Hot Cocoa ☕ (Blender Tutorial)

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welcome everyone to another christmas themed tutorial so christmas 2020 is almost here and so i decided to do another christmas themed tutorial where we're going to be creating this hot cocoa scene and so we're going to be modeling the whole cup we're going to be adding this snowman texture onto the cup and we're going to be adding the hot cocoa in there with the marshmallows and a cinnamon stick and we're going to be modeling some candy canes and some chocolate pieces and we're even going to be putting some chocolate pieces in the hot cocoa so i'm really excited to create this tutorial and i hope you are too these project files are going to be available on my gumroad and patreon so links will be in the description to that if you'd like to download the project files before we get started i am going to be using some resources online so i'm going to be using this uh wood planks dirt on texture haven the link will be in the description and i just clicked on all maps and i'm just going to download the 4k jpeg and then right here on hdri haven i'm going to be using this wooden lounge and i'm just going to download the 1k version and then right over here on pixabay i'm going to be downloading this free snowman image it has an alpha channel behind it so that's really great so i just hit free download and just clicked on the biggest one and just downloaded that so if you just want to go ahead and download these three free resources let's go jump into blender now okay so here i am in blender i am going to be doing this in the cycles render engine because cycles is more realistic but if you'd like to do this in ev you can definitely do that and then also right down here before we start i'm going to go down to the color management just change this to filmic and then the look here i'm going to set this to high contrast and setting this to filmic is going to give us more accurate lighting and then the look here chi contrast that'll just bump out the colors and make it look a little bit nicer and then also right down here in the corner you can see my screencast keys so you can see what buttons i'm pressing all right so i'm just going to select everything and press x and delete it also i'm not going to be using the timeline so i'm just going to click right in the corner here drag up and then hold my mouse drag down and then let go and that will close the timeline just because we don't need to use it okay so i'm going to be modeling the cup first so i'll press shift a and i'm going to add a circle now on the circle settings right behind me i'm just going to click right here the vertices i'm going to set this to 14 and that's important because when we're modeling this we want to be able to model an area for the handle of the cup to come out i'm going to press 1 on the number pad for front view tab into edit mode i'll just scale this up a little bit and then i'll press e and extrude this up hold down my middle mouse wheel to constrain it to the z-axis and bring it up a little bit and then scale it up just a little bit more and then right down here we need to fill this face so i'm just going to hold down alt and select this face or this loop of vertices and then press f and fill that okay let me just alt select on this right here and press one for front view again and let's keep on modeling this i'll press e click with my middle mouse wheel bring it up just scale it up a little bit i want the cup to be a little bit round and then kind of at the top kind of come out a little bit for a lip so i'll press e click again s and just scale that up for the lip just make it kind of coming up a little bit just like that okay and then we're going to have the handle coming out right here so i'm going to add some loop cuts right here so that we have some faces right here that we can cut out so i'm going to press ctrl r to add a loop cut click drag down and then click just make sure that this is about a square you can double tap g and move it just make it around kind of like a square something like that and then i'll press ctrl r again add another loop cut just bring this one down so that it's again kind of like a square right there okay and then i'm going to press three to go to the face select you can click on it right there i'm gonna click on this shift click on this and actually scale these down so that they're a little bit thinner like that okay and then i'll just select this one press one for front view and then i will press e and extrude this out press r and rotate it and we're just going to be modeling the cup handle scale this down a little bit more okay now i'm going to hold down control and click and just bring this whole cup around you can see the shape is a little bit off but we will fix that later so don't worry about that okay so i'm just going to hold down control go all the way around and then we want to merge these two together so i'm going to press 3 to go to the face select and then press x and delete faces and that way the face in there is going to be deleted but there's still the vertices around it and then also right here i'm going to click on this press x and delete faces all right now i'm going to press 1 to go to the vertex select just hold down shift and select all of these and then hold down shift and select all of these and now that all of those eight are selected i'm going to press ctrl e and then click on bridge edge loops it's the third one from the top bridge edge loops and now it's merge these together okay so now this is a really weird shape so i'm going to play around with this and change it so i'm going to press 1 to go to front view z and move my mouse over and let go to go to wireframe tab into edit mode i'm just going to press a to deselect everything press b and box select some of these areas and just just change it just change the shape of it because right now i feel like it's a little too big it's a little bit weird shaped if you rotate that down a little bit these are a little bit close to each other so i'm gonna bring these out a little bit scale these down a little bit more just make it the shape that you want all right so there is my cup now i do want to add some thickness in here so i'm going to tab in edit mode alt select this right here press 1 for front view z and move over into wireframe and then just press e and s bring that down a little bit we're basically going to be making the thickness of the cup because it doesn't have any thickness right now okay now press e z bring it down scale it down just a little bit and then e z e again z scale it down a little bit and then extrude that again bring it down just something like that okay and then this here this is a little too thick so i'm going to alt select this scale that up a little bit all right now there is our mug i think it's a little bit too high up so i'm going to tap into edit mode go into wireframe just box select the top area press g and z and bring it down a little bit and then do the same thing for this so just press g and z and bring that up a little bit you can select the whole thing and press g and z and move it down so that it's on that red line there all right that's looking pretty good now so i'm going to press ctrl 2 that's the shortcut key for adding the subdivision surface modifier and you can see now it's very smooth and now i'm going to shade smooth so i use the w key and then i hit shade smooth you can just go object and shade smooth right there okay so you can see that the mesh is acting a little bit weird so what we need to do is add loop cuts and then also we have a little issue here so i'm going to tab into edit mode and you can see the inner area of the cup we didn't fill a face there so it's acting really weird so let's alt select this face and if it's not selected you can go into wireframe just hold down alt and select the interface or the inner loop of vertices so you can see this is the inner side let's just scale it down a little bit and then press f to fill that there we go now it's filled in there maybe just scale it down a little bit and move it up a little bit okay so the bottom of the cup is very round so i'm gonna press ctrl r add a loop cut right here and bring it down to sharpen up the edge and then also i'll press uh three or just click on this to go to the face select select this face and we'll press i and i is gonna inset a face inside that face and that'll just sharpen that edge up a little bit more okay it's looking pretty good um i do want to sharpen up some things still so i'll tap into edit mode again ctrl r we'll add a loop cut here go to the inside of it and ctrl r out a loop cut there that'll sharpen up that edge and then right in here we need to sharpen that up a little bit you're not really going to see it in the render but we might as well do it especially if you want to use this cup for something else uh later so i'm going to just press ctrl r click right there drag down and just bring that down almost to the bottom but not all the way and you can see it's really sharping that up so that looks really good okay so the cup is done although i know that something is wrong with the shading here um so i need to recalculate the normals because right now the cup is kind of flipped inside out so i need to tab into edit mode select everything and then press shift n shift n will recalculate the normals and now you can see the shading looks better so let's go take a look at this handle here the handle is pretty good but i think i want to just play around with it a little bit so one thing that i want to do is make it sharper right here and here so again go into edit mode press control r add some loop cuts right here and then right here and then to change this i want to again go into wireframe by pressing z and moving my mouse over and then go one for vertex select you can just select some of these points maybe bring them in a little bit so i'm just gonna i'm just gonna box select some of these points bring them in a little bit uh to make the handle a little bit thinner maybe select the whole thing and scale it down just a little bit and bring it in a little bit and then i think i want to make the whole handle a little bit thicker actually yeah right here i want to make it a bit thicker so i'll press s and then y and just make it a little bit thicker just like that okay i'm going to call this cup done so that's looking good