Trailer Analysis | ⚫🟢 House of the Dragon Season 2 🟢⚫

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yo Dragon gang what's up fire folks and blood boys how's it going incest freaks sorry let's try that again sup losers I'm glus but you can call me any one to four syllable word or word adjacent series of sounds that vaguely adhere to English phono tactics and begin with glow apparently HBO went ahead and released a pair of trailers for something they made and I guess we're going to talk about it passes the time I suppose so we're going to go through them in a bit of detail and talk about what they mean no spoilers for future plot points in this video except what's already shown in these trailers and the teaser from a few months back please keep the comments unspoiled too nobody thinks you're cool for knowing what happens we all know what happens and don't worry my analysis isn't really going to suffer for not being explicit about spoilers some marketing genius decided to bring the story's factionalism into real life by cleaving this trailer drop in Twain one half for the goofy greens and the other for the B blacks we'll talk about this marketing strategy later but for now let's start with the blacks let's get into the trailer breakdown oh my God I'm doing a trailer breakdown Lord deliver me what have I become what have you people done to me top 10 things you did notice in in the in the Black trailer number 10 aegon's Cape you can see in this shot that aegon does a cool little twirl move with his cape when he sits on the throne but where did he learn this move and what does it mean what is aegon's true power level coming into season 2 number nine cari's neck neck fans of the series have been wondering for over a year exactly when we'll get to see the piping hot flying giraffe lizard again and this trailer delivers look at his neck look at it number eight Burger King foot okay no we're we're not doing that let's talk about this Dragon trailer like normal people the trailer opens with a little self-contained trailer for itself where rira looks slay some Kart tells us that all must choose Matt Smith in a night gown sleepily wanders around while we hear him screaming about doing War for his wife typical husband stuff Eric Carill wiggling a sword around carxi Singing in the Rain then the trailer tells us that the trailer is starting now and the Targaryen sigil shines in red and black so this beginning sets up a violent and decisive tone the Black trailer for real this time opens on Luke varian's funeral on Dragonstone you can clearly see kis and rise bayor and Raina a big thing on fire then rira Joff and Jace you'd think this funeral for Luke would happen pretty much straight away in the season but at the end of season 1 Jace was sent off on a mission to get the support of the Eerie and of Winterfell so this has to happen after he's returned we see Jace at the wall in the trailer having come there from Dragon Stone Game of Thrones famously played at fast and loose with Daenerys fast traveling between these two locations so it'll be be interesting to see how House of the Dragon juggles Continental Dragon rides in its plot unclear but what is clear is that rira is Mega upset so this is definitely about Luke there's this beautiful shot of a dragon flying to Haron Hall we've seen Haron Hall a lot in this franchise but never from this angle which means we get our first glimpse of the aisle of faces the Mysterious Island in the lake Haron Hall over looks the God's eye House of the Dragon seems to be more invested in the magical parts of GM's Universe than Game of Thrones was and a character in Fire and Blood is said to have gone to the aisle of faces to commune with the ancient green men who live there in secret guarding the sacred weirwoods this is Cyrax flying towards Haren Hall you can tell from the pixels Haren Hall changed hands many times in the main series and it's currently the seat of Larry strong it's always been one of my favorite settings and it's a major location throughout House of the Dragon Story so I'm excited to see more of it I'm not sure why rira is flying to it from the West though that's a bit weird maybe she was checking out the westerlands or the reach for some reason or maybe riverrun back on Dragonstone we see rira struggling to understand what msarya is talking about yeah that's that's misia wearing white she she's the White Worm remember do you remember House of the Dragon it's in the trailer I'm not spoilering you any more than HBO are I won't tell you what they're talking about though their secret is safe with me it is very important though and it'll be interesting to see these two women so strongly associated with Damon finally interact they've both been hurt by Damon but they've also both recently been hurt by the high tower power in King's Landing Aon just killed rira's son and Otto had Mia's house burnt down oh misari survived that by the way in case you in case you thought otherwise what a Twist we then see Cyrax crying out on a beach north of Storm's end so this will be Rea finding physical proof that her son is dead maybe for closure in her grief in the book Luke's body is never found after all Vega Chomps Luke pretty cleanly we don't know how often dragons defecate but it seems unlikely that Luke would be nearby or at all recognizable to me this looks like it's ARA's head and neck in this promo image Jace is holding a bunch of Luke's clothes so it looks like that instead of burning Luke's self they're burning his stuff all this time reneir has been talking about how she needs to fight and win this