Health and health care in the Philippines 🇵🇭

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[Music] hi guys uh it's been a while uh Willam and I have been sick now uh for quite a few days actually uh today is day nine for me and day six for Wilma and I'm going to go ahead and explain uh you know what's happened and what's been going on here lately I was working on a video uh back I think about 10 11 days ago so I'm going to show you uh some of that footage as well but uh it's been uh a long haul you know it's so ironic uh to wil and I because we've been here 3 years total retired in the Philippines and like the first two years we never had a sniffle uh the whole time at late the whole time traveling all these islands in and out of hotels restaurants every night so when you're traveling obviously and you're in a hotel room you go out to dinner every single night we're around people uh we never once either of us uh had a sniffle uh and now uh you know we're up here in the house it seems like uh in 20124 uh we're getting sick every couple of months and you know obviously I think we can explain it so the bottom line is uh you know I'm I have a lot of allergies and I'm allergic to dust uh Wilma also is allergic to uh dust and she has uh asthma and uh her asthma is pretty bad and she has an inhaler that she brought I think six of them from the US and uh we can get them here uh in the Philippines as well so we always have to keep an eye on her asthma um but with this drought that we've experienced um and then the construction you know going around in the subdivision as well those two things coupled together is just created just a tremendous amount of dust now wi and I take precautions uh you know to try not to uh you know be outside windy days and you know when Vehicles go by because our colder sack is a dirt road uh it turned into a dust field and basically with all the videos that you've seen uh here recently where we've driven around everything is so dry you know it's not just our area you know all of D and much of the Philippines is just one big Dust Bowl uh we have good friends down in in D and they rent a home and they even went out and and bought a cover for their vehicle because uh you know they clean their car and park it this is downtown D um and then they get up in the morning and their vehicle covered with dust so uh you know when you're allergic to dust and uh you happen to be going through you know one of the biggest droughts that I've ever seen in my life I mean we went four months with no rain uh in our little area right right here when I say 4 months not a Sprinkle uh so just everything was just so dry and Dusty uh so you know that the environment is what has you know caused our issues and uh we did get a a rainstorm I think it's about 11 days ago if I can remember correctly uh so we were happy that we got a you know significant rain and I did do uh a video about that so take a look here's a welcome site third rain shower and over four months will take it I guess this is a sign that the uh drought is finally breaking you can see right over there it's very sunny let me zoom in can you see the sunshine they down by the ocean so the rain is uh up here up the mountain for a change now I've been talking to friends and they've been saying that they've been getting showers over the last couple weeks you know a few times a week down closer to uh sea level but not up at this elevation we just got those two 30 minute rain showers like I said you know a few weeks ago and that's it we we're still in very heavy uh drought conditions look at the rain water going down the driveway it's a nice sight look at all that water going down so everything's getting cleaned off a roof getting cleaned off or solar panels with this uh nice Heavy Rain you definitely see how hard it's raining in the pool it keeps up cuz I've been keeping to pull pretty high anyway just in case uh we run out of water so it's only about what 4 in from the top so if we get rain for a few hours our pool is going to be uh overflowing but this is definitely a welcome site it says it's supposed to shower today uh on and off uh during the mid part of the day so again just happy that uh we're finally getting some rain and we're just going to sit here and enjoy the rain drops on the roof all right it's been about 1 hour and you can see it's still raining the clouds are uh still hanging around the house believe it or not it's still sunny down at sea level I can see the sun on the ocean right there so it's definitely a a rainstorm up the mountain uh there's also a brown out in the area so the electricity went out uh thank God for solar well let me show you the pool real quick just an hour ago uh was about 4 in below the coping and now you can see it's about 1 in from the coping so we got 3 in of rain in 1 hour so that just shows you how uh fast the rain can come down and a short amount of time so definitely our side of the mountain finally got a good dose of rain uh weather report says a good hour or so more before it goes from like 70% rain down to like 15% so we'll enjoy hopefully another hour of this downpour and this will go a long way to start bringing back the jungle uh to some degree so oddly enough I'm going to have to take water out of the pool I'm not going to be able to turn the pump on with the water being this high so I'm going to have to take uh about 3 in of water at it the pull before I can turn on the uh the sand filter so good news for us Wilma said she's very happy she does not have to water her garden today so another 30 minutes went by and take a look at the pool still light rain but it's full so an hour and a half 4 in of rain rain so definitely uh got some rain in a short amount of time and