let's save this file so i'm going to go ctrl s to save our blender file i'm just going to save it as coco.blend save blender file i love having cocoa on christmas and speaking of coco let's go ahead and do the cocoa now so i'm going to press shift a actually first i'll press shift c and that'll make sure that this 3d cursor is in the center of the scene and then i'll press shift a and i'm going to add a circle i'm just going to bring this circle up right here scale it up and then i'll tab into edit mode press f and that'll fill the face inside the circle i can tab back into object mode and press g and z and bring it down so this is going to be the cocoa so just make it however high you want if you want the cocoa really full you can make it really high up or if somebody's drank it maybe it's really low i'm just going to make it kind of full but not too full let's add a ground plane as well so i'll press shift a add a plane just scale this plane nice and big like that and then we don't want it to be going through it so i'm going to press g and z bring that down just that it's just barely going through that's okay just like that so the cup is sitting on the plane okay let's go ahead and model the stuff in the cups so i'm going to be modeling the marshmallows and then also modeling that cinnamon stick let's start with the cinnamon stick so i'll just press shift a and i'm going to search for a plane we'll just bring this plane up and then let's press 1 for front view and we can see here's the plane here i'll just press period on the number pad to zoom over to it so we're going to be modeling what the cinnamon stick looks like from side view and then extruding it out so if you've ever looked at cinnamon sticks basically it's kind of curly and it kind of curls into itself so i'm going to tap into edit mode here press z and move over to make sure you're in wireframe and i'm just going to box select this bring it back and then i'll just press e and extrude it out and just press e again click e and click and we're just going to be modeling it's sort of like a heart shape but it's like really circular and all cinnamon sticks look a little bit different i don't know if you can hear the garbage truck outside it's a little bit loud okay just select the other side now by box selecting that and then i'll press e go around just make the shape of the cinnamon okay so now if we go out here going back into solid view you can see what it's looking like so if this was stretched out it would look a lot more like cinnamon so i'm going to tab into edit mode here select the whole thing and i'll just press s and y and just bring that way out until it's about the length of a cinnamon stick maybe a little bit smaller okay there we go um now i want to give it some thickness so i'm going to click on add modifier if you're not in the modifiers panel you can click on this wrench right here click on add modifier and add a solidify all right so let's change the thickness because right now it's really small i'm going to hold down the shift key as i drag the thickness value and that way it's going to be more sensitive movements so let's just bring it down a little bit let's bring it inside i want to bring the thickness inside the cinnamon stick so just something like that and then i'm going to press ctrl 2 to add a subsurf modifier you can go add modifier add a subsurf there right down there okay so i'm just going to make sure these are both set to two now you can see that when i added the sub surf it's kind of stretching it out and it's very thin right here so i'm going to tab into edit mode and you can see yeah the subsurf modifier is really pulling it uh so i'm going to press ctrl r add a loop cut click and then drag it over almost to the very end but not all the way like that and then just click to place it and then we'll add another one here so ctrl r drag it all the way over and then just click um i can press period on the number pad to zoom over to it and then double tap g and that'll do the edge slide and you can just kind of move this okay and let's shade the smooth object shade smooth so there we go it's uh yeah really looking like a cinnamon stick now now i want to make the cinnamon stick thicker so on the thickness here i'm just going to bring it up make it a little bit thicker something like that okay there we go we got a little cinnamon stick i'm going to scale this down rotate it you can double tap r and rotate it around i'm going to place it inside the cocoa there we go give it a nice cinnamon flavor spice up that cocoa just scale it down kind of rotate it just stick it in the cocoa just something like this and then pretty soon we are going to want to add a camera so we can really start to set up the scene a little bit more okay so i'm just going to set it like this just make sure it's kind of resting on the side of the cup um let's add a camera and then we'll go ahead and model the marshmallows so i'm going to press shift a and click on camera and then just move to where you want the camera to be so i want the camera to be somewhere around here just something like that we can change it later but i'm going to have the camera about here so what i'm going to do now is press ctrl alt number pad 0 and that'll hop the camera to where we are i can double tap r to rotate that around and then i can also press g and move that make sure you have the camera selected when you're doing this i can press 0 on the number pad to go in and out of the camera view bring this around with g and then i want to move it a little bit back so i'm going to press g and double tap z so tap z twice after you press g and then just move it out a little bit just to give it a little more room there okay i'm going to select this and press r and z just to move it over a little bit and then i feel like the handle is a little bit funky just a little bit so i'm going to tap into edit mode here just just slightly change it and then one other thing i noticed i think i want this to be a little bit thinner so i'm going to tap into edit mode here alt select this and then alt select the other loop that's right underneath it and then i'm just going to press s and scale that up just a little bit okay that's a little bit better let's save this project again so i'm gonna go file and save you can also just press ctrl s and that's a quick way to save all right let's go ahead and model the marshmallows now so i'm gonna click right here to set the 3d cursor kind of like right on top of the hot cocoa and then i'll press shift a i'm going to add a mesh cylinder and right down here on the cylinder settings right behind me uh the vertices here i'm going to set this to 8. close that now i'm just going to bring this up so we can see it a little bit better just press period on the number pad to zoom into it so to make it look more like a marshmallow i'm going to press ctrl 2 to add a sub surf i will go object and shade that smooth and then i'll tab into edit mode here i'm going to make it a little bit longer so i'll press s and z bring it up a little bit and then i'll press ctrl r add a loop cut drag it up press ctrl r add another loop cut drag it down and then i'm going to alt hold down shift and alt and then select this loop and then i'll just scale the whole thing up a little bit and then press s and z make it a little bit smaller so it's a little bit puffy you know a puffy marshmallow okay now the whole thing i think should be scaled up a little bit so i'll just double tap a to select everything and press s and z bring it up a little bit more okay now i want to sharpen up the front and bottom so i'm going to tab into edit mode again i'll press 3 to go to the face select you can just click right there click on the top face and then i'll press i to inset the face and then once it's about this big i will press g and z and bring it down just a little bit just adds just a tiny little bit there oh the viewport levels i'm going to set these both to two so that it's just a little bit smoother so let's do that for the bottom here so i'm going to tap into edit mode click on this press i to inset that just make it a little bit smaller about there and then press g and z and bring it in just a little bit just adds just a little bit of you know puffiness and then kind of comes in just slightly all right there we go that's uh looking like a marshmallow so let's scale this down we're gonna move it into our cocoa marshmallows always float in the cocoa so they're gonna be kind of floating right up here on the top you can add as many marshmallows as you want what i'm gonna do is add three of these mini marshmallows on the top so i'm gonna press seven for top view i'm gonna have three of them just kind of uh in a sort of like a triangle like this if i just press shift d kind of like coming out from the center and then i'm going to add one more so shift d rotate that just something like that you can add more marshmallows if you want though okay and then i want these to kind of be a little bit submerged into the cocoa but still kind of floating and then marshmallows do they're all random they all have little variations in the shape so i'm just gonna tab into edit mode just alt uh if i press one i can go to the vertex select and then alt select a loop and then just kind of give it a random movement just kind of grab some points and just kind of give it just a tiny bit of randomness here okay go to the next one alt select this loop maybe just select a few different points make it a little bit longer or something and then this one i'll just leave how it is very subtle but it will just give it a little more realism okay i think i'll move these all into the center a little bit more i think i want all of them to be a little bit smaller so i'll just press s scale them down a little bit just like that and then maybe just move them a little bit back and then uh this cinnamon stick i want to make it a little bit smaller because it's a little bit too big right now so i'll scale it down a little bit double tap r rotate it over just a little bit more all right so i'm going to take a break from the hot cocoa and i'm going to make the candy canes now so let's yeah make the candy cane so i'm just going to go over here press shift c to make sure the 3d cursor is in the center there and i'm going to press shift a and i'm going to search for a cylinder and then on the cylinder settings right up here i'm going to change the vertices