House of Frankenstein Wax Museum

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hey you all carpetbagger here coming to you live from the north more specifically Lake George New York and as I've traveled across the country I've visited as many wax museums as I possibly can and I was delighted to hear that there was a wax museum here in Lake George we were dealing with the house of Frankenstein wax museum and I assume by the fact that Frankenstein would put his name on this attraction that means we're in for something a little spooky so let's experience this house of monsters together follow me [Music] they're above the sign you can actually the Phantom of the Opera playing on this Oregon the skull here see dr. Frankenstein up to his evil evil work you're not God dr. Frankenstein why you tried to be God I'll just funeral right here all right entering entering if we dare Oh spooky now there is kind of a middle ground between wax museums and haunted houses the piers that's what we're entering right now but yeah I'm gonna like that set up and [ __ ] in tents in a haunted house but you can still enjoy the creepiness oh my gosh The Body Snatchers Burke and Hare grave robbers so dark I can can't see [Music] oh you see him that light was him for a second when it flashes like it's dark when you're robbing graves [Music] are we observing here [Music] that's the no-good dr. Frankenstein to push this button to activate the scene oh no oh no there's Frankenstein baby boy Frankenstein he's looking the baby's looking at me this is it very very spooky wax museum Bram Stoker's Dracula you can see Dracula right there and we've got a button to press let's see what happens [Music] what's happening I know he's transforming he's transforming into a bat oh my gosh look at that bat death of a vampire wooden stake through the heart yeah that's how yeah that's how you get them Treasure Island it's not a horror movie just a about happy pirates like him and happy pirates I don't there's a dead skeleton that's not let's go Tea Party treasure this is the amazing room of rats and yeah that guy was just trying to take a nap and while he was sleeping a bunch of rats ate his face and eyes and fingers Oh silly right oh look and see he's breathing to the rat on his chest going up in game I don't know the rules here I don't know if there's any jump scares that's pretty bougie right there you know it looks like like he's been buried in his hand up to his head and sand and then insects have stripped him of his flesh all right this is really spooky we're in the dark the woods I don't even know what that flashy thing is there some sort of spooky monster there's something this is hard to describe it there's like a really slushy ground my feet are sinking into what is that or anything going on over here yeah I do see the do you see the Creature from the Black Lagoon poking his head out yeah my feet are and squishiness I think there's a simulate that I'm walking to a swamp it's a very interesting effect I'm heading into pure unadulterated darkness [Music] Oh that was kind of a jump-scare oh it's the the predator I wasn't expecting to see the predator here but that's out there the zombie some strange sound beckons the dead to join the rest look at those creepy zombies rising from the gray that one in the purple shirt oh my gosh you can see them see them slowly rising up to eat the brains of the living okay whoa they gave up good good good and who's that guy in the back is that like the devil or something The Strange Case of dr. Jekyll mr. Hyde we gotta activate this with the flip of a switch okay okay I see I see dr. Jekyll back there we're gonna hit that switch I bet he's gonna get all hide it out Oh beeps vanished oh no its hide there's exhibit about the undead people buried alive can happen again figure oh you see that P gal from behind Henry Henry I can't read his last name anybody got the area's all very spooky the Grim Reaper with the dawn comes death see the old woman laying there in her bed as she's looking up and what is she looking up at just the Grim Reaper hovering above her bed pointing at her the Grim Reaper is pointing at you and that's a bad sign at how your life's going I'm sorry sorry grandma the bathtub murder what's what's that oh it's uh someone being murdered the bathtub being murdered is always lousy but it sucks even more being murdered that close to a toilet oh my gosh oh my gosh it just moved crazed attach it and down what's here the attic ghost that's kind of reminiscent of the bride in the haunted mansion to be honest what's she gonna do she gonna do she's leaving dawn we got here the werewolf little little kid playing with blocks next to his window we had a putt and I almost feel guilty about this one but let's hit that button [Music] oh my gosh she's a werewolf coming for him sit up on again where he comes here comes here he comes Lucy I guess you couldn't reach him the wax workshop keep friends among your souvenirs guess this is supplying that wax figures are made by cutting off people's body parts and talking the relax [Music] what's going on in here we got some guys and some sweet pith helmets and wuntch of snakes took their cheese god I hate you we got a seance scene in here okay I can't ignore this they're literally playing the audio from the seance room in the haunted mansion the Crypt people are here we're not at the seance just backlight cool right there that's the classic Edgar Allan Poe tale the pit and the pendulum see the pendulum is splitting neck eyes guts Esmeralda's rescue my