House Bracken vs House Blackwood | ASOIAF Animated

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House Bracken and House  Blackwood are mortal enemies… But what started this rivalry? How long has it been going on for? And what is the fate of their feud? This is the animated history of  House Bracken and House Blackwood. The Brackens are the Lords of Stone  Hedge, and sworn vassals of House Tully. Their sigil boasts a red stallion upon  a golden escutcheon on a brown field. The Blackwoods are the Lords of Raventree Hall, and their sigil boasts a flock of black ravens   on a scarlet field surrounding a dead  white weirwood upon a black escutcheon. Neither of their House mottos are known. But we do know that both Houses  are descended from the First Men. The Brackens claim to have been Kings of  the Riverlands during the Age of Heroes, thousands of years before the  events of the Game of Thrones books. They ruled the Red Fork river until they were   usurped by their treacherous  vassals, House Blackwood. The Blackwood story is different. They claim to have ruled the  wolfswood in the North before   being driven south by the Stark Kings of Winter - a story that's backed up by runes  translated by Maester Barneby. After fleeing to the riverlands, it is they  who became Kings... until their rivals, petty horselords with the name Bracken, betrayed and usurped them after hiring sellsword. We don't know which of these stories is the truth. Although this historic feud  is bitter and legendary, these Old God worshippers actually forged  an alliance against the Andal Invasion, and their blasphemous Faith of Seven. These First Men forces were shattered  at the Battle of the Bitter River, supposedly by 777 Andal  knights, blessed by 7 septons. Worshipping the Seven Gods. How convenient. But why did this alliance not break the feud? The answer is simple. Along with their own specific dynastic myths, these Houses have long been divided  on matters of faith and land. The Brackens eventually converted  to the Faith of the Seven, while the Blackwoods continued to worship  the Old Gods in their sacred godswood. As part of their personal tradition, they liked to nail copper pennies  to the white trunk of their tree. When the weirwood tree died, the Blackwoods  blamed their foes for poisoning it… but it is worth noting that nails  and copper can slowly kill trees, so perhaps this is a self-inflicted  tragedy projected onto their rivals. In terms of land: The Blackwoods own the disputed  Battle Valley and Blackbuckle village, while the Mother's Teats - a pair of grassy  hills - is often being grabbed by both families. The chaotic centuries have seen numerous  attempts to seal the breach with blood - marriages between both Houses. As Hoster Blackwood tells Ser Jaime Lannister: "There's Blackwood blood in every Bracken,  and Bracken blood in every Blackwood." The festering wounds, however, remain open. Years after the Andal Invasion, two star-crossed   lovers from both Houses birthed a  bastard boy named Benedict Rivers. A stern but wise man, Benedict grew  into a great knight, defeating petty   kings throughout the riverlands  over the course of three decades, until he was crowned King Benedict the Just. He forged the House of Justman,  and ruled for 23 years. Alas, the Justmans were eventually wiped out  by King Qhored Hoare of the Iron Islands. Speaking of Riverkings. King Humfrey Teague, who tried to suppress the worship of the Old  Gods with the Faith Militant at his back. Naturally, Lord Roderick Blackwood rose in  rebellion, aided by the Tullys and the Vances. Roderick had previously married his  daughter to King Arlan III Durrandon, and thus the Storm King rode to his aid,   eager to grant the kingship of  the Riverlands to his good-father. AKA his father-in-law. The stormlanders relieved  the siege of Raventree Hall,   and fought at the climactic  Battle of the Six Kings. Humfrey I was slain - followed closely by his sons Humfrey II, Hollis,   Tyler, and finally his brother,  Damon, the last Teague King. Sadly, Lord