to 16 close that let's just bring this up here so we can see it a little bit better we're just going to model it right up here okay what i'm going to do is tab into edit mode go into wireframe and then just box select the top area we're going to bring it up so just press g and then click with your middle mouse wheel bring it up and bring it up to the size that the entire candy cane would be so you know how the candy cane comes up and then kind of rotates over well imagine that that rotation at the top isn't rotated so just move it up a little bit more so like if it started to rotate here it would need you know that much space to rotate so something like that maybe a little bit lower okay so that's how high i'm going to make it now let's smooth out these edges because they're really sharp here so i'm going to tab back into edit mode i'm going to press e and then s and then just do that one more time e and s just to kind of give that a cap and then let's do that for the bottom there so i'm going to go down here uh alt select this loop e s and e and s just so that that kind of has a cap right there okay and then let's go ahead and do the materials because we need to do the materials first before we change this object so that it you know it's kind of rotated around and looks like a candy cane so what i'm going to do for the materials is just go down to the material panel right here i'm going to click on new and i'm just going to call this like candy white okay and then just leave all the defaults we'll change this later now what i'm going to do is click on the plus button right up here and i'm going to click on new and i'm going to call this one red candy or candy red i'll keep it consistent so candy red there we go so now we have the two different types of candy here if i just go into the material preview you can see that it's going to be white so what i want to do is i want to make some of it white but then i want to have those red stripes because the candy cane has those red stripes so what i'm going to do on the candy red let's just bring this down i'm going to make this a nice bright red just make that all the way down to red now i need to tell it where the red's going to be so i'm going to tap into edit mode here and then i'm in the face select and i'm just going to alt select every other face so i'm gonna hold down alt select this then hold down shift and alt and select this and this i can let go move over here hold down shift and alt select this move over hold down shift and alt select these and then hold down shift and alt select these two ones so now we just have half of them selected so now make sure the candy red is selected and then click on assign then we can tab back into object mode you can see it's starting to look like a candy cane but it's not rotated around so we're gonna do that very shortly so let's first add some more geometry in here because you can see that because you can see that there's not very much geometry in here so we're gonna need to add more detail to it so i'm gonna press ctrl r and then before i click i'm going to scroll my mouse wheel up and that's going to add more vertices you can't see it on my screen because i'm in the way but on your blender screen you should be able to see right behind me it says number of cuts you can keep scrolling up until it says about 30 and then i'm going to click and then click again to place that so now we have a lot more uh geometry to work with let's tab back into object mode now and we're going to add some modifiers to spin it up so i'm going to click right here on the modifier properties we're going to click on add modifier and i'm going to add the simple deform and you can see it does this really weird thing uh the twist that's what we want but you can see that it's twisting it in the wrong way i'm going to from the x i don't want to be x i don't want it to be y i want to be z because i want it to rotate just like this all right so the angle here i'm just going to change this all the way up to 360 degrees so just drag it all the way up and you can see that now it's rotated around so really cool modifier and then let's also shade this smooth so shade that smooth there we go so now i want to apply this modifier so with my mouse hovered over this i'm going to press ctrl a and now it's applied and then it still doesn't look quite like a candy cane because we need to rotate it over so i'm just going to click on add modifier i'm going to add the same thing so this simple deform now this time we don't want to use the twist we want to use the bend and if we turn on the bend you can see it's starting to bend if you change the angle here it's going to change the angle with how much it's bending but we don't want the entire thing to be bent we only want the top of it to be bent so if you click on the restrictions here we can restrict how much it's going to be bent so this limit you can just change this up and you can start to see what's happening now it's acting really weird it's kind of like rotating around don't worry about that i'm just going to press 1 to go to front view actually three to go to side view so basically what's happening is the limit right here is zero and so that's going to start it bending down here and when you turn the limit up it's going to keep going up so now the bending is right about here if you turn it up all the way to one the bend is going to be like right over here so we want to change this limit so that the bend is right about up here because that's where we want the candy cane to rotate over so just keep on bending it until it looks like it's starting to bend where we want and again don't worry about don't worry about this kind of rotating around we'll change that later and then the angle here start to change this and again yeah it's really weird how it keeps on rotating but don't worry about that just rotate it until it looks like a candy cane so i want to make mine about about like that let's change the limits here you can see so if i make it less it's going to be a bigger rotation if i make it more it's going to be a really small rotation so i think something like that is going to do it okay i'm going to call that good so that looks enough like a candy cane to me so then with my mouse hovered over here i'm going to press ctrl a and that will apply the modifier all right got a nice little candy cane we're going to make it more photorealistic though but for now let's just rotate it back so i'm going to press r to rotate just kind of bring it back and then bring it up a little bit now it is really big so let's scale it down a little bit and bring it down all right so let's just do a few more things to make it even more realistic so you can see here that it's a little bit low detail so i'm going to press ctrl 2 to add a sub surf and then it's a little bit smooth right now and i found that it looks more realistic if the candy cane has little bits of bumps and stuff because it is kind of organic it's just candy so let's go ahead and add some little bit of bumps all over the candy cane so what i'm going to do is turn these actually down to one then i'll click on add modifier and let's add a displace modifier also go file and save this again i always like to save that now you can see that when we add this displace modifier it kind of bumps it up we want to add a texture so that it's kind of lumpy so i'm going to click on new here to add a new texture and then right here we can just click on this and that's going to just jump us down to the texturing panel and then right now this is set to image or movie i want to click on this and change it to clouds and now you can see it's got that little random kind of cloud bumpiness now the size here i'm going to make the size really small so that it has a lot of detail and then let's click back on the modifiers here i'm just going to turn the strength down because right now it's way too strong and then also it's really kind of pokey and spiky so i want to add another subdivision surface modifier to smooth it out even more so i'll click on add modifier add a subdivision surface and that one's just going to be down here i'm going to set these both to 2 if i just go out of material preview you can kind of see what it's doing and then just make it this is going to be too strong but then like that's going to be too little so just make it somewhere something around there there we go i like something like that maybe just a little bit less and there we go so now if we go into rendered mode it's really dark so you can't see it very easily but it'll just add a little bit more realism to the candy now sometimes candy canes also have a bit of green in them like some green stripes so i want to do that too so i'm going to press z move down to go into the material preview click on the material panel right here and then let's click on plus i'm going to click on new i'm going to call this one candy green and then we will go ahead and make these a little more photorealistic but just right now i'm just going to make it a green color and make it a little bit darker all right now to set the green color i'm going to tab into edit mode press 3 to go to the face select i'm just going to select a few different places that i want it to be green so maybe here here maybe here and then with the candy green selected i'm going to click on a sign now it has some green stripes also if you wanted to this is kind of a fun thing you can do you can tap into edit mode press ctrl r and then click and just add a loop cut inside the red one then you can press three to go to the face select hold down alt and select this loop of vertices and then click on assign and there we have a mix of a red one and a green one so that looks pretty cool so i'm just going to scale this down move it over a little bit let's go ahead and make these materials more photorealistic because right now they're just plain colors um but before we do that i want to add some lighting so that we can see what we're doing a little bit better so to add the lighting i'm just going to click right here on the world now right now it's just a gray background i want to add in that hdri that we downloaded at the beginning of the tutorial so i'm going to click right here on the color change this to environment texture and then i'm going to click on open and then just locate to where you've downloaded the hdri so i just download it right here it's the wooden lounge 1k hdri