How to Make a Beer in Blender

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get everyone and welcome to another blender guru tutorial in this tutorial we're gonna be making a beer that's right oh you alcoholics out there can can bring it over to the computer so this is the finished result that you can see on your screen it's essentially a lesson in volumetrics and reflections transparency and all that stuff that can get a little bit difficult so this is the finished scene you can see right here so a very basic lighting setup and and this is the what the beer is made of so we've got a glass and we've got this thing which is where all the froth is kind of built up and this is the actual froth itself and then we have the liquid inside of that as well as some bubbles so I'm gonna be showing you how to do all of that right now so go ahead and open up a new scene in blender alright so first things first we're gonna make the glass so you can go ahead and delete your default cube and your lamp now for the glass we're going to be using a cylinder as the base model surprise surprise now for the cylinder I'm going to be using I'm gonna scale it down to actual real-world sizes so over here in the options I'm using the metric system by the way which you can turn on over here now for the radius I'm gonna set this to be 2.5 centimeters which is roughly the radius of a beer glass and then the height is 10 centimeters which again is rough of the height or could be a glass or I don't know what you call a pint whatever the glass we're making by the way is called an Irish Imperial pint so there's a variety of different ones you can make so don't go dropping comments telling me I'm the beer glass is wrong because there's a hundred different types out there you can make whatever you like alright so I've got the I got the cylinder down here it's is now resting on the grid floor plane and by the way if you want you can also because look at the size of the grid floor in comparison with Glaus town that's kind of crazy so let's just set the scale of the scene the grid floor to be 0.1 so it's a little bit more sort of easier to judge distances anyway it looks like alright so delete the top plane delete the bottom plane which it could have done in the settings but anyways okay so we've got a nice cylinder now we want to use a reference photo now it's always good to use a reference photo for modeling anything we could model this glass just basing off our rough memory but it always looks better if you are using an actual reference photos so I'm gonna be using this one by Mike Rawlings of Flickr had to hunt for these images for you guys make sure it's Creative Commons licenses anyways alright so drop it in the background here oh yeah you can get this image of blended guru as well by the way okay so we just want to line this background image up with our glass not the other way around you want the glass to remain where it is so let's just go point point zero eight seven there we go oh look at that oh I already know the measurement it's cool alright and I'm just gonna drag the top of the glass up to there now you can see it doesn't properly match up because the the image is a little bit tilted and whatever but it's close enough we're just getting a basic geometry right now you can see if I hide this glass the way this glass works is it it's it's biggest at the sort of 3/4 of the way up sort of bulges then it tapers off in them towards the top and then it's got sort of like a waist here like it sort of squishes in and then it comes out towards the bottom there so a nice soft curve it's kind of like the coke bottle which fun fact by the way they design the coke bottle to look like a woman's figure hmm think of that next time you drink another one so ok so I'm just putting in the very basic sort of shape like that and then we got another loop cut right here where it's gonna tape it inwards okay now you can see it's not lining up but when we use the subsurf modifier over here and set it to smooth you can see that it's sort of uh it looks pretty good it's not too bad and in fact in my case I'm actually just gonna make this a little bit more extreme so to make it hug in a little bit more and the base I'm gonna drag that out a little bit that's just I don't know if you have a look online and you just type in beer glasses into Google you'll see like a whole bunch different glasses this is the Irish Imperial pint and I find this is uh sort of has a more extreme waist which I sort of like alright for the bottom here because we got to close this off and if you just use a face like just hitting F you can see that looks absolutely Harley at all sorts of horrible shading artifacts so instead of that what we're gonna do is we're gonna extrude it inwards all the way in almost touching a right about there and then we're gonna make some loop cuts and we're just making loop cuts enough so that those are squares basically around that edge there and that's it and then you won't of course make that a little face like so and look at that that looks a lot nicer than what we just had all right and then finally we also want to add a loop cut just for this base here so there's some nice and tight at the bottom there and then also you can see if I hide this you can see that the top of this glass here has sort of a little bit of a rim to it right like so that your brain knows in its drunken state where to put your mouth as it hits the glass you know so for this for this rim I'm gonna add a loop cut drag that up there alright see and then another loop cut all right there and now you're wondering why I did - I'll just show you in a moment hold your horses we're gonna use a so lit a fire modify hey so that adds thickness to our mesh right it looks pretty cool now looks like it's made of uh whatever will set the thickness to one millimeter all right so that's that's what I found to be