Roderick had also been killed. King Arlan III wed Roderick's eldest daughter,  Shiera, to his own son by a previous marriage, and then suggested crowning Roderick's  eldest daughter, Shiera Blackwood,   as Queen of the Trident. As a woman, she was rejected by the Riverlords,   so Arlan instead integrated the  riverlands into his Storm Kingdom. Three centuries later, King  Harwyn Hoare and his ironborn   army invaded the northern riverlands, seizing  the territory from King Arrec Durrandon. Lady Agnes Blackwood led the  resistance against the invaders. When Lord Tully's bastard son - Ser  Samwell Rivers - was hacked in two   while defending the Tumblestone,  the Tullys joined the Lady's host. However, she was betrayed. Lord Lothar Bracken attacked her forces  from behind, capturing her and her two sons. It is possible that Lothar believed  he would become King of the Trident   in his own right, a loyal ally of the Ironborn. King Harwyn Hoare was impressed  by the fearsome Lady Blackwood, offering to make her his salt wife. She said she would rather die, so he stabbed  her to death, and strangled her two sons. The House of Hoare claimed  the Riverlands for themselves,   and Harwyn became King of  the Isles and the Rivers. Six months later, the spiteful Lord Lothar  Bracken rose up in rebellion, but was crushed. Stone Hedge was sacked, and Lothar himself spent  the rest of his life starving in a crow cage. The deadly tensions between  these families did not ease… until several generations later when King Aegon  Targaryen invaded Westeros with his dragons. Lord Edmyn Tully led the charge in raising the red   dragon banner and revolting against  the tyrannical King Harren Hoare, and both Lord Bracken and Lord  Blackwood joined his side. After the burning of Harrenhal and  the destruction of House Hoare, the Conqueror had to choose a  new ruler of the Riverlands. The Blackwood and Bracken  feud had weakened both Houses, and so he appointed Edmyn Tully as  Lord Paramount of the Trident instead. Aegon's sister-wife, Queen Visenya, arranged  a double wedding between the feuding families. During the reign of Maegor Targaryen, the Cruel King accepted a Trial by  Seven against Ser Damon Morrigen,   the Grand Captain of the Warrior's Sons. One of his champions was a  Bracken, Ser Lyle, who was slain. Another Bracken - Ser Olyver - proved more  loyal towards Maegor, serving on his Kingsguard… until he and Ser Raymund Mallery  defected to the young Prince Jaehaerys. Their betrayal was not rewarded -  for failing to protect their King,   the new King Jaehaerys banished  them to the Night's Watch. Ser Olyver Bracken was ordered to  rebuild the crumbling Rimegate. Two years later, he had had enough. Olyver declared himself Lord of Rimegate,   supported in his mutiny by Ser Raymund and  the exiled warriors of the Faith Militant. Lord Walton Stark helped the Night's Watch  crush the mutiny, beheading Ser Olyver with Ice. Ser Raymund Mallery, meanwhile, fled  beyond the Wall to join the free folk… only to be captured and  eaten by cannibal wildlings. At the end of Jaehaerys' reign,  during the Great Council of 101 AC, Lord Blackwood supported the claim of Laenor  Velaryon, the son of Princess Rhaenys Targaryen. How Lord Bracken voted is unknown. What we do know is that, during  the reign of King Viserys I,   his heir Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen  went searching for a suitor. Lord Humfrey Bracken's son, Ser Amos, fought  against Samwell Blackwood for her hand. The Bracken defeated the Blackwood,  but Rhaenyra did not marry him. This next chapter will explore the civil  war known as the Dance of the Dragons. If you don't want spoilers for  the future of House of the Dragon,   skip to the next chapter in this video. You have been warned. When the Dance of the Dragons broke out in 129 AC,  Lord Humfrey Bracken declared for King Aegon II, while Lord Samwell Blackwood  declared for Queen Rhaenyra. Lord Samwell raided Bracken land, and in return, Ser Amos Bracken and his bastard brother Ser  Raylon Rivers marched