war to uphold her father's belief that she the firstborn child should succeed him aegon is framed as Allison's son instead of my half brother evoking the interpersonal conflict between these two former definitely just platonic friends aegon walks into the throne room and sits the iron throne with more style than has any other king before or since like yeah re sure your inheritance was usurped by power hungry conspirators with blatant sexism as an excuse I hear you but have you considered that aegon has undeniable Swagger and is's a hopeless little fiend that I can't stop thinking about but then I remember what he did to that girl and those kids but then I remember what you did to that one random guy reminder everyone on this show sucks except for Helena anyway it's dinner time appears to be an a tier meal and we see a few new faces I'm pretty confident that from left to right we've got Adam of Hull Hugh hammer and ol the white rira is making this speech to convince them to help her win this war loving the shoulder dragons incidentally in the season 1 finale Damon mentioned some of the black dragons that don't have Riders is rira going to ask these people to try and claim these dragons yes at least that's what I would do if I were her there's a few cool shots of rira preparing to mount Cyrax while Jace tells craen Stark and us the audience that the realm will crumble if people don't honor their Oaths from a quarter century ago we're shown a group of people mostly a foot but suly a horse going for a stroll in the north these guys might be wearing the black cloaks of the Night's Watch and it looks pretty damn Frosty so you might wonder if we're north of the wall here but they're on a road so that's unlikely I can't see Jace's new sexy Timbo shallot May haircut here not sure when he grew that but he looks much cooler now more Jon Snow than JN snow was but if Jace is in this group it makes you wonder where he's going without his Dragon Vermax maybe he's going hunting with Craig and Stark to become his friend as Renea said they might get along nonetheless we see the two of them chatting at top The Walrus oh mate Craig has ice strapped across his back that's that's pretty that's pretty cool it looks like House of the Dragon is greatly expanding Jace's Journey North maybe at the cost of truncating his stopovers in other places in the book did rira tell him about aegon's Dream Will the knowledge of magic and prophecy play a role in the relationship between jeris valaran and Craig and Stark Starks are back by the way House of the Dragon season 1 was the story about a wealthy family who lost everything the story of just one family but season 2 incorporates more characters from across the realm as the Targaryen familial struggle erupts into Continental Civil War then we see gain high tower Otto's son and Allison's brother who Damon wrecked in the episode one tournament you know cool helmet guy he's a horse here and looks a little beat up there are men behind him wearing aon's arms a golden dragon on a Green Field so it looks like G is in some sort of Battlefield command position in the book Otto makes G the second in command of the gold cloaks King's Landing City watch but it looks like he's been given a more active role here in the show it looks like gain is watching Cyrax flying towards him but trailers often do this sort of deceptive cut and these could be from completely different scenes or even different episodes entirely we then cut back to an explosive Battlefield shot would rira really put herself in the midst of a battle when she has other Dragon Riders at her disposal everything so far has been completely important but now we see aan Targaryen that's all no further comment required he's in a promo image too look at those boots Otto and Thailand Lannister drippy enough to fill a bucket overnight while callus valarian cautions riro to crush the high tower beast at its head while aegon is the green King callus probably means that aegon's grandpy and supposed Puppet Master Otto needs to go callus and his cute sweater might be right about who has called the shots in that faction up until now but Otto's position isn't necessarily permanent he has been removed as hand before for his meddling and other characters in King's Landing have conflicting motives and they might benefit from Otto no longer being in charge what I'm saying is that kis assessment is informed by his own time in King's Landing dealing with Otto and that was a long time ago he might have an outdated idea of what's going on in the Green Camp he's at Hull by the way or at least what I assumed was Hull last season a city on drift mark and this appears to be parting advice to riro before he goes off on a naval mission in the season 1 finale Kus suggests cutting off the gullet to choke King's Landing supply lines so this is probably him going off to do that or maybe he's attending to other Naval developments elsewhere in the narrow sea you can't imagine the greens would take this sort of strategic blow lying down though there's a promo image of kly and Rain having a chat on the docks as well so it looks like they might be parting ways here too and there's a image of kis looking lost at the painted table so he does something on Dragon Stone I guess Damon walks through a castle in the rain Damon announced his plan to take Haron Hall as a strategic base in the middle of Westeros so this is probably that and the earlier shot of Cyrax going to Haron Hall might be rira meeting up with Damon after this again from the West for some reason maybe she was having tea at Golden Grove