Expat building 2 BR3 bath solar powered home w/pool near Dumaguete Philippines $69K

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hello everyone welcome back to the channel if you're new here my name is Kevin and today I'm going to show you something I've never done before I've shown youall plenty of apartment and and home rentals and I've shown you some new construction homes that were up but today I am going to show you a house that's being built by a friend of ours and uh this guy really figured it out he figured out how to uh build a house save a boatload of money and uh you know he's got the property down it's just amazing what he's got uh he's also going to do all solar so I think it I think he said within two years it's going to be completely paid off but he's going to have uh 6 days worth of of battery power even if there's no sun at all so let's go see what he's got going on here right so I'm in D at the moment and this is not too far from where we go snorkeling and my friend Tim here uh figured out an ingenious way to basically get a subdivision a little subdivision and uh instead of pan 3,000 a square meter which is what most people pay for land to get a clean title he got it for 6 and 700 pesos per square meter I mean it's it's in genus you know um I know people who are buying homes and and selling them you know for profit and they're paying 3,000 so just think about that if you can get it for 600 700 a square meter and just do a couple changes and next thing you know triple the value or quadruple it even five times the value I mean that's amazing so we'll have to ask him what these Lo lot are worth now but we're going to come in and check out his place and this is a it's going to be a little uh two-bedroom two bath it's going to be him his fiance and niece and as you can see they've got their little garden here and you know it's a construction site so it's a mess you got to use your imagination but coming over here it's going to be a two-bedroom two bath with a a den and an outdoor kitchen well an open kitchen you'll be be able to open up uh doors to that now they do have a pool that's going on and you can see another good thing about this is they didn't just do the standard 1 M or 3ft pool that feels like a sauna because it's always 90° or better here they actually got you know looks like it's a good 7 ft or so so this is going to stay nice and cool plus they're up here uh at the base of the mountains and if you could actually see behind those trees you'd see the uh volcano and and and mountains of Valencia behind us so we going come over here and we're going to track Tim down and we're going to let Tim walk us through the house okay guys here we are and we are with my friend Tim he and his fiance Rose are building this home and they have a YouTube channel they're actually putting out videos Almost daily on their progress and their channel is called Rose in the Philippines so check that out um can ask Tim questions there uh you know they check the comments and everything he's real good about that but also uh the four of us are going on a trip today's what Wednesday we're going on a trip Monday for four days and Tim and I are going to do a live stream um Tuesday night US Canada you know on the W very interesting western side and uh Wednesday morning here in the Philippines so if you have any really in-depth questions you can save it for that you know if there's if you need too long of an answer but if if you have some quick questions don't hesitate to go to their site and and check out the videos you know like And subscribe and and just you can go back to day one when they broke ground and and watch the whole progress of this and we're on uh I believe you said day 55 yeah day 55 okay and so that's a little bit less than two months yeah we're doing pretty good here you know we started with the pool uh uh eight days ago or nine days ago so they got the you know the first pour done and and they were supposed to be here yesterday but they're running behind so they were going to have this the framing all you know pulled down and they were going to start doing these skim coating so they could do the tiling work all the Plumbing's in already so it's um the pool was the cost was 50,000 it is a 10 by 20 and it's 6' 5 in deep at the at the deepest part and then it has the you know the tapered Edge so that way when I get old you know I can uh put a step down here and I can kind of roll myself into the pool there you go you know now is this crazy though that how they do a pool here oh it's totally different than how we you know do a pool in America I just I was when I was here poor when they were pouring it I was like oh my gosh oh my gosh you know this is something totally different wow you know but you know you know when you're in Rome you do as the Romans do you know and I'm sure this is how they did probably how they did uh Julian's and and his came out looking good so I'm sure in the end this is going to going to look good there just a lot of rebarb in these things man I'll tell you it's it's like a New York skyscraper building and where's your pump and everything going to be for this pump's going to be at the back of the house and we'll have the the plumbing running all the way back on the side there and they'll run to the back uh back corner so that way you don't see it all in here and you know all our Landscaping we're getting there our Landscaping here will be uh Chinese bamboo which we already