on Blackwood territory. While camping near a mill, the Bracken  troops were ambushed by Blackwood forces, led by Lord Samwell and his sister  Alysanne, a huntress known as Black Aly. Flames engulfed the nearby mill, and thus  began the Battle of the Burning Mill. Once more the rivals duelled, and once  more Ser Amos defeated his opponent - but the consequences for Samwell were deadly. Black Aly avenged her brother by firing a  weirwood arrow into Ser Amos, killing him. Ser Raylon Rivers and the Bracken  survivors fled to Stone Hedge… but by then it was too late. Prince Daemon Targaryen and his men had  stormed Stone Hedge and captured Lord Humfrey. Ser Raylon had no choice but to yield. Lord Samwell was succeeded by his  11 year old son, Benjicot Blackwood. Benjicot joined the Black army  and fought in numerous battles. Joining him on the campaign  was his bastard relative, the famous archer Red Robb Rivers,  as well as his sister Alysanne. Alysanne often shared her tent with Lady  Sabitha Frey, the widow of Lord Forrest Frey. It is rumoured the two women were lovers. Though the child lord became known as  Bloody Ben, he was still ultimately a child. It is said that he wept when he saw the masses  of dead following the Battle by the Lakeshore. Near the end of the Dance of the Dragons, Bloody Ben fought at the Battle of the Kingsroad  with Lord Kermit Tully and his brother, Ser Oscar. The three young men became known as the Lads. Kermit: "Ah, we gotta go to King's Landing!" After arriving at King's Landing, Benjicot  bent the knee to the new King Aegon III. Alysanne secured a marriage  with Lord Cregan Stark, and convinced him to let  his northern army settle and   rebuild in the riverlands for the upcoming winter. House Blackwood in particular welcomed  these fellow worshippers of the Old Gods. In 134 AC, a succession war broke out in the Vale. Lady Jeyne Arryn's distant cousin Ser  Joffrey had been named her rightful heir,   but her rebellious first  cousin was Ser Arnold Arryn. He had gone mad in imprisonment,  so his son Eldric pushed his claim. Oh, and Isembard Arryn, the  'Gilded Falcon' from a wealthy   but distant branch of the family,  also threw his hat into the ring. Ser Robert Rowan launched a campaign to end  this civil war, and Lord Benjicot joined him,   bolstering his forces with Blackwoods. After Ser Robert was crushed by a  boulder, Bloody Ben took command,   eventually helping Ser Joffrey  Arryn defeat his rivals. Decades later, during the infamously  corrupt reign of King Aegon IV,   a Lord Bracken served as his loyal Hand. Bracken's daughter, the vivacious Barba,   was one of many maidens accompanying King  Baelor's sisters imprisoned in the Maidenvault. When Baelor died and the Princesses were released, Barba met the licentious Prince Aegon Targaryen. A year later, when he sat the Iron Throne, he took  the Hand's daughter as his fifth public mistress. So smitten with her was he,   that he renamed the Mother's Teats to  'Barba's Teats' after her famous bust. She gave him a bastard son with dark  hair and purple eyes - Aegor Rivers. After Queen Naerys almost died  in childbirth, Lord Bracken began   boasting about marrying Barba to Aegon. This proved to be a severe political mistake. Naerys' brother, Prince Aemon the  Dragonknight, and her son, Prince Daeron, forced the King to send Barba  and Aegor back to Stone Hedge. Aegon quickly took the willowy  Melissa Blackwood as his new mistress,   a modest woman who was well-liked at court. She became friends with Queen Naerys and Prince  Daeron, and gave the King three bastard children: Mya, Gwenys, and Brynden, an albino with a  dark red birthmark in the shape of a raven. When Barba once japed about Missy's flat chest, King Aegon spitefully renamed  'Barba's Teats' to 'Missy's Teats',   and officially granted the land to the Blackwoods. To this day, each House has a  different name for these hills. Lord Bracken and his daughter Lady  Barba had a change of strategy. They groomed Barba's younger sister,  Bethany, to become Aegon's new mistress. The