it which represents four children and that's V's bloodline running into hers from off screen there so it should be Aon and Helena and amond and dayon um so we've been told by the show's creators that dayon is canonically hanging out in Oldtown said that too y yeah so so he's around um yeah there are rumors that he's not being included in this season which we think would be weird don't we yeah I could like it could work but it doesn't I don't like it like like why include him in the diagram at all if he's not going to turn up in season 2 um so yeah look we'll we'll see what happens we'll see what happens um I I think there's not a whole lot to say about him like he's he's being the cup Bearer for Lord high tower and he uh he has a dragon I don't think it's a spoiler to say that he has a dragon um no no he's a tarian prince called Tarion the blue Queen who's supposedly really sexy and and cool and blue yes uh and so that's about as much as we can say about Tarion yeah um it's just strange that like he's in the opening credits but he's never mentioned he's not even mentioned I I think that you know he spent half of the show with his family it does make sense that they might want to cut some characters and simplify things a bit because like a lot of casual viewers are already totally overwhelmed by the number of characters and the relationships think that's due to the time skipping which is not going to be a factor in the show going forward true yeah there's there's going to be less of that and the show's been making new stuff like left and right so I don't know reducing what's in the book already it's s such like a small story I don't know doesn't really make sense to me yeah yeah I agree I I I tend to think and hope Dron will appear um Darth sfus would like to see some r n alicent events Callum Arnold says will the story end this season or will we get season 3 uh yeah they're planning to make more seasons last I heard they're thinking like four or five seasons even I four makes sense for this show just like in my concept of how the show can be paced out especially with like the shorter season eight episode season um I don't see it it depends on where they want to cut the story off because Fire Fire and Blood the book extends you know to a certain point and they don't necessarily have to tell that part of the story I think they should I think it'll be good if they did but it it's a bit of a weird ending in this in the book because you know it's the first part of the Targaryen history yeah there's hundreds of years of history of which this story is just one part and it's interesting to see where they will end it because they could continue and continue and there's been speculation about this could become like an anthology series of House of the Dragon yeah like they could they could Simpsons yeah um please maybe not like The Simpsons hey it's not that bad I was watching season 20 of The Simpsons the other day and you know what it's not that bad personally I I just like the first eight seasons yeah fair enough it it is the best I won't argue with that yeah um so yeah I mean George Martin in an interview did recently mentioned that he and the showrunners are uh planning and working on season 3 um so yeah it it seems as though this will continue hopefully the turbulent business uh happenings uh in the uh networks and streamers recently is not going to disrupt um this show and the others because it is one of the more expensive shows to make I'd imagine so hopefully it'll continue vote with your wallet thank you Enda who says I am not watching the screen during this I'm just listening to your fine audio description that's a shame put a lot of work into this visuals thank you faretti who says I find it very interesting that in the marketing material they focus on rira versus Allison and not aegon makes me appreciate how great of a character Allison is in the Show versus books even more yeah the the the show has made this story they've sort of centered this story on um Allison and reier more than the books are like I I think yeah I think the books do focus a little little more on aegon and his agency um but but I think that they've done well to like explore this relationship and how it changes and to make it like the emotional heart of the story um I think they've both done a great job acting both their adult counterparts and their younger um and they've certainly deepened the relationship I think they've done a good job with it yep yeah in the book Allison's just re's evil stepmother both rer and Allison are more evil in the books I would say yes um and maybe this will maybe the show will see their characters descend into that same sort of character the behavior as it goes on yeah it'll be interesting to see if they keep both of these characters like quite well-intentioned and and Noble um and complex um or if they will start to Veer into violence and Madness well judging from the last shot of season 1 I don't see it I don't see reneer remaining uh poised and restrained yeah I mean like it's a good comparison to Daenerys in Game of Thrones season 8 right because like a lot of people hated how daena suddenly turned evil and murdered thousands of civilians we we didn't feel like we really got the journey that led her to that point whereas I think House of the Dragon is doing a really good job of of showing how rira has started out having really good intentions and has had all these horrible things happen and has been put in these impossible political situ so like you know if it is that they want to explore like a darker side to her I think it would make sense in a way that Daenerys did not make as much sense in the TV show yep thank you Mitchell lenius who says hi schwift lock and Dr G we've seen Dragon on Dragon action but we'll be see Dragon on Dragon action brackets Dragon sex brackets oh thanks for elaborating than so much for I didn't what you meant um well it depends on if Silver Wings up for it I don't know if Dragons do have sex because there's all this uh like I mean you joke mellane we take Dragon sex very seriously here at on Al shift X um there's all this speculation in the books about like dragon's gender and sex and whether they even have a gender or sex like some clever characters argue that dragons uh change their sex they they Flicker and are as changeable as flame and so they can be male or female depending on what's required and it's not even clear like which ones can lay eggs or like I don't think there's any mention of dragons having sex in the books so mention of them like mating and coupling but like like no one's ever like and then I saw this one's you know Rod go into this On's I I mean for an author who loves describing sex as much as George Martin does it's weird that there's been no mention of dragons having s i I mean like yeah I mean there there are some hints I suppose of dragons like literally into breeding with valyrians and tarians but it's but nothing nothing like specific so I mean yeah I I don't know if dragons have sex maybe they just lay eggs maybe they just my toast I don't know maybe we'll find out maybe dragons are just clones of other dragons thank you for the Super Chat from wisdom who says Shifty and glue love you guys so much almost not in a parasocial way that's cool thank you for the black queen video glid us all good Shifty thank you for keeping your evil TN in line someone's got to do it I do my best snazzy puke says is there another time skip this season there's a shot of Damon in armor where his hair looks longer it's the shot where he's walking not sitting at the table interesting note do you know the shot that is being brought into a question here I'll see if I can bring it up my um assumption was that we're carrying on like basically immediately from episode 10 of House of the Dragon I think his hair has always been that length hasn't it yeah I think so maybe it's just like not as tied up here or maybe it's later in the season you know days weeks months can pass in the season but there's not going to be any like and now it's three years later in this season yeah we don't expect any big time skips but yeah I mean certainly there could be yeah hair growing a bit longer thanks for the Super Chat from Jack who says been binging both your old live streams recently and it's so amazing to see one live love you thanks for showing