picked up some we got another part coming for us too so that'll be in front of the pool which will block part of the view out that way so you know when the ladies are here if they want to walk around you know they can still comfortable nobody can see them so with that being said it there's a lot of work here it's a mess right now but we're getting there you know you it's got to get ugly before it gets pretty what size is your property uh 2,276 square meters okay and I'll break that down in square feet for the metrically challenge like me yeah we know I know how many how many inches that is but no but uh we'll figure that out I have no clue so here's here's the pool and before we get into the house so you said you're going to have a deck or yeah this is going to be we'll be a natural basically a natural deck we'll have the all the Rocks you're seeing here will be built by the edge of the wall um coming straight out this way and that'll be all built up and all filled in all the way to the uh 3 m past that wall and it'll be sloped down this this will be all filled to be leveled with the pool okay and then we'll end up with just PE gravel the shiny polish pea gravel in the whole thing that way when you jump out of the pool if you're soaking wet you don't have to worry about nothing it's not slippery not anything we can put our chairs out here and enjoy it you know not worry about getting dirty or uh cement being hot because it'll be the little PE gravel so it'll stay cool all the time and you know you going to do any covering out here or just maybe get a table with an umbrella as a matter of fact I've got a uh a lady who's a seamstress and she's doing two custom canopies for me there'll be floating canopies there'll be anchored to the seal to the wall there and then the trees that we're planting here they're going to be large trees they'll be cable to the tree so it'll look like they're just floating in in the air oh cool it'll look really really nice at least I'm hoping it will all right let's go in there and and get in the house all right so coming in here y welcome welcome welcome and this is uh yeah be careful here be careful here yeah it's under construction right now right now it's Filipino height not really no good for a six-footer no not at all it's not even for me man I hit my head like three times and I'm only 5' seven so yeah it's still it's still dangerous but this is my uh living room you know it's not a big living room um we're looking at I think it's saw he said 11 and 1/2 12T ceilings right now have a huge sliding door here glass door um looking out to the pool out to the property line it's going to be a regular sliding door regular sliding glass door and then when you right here in the beginning if you back up right here is another opening that goes into the kitchen this is going to be another sliding glass door that opens up here so that way this room is basically going to be closed off from the kitchen because our kitchen here is going to be a open Style Kitchen which has got uh 9t doors uh TR doors that open up so when you slide these doors open there's nothing there but just a deck and you'll have a a huge kitchen right here and that way you can cook your fish and everything like that it's shut this door you got that we shut that door it doesn't get smelling like fish in in the living room or nothing like that plus the air con and when you're cooking in a house you know it's going to get hot so this is almost like a dirty kitchen but it's inside um you know and everything's going to be designed the way it should be for a functional American Style Kitchen but with just huge doors and the doors that I have designed are bamboo doors and they're all cut rings so they're all Hollow um with the rings you'll still be able to see out of it but it'll be screened also now is this going to have AC is that going to be walled off this is not AC this this is not this this the kitchen is not you're just going to have a ceiling fan up there we just have a ceiling fan yeah it'll be you know the drop ceiling will be put in and then it'll be a ceiling fan in here and and in four uh pocket lights and everyone if you guys come over and and decide to build your own home and you never know Tim might be able to help you out uh with some of this land you know we we'll get to that later but when you build a home put ceiling fans in every room that'll cut your your air conditioning you know your electric bill down and everything and it makes a huge difference definitely definitely so so you're going to have this walled off no this this hallway no this hallway that's that what's going to be different about this house is this hallway will not be walled off those will be lockable doors you'll be able to lock that stuff but what about air conditioning so you're not going to have any AC the doors will be no there'll be a door here there's a door for the bathroom oh so you're going have window units yeah yo this this is not even a window unit for the for the bathrooms or not no airon in the bathrooms whatsoever um this this room will have ceiling fan only no air kind in this bedroom okay this is our spare bedroom that's the your your niece's yeah my niece's bedroom and she never turns to airon and you don't really you really don't need it Filipinos they really don't they can do without it yeah if you stand right here feel it I oh yeah I'm comfortable it's comfortable in this house I mean the way I set it up where the the breeze just