scheming succeeded, and the young woman caught   the King's eye when he visited  Stone Hedge to see Aegor Rivers. To Lord Bracken's joy, Aegon brought  Bethany back to court with him,   setting aside Missy and naming  Bethany his seventh mistress. By now, Aegon was fat of body and foul of temper… and so Bethany found comfort in the bed  of Ser Terrence Toyne of the Kingsguard. When Aegon himself found them abed,  he ordered Terrence's torture,   before executing Bethany and her father. Despite Melissa being sent away,   her bastard son Brynden was able to  maintain close relations at court, becoming loyal to the future King Daeron II. Brynden Bloodraven developed a fierce rivalry  with his half-brother, Aegor Bittersteel,   not least because of their affection for the  same woman - their half-sister Shiera Seastar. Bloodraven would go on to serve House Targaryen,   becoming Master of Whisperers and Hand of the  King, before being exiled to the Wall by Aegon V, where he rose to become Lord Commander of the  Night's Watch, and finally, a prophetic tree. Meanwhile, Bittersteel went  on to serve House Blackfyre, founding the Golden Company and  supporting 3 Blackfyre Kings: Daemon I of the First Rebellion,  Haegon I of the Third Rebellion,   and Daemon III of the Fourth Rebellion. Bittersteel was eventually  slain in battle in Essos. Twice, the powerful rivals  clashed steel on the battlefield… but you can find out more about them  in my Blackfyre Rebellion video. During the First Blackfyre Rebellion in 196  AC, House Bracken sided with King Daemon I... and why we don't know for certain,   it is likely that House Blackwood  sided with Daeron II Targaryen. Lord Bracken was sent to Myr to hire crossbowmen, but storms delayed his arrival, and  he was unable to aid his King in time. It is unknown whether the Brackens supported  any of the following Blackfyre Rebellions. Two kings later, Aegon V  would marry Betha Blackwood,   known as Black Betha, in an act of love. Together they had Prince Duncan the  Small, the future King Jaehaerys II,   the future Queen Shaera, Prince  Daeron, and Princess Rhaelle - the grandmother of Bobby B himself. Another famous Blackwood wife  was Lady Alyssa Blackwood, the fourth wife of Lord Walder Frey. She gave him five children, including Lame  Lothar Frey, a jovial man with a clubfoot, and the true architect of the Red Wedding. The feud continued into the  reign of Aerys II - the Mad King. Lord Tywin Lannister, the Hand, granted a mill  to the Blackwoods to resolve a border dispute - but Aerys gave it to the Brackens instead. Thousands of years, and these Houses  are still arguing over scraps of land. Now we reach the Song of Ice and Fire. There are eight known members of House Bracken. Jonos Bracken is the Lord of Stone  Hedge, a hairy, blustering, lustful man. By his first wife he has two  daughters - Barbara and Jayne. By his third wife he has three  daughters, Catelyn, Bess, and Alysanne. His only son is a bastard by  the name of Harry Rivers – due to his fair hair and comely features, the  Blackwoods suspect he is not Jonos' son at all. Lord Bracken also has a nephew called Hendry. There are also eight known  members of House Blackwood. Tytos Blackwood is the Lord of Raventree  Hall, a tall, chivalrous, stubborn man. He has six sons: Brynden, Lucas, Hoster, Edmund, Alyn, and  Robert - and a single daughter - Bethany. While the rivalry persists, both  Houses are loyal to Riverrun. When Lady Catelyn Stark kidnaps Tyrion Lannister,  three Bracken men-at-arms come to her aid: Kurleket, Lharys, and Mohor. They're based on the Three  Stooges for… some reason. All three are slain by  clansmen in the Vale of Arryn. As a response to the kidnapping, Tywin unleashes  his mad dog Gregor Clegane upon the riverlands. Bracken territory is spoiled, its people are  slaughtered, and Stone Hedge itself is razed. War breaks out upon the death  of King Robert Baratheon,   and Lord Blackwood helps defend  Riverrun against Lannister forces. Alas, Raventree Hall also falls to enemy. The rival Lords