you just double tap on that and then if you go into rendered mode you can see what it's looking like pretty nice now the strength here i do find that making it like a 0.8 does work a little bit better for the overall scene so i'm going to do that and then we can do the materials make them a little more photorealistic so let's just go into the shading tab right up here and then just zoom over to this with period on the number pad zoom in we'll go into rendered mode so we can see what this is looking like just zoom up right there and then let's go ahead and make these materials more realistic so i'm going to start with the green so if you don't have the green selected you can just go over here click on the candy green let's press shift a and i'm going to search for a noise texture just drop the noise texture right down here and we're going to be putting this into the normal to give it a little bit of bump now i am going to be using the node wrangler add-on so if you don't have that enabled you can go edit and go to preferences and then right over here on the add-ons start typing in node and then there's the node wrangler add-on you can just click on that check mark it and then that way it'll be in your blender file so just close this user preferences now and then uh using one of the node wrangler features i'm going to select this and press ctrl t ctrl t is going to add this texture coordinate and mapping and i'm going to take the object and plug it up to the vector and that way this noise texture is going to be placed on the green material a little bit better now if i hold down control and shift and click on the noise texture we can preview what it's going to look like so the scale here i'm going to change this to maybe like a 9 something around there so it has a little bit more detail and then we need to plug this factor into the normal and then if we ctrl shift and click on the principle you can see that it looks pretty weird and there's some errors right here this is because we need to convert this to normal data so to convert it to normal data that the principal texture can use i'm going to press shift a search for a bump node drop it right in between here and then this factor needs to go up to the height and just unplug it from the normal you can see that now it's adding that little bump there now right now it's too strong so the strength i'm just going to turn it way down to like 8.05 something like that you can see it is very subtle but it will add more detail and realism to the candy cane and then candy canes usually are a little bit shiny so the roughness right here i'm going to change this to like maybe a 0.3 and now if i just move around to somewhere where it's going to reflect and you can see that now it's just a little bit more shiny there we go you can see that shine in there so i want to do that for all the other materials so to do it really quickly without re-adding all of these nodes i'm just going to press b and box select all these nodes and then i'm going to press ctrl c and that will copy the nodes now i'm going to click over on the candy red don't just change this because if you change this it's actually going to change where the colors are so just click on the candy red and then press ctrl v and that will paste it so ctrl c to copy it ctrl v to paste it and then the bump just plug that into the normal and now the candy red is going to have that too and then also the roughness just change that to 0.3 and then we just need to do that one more time for the candy white so just click on this ctrl v to paste it plug this right into the normal and then the roughness point three and there we go looking really nice so now the candy cane is a lot more photorealistic okay so now that this candy cane is done let's go back into the layout here i'm gonna go file and save this again and then let's place the candy cane in the scene so if i go into the camera view by pressing 0 on the number pad i can see the camera view i just want the candy cane to be kind of right down here so i'm going to select it press g and bring it over double tap r rotate it over bring it down just set it into place right next to the hot cocoa i'm going to go into top view by pressing 7 on the number pad bring it over and something like this is pretty good okay now i want to have one more because i want to have another candy cane on top of this one so i'll press shift d and then r and z rotate it over bring it over a little bit and then i'll press g and z bring it up just zoom in here and then just rotate it just that it's resting on the second candy cane and there we go so now if i go into the camera view and press z and move my mouse up to go into rendered mode you can see what it's looking like now i don't want the camera to render out all of this because we don't need it to do that much work i just want to see what's inside the camera so in the camera i'm going to press ctrl b just add a box around here and then let go and that way it's only going to render what the camera is going to see so the preview times will be a little bit faster and if you're on ev this probably won't make any difference so okay let's go ahead and do the wood texture now on the table so i'm just going to select the plane and then i'm going to go over to shading i'm going to click on new here just call it like wood just bring this up a little bit okay i'm going to select the principle bsdf and then i'm going to press ctrl shift t and once you press ctrl shift t it's going to bring up the file browser just go to where you've downloaded the wood planks texture and i'm just going to select the diffuse hold down the control key and click on the normal and roughness so you just need to use these three maps it comes downloaded with a couple more but just use the roughness normal and diffuse then you can click on printable texture setup and what it's going to do is going to automatically set up the texture for us now if you're somewhat of a beginner to blender and you don't know how to properly set up materials i think this is a very important skill to learn so if you don't know how to properly set this up then you could go check out some tutorials i'm sure there's some other tutorials on youtube on how to properly set up a material but because i set up materials all the time this is going to really speed up my workflow so now that i've done that you can see that it automatically sets up the wood texture and it looks very realistic so i'm just going to scale this down now so we can see a little bit more of the texture maybe bring it over a little bit i'm going to go back into the layout here and press z and move my mouse down so i can see the texture very easily i'm just going to rotate it maybe a little bit so i'm going to press r and z rotate it over so it's a little bit more on an angle now something i noticed is i think that this entire lip right here is coming out a little bit too much you can leave it if you want i'm just going to tap into edit mode here and then hold down the alt and shift key and select these different loops just scale it down just a little bit more just subtle stuff here i'm just kind of tweaking it i like that a little bit better and then i'll just move this over a little bit there we go all right now to make the cocoa look a little bit more realistic i want to have it coming up just a tiny bit on the edges and also coming up just a tiny bit on the edges of the objects because that's kind of what liquid does if you look at a glass really close up where you look at an object usually the water kind of comes up on the side it's almost like liquid has a little bit of skin to it you may have heard that saying how like water has kind of skin to it so let's go ahead and do that so i'm going to be doing sculpting now you don't need to use a drawing tablet i'm actually not going to be using my drawing tablet for sculpting you could use a drawing tablet if you wanted to but it's pretty easy so i'm just going to be using my mouse to sculpt it so i'm just going to select the hot cocoa just zoom in here and then on the modifiers here i'm going to add modifier i'm going to add a subdivision surface i'm going to crank all these up to six so that's very high detailed and then press ctrl a so now if i tab into edit mode you can see that has a lot more detail and we can use that to sculpt so with this selected i'm going to go over to the sculpting mode just zoom over here and then what i'm going to do is go down here turn on the dyn topo and what this will do is it'll add geometry as we sculpt so i'm going to turn this on press ok and then click on here to open it the detail size right now it's set to 12 i want to set this to maybe like four or something like that and then i'm just going to use the basic draw brush so what i'm going to do now is make my brush a little bit bigger i'm going to press f to make my brush bigger and then one more thing here the strength i want to turn the strength way down so that it's not very strong now i'm just going to click and drag and start to add this just making just a little bit of an edge there so that the water looks like it's kind of coming up i might turn the strength up just a little bit more so it's a little bit easier i'm just going to keep on going all the way around the edge here and then also you can hold down the shift key and sculpt and that'll just smooth it out just a tiny bit this definitely would be easier on a drawing tablet but because it's not going to take very long i'm not going to bother i'm just going to use my mouse and then we're also going to add a little bit of bump kind of have it coming up on the cinnamon stick and then also the marshmallows as well so just keep going around okay hold down the shift key and kind of smooth that out just a tiny bit kind of smooth out right where it's kind of transitioning to going up and then i'm gonna also sculpt right here i think i'll make the strength a little bit bigger actually and just go along the sides here i know this is really subtle but it is going to make a difference it'll just make it look a little bit more photorealistic something like that and then let's go ahead and do it for here too so i'm just gonna go around here make it just a little bit lumpy take a look at that something like that maybe just make it a little bit stronger hold down the shift key smooth it out just a tad and there we go okay this is going to be it i'm not going to do