while Damon addresses some Lord from a top Caris threatening a house's destruction should they Nots side with the blacks we see some King's Landing shots a pensive brooding aegon who looks more lost in life than usual dressed in all black Otto walking away from him maybe aegon is rejecting Otto in some way and Allison and Helena in A procession also dressed Allin black with mourning veils rira is not the only one to suffer great personal loss at the outset of this war GM writes a lot about destructive cycles of Vengeance how far will this spiral go who will it take down with it and which characters will rise above the desire for Revenge as for Damon we already see him wandering into Haron Hall so this could be related but personally I think this is connected to another conflict and another house but we'll talk about that in the green trailer battle time let's do a battle you can see fully armored Knights and horses just look at these guys riding through a forest then Baylor a top Moon Dancer swooping over a forest which might be by a body of water the parts of Westeros Rea has current dominion over are mostly Islands or coastal regions so that scans this is probably a battle for control over one of those areas rise warns Renea about all that cycles of Vengeance stuff I was just talking about when the desire to kill and burn takes hold and reason is forgotten we will not even remember what began the war in the first place rainy life has been defined by loss and she's concerned with the motive for setting the country Ablaze this is directly contrasted with Damon whose life has been defined by ambition and he doesn't seem too concerned he has his reason we fight for our Queen the Rainy speech might be from early in the season trying to caution Rea about her response to Luke's death or it could be from later on a piece of advice she gives before going off on a mission just like the callers speech meanwhile we see aegon beating some guy's head in with a bloody massive rod and Larry watching on then vegar soaring through the clouds with a teeny tiny aund on top and Eric cargle wiggling a sword in a bedroom so these might be the violent responses that rise was cautioning rira about Damon enters a hall at some Castle he was wet in the Haron hle shots so it might not be Haron Hall although it might be Haron Hall then we see riro watching the sun Over the Sea by a dragon Stone and she vulnerably reflects that she fears what she has begun maybe taking rainy's words into consideration after some retaliatory attack or Ploy by the greens everyone should listen to rainy small lastly carxi screams in the rain it was raining in these earlier Haron hle shots so maybe this is CarX declaring Victory there as Damon takes it the beautiful thing about all this is that having read the book I have a very good idea of what probably is going on but even still I'm not entirely sure it's fun I don't want to know exactly what's going to happen that would make the show boring so that's the black trailer overall it's about the cycle of pain and violence and revenge it gives us lots of hints as to what lots of characters are going to get up to but still leaves a lot of room for unknowns the green trailer opens with oh my God I miss you so much if rira is slay Allison is a massacre all must choose we see aegon's cute little twirl again a and practicing the Rogue Prince glare on chst Cole that same shot of Vega flying through the clouds then clumb presumably riding into presumably battle on presumably horseback similarly to how Damon was reene's hype man we fight for our Queen Columbo is aegon for the one true king Aon then the trailer kindly informs us that it will be beginning now thanks trailer the Targaryen sigil shines green and gold incidentally the national colors of my country don't believe our flag it's lying then the trailer actually begins with a shot that makes me cry deeply Allison lighting candles at the same altar she and rira prayed at together many years ago Allison is now alone maybe she's grieving viseris but maybe she's grieving someone else we hear her talking to someone maybe a new ally she's recruiting is that was the context of Rene's speech at the start of the Black trailer wait no you can see a Kan that that's Larry false alarm everyone it was just Larry it was just Larry she's talking about her justification for defending aegon's claim to the throne on G to succeed him the same way the Black trailer opened with Rene's justification for defending her own claim it's like poetry of they rhyme lovely shot of the Dragon pit aon's banners being draped from the red keep walls is this the same gate Arya wandered into it's definitely the same one Otto left through in episode 5 council meeting you see Allison escorted by the Lord Commander himself Otto's there all while to Jasper wild might be hiding behind him and I think this is Thailand Lannister now at the position where Lyman be recently sat and died rip sagge f l the council table in this show has actually had pretty consistent positioning Monarch at the head except for this scene in episode 9 when viseris is dead the hand on the king's right Lord Commander standing to his left and sitting on his left in order from closest to furthest master of laws Grandmaster master of coin then at the foot of the table is the master of ships the council scene in episode 6 is a little weird we don't know what official positions rira and Allison have if any but the only person out of place here is Jasper wild and who really cares about him what I'm getting at is it looks like Thailand has been promoted to