Camping In Snow And Rain With Wood Stove Truck Camper

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foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Applause] foreign foreign [Applause] foreign laughs [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] foreign foreign foreign hey what's going on everybody welcome back to the channel today's episode is a hot truck camping trip with Boomer and I up on this mountain top which is really actually quite cold even though I'm in a hoodie so I do got to get my wool sweater on my gloves my hat before I continue unpacking too much more just to bring you guys up to speed if you're new to the channel a lot of the regular viewers have been questioning where is the Ram truck it is right here I've been using the other truck a lot lately so I figured why not get out today and use this to the new viewers yes this truck does have a full camper build with a wood stove which we're going to enjoy today and tonight so let's get warm and then Boomer and I are going to start on a hot drink and venture out to this beautiful epic scenery that we've got here so let's get warm and let's get a hot coffee on the go foreign [Applause] foreign foreign foreign foreign [Applause] foreign foreign [Applause] [Applause] foreign foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign everybody coffee was pretty awesome sitting out there on the cliff edge with that Meandering River Way Down Below cannot beat that Sunset is happening right now though so I'm torn between a few things do I want to go out on the cliff watch the sunset or do I want to come back to the truck and take advantage of the last little bit of light cook up some food and then head out there and have a fire so I did bring a fire pit that I could set up I did bring some wood from home because I knew I was going to be getting out here a little later than anticipated I really would have liked to been out here earlier but it's a long drive so I did cheat and bring a little bit of wood for the fire pit I also have the chainsaw so I can collect some firewood in the area and I also brought compressed wood logs for the wood stove later on tonight just in the chance that I did not find enough wood or have enough time to do so so fire inside of the truck later on fire pit for a little bit later on but I think what I'm going to do right now is take advantage of this time and cook supper really quickly get everything set up on the tailgate get the canister stove Rock and Fry up some food eat and then head out to the cliff and hopefully have a good fire out there so let's get boogieing foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign foreign [Applause] foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign [Applause] [Music] to be foreign [Applause] [Applause] foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign guys supper is all finished with and two thumbs up on that beautiful pasta dish sat out on the cliff with the sunset happening pretty epic so right now I'm actually going to hold off on doing the dirty work with the dishes and stuff like that and I'm actually going to switch my attention to getting out that fire pit because I want to be out on that Cliff right now with the fire so I do have a couple pieces of wood in the truck that I had underneath of the wood stove I'm going to try and just burn the pallet wood that I brought and this wood that I brought from home and I saved the compressed logs for inside later on in the wood stove that way I don't have to run off in the woods with a chainsaw right now I want to just sit and enjoy I think I got enough wood to do that so I'm going to grab all the wood grab the fire pit get that assembled head out there and light the fire foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign [Laughter] foreign foreign foreign all right hmm foreign guys awesome campfire out on the cliff Edge and it is really starting to get quite cold a little bit Breezy up here it's not a terribly cold temperature wise but I'm starting to get cold it's about negative three negative four degrees Celsius so it's not terrible but I am starting to feel it so I'm going to be jumping inside of the truck in just a couple moments get some of the lights turned on batteries plugged in and get that wood stove burning so I'm gonna like that right now get warmed up and cannot wait to get out of these heavy clothes into some base layers shut this tailgate shut that window and start enjoying some cabin life in the back of the truck so let's get the wood stove lit foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign thank you [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign guys I just loaded the very first log in there of this compressed wood and these I pick up on my local hardware store they're very easy to find it's just basically dust it's it's bits of wood and bark and all bound together no binders no chemicals just pressure so these work really really great I've broken them down into smaller pieces for different burn times but ideally a chunk of this size will burn for a good two two and a half hours they expand as they burn and they burn nice and hot too so I've got enough in here for easily the night and the morning no problem and uh where it is winter time it's not really that late right now it's about 6 p.m so I'm just going to crawl in here and start enjoying some of the heat from the the wood stove get the tailgate window shut get the actual tailgate itself shut get changed into some lighter clothes and start relaxing and just kind of let this do its thing and heat up and kill off all the moisture all the dampness in here it's nice crisp and dry and it sounds amazing too once the stove gets ticking and and doing its thing so I got all my cooking stuff in here as well I've got a bit of snacks and food all my cooking stuff is up at this end and like I said I got battery units back here to charge devices to power all the lights I got LED light strips and a ring light these two lights out here are going to come inside but I won't need them to light anything up there's loads of light inside so I'm going to get changed shut the tailgate and I'll meet you guys inside foreign guys coming inside it is crazy warm inside here compared to outside and I've only just got in here just for a few moments so let me run all of the new viewers through what's going on here all the regular viewers you guys and girls are already up to date so I do