much more than this you can see what i've done here so now if i go back into the layout you can see what it's looking like i'm going to shade this object smooth all right so let's go ahead and do the material for the cup now so i'm going to select the cup and go into the shading tab i'm going to click on new and call this cup now i want this to be a red cup but i do want to add that snowman texture that we downloaded from pixabay so i have my file browser on another screen and what i'm going to do is just drag and drop the snowman texture right here and then what i'm going to do is plug the color up to the base color now you can see that right now it's just black that's because we haven't uv unwrapped it so what i want is i want the snowman texture to only be right here so i'm going to tab into edit mode press 3 to go to the face select hold down shift and only select the faces that you want the snowman to be on so maybe just like that okay so i only want the snowman to be right here i'm going to zoom in here let me just uh what i'm going to do is press ctrl spacebar with my mouse right here and that's going to make it full screen i can also press 5 on the number pad to go into orthographic view just zoom in here like this and then i'm going to press u and that'll bring up the unwrap settings and i'm going to click on project from view and there you can see the snowman it's been placed right onto the cup but the snowman is too big right now so i'm going to go to the uv editing uv editing tab i'm just going to press a to select this press s and scale it up bring it down a little bit if i press z and move my mouse down you can see the snowman i'm just going to scale it up and move it into place now you can see that it's tiling the texture so there's another snowman next to it but there's a pretty easy fix for that so i'll just show you how we'll do that so just uh don't worry about the tiling just make the snowman however big you want you can just go into the camera mode and i like how that is okay i'm gonna go back to the shading right here and then to make the snowman so he's not tiling this repeat here i'm gonna change this to clip and now the snowman is not tiled so there's only one snowman okay now it's black right now and i want to make it red so what i want to do is i want to mix the snowman texture with the red material i'm going to mix them together so to do this i'm going to press shift a and i'm going to search for a mix rgb just drop it right in here and then i want to move this down to the bottom one and the top one here let me just plug this in the top one here i wanted it to be that red color so i'm going to click on this i'm going to make it kind of a reddish color not too saturated make it a little bit dark something like that not super saturated kind of over here maybe slightly ever so slightly orangey or brownish something like that kind of a festive winter kind of color but you can see that right now it's just blending these two together if i go into rendering mode you can just see it's just evenly blending them together so i need to tell it where it's going to be the snowman and where it's going to be the red what's really awesome about this texture is that you can see if i control shift and click twice you can see it's going to go to this alpha and you can see this is the alpha channel so where the black is that's transparent and then where the snowman is that's white so we can use this as our factor to tell it where to be read and where to be the snowman so take this alpha plug it into the factor here and then ctrl shift and click on this you can see now the snowman is the snowman and the red is red so that's really good if we control shift and click back on this there that's exactly what we want now i do want to add a tiny little bump to make this look like it's kind of bumping out of the snowman so what i'm going to do is take the alpha here plug it into the normal and then press shift a add a bump drop it in there and then again this needs to be up to the height and then the strength here i think i'll just change it to like two and now you can see if i go into rendered mode it just looks like there's a little bit of a bump right there you can see there it is it's very subtle but it will help just a little bit sweet there we go so there is our snowman with our cup now i want the cup to be very shiny but i don't want the snowman to be super shiny so to change this what i'm going to do is again use this alpha and plug the alpha into the normal and now you can see that the snowman is not shiny at all and the cup is like super super shiny now i want to play around with these values because i want to make the zoom in a little bit shiny and the cup a little bit less shiny so i'll press shift a here i'm going to search for a color ramp drop the color ramp right in here in between the connection between the alpha and the roughness and then if i control shift and click on it you can see what it's doing so it's white and black what i want to do is let me just ctrl shift click back on this this black value if i click on this color and change it you can see it's going to change how rough it is so if i go into rendered mode here i can just change this so i can make it a little bit uh more gray and that way it's going to be just a little bit less rough and then this white here this is going to change how shiny the snowman is so i want it to be pretty shiny but not super shiny so i'll make it kind of like this just kind of a gray color kind of in the middle so there we go there is the cup one last thing that i want to do is i want to make the inside of the cup white so with the cup selected i'm going to click plus to add a new material i'm going to click on new and i'm going to call this like white cup i'm going to make it super shiny so just turn this way down and then i will tab into edit mode because i need to tell it where i want the white to be i'm going to alt select this and then alt and shift and select this i have the face select enabled and then let me just go into wireframe it's a little bit hard to see this because of the uh subdivision surface modifier so i'm just going to click over here on the modifiers i can just click on this and that way it'll hide it and then i'll hold down alt and shift and click on this loop right here i can turn this back on now so i can see it let's just go back to the materials right here and then with the white cup selected and this selected i'm going to press assign now if i go into rendered mode you can see that the white is on the inside and if you wanted to you could just turn down the roughness a little bit more okay i'm going to go back to the layout now and before we continue with the modeling of the other objects i want to make the lighting look a little bit nicer so i'm going to press shift a and i'm going to add a plane for the light now if you're doing this in blender ev it would probably be better to use a area light i'm just going to add a plane right here rotate it over scale it up i'm going to click on the materials click on new i'm going to change the principled to an emission so it emits light right up here a mission bring that over just something like this so what i want to do is i want to have this side be kind of a warm light maybe look like a fire light or something and make it a little bit yellow and then over here i want this to kind of be a cool cold kind of blue snowy light maybe like there's a window here and there's some some cool light coming in from the outside so this one here i'm going to change the strength to maybe like 30 and then i want to make it just a tad bit yellow just a tad bit kind of a yellowy orange color if i go into rendered mode now you can see how that's looking almost looks like there's a warm fire on the side here over here okay looks pretty nice i'm going to press shift d bring this over and if you're using a different light like if you're doing this in ev then yeah just uh duplicate the light move it over here this one i want to change this to maybe like a 40 on the strength and then this i'm going to have just a tiny bit blue kind of a dark blue if i go into rendering mode you can see what it's doing maybe i'll make that a little bit stronger of a blue color oh and you can see they're both blue and that's because this is using the same material so i need to make these separate materials so i'm going to click on this yellow one here click on this actually i'll name this call it blue light then i will click on this to duplicate it call it uh yellow light and then this one i'll change this back to maybe like a 30 and then make it a yellow colored light there we go so now we have that nice warm light here and then kind of a cool blue light on the other side and then i think that it would look nicer if this uh wood texture was a little bit darker so i'm gonna click on the plane here on the wood go to the shading tab and then i want to just edit the color a little bit so i'll just press shift a search for an rgb curves just drop the rgb curves right in here and then on the c just drag this down a little bit you can see it'll make it a little bit darker and a little bit richer all right this is really starting to make our scene look really nice i really like that lighting setup so let's go ahead and do the material for the hot cocoa so i'll just select the hot cocoa click on new i'm gonna call it i'm going to call this material hot cocoa there we go hot cocoa and let's go over to the shading tab i'm just going to zoom into it and start to do the materials for it so i'm going to press shift a and i'm going to add a noise texture just add the noise texture in right here and then i'm going to ctrl shift and click on it so we can preview what it's doing and i really like how it kind of looks like it's rotating around those areas i think it just looks really cool and it looks kind of like a liquidy watery kind of material now the scale here i'm going to change this to maybe like a 15. the detail i think i'll turn this up to something around maybe like five and then the distortion i'm going to turn this to up to somewhere around 0.9 something like that you can turn it up more if you like and this gives a very watery look you can just see how it's kind of rotating randomly like that and then let's plug the color into the base color then if i ctrl shift and click on it you can see it now this doesn't look like cocoa yet and that's