Quasimodo in nature Dom told Kwazii up there handsome bugger The Phantom of the Opera sorry I'm playing above the building with another phantom in here say he's gonna turn us turn his face Oh phantom like your curtains it's very dark in here they civilly said I wasn't allowed to use my that was uncalled for oh yeah Jack the Ripper he's not relaxed Museum very off because we don't know exactly what he looks like he is he's ripping away can't quite see his face you can see he's got a beard and that poor woman's about to get get a little ripped the price of infidelity your housemaid could end up in the same circumstance so what's going on in this scene we have a couple here the woman is serving the man dinner got a button down here we're gonna hear it and what is under what is under the tray it is that dark oh my gosh it was his girlfriend's head but it's dark again there's Edgar Allan Poe at work as wonderful poems did see us his hand actually scrolling scrolling a poem maybe it's the Raven maybe it's maybe it's in the belly but probably the Raven because there's a raven right there oh god what was that oh my gosh Oh a thing at the glass I was just trying to look at Jason and Freddy here wasn't asking me jump scared oh my gosh oh yeah my job is too hard Victor Witek human sacrifice and see there they're removing the heart out to the person to kind of comically sticking their tongue out there that's a little a little goofy but horrifying nonetheless judge over there the Salem witch trials Oh what's this oh no they're burning burning someone at the stake Oh No NoHo no the hohoho blah hey you're monsters you're all monsters they're all monsters every last one of you how could you do this to another person hey go away hard oh I'm a female vampire they're a stake through her heart but rest assured she's not dead she's breathing you can see her chest going up and down the mad morticians experiments to see what the mad mortician is doing guess he's turning them all into green face weirdos he is pretty crazy looking this is the garage you can see man being strangled Oh more than strangled it's like cutting his head off without the wire Canada's first hangman himself a convicted murderer let's see what the button says Oh [Music] and we have the electric chair yeah you can see that the governor they're getting ready to flip the switch and we're gonna flip our own switch Oh stand by this ain't gonna be pretty okay oh wait some skulls here above the staircase as we head down is a 17th century beheading I can see the man getting ready to his head chopped off these fellows over here they're sharpening the axe and when to be nice and sharp for the chopping oh man you're having a lousy day buddy The Forgotten prisoner lonely lonely lonely yeah but see The Forgotten prisoner right there I think loneliness may be the least of his concerns but maybe if we hit this button that'll cheer him up [Music] certainly just certainly didn't cheer him up this guy being crushed oh yeah he's on a bed of nails you think Raja that big weight torture so mean see this guy right here strapped to a board and this this guy's just gonna hit him with a big hammer it looks like this woman's got a cage on her head and a no rat in there that's that's not gonna end well this man is stuck in a tiny little cage what's going on here oh I guess that's an Iron Maiden he's using those needles to see that woman's chest rising and falling then he's jamming the needles into her graphic she's Count de lurch prisoner of the steel and I'm not sure who he is well history life something guys maybe I need to look that up the guillotine the activate vault Oh Oh No turn away turn away small children this is not going to end well hurry up alright here comes Skinner over with this guy's had enough don't torture him with anticipation it's tickets of time getting really high up there oh there it goes lights cut out so much torture so much torture going on here a man dangling from a hook oh my gosh oh dear what kind of a room is this [Music] Hey all right to the vortex tunnel so that was the house of Frankenstein wax museum I do want to mention there is a house of Frankenstein haunted house in in Niagara Falls and there's some similarities like with the buttons you push and things like that but it is a different attraction there's different scenes different characters so not not the same attraction but I do wonder if there is some connection between the two but I would highly recommend this is actually very very sizeable very large a lot of displays the jump scares are there they're minimal though just actually that makes them worse because you let your guard down when you don't think there's gonna be a bunch of jump scares but yeah check it out I've liked the other wax museums haunted houses I've been to as well as amusement parks roadside attractions other fun stuff please check the interactive map down in the description if you like to help contribute to the channel consider buying a t-shirt like this consider donating to patreon $3.00 more donation a month we'll get you a postcard but for now this once in the back
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 36,350
Rating: 4.9352026 out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, house of frankenstein, wax museum, spooky, creepy, animatronic, haunted house, frankenstein, scientist, wax figures, jack the ripper, haunted, scary, fun, lake george, ny, new york
Id: 6qWGnUeL3tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2019
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