up Mikey fake name says looking forward to the real Jon Snow vid Mr shift I am to would you consider doing similar videos for Stannis barathan and Theon Greyjoy yeah I mean I think those are good Pi like Stannis and Theon are both characters who have a lot of layers um especially Stannis like Stannis was not adapted well in the Game of Thrones TV show Done Dirty yeah he's got a lot more going on in the books which would be really interesting interesting to explore um Theon was acted so well by Alfie Allen um but again there's there's even more depth I think in the books so um yeah it would be great to make big video character analyses comparisons about those characters uh I think that after the real Jon Snow I'd like to do some other smaller videos about the north smaller than 2 hours believe it or not you know how um at the end of H bomber guy's most recent video of the 90minut diet tribe about Tommy tallarico he said and now I'd like to do some smaller projects yes that was a year ago yes he's about to release like a 3-hour video on something yeah I've I've never intended to make giant long videos it just sort of happen so yeah I yeah I don't know exactly what the plan is um I I I think that I mean after having done the real Tyrion and the real JN it would make some sense to do the real Daenerys as the other super major Central character that does make sense yeah um so I think that uh we'll put it to a patreon vote at at some point to choose which character to do next um but for the mo but for the moment yeah I mean I think there's a lot of other characters in the North like like Manz and melandro and uh you know some other characters who I've researched incidentally for the real Jon Snow video where it should be pretty straightforward to do some quick videos about them so so yeah we'll see what happens the real Great John umber hell yeah thank you Blanco smoke who says just want to say thanks for all the great content over time thank you and who says who would win in a war house Taran or house harcan well you feel this one yeah I'll uh I'll take this one uh well house har Conan um has giant spaceships um yeah but the dragons but the tarians have dragons I don't know how the dragons cope with the vacuum of space um I feel like if the tarians tried to attack the hakin with Dragons uh the baron Vladimir hinan would simply eat them maybe dragons are aliens who don't need to breathe maybe dragons are sandworms I mean they play the same kind of role you know as these like natural forces of Destruction that men fool themselves into thinking they can control yeah and in the later June books there is a character that can control sand worms so that's a whole thing but you know maybe will encounter a Targaryen who truly can control their dragons well yeah I mean that's one of the one of the fun things that hot D is exploring that isn't so much in the books is the idea of like to what extent do tarians truly control their dragons because Amon did not want vagar to kill Luke no vagar no no no no but it happened and you know viseris is saying that dragons are a force that cannot be controlled and should not have been meddled with so so yeah it'll be interesting to see how they explore that more but you know the the second Dune movie is coming out in March and I would like to make videos about it there's I mean there's a bunch of Dune videos I want to make like the philosophy of June and the top fighters of June and there's a bunch of little things that are um half done and mostly done I think oberin should should be number one oh oh oh really is that is that what you think I get these outraged comments on uh on my uh top fighters in westest videos all the time and my goodness are they letting me have it about their opinions about the top 10 my goodness thank you ROM who says thank you for all the content from YouTube gimbus covers have actually got me super into Billy Joel recently never heard of him excited to see what you guys have coming GL glidus makes uh original music and covers uh as well for a lot of his videos released my uh full cover of Africa by Toto just yesterday yeah so you can check that out on gladus side Channel thanks for the Super Chat from beggi who says Golden Dragon banners beside the Iron Throne instead of the green ones Otto had at the end of last season plus Kristen with the hand chain chances Egon fires Otto this season seemed pretty high yeah yeah well Kristen's hand chain do does seem to suggest that Kristen and becomes hand of the king is what is suggested by that shot so maybe Aon becomes upset with the way Otto wants to run things we will have to see but I mean Otto is very important because he is a Scion of house high tower which is you know probably the third most rich and Powerful house in Westeros and a key Ally of um of aegon and Allison and the greens so you don't want to piss off aotto too much thanks for the Super Chat from t who says I spent my Halloween excitedly awaiting the promised cannibalism stream to see Zero notifications how am I supposed to know who tastes good now I don't know if anyone promised something like that to happen at that time the stream that was promised yeah I think you might be referring to the alt schwift X awardwinning world-renowned stream of uh series of live streams about the food descriptions in A Song of Ice and Fire yeah do you think schwift and GL will finish that series it wouldn't be in character for us to do that yeah well look we'll have to see what they're doing we'll have to see yeah thank you alt shift of Mia who says greetings father I bring fell Tidings old shift of Mia the younger has taken ill please take this small offering and send the healers soon uh well milk of the puppy is expensive um I'll see what I can do um but uh you know prayer does wonders God works in mysterious ways thank you Pikachu Ferrari and thank you Lord mud what a name who says greetings fellow Lords I'd like to inquire as to your favorite extinct houses of A Song of Ice and Fire wink wink who were your top picks oh jeez extinct houses um I really like the justments of the reach of the riverlands what's good about the adjustments I don't know it's just like this cool hearkening back to a a per period in time where some guys like managed to unite the riverlands truly yeah and it's something I think like sort of on the nose um symbolic it's so like over the top like I'm a good person I am a just man yeah and the just noble man is extinct yeah and they yeah it's they all died terribly it's like it's like Arthur DNE you know it's like the noble idealized fantasy good guy is is a species that has died out in modern Westeros um well Barrison seli is still alive but his legacy is a bit murky in a way that none of the characters really like to discuss which is the other theme which is that even the characters who are idealized the more Stark Barrison SEL the more you examine them the more you find that things are complicated and sometimes the people who seemed perfect were not so perfect and you know history is always more complicated and that's one of the fun meta themes of Hot D is that you know Hot D was first conceived as this you know side note in A Song of Ice and Fire that was quite straightforward but then you know the more that George expanded the story The more layers and complexity he found in his own characters as he was inventing them and now Ryan and the showrunners of H are inventing their own layers and finding their own depths it's sort of this fractal thing where the deeper you look the more you find every time turns out that uh very few things are actually simple um I'm also partial to the gray ions I just think that's a cool name and they did a cool thing yeah do you think the ions have anything to do with grayscale in the iron Islands do you mess with the uh lepers in Iron Islands theories and the gray King had gray scale are you into all that uh I haven't thought too much about that honestly yeah there's some interesting theories about the ironborn um oh yeah they're they're a they're a fishy Bunch yeah and you know like the mythology sort of lowkey mentions and you know and by the way we had this Immortal King who stole fire from the gods by the and like sacrificed a demon wewood and a dragon and it's like huh that sounds like it might be significant any moving on to the next king thank you beauty and