House Flipper - Huge Home Renovations! - $300,000 Home - House Flipper Gameplay Highlights

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ah there we go here's Johnny I'm coming to renovate your home tells it going guys Dre here and welcome back to house flipper now I got some good in bad news for you guys first of all if you look at the top left you can see we have lots of money right now that's so that's a good thing I guess now the bad news is I lost a recording of house flipper obviously you guys don't know how I earn this so let me quickly explain it to you guys we go to our inbox here you can see I have no more jobs left the final job in this game gives you a little over 500 grand so we did that in the episode that you guys didn't see we actually bought a house in the episode that you didn't see and my power went out which corrupted my file and we also lost the house cuz there's nowhere I came back and we're back at my house again so once you do leave this game if you do buy a house just know that that house is gone man and this time I didn't get my money back so that doesn't really matter though because we're at 335 grand we still I think we have enough for every house in the game so we're gonna do another house today obviously it's gonna be a much better hostess time so that's good I don't know if I want to go too crazy I mean we got some of these two hundred eighty grand guys down here that's gonna be the vast majority of my money after we upgraded as well so we can't afford that so we might actually end up doing that also I wouldn't mind actually upgrading my house as well because we can totally do that as well ah I think we'll do a house first though so let's get to a house and then if we have time at the end of it maybe we'll renovate our house as well now these houses are getting much more expensive so that means probably they don't need to have too many upgrades it's more renovation and then flipping it once again so I'm kind of liking this attic 3 house I like the blue I like the stonework so yeah we're gonna buy this one it doesn't really matter anyways we don't really know how they are inside so I guess we just gotta buy and hope for the best now it said there was a puzzle in the Attic Mike god I can't even back up far enough to get the house in the full frame here this is amazing ok so obviously this is a very right now we have a bank balance wait what we have a bank balance of 142 okay so that makes sense then right ah but yeah we have obviously a very big house here looks like it's rather nice outside I can't wait till they add lake landscaping outside and gardening and things like that because that's where the fun stuffs gonna be for me in my opinion but regardless check out the size of this house you can't buy something of this size for 200 grand where I live that's for sure but uh yeah let's go inside and check it out I gotta say I am impressed already don't really like this ooh that's really weird the weird long hallway going to a random door in the back maybe we can open this up a bit I don't know and over here we got some they don't really fit them room very nice but that's the things we can do it can upgrade those obviously as you can see we don't really need to fix it up too much I think that's gonna come later in the game cos ah if you watch the trailer for this game there's like bug infestations and things like that we obviously haven't seen any of that just yet so obviously it will be coming soon and whose cars are these do I get these actually hold on here can we actually wait what remove the car for $0 yet this thing over here is worth 24 why why aren't the cars worth money you know I'm gonna remove them anyways so we have them whoops didn't mean to do that so we just have some more room over here but yeah I guess they don't add to the value of the house anyways so ah what I think I'm gonna do let's just go room to room so let's just quickly check the rest of these rooms I'm actually oh it's gonna be very hard to upgrade this house it's all furnished and everything it looks great we got a connector door over here to a very nice kitchen as well I guess we could go a little crazy with this kitchen that what what's going on what did did someone steal the dishwasher or something what's going on there all right we got a well yeah we are already seeing the garage so there's the bottom floor pretty much all done I do only think I really don't like is the colors in certain areas okay is this just an extra room I have not seen a bathroom yet and I feel like that could be definitely bathroom Tara - oh alright obviously it's a child's room but I feel like I'm literally inside a Simpsons character right now Jesus Christ that yellow is just too much oh we got okay there's the little bathroom over here now kind of thinking though maybe we should expand and have an epic bathroom because what am I gonna do you know what I guess I could make like a little room in this room because you know what the best way to increase a helis price is to add rooms and bathrooms so I think we're gonna do that over there definitely want to upgrade this is very bleak looking for you know a rather expensive house it's a very bleak looking room so I'm getting some ideas at least on what to do uh and yeah we're gonna do some upgrading now the best way to increase our price though is to just throw more stuff in here so we also get money by selling things so we're gonna sell things that we don't like I don't like that there's just so much here like why do I need photos of your children literally your children we're gonna sell that some hundred forty dollars oh that's this thing for a hundred four days like why is that photo for so much you know what we're gonna keep the cat because it's kind of cute and we're just gonna get rid of those get rid of that thing I mean this