roughly around about the you know the thickness of a gloss about one millimeter okay and once you've done that you can go ahead and hit apply okay so now with that extra little loop cut that I just did there what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab these two edge loops right here I'm gonna scale them out and then for this middle one I'm gonna scale it in and there you go you've basically got that little rim there and you can sort of tighten it up a little bit so it looks a little bit nicer you can maybe even actually I don't do that that's terrible okay so something like that just to give it a little bit of an edge and then it's little details like that little help it'll help you win prizes and solve all your life's problems no I just makes you render look a little bit nicer okay cool so we are going to use the reference photo again right now because right down here at the bottom you can see that all glasses have this solid thick glass base so it's it's a millimeter all the way down and then the bottom here inch thick glass I'm sure an engineer or a glass maker or whatever who somebody's watching will be able to tell you why I'm pretty sure it's just so the glass doesn't smash when you hit it against the table but every glass seems to have one of these so I'm grabbing and make sure you're grabbing the inside part as well not the outside so the inside and I'm just gonna pull that up to be about there all right and then I'll just make this because it's not perfectly lined up like that and then you also know just so that this one millimeter is consistent all the way through I'm just gonna scale that in just a little bit and same with this one right there okay now for this you'll notice that a lot of glasses have like a little bit of a dip in the bottom like I sort of round it off so very subtle effect but it's again little things like that that'll make your life is cook complete so with this base here I've just hit everything else I am a turn-on proportion or fall off set it to sharp like this and then pull this up likes nice alright bring all that mesh back okay now we should have yep we have that one extra loop there there we go okay and that's almost good we want to have the thickness I'm getting into details here which I probably shouldn't I should just get to the meat of it but I'm just want to make sure that it's gonna look good so that when I finish people don't say it looks nothing like the footage render should do it again okay so we can hide the reference photo now you can delete it and good to go alright let's do some let's do some rendering okay so the lighting setup is fairly basic for this as I said at the start at the on the bottom there is a mirror floor okay so we get a reflection off the glass so that's easy to do a plane with ooh a glossy shader how about that and a value of one so it's pure pure mirror alright now for the back plate what I want to do is I want to use a texture so an image which it's it's I'll just show you it alright so in order to add this you want to go to your add-ons and if you haven't got it switched on by default already switch on the import images as planes alright and once you've done that hit shift a and then go images as planes the reason you do that by the way is so that when you import an image it's to the exact dimensions of your image you don't add a plane first then apply the texture and it's all wrong and you have to try and match it up okay so we're using this texture right here and that is gonna look good behind the glass and down here in the settings you want to make sure the material settings are set to emission okay and then click import images as planes so now we have this big plane here oh by the way you can get that image again off blender guru so this is a it's a custom texture that I sort of created using one of my own textures and modified it in Photoshop so that it has that look to it okay so with the camera oh we haven't even set the camera but anyways front on I found that a lot of like drink advertisements they do this they have in the background it's this bright light which is shining through and then in the edges it's sorta like this really heavy vignette and it's really consistent with a lot of drink advertisements and it just looks good like with that light shining through the liquid it always looks great and this is textured just for the sake of giving a little bit of texture in the background and I've used a warm orange color because that works well with beer and you know it keeps it an analogous sort of color scheme alright talk about getting into too many details let's let's let's go to the know that it's out now when we use that import images as planes thing it set the the strength of the plane here to be ease camera rate which means it won't affect any reflections or anything so you want to go ahead and just delete that and when you do that you'll notice that it's now affecting the mirror which is good and I'm gonna turn the strength up to be yeah about that okay so nice and bright okay so now for the glass itself alright let's call this glass and guess what shade are we're gonna use oh yes in time it's the glass shader of course and that's pretty much it look at that looks like glass you'll notice it looks a little bit tinted a little bit dark so that's because this is not pure white yet so turn up the value to one and now that it's pure glass pure glass what TV show is that from that is Breaking Bad yes alright okay now oh yeah I just sorry in that little what I was doing then I position the camera front on by hitting ctrl alt number pad 0 and that will just snap the camera to wherever your camera is this camera is too huge for the scene so let's set the size of that let's just make it 2 centimeters okay that's good now having this wide screen like this dimensions of this render would be stupid you never do that okay because what's