blows right through here like a wind tunnel yeah but you know this door this is going to be a thick a 2in thick door with a lock on the inside you know so that way she can lock the door and then right here there's another door it's going to go here which will be a leather lock locking door um and then this is our master bedroom this is the master so the master bedroom oh we didn't show you the another bathroom either so it's got two bathrooms two bedrooms this is the master um which is good size this is this is about the size of a Filipino house yeah it's a good 10 140 to 160 Square ft yeah yeah it's size bedroom man and then we have you know attached to that is going to be Rose's master bathroom on you know for her own personal use so what's going to be in here is there going to be Cabinetry is there going to be a bathtub there's going to be no bathtub it'll be a walk-in shower on the back wall there um then it'll be a a you know toilet and a sink and cabinets floaty cabinets on this side and floaty cabinets up here and then just the two windows it's going to be you know very it's going to be very minimalist but modern are you going okay so modern you are going to have it enclosed with glass or something at Le keep the water beautiful oh yeah we have a beautiful enclosure coming okay we we have two enclosures coming for the second bathroom this one's a flat straight across enclosure you know for the whole length of that uh back wall which I think that's three six it's two two and a half meters so that's what six seven eight almost 8 foot wide I think it's 8 foot wide and it's 3 m and 3 and a half meters deep that's the the shower unit itself wow and then so that's a big shower there enough for two people to get in there yeah maybe three you never know hey and how many square meters were you saying this whole thing's going to be 90 square meters it 90 Square that's it and this is the the first bathroom this is you know the major bathroom for you know the front of the house two windows you know it's going to have a a corner enclosed shower here which is a on a you know it's a like a cuse your imagination guys yeah and then the toilet in the sink and a floating you know floating shelves up here and you know it's just this is a basic one but still very elegant you know very simple but very elegant is what we wanted all gray tiles for the floor um they're they're the 36 inch tiles the big tiles too well I'll come back and do a video when it's done but hopefully all my subscribers will be subscribing to you and just be able to watch it happen every day yeah and they can see the finished product there there's they got a long way to go yet they need to finish they need to do skim coat on this wall they'll smooth it all out yet you know that's the last coat um but right now I mean they're doing a these guys are doing a great job I mean these corners on this stuff they're like they're sharp and they're actually sharp Corners they're look at that yeah wow wow that is beautiful that's just cement it just floated cement okay so you got 50 in on the pool yeah I got 500 500,000 500,000 500,000 in the pool and I'm going to have I got uh 1.1 mil into the property okay which is you know that's and it's still dir cheap at 2,276 I think Square met and I'll break this all down in dollars and Canadian dollars and and everything else the building of the house is was a package and that is going to be 2 million for the house that's complete 2 million 2 million but the thing is it didn't include the air conditioners I have to buy the air conditioners myself but they're like 6,000 PES a piece so other than that the rest of the you know the house itself was 2 million um it doesn't come with appliances you know yet that's the way it is now when you say half a million in the pool does that include that Landscaping yes that that include for the house too that includ includes the landscaping for the 2 million and the 500,000 for the pool the Landscaping 2,500,000 is everything except the air conditioners yeah your air conditioners and your stove and your refrigerator right okay yeah yeah that's yeah I mean everything all the tiles the painting everything Windows Windows all of it you know and I got the um um the crank out windows I forget what they're called um crank out windows yeah they're like crank but I wanted those because you know a lot of people say I like the sliding glass windows but when you open a sliding GL window you only get half a window that opens yeah true so when you get a crank out window when they're tinted that you get the whole window flow all the air that flows out of that window so you're you're actually doing better with them are you going to put screens on oh yeah they already come with screens yeah they already come with screens that's a mistake a lot of people make here or you know they that's just not included they don't have screens and you open it up now you got bugs and GEOS yeah and everything in the house everything yeah that that's you know but that's why we went with uh you know the the C I don't know what they call those words I can't remember dark I'm losing it here okay so what we'll do now that's the pool in the house and now we're going to go outside and Tim's going to show us what he's going to do for power and water and everything else um Tim actually is very familiar with solar energy Tim had his own Solar Company back in Michigan didn't you yeah Green Frog solar LLC so he's he's more advanced than most