is all added profit guys obviously the house value goes down as we do do this though so I really don't like this chair so we're gonna get rid of that though and yeah this whole setup is kind of ugly to be honest I think we'll come back here let's go do that little room first since there's nothing in there when hazel build a cute little room oh I totally got lost okay this is my first time owning a new house so wait can i okay I thought I thought it was the blinds I can open the windows though that's kind of cool alright so clearly upgrading this room's gonna add a little bit of money here so let's go to the beds and let's search obviously a single that's not gonna fit anything else and I want to make like a Harry Potter room so like this it's the smallest room in the house and I'm thinking the more expensive the better right so we may as well go for the crazy stuff the classic single bed and let's get a light frame no let's get silver because I don't know what light means is it light silver is it light brass who knows it's light ah bedding I definitely don't want roses but gold flowers you know what gold let's do a golden room can we actually okay so all we can have a silver but gold flowers buy that now that's that's flowers god it looks like just dirty mustard what you it's so I was expecting like royal gold or something but clearly that's not what came out but it's worth a lot of money so we're gonna keep it anyways and let's uh gold day at this room let's just have the golden room guys so let's get the ugliest paint sunny orange is probably it's sunny yellow though wait sunny sunny yellow looks like sunny orange and sunny orange looks like sunny yellow very very confusing or we could go for like a royal red or a dark red I I call it a royal ragged but uh yeah I think yellow is gonna be too much so let's go for that dark royal red I think it should look cool in here I don't know it doesn't really matter though as long as it adds more money to the cost of the house I'm gonna do my best to make it look good but usually I I'm not very good at renovating guys let's be honest here alright this red might have been a little bit too dark but you know what it's fine it's here already we'll put a nice light fixture in here brighten up the room a little bit ah yeah I just wanted to look kind of cheesy with all the gold and red but this is like blood-red when I when I see it on the wall so it looks all right though you know kind of add some depth to this already small room ah okay is it okay just those little little lines that's all we need is those little lines done and then we are good all right so we'll sell those we don't need them anyways wait it's still worth yep still worth the same buddies so yeah you can use all the paint you want and still sell it for the same price isn't that great alright let's get some lighting in this room so some ceiling lamps Oh chandelier you know what I'm thinking the chandelier might be its suspension triple though that's all obviously the most expensive one and then we got the cheap halogen lights that's they're really not that cheap though in real life alright I think we're gonna do a chandelier just cuz it's over-the-top and stupid so can we actually Japanese Elm red cedar let's do some red cedar that sounds nice and I'll look at that red cedar and everything it's fantastic it's like we're right out of the 70s and yeah that brightened it up a little bit I don't know what else to put in here though maybe a big TV how about that alright so first of all though let's get a nice table in here so there's not really too much to choose from bedside table like I guess bed sights why is this one so big though let me see oh it just looks big you know what that's kind of fitting for this room since we don't have time enough room on the side to put it so maybe we'll just kind of put it by the door over here is there any different colors though I don't like when JH whatever wenge means let's try uh cheerio to see if that yeah that's a little better alright so there's gonna put that over there let's put a lamp on that as well let's get a most expensive lamp we can things are rather cheap in this game okay we got a floor lamp cube well I didn't want a floor lamp but I'm not totally against it now because I kind of like little do this thing so let's check that out and oh we can put it right there like look at this isn't it beautiful totally beautiful okay now what's also I know there's like family pictures in here so let's add some family nough Stu this there we go we got some photo frames that looks like a piece of a chicken so we're we're gonna figure out that is but I think it's a piece of a chicken it could be something totally different what is that I still can't see it I've been looking at it for like five minutes there's a hand there and it's holding something I have no idea what it is though whatever it's there it's art so we're just gonna cut out do it sideways because I want to look at it while I'm looking in bed nothing like a nice piece of chicken that is definitely not a chicken though I don't know what it is okay it's still cut a bland in this room so I think we got to put some stuff on the walls we can't look off a world map they did add some more I think they added more art anyways does it feels like there's more art here but not really seeing anything that fits with red we definitely need to brighten up the place anyways so let's uh let's put something bright in here I'm thinking I was looking at this flower here and we're coming back to it it's so small why are these always so small alright well we'll put it there it's kind of fitting and the bigger sunflower is okay that's not bigger we'll put that there - how about that more more money mo problems we may as well just keep adding stuff until we find a big one water lily that's too dark