arrive at Riverrun after the  Battle of the Camps and the death of Ned Stark. Lord Tytos argues that they should  march on Tywin Lannister at Harrenhal, while Lord Jonos suggests waiting and  pledging fealty to King Renly Baratheon. Because of course they can't bring  themselves to agree with other. After the Greatjon proclaims  Robb Stark the King in the North,   Bracken and Blackwood finally join  the same side, chanting in unison. The Brackens successfully take back Stone Hedge, but Jonos himself is wounded in the  fighting, while his nephew Hendry is killed. The Blackwoods also take back Raventree Hall. Meanwhile, Lucas Blackwood proves his mettle by   accompanying Catelyn Stark  to Renly Baratheon's camp. The war brings epic victories  and cruel defeats alike. The Brackens succeed in capturing Lord Quenten  Banefort, only to lose Harry Rivers in battle. They prove to be brutal - in their  land, tavern wenches who cavorted   with Lannister troops are hanged for all to see. Robb Stark's cause dies  with him at the Red Wedding,   which sees members of both families culled. Unnamed Brackens are slaughtered, while Lucas  Blackwood is cut down by Ser Hosteen Frey. The responses are different. Lord Jonos bends the knee to the Iron  Throne, but the Blackwoods refuse to yield. Lord Tytos is far too honourable to bend the  knee to those who killed his king and his kin. The temporary alliance is over. The Brackens raid Blackwood  land and besiege Raventree Hall. Negotiations go nowhere - Jonos wants to snatch  all Blackwood land to the east of Widow's Wash,   while Tytos refuses to yield anything. The Blackwoods are starving in their castle,  and young Robert Blackwood dies of dysentery. Ser Jaime Lannister arrives to resolve the siege,   stumbling upon Jonos abed  with a commoner named Hildly - a spoil of war in the Bracken's mind. Jaime persuades Lord Tytos to yield  Woodhedge, Crossbow Ridge, Buckle,   Lord's Mill, and Honeytree, and to  give up his son Hoster as a hostage. He also orders Jonos to send one of his daughters  to attend to Cersei Lannister in King's Landing. So what fate awaits these  dynasties in the Winds of Winter? Some have theories a Romeo & Juliet  situation between the Hoster Blackwood   and the Bracken daughter sent to King's Landing. Perhaps, away from their toxic  families, they will fall in love. Although, considering the chaos  about to engulf that city,   it's likely their fates will be just as  tragic as their literary inspirations. Perhaps there will be a more  positive ending for these Houses. Lord Tytos has six sons,  Lord Jonos has four daughters - mayhaps a mass marriage ceremony is in order. Could a true, wholesome alliance  finally be forged between them? Considering their bloody history, probably not. But if the enemy of my enemy is my friend,   and my enemy is responsible for killing  our families at the Red Wedding… well, we may witness the Brackens and  Blackwoods teaming up to get their revenge. A Second Red Wedding, perhaps, organised by Lady Stoneheart and  the Brotherhood Without Banners,   and unleashed upon Lannisters and Freys alike. Or maybe there is truly no ending this rivalry. When a member of either House is slain,   it is both Bracken and Blackwood blood that  runs red… yet neither side seem to care. The cycle of hatred is a  vicious one, and this feud - like many feuds throughout history - is as pointless as the violence it inspires. Thanks for watching! Like the video if you enjoyed,   and subscribe to Fantasy Haven for  more animated ASOIAF & HOTD content. 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Channel: Fantasy Haven
Views: 27,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game of thrones, asoiaf, house of the dragon, blackwood, bracken, the winds of winter, a song of ice and fire, westeros, burning mill, riverlands, willem blackwood, war of the five kings, dance of the dragons, aegon's conquest, blackfyre rebellions
Id: X9hOQqiv_5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2024
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