the point in having a wide screen for an subject which is essentially vertical so what you want to do is you want to flip that aspect ratio so over here instead of 1920 by 1080 you want to go 1080 by 1920 okay so it's now widescreen vertical mode or basically most videos are recorded in nowadays unfortunately is that we're working on something to fix that you know the fact that uh all upload or most uploads now recorded in vertical screen mode and it looks horrible maybe YouTube has to fix it I don't know but so many quality video is ruined my vertical video anyways alright so I've scaled out this mirror plane here so that it touches the edge of our back plate there let's bring that back a little bit and that's important because when you do that I'll show you what it looks like before that go render view mode you can see there's like a cut-off you can see where there's clearly the edge of the mirror and then there's the back plate but you scale it up until they touch and look at that it's endless and it looks really nice so that's good okay so now for the actual lighting because we've only got this back plate is the light we want to have some lighting sort of on the front as well so I'm gonna be using an environment texture so go to the world settings and over here on color just click the little dot next to it and then select environment texture now this one that I'm using is one that I got offline sorry online off the internet it's a studio lighting setup so this is maybe a want to crash it anyway these are just likes to do basic lighting sort of looks alright now I think it is gonna crash the computer I didn't save don't crash I really should not have clicked that button it should be a fail-safe or something that I'll cancel this out but just crash huh oh oh we're back no okay turn it back off no all right I'll just pause this all right stupid blender was not cooperating anyways I'm using one called a teen HDR right these aren't mine then available under the Creative Commons license you can get it off blender eurocom you can download it right there anyways once you've added this this is what its gonna look like this is the reason we're adding it okay why don't like for it to load wait for it to load hit five and look at that so this is like it's a it's faking a studio lighting setup so that pack that studio lighting HDR set is just a variety of different sort of studio lighting setups and I found this one to work pretty good for this type of scene so you can see now the rim actually has some lights to it and it looks kind of nice so as well as that though we're just gonna have that lighting also gonna add in some physical lights as well just drag that across there and I'm gonna use a plane and I set this plane to be an emission shader and this is gonna be just a typical sort of big old studio light over in the background all right something like that I'm gonna scale that up so it's nice and long I want to get a nice long streak down the edge of this be a gloss so let's set the strength of that to seven there you go now you can kind of see it that's cool and I'm gonna make it slightly blue the reason for that is that light like this especially studio lighting it's never really pure white it always if it looks white it generally has a little tint of blue to it so that's just a little tip there for you for future reference so that's pretty good and then I'm gonna add another one on this side pretty good and let's shrink that down this one is just gonna be on the top sort of rim of the glass there it's not gonna be as strong so set it to its own separate material and let's set the strength of that to two so I'm just adding a little touch there on the edge there and the HDR lighting setup does help which is why we added it of course we're just wasting time we are we're adding extra lights to make it look more realistic essentially just I don't know personal preference I found this little lighting setup to look pretty good okay cool let's lighting done so now we can actually get into the fun stuff which is the beer itself what's the glass without some beer a Hey all right so for the for the liquid I apologize for my terrible jokes this for the liquid some people would say that the way to make liquid in a glass is to set a separate material like you do something like this you select that part of the mesh and then you make it a separate material don't do that that's a terrible idea it will just look awful I don't know why okay yeah I don't you expecting a why baby it will just look awful all right what you want to do is you want to make it a separate object so selecting the inner parts like I have done right now just the inner parts hit shift D and then hit P to make it a separate object now I didn't select the whole thing all the way up to the top because this is where I want my liquid to sit okay you can go higher or lower depending on what you want I want to make it look like someone's had a sip out of mine all right all right so this top part here we want to close this off because it's it's going to be liquid right so we gotta close it off the exact same where we closed off the bottom by scaling inwards right inwards doing some loop cuts and then F in the middle all right and because as a lot of people will tell you on the internet a lot of people will tell you this the surface tension which is that when liquid sits in a gloss it's sort of like the edges of it are slightly higher right so I'm just grabbing this edge here I'm just moving it up a little bit and that's pretty much all you need to do um yeah hit shift and drag it all the way out to add a crease on that so you can actually see it there you go so that's what you're trying to get so a little bit of surface tension like that and you can move that out so it looks a little better and there we go okay great all right now this is the interesting part now there's a great