alright at this point I'm just looking for big pictures so some of these are named big so uh yeah we're gonna do picture five big it looks like it's a nice Britt that is not a big picture what are you talking about alright let's let's just go buy price now price has to deal with something so sunflowers is this big it's eighty one dollars and yes thank God it's big it's not it's pretty ugly paying me honest watch it be a famous one or something and I I I'm not saying I could ever do better but I probably wouldn't hang it up on my wall let's be honest here alright we need something for the other place so Yellow River perfect this is just out like out of grandma's house guys look at this of course we need some plants in here need to add some life right so we'll do that one over there this one over here fantastic actually let's change it because it's gonna bother me that Eclipse with the door so we're just gonna put this guy over there so he doesn't clip through the door always be safe you know you need a a thing in case somebody breaks into your house so we're just gonna put a knife there that's great and you know what I think I saw a fork in here too yes I did of course we're gonna add a fork because well you might get hungry and you want a delicious steak you got your all your stuff set up now you're perfect in this room this is actually I thought it'd be really small but it's actually quite spacious in here for a little room alright every rich kid needs a little bunny on his bed and the bunny won't go on his bed so we're just gonna have the creepy bunny kind of hanging out in the corner over here there you go little guy of course we need a carpet and there's nothing more royal than a classic red carpet so is there anything else there's actually quite a bit of carpets in Wow this is actually really big oh look at that it's meant for this room this is this is straight out of my grandma's house to you this is great and who needs stores we're gonna sell that kidding there's another door over here that I figured was a little bit more fitting so if we bring this I've never actually installed a door in this game so this is kind of fun hopefully it works because if it doesn't that's gonna be scary all right Hey look at that it fits with the walls and everything we've got a fancy door now this is the fanciest little room in the house I don't know what the hell this fridge is but you know what it fits this room so every what the heck is this this is like the most high-tech fridge ever all right plan your getting out of the way because we're just building my dream room at this point we got a fancy samsung fridge it said Samsung on it so I know it's a Samsung fridge and yeah can we can we stock it no we can't stock it unfortunate but it looks high-tech looks pretty cool I don't know if this plants really gonna fit in here anymore were we're we're pretty much maxing out this room at this point so is there any room out all right let's put over there sweet all right you know what I can't find in this list which is confusing because I know what's in the game is a TV I wanted to add a TV right on this windowsill or something but it's not gonna let me so I think I'm pretty contented with this room I've spent way too much time on it but overall I'm pretty happy it's a very dark and gloomy room but I gotta say I love that carpet I love the bed and everything in there is expensive so you know what's gonna add a lot of profits here but I gotta be honest like all these rooms oh I found an issue we need to fix this guy so there is still some things you can upgrade I guess but being that this is a rather expensive house there's not too much of it all right well we'll do that real quick I don't know if I'm gonna do too much in this room I might just furnish it a little bit more cuz yeah it's pretty bare in here so let's add some stuff to the walls liven up the place a little bit I actually like this blue though for a bedroom let's upgrade the bed though because beds can add a lot of money can we just sort by price is this bed the most expensive bed oh no okay we much more expensive double bed classic bronze I'm liking the look of that and the price of that more money again the more we earn so we may as well do it yeah there's nothing even close to that price so yeah let's buy this one and can we change this to a lot of rather light wood abetting gold flowers yet look I guess we're gonna stick with gold wait elegant patterned I think we did that before I don't know what it looks like I forget so we're gonna buy it again oh yeah that's pretty elegant you know what I really like that bed actually I'm happy with that it's smaller than this one but that's okay we can sell this for a profit a $589 profit and we even get a better one look at that alright don't need any of this peasant crap so look how the light was still on when I sold that but yeah we're gonna get rid of this because it doesn't really fit the bed anymore and we're going to refurnish this whole room the stylish Ford or white wardrobe can we actually change it to a nut yeah I like the idea nut we're gonna change that to brass because that's more fancy and then the ornament let's change that to nut as well so wow it's bigger than I expected actually and is it what the heck this thing is huge alright we're gonna put it on this wall I guess and look at that that's extra thousand dollars right there no big deal alright let's add a desk to this room as well what's an expensive the classic desk the corner desk that's a little too big let's just do the classic desk because you know what we might want another one we're gonna stick with the brown oh you can change the left drawer and the right drawer you know what let's change that to white why not you know what I creams probably better but we're just gonna keep that like that yeah that's actually