Hot Tent Camping In Snow

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oh so wow [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] so uh [Music] so hey what's going on guys welcome back to the channel today's video is a solo hot tent overnighter in the snow so as you guys can notice the snow is starting to fall and we are actually forecasted for 12 inches of snow overnight now today i am using a diy converted hot tent this is a backpacking style tent that i added the stove jack to and this is actually the very first time sleeping in the snow with a wood stove inside of it so this is definitely going to be awesome and i hope we get dumped on with snow so i do still have to add a few guy lines to the tent get my sleeping pad set inside as well as all of my cooking utensils and then it's going gonna be time to collect some firewood and get that bad boy roaring for a coffee guys so let's continue setting up and then off for firewood [Applause] so so so so so [Laughter] six hey so [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] right all right guys i've got the firewood cut and split and i'm pretty sure i've got enough for probably three nights realistically but i like having a little extra firewood that way if i need it it's there if i don't need it i can stack it in a pile and leave it here possibly for another camping trip so i'm just getting some things cleaned up outside of the tent right now getting my rain cover over my pack because i'm actually going to be leaving this outside for the evening where it is cold and it's it's gonna be covered in snow i don't find that animals are usually gonna bother it when it's cold in winter outside there's no food inside of it but i'm just gonna set it right here off to the side as well as my saw because i'm not gonna need that for the rest of the trip likely so we'll get this folded down and stick it underneath the skirt of the outside of the tent that way everything will stay nice and dry and tomorrow it won't be frozen and it'll be easy to pack up so get this stuff squared away i do have enough firewood in there like i just said for a couple of days i'm only staying for the one night in this location so that will be plenty for tonight that's all squared away it is time to get the stove burning though so i do have all my cooking dishes inside i've got one bottle of water that i brought with me of course once it's empty i'm gonna have to go down to the lake fill up and then boil the water from there but i just want to get all this stuff squared away and uh you guys can see it is snowing quite a bit already we've got quite a bit of accumulation i'm going to go around the tent tighten up all the guidelines just to make sure it stays nice and snug i want to get that wood stove loaded get it burning and then start on a hot cup of coffee so so so so uh [Music] [Music] do good uh so ah okay so i've got my hot cup of coffee on the go right now and as you guys can see the snow is still coming down it is getting dark though so it's getting later in the evening which means supper time is going to be very soon so i'm going to finish up my cup of coffee here just looking out at the lake beautiful view got the fire flickering in the background i can hear it crackling and popping every now and then it's going to be an enjoyable night but right now i'm going to finish my coffee clean up my coffee area bring out my cutting board and start on supper before it gets dark so cheers guys beautiful lake in the snow and coffee uh [Music] all right well it is getting late and rather dark quickly the snow is not letting up so it looks like we're going to get dumped on tonight fingers crossed guys so i brought a beef sirloin steak with me the whole steak and all i even brought the bag so i have to pack up the garbage obviously so got the bag for the garbage which is a nice little touch i'm gonna be cooking this in my frying pan over top of the wood stove i did think about lighting a fire outside but ultimately i think that would just be a waste of time i already got all the wood processed for the stove inside i might as well utilize that so i've got my little titanium frying pan slash plate i'm going to season up the steak get it in there and get it on top of the stove i think i'm going to cut it in half and then do kind of two little medallions at a time that way the whole thing will fit in but it is getting late guys and i am starving so let's get this cooked up and start enjoying some food so uh [Music] all right so i've got the steak cooking away and it smells incredible in here guys really really good and i'm definitely looking forward to that right now what i'm doing is i brought my usb light bulb regular viewers you guys have seen this all the time just a basic light bulb the usb plug in i got my battery bank as well so i'm just going to get this plugged in and wired up just above to give some light inside of the tent because it is getting dark rather quickly out guys so that'll let out plenty of light enough to see what i'm doing i'm just going to run this wire up above the doorway and try to let it dangle there for now i think that's probably sufficient amount of light right now and then i can just tuck the battery back down on the side inside the doorway and it'll be out of the way for now but that steak smells incredible right now i am super excited to crawl inside of here tonight get changed into some comfy clothes zip the door shut and just let this area fill with heat i can tell you guys right now the top of the tent is totally melted all the snow off the heat travels up the tent and it goes all the way down there is an inner inside of this tent as well and despite the gap along the bottom it actually gets very very warm inside of this tent just like my other nature hike that i've converted just sitting in here i can already tell the heat is circulating really really well so i'll let you guys know in the morning though where this is the first overnighter with a stove in the snow in the cold and i should mention the temperatures right now are negative eight degrees celsius and it's supposed to go down a