House for sale in Dauin, Negros Oriental - Philippines πŸ‡΅πŸ‡­

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[Music] foreign [Music] guys uh Wilma and I are up early good morning so uh we are getting ready to get out the door uh we are consolidating our efforts today so you guys you guys know that we're uh videoing uh that uh beautiful house here in Darwin that's for sale uh but we're going to go ahead and make uh a day of it so we're going uh to drop our trash off fill up the truck with gas uh we need to get some uh water at the refilling station uh you guys know we have the water bottle with uh the five gallons uh we're dropping off our laundry and hopefully we're going to pick up the Frog grass and video uh the home all in a few hours so uh I don't know what is that four or five things so continuing to try to be a productive a really nice day you you see the sun in my face I have SPF 50 on so hopefully that will uh keep me from getting burned too much I brought a hat as well so uh we're gonna go ahead you can see the boss she's uh locking everything up making sure everything is off and we're going to load the truck up and head downtown uh to Darwin I plan on doing a full review of the Critter Republic so uh one thing I want to mention is look at the parking here usually at these Resorts there's very little parking so the entrance of Sierra Resort is here you come right down swing around and then you got all this parking so if you have a vehicle this is definitely uh the way to go Justin's already here nice and early Critter Hunter and take a look at this it's a good Public Service Announcement don't pee in the gas tank so uh we're gonna meet Justin and then we're gonna head to the home here is the new home of the Critter Republic and let's see if we can find a proprietor ah here's the boss good morning [Music] how you doing Mark nice to meet you he's in charge of the instructors here so I said uh as I walked up I said uh I'm gonna go find a proprietor of Critter Republic so hi Judea hi Judea the boss so I said I I said I wanted to do a full review of the Critter Republic and I'll do that here in the future but today it's all about real estate right yeah all right so we're gonna head look at that look at the beautiful day just absolutely amazing so we're gonna head up uh to the home this guy this guy's not too far from your house he's my Swedish friend okay and he's like just have some people over so it's like I know somebody who wants to film a house okay all right so it's not far from from our home yeah it's like one road over I think oh wow yeah okay so uh and he he likes your channel and he said your build is kind of similar to his you know the Western uh yeah just just our build is much smaller yeah right much more you see it yeah yeah I can't I can't wait so all right boss so uh can I pull Justin away for a little bit okay go out all right talk to you guys later [Music] [Music] please [Music] all right guys today's the day so here's the A-Team Alex and Justin so they're going to go ahead and introduce the homeowners my friend John and joshila Gisella and John Swedish Swedish and Filipina they want our house all right this is guys this is a gorgeous house so uh let's uh let's get the uh the cost out of the way right uh yeah I mean we're asking about what we put into it which is about 65 but it's highly negotiable uh okay I understand people might not appreciate everything I've done with it yeah I'll tell you what guys this is an amazing home and I hope I can do it justice uh he put 65 million pesos into this home approximately um and he said it's highly negotiable so let's uh let's get at it and show the house the property values greatly increased since uh how however long they built it absolutely I've been looking at land all over so yeah it's worth way more than he put into it I I agree when you see this house guys and it's TurnKey so uh let's get at it fully furnished fully furnished so let's let's get at it all right guys so uh here is the house itself it sits on five thousand seven hundred square meters it's two floors of home and then uh there's a deck an observation deck because the ocean is this way you'll get to see the beautiful view here uh in a little while this home is not far from our home uh it's just further down the mountain and you'll see how it correlates with our property when we look at Apple Island the house itself is about 300 square meters but if you count all the beautiful porches it's over 700 square meters so uh Justin and Alex and John here are having a conversation let me just start off by showing the infinity pool that's in front of the house look at this all tiled beautiful uh nice Kubo and uh John I want to show your uh this one's built like a bunker as you mentioned feel like a bunker over did the construction number to make sure it never starts leaking or anything yeah we built another Pool a few years back and started leaking so I didn't want that problem again yeah but what you're gonna find out guys is every step of the way here this house has been overbuilt as an example all the walls in the house are not one uh layer of hollow block is actually two layers of hollow block yeah with insulation in between to be honest though I don't think it added much value it's more an experiment to make sure you know we didn't get too much heat in from the Sun yeah to be honest the most heat comes from the windows anyway it comes through the windows yeah yes I don't