really cool-looking and you can't buy computers yet in this game so it's not gonna have a computer on it but it's ready for a computer when you do want it and it perfectly fits over here so that feels pretty good of course every computer desk needs a swivel chair leather 100 bucks that's good enough to me and we will know let's keep that nice and black that looks good it fits with the desk BAM just like that and let's get some is it an other I'm looking for plants oh yeah they are another so there really isn't too many choices for plants those two seemed to be it oh we can get some vases and stuff though you know what that's gonna pop this room a little bit so let's put phase C oh yeah right on there like that fantastic I know what looks fancy guys people love their vases so we're just gonna put those everywhere and yeah now it's all fancy and stuff right all right I just wanted to add a plant over at this kind of side part here since there's nothing here though so there we go we got that all right we need bed side desks I think there's only yeah there's only well there's four that's not too bad and I like these antal ones they're not as expensive as the Hemnes but we already did that so the fact that there's a left and right one is pretty cool to me so this one's supposed to go on the right but I'm gonna put it on the left because it looks probably looks cool there and I think we had wenge before didn't we oh no I don't like Lynch was it Beach Beach is too bright I don't think we're gonna have the right type of wood here because cherries definitely not gonna work dark cherries nefeli not gonna work and white is well actually you know what I kind of like wait we're gonna use white because it matches the sheets obviously are you serious are you serious right now the other one doesn't have a white it that's a great what what the crap is this alright well I guess we're having a grey one over here because they decided to have the one the exact same side table have different colors than the other side table I'm so confused by that that is that that blows me away gotta remember how Slipper beta guys I'm gonna have to say that a lot but it's the truth because lamp tables solid actually like a look at those cuz I yeah this clearly still needs a lot of work I just tried to control see that lamp that didn't work with okay alright well it's his in her desk there's slightly different colors I guess and yeah not really like in the look of this room but I think we're gonna call it here let's just put once again some pictures on the walls hopefully we can find some big ones so let's do the blue squares because why are you got this drives me nuts who who buys small wall paintings these are horses is it oh it's the bottom of houses alright so we're gonna put yeah some nice horses over there I'm just waiting for anything Pig this one no I thought thought that was big clearly it's not all right let's buy touch again because at least I know it's big and I actually do like the look of this painting so there we go that's where the magic happens good enough let's get out of that room so we've done two rooms so far the baby room or the Simpsons row am I gonna call it I'm actually I like this room this is really well done so for a baby it should be bright colors and stuff so that's good everything else is fine up here but this room I don't know why it's the same color as out here we're gonna change that we're gonna change this whole room man sell sell can I sell this yes I can we're gonna sell all why do you need three towel racks was that art yeah we'll sell that to let's just sell everything and start from new all right we need a pooper first and I think there's only there is only one pooper in this game there's like 15 bathtubs but one pooper so I guess you don't get a choice in that matter I actually liked it over here so we're gonna keep it over here and can I not install it now though because there's no pipes in the wall it's not is it this isn't even technically a bathroom is it ah do I have to install the pipes myself oh I can't I can't install the damn toilet oh okay there we go I just clicked I don't I guess I don't have to install the toilet and that's all it probably doesn't work but it doesn't matter we're selling the house we're not using the house we don't need the toilet to work all right let's just search baths real quick and just get the most expensive one in here classic baths the most expensive I actually like the Oval miss of this bath so we're gonna buy this one instead it's still rather expensive and we will use brass fittings oh look at that that's this is like straight out of a 70s retro movie or something this is great actually really look look at this I would probably buy this for myself but we're gonna need to tile that off we might tile the whole floor again is this sideways I think it's sideways a little bit is that straight I don't know we I guess we'll never know so it looks good enough to me all right so we got the basic oh yeah we need a sink totally we don't even have room for a sink all right we're gonna have to move the toilet over a little bit can't seem to move the toilet now either so I guess we're just gonna have to buy a small sink well there's only the one know there's multiple sinks that's right there's only one mountable modern cabinet with sink that ones 168 Oh classic cabinet was sink you know what I think that's gonna kind of fit with that can we actually make it bright though the top is white let's do it great no let's keep it white because the bathtubs weight as well and oh we could actually make it white let's uh see how that looks ah oh man it's tight it's it's a tight school oh man I thought this bathroom was huge does this little guy fit oh that's not so bad it's very very ugly but you know what I think we're just like that bass is too white