because we need to make it a nice brown chocolatey color so i'll press shift a i'm going to search for a color ramp just add the color ramp right in here and then we can tell it what color it's going to be so this black color i want to make it kind of a darker brown very nice chocolatey dark brown and then this one right here click on the white one and change it to a light brown so that way there's a little bit of color change i'm going to make this a bit lighter something like that okay if i control shift and click on it i can see what it's looking like if you want to pull around the values you can also do that as well make this maybe just a tiny bit brighter okay let's control shift and click on it i think that's pretty good i think i might turn the scale up a little bit more maybe to like 18. now liquid is usually very reflective so the roughness here i'm going to turn that down i'll turn the roughness almost to zero just make it like a .05 or just something like that really small so it's pretty reflective and then because we made it more reflective it looks a little bit darker so i think i might want to select the materials just notch them up a little bit brighter and then i do want this to contribute to the bump just a little bit so this color i'll plug it into the normal here press shift a once again search for a bump node drop it in here and then once more the normal needs to go into the height so this color here plug it into the height and now you can see uh it's too strong right now if i control shift and click on this you can see too strong so i'm going to make this a lot less strong something like a .05 so it's very subtle if i control shift and click back on the principle you can see there it is and i really like it looks like the you know the wisps of coco and stuff are kind of moving around there all right now let's go ahead and make the material for the marshmallows so i'm just going to select one of the marshmallows give it a new material just call it marshmallow all right and for this material the base color i'm just going to make it a tad bit yellow just very subtle just a tad bit yellow i think it will just make it look a little bit nicer and then also i want to give it a tiny bit of subsurf so the subsurf here i'm just going to turn this up to like a 0.1 and then the subsurface color right here i'm going to change this to kind of a reddish pinkish tanish color so this is going to be very subtle but the subsurface is just going to make the marshmallows look a little bit softer and the light is going to go through them just a tiny bit very subtle but it will help and then let's just add a tiny little bump because the texture isn't super smooth i'm going to press shift a here search for a noise texture once again we'll just drop the noise texture right here and then let's press ctrl t with the noise texture selected that'll add the texture coordinate and mapping plug the object into the vector so that the noise texture is mapped around the marshmallow a little bit better then if i ctrl shift and click on the noise texture you can see what it's doing so the scale here i'm going to turn this up a bit to about a 10 something around there and then the detail i want to turn this all the way up to 16 so that it's nice and detailed and then the distortion i'm just going to turn this up to like a 0.1 just very tiny little bit of distortion let's plug this factor into the normal shift a once again we're going to add a bump drop that in there and then the factor needs to go to the height instead of the normal and then if i control shift and click on it that's going to be way too strong you can see that's really rough so the strength here i'm just going to turn this way down to like a 0.2 so it's very subtle but just gives a little bit of texture there and then the subsurface i think that this is actually a little bit too strong so i'm just going to turn this down even less and then this color make it even a little bit more subtle just very subtle there okay let's go ahead and add this marshmallow material onto the other marshmallows by just clicking here and dropping the color on to the other marshmallows all right this scene is really starting to come together let's go ahead and do the material for the cinnamon stick so i'll just select this let's go file and save again i'm going to click on new just call this cinnamon and now let's press shift a once again i'm going to add a noise texture because the noise texture really helps and then again i'll just press ctrl t and plug the object up to the vector now i want to plug the factor up to the base color as well as the normal because i want to give the cinnamon stick a little bit of varying color so i'll press shift a here search for a bump fix that shading issue normal to height so now let's edit those colors because you can see this is just white and black so to speed up the process a little bit i'm just going to click back on the cocoa i'm going to click on the color ramp and press ctrl c on it i'll go back to the cinnamon and press ctrl v and then just drop it right in that connection you can see now it already is pretty close the strength here though for the bump i need to turn this way down so change it down to like maybe a 0.2 so it's a lot more subtle of a bump there and then i do want to make these darker so i'm just going to select these make the colors darker all right so we still need to add those chocolate chunks and those little chocolate sprinkles on the cocoa so let's go ahead and do that so this is pretty fun to make i'm gonna go back to the layout here just go into solid view i'm going to press shift a and i'm going to start out with a cube i'm just going to move this cube over press period on the number pad to zoom into it and i'll tab into edit mode let's press w so that we can subdivide it and i'm going to do this twice so subdivide it once press w again subdivide it again and then i'm going to be using this really cool blender add-on that's built into blender so to enable it i'm going to go to edit and go to preferences and then right here on the add-ons we can start typing in cell fracture so type c-e-l-l you can see there's the cell fracture just enable it by checking that plus and then to add this cell fracture on to our cube i'm going to press f3 to search and i'm going to start typing in cell and you can see there's the object quick fx cell fracture so you can just click on the cell fracture and all these settings are going to come up and it looks really complicated but it's actually not very complicated we're just going to leave all the settings to default except for the noise this noise right here i'm going to turn this all the way up to 1 and then just click on ok and now you can see it did a really cool thing if i just select the cube and just bring it away i can just delete the cube and you can see what it's done it's added another cube and it's broken it up into these little tiny pieces so we can use these for our chocolate chunks so i'm just going to grab some of these chocolaty bits and chocolaty chunks pull them out and then rotate them you can also just like box select some areas and rotate it out just kind of pull out this just find some pieces that work well for the chocolate bits so i'm going to be using about 10 of them so if you just want to go ahead and grab about 10 of them just bring them over here and then the rest of them will delete so just find some bits that are good for chocolate chunks like this piece this is really small but then like some really big pieces like that that's kind of too big so just find about 10 uh chocolate chunks i'm just going to search through the pieces here just bring them over i want to use this one i want to use this one's pretty good i'll use this one and i do like that the sides of them have that flat piece there so if you want to grab some of the side pieces here's a nice one okay i'm just going to select the others and press x and delete them so now we have 10 pieces of chocolate so i'm going to press 1 to go to front view and just bring these all up so they're all kind of next to each other and i'm also going to double tap r and kind of move them so that the bottom is flat so i'm just going to rotate these like this kind of make them all on the same level and double tap r so that the flat side or just find the flattest side you can and put that on the bottom there so we have 10 pieces of chocolate now i'm also going to go seven for top view and just align these so that they're straighter just so that they're easier to work with all right there we go 10 pieces of chocolate so let's go ahead and do the material for them so i'm going to select one of them click on new i'm just going to call this chocolate all right so we've just called that chocolate let's go into the shading tab just do some shading to the chocolate here i'm just going to press period on the number pad to jump over to the chocolate bits bring this up a little bit so what i want to do is i want to have some different colors within the chocolate bits because i don't want all the pieces to be the same exact color so what i'm going to do is press shift a and i'm going to search for object info just drag this right over here and then you can see that there's this random value if i drag this in here this way there's going to be a little bit of color change to all the different pieces so you can't really see this taking effect because this only has the chocolate material so i'm just gonna go back into layout here i'm gonna box select all the chocolate and then just hold down shift and make sure that this is the last one that's selected and then press ctrl l then we're going to click on materials and that way it's going to link all the materials to that one so they all have the same material now so if i go back into shading you can see that now they all have the chocolate material now you can see right now they're just kind of gray and white so we're going to press shift a and add a color ramp and that way we can change the different colors and make it some different shades of chocolate so this first one here i'm gonna make it a very dark brown almost purple um i think that looks really nice kind of a reddish kind of a reddish brown color i think it makes it look more like dark chocolate of course if you'd rather have milk chocolate or white chocolate or something you could do that as well i'm just going to make it a very