think that's added value okay okay take a look at this tennis court John talk a little bit about uh what you did to build this we love tennis I want to make sure we got the best port on the island or maybe in the Philippines so we overdid everything once again we got the installer from who did the Olympics so he installed this artificial grass that we imported got 14 tons of 60 mesh sand we got wow the lights they made a nice little competition regulations ah so you could play Night tennis oh yeah yeah we always do so a guy from Manila who actually designed tennis courts for the Olympics he's an Australian guy uh Design This tennis court he laid it he didn't design it I just signed it sort of okay yeah he was the one who actually put down all this that's a lot of work to get it right oh wow it's it's gorgeous for sure and you're selling this home because you're moving back to Sweden my mom's 80 what is 84 now five kids I want them to have an education in Sweden I think ah okay we thought we would live here forever when call it happened so that's how we built this place so you built this during coverage so it's uh you built this around uh 2020 2021 started building it actually right before covered hit we're gonna build a small like weekend house here okay well this is not a weekend house so we just got out of hand but I got bored during coffee and had too much time and thought okay we're just gonna stay in Philippines forever let's build something that's cool wow I tell you whoever buys this home you're getting a jam because it's over built uh and I'm gonna try to highlight that as I walk through the house so before we go in to the main house let's walk into the guest house guys this is amazing absolutely amazing and have a a little special something here at DM we're not going to go down there right now but we're going to walk in yeah something uh special down there so this is the guest house so beautiful floors right guys that's the same floors as our uh master bedroom walk-in closet you guys can see that but this is this is a house so kitchen here little dining area and talk a little bit about these windows yeah right so I wanted something that was sort of hard to get through that would break during typhoon so people would be wouldn't be to break into these things so this is uh one glass laminated double wall yes it's a two two layers of glass plastic yeah so a membrane in between it's solid wow yeah my glass as you guys know is tempered quarter inch thick but it's single pane this is double uh so this is probably not from the Philippines where did you get this from Alibaba so find a supplier that ever does normal high-end stuff for foreigners abroad okay so we got everything from him wow I've been very happy with it yeah yeah and you get yeah we have no damage on the property at all no damage so uh a bedroom here yeah so a guest room it's all rooms have these imported curtains from the US that are equal and dark out yeah nice yeah all uh split aircons in all the rooms all wood everywhere small getting basically oh mahogany the original Mattress and it all comes with it yeah yeah very nice uh CR small CR Guest House size yes what are here in these two rooms ah so three bedrooms in the guest room all with split air cons how many split aircons are on the property nine I think we have nine splitter cons the biggest you can get the three horsepower three horsepower Panasonic the others are smaller well this is some Guest House John Storage storage room but it's but it's a bedroom it can be just for storage split aircon memory foam so everything comes with everything uh relying on the video unbelievable so this is just like one of these details too all the windows came out with mosquito screens to the screen this is stainless steel stainless steel screens oh wow so this would also be hard to break into yeah yeah so definitely uh high-end I want to take a look at the the kitchen area and now remember guys this is the guest home we haven't even gotten to the main home yet this kitchen where we actually cook um because it's big and nice right refrigerator all very nice very long wow nice oven oh yeah nice table you sit outside it's been very useful this one I mean even if you're like 50 guests here we can cater to everybody yeah and uh Wilma was looking at these uh Wilma's here somewhere on the property and she said hey I want them around the pool so we just picked up uh something if I talk too much nah no problem John is a real nice guy he's a real honest guy as I'm walking through um you know he wants to make sure that he's explaining the property uh you know perfectly yeah okay we up some you know there were things that I've done like oh I shouldn't have done that but in general it is it's good yeah well I'll tell you what it's when you walked me through earlier today I don't think I've ever seen a build in the Philippines uh so good and so solid we had a contractor and then I got two guys that I hired just to monitor the contractor to make sure that they didn't screw up the cement mix no too much water in there and stuff like that right and then I actually ended up stopping with that contractor got my own engineer my own foreman and then we just sort of monitored the finishing oh wow so you did it yourself because you wanted it a certain way I just don't know yeah good point good point so they tried to save on everything and I don't want to do that 100 100 hey boss there she is she's up there hanging out