little bit colder tonight so i'll let you guys know in the morning how my night went as far as the heat circulating around the tent but i could tell already with all the snow melting off the tent it's gonna be a nice warm night in here once that door gets zipped shut so i'm gonna cook my steak up and then i think i'm gonna sit outside and eat it in the snow as the light kind of fades because it is coming on the nightfall right now so so all right well while i'm still waiting for my supper to cook up i did bring the trail camera with me of course and i just got to get it switched on here just to make sure that there's nothing on the memory card and if you guys remember the last time i camped here the tree that i put the camera on just behind i'm going to put it on the same tree all right so the card's clear we got good battery so i am going to be setting this up this evening and i'm going to put it on the same tree with this field of view so if any animals do come into camp hopefully we'll be able to catch them we still have not caught anything on the trail cam and i've been using it quite a bit guys now the funny thing is when i was on my over landing trip in cape breton my seven day trip i had a coyote walk right by the truck in fresh snow just like this and it stopped snowing an hour before i got out of the truck the only footsteps up there were mine and the coyotes and then later on that day when i was driving down the road i actually saw the coyote he was right in the middle of the road big old bushy tails wobbling back and forth and in the woods he went so hopefully tonight we can capture something on this the steak is almost cooked up as you guys can see the snow has picked up as well so i think we're going to get a fair amount tonight but i'm going to go ahead and get this done right now while i'm waiting and then as soon as this is hung and pitched and all kind of set up and everything supper should be ready okay forget about what i just said about hanging it on the same tree looking at my tent it's a it's a bit different configured and looking this way i got a shot of the entire side of the tent so i'm gonna hang it on this tiny little tree just trying to get it configured here it is very cold out right now and my fingers are frozen so i'm trying to do this rather quickly so i can get my hands back in my pockets or get back into the tent and warm them up next to the stove so i'm just going to hang this very quickly i do have gloves with me guys but i'm trying to hold off because i don't want them wet and these fingers aren't really working right now so get this set up and then back in the tent to do a really quick warm-up and then it's gonna be time to eat that steak because i am starving absolutely starving uh hmm so all right so supper's all done and it is definitely getting very very cold out here right now guys this is not smoke this is my breath so it is actually getting very very cold it is below negative 10 degrees celsius right now and being outside without a campfire it just makes sense to go inside of the tent with the wood stove so i'm probably not gonna shut the door just yet i'll probably leave it open for a little while but i think i am gonna make my way inside of the tent just to warm up get out of this heavy wool sweater get my boots next to the stove and start the drying out process that way in the morning everything will be nice and dry and i can start off fresh so i'm gonna do a little cleanup outside make sure i've got all my goods inside of the tent because whatever's left outside is gonna be left here tomorrow buried in the snow somewhere so i'm gonna do a really good look over i'm also gonna do a tighten up of the guy lines and the tent just to make sure that everything's nice and snug overnight and then i'm gonna jump inside so i'll see you guys inside the tent so all right guys i just went around the tent everything is tight uh the ground is getting to be quite frozen actually so i may have to start pounding some of these pegs in with a rock if i do need to readjust them later on but one thing i want to point out is the door is wide open it's below a negative 10 degrees celsius right around negative 10.5 negative 11. but if you guys look really really closely you'll notice that the snow is not piling up on the back of the sleeping area and all of this up here is just water it's all water and it is freezing cold outside right now so the amount of heat that is building in this tent even with the door wide open is astronomical you guys can see now that the stove is dying down there's a little bit of snow forming on the tail end of the tent but once i shut the door and stoked the stove this is all going to melt off it's going to be pretty interesting to see what happens in the morning give you guys a look over here you guys can just kind of see all this water just beading off of the tent so i may have to actually shut the door because all this water is running right into where i'm gonna be kind of coming in and out of the tent and as the stove dies down later on this evening because i always let a stove go out i don't bother stoking it overnight i've got a good winter sleeping bag and a good winter sleeping pad so i don't need the wood stove for sleeping but this is all going to turn into ice and it's going to make it a little difficult to get in and out of the tent so i may have to actually zip the door shut when i crawl in and just kind of bang off the tent to get all this water just to run down the sides but it's definitely getting warm inside guys definitely getting warm all right so inside of the tent right now and it is definitely getting warm in here i just loaded a couple pieces of wood inside of the stove and already it's taken off really really nicely so i've got my boots propped up next to the wood stove and my sweater on top of the firewood so that's kind of taking the brunt of the heat right now so those should dry out very quickly and be ready for tomorrow morning i do still have to get changed into my sleep clothing which i've got over here and i even brought my tent slippers so i got my bath and booties these