dark color and then this white one here i'm going to have a lighter a lighter chocolatey color and you can see that if i just press z and move my mouse down you can see that these are kind of lighter whereas these are kind of darker now they're a little bit hard to see the varying colors so i'm going to click on this just make it a bit brighter now you can see some of the colors are lighter and some of the colors are darker now i want to add another color kind of in between here so click on the plus right here and this one i'm going to make maybe just a little bit of a less saturated brown so there we go if you go into rendered mode you can see you know we got some lighter pieces and some darker pieces i'm going to make this a little bit darker there we go so it's subtle but again realism has a lot of subtle things to it you know so there we go very subtle and then the chocolate is pretty smooth so i want to have it kind of shiny so this roughness here i'm just going to turn this down to maybe like a 0.15 so it's pretty pretty shiny maybe that's a little too shiny you could turn up the roughness just a little bit so to add them in our scene what i'm gonna do is go back to the layout here i'm just gonna box select all the pieces of chocolate and i'm gonna press ctrl g and that will add them in their own collection if you just click right here right behind me you can see it says creates collection there's a name right here and i'm going to change the name to chocolate you can't see it it's right behind me but just make the name chocolate so now these are grouped into their own collection and so we can use that in our particle system so let's go back over here head over back to our cocoa i'm going to click on the cocoa and then i'm going to go down here to the particle system let's go file and save this again and then i'm going to click plus to add a new particle system and i want this to be hair because i don't want it to emit chocolate i just want it to be chocolate bits on the top here so i'm going to click on hair and then uh yeah it looks like hair right now but we'll be changing this to the chocolate bits let's click on advanced and then also the number i want this to be maybe around 150. you can go ahead and change that later let's turn on rotation so check this and then on the render tab i don't want it to be rendered as path i want it to be rendered as collection and now if you go down here and it says instance collection that's what collection we want to use if you click on this you can see there is the chocolate collection that we made so if we add this there's all the chocolate bits and the chocolate bits are now placed on our cocoa so we want to play around with this because right now it's pretty random and they're also too big so let's go into the camera view i'm going to also move my mouse down while i press z to go into the material preview so the scale right here i want to make the scale a little bit smaller and then also the scale random i'm going to turn this all the way up to 1 so that there's a lot more random scale we can make it a little bit bigger now now it's not really realistic that they're just randomly placed around i want most of them to kind of be in the center because if someone you know chopped up some little bits of chocolate and then sprinkled them over they would kind of be more in the center so i'm going to select this let's just go over here what i'm going to do is i'm going to click on object mode and i'm going to go to weight paint what we can do here is we can actually paint where we want the chocolate bits to be so before we start painting i'm going to just scroll up here and i'm actually going to go over to the kind of wrench right here and here is our different settings for the weight painting so right here i want to turn the strength way down so it's very subtle and then i'm going to press f to make my brush bigger if you start to just tap around you can see it's starting to get green and basically what's happening is wherever it's blue it's going to tell it that there's not going to be any chocolate and then as it goes up from green to orange to red where it's red there's going to be the most amount of chocolate so just start tapping around here and you can see that nothing's happening what we need to do is go back to the particle system scroll down here and we need to tell it to actually use this thing that we're painting so let's go right down here to the vertex groups click right here and you can see there's a bunch of them we want to use the top one which is density because density is telling it where the chocolate bits are going to be so we're going to click on this and then you can see this group here this is the group that we just made this texture painting that we're doing right here so i'm going to click on the group and now you can see that wherever we paint in the weight paint mode the chocolate is going to go right on it so now you can just have fun go around just click on some different areas and just choose where you want the chocolate bits to be so i want them to be kind of in the center kind of more at the front so you can see it a little bit better and kind of some inside here you could also make let me just make the strength way less and then just tap in a few areas just that there's a few random pieces here and there but i want most of them to kind of be in the center there all right there we go so that looks pretty good i'm going to click back on here and go to object mode now if i go into rendered mode you can see that looks a lot more realistic so i still want to play around with a few more settings um i want to if i just click on the particle system the number you can change the number if you want to make a little bit more or a little bit less the scale i want it to be a little bit smaller overall and then i also want to change the rotation of these so if i click on the rotation tab you can see this is set to velocity hair i'm just going to leave that how it is the phase i'm going to turn up and the random phase i'm going to turn that up too and that way it's going to randomly rotate the chocolate around so it looks a bit more random now if you look way out it is a little bit small so i think i'll make the scale just a tiny bit bigger just a little bit bigger and then maybe make a little bit less really just play around with this and get it to what looks nice to you now if you don't like exactly where the pieces of chocolate are you can play around with the seed so right now the seed is on zero if you just click right here and change it it's just going to give you random seeds so it's just going to give you random seed values and just throw the chocolate around different places so you can just play with this and just get it to where you like if you didn't like the first one maybe i like 18 i'll just leave it at 18 but you can just totally play around with the seed values now i want those chocolate pieces to also be placed around the cocoa but i want them to be bigger chunks like actual squares of chocolate that you might eat so what i'm going to do is just click on these select them and i'm just going to press shift d to duplicate them and move them over and now that we've duplicated these i'm just going to move them over just move them right here kind of move them down so that they're resting on the plane here you could also scale them up and these are now separate from these ones so these ones are just going to leave how they are but these ones are separate so i can scale them rotate them and it's not going to affect those chocolate pieces in the cocoa so i'm just going to scale these up a bit bring them right down so they're just resting on the wood and now i can go to top view just grab them and just start to play around with where they are i'm just going to go like this you can also go into render preview mode and just kind of look around and just play around with where they are i'm just going to have a few chunks here a few chunks over here maybe add some chunks right down here like some little pieces of chocolate someone's cut up all right how's that looking pretty cool although these are coming out of the scene i'm just going to move these back a little bit move these in a little bit okay how's that looking okay that's still out of the scene so i'll just move this kind of like right here there we go oh that one looks delicious and i love dark chocolate i don't know about you but i love dark chocolate yeah okay you can't really see these so i'm just gonna move them just select all of them move them over a little bit there we go that's better let's save this again we go file and save and then if you want to duplicate them and add some more you definitely can do that also make sure they're kind of just barely going through the ground plane just like that okay i think i want to add like one piece of chocolate here so i'll just like duplicate this one and i'll press and then i'll just move it over rotate it now i would like more of the chocolate to be that darker color because you can see here let me just move this if i look at the chocolate you can see that most of it is the lighter chocolate and there's only a little bit of it it's the darker chocolate so really quick i'm going to change that i'm going to go to the shading tab and then let me just go into the camera view i can just take this middle one maybe make it a bit darker and also drag this out a little bit and that way more of the chocolate is going to be the darker color this piece it doesn't look like yeah it's floating something looks awkward about it just check to make sure the pieces aren't floating all right really awesome looking very delicious now i do want to do the same thing with the marshmallows so i'm just going to select the marshmallows shift d to duplicate them just kind of bring them down i think i want these to be a little bit bigger and then i'm just going to kind of place them around make them look nice just kind of place some yummy marshmallows just around here just place them wherever you want wherever it looks nice to you and make sure make sure they're not floating let me just yeah these are a little too high move these down a little bit there we go just keep on duplicating as many as you want to make the marshmallows all around maybe make a couple over here a couple different marshmallows let's see i want to maybe duplicate this one i hope you can't really see