article by Greg Shaw on adaptive samples dot-com I think I'll put it the link up there for you which has an article telling you all about fluid and how you're supposed to properly make fluid in a glass which I highly recommend checking out told you all about the space of air and liquid and whatever else but the conclusion is this what you need to do with your liquid is make sure that it is in between the edges of this glass here I've got too much on my plate it's optimal display there we go so I make sure that this is square in the middle of the width of your the thickness of your glass so it's right in the middle of it okay and it has to be that way all the way down so you want to scale everything ever so slightly like that just so that it's a little bit thicker than the inner layer of the glass but not thick enough that it's bulging through the outer edge I hope I'm making that clear all right so from the outside looks fine and on the inside it should it should be in the like in between the the thickness there okay now to test this out oh actually and before you move on this very important hit ctrl n which is the same as hitting recalculate normals okay because we want to make sure that the normals are facing outwards like that despite what that article will tell you the one ideas referenced you don't want this part here to be flipped in or anything like that because it will not work I've tried it it just will not work with cycles volumetrics which we're going to get to in a sec so okay volumes are the right way now let's get into the material of this liquid node editor now this is actually really easy to do just make a separate material for this glass here and let's just call this beer because we're gonna keep this glass shade of the way it is and we're gonna add in a volume absorption node so there's volume scatter there's volume absorption volume scada is when you want light to go through something and sort of keep its illumination keep it's what you call a luminescent like light going through fog for example or like going through a cloud that's when you use volume scatter volume absorption is when light is absorbed into it so things like hard plastic liquid for example so basically when light will taper off like if it's in a lake or something like that the further you go into the subject the the darker it will get that's when you use volume absorption so liquid we're using volume absorption and look at that we've got a little handy warning isn't that cool that was added in recently or not so recently but you know last few months we can't use it on the GPU so switch over now to CPU and then once you've done that connect this volume into the volume input okay so see that you've got the glass which is going into the surface input and then the volume absorption which is going into the volume input okay cool now the color of this now this I had a lot of you on Twitter telling me it was too yellow I'm people talking was too orange it's really up to you if you go into Google you type in beer you will see there is a variety of different colors you've got like thick dark beers like Guinness you got orangey one's almost reddish ones and then you got some ones that look like piss really so we're going for a yellowy orange one so I find a value a shoe of 0.1 3 works pretty well and the saturation as 1 the density I'm gonna set to be 65 okay this is one you want to experiment with of course but I found through experimentation myself 65 works well by the way the saturation does the exact same thing as the density so if you set this saturation to be 0.5 and then you turn this up to be double what that is then that would have the exact same result so keep the saturation at at 1 and then I just fill around with the density until it looks cool alright so density 65 we are now ready to do some rendering let's I haven't saved it yet let's save over that one that was my last tutorial attempt it failed all right um I'll change the tiles to be 16 by 16 so it renders faster and let's give it a quick render see how it goes alright that chili looks pretty good excellent now if you find if you get any sort of rings or artifacts or anything around here which I have done in the past what that means is that your liquid is is either too far in or it's too far out it's overlapping one of the two needs to be squarely in the middle which can be hard to do but if you have that that's the reason why so you have to fiddle with it until until you get it just right now in our render pull that back up you can see that at the top here it looks like some sort of bubble looking effect now that's because we want this part right here you can make that a separate object if you want but what I've found because I want to keep everything the same object is if you just select this edge here you can turn off the normals select the edge there and then hit control e and then select mark as sharp then add in an edge flip modifier turn off edge angle so it's only now applying it to just that edge right there and that's essentially now going to do the exact same thing it is just do another render here it's gonna treat that that top part that surface tension like it's a completely separate object essentially so look at that that looks it looks pretty cool I think oh yeah yeah you've got a little bit of looks almost like something weird is going on there it's not going through the glass or it is you know what let's just make it a separate object let's just see if that has any effect I did some tests so Leah and I found that it didn't really make a lick of difference but maybe in this case it is so I'm rendering it to a different slot this is handy when you want to uh have a look at different sayings no it's the exact same thing oh hey almost okay so maybe making its own separate object does have a slight difference but anyways okay so that's the surface tension that's the MIL