for me is there uh well let's try wood just to see you know what that's probably even better so I feel like this one's sideways to I feel like everything's sideways okay so my bathroom I think I downgraded the bathroom to be honest never said I was good at this stuff and I know there's only one mirror in this game so it's gonna get worse guys it's definitely gonna get worse let's do uh let's sue a nut mirror gotta love that good old nut mirror right ah that's actually not too bad I don't mind it and again this is technically a standing mirror but we don't have any bathroom mirrors yet so we just gotta have that there man tiling takes forever I uh I thought painting was the bad thing it's all about having to come over here and click every frickin wall tile it's just a nightmare and here it is in all its glory it's actually the leg of my game I'm getting a stable 22 FPS right now but yeah well resell those styles for $168 I love it you can sell them for the same price you buy them honestly again it's not great but you know what we don't have too much selections just yet and it increased the health value which is the most important part in house flipping so I'm pretty happy with that I like the light in there we're gonna keep that and I think we're gonna call it a day for up here so every room has its own unique color rather colorful we got the Royal room over here just stands out like a sore thumb I love it and downstairs we go so now we get to the fun part of breaking down this whole thing went on with the cabinets here too you have some brown cabinets some white cabinets so we got to redo a lot of this stuff let's get rid of this table let's get a more expensive of table get rid of these things because we're gonna break down that wall what do we got on the other side I don't want to get rid of that TV because I don't know how you buy them you can't you can sell it for 600 Dean there has to be aware on area where you can buy it but we're gonna have to get rid of all of this because this is gonna open up now so yes we are going to break this thing down these thing oh okay some of these floats some of them don't got it sweet all right the rest of this place looks rather nice so I'm not gonna touch it until I figure out what I want to do ah yeah we'll sell this too and this is probably gonna stay very very similar I actually like the look of this out here I might change that sofa that's about it all right well it is hammer time so let's get to my favorite part of this game hopefully he doesn't crash the game and I lose my house that would really suck it is very very laggy in this house for some reason guys and I apologize for that not like I can do too much about it though so we're just gonna hopefully start breaking this through in a second here there we go we broke a hole at least and Mazal hit the foundation that's probably helped a lot yes there we go crumble to the ground break that frame out there we go sell that for a little bit of a profit - it's great all right get out of here wall I don't like you you're not welcome in this part of town crumbling it's so close oh can we get the top maybe probably up at the top it slowly is crumbling though as you can see we're breaking it it's just not crumbling down like I hope so because ah there we go that's what I'm talking about yeah now she's falling and hit this that should make that go loose and everything is everywhere yes destruction it's the best part of flipping houses there we go that's that's walking a little bit better and just like that it's that easy guys if you ever want to take out a wall that's how you do it you know what we're probably gonna do this whole wall - just because I want an excuse to break down the whole wall damn it so let's start wait it's the floors different oh god the floors are different I don't know if we can oh god I didn't even think about that guys the floors are totally different throughout all this and we cannot change the floors well I already hit the wall so maybe we should keep this then well I guess we can't stop now let's just keep going why don't we it's gonna happen there's gonna be very ugly floors in this place not like I can change that though ah there we go here's Johnny I'm coming to renovate your home well actually it's technically my home no think of it I'm so used to working for other people in this game no this is my home damn and I earned it break that light off get out of here light this is great this is this this is what I play this game breaking down walls there we go look it it's so much more open it's great break that frame there we go and it all came crumbling down that was the thing holding it in place was the damned frames alright so we got those out this is out like all this stuff go away real quick which it should be slowly going away at least we don't have to clean up that that would have been a nightmare trying to pick up each one of these pieces but that's good I think we broke this frame out too yeah and we can start selling even more look how open this place is now we got all these extra doors ah that's great that looks fantastic if you totally ignore the floor this was a great idea so yeah is typical with this game though prices are going down I'm actually losing money on this sale so like I said before labor doesn't affect you in this game so it's really unfortunate what is that a file try to figure out what that thing is I'm very curious but yes doing things like this actually makes you lose money obviously this house would be more appetizing for a lot a lot of people because open concept is awesome but you don't get paid for doing labor in this game unfortunately so now we got to figure out what we want to put on the walls I'm kind of thinking do we want to go wood just to try out the panels even you know what I think I'm gonna do the stairs and wood