of us you know he was able to come in he knew what he wanted but let's go out there and check that out and he can walk us through everything all right so there are the girls over there haming it up like always yep talking about buying clothes yeah buying clothes no we're talking about buying land oh buying land wow okay getting more entrepreneurial man we're really going to get expensive now okay Tim so here we are we're going to get here we're going to start with the solar panels tell us tell us what you have here how much and why um each one of these is 480 Watts all right um so you're looking at 1 1200 1300 Watts right now just um for beginner okay as a a small setup each one of these are 24 volts and that's good enough for me I didn't need to go any higher on the voltage on these but they're going to end up I'm going to end up with four more panels possibly I'm not sure yet I I'm still looking around to find the best deal I've got these for uh 7,000 a piece 7,000 pesos a piece and and so how much like you said you might end up with four more what what's that going to get 4 that well that'll give me um almost three over 3,000 watts of continuous power all day long okay which is a lot you don't need that much here you really with the Sun the way it goes that's a lot of power um you know you can get you can big build as big as you want but you don't need to if you know what you're doing and it's not about how much much power you can make it's about how much power you can store is what it comes down to and the bigger the panels the faster you can gain your light especially here in the Philippines that we're you know closer to the Equator so we get just direct sunlight and these panels they are these panels are also they said they're they're 480 Watts these things are putting out 520 Watts here can you ever have too much sun I know that probably a stupid question no no the more the better the more the better man the more makes sense of course but but you can't fry them out or anything not really no unless you hook them up wrong other than that that's it you know yeah the more sun you get the harder they're going to work okay y yep perfect and like I said that's we got these are always sitting out here now because we wanted to have the power I wanted to set up all my inverters in the power room which is a Kubo and uh so those are going either I'm not sure yet how we're going to do this uh we're going to either put them on top of a carport so I may make this into a roof over here on the end and that way we'll be able to drive a car underneath it it'll be shaded also okay um or we're going to put them on the roof itself and just you don't have to look at him at all gotcha so but we're not sure yet there and then uh we'll go back into the uh Kubo I'll show you this is where all the magic happens with the power this is very interesting guys all right so this is where all the magic happens right show us what you got here all right this is yeah these are three three different inverters now because what I'm doing is I'm splitting my system down um into actually three electrical boxes what does an inverter even do it takes DC power um from the solar panels and it changes it over to AC okay so it converts it into what they call pure sine wave um which then you can power all your house you can get the 120s or 240 480 uh bolts AC depends on what you're wanting the we your house up to you can run welders off these if you wanted to wow on big enough inverters you can run a welder okay so you have three inverters here yeah yeah the little blue one here this is going to be for the outside lights for in um security lights and everything like that um very small inverters 1,000 Watts cuz I don't need anything bigger than that the LEDs and uh what do you call it uh cameras uh security lights that kind of stuff and that's powered off a 250 amp hour lithium or gel battery which that'll last 5 days just powering up the little stuff to all the solar lights and things like that okay this is a 6,500 W inverter this will be for my air conditioning for the one um the one electric heater and for my refrigerator okay and then this one here will power up everything else in the house all the um you know all the the fans uh TV Outlets yeah lights you know inside lights and everything like that and these are the these are the Mastermind of basically the whole system these two boxes right here each one of these are 24 volts so I'm running a 48 volt system on this one mhm um and these are 250 amp hour batteries each so you have 500 amp hours here and uh these will these will run that means basically right now I could run this for a day and a half to two days and not worry about sunshine okay so if there's a typhoon or I have power all the time I'll never lose power here I'll never lose power like you know here in the Philippines we get a lot of uh brown outs Y and they they just don't even they just happen you know middle of the night or during the middle of the day so then your food goes bad in the refrigerator things like that this guarantees me that I'll never have a problem you're not going to wake up sweating yeah you know like I could run my air conditioner all night long if I want to even up here we don't need it um because it's really cool up here it's like I'm going to say 70° at night here yeah but I got two more of these coming now these are these are the most these are expensive these are 54,000 pesos a piece um and I got two more coming