you can see that the fog is starting to roll in you can see in between the trees fog is starting to come up from the ocean this way so that significant rainstorm I'm going to say uh kicked off the uh rainy season uh we were very happy uh it virtually eliminated the Dust uh you know our culdesac and uh even just our uh dirt grassy area when Prince would run through uh the the property you could see the dust kick up uh from him just running around uh you know that went away with that significant rain uh so wil and I were were pretty excited so that was about 11 days ago give or take a day or two uh so what wil and I decided it wasn't a good idea uh looking backwards uh but in our dirty kitchen we've been working hard to keep the dust clean but all my tools uh and then I have like step down uh Transformers I have some uh antiques back there you know they're just covered with dust and I've really left it alone because in the beginning I would I have a blower and I would just kind of blow the dust off the tools and it would make a you know a dust storm and then I would take the power washer and power wash the floor and go right out out to the carport and get rid of it I did that several times and you know the the uh allergies in that dust would just drive me crazy and I always wear a mask uh when I do anything like that when I use the blower I always put a mask on obviously they don't work um so uh with that rainstorm that you just seen you know I had the great idea I said Wilma let's go back there and let's do a real thorough job let's get the blower uh and really go around all the tools and the boxes you know we have some Christmas uh stuff back there that's in two boxes let's blow all that dust out now eventually we will pull everything out and get it out into the carport and I'm probably going to have to go screwdriver by screwdriver because you pick up a screwdriver and you you know you drop it and you have dirt on your hands that's how dusty it is so uh you know we'll get to that at some point but I said let's just try to get 80% use the 8020 rule again and go through there and I'll blow out as much as I can get it out onto the dirty uh kitchen floor then I'll come back through a few minutes later with the power washer and just power wash the floor and just push all that uh dirt out and it would just make the dirty kitchen look better so I said to Wilma go for a walk just go around the house don't be involved uh because you're going to just be breathing in this dust so I put on a mask I fit it the best I can obviously uh they don't do any good and I went to town on uh spending a good 30 minutes I think I I did seven seven trips so I went through the dirty kitchen seven times and every time it would be a little bit less a little bit less and you could definitely see the dust and pushed it out then I went through with the uh Power Washer and got it pretty clean I was feeling real good you know we're in the middle of the rainy season uh you know we should be getting rain now on a regular basis the dust is going to be uh you know at a minimum um and we can now get on top of uh everything that we've experienced with this drought uh I woke up the next morning and I said oh no woke up with a headache and uh you know the feeling just before you sneeze where you know you just feel like you're getting ready to sneeze well I had that feeling all day and I wasn't sneezing so I knew I was in trouble so uh I just kind of hung tight and see what happened and then the second day uh I started feeling ill um and then I think I waited you know again not making the good decisions I waited till like day three or 4 uh before I started taking antibiotic and now I'm here at day nine and I'm probably 90% I feel much better uh the antibiotic always works um I've experienced this throughout my life uh it's really the only sickness I ever have um is a sinus infection that eventually settles in my chest and once I take a certain type of antibiotic usually within 3 or 4 days it knocks it out uh maybe congested for you know 3 or four or 5 days afterwards and then I'm I'm good to go and that's exactly the symptoms that that I had however what Wilma did was uh about two or three days later now remember I told her to go for a walk so she wasn't involved with the dust so 3 or 4 days later she got theg GR idea and she's in day six right now she's actually still in bed um and she actually has has a fever um because of all her congestion and she's on antibiotics I mean she does feel better day six uh than she did day you know 34 and five uh so she's she's on the men um but she's definitely not nowhere near ready to be on camera or even to do any house chores that's that's me right now uh but anyway um it it's it's been a difficult uh go of it uh you know Wilma decided um I think 3 days after I wasn't feeling well she said well I'm going to and and we did get a couple sprinkles and you know we're not seeing any dust anymore you know she cleans the the dirty kitchen uh Granite every day and then usually the next day you put your hand on it and it's just filthy um it was clean you know so she felt comfortable so she said I'm going to go into the dirty kitchen and start uh pulling some of your tools down I me cleaning everything one by one and I told her not to do it uh I said that we were going to you know at some point when we feel real comfortable uh like construction is in you know good shape next door and uh you know our yard is getting rain on a regular basis and our little CUA sack is no long no longer a dust bowl uh we'll pull everything out and clean it all at once but she went back there uh with a rag and some cleaning she just started uh moving stuff around and she must have kicked up enough dust uh to