part of the liquid now let's do the foam a the foam the least fun part now the foam is cool it's just hard to get the material right I spent a couple of days no actually a whole day just on the phone yesterday all right so I'm gonna take this top part here I'm just gonna duplicate it and save myself some time and then move this up remove that material and I'm now going to when I do let's go extrude yeah there we go okay so I forgot what I was doing there for a minute isn't that weird okay so I'm taking that whole thing I'm hitting s Z minus one which is now basically merited okay so if you now have a look at just this object we have what looks like a disk okay so that's exactly what we want turn off the edge split modifier okay so this is gonna act as our phone now it's up to you how much foam you use a lot of different beers we'll have a you know a whole head of foam others will have you know just a little bit resting on the top there it's really up to you this is the amount that I'm using you can do whatever you want it's kind of funny when people you know have a look at your render and go the foam is not enough or the the color of the beer is wrong there's like well maybe you only drink one type of beer perhaps that's my only guess because there's a lot of different types of beer as I learned I'm not an alcoholic I don't even like beer actually okay what I've just done there when I was is rambling turned on random proportional editing fall off and now we've got like this ruffled up kind of surface alright now for this middle pipe here I'm going to turn on smooth fall-off and now I'm gonna smooth out just the middle there like that okay so from the front it sort of looks a little bit bumpy like that and you can do a little bit more tweaking if you like let's bring back the whole thing like you can sort of pull that down that far okay maybe this one here as well yeah and you can just experiment with it add more or less bumps whatever you like okay it's really only visible from the front now that's why I'm only filling with that part okay so that's all good let's bring back everything else okay so for the material the tricky part this is one that took me forever to figure this stuff out as I said yesterday I just spent forever trying to do the foam and yeah I wasn't really getting anywhere anyways today I sort of nailed it so this is what we do we're gonna keep the diffuse shader but we're gonna combine it with a sub surf scattering node and you might be wondering Andrew why aren't we using their very newly added volume scatter node you could do that if you like you can go ahead and drop that in and have some fun with that I have found it doesn't work that well for this type of thing this is really what subsurface scattering is for it's for something like this it's like a it's a liquid real type thing in which light is gonna pass through it have a look at some reference photos you'll see it it's like brightest where the light is and then it slowly fades off this is really what subsurface scattering is for so that's why we're gonna use it or combining it with the diffuse shader and we're gonna use add so that we get the benefits of both diffuse and subsurf now the downside to using the add shader is that it basically multiplies the brightness so instead if there's just looking like Y it's gonna look like blinding Colgate extra whitening extreme really bad white so you want to turn this down to be a bit of a gray color and then through the power of the add shader it's now gonna make it look white okay so let's just let's have a look at that let's test if my theory is correct let's move that to its own layer and let's move the lighting everything else to lay down there okay and let's give a preview render and there we go okay that's that so you don't too bad that was pretty good first go around how about that huh uh where's the sampling gosh these menus huh yeah a little bit more yeah there we go so that looks pretty much like fun it's not too bad oh the scale of course you got to get the scale right there we go now it's uh it's too white all right so let's turn the diffuse one down because the diffuse is sorta like the outer surface of it so I'm turning that one down first and then this volume the color there so this scale is sort of like how big is your object how quickly do you want the light to fall off leaving it at the default buy of one is sort of good for like a real sized Apple maybe but not something like this so you can see that now looks really a lot more like fun now you can add a lot more bumps you can add bubbles to it like I did for my final render as well we're gonna be adding bubbles later so you just essentially repeat the same steps if you want I'll leave this as is because it actually does look pretty fine as it is so bringing back the glass now for the stuff the the residue around the glass here this is something that took me forever to figure out yesterday and I was fiddling with particles and I was rendering forever as it turns out the best way to do it is to actually use an image texture so this is what we're gonna do take the inner part of the glass this one be stupid come on there we go alright the inner part of the glass shift D and hit P so it's own separate thing and then make sure the normals are actually pointing inwards as they are okay now with this what we're going to do is we're gonna add a separate material to it and we're gonna call this beer residue now as I said the best way to do it is to use an image detection and what we want to have is the effect of basically somebody's had a sip out of the beer and it's got a little bit of the foam and the gunk still clinging to the outside of the glasses as you will see when you have a look at reference photos like these are example there's a very different varying different types of what can appear on the outside you know in the residue I found or