fill the vacant master of coin position left by my hymenopteran hero something I failed to point out in my homeric Epic on episode 10 is that the greens have access to the wealth of King's Landing the treasury accumulated by the crown during the prosperity of both viseris rain and that of his predecessor Joe so that's another Advantage the greens have going into this war extreme close-ups on Renea as Allison says the realm will never accept a queen as Game of Thrones season 8 proves to us not only is this correct it's also Justified this is probably priming us for riro making some unlikable decisions at the outset of this conflict then the same shots of aegon fancifully sitting the throne we saw in the Black trailer he's so cute and then the oh the show's coming back cool I love trailers we see some high tower men on what appears to be the red capes walls preparing defenses commanded by Eric kill they've got this scorpion that kyber pretended to invent which is basically a crossbow that ate all its vegetables 130 years before this queen Ry not that one was defeated by the dornish when her Dragon marxis was hit by one of these and 170 years from now Brun wounds droon with one and then Jon Snow's Dragon Ray Galls killed by one in a really weird scene while Danny kind of forgot and then drogon is fineing when there's that shit of them I guess he really meant at that time so this looks like the greens are preparing for a draconic assault on King's Landing even though reene said she wasn't going to do that so that's that's that's a little fun that's a little interesting that's a little wacky we see Damon Targaryen The Road overlooking a military Camp same as in the teaser this looks similar to the place where he threatens destruction in the Black trailer there's also this promo image of Matt Smith in shoulder pads looking like he's waiting for something to happen at this same location Otto says to Allison that the blacks are fighting for vengeance rather than the good of the realm this sort of echo is what Rainey said to rira but it's Otto saying it so I don't believe him I don't know why Allison is sitting on like a a moving box there's someone being kicked out of red keep maybe this shot is in Otto's Chambers they play the most conniving shot of rira they could find then Cyrax flying cut into a battle scene same as in the Black trailer in King's Landing there's a figure who appears to be wearing white behind a gate being stared down by a city Watchman and you can see other gold cloaks in the back there too could this guard be accepting a bribe from a nefarious n Duell we do hear aegon speaking of the repercussions of plotting against him two people navigate dark tunnels presumably the vast network of secret covert passages throughout the red keep we can infer then that these two people have snuck into King's Landing and are going to do something naughty that bothers Aon likely connected to Aon beating a guy in the other trailer and this guy has similar hair to the bloke holding Helena at knife point in the teaser so you know connect those dots if you will aegon's got a ruby encrusted Crown helmet which might be the coolest thing I've ever seen he's wearing armor and he prepares to mount his Dragon Sunfire is aegon headed into battle like rira it might be foolish of aegon to do his own fighting but lots of Lords respect a king who participates in his own battles viseris lamented to his hand LOL strong that he never had the opportunity to Galvanize his resolve and earn martial respect in war but lonol told him that dying wouldn't have helped really many that are tested only wish to have been spared it we shall see if Aon throws himself headlong into this war and if he later wishes to have been spared his own test he's chatting with Larry here Lionel's son it looks like Larry facilitated aegon beating that guy earlier and that ingratiates him with the King what will come of this relationship between the Green king and the Mysterious Lord of Haren Hall will it Echo the relationship between their fathers and how will it affect Larry's situation with Allison and Otto Sunfire by the way hell yeah slender Sleek beautiful Sunfire the golden we saw so little of Sunfire in season 1 so yay it looks like the dragon Pit's been repaired so this might not be very early in the season Allison tells aegon that he has no idea the sacrifice that were made to put you on that Throne earlier we saw Allison lighting a candle alone where she once prayed with riro and a crucial point of episode 10 is Otto giving rira an artifact of her relationship with Allison Allison gave up the only person she ever loved to defend aegon's claim but that's not the only sacrifice she's speaking of Allison lays down her dignity to maintain a grasp on power in King's Landing by humiliating herself to larish strong in fact Allison's entire life has sort of been a story about sacrificing her own agency in service of putting her son on the throne marrying viseris wasn't her own desire but her fathers her uncles her houses her actual personal desire was to hold renea's hand forever and she must be a little jealous of Jiminy Kristen right house of the dragon is about people having to make tough decisions figuring out what they really want in life and weighing that up against the other forces that lay claim to their Destinies Allison is a beautiful tragic example of this maybe she's telling aegon this because he's considering surrendering and he doesn't know what it cost to get him here this scene is in the king's Chambers where viseris used to hang out sometimes and where he died