that'll give me four and if I'm really stingy I might be able to get five days full use out of out of four batteries um but that's still a long time you know and and you can go even more depending on what you use I know like my at my house in America I was running these and I was going in 6 days um without power so up in Michigan yeah up in Michigan and we don't have the Sun that they have here exactly so you now you know this it's not a cheap proposition to do this but in the long run for here like I said with the brown outs and never knowing you know you go shopping and then next thing you know you got all this meat you buy all your expensive Meats if you like to eat good meat you put it in a frigerator and then you go away for a weekend you come back there's no power while everything you just bought is spoiled and gone well and electricity is more expensive here than it is in the US oh it's unbelievable here you know I mean people say oh you know there bills like you know $80 or whatever okay you know that's not a bad Bill I my bill is usually like 5,000 pesos at the apartment well most people say that also only run in AC when they're sleeping right yeah you know if you're someone like me who likes AC running I let my I let my AC run all day we're not even at the house right now and my AC is running on low I want my when I walk in there I want it to be chil yeah and when you do that your bill goes up a little more a lot more yeah and you know I don't want to have to pay electric bill you know I don't I don't have electric bill now I don't have a house payment I don't have a tax payment basically um I don't have a water bill here because we'll go to that one next yep um so basically all I and I don't have you know I don't have really no payments the only thing I do is buy food and go traveling now yeah so I mean that's I'll be living a good life you know and and everything that I have here this is all American Standards too so I it's like my own little USA property line here right and uh I couldn't get any better than this well and and before we go over and check out in the water and everything I just thought of something and I want your opinion on this um because everyone knows they've seen my my new construction videos buying a home and everything when if you're a foreigner and you buy a home or well if you buy land in the Philippines you need a Filipino partner oh yes is that correct yes you need a Filipino partner she has to have a legal ID too okay if she doesn't have an ID uh you know a government or state ID she can't get you she can't own property so you have to take care of that or at least a passport you you have to have something that proves that she is who she is okay so and without that you cannot own property um and you you can't even buy it because it has to be in a filipino's name so a thing that really concerns me you know it's got to go in that filipino's name um you can you know you buy it you put up all the money and everything it goes in their name and most people will go and get a contract to get power of attorney and things like that but you didn't do that did you oh yeah oh you did oh yeah yeah yeah I did I did the power of attorney um and also what I did is I wrote it in there that that if I pass away it go the power of attorney is automatically uh given to my old oldest daughter okay so that way it's covered that way also and I have the 25y year uh lease with option with my option to renew not the not my wife's option to renew just in case because you never know what's going to happen you have to cover yourself you know you're spending you know millions of pesos or whatever or your life savings on a property you want to be at least covered okay so I I recommend that to everybody some people don't do it cuz they're like okay you know I love her or you know but you never know what's going to happen every you know you can get a divorce down the road or you know something goes wrong as soon as the house gets built she can just say see you yeah you know and I've never come across that I don't know anybody that has personally okay but I've heard of horror stories like that where guys have built homes and then next thing you know I mean the paint's not even dry on the house and their stuff's out in the front porch already well and then you got the poor sap who's never even met the girls sending her money yeah she's building the house he's getting the updated pictures and everything and then he gets over here and the family's moved in everybody's moved in they don't want anything to do with him yeah you know so it's better you know honestly you can do whatever you guys do you know I did it for my own personal well-being you know and and to know that okay you know Rose is covered you know she knows that already and but I have I have you know daughters too that I have to look after so when I pass away you know I want them to have that option and they're good with everything so far it just it gives me a piece of Mind knowing that they can make those three girls can make the decision on their own what they want to do with the property and go from there but I've got to cover my ass while I'm here too and the two 25 year leases that's basically a lifetime lease that's a lifetime lease that make you what 110 when it's all over oh God man yeah yeah yeah pretty close pretty close to that so basically I'm set for the rest of my life and and I couldn't asked for a better partner anyway so yeah Rose is very