are a must-have for lounging around in the tent in wintertime i don't like to be bundled up in the sleeping bag all the time so if i can have a wood stove and basically strip down to a long sleeve shirt and get out of the big bulky clothing i'm very happy without being bundled up in the sleeping bag until later on of course and then i get in zip up let the stove go out and then just go off to sleep and then re-light it in the morning so i do have some snacks inside of here i did bring some ramen noodles and a couple other things in here and basically i'm just gonna have a good night in here i got a couple movies saved on my phone so i'm gonna watch maybe two of those and it's about eight o'clock right now so maybe one one and a half movies i don't know i'll probably fall asleep during the second one but uh it's definitely cozy in here guys i can feel the heat just coming right over to my face and i'm only using a mini stove that's not even a full-size stove so i imagine with a larger stove it's going to get roasting in here so next time i come out with this tent i'll probably bring a larger stove and get it really hot and then i'll let you guys know of course how much hotter it got so i'm going to get changed out of these pants and get into my sleep clothing and get my slippers on and get ready for a movie guys all right well i'm changing my base layers and i've got my tent slippers on my little baffin booties definitely warm guys outside of the sleeping bag i'm not gonna crawl inside of it until later on uh the heat is really really coming right at me from that wood stove i'm gonna enjoy this plus the door itself when it zips shut this uh this solid panel extends into the door so it actually helps trap a lot of the heat and the top is mesh of course so it just kind of lofts all the way from head to toe making this very comfortable so i'm gonna start lounging now guys i'm just gonna relax get the camera shut off get it packed awake keep the batteries nice and warm i'll put those inside of my sleeping bag tonight of course but i do have my phone i'm gonna turn that on and dive into a movie have some snacks and just relax i'll catch up with you guys in the morning for coffee goodnight guys uh so good morning guys it is a beautiful snowy cold morning out here in the forest the tent is just now starting to warm up that i've got the wood stove burning and as you guys can see the tent is totally covered in snow so i almost slept in this morning because when i woke up it was dark inside of the tent it's still quite dark in the sleeping area because of all this snow and ice that has formed on the outside so i'm gonna have to bang all that off in just a few moments the sleeping area held up really really well guys i'm missing two guy lines so i only put two guy lines on the front and two on the back but i didn't put two on this point right here and it actually held up really really well and that's without clearing the tent when i went to sleep last night i didn't bother clearing it off i wanted to see how much it would actually accumulate and it looks like we got about six inches of snowfall so it's still snowing and it's calling for more today so we'll see what happens but uh right now i need a hot coffee it is cold outside i've got my down pants on right now because they're easy to slip on my boots are all dry from last night i'm sitting on my sweater right now which is totally dry from last night as well and uh everything went really well last night it was super warm in here nice and cozy great atmosphere i was able to reach out load wood in go back inside the sleeping area really really comfortable so i've got my kettle of water already on the stove i'm going to bring that up to a boil it is from the lake so it does have to be boiled thoroughly and it is time for coffee guys i got to say i'm going gonna enjoy this the first legit deep snowfall of the season is officially here and we have to uh we have to enjoy a hot coffee right so i'm gonna get this loaded up and make up a nice hot brew and possibly sit outside to enjoy it so [Applause] [Music] uh okay all right well i think winter has finally arrived you guys we've got plenty of snow out here i'm super happy super stoked about this right now finally got the snow so sitting out here right now it is negative 13 degrees celsius it is blistering cold with the wind coming off the lake i can see the sun trying to poke through the clouds way out across the lake but the cloud cover's so thick that it's not going to be sunny today and in fact it's supposed to snow another six to seven inches today so we'll see what happens later on as you guys know i never go out for just one night this is actually the first of two nights however i'm not going to be using the same setup i've got to get this packed away i got to hike out the trail make it all the way back to my truck and then resupply and then head out on a different trip from there so this is actually night number one so there will be another night with this snow coming very soon to you guys right here on the channel but for now we've got the tent set up we've got a hot cup of coffee right out on the lake some fresh snow this is a beautiful morning guys beautiful it's windy it's crisp it's cold it's definitely winter time so i'm going to grab the trail camera in just a few moments i just want to enjoy some of my coffee before i move around a whole lot i'm going to get this back on the stove get it warmed up and then grab the trail can but i got to have a couple more drinks guys uh all right so got the trail camera just worn my hands up briefly off my cup off the stove so let's dive into this now one thing i did last night is the snow was not actually that deep last night when i went in so this is a total different ecosystem for the animals right now but waking up this morning when i came out here there were no animal tracks at all now i did put my leftover steak so all the steak juice out of my frying pan and the little bits of fat that i didn't eat i put right here in this fire pit now it's covered by snow and i don't see any disturbances to it so i don't know