that one time the room where Allison's life changed forever where she was raped by an ostensibly good King now a different rap lives here progress we shall see if this one is a good King this table is where the massive model of valyria was maybe it's in the basement now in any case it's a heavy place for Allison we see caraxes hovering over Haron Hall as guys run past and then Damon is directly compared to aan both wearing some Swanky sleep wear yes aan sleeps with a sheathed sword in his belt of course he does at the small Council table aund tells that he eagerly awaits a fight with Damon paired with A's fangirling and chest puffing at Damon in episode 8 the show is really hyping up this rivalry so that'll be cool and I'm very much looking forward to the dynamic of a meathead incel and a Flawless psycho egging each other on a crowd of smallish folkish throw some medieval confetti onto this funeral procession Allison and Helena are in utto tells it cuts to aegon later but I assume he's talking to Allison because he's using his hushed private conversation voice instead of his Council voice and why would he need to convince aegon that it's a violence time he seems pretty on board with that already yeah he's saying that the only way forward to a peaceful and prosperous realm is through a big VI War we see a Bracken girl or twink or both draw steal against some Blackwood Lads the brackens and the blackwoods are like the Eternal Rivals of the riverlands being neighbors of different religions with a deeply intertwined history going back many thousands of years in season 1 rira saw Willam Blackwood slay Gerald Bracken in Storm's end over some petty insults and we later hear about a land dispute between the houses that riro is concerned will erupt into war they seemingly take up any opportunity to fight one another the brackens and the blackwoods will use any excuse to spill each other's blood so naturally they take opposite sides in this targaryan civil war with Damon setting up shop at Haren Hall with plans to speak to the Tully of riverrun who is superior to both of these houses the house on the black side will probably have an advantage in this conflict the teaser trailer shows Damon beheading someone in front of a wewood and there is a dead wewood at the Blackwood seat Raven tree Hall dead trees don't have leaves though so maybe this is the weirwood at Haron Hall instead there were a few named blackwoods at this point in the book so any of these guys might be benjak cot or Samuel or maybe a grown-up Willam from season 1 someone is doing that really cool thing with a coin that I did once when nobody was looking and haven't been able to do ever again just trust me it's probably aiman because who else would be that cool and also the next shot is him he's got one of the council bow holders in front of him but he doesn't have a ball maybe he doesn't need balls in war also sorts of Customs go out the window we see criminal Cole walking on what appear to be the walls of some Castle or some such structure given that he is a lame guy who doesn't even have a dragon he's not flying around the country like Damon or riro so he's got to get everywhere either a foot or a horse we know that rira has a few crucial supporters in the crown lands close to King's Landing so it would make sense for aegon to send Chopper to quell all that before it gets out of hand the closest of these supporters to King's Landing is house darkland so this sh shot might be at their seat of duskendale in the book The even closer houses of stokeworth and rosby have already been dealt with their Lords were at King's Landing and detained by Otto when they refused to pledge for aegon in episode 9 this plot is instead given to Lord Merryweather lady Fel and Lord Caswell in the teaser trailer for season 2 we see rosby and stokeworth Men alongside green soldiers and chain chomp beheading a man at this location so connect those dots we see a servant or handmade or whatever walking through a red keep hallway with a bloody hand and a Blood Stained sheet so yeah blood has been spilled in the bed chambers of the Royal House connect those dots too wao was that an ALT shift X style zoomi ay editing move are we even allowed to do that is that legal I thought he patented that Aon says good to war then and I love him he's such a little Goblin a promo image has Tom Glen car's Egon recreating the amok portrait which is fun vear through the louds again two drippy horses racing into battle one of whom is a hored by chumo and he does a little scream get a load of his fancy necklace jeez that might mean something the other one might be G high tower I don't know we see Eric Cargill wiggling his sword around again they really liked that shot then we slow down to an aerial shot of aegon's high hill Allison in a churchy looking place it might be the same sept from season 1 remember the great sep of bayor from Game of Thrones doesn't exist yet the bayor it's named after hasn't even been born yet yet Allison speaks of her lifelong dedication to serve her house and do what she thinks is right for the realm at the cost of her own personal desires she goes for a little dip maybe there'll be an emotional bathtub scene where she tries to process her life and figure out what's happening to her family or maybe she's doing something drastic to herself look up from those creepy ethereal shots from the teaser do make me question how stable Allison's mental state is and I know a thing or two about unstable mental States I've watched season 8 like 10 times we see an army approaching this Castle the identity of