Bailey who says how do you think the story will change or expand in respect to Allison and Reiner's relationship compared to the books yeah I mean they're on opposite sides of the war now I don't know how many opportunities they're going to have to talk um you know I mean I guess I mean we've seen rir flying around on a dragon like going to Storm's end um and apparently she said she would return to King's Landing on Dragon back and apparently flying um apparently flying in what looks like a battle with amond is what it looks like in the trailer so uh yeah I mean maybe if rer is flying around some more there'll be more opportunities for her to get back with Allison and to try and figure things out I mean you know that there sort of there's a sense of tragic miscommunication because you know rera thought that uh she and Allison had reconciled because you know at that dinner um they were holding hands again and they were being close and you know there was a sense of agreement so that's why it was shocking when Allison crowned aegon um if they could talk then Allison could say hey reira the reason why I crowned aegon is that I is that my husband of aera said that he wants aegon to be the king and then R's like oh no what a tragic misunderstanding what he really meant yeah which you know not like that conversation could possibly solve everything but you know they could at least understand each other and rira could at least realize that oh okay Allison has actual reasons she wasn't just lying to my face in episode8 she W she actually that was real but of course you know by the time they have that conversation there's probably already been battles and it's already too far to turn back and you know I think that's one of the tragic undercurrents um and you know something else theyve talked about in the show is the idea that there was some kind of like intimacy some almost like romantic love between Allison and riro really early on oh this girl is in love with that girl like no question yeah and you know the idea of like is it is is that something that could in some way be recaptured um pictured two platonic friends being platonic but they also have changed so much you know so yeah I'll be I'll be really interested to see how it develops and of course you know what what more horrible things will they each do as this war continues and you know yeah be interesting to see uh oh um what do you think about rain going into battle rather than ruling from I'm interested to see how they justify that decision yeah it's going to have to be addressed if it's not address it's just a dumb idea yeah um and also you mentioned that like yeah reira in the books like gets more overweight and that's like used against her as like she's not as appealing unfit to rule got a bit fat yeah like because this is a sex of society like women who are hot get a lot more support than women who are not remember when Robert Baratheon became incredibly fat exactly and no one cares and and viseris King viseris in the books get fat gets fat no one cares well he's he's jolly and plump yes uh whereas when a woman gets plump it's like ah she's she's IL legitimate cast her down so um so yeah I mean I don't know if that's something that they're going to do in the show but uh the show definitely is interested in exploring like sexism and patriarchy so it's also interested in having hot actors yeah yeah I mean it is funny that like the show wants to explore sexism but God forbid they ever have anyone on the screen who's anything less than a nine you know like that's one of the paradoxes of Hollywood is that like you know let let's let's let's uh do representation tell a story about this ugly duckling let's do representation but not of anyone who's anything less than a super model you know um so there are certainly paradoxes in our Hollywood handles that stuff that said I I I'm of the mind that all of that discussion of Rene's growing weight in the book was you know political oh yeah in nature yeah yeah yeah because the book is all about like the people writing the history are politically motivated and so when they're trying to make people seem good or bad they they're biased in how they write comments from male historians about the you know exact nature of women's bodies are like LED all throughout the book yeah and it's all it's all nonsense yeah yeah so so so creating a canonical version of that they've got a lot of latitude in the show to um change stuff uh Lord Bumpus says something to Glide down n but shift up for premiere of Hot D to s that's quite beautiful Bumpus I don't understand it but I like your little poem to print it and frame it on the fridge Jennifer says who's alt shift X and what has he done with shwifty schwifty has been detained uh for the safety of all you know that EP that um isn't an episode or is it just a Treehouse of Horror segment you know Bart's twin Hugo yeah no that that I yeah I've got a spacious comfortable attic for for schwift to frolic in so don't worry thank you Bane's basement who says so glim Bon please inform his lordship that the ancestral seat of schift Mark is now under attack by the scari Savages of swiftwood Hall yeah they'll figure it out do you think the scari are as Savage as we are told no I really like the idea that the scosi which is like a island off the North like I like the idea that they're like hardcore Northern worshippers who still sacrific the trees and like in the books rickon Stark is on scaros hanging out with unicorns and his Dire Wolf and I like the idea that they might sort of radicalize him into a badass old God skin changer Cool D there were a few um like Northern old gods coded badass children in Fire and Blood who like that could like hearken back to yeah yeah as we said it would be great to see a bit more of the north um in this show the real North and it looks like they want to do that yeah um thank you my dad after a bath he says will you two beautiful boys do Telltale got episode 2 um well this is in reference to um what alt swiftex and I did on his channel alt Swift X gaming um we played one episode of The Game of Thrones Telltale Game which was released in like 2015 or something um and then we didn't do it again because it was really annoying streaming a game like that and still trying to talk over well from from what I saw it it looked as though it's quite difficult to commentate over a game that's about conversations and and also about choices in those conversations that you have to pay attention to it was like I'm sure it was fun for the audience but it was frustrating yeah well you know for all I know there could be uh new alt trift X gaming streams sometime soon so who knows who knows who knows subscribe to that channel thank you Lal La Loopsy who says don't know what's going on but I just caught a stream is fantasy Haven beat you to it yeah well I slept in today thank you Marcus who says Bas and gler pilled true thank you will who says Dr schift and Mr Glide hope you're doing well kind of hoping we get to see the cannibal at some point I think that' be great as well I think uh I think we ju might just see the cannibal H have has the cannibal been mentioned though in this TV yes yeah yeah because um Damon mentions the three Untamed dragons that make their layers in the dragon Mont or on Dragon Stone this is the uh official art by Renee agnar of uh cannibal grey ghost and sheep stealer and yeah cannibal is the fun friendly dragon so badass who uh lives on Dragon stone is a wild Untamed dragon and it likes to eat baby dragons and other dragons uh for the protein I suppose there's also the elusive gray ghost who's rarely seen and there's also sheep stealer who likes to steal sheep um so who could take control of these dragons is an important question thank you Chef P Panther foot that's a great name yeah he says finally got to catch you guys live you're awesome thank you thank you wish I thought of Chef Panther foot before gliders thank you oh you wouldn't believe how many times I've I've dreamed of uh coming up with a name that's easier to spell than Al shift x uh thank you Nala who says what are your expectations from aegon II did you like his coronation scene in episode 9 I got chills with his teary eyed walk with that epic soundtrack it is indeed an epic soundtrack and I also really enjoyed the coronation scene it's a bit muddled by what