breathe it in and just she's about 3 days behind me exact same thing happened uh just 3 or 4 days after me where she had that feeling she needed to sneeze uh you know just uh the pain in the sinus and now she's uh dealing with everything that I had to to deal with so uh it's it's been rough so that's why we've uh have not done any videos I wanted to get this video out there to you guys uh just so you know what's going on I do want to thank uh all the emails and quite a few Facebook Messengers on saying hey where you at I haven't seen a video in a while uh you know checking in so appreciate that and then guys are close friends here in the area thank you so much you guys are checking in with us every day asking if we need anything uh you know that's true friendship uh you guys know who you are uh thank you very much uh for the uh you know the messages every day and you know I'll go out and get you medicine or I'll bring you up some chicken soup or whatever we we appreciate that very very much so uh Prince has been uh very worried about us he knows that we're not feeling well uh so uh you know usually during the day we let him out and he likes being outside he stands at the door so uh we've been keeping him in with us uh most of the day and uh I want to show you how he's uh guarding us BR is such a good boy uh we uh care for him very much uh hey we have uh done some work remember I told you we were going to do some molding um in the house and a longtime viewers may know we never did finish the baseboard uh molding in our two spare bedrooms so uh all the molding has been done the baseboard and the two bedrooms uh we did do the ceiling molding uh basically in the entire house master bedroom uh main area as well as the two uh spare rooms and we also did that uh accet wall uh with our where our TV is so I'll just give you some uh real quick photos of uh what we took care of so we're glad that project is finally over especially the baseboards I mean that's over a year those baseboards was sitting in the uh one of the spare bedrooms just waiting to be uh installed so we got a few more things checked off the list and we're happy about that so uh we do got a quite a few uh videos coming out I still owe you guys uh the video that uh I mentioned when we were talking about our oneyear anniversary uh video of the house um doing a comparison of all the costs uh to build this house uh what a year year and a half ago uh and try to do a comparison of what it would cost today in 2024 uh with all the price increases um and then uh you know our overall thought process on that uh I did a a lot of background work on trying to understand uh what everything cost today I spoke to a couple contractors uh I spoke to an architect um and uh you're going to be surprised uh to show what you know we paid as you guys know uh you know a couple years ago as compared to today and uh do we think uh you know does it make sense to build uh in 2024 so uh we we got to do that video I just got to put it together I have all the data uh just need to put that together uh this month uh Alpha solar which is the solar guy that new company uh who uh installed our solar he's up to six installs now uh from our channel uh so we're very happy about that well he finally reached out to me and said I think I'm ready to do a video with you so um we're going to link everything together he's going to come up up uh because every 6 months you should clean your solar panels so he's going to come up and do that um and then I also asked him if you guys remember uh we have 10 panels uh and they're set up on the roof four four and two uh so I asked him uh because I've been pricing the panels the panels are coming down in price the 550 watt uh they last about 25 30 years you know they're down to like 7,000 pesos each so I told told them I said uh order two more order the brackets and install me two more panels so uh we'll go from 10 panels uh to 12 and then you can clean uh what's up on the roof now and then they do something with the inverter as well as part of that 6mon uh service so uh I'll do a video of that and I'll also do a video with him uh kind of going over some of the details uh with solar because I was impressed with this guy how he approached he approached Ed uh me uh very differently from the four other quotes if you guys remember I always do like three quotes for everything uh as a matter of fact I did five quotes he was the sixth if I remember correctly uh he approached it very very differently and we're going to talk about that that's what really uh sparked me to use him uh not to mention that his prices was uh Fair as well so uh that's coming up and then uh our build next door haven't done a video in 3 weeks they're making a lot of progress uh then I got some more information they made a couple changes to the house so I think that's going to be interesting so I'll get over there uh soon uh and do an update video uh with our build next door so uh that's it guys uh sorry for the long delay uh between uh videos but I wanted to get this video out uh Wilma is on the men uh she just uh in between H shots here asked me to make her some tea so that's uh uh that's a good sign she's definitely feeling better uh like I said she's about 3 days behind me with my illness so in 3 days I think she'll be back on her feet so uh talk to you guys later uh thanks for watching
Channel: Building the Philippines with Wilma & Greg
Views: 3,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: philippines, sickness, being sick, building a home in the philippines, dumaguete, dauin, filipina, allergies, doberman, k9, construction
Id: rM2KOnt8DUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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