at least let's just I just want to see what they look like so at this point it's probably gonna be very ugly in here but this should be fun so I'm assuming we tile just with wood and I can't oh god I can't I can't even paint the stairs well now I got all this wood what do I do with it how does the outside look I actually like the outside I think so yeah we're not gonna well how much does this do it only does that for how you supposed to I supposed to get there can I buy a ladder please alright so ah this is not gonna look good but I'm gonna do it anyways where we are going to wood this whole place off because I bought it and I don't want to waste it I guess I could resell it but I kind of want to see how this a works and B looks alright well I never want to do this again I am losing my mind right now it's one thing to do a little bathroom but to do a whole main floor tiling oh dude this makes you go bonkers and it's the worst is the windowsills it's not so bad when you're making good time on these walls cuz you can just go down the line but when you get to the windowsills you need to do it everywhere you need to do on the inseam on the top up here down below it it just takes forever to get any sort of momentum but I gotta be honest there's too much wood here but I gotta say it doesn't look as bad as I thought it would obviously the ground is god-awful but I can't change that I kind of like the walls I know it's way too much wood but it's got something going for it I think so there's a TV stand here Anna I think that's the only TV stand we have let me actually hope that was totally off Jesus oh we also have a quarter cow a TV stand I don't want that though so let's do uh okay we want more wood I'm getting sick of wood right now let's not do wood and whatever that means sure sounds good to me now I don't yeah we don't get TVs woops what the heck just where did you come from alright let's just buy that again we don't get TVs is what I was trying to say but if we did have a TV it would go right here so yeah that that unit that we had that's why I didn't want to get rid of it because I don't know where you buy that in here this stands around here I did look throughout all the places couldn't seem to find them so I guess we're just gonna have to go to cupboards and do some sort of bookcase or something oh we got some actual nice really nice bookcases here so book and which one looks cool which ones most expense of actually alright this one's actually the one I was looking at to begin with so we're gonna do that and we're gonna keep with the nut or the white I'd why I said not I got nuts on the mine guys but yeah we're gonna keep it the white style here because I think it looks good and we'll do one on the other side just like that that looks really nice actually I'm gonna have a nice TV they are hide that ugly radiator and yeah let's get a nice couch here a really expensive one ah look at this I was actually thinking we should put something in the front of our house too so dark rut let's keep the white I like the white idea we got going on I'm just gonna put this over here so when we're getting on our shoes we have somewhere to sit alright sofas there we go that's what I was looking for now we need a really expensive ooh we even got the couch ops sofa in here look you know what I'm gonna get some oh can we get cow in different ones cuz I I do like a good cow this one looks really nice blue leather yeah unfortunately we only get the cow on this one so we're gonna put the cow seating area oh yeah this is actually fantastic we're just gonna put that right there like that I don't want to not get rid of it I really like the cow couch and where is the expensive couches so saw so far grenade is oh there we go elegant leather sofa that's what I was looking for elegant white sofa you know what we should probably keep the wait so ooh corner Kanna alright but we're gonna do the corner Kanna and we're gonna have white leather with black legs I like the sound of that and whatever that means cool man that's way bigger than I thought okay so we're gonna have to move the cow couch maybe you know what I think we're gonna have to sell the cow coach no you know I don't I know what we can do with this we can move it upstairs somewhere Oh actually no in the in the office I was looking for a new couch anyway so let's just use Oh perfect look at that get rid of this ugly yellow mustard thing and put in an ugly cow thing to replace it perfect right alright hopefully it fits there we don't need to change anything look at that perfect okay we're done this room I'm not even gonna do anything in that room I'm pretty happy with it obviously this is our bread and butter right here so we're gonna move this a little bit over on an end table over here or something all right what do we got in here that will kind of make sense Oh shoe cabinet with hanger that's even better we're finding all that you know that's ugly okay you know what we gotta put it over here some bits anyways and I was gonna buy a welcome mat but if they already got me set up what is that like a if you need to take a on the way out what would you even put in that little thing I really don't get this but I'm keeping it now there we go an ugly lamp for an ugly table perfect it really doesn't look good without a TV in here it's bothering me but let's move on and we got to do a kitchen table all right I decided to change it to this thing because it's big and it just makes more sense with the background it looked bad but the other thing in my opinion now unfortunately I don't think we're gonna have really much room for a dining table but we had this eating area here so we can put some chairs there and I think we're just gonna have to deal with that unless we can find a nice small dining table which we might be able to do you never know and these