happened at the end but still pretty good scene like like that the this bit it's just epic yeah I mean I I think we already discussed how like you know it it means something to Aon that he's actually getting approval and love um from the common people and I I want wonder if he might become less of an awful person and might actually try to do the right thing by the common people um and I think you know like we've compared it before to there's that moment where Joffrey uh discovers the joy of the Common People season 3 episode something or other yeah that that one there and Cersei is in the back here going like uh I don't know about this yeah hang on a moment how dare he find approval in other people yeah exactly my son son is getting emotional security from someone other than me I'm losing my Monopoly on emotional control of my child yeah it's uh it's definitely a dynamic that is evoked by the Allison Aon relationship so um so yeah I'm really fascinated like you know that aegon could have an opportunity to make policies and to make decisions about who his advisers are and who his hand of the king is and to make decisions about you know maybe he could decide that hey maybe peace with uh r good idea after all there's infinite possibilities um but we've also seen that you know at least previously aegon has shown little interest in anything other than drinking and womanizing and watching his bastard children fight in pits it's a niche hobby I'll Grant I'm sure there's a subreddit for it um so yeah I I'm fascinated to see what happens thank you Violet who says in honor of the camp Silver Creek staff dragon show nerd Club Moose salad and bearg the doy says I hated Reiner's silence at the end of season 1 she should have screamed you got to be risen me to express her anguish I'm not sure I agree with that I I think the decision to have a stare at me personally uh was great I think it was implied yeah the screaming about the Risen was implied um I I think that it worked really well as a cliffhanger and I think I think whether we like it or not it works as a call back to Daenerys um and her grumpy face in season 8 episode 4 um which I I think it's so funny when Amelia Clark pretends to be an angry person it's just she's got such a lovely um just like she's got a nice face have you seen Amilia Clark in that romcom with the with the be socks no oh it's just like Amilia clar at her most sort of bubbly and fun and it's just a hilarious comparison to daen area yeah thanks for the Super Chat from Simco who says I was about to go to sleep but going to catch the latest shler and glimmer true thank you Charlie who says turned up love you also love poor Helena uh Raven says horse's name that Cole is riding is Tyreek Lannister Ty Lan is a time traveling horse shifter glidus did you see that new I say new did you see that 2003 draft outline of a fe of crows SL A Dance with Dragons I did written by George R in 2003 and recently leaked to someone who posted it on Reddit what what did it say on that outline the very first note in that outline Under The Heading Daenerys was pretend it is a horse M and like I didn't ask for Apollo to give me the gift of Prophecy but glidus has been saying for years that uh Tyreek Lannister um the mystery of Tyreek Lannister is that he actually in fact is a horse because the book says that Tyreek Lannister is it was the last seen a horse last seen a horse so um so look you clearly can see the future and George clearly agrees um Daenerys is pretending to be a horse or Ty yeah look we'll figure it out we'll make a video it's all the same horse thank you Bane's basement who says apparently Ryan Condell brought Hayden Christensen for season 2 to teach the rosb how to burn aive no shot thank you Simco who says just realized it's actually Al shift X can't believe you're cheating on shwifty with these mortal enemy gliders we've got a deal sort of that don't worry I'm going to stab shift after the stream don't worry oh my God betrayal treachery at two at two glutes GL thank you Ginger who says first live I've caught love your guys videos thank you uh lots lots of speculation about schwift uh schwift hey you leave our personal relationship to us okay thank you Olivia Williams who says many Super Chat thank you Shane who says at one point John talks about how he would have be with EET in the godswood meaning in front of bran why is George so weird with siblings okay so what Shane is referring to is that um John in his relationship with eager he fantasizes about what if I could take eaget home with eggs and have be eggs he he imagines making love to his girlf friend in his home and in the backyard I think that's in front of his dad's big tree in the backyard and I think that's quite lovely um at this time Jon does not know that his brother brand is a psychic tree Wizard who can see through the eyes of trees so I don't think that's meant to be weird I what I do think is meant to be weird is that John repeatedly thinks that yret reminds him of Aya and then he in the same paragraph feels sexually attracted to jret and imagines what she looks like under her clothes so given that there was a love triangle planned in a 199 something outline of fire um there was an original plan for JN and Aya to have a sexual relationship in uh early outlines of the story so uh if you're looking for weird incest undertones in Jon's relationship with uret there you go correct me if I'm wrong wasn't the third point of that triangle Tyrion yeah yep yep yep yep nice work George yep yep yep yeah it's amazing how many like catastrophically bad story decisions George like sidestepped you know like Jamie being this murderous um guy who goes around killing everyone in line to the throne so that he can user the throne like just Jamie Lannister just couldn't do that one of the this doesn't make sense anymore one of the interesting things so like I I'm working on a video about Jon Snow in the books and one of the interesting never mentioned this I know one of the interesting things about John in the show compared to the books is that a lot of the things that the show added to the story a lot of the things that the show did that weren't in the books are things that George mtin did at one time plan to include in the books but he decided not to but then the show decided to do it so an example of that is um the mutineers at Cris keep KL fuk and Tanner and all those Fells Legend of chinali um in the TV show JN goes and kills car tener um in the uh books that does not happen but apparently in an early draft of the books George did intend for JN to go and do that so it seems as though uh the show Runners were like oh we'll do this thing that George planned George must have told them that oh I was planning on doing this so why don't you guys do that but I think that funnily enough George most of the things that George cut out of the story he cut out for really good reasons I think that I think it was good that George removed that um and I think it was one of the more lame things that happened in the show there's there's no like morality as early as season 4 like when things were still pretty solid it was one of the weirder things that happened yeah yeah and it didn't really add much to the character it gave John something to do yeah be because they made this weird timeline accident where where JN in season 3 gets ahead of all of the other characters in terms of his story AR that's right he gets he gets back to Castle black at the end of season 3 with like a full season before the battle happens which is like a few chapters later in the book exactly yeah all the story lines were desynced so they added this mut year plotline to get it back into sync I mean maybe just like twiddles his thumbs for a season yeah it's very weird and also like in the TV show Jon Snow goes to hard home and he fights a white walker and he saves the wild links uh that also does not happen in the books George definitely thought about putting it in yes because I mean in that uh 2003 draft outline that we just mentioned it says that John's Arc will end at hard home mhm and this is for um the fourth book yeah which eventually got split into two books feast and dance um it's all so complicated but the point is that as far as I can discern based on the information that's leaked out um it seems like a lot of the weird stuff that happens to join in