have a full video of the build process of the truck camper as well as a dedicated video on how I got the wood stove installed and what I did to basically conquer a few challenges uh so if you're interested in those the links will be down in the video description and as you guys can see Boomer loves it in here let's get your jacket off actually it's too warm for that so everything that I need for the night is already in here I've got all my cooking supplies up here I've got a bunch of snacks on this side and I'll give you guys a full tour of the inside but I just want to touch on the main components so far so right now I've got three battery units inside of the truck Camp right now I've got my small blue Eddie I've got a zemdor battery and I've got a Pax S battery right now I'm running the LED light strips on the process which I've put on 12 volt uh little plugs so I could change that to red green blue whatever I want I got it on green right now overnight when I get this white light off what I like to do is put it on red and then I can make it bright or dark and just kind of Lounge because as you guys can see when I shut this off it's a really nice mood especially with the wood stove burning so Green's a little bit brighter right now for filming though so we'll just turn it on green get that on um one of these sensors is kind of finicky so we'll go to Blue I gotta mess around with that sensor down there uh but yeah so batteries are located here I've got a little cubby over here where I put my shoes and my clothing the bed is a foldable mattress that's tri-fold that I can also fold up into a chair which is really awesome and then I've got the whole shelf on the other side as well on as this side so I can kind of just kind of put things where I need them so like I said I got cooking stuff on this side I've got snacks and tools on that side a little battery shelf down here uh there's tons of room in here loads of room and it is getting very very warm I do have two sliding windows in my cap so I can open one which I'm going to do a little later on I will let that stove damp down right now it's still quite hot I loaded one of those compressed logs in there they burn Fierce and the stove's wide open right now so I'll damp it down and let it cool down in here a little bit but I am still in my outer clothes as well so what I like to do when I'm in here in the winter I bring a pair of very thin base layer pants and a very thin base layer shirt or or just a t-shirt so I'll probably be rocking a t-shirt tonight I imagine it's still pretty warm and yeah I just kind of get everything organized to where I want it and then I can go into Lounge mode which is pretty awesome just chilling out here I've been out here in the truck in massive snow storms windstorms rainstorms I've been Cape Breton Newfoundland all over Mainland Nova Scotia Quebec New Brunswick all over and this truck cap camper system with the wood stove rocks definitely enjoying it so enough talk I'm going to get fully changed get in my base layers and I'll give you guys a tour of the truck cap foreign foreign [Music] foreign so I'm all changed up into my base layers I do have my indoor outdoor slippers right here as well and this is kind of a little hack what I like to use when I got to go out in the middle of the night use the washroom or whatever Rubber Sole just from Walmart you get these a number of Brands but nice insulated little slippers I could throw on my feet to go in and out without having to tie on boots or shoes I keep all my clothing up here in this little cubby area I also keep cold drinks up here because this little area does stay cooler it's far away from the wood stove so that worked really great for that carbon monoxide detector is right here right up by my head I keep my keys up here as well and just kind of things randomly place that I can reach too easily I've learned over time what I need to reach for so of course it may be different for you guys I do really like this Halo light I actually use this quite a bit I can handle it different ways for whatever light I need to do and I can dim it down or brighten it up and it does Reach Out far kind of a catch all light really I mean it's it's turned down a little bit right now that is full bright as it goes so it does dim down it's it's nice having some white light in here when I'm watching movies every now and then or editing photos if I'm on a long road trip uh so like I was saying earlier snacks on this side cooking utensils on this side uh clothing behind me I use my pillow uh my sweaters for my pillows and stuff like that so big wool sweaters big heavy sleeping bag on top of a six inch foam tri-fold mattress does the trick plus I did a floor full of workout gym mats and like I said go back and check out the video link in the description if you want to see how I built this and why I built it certain ways I did have a raised bed in here before and I scrapped that the reason for that is right now I can sit and I'm not hitting my head I can fold this up and have a nice wide truck bed to crawl in I've actually been in here and pouring down rainstorms where I folded the bed up into a chair and I've had all the floor space down there to go through gear lay my backpack down do whatever I got to do and just have a little bit more room so the raised bed was not for me uh not only that sitting way up here it is like 10 degrees warmer up here than it is down here so it's nice to be able to lay down and get out of that massive heat Channel it does get warm back here but you don't have to have that stove cranked so I did start out with a smaller stove I landed on the pomali dweller stove the medium size and that works perfect for me and my needs I can have a big fire in there or I can have a small fire in there so right now there's one log in there it'll burn for about an hour and a half two hours let it do its thing damp it down in a little bit I do have both windows open right now so I've got them cracked open probably about four to six inches so we do have a nice Cool Breeze lofting in here which is nice right now because it's actually quite warm and then base layers I've got some nice long socks on and I'm ready to call them nice if you guys have any more questions about the truck um definitely drop it down in the comment section or go back to the videos and see how I built in why I built it the reason why I'm talking about this in this video is because the viewers