with Justin in the Kubo so uh we're gonna we're gonna head into the house now all right here on the first floor you can see all the stainless steel railings all ceramic tile uh but take a look at the ocean view on the first floor we're pretty close to the ocean uh infinity pool right here and uh Wilma wanted to said hey he got a video the shower in the Kubo so they have a bahai Kubo here and you can see the nice sale they have they give a little sun while they're sitting in their pool but take a look there's the boss yeah it's definitely cool look they have a shower in the Kubo for showering before and after swimming yeah before and after swimming amazing so there's so many details and I'm going to try to get this video to be no more than 30 minutes but I think that's going to be hard to be right I think it's going to be three hours it's going to be about three hours right we got your Google nice Wi-Fi ah Google match Wi-Fi Alexa Alexa play some music for Greg ah no copyrights though all right so when you enter the first floor they have another kitchen an inside kitchen they say they use the uh the dirty kitchen the most but all beautiful Cabinetry uh black uh granite nice Island uh that stove he said he paid 150 000 pesos it's a European brand called Smeg I've never heard of it five burner and look at the toaster that's the name brand so comment if you guys ever heard of that uh that brand before so this is the uh the kitchen on the first floor and then here's a nice living room area so they got their couch and TV again another aircon so I'm going to keep track of air cons I think we're at four we'll keep track of how many aircons are in this house uh two bedrooms we'll get to in a minute but uh Justin what's your uh favorite part of this room well I don't want to give away all the secrets but I'll show you the best part of the house there's also a couple bedrooms here on the first floor with walk-in closets so walk-in closets these are the only cheap doors we have inside the house so these are just your typical typical Filipino slide of the horse okay yeah yeah so it looks like it's a another oh so I think we're up to number five split aircon yep so just a nice bedroom on the first floor there's one that sort of mirrors the first one okay second one okay teenage boy so what is this number six yeah I'm gonna keep track a walk-in closet so up to six split aircons and then on the first floor there is a uh bathroom very nice all tiled nice uh vanity with mirror very uh very nice so uh off to the second floor you're you're right John it is hard to get to view uh with uh with a camera so on the second floor look how large the patio area is all under shade all tiled and you can really start to see the ocean view I mean it's gorgeous it's a million dollar View but again it's very hard to pick it up on camera you can see the tennis court the Kubo the garage the guest home the boss and the infinity pool get all see the high fence that fence is like uh 12 foot all the way around for security look at the beautiful flowers over there I think there are Parts where the fence is a little bit lower okay yeah here next to the tennis court I think it's a little bit lower but so say anywhere from 10 to 12 feet approximately approximate yeah yeah yeah exactly it's approximate 10 to 12 feet fence all the way around the uh property you should address the whole wide you have so much barbed wire and why is the fence so secure yeah yes baby you want to mention that what you like that right which one why it's so safe you know like oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah yeah so it was a wife recommendation my wife is really like let's just make it super safe so people don't come in yeah okay so we got a bunch of comments about the wall uh on our video yeah and what they don't the people commenting from the states they don't realize every property every Foreigner I know absolutely every Resort in the city in the country has walls around it yeah but those are huge uh Pier walls like yours right with glass on top spikes but they they're like why would you want to be isolated you can see there's you can see through yeah absolutely yeah yeah it's it's hot tip galvanized everything with a powder coating thing oh wow okay yeah galvanized uh powder coated galvanized like the typical galvanization you find in Philippines okay so again more high-end stuff yeah yeah yeah I mean our uh our walls seven foot Justin and then in the back it's ten foot yes and a solid uh concrete same with my house same with the resort every single I don't know a single house here that uh especially from foreign [Music] this one I think it'd be pretty ugly yeah yeah and it would block some views on the first floor it goes like this it's just agree agreed all right so let's uh let's go inside floor two all right so now we're in the second floor the second floor is all master bedroom walk-in closet and office so uh take a look at the crew look at these guys hanging out they're uh they're they're loving life [Music] you can watch the TV look at the views unbelievable oh you get privacy curtains between the office and master okay very nice so I did mention uh with the beds downstairs all the beds are are all mahogany uh and all custom look at the size of this bed I said hey is this a California king no this uh is 240. cmy 10 cm long it's 2.4 meters across the mattresses the mattress and the bed is even wider unbelievable from your attacks the