fits perfectly here so that's good yeah look at that perfect it's like it's made for it probably is that fits too comfortably though so I mean this is a rather big house for two people but you never know so let's see if there's any different tables in here coffee table we need a dining table ah there's one classic dining table so ooh man it's it's possible it's a tight squeeze though man but I can always move you know what let's move the sofa a bit let's just pretend that we change the floor color so it makes sense and we'll move the sofa up to here and these chairs fit that table quite well as well I think we're only gonna get three because it's still quite tight in here so at least we have lots of spots to eat oh yeah even got a jump on the table to get over here now obviously if we did change this around we would have more room but I think that actually looks pretty damn good I'm pretty happy with it in terms of lighting do we need new ones let's see what we got to our disposal we'll always we can always put that one back on there's nothing else here interests I do like to chandelier but I can't want to try with this that one was on there the suspension triple I think that actually was what it was but let's just see yeah you know what I do I do like the look of that especially right above the countertop here so let's make that nice and Center there we go that looks you know what I gotta say I'm pretty happy with myself guys this looks pretty damn cool didn't learn crap doing this obviously I actually lost money but it's still very happy with this house we didn't have to renovate it though I'm hoping when the actual game comes out there's more in terms of upgrading the house and fixing things but I gotta say I'm really happy this is a lot better than our first house that's for sure we even rearranged this place what else did we do we didn't do anything over here but this already looks really cool and of course we have our little very ugly bathroom I'm not very happy with that one but it styled we earned an extra money I gotta say this is my favorite room though I would probably take that room via the choice I don't even notice we had a chandelier right over here and we opened this up that was definitely the biggest upgrade and it looks fantastic I think even with the crappy floors and yeah I'm really happy with this guy so I think we're gonna sell it now we actually lost money let me actually I know people were saying if you just buy things and buy things and buy things you can earn money so let's just go spend some money guys the classic bronze isn't cheap so let's just uh let's it let's at least get a little bit of a profit here so they're gonna be surprised when they go out to their back yard but it's gonna be a great surprise because look at this look at the money now mind you I'm spending money to do this so I'm actually curious how much you profit in doing this alright I'm actually gonna check this so I wrote down our house value in our bank balance and we'll just see how much of a profit we get for just putting down that bed alright I did calculate it and unfortunately our bank balance drops just as much as our house value goes up meaning we don't earn any money in doing this either I thought you guys did say you could earn money by doing that maybe I was totally wrong though so much done guys wow this is take forever can we upgrade the garage door opener but yeah it's hard for me to leave because I'm so happy with this maybe we should upgrade it our house I know I know I thought of doing that definitely not gonna get it to it in this episode but let's end this and oh I did get a profit of nine thousand five hundred and one dollar so I thought I bought the house for like one hundred ninety nine now I bought it for one ninety three so I gotta say I'm pretty happy with that then I did get a ten thousand dollar profit just by renovating which isn't too bad at all so we're gonna sell it and uh yeah it took me an hour thirty to do that and we earned two hundred and three thousand dollars not too shabby guys back to our boring old home oh yeah this thing I think it definitely needs an upgrade I wonder yeah we can't put in stairs or anything yet cuz I love the idea of actually building our own home from scratch that would be really cool but yeah we're gonna end this one here guys once again this was house flipper now in terms of the beta there's not too much else to do obviously we did check out the vast majority of it some of these houses might have special things like our going on in them though so if you guys do want to see more let me know by showing that support let me know by hitting that like button ah we'll probably do one more episode though at least renovating our house and maybe doing one more which should be fun and then we're obviously gonna wait for the beta dove release or sorry the main game to get released and for this to come out of beta so we can truly enjoy the game in all of its features but yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this one as always thanks for watching and liking and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Drae
Views: 340,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: House Flipper, House Flipper Gameplay, house flipper gameplay, house flipper game, house flipping, home renovation, house flipper walkthrough, home repair, simulation games, simulator, house flipper playthrough, house repair, house renovation simulator, house flipper gameplay part 1, house flipper simulation, house flipper highlights, house repair sim, how to do house renovation, real estate, wrecking crew, demolition, Home Flipping, Home Flipper
Id: fxcMbsiZEv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 10sec (2290 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2017
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