if they would have come in and got that early and then took off in the snow but generally when it snows like this the animals hunker down they don't usually do a lot of bouncing around until morning time that's when they come out and then they go for the food and stuff like that so i don't think we're gonna have any luck on this but we're gonna check so let me flick it on here to review mode battery's still at eighty percent guys so that's 75 sorry it just changed to 75. battery's still at three quarters though so that is incredible uh replay so there's me with the camera there's me at night time i'm just setting up the camera fiddling around i got some blowing streak and snow going across the camera so there's me going over to the tent standing at the tent these are all test shots and climbing into the tent okay here we go climbing in and climbing out so climbing in for the night and climbing out in the morning time well you know what that means guys nothing came into camp nothing triggered this camera so unfortunately we have a again another bust i am having horrible luck with catching animals on this now the funny thing is i'm not sure if i mentioned this yesterday or not but when i went on my seven-day overland camping trip to cape breton island i didn't bother setting up the trail cam because i was out truck camping right i had a coyote walk right past my truck and i actually kind of we we crossed paths as far as footprints go and the snow just stopped so we literally crossed foot paths without seeing each other maybe he saw me on the trail and i did not bring the trail camera so that would have been the one opportunity that i would have actually got something so far again it's a bust tonight so i will be using this again tonight on the separate camping trip again i'm going to keep using it until we get something guys because sooner or later it's going happen but uh yeah sorry guys bust on this trip again but my hands are freezing freezing cold uh the lake out there so here in nova scotia our water is tea colored so it's kind of like a tainted tea bag in a pot that's what our lake water looks like and when the snow lands on it the snow turns to like a yellow because it takes on that tea color so looking out across the lake there's probably about 200 feet off the shore that's uh that's starting to freeze but it's all slush so it's all like yellowy kind of snow slushy looking like and when the sun comes up a little bit and it just pokes through the clouds and shines across it it lights it all up and it looks pretty interesting so definitely a great view here so no no luck with the trail cam but i do have a hot cup of coffee or i did have a hot cup of coffee i would have to warm this up again and get my hands warmed up i already did breakfast inside of the tent i had oatmeal early early this morning and i did that on purpose so i'd be nice and warm and fueled up before i got out because i knew it was going to be very cold so i'm going to heat this up again i have a little bit more on the pot get this camera put away inside of the tent and probably hunker in there for a few moments to warm up before i start the pack up process [Applause] [Applause] all right guys with all the sharp edges on that stove i've decided to actually pack the tent inside of the stuff sack i don't want to tear anything and uh it's snowing it's cold and trying to get everything organized in there nice and neatly and orderly just isn't going to happen so the stove is in the hydration sleeve everything's packed away nice and neatly i've got the tent all balled up here pegs poles everything i've got enough room to slip it in there now i do have my pants in here from yesterday and i'm gonna wear my down pants out down the trail while i hike back to the truck the the curse with these pants is once you put them on you don't want to take them off that's the thing they're so comfortable they're so light and i just don't feel like getting changed right now in the snow so kind of past that window of opportunity so i'm gonna have to uh basically get changed when i make it back to my truck but uh i just want to get this in here right now get it crammed all the way in there and the beautiful thing about this backpack is it's a multi-sized backpack it's a roll top i can roll it to whatever size i need it to so even though this stuff might not fit down inside as small as it was yesterday when i had time to pack at home the backpack will still accommodate everything by rolling the top and actually it's probably about the same size as yesterday to be honest so yeah it's about the same size i can roll it down to the 40 liter mark and it's expandable all the way to 60 liters so that's perfect that works really great so i'm just going to get this buttoned up get the rainfly back on and it's going to be time to hit the trail guys behind me you guys can see right where the tent was it's it's a pretty large area it's a nice long tent so there's plenty of room inside of it and it's definitely snowing again so i'm hoping that we get that additional six inches of snow today that will be totally epic for tonight's camp out so that'll be a separate video you guys know how it works here on the channel one overnighter and then the second overnighter two separate windows for uh videos basically two opportunities to watch so i'm gonna get this all buttoned up and i'm gonna start hitting the trail guys so i'm gonna say goodbye to you right now peace out thank you for watching questions and comments down in the comment section as well as some useful links in the description for you guys to follow peace out and i'll catch you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Lonewolf 902
Views: 26,523,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hot tent camping, winter camping in snow storm, camping in snow, pomoly, hot tent, camping in winter, snow storm camping, tent camping in winter, adventure, Naturehike, nature
Id: 19XJPU0dT3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 59sec (3599 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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