the show was originally planned to be included in the books but George changed his mind so just kind of interesting just kind of interesting to me interesting thank you Ginger who says have you guys discussed the identity of the Dragon across from Raina we think it's probably sea smoke dreamfire is an interesting thought it could be dreamfire I guess we we in my head dreamfire should be like pretty big because she's very old yeah dreamfire is one of the older dragons um and I think she's the second oldest Dragon aside from cannibal cuz we don't know exactly how old the cannibal is but it's like Vega dreamfire then veror yeah yeah yeah so yeah so dreamfire should be a big lad or a big last then when we see her in episode six uh she's not that big she doesn't seem that big it's kind of tough to tell under the dragon pit yeah well we don't even know for sure if that is dream fire do we I guess it could have been Sunfire but like we cut directly to Helena is uh is this uh where is's the drag is it episode 6 yeah it is how dare you question me you are very up to date on this um but yeah no yeah we yeah yeah this one yeah we do Glimpse this dragon that Amon sees but I mean the lighting you can't tell what color it is because of the lighting I mean it looks kind of red actually m i speculated that because it has the same sort of design as droon Regal and viserion that it is dreamfire who is speculated to be their mother I it's it's a long bow Ryan Condell puts a lot of attention into those details but does he put that much attention to the details I don't know honestly he could has he come I really think he could has he come up with a dragon family tree I hope so Abs if any showrunner of any show would have well the point is that we we don't have any 100% confirmed sightings of dreamfire yeah so it's really hard to tell uh which one's dream fire if any um thank you hoy who says will we ever get Fire and Blood Abridged oh man what an idea yeah well I mean Al shrift X has spent about um 17 years uh doing a chapter by chapter live stream analysis a third of the way through a Clash of Kings yeah so I look I I mean maybe when schwift finishes A Song of Ice and Fire shrift will then move on to Duncan egg and Fire and Blood um it might take a while at the current Pace but um you know who knows who knows thank you for the Super Chat from band ra bandra he says the good Queen was so wroth with sir lucamore the Lusty for dishonoring the king's God because he also Dishonored his secret relationship with her and their secret children Balon and Alysa how dare you slander the good Queen alisin in my presence so the good Queen alisin uh was Joe's wife yes King Jara starian who we saw in the uh flashback in episode one of House of the Dragon was married to good Queen alisin lucamore the Lusty was a King's Guard who had a bunch of kids and you're not supposed to do that as a King's Guard just by the by it's considered a no no and uh as punishment Luca was uh he was gilded wasn't he y sent to the wall yep so does bandra reckoned that good Queen alisin was having a secret affair with the king's God do you believe it why why can't we let one person be good why can't why can't one person in this franchise just have been good well cuz just Man is dead cuz the Danes are dead I I mean I mean George has already done this like like um yeah this is exactly nerys a on the Dragon Knight had a relationship possibly with neres the wife of King aegon I four it is alleged and heavily believed that uh their son Daron is actually a bastard with Aon yeah so I mean you know it's it's something that George has done before and will do again if he's not stopped so uh look it wouldn't shock us but there isn't a lot of evidence either way in Fire and Blood I don't I would like to believe that no yeah thank you Andre who says House of the Dragon season 2 trailer episode 10 Bliss incoming you two collabing life is good we we're collabing for the first time just a correction yeah I've never met glus before no idea who this man is thank you D Brian haa who says what do you guys think aegon II would put in in his wheat bcks well Aon 2 is like a lost full um uh bourbon put bourbon in his Li yeah I could see it yeah look it's like an Archer sort of move I mean this this is the kind of kid who who masturbates out a window like he he's a pleasure Seeker so yeah I mean bourbon Smarties like you know whatever you can imagine uh Coco puffs anything and and then he take the wheat picks out eat around the wheat picks yeah thank you Jordan says where is Sunfire I know I know show me Sunfire damn it so Sunfire is the dragon of aegon II uh and Sunfire in the books is called the Golden because he's the most beautiful magnificent dragon ever uh but sadly we've not seen uh him looking magnificent in the show there was this brief for 4 seconds I mean you can see him for 4 seconds he's like pixelated in the background yeah I I would have preferred they just didn't show us Sunfire at all until we can see Sunfire looking better but I mean I I guess they wanted to establish that hey look there's a bunch more tarian dragons you know they honestly this shot it's an Easter egg really and we've just been looking at it for a year normal people are like oh there a dragon in the background cuz he is meant to have the like pink highlights as well as the as the main e streaks the E girl streaks so um so yeah look I I expect I mean surely what they're going to do is give us a nice dramatic fun introduction of Sunfire early the same way we got a cool introduction to veror yeah yeah yeah I think we will get get a moment of that and and you know it's it's like I I I enjoy the Injustice that the Monstrous depraved Egon II has this beautiful Dragon uh and that sort of connects with the theme with a lot of the greens in Hot D about how the greens have this veneer of being Noble and pure and faithful and moral but like just beneath the surface they are as corrupt as anybody um it's not even beneath the surface because like the king and queen a brother or sister well I mean that's that's fine Taran I mean come the I mean yeah I mean it complicates their faith of the seven um entanglement but rera says that to to Allison when when Allison attacks her with the knife she says like you are just pretending to be Noble and beneath it's just a cloak of nobility and so I feel like Sunfire works as like part of that cloak of nobility for the greens he looks magnificent he looks beautiful he looks Regal and yet aegon is a monster I I feel like that's part of the symbolism there um so yeah I look forward to seeing our beautiful golden Sunfire too fler 236 who says um what's your favorite David lightbringer Theory I uh have been reading a bit about like the ancient myths of Westeros and that's a topic that YouTuber David lightbringer has been deep into for a long time long time um and I do like the idea that you know all of these myths about aor High and the great king and the winged Knight and uh all of and the blood Zone Emperor and all of those people might all point to some important like inciting incidents that happened in the ancient history of Westeros and you know some of these stories hint at like humans stealing power from the gods like the great king stole fire from the gods and killed this tree figure called ye um and aorai killed Nissa nisser and cracked the moon uh and the Bloodstone Emperor killed the amethyst empress and worshiped a black stone and ruled for a long time and and and I think that if you sort of synthesize these ideas one of the interpretations of those myths is that maybe azorah high this Mythic figure uh killed a child of the forest or some kind of weirwood old God's figure and sort of stole their power like stole skin changing power and that skin changing power might be what allowed the first dragon Riders to control their dragons cuz it seems like a similar kind of magic and that crime that original sin of of stealing that power from the trees and from the children of the forest might have been what led to the creation of the White Walkers and the imbalance of the seasons and that might be the crime that has to be restored and fixed and atoned for in order to save the world from the white walkers restore the seasons to normal well how does that sort of thing get atoned what's the how do you repair that Rift yeah well I mean I don't want