actually through a lot of research and having a look a lot of images the if the glass has been cleaned properly this is kind of cool you'll notice when you go next time you go drinking with your friends or most of you won't because you're probably still in school but beer that is in a glass that has been cleaned properly the whenever you have a sip there'll be like a clear line of foam around where the foam used to sit if the glass wasn't cleaned properly then the foam will all slide down so you won't actually get any residue on the glass so what I did was I went into Photoshop and I painted this this thing right here which if we now go to the image editor I'm gonna add a cut a seam and I'm doing it deliberately on that edge there because that is where the camera won't see it okay so add a seam right there and then let's go unwrap you can get this image by the way on Blender guru com and there we go so this is it now you can see that it's sort of skewed this the shape of it we want it to look like flat vertical lines so I'm gonna use you and instead of hitting unwrap I'm going to select cylinder projection and once I've done that it's essentially just a matter of making sure this is roughly you know the size of these rectangles here are the size of these rectangles here so a little bit of uh you know stretching like that okay down to them Oh key dokey okay cool so that lines up pretty well now back to our node editor so we added this as the image texture now to make this effect so the way it's we want there this part here to be invisible except for that image texture so we're gonna add in a mixed shader and then combine that with a transparent shader so we've got the diffuse with the transparent and a mixed shader and then we'll take the output from our image texture which is pure black and white and put that into the factor input so now if you go non-colored data let's just have a look at that we should now see if everything has gone well that uh we should just see the the foam now you can see that some parts of it look like they're hugging the edge of the glass which is good and another part aren't so actually I don't really thought about this until now but I guess if the residue is on the inner part of the glass it shouldn't actually have unlike the liquid which needs to be in between it it should actually be sort of on the inner part so not actually against the glass I'm gonna try that alright because this has got a subsurf on its kind of smooth so we need to have for this part here need to have an extra edge loop here and then just scale this this extra piece down there inwards all right and now with that I'm now gonna go scale that in a little bit just to about there all right now let's have a look at that all right this should hopefully sure that residue about there I think yeah that does make sense actually because it would be on the inner part of the glass it wouldn't actually be visible sort of on the outer part maybe I don't know no I mean you can have everything ready before a tutorial and then as you're teaching it you guys actually right I'm gonna put it on the in part of the glass you guys can argue in the comments as to which one is actually right I don't have a beer next to me so I can't actually tell you which is true anyways I'm going with this one right here now one thing to note if you have a look at this you will see that it is very very noisy unlike the rest of the render which is fairly clean the reason it is noisy is that the glass is basically the light is passing through this glass and it's trying to cast shadows on everything inside the glass through the glass so basically trying to I don't know create fake caustics or whatever it would be would be doing and that's almost never actually needed so this is the way to to get around that with our glass selected and the material we're gonna add in a transparent shader with a mix a derp drop this in there and then a light path no now this light path note I don't have time to get into it cuz I'm already going over 40 minutes we want it to basically we want to use the East shadow ray and is diffuse ray so to combine those two I'm gonna use a math node leave it set to add combine the ear shadow ray with the YZ diffuse ray and then we're gonna put that in there so what's that now gonna tell blender is that if whatever object it's hitting is if if it's a shadow which is being cast through it treat it like it's completely transparent if it's diffuse such as like this treat it like it is completely transparent everything else meaning whatever is viewable to the camera whatever is viewable off a reflection treat it like it's actually glass but everything else is shadow range that is gonna be completed as transparent okay so now if we give it a preview render we should see there we go everything is a lot less noisy the lights coming through a lot clearer everything's a little bit brighter and yeah it's not the horrible noisy mess that it was earlier now the light over here on this part of the froth isn't really getting the full effect as it is over here when in actuality it really would in real life because the light also would be passing through the glass on this side as well so the way to fix that is essentially what we want to have is we want to have the diffuse shader which is currently where all the light is coming from but we also want to have a guess what it is translucent shader okay so the translucent allows light to pass through an object so we're now going to use an ADD shader node which means of course when we do that everything's gonna be super bright so let's turn it down again it's got a point five and point five on that one all right that is a little bit better there we go the lighting is coming through a little bit on that side and also we don't want the froth to look like I don't know someone squirted gf4 you know guys know what Jeff is named ace