mattress alone was like 80 000 I think eighty thousand pesos just for the mattress unbelievable and then they have their uh TV here on a swivel so you can watch TV in bed or you could flip and uh watch it here now I want to show you what a dream closet looks like you guys know about the nightmare closet I don't think this is the same as your guy different guy right different closet guy yeah different closet guy all mahogany look at the walk-in closet got uh makeup vanity nice uh safe unbelievable so this is uh Hey Wilma that that's a dream closet yeah definitely down the road I'm gonna redo it oh boy okay yeah this is dangerous yeah absolutely she's already writing notes outside we're up to two things already right we're going to City Hardware on the way home uh master bath right yeah yeah John definitely I sort of like having laundry on the controls so the staff don't you know mix it up like they shouldn't and yeah okay so you got a washer yeah shower all beautiful tile we'll go out back here in a little bit I want to show you how they handled the water pretty amazing all right so uh let's go to the third floor all right so here I am on the third floor which is all uh deck space so you can see how far down the mountain we are Oppo Island's right there and then look at that Ocean View camera never does it justice no it doesn't it really doesn't so the third floor is all deck space all tiled we have the ocean the amount of the volcano but uh yeah today over there yeah yeah it's cloudy so there's your uh solar uh hot water heater yep and that one works great that works great for hot water all right so it makes your own hot water and I know what you guys are probably thinking uh with all these aircons I think we're up to like seven or eight already how much is the electric bill here yeah so our last bill was minus 6 000 pesos minus minus six thousand meaning they would pay us if they weren't you know right full solar guys full solar and I'm going to show you that in a minute so we don't get a bill I mean we get a bill that says minus six thousands we don't have to pay anything so that transfers on to the next to the next month so if there's a surplus say there's a bill of three thousand that it is taken from the six and now you're down to three yeah so we got this little Nets metering that metering yeah all right so water storage we'll talk about that for a second so here there's three tanks a thousand liters each yeah and I actually over did something over here as well because I thought what if we one day don't have a pump that can pump whatever so I actually put a manual pump over there ah okay I don't know if you can see it now okay so a manual pump just in case oh I do see it over there yeah okay so got 3 000 liters here and then on the second floor if you can see it right there there's 2 000 liters then there's a cistern down at the bottom with 45 000 liters also built like a bunker it has built like a bunker and the Water Source comes from that way comes down same uh plastic pipe like we have and fills the 45 000 liter cistern and then he has a couple of pumps down there I saw that pumps the water up so plenty plenty of water so just another uh detail of how well built this house is this is the first time I've seen as John wanted to show me take a look in there between the floors fiberglass insulation for insulation purposes it's probably typical for other countries yeah this is exactly what I had in my ceiling in New York fiberglass insulation never seen it here uh usually you see the the real thin half inch or inch foam uh so he uh really did a nice job with insulation look up there's the foam thing up there oh yeah you can see it up there I just don't want the heat to get through really you know I want the cold to remain in it wow while we're on the third floor just want to show a couple a couple of things uh there's the starlink they also have satellite TV and then they also have an antenna which they have a cell phone repeater I don't know if you can see it or not but it's up there a cell phone repeater to help with uh reception and you can see that I spared no expense I mean this is real uh cable holding on DIY in which you use everywhere normally yeah so it's a specialty wire to make sure that everything stays uh secure so just another couple examples of all the extras that's in this house all right so I wanted to uh just uh go to the far end of the property here next to the tennis court uh here this could be a garden area look at all the beautiful flowers but just to uh show you guys there's a creek out here looks like a dry uh Creek bed and look how thick the retaining wall is John mentioned it when we were walking around this morning that's about two feet thick and he says it goes down like 20 feet and he says he built it extremely strong and I don't know if you can see it or not but it goes up on an angle down and then a big giant platform of uh concrete so everything is just built uh so strong double walls uh in the house uh insulated just pretty amazing John's a really nice guy and uh like I said he wants to move back to Sweden to educate his children and here he comes now we'll see what he has to say John I'm just giving everybody a recap the retaining wall oh okay if you want to see it yeah yeah you want to take a walk out that way all right let's let's take a walk oh wow yeah look at that retaining wall wow there's a lot of concrete there yeah ridiculous amounts and a lot of rebar so