this castle and what's going on here is confirmed only by leaks so I won't say it but it is a different location to everything else we've seen the Army here is very red so connect those dots if you want to Baylor a top Moon Dancer again circling a forest while kogo Rouses his men get a hold of the rampant dragons on aegon's stylish cardigan here his mates Marty rain and eston to backing him in they're from these places and in the back here is edit Waters Waters is the crown land's bastard name so edit is probably a valarian bastard maybe Cy son maybe Von's son in any case he's probably the Green's claimant for drift Mark none of these BLS exist in the book so it'll be cool to see what becomes of them the last thing we see rather crazily is another Dragon who would have thought I initially assumed this was Helena's Dragon dream fire as it somewhat looks like Daenerys dragons who probably hat from dream Fire's eggs but no this is actually sea smoke Lor valarian Dragon he's being proded at by Dragon Keepers and the dark Rocky terrain reminds me of the Dragon Mont from Damon's adventures in episode 8 so he might be on Dragon Stone sea smoke has an interesting place in the story as his riter is gone but not necessarily dead so far as we know dragons can only bond with one living person at a time so if anyone is able to mount sea smoke that would indicate to riro that her first husband the good man who helped raise her children is now for real dead maybe the dragon Raina who the now dead Luke was supposed to one day marry will be the one to claim her uncle's dragon or maybe someone else so that's the green trailer overall it's honestly mostly about how hard done by Allison is it gives us lots of hints as to what lots of characters are going to get up to but still leaves a lot of unknowns room for excitement in short yeah it looks pretty good no be guy though so it'll probably suck the structure of these things is a little lame though you know with the trailer starting now text bit cringe there not to mention the entire notion of presenting two different trailers for the two different factions and demanding that all must choose rubs me the wrong way a little it's probably because I'm a little terminally online but the Rabid blinding honestly toxic factionalism didn't really need this encouragement and I think it gets in the way of discussing the actual story it's a cool concept but I wish it were less insistent on validating the worst behaviors of the worst parts of the audience we're all on the same side here the side of a good story great trailers exciting stuff bothersome presentation only half an hour on 4 minutes of trailer that's honestly pretty good I've done much worse um that's the video part of the video over but there's some housekeeping here to tank the analytics so press like to counteract that and thanks for watching um since I'm here I might as well give you a glidus glp date so you know exactly what I've been getting up to these days and maybe even vaguely what I've been getting down to if you don't care you can leave that was that was always an option and you know what good riddance I never cared about you anyway now that it's just you and me and all of these patrons whizzing past us I can tell you that I've been working hard on more concurrent videos than ever before the Q&A video where I'm going to Yap about myself for like an hour that that one's done but you haven't earned it yet so it won't be coming out for a bit I'm working on a couple of incredibly stupid things for silly week which is damn soon I can't tell you what those are but one of them is a low effort shit post and another one is a high effort shit post as for main projects I'm slowly whittling away at both the battle of the bastards piss and the full season review of House of the Dragons season 1 but my current focus is actually not about dragons at all it'll be about weird magic children as I dig into Netflix's Avatar yay uh somewhere amongst all that I'm supposed to finish those acella tracks too and I'm going to America apparently and I'm writing another album look man I'm fucking busy uh sorry to all of you waiting for got review or the end of season 6 or one of the billion other things I said I'd do I'm waiting for them too but I'm not going to force them because then you wind up with mediocre crap that nobody cares about like this video or this video my dream would be to finish all of these things before House of the Dragon resumes on June 16 June 16 everyone make note of that in your moon charts but let's be real that's that's not happening is it but if I shoot for the moon and Miss I might hit a few geostationary satellites on the way so that'll be fun reflecting on this little thing called the past I think I've got a face that there's just no way I'm producing F lengthy video essays on each episode weekly through season 2 that's simply not possible I will do them if the season warrants them but let us not labor under the delusion that they will be at all timely as a compromise during the SE season I'll be making videos in a different format shorter less in-depth pieces that I should be able to produce without falling behind time will tell oh yeah and I've been getting down to pulp the police and Joanie Mitchell that shit pumps I'm clearing my throat
Channel: Glidus
Views: 130,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: review, analysis, game of thrones
Id: -Rupc2C-ZjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 49sec (1969 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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