to give away everything that I'm going to say in the real Jon Snow video that's coming up um but really you know but but certainly David lightbringer has talked about um you know the idea of burning a weirwood tree and sort of symbolically giving the fire back to the tree or you know Daenerys or John having to die and to give their power back to the tree or something like that um and and the idea that that inciting incident might have been a human having sex with a child of the forest um an adult child of the forest terminology gets complicated um but you know the idea of that something like that teenagers of the forest running around twins of the forest yeah so something like that I I think that David lightbringer is is barking up the correct trees um in in some of those areas I mean I I haven't seen um a a fraction of of David lightbringer he's a very prolific worker yeah a lot of long essays a lot of big live streams um and some of them are really great and um I invite you to check them out um but yeah there's lots of lots of great deep theories kicking around in the fandom for a long time and uh yeah it's cool to check him out thank you thank you for the Super Chat from gfus Pike who says father schwi Hill and quen flowers have entered the drowned Gods watery Halls they were taken in the rear by the crowy whilst fleeing the shields I've sent word to the late Lord Haven begging Aid glyph us all right sounds like you got this sorted out then I I'd love to read like a Wiki summary yeah someone's got to get on this cuz I'm going to be honest like I can't keep I I I can keep track of the song of I and fire I cannot keep track of the movements of all of my I want to see a family tree like how how do how does glyf this Pike relate exactly need to construct a subreddit for people to collaborate and figure all of this out it's going to turn into like an RP mush yeah oh my god um it's going to be a sub mod for the Crusader Kings 3 Game of Thrones mod gpus I'll pray for you thank you radnage who says top priority after Danny returned from her first time riding drogon should have been to have a saddle that is true you get off that thing and like yep we're fixing this right away can you imagine how uncomfortable it would be sitting on those spiky scales oh I don't know her hair looked fine so here's the other thing about Daenerys Daenerys had just spent a year sitting on a horse saddle yeah she's she spent most of her time in a saddle yeah how could she not think hey we should put a saddle on this Dragon she I mean she must have known saddle makers among the dothi saddle making must have been one of the main cultural activities of the dothi for sure right yeah thank you Kaiser who says what if the reason the dragons got smaller and died off was due to inbreeding considering they all from Three Dragons and it would be a thematic reflection of the tarian incest yeah like it's just a too small a gene pull to support um a lengthy uh descendant line yeah cuz one of the details about the dragons is that like towards a certain point in the history the dragons started getting small and misshapen and they didn't Thrive anymore and the books offer a bunch of different reasons why that may have happened um and one reason is that the tarians started keeping the dragons inside the dragon pit and they don't made them weaker and smaller and another theory is that the maesters may have poisoned the dragons because they didn't want the dragons around I'm coming around on the idea like every time the mases are accused of some Grand conspiracy to Rob someone else of their power it's just nonsense it's just made up well except except that we see something like that happen in the prologue of a Clash of Kings right like yeah in the books maest creson tries to assassinate melisandra for political and ideological reasons partly because he opposes her being a sorceress yeah right but that is one maester acting on his personal valtion right yeah and like sure there might be some like underlying institutional fear of magic and that sort of power but I I think it's just going to be more complicated in the end than the maesters wanted the dragons gone and so they killed them all yeah I yeah I I I don't think the dance of the Dragons is ever going to be one thing with one cause um it'll be boring if they say it was all the MA's manipulation but I mean hotti has also leaned in to the um conniving nature of the maesters and Otto's connection to the maesters through old town and so you know it is implied that Otto is using the maesters to push his own political agenda um and yeah we see like isolated incidents like presson trying to poison melisandra in a song of there's marwin who accuses his own institution of all these Grand misdeeds over the past Millennia yeah yeah yeah it's um it's quite funny um but but I think that you know so conspiracy conspiracies happen um but George is very focused on individual characters so he he he's never going to let individual motivations individual emotions be erased for the sake of some kind of conspiracy um so this scene oh my god oh yeah yeah let's not even look at season s there's one acolyte attending to the entire conclave of arch me thank you for the Super Chat from 47th light who says this is a bit strange and wimpy on my part but I'm being a new mother but being a new mother I'm concerned about h perhaps we should address that in some time yeah so we're not going to discuss uh major plot spoilers uh in this stream maybe at the very end we briefly will but um I mean to talk generally I mean there's a lot of murder um and assault and War in this show and in Game of Thrones um so I guess we've all going to make decisions about what kind of stuff we want to see and how to handle it um and I completely understand this um my brother watches my videos and he's about to become a father for the first time and I'm just like I'm gonna tell him to stop just for a little bit uh yeah I mean yeah we we saw Luke um die in season one and we see reera as a parent having to deal with that and the consequences of that and yeah I don't think there's any shame if you feel like um child murder is not the kind of entertainment that you want to see yeah no judgment from me if that's um something you want to void yeah I I I think a media diet um should not only contain child murder it's not it's not what everyone needs to see at every time and that's all right um rich and hung asks what state of as do we handsome young Lads come making a lot of assumptions there well I come from the southern part of Austria oh yeah near Ty that's right y I come from the state of anation as as do most of us thought that was the capital of um um yeah no I I think Geographic ambiguity is our preferred State isn't it thank you Haley who says odds of HBO making a prequel not focused on TS oh I'm not hopeful yeah I me like Duncan egg is going to happen but like I mean one of the main characters is a Targaryen that they filmed a pilot for a show called blood moon that was about the ancient West arosi before the tug Aran involving ancient Starks and ancient Lannisters and involving origins of the white walkers potentially and like that sounds potentially interesting maybe also potentially terrible could go a bunch of different ways I mean you know there is a lot of interesting history in that time um it's all incredibly vague at this point yeah um so I mean maybe but I mean HBO turned down that that pilot for a reason presumably yep um but I mean you know be before aon's Conquest there isn't a whole lot of detailed history to work with really there's mostly just Legends there's mostly just history so yeah I mean I mean there is stuff like you know the Golden Empire of ET um that is apparently being developed but I mean that that we just don't have any detailed stories or information about those places really so it's it's kind of hard to say I mean in theory I mean you can you can write any you can write a great story set anywhere you know um as long as you got good characters and good story anything's possible yep so we'll see what happens my dad after her bath once again says think think we'll get Duncan egg books faster because of the show no I think that George has like forced himself to not work on that stuff until you know the one everyone wants is done George Martin said about six or eight years ago I