have been asking me a lot where is the ram where's the Ram truck camper I've been using the GMC a lot lately um yeah I just I had to get out in the ram so for new viewers I know you're not going to know anything about this I just want to give you a bit of information to bring you up to speed so with all of that said I am going to start relaxing so that I'm usually going to shut the camera off and basically chill out inside of the truck camper for the night and when it's time to crawl in I'm just going to slip inside my sleeping bag let the wood stove go out like I always do and wake up have some coffee crank on the heat and enjoy the morning so good night guys I'll see you first thing in the morning for coffee foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign [Applause] foreign foreign [Applause] all right [Applause] good morning everybody it is a beautiful cold snowy morning up here in the mountain what a surprise this morning so waking up it is not negative degrees right now it's actually probably about zero to maybe plus one so as you guys can see the water is running down the windows that was running down the windows before I lit the stove so I woke up I thought it was raining and I popped open the back window looked out it's not rain it is snow so there's actually a big snowstorm forecasted to hit today in this area and luckily I'm not going home this is actually night number one night number two I'm gonna be doing a totally different setup I just needed to get near the location from where I could park and then hike in so that'll be the next episode but today today is a beautiful snowy morning up here in the mountain like I was saying I got a cup of hot coffee on the go right now it's got the wood stove cranked up Boomers loving it he's nice and warm we're both out for a bathroom break jump back in made up some hot coffee got the the stove is stoked up right now really really hot so it's actually burning my leg quite a bit pleasantly feels great uh last night it did get cold down to about negative four negative five degrees Celsius uh but inside it was plus 30 degrees Celsius up top and we had it damped down so down low it was about 20 degrees so plus 20 degrees Celsius and it wasn't even burning that strong guys I've been out here in negative 20 negative 22 with that wood stove cranked and still floating at a 30 degrees Celsius inside so this does the job no problem and it definitely makes trips like this absolutely enjoyable we don't have to burn butane if we don't want to we don't have to burn propane if we don't want to we simply go in the woods collect some wood throw it in there and light the stove now obviously on this trip I brought compressed logs and a little bit of wood from home just for ease of getting here and lighting a fire really quickly as my plans are to be up here for a few days this is not just a one-nighter for me so that pretty much brings you guys up to speed with what happened last night and this morning uh I'm gonna sit on my hot coffee right here just chilling out listening to the wind whistling through these trees up in the mountains the sheets of snow there's big sheets of snow just blowing across the air right on the cliff Edge which is pretty awesome uh definitely atmosphere and mood in the sky today so Boomer and I are gonna make our way out onto the cliff Edge we are going to go there for sure but right now I just want to enjoy coffee get a little bit warm and then I'll throw my pants on my boots jump out and we'll take a little bit of a morning snow straw so cheers guys morning coffee with the heated truck foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign all right guys here we are out on the side of the cliff it's pretty awesome because the wind is actually pushing the snow upward so right now it's snowing up and it's definitely cold it is windy out here got an epic view of these clouds passing by super super awesome this morning I'm trying to balance on this rock as the wind's blow me all over the place very very atmospheric this morning definitely glad I came up here so cheers everybody I'm going to continue doing a little bit of a walk here and then head back to the truck Boomer's getting cold I'm getting cold so we're gonna jump in and get warmed up by the wood stove but definitely an epic spot to have a morning coffee thank you [Music] all right guys we're back from our morning walk with coffee and the truck is still a burning and nice and hot Boomers jumped inside his other jacket synthetic it is a little bit wet but it only takes just a few minutes to dry out next to a heat source so I think what I'm going to do is pop him inside if he wants to come out he can come out uh it'll air dry as well but I'm not going to force them to come out so he wants to sit next to the wood stove he can do that but right now I do have to go get the fire pit get that up here take that apart and pack it away inside of the bag and let the wood stove basically do its thing and burn out there's probably about another 20 30 minutes of fire left in there and then it'll be out and I can take the chimney out put the cap back on and start the pack up process of the camper so I'm gonna get that fire pit take it apart thank you thank you foreign [Applause] foreign everybody everything is totally packed up inside of the truck got the chimney down and everything loaded safely we took one last little relaxed session out on the cliff Edge watching those clouds pass by and we're ready to hit the road so Boomers got to get in the truck gonna get this fired up crank the heat on get his clothing dry and we're gonna head off to another location to call home for the night in a totally different setup I've got my hiking pack inside loaded ready full of goodies to hit the trail so thank you guys very much for joining us and be sure to check out the links in the description down below if you're interested in the wood stove installation or the truck camper build till next time peace out guys we'll see in the next video foreign [Music]
Channel: Lonewolf 902
Views: 837,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hot tent camping, camping in rain, camping in snow, wood stove in truck camper, truck camping, winter camping, bushcraft, adventure, storm camping
Id: RwiYdPK8TjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 22sec (4342 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2022
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