cool and and as matter of fact one of our friends who has property right down the the road here who's part of the original deal his property is in Rose's name yeah yeah I mean that that's how you know that's how much they trusted her they trusted me that you know my wife I call her my wife because we're not married yet but everything's in the works got all the paperwork going yeah paperwork's going so yeah they you know he put her he put her on the property because he knows that she's good person and she can trust you know and he didn't even put his own girlfriend who he had at the time no on there well that well he would have I I I think he would have okay she didn't have the ID she didn't have the ID and stuff like that so they so they couldn't and he wanted to get the property because of the because of the deal that that yeah the deal that I arranged for the property was really good and so I didn't want him missing out either um on it but it worked out worked out in the long run it worked out real good for the long run so what do we saying you got all together once you get the other batteries you're going to have about 160 yeah about 160,000 okay into the into the inverters and batteries and wiring and you know that kind of stuff and but I did now I did the installation myself um I did all the wiring but what I did do is I bought the inverters from Power Max here in dag Yeti or solar Max I'm sorry solar Max and for me to get the warranty on them they had to come in and plug in the black and white wire the black and red wires that's it it they were already mounted everything was ready all the switches and all the wirings done the only way they would cover the warranty is if I gave them 250 pesos for them to come in and screw two wires on there and then it was done they signed off on it and now I got the oneyear warranty on it less than $5 yeah yeah yeah it cost them more time and gas to come out here than it did for them you know but I got a onee warranty on them and I don't have to worry about it for a year then so if we're saying 160 for you and you did a lot of it what if about for me and I don't know how to do anything what would it cost me if I had to hire probably about it would cost you about 200,000 so another 40 okay yeah the installation is the installation is where to get you at what are you going to do with this little house this kubo's going to stay here in this spot going move it yeah this kubo's going to stay right here because you know oh this is all going to stay this Powerhouse this this is my Powerhouse this is going to stay right here um yeah I'm going to use it for storage and things like that you know because we've got some other plans for the future also for the for some of the property down there so I want to keep this open and if I want to expand more on my solar I have enough room here to go with eight batteries okay so then I could power basically two houses with it if I wanted to all right well let's uh and let's look at the water deal you have set up and then we're going to talk about uh what I think is a brilliant move on how you got the land I mean it just it it blows my mind that you got it and you right place at the right time and you're learning more and more about it so oh yeah but let's go check out the wall okay guys this is concludes part one of this I didn't plan on it being part two you know a two-parter but overall I went about 50 minutes and there's just no way that I wanted to put that in one video I'll be happy if if 30 to you know 30 to 50% of y'all make it this far but you really need to stay tuned for part two we're going to go over his water system and like everything else it it was Overkill I mean he he he went overboard on it and he he's just prepared and you know we're also going to show he actually is going to have a third bathroom there's an outdoor bathroom that that we didn't talk about so I'm I'm going to include that in the title as actually saying it's a two-bedroom three bath house but we're going to show how his water system set up and then we're going to go over how he set up the deal and you know how he and Rose came up with the deal how they executed it it really is is an ingenious plan they got land for about a tenth of a square of the price of a square meter than most people you know and like I said I've I know people who are buying property to sell you know to flip and they were paying 3,000 square meter or close to that and they were getting this for 3 or 400 pesos per square meter so definitely stick around with that if you have any questions or I mean if you have any comments yeah no if you have any questions sorry if if you have any questions put them in the comment section below and uh hopefully Tim will answer those and please go to their website check out their Channel Rose in the Philippines I said they they've been filming this since day one you can see everything that's been going on you can ask him uh you know questions there but you know definitely go there check it out like And subscribe they're really good people and stick around for part two that's it for now thanks for watching I hope you have a great day or a great night wherever you are thanks for watching
Channel: TooMuchTimeonmyHands65
Views: 149,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HqU9cXW68LM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 31sec (1951 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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