will not write anything until I finish the Winds of Winter and then he wrote two more books um so look he said that he's going to write like 10 more Duncan egg stories to finish the tales of Duncan egg um I don't think we will get them all uh I think unless he like writes one a month I I I think just fall out of him I I think that it could possibly work if you know George Martin sat down with the show runner of the dunk and de TV show and I hope Ryan Condell is in the room and he just sort of like tells the outline the basic idea of each dunan egg story and I I could imagine that in the right hands like an outline of George's plans could be turned into a good dunan egg show um I think that's possible but I mean I I am frustrated that they are starting another TV adaptation of another unfinished George Martin book series that's that's how I feel yeah and sure maybe the Duncan egg show will make George focus more on the Duncan egg books but that'll be at the cost of George focusing on finishing the Winds of Winter so you know it's uh but what if they do an ad an adaptation of the main Ice and Fire books and that'll make him focus on those books oh that would work they should make a TV show of of Game of Thrones they could call it isn't it crazy how between Game of Thrones being greenless and today one book has come out yeah yeah it uh it does not seem as though the TV shows have helped George finish the main books no cat says it's confusing for the future story to not include Dron yeah absolutely we agree it's confusing for the past story because heing the credits Mike says New Age bomber Guy video what do they tell you look at that what do they tell you are we prophets thank you c ma who says thank you both for getting me through a very difficult time in my life I cannot describe how much these videos have helped me I appreciate you the Comfort content thank you very much thanks Cass hope you're doing good glad we could help yeah thank you Shane who says thanks to both of you I listened to all the books from Dave reads A Song of Ice and Fire and now join the wait for wins I honestly hate not getting it into it until now uh I I don't know if you missed out on much is Dave Reeds A Song of Ice and Fire is is that a YouTube channel that reads the books yeah and that and that is YouTube somehow stays afloat yes I will never understand YouTube's copyright policy yeah no my 80 minute comment that's heavily edited and transformative of House of dragon no no no no no that's that's copyright infringement when when glidus uses seven consecutive seconds of footage how did from the TV show he gets the Susan H but there's other YouTube channels doing other things that that are just reading the books yeah which again like you know more power to you but um it's a very confusing world we live in in terms of copyright this is the life I chose very confusing uh thanks for the Super Chat from mea re hi Mera um do what you love CU a pirate is free you are a pirate thank you guy Incognito who says love both channels glidus is a cheeky what does that word say K and I love it Kint question how do you chaps think they'll handle sea smoke Kint yeah I mean we spoke a bit about sea smoke it it it it is an interesting difference between the show and the books that in the CH books it seems that sees smoke that Lor valerion is dead whereas in the show Lor valerion is alive so the question is like will Coke get a new Rider is it possible for Coke to get a new Rider while Lor is still alive uh uh we don't know um we can't speculate too much without giving spoilers um maybe we'll do a spoiler Corner towards the end thank you Bane's baseman who says do you think this season's prophecy reference will be between Jace and kraan should we enter the spoiler Zone yeah why not all right I would like to declare a spoiler Zone um we abandon all hope ye who pass this threshold yes um so uh spoiler Zone I mean it's not it's a mediumsized spoiler it's a mild to mediumsized spoiler uh that when in the books when jeris goes to the north and he meets the Lord of Winterfell craen star uh there is a is it called a pack of Ice and Fire yeah when the tarians and the Starks um make an alliance to support rera and and that wording is very evocative of The Song of Ice and Fire and connects to the prophecy of the prince that was promised which is uh the prophecy connected to Aon conquering Westeros to stop the white walkers Etc um so it would make a lot of sense if jce and kraan discussed the prophecy of the prince that was promised um it is weird that we have not seen rer tell Jace about that prophecy so like you said maybe craan will tell Jace about the prophecy yeah because the Starks could know it it might be the thing that Aon used to convince torren Stark to yield the north to him in the wars of Conquest torrin went down without a fight yeah that's a great Point um in his famous artwork and there are some um there are some sort of suggestions and theories that the Starks have special knowledge of the White Walkers and even some kind of potential deal with you know how the war went up and and the White Walker stopped attacking in the first place so you know it it does make a lot of sense that there might be a bit of shared knowledge um which you know adds to the tragedy of the loss of that knowledge and the deaths that that happen later on um so yeah I mean that could make a lot of sense but I mean the more they talk about the prophecy stuff the more I just get confused because it's like the prophecy stuff in Game of Thrones season 8 didn't matter Aya killed the night King and Aya did not have anything to do with the prophecy compared to JN and Daenerys so it's like it's a bit puzzling to me the more they emphasize the prophecy stuff um because because yeah it just doesn't connect to the Game of Thrones show so I don't know what do you think it like they'd have to rcon or is it like a postcon because it's going forward oh God yeah um yeah Arya has no targaryan blood so far as we know so it just doesn't really add up um yeah I think it's definitely steering towards book Cannon away from show Cannon but that's like something that the show can't really explain in its own text it's like like Jace turns to the camera and says by the way this isn't leading to the season 8 you know just just just so you know yeah House of the Dragon exists in a really weird like wobbly Canon Canon limbo where it's sort of somewhere in between the books and the show so um yeah I don't know I I I don't I don't love the use of the prophecy stuff in Hot D honestly um but we'll see how it goes I think they need to be careful with it thanks for the Super Chat from Fen who said are we exiting the spoiler Zone let's just stay there for now all right well what's the point um well how about you discuss John dying at hard home while I alter the visuals to people asking does that mean joh would have died at hard home I think this is in reference to that outline where George or what you were talking about earlier where George said that Jon's Arc was going to end at hard home I think that could have worked if he had died there and come back to life um you know as a result of the battle at hard home but I guess George decided it was cooler if it was you know his own brothers who killed him in a mutiny um yeah that very much could have been the case that that's what he envisioned at some point and then later decided to not do that thanks lady stonehart Kimmy G who says love all three glbo schwifty and even this one schwift thanks for a great afternoon needed it today you got it thank you orelon who says how much do we need to donate to have schwifty released from the dungeons I don't think he can do more food descript streams from down there you should put like a stream a donation goal bar on the stream yeah I look I if you're going to post bail for schwift it's not going to be cheap I think his crimes are Beyond forgiving um Joseph Rizzo says hello glim Bland and shifting away now that the final Bliss take is done might be get a be a Boulders Gate 3 stream the content is still hot is it do people still care um I barred myself from playing any of these hot new titles that came out this year until I had finished working on the thing I was supposed to be working on so I haven't played Starfield or Boulders gate or any of these what are you doing over there I'm