toothpaste it looks really super hardcore caked on there like pee I should just say paint instead we want to look like froth all right so we want to add in a transparent shader and mix it with everything else so we can just use this mix slider here so if you want more transparency just turn that up and then if you want less here just turn it down so I think something like that I guess should be good for mine I actually did something a little bit even fancier and you don't have to do this in fact I'd advise that you don't because this is just too much work I used a noise a noise texture and then I used the noise texture to control this and what that does is it makes it look like there's actually little bubbles inside it so let's just have a look at that and see how that looks yeah you can kind of see it maybe a little bit squint your eyes that's why I'm not really including it in the tutorial because it's I mean it's the result is pretty pretty small really you have to crank up the contrast and whatever yeah I didn't find it was that important so I just sort of uh just sort of left it out but anyways you can fiddle with that if you want you're welcome to you can have a look at my finished file and go through that if you like but this is what we're doing so just a little bit of transparency like that so that it looks a little bit like froth maybe a little bit more and we are now good to go alright so what else is there left to do Oh bubbles the bubbles for the bubbles how do we do the bubbles to be questioned okay let's do the actual bubbles that are floating up and then after I'm will do the bubbles that are caked on the bottom and the top there so for the bubbles that are floating up what we want to do is you want to add a plane alright let's move this in and on this plane I'm gonna subdivide it you guys don't like I'm doing a magic trick and now close your eyes count to three and then alright so I'm just making it so it sort of fills up the floor there alright it doesn't have to be exact it's better if it's not as they always say like this now what we're gonna do with this the reason I'm using a plane instead of just using the base here like I actually did for my first one is that as somebody informed me on twitter twitter is helpful sometimes bubbles actually don't just rise in one big thing out of the floor like everywhere they actually come in streams so bubbles coming in little streams so to do that effect what we're gonna do with this plane here is we're gonna make the bubbles come out of each one of these vertices so instead of it just coming out of like everywhere and like this big tornado or whatever it's of yeah little little things I don't know why the bubble streams do that maybe somebody can tell me in the comments why that is that'd be kind of interested to know why don't they all just come out of everywhere at once how bubbles formed hmm I know so many questions now nobody to answer them if my dad was here he would answer them I don't have any of you guys out there have teachers for parents both of my parents are teachers which means a lot of pressure when you're in high school and a lot of disappointment when you fail almost everything but anyways one of the other thing is having a parent at both parents teaches is that very quickly a conversation will turn into a lecture so you try and bail out of that as quickly as you can all right so I know the bubbles coming out of the face if we wanted to come out of the vertices so click votes and now they're coming out of the verse you look at they look like bubbles aren't they isn't that cool is it just beer that does that or is it all fizzy drinks I think it's just beer but I could be wrong pretty sure champagne does it as well doesn't it all right okay is that enough that's not enough let's go six thousand six thousand bubbles and instead of having it as like you know stream on that that looks a little bit too fake it does have a little bit of waviness to it which is why I'm going to use some Brownian motion okay so we now you can see it has a little bit of a bubble to it now it's coming out of the top which is too far then you could add something here to block the particle so they die when it hits something or you could just do the lazy man method which is what I'm gonna do right now and just go frame 43 the particles reach the foam so the lifetime of the particles should be 43 so now when you play it back look at that problem solved waiting man let's go 42 because I think it was coming out the top of the phone there we go now if you if it looks a little bit too uniform as well you can delete some of these vertices maybe subdivide it did too much but you know you want to look sort of random oh yeah I need too many vertices alright anyways that looks pretty good okay you can have as little as as many as we want now we want this to be actual bubbles little tiny bowls that are visible at the moment they're gonna render as a halo which means in cycles nothing so if you hit render you wouldn't see anything so it needs to be a separate object for each of these little tiny dots so the separate object is going to be an eco sphere and aiko sphere is like a really nice low poly thing whenever you want to use a sphere but you don't want to use a sphere because it's too many Poly's so use the subdivision level of one which is super duper duper low poly which is fine and then the size of it we're gonna use one millimeter okay really really tiny and then make sure you set the shading to smooth now for this little bubble here I'm gonna use a glass shader and I'm gonna just set the Iowa as 0.5 at point one point four five okay now before any of you leave a comment saying that it should actually be 1 or something like that to match the IOR quality of air I tried that and the bubbles are almost invisible if you actually have a look at reference photos of real bubbles they look