this is a dried out Creek okay that's water about twice a year or something wow and how high is it down there at the end it's ridiculous I mean it's like 20 feet yeah yeah for sure over there oh wow and let's look at the jungle all right so the most unique thing about the property we're about to go look at so John take it away so another uh garage area I want to show you the solar the solar hookup just a little storage room and then this is what we need to do very thick door going into the solar so it looks like uh three no four four large battery packs 5.8 kilowatt lithium ion batteries wow 5.8 each very nice inverters yep one two Yep looks like three four so like seven how do you spelled Huawei I don't know how you say it oh okay yeah yeah yeah Chinese brand yeah supposed to be a good one though but yeah what do I know solex so it's basically running your house yep very nice and what was the uh electric bill before you got to solar before I got the solar we had between 19 and 27 000 um wow 19 000 to 27 000 pesos a month that's about 500 us yeah yeah about 500 and that went from 500 a month to zero ah beautiful yeah something that I have to invest in and what I do want to show you too I mentioned it when I was on the third floor uh the back of the home uh just the the water hookup look at the large pipe coming into the uh 45 000 liter cistern that pumps up to the 2000 that pumps up to the uh three 1000 with this Tower beautifully made Tower very very strong and you even have your own uh tree fort that was the biggest Overkill you'll see I think I told man it's all steel yeah so it doesn't break and he over there yeah it's over dead no it's not going to break look how thick the steel is I mean that that could that could hold a home and it's basically just holding some water tanks all right so this is the uh the second house see the floor hidden floor right see what's inside this is 200 kilo door but this truck so wow so this is an under ground bunker unbelievable I do in my pocket foreign we're going down pretty far how deep underground is this I have no idea ah there's another split aircon yeah so you got aircon just for this little area right here yeah that was still an Overkill too I don't know why we did that yeah yeah I guess for the people viewing but yeah anyway sir it works wow oh wow all right so uh here we go sound proof is this a bulletproof glass the glass is very bulletproof um nine millimeter bulletproof glass probably Magnum yeah wow all right here we go okay I'll turn on the lights highlights your own under bunker shooting range yep unbelievable yeah and uh I see you had some buttons there what is that for air transfer this is for the ventilation system because it's dangerous boy to shoot uh the fumes are dangerous yeah you need to have the air exchange air exchange oh yeah every four minutes wow you could definitely hear the fans running ah see some uh is that nine millimeter casings I have no idea as to why I'm not allowed to shoot their own guns ah so your wife is uh the shooter of the house very nice yes so this is all tires yeah tires with uh soil okay so yeah we got rebar running through them so it won't fall so rebar running through filled with uh sand and dirt yeah yeah with tires and that stops the bullets we're underground pretty far and we went down I mean we got to be I want to say 15 feet oh five meters so that's uh 15 yeah 15 feet no yeah about 15. wow so all concrete flooring yeah so these are just any cartons right uh to dampen the sound they do Miracles yeah wow you can't get more special than this guys your own uh shooting range now this could double as a typhoon shelter right you're underground you uh want to have a safe place you could convert this since you're Underground yeah so this is concrete above yeah yeah and concrete walls it's concrete floor there's there are no hollow blocks or anything it's just poured concrete the double mounting rebar oh wow all poured concrete inside uh yeah for waterproofing yeah so this could be converted very easily for a storm shelter uh for sure unbelievable very very nice well you can put here your enemies your enemies yeah yeah you'd never find them you're white yeah yeah you never find them yeah all right John so I'm gonna wrap the video up I want to thank you for your hospitality uh thank you for the tour I appreciate it any questions uh yes uh just reach out to uh my channel guys uh on building the Philippines at or just comment what you think about this uh lovely house uh Alex is doing some Drone footage for us so thank you Alex everybody knows Alex Alex Kosh she has his own uh YouTube channel and uh he's going to be doing some Drone footage that we're going to add into this uh beautiful build so again John thank you very much
Channel: Building the Philippines with Wilma & Greg
Views: 153,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dauin, dumaguete, realestate, real estate, beautiful homes, buying a home, turnkey home, amazing homes, high-end homes, retirement, living the dream, retired life, retire early, buying a house, tiny home, home selling, home, living abroad, how to sell your home, how to stage your home, landscaping, pool, infiniti pool, infinity pool, construction, how to build your own home, tennis, tennis court construction
Id: XRAw3mI16Vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 6sec (2106 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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