these so i think i'll maybe move them right over here and then i want to have a couple marshmallows maybe three more marshmallows over here so i'm just going to select a few different marshmallows duplicate them bring them kind of over here just kind of chilling out back here all right now before we render out this scene as a final image i do want to add a depth of field because that'll make it look a lot more realistic so i'm just going to go out here let me just go over and select the camera and then i'm going to actually click right here to set the 3d cursor i'll press shift a and i'm going to add an empty just add whichever one i'm just going to add a plain axis scale this down this is where the camera is going to be focusing on so the rest of it's just going to be a slightly blurred just make it look a little more realistic so i'm going to click on the camera now and then on the camera settings i can just click right over here and then you can just turn on the depth of field the focus object i'm going to click right here and you can start searching for empty and you can see there's the empty just select that and now if you go into the camera go into render mode you can see nothing's happening that's because we need to change the f-stop so if you make the number really small it's going to be super blurred if you make the number really big everything's going to be in focus so let's make it pretty blurred so that you know kind of the chocolate back here is just a little bit blurred i'm going to set it to maybe like a 0.2 but i like that you know those chocolate pieces are just a little bit in focus but the detail is really seen right in here you can see all that detail there and then kind of right here it's a bit blurred okay i'm going to render this out now before i render it let me just go over to the render properties right here i'm just going to go file and save this again so i'm going to render this out with 100 samples and then also if i just go down here you can see there's the light paths to make it render faster i can turn these down so total i'm going to turn to 2 diffuse i'm going to turn to 2 glossy i'm going to turn to 2 but then all the of the other light paths we don't need blender to calculate that kind of stuff so we can just turn it all off so this zero this zero this zero this one zero and then turn off these reflective and refractive caustics that'll just make render times a little bit faster let's go file and save this again and then you can press f12 to render out the image or just go render and render image all right and it finished now so i'm just going to do a few things in the compositor to just make the final image look really nice so i'm going to just jump over to the compositing tab right here i'm going to click on use nodes and then i can hold down control and shift and click on the render layers and you can see the image behind us now it's a little too big right now so i'm going to press v to zoom it out you can press alt v to zoom the background in and then v to zoom it out and if for some reason you don't see the background that's probably because you need to check the backdrop right here now this tool panel right here i'm going to press n to close that because i don't need it and then also this timeline i don't need that as well so i'm just going to click right here drag up drag down and then let go and that'll just close that okay let's just do a few things to make this image look really nice so we need to add a denoise because right now it's pretty grainy so i'll press shift a search for a denoise node drop it right here and then just plug that up to the other one and now it's going to denoise the image and it looks really nice now and then i just want to make the colors a little more contrasty to just make it pop a little bit more so i'll press shift a search for a rgb curves just drop the rgb curves right here and then this one here i'm just going to drag it down a little bit that'll make the colors a little bit darker and then if you drag it another dot just bring that up a little bit it'll just add a little more contrast make it a little bit brighter so a little bit darker there maybe drag down this a little bit more there we go just a little bit more contrasty and a little bit darker and then also i think i want to make the blue and red colors just pop a tiny bit so if i click on this r that's going to go to red i can just turn this value up just a tiny bit just and it'll just make the red values pop just a little bit and then the blue if i click on this that's going to go to the blue i can just drag that up just a tad it'll just pop out those colors just a little bit just makes the image look a little bit nicer okay and then i do want to add a glare to just make those edges kind of shine so i'll press shift a search for a glare drop the glare right in there and you can see what it's going to do now you can see that it's adding a glow kind of right here in some places that we don't want so what we can do is we can turn this threshold value up i'm just going to turn it up a tiny bit let's turn it up a little bit more and you can see now it's going to be a little less bright because it's brightening up a lot of things and we don't want it to be quite that shiny and then i think i'll add another glare so i'll just select this press shifty to duplicate it and drop it right in here and this one i don't want it to be streaks i want it to be a fog glow so if i just change that to fog glow it's just going to make kind of a smooth glow over the entire thing if you want to change the threshold a little bit down that'll make it a little bit brighter now if you want to make the marshmallows not be quite as glowing you can go back to the layout here and then escape out of this by pressing escape click on one of the marshmallows and then just go over to the shading tab and what you should do is probably just make the base color just a tiny bit darker so they're not quite as bright so if i just zoom in here don't make it too dark because you don't want them to look you want them to still be bright like marshmallows but if you just make that a little bit darker and then re-render that totally optional you don't have to do that if you want to i'm just going to do that real quick and it'll make the marshmallows a little less shiny and glowing so i just went ahead and made the white material on the marshmallows a little less white and that way they're just a little less shiny so they're not glowing so much so now i might just turn the threshold down a little bit to get that shining a little bit more alright and the last thing that i want to do is add a vignette so that's just a little bit of darkness around the edges and it'll bring the scene together and bring your eyes into the center of the scene so to do this i'm going to press shift a search for an alpha over node just drop the alpha overnode right in here and then i need to press shift a i'm going to search for a box mask just drop the box mask right down here i'm just going to bring these up so that they're not really in the way kind of bring them out a little bit all right now i'm going to ctrl shift and click on the box mask so we can see what it's doing and i need to drag these out these values right here i can hold down shift and drag them out and that'll make slow movements and i'm just going to bring them out bring them up a little bit and basically what we're doing is we're making a little black frame around the view so now if i press shift a i can search for a blur node because we want to blur that because right now the frame is way too black and contrasty so if i blur that you can see what it's doing so it's just starting to add a little bit of a dark area around the scene so now this image here on the blur i can drag that into the factor and then if i control shift and click on the alpha over we need this glare to be on the bottom one because that is the render layers and you can see what it's doing so it's making it all white here i don't really want that i want it to be black so this top image i can make it black or any color that you want and there we go now it really blur now it really brings your eyes into the center of the scene um i don't want it to be that dark though so on the blur here i'm going to turn the blur up a little bit and that'll make it a bit less strong there we go and then also if you want to play around with like this maybe make it just a little bit bigger so there's a little bit less of a vignette all right if i click back on this now you can see what it's doing looks really nice just adds that kind of dark area around the sides i think i'll just blur it a little bit more just to make it a little bit less visible and then i can just ctrl shift and click on the denoise and that'll preview the final image so there we go there is the final image let's go ahead and save this so i'm going to click on the rendering tab right here and then this is the render result i want to see the viewer node so we can see what the final render looked like so i'm going to click on this go down to viewer node select that and there we go there's the final image now to save this just go image and click on save as i'm just going to save this as final cocoa render and click on save as image so there we go there is the finished tutorial this was really fun to make and i really enjoy the final result it's really making me look forward to christmas so christmas is almost here it's december 8th 2020 as i film this video so thank you all for watching i really hope you enjoyed this tutorial i hope you're able to follow along i know it has been a bit of a long tutorial but hopefully you enjoyed the process so merry christmas everyone i hope you have a great christmas day thank you so much for watching if you want to show me your finished result you can leave a link in the comments and i'd love to see your finished tutorial result thank you so much for watching merry christmas and i will see you in a future [Music] video
Channel: Ryan King Art
Views: 9,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan King Art, Blender Tutorial, Blender, Ryan King, Art, Hot Coacoa, Chocolate, Candy, Christmas, Merry Christmas, Tutorial, 3d art, rendering, modelling
Id: gfjmpkfDXKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 47sec (4607 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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