just blocking out the thing that says no spoilers okay um yeah maybe I'll stream it I don't know I I would like to play Boulders gate at some point I still haven't played Elden ring and that was something I said that I would stream it's got GM involved in it yeah there there's there's a lot of games that I'd like to play just finding the time yeah and sometimes like when I want to experience a game like that I don't want to do it before a live studio audience I want to just do it on my own yeah yeah I think a lot of YouTubers go through the thing of oh I like live streaming I like video games what if I live stream playing video games suddenly it became a job yeah it turned something that is like fun and relaxing into something that's like draining yeah uh thank you Canary who says love both of y'all's videos just wanted to say that uh I know glidus is an Aquarius what is old shift X's uh astronomy sign I'm an Aus yeah I'm an Aus wow no that's just me trying to sound cool um do we have more things to say about this teaser or should we wrap up this live stream mean we' I'm sure we could the question is should we yeah um yeah well we've talked for three hours about a 90 second should we quickly go through now that we're in the spoiler Zone should we talk about what you know actually will happen yeah all right um I'm going to put a bit of text on the screen that says spoiler Zone um what are some of the spoilers that we want to talk about um oh geez um so I mean one of the things is like sea smoke right so like spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler warning spoiler warning spoiler warning um oh God is it Adam or alen Adam Adam valion claims sea smoke in the books um which raises this really interesting question of is Lor still alive um I mean and Adam by the way is you know said to be the son of uh Lor valion who is gay which is odd so a lot of people think that is actually callus who was the father of Adam and Allen um and some people even speculated uh some people speculated that Adam valion might actually be Lor yeah I love that idea returning from the East that's so fun thus explaining how Adam could claim sea Smoke by simply being L but like he finally acquired a fake mustache but what what is the point of Faking your own death and becoming someone else if you are going to inhabit almost the same role in the same family in the same W like what now I'm no longer A's husband you see it's a hell of a way to break up with someone we've all we've all tried have them fake your death for you genius um so yeah I mean I mean yeah the role of Adam and I assume they're going to play it the same way as it's played in the books with you know them being calluses and pretending to be Lor and but I mean I I do like the way because it would be offensive to rainy if they were C this as bastards yeah which which sort of is a Catlin comparison isn't it like catlin's uh frustration with you know Ned claiming John as his bastard and you know how will Raines feel about uh corus's bastards Adam and Allen being around a lot of cat's agitation was that uh Ned kept his supposed bastard around yeah which K is clearly hasn't done yeah well he's certainly not now if he's bringing Adam and Allen into the fold yeah um one of the other spoilery things is that and this this's a minor spoiler really but that that guy I think is um the Lord of duskendale Lord darkland yeah because Kristen Cole is going to do some smashy smashy in the crown Lance um and that's going to lead on to that battle that we've seen um uh spinny balls uh flying sea smoke uh this uh spoiler mild spoiler I think is probably Haren hole right y um because Damon takes over Haron Hall and there's a weirwood there we know there are weirwoods at Haron Hall and I think the Haren Hall weirwood is going to matter because Alice Rivers is there and Alice is this sort of magical mysterious character who is watching uh might be connected I mean yeah look if Isaac Hemstead Wright makes some kind of like voiceover appearance in this it would not be terrible honestly I would kind of like it um and yeah I mean you know mild spoilers you know Amon does sort of rise to basically become the king in orbit a in a gonstead yeah um we don't really know what this nights watchy Northern yeah I still don't know what this is even in the spoiler Zone I mean I guess the Nights Watch people could be an opportunity to say hey White Walkers are scary we we are going to the Nights Watch because there are white walkers out there so honly if I'm a like free folk Chieftain beyond the wall and I hear that there's a civil war going on in Westeros and the lord of the north is pledging his troops to go south that's the perfect time to attack yeah yeah that's a great Point um I don't know if they're going to do that I doubt they will but could happen just just a mini war between the wildlings and the and the Knights watch in the background that would be fun bit of a filler Arc um yeah a b plot um uh mild well spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler but some people speculate that this event might be a funeral uh for spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler the uh son of Allison Jaris who gets uh cheesed it's aegon's son oh sorry yes Aon and we've been live for a long time don't yeah we're going to wrap up this live stream shortly um and I love that R is sort of like an angelevil on Rene's shoulder here yeah I mean I think more Angel yeah she doesn't want the yeah but like consider what she's done she's not morally unambiguous U and yeah we do know from the books that the brackens and black woods take this war as an opportunity to do some fighting yeah um as happens all over the country like a Dotan gry Joy shows up yeah you know what there's a wall going on let's do some reeving there isn't really anything interesting to say about this particular spoiler so I don't think we need to you know yeah true it's no fun spoil I don't like the spoiler Zone yeah no I I don't get any um I don't get this yeah because I know what this is yeah we can just tell you everything that's going to happen but like that would not be fun for anyone if you want to know everything that's going to happen just read Fire and Blood or read the world of Ice and Fire or read the wiki I don't want to sit here and tell you everything that's going to happen seen in season three of Game of Thrones where Joffrey tells you what happens yeah if you want to know everything that happens you can um season 4 but I think we're going to I think we're going to wrap it up there's been a long live streamed thank you so much everybody for listening this has been fun hey thanks for having me on the channel yeah you're very welcome to be here this was fun uh and yeah maybe we'll do some more streams again talk about some more hot D next time there's more Hot D to talk about uh we will make Al shift x videos about House of the Dragon when The Season's on next time there's a trailer out we'll probably make a video about that uh for the time being I'm working on the real Jon Snow video which is the biggest Al shift x video ever and it's all about Jon Snow uh in the books and it's almost done and if you want to hear about the fake Jon Snow head on over and watch the season six Bo oh boy yes well gladus has a bunch of videos about the show and about Hot D and what can we expect from you gladus oh god well I'm just wrapping up my house of the Dragon series hopefully today um and then back to season six with me hopefully I can finish that off before House of the Dragon season 2 uh starts airing maybe I can square raise some other um ancient promises as well oh I look forward to it so do subscribe to glidus link in the description do subscribe to alt shift x uh you can listen to this live stream on the the podcast stream on the alt giftex podcast feed that's incredible so you can listen to this on Spotify or the podcast app of your choice uh so yeah like And subscribe and comment your favorite Dragon wig thank you for the Super Chat from Canary and we'll see you all next time bye-bye light
Channel: Alt Shift X
Views: 627,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: if3w5zlYMxE
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Length: 199min 50sec (11990 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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