actually more like tiny metallic bowls like almost entirely shiny because it's air which is going through the liquid which we don't have like this is a fakery of liquid right so we have to basically fake the effect of an actual bubble so yeah that's why we're using a 1.45 for those of you that don't know what I'm talking about don't worry it's nerd stuff so in the render to make it render as those little ICO spheres go object and then set it to eco sphere and now look at it the little dots micro spheres you want to crank this up to be whatever you think say when it's good yeah and also turn the round of my size up as well so you get some different sized bubbles okay that's pretty good all right now you want to make sure that emitter is turned off otherwise you get this horrible little grid appearing on the bottom there but other than that I think it is pretty good all right so now for the bottom and the top we should have some bubbles that are forming like the bottom of a beer or soft drink whatever there's always a little bit of bubbles that are at the bottom and there's some that are resting at the top as well so to do that we're gonna add another particle system here and object set it to ecosphere well there's too many twitch stuff is going on let's we'll display it all right okay now we want these particles to only appear on the base here so what I'm gonna do but you know what I'll do because you want it to actually be resting just above the glass not actually underneath the glass otherwise it will look kind of weird I'm gonna hit shift D on this so I've just got the base here they're gonna hit P make its own separate object and then I'm gonna remove the particle system from this main mesh here so I've now just got this and now I don't have to do any white painting or anything like that I can now just place that slightly above the glass like so and make sure that emitter is turned off as well and then once we've done that the same thing for this part right here in fact I can reuse that particle system I'm gonna guess that it's that one am i right yes make sure you check use modifier stack or if you ever have that problem that's a bug Brett said he was gonna fix it it's still broken Brett no sorry yeah so that's fine like that let's turn the randomize size up and the size of them up as well because they're a little bit bigger okay and I think it is now ready to render alright give it a render I'm gonna go a little bit more with the samples let's go fifty and let's see how that looks excellent renders 42 seconds not bad cool problems yes the residue is going underneath the farm so let's fix that very easy to fix this one we just take that and we move it upwards to be about there I think is that about right yep that's about right and because I've done that I also need to fix up excuse me I need to fix up this pot the beer the UV coordinates need to move it up very slightly oh why is it freeze enough honey pause it again Hey all right we're back yeah because I moved the coordinates if you don't do this then it's what you'll have is a little bit of a squished looking render so something like that it's pretty good okay other problems what other problems if we spot them okay the top of the glass looks good the phone pretty good not too bad I think it's probably too many bubbles along the top there and the bottom there looks pretty good maybe the bubbles rising up could be a little bit bigger so these ones here you guys said when too early shouldn't let me drag it out a bit all right these ones here um is it a separate object no that's just its own thing oh I think I know what I did because it's using the same particle system the top one here I want the the surface tension thing to render but the bottom one here I don't want that to render so what I need to do is essentially make this its own separate particle system and then check render and then we should see the top of it actually rendering as it should not this horrible mess that's fair give another random let's see I'll look and there we go so that's it that is a beer if I ever saw one the residue could maybe be toned down a little bit but the rest of it is pretty good oh one final thing you want the focus to be on the beer so artistically the background is a little bit distracting so to make the background out of focus of course with our camera here selected we want to make it focused on the front part of this beer here so I'm gonna add in an empty this is what the camera is gonna focus on right let's just drag that up pull that out to there and there we go and now with our camera selected set the focal point on to depth of field to empty and then go f-stop 12 I'm gonna use alright and now oh yeah might as well let's just turn down the residue of that and you see what I just hit that hit shift f3 that's a little shortcut to go to the node editor anyways umm bit more transparency yeah the more you okay one final R and up and there we go look at that finished and drinkable so yeah wait you go to from here is up to you you can you can see there's a thumbs a little bit touching the glass there but everything else is pretty good I'm interested in seeing what you guys make especially if you make some cool different looking types of drinks not just beers maybe some cocktails maybe that could be your homework pick a cocktail and make it all make a different type of beer and if you do go to blending guru go to the post and post it in the comments below really like seeing what you guys make that's all from me and if you like the videos subscribe to me on youtube anyways that's it see ya bye
Channel: Blender Guru
Views: 417,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, cycles, Blender (Software), beer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 27sec (3327 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 10 2014
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