Host a Minecraft: Java Edition Server WITHOUT Port Forwarding!!! (2024)

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have you ever wanted to play Minecraft Java Edition with your friends but you don't want to spend money to host a server and you don't want to use some crappy free service like mut or eternos and you don't know how or you just don't feel comfortable port forwarding and giving people your IP address if that relates to you then this video might help you because I'm going to show you how you can use a service called enro to host your server and allow anyone to join without having to do any port foring or giving away your IP so the first thing you want to do is you want to go to the official Minecraft website and you want to download the latest server file it doesn't have to be the latest version it could be whatever version you want I'm pretty sure you can just look up whatever version but for this I'm just going to use the latest server or the latest version of Minecraft so I'm going to download this and I'm going to put this uh in a new folder on my desktop and I'm just going to call the server open it and save into here and now I'm going to copy this line right here and I'm going to go into that server folder I'm going to make a new new text document uh it doesn't matter what it's name right now I'm going to paste this in here and I'm going to change this line where it says Minecraft _ server do whatever to just server.jar because you want it to match whatever this file is called and then when it comes to the ram I'm going to change this uh to Just 2 gigabytes for now you can put whatever amount of ram you want uh it doesn't really matter uh just depends on what amount of ram you're comfortable with your server using on your computer and so you're going to save this and then rename this to start.bat and then it's going to ask if you want to change it just click yes and then run it and then uh I'm not sure how long it's going to take eventually yeah it's going to uh it's going to close and you need to open this ul. txt file change this to True save that and now run it once more okay and now um if I go onto Minecraft and I just do uh new server and do Local Host um it's not going to be on there because it's the wrong version but um hold on a second okay sorry I was on the wrong version now if I Tred joining yep I'm here but the only person who can join now is you and usually to change that what you'd have to do is you'd have to port forward which is basically opening up a spot in your network for other devices on other networks to can to connect to and it's very complicated uh I don't know how safe it is for dos protection because you have to give people your home IP address and it's just it's complicated it's a mess and it's really unnecessary when you use what I'm about to show you so let me show you this okay so what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to go to this website called endro and you're going to sign up and for this I'm going just going to use a temporary email because I already have an account uh put that in here uh password whatever just put whatever you want accept sign up and now it's going to ask you to verify this so you just go in your email and verify it skip you don't need to do multiactor authentication uh and you can put whatever you want for here you could just literally just do whatever okay so once you have your account what you want to do is you want to download enro and I'm just going to put this inside of my server folder and you want to go into here extract here you can just delete the zip now and you want to copy this file address and go into command [Music] prompt okay uh my mistake uh you don't need to do that yet you can just open it like it's a regular exe and then paste into here and now what you want to do is you want to copy this uh file address go into command prompt uh CD Powershell and now what you want to do is you you wanted to type enro tab to fill it out and you want to type TCP Space 2 uh two 5565 and hit enter and now it should be up and so what you can do is right here where it says forwarding what you want to do is you want to copy everything from this first number to the last number right here and now if I go into here or I'm just going to make a new one just so you can show you if I paste this uh make sure this is the right one right yep and now I can join and now all your friends can join too one quick little thing I am going to mention though is that every time that you start the server back up again or if you close enro it's going to generate a new IP but um that should be fine basically just anytime you restart your computer whatever and anytime you close enrock you basically just have to give your friend a new IP um I think there are tools out there to have it automatically uh send it to your friends so if you want to host like a SMP or something and you don't know if your server is going to go offline uh it'll update it for them so you can look into that but for just normally playing with your friends this is a really great method without having to do anything complicated like port foring and so I hope you found this helpful uh go have fun playing Minecraft with your fun with with your friends yeah go play with your friends go have a great old time I'll see you guys next time [Music] [Music] bye
Channel: nateyboy
Views: 14,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ngrok, minecraft, minecraft server, port forwarding, no port forwarding, host a server, server, tcp, minecraft hosting, minecraft free, minecraft server free
Id: tk2uEm9mvvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 26sec (386 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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