Host a Minecraft Server Without Port Forwarding Using

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if you've ever tried to run a Minecraft server from your own PC you might have realized that it can be quite complicated the creation of the Minecraft server itself is not really a problem the biggest problem is making it so that players can actually join your server because for that you need to do something that we call port forwarding which essentially means accessing your router and opening up a port so people from out sites can get onto your home network but what if I told you there's a way to run a Minecraft server on your own PC and let other players join without you having to port forward at all well there is and it is called play it. G and today I'm going to show you how it works and how to set it up for yourself make sure to subscribe you would help me out so much here we are on the play it. website forget about hosting companies use your own computer for free now while they are right that you can host a Minecraft server on your own PC without any port forwarding most most home networks don't have anything like DS protection they also don't have the bandwidth to deal with hundreds of players so do keep in mind that this might be a great option if you just want to have a Minecraft server with a couple of friends but as soon as you want to start a big Minecraft server and you expect dozens of players to join you might still want to opt for a hosting company but that's not what we're here for today I'm going to show you how to set up play it. G so a link to this website can of course be found in the description simply click on download and after that you need to choose your preferred platform but I'm on windows so I'm simply going to click on Windows installer and there we go it's downloading you will see that it is a MSI file you can just double click to install it so it will say hey welcome what's up you can just click on next and then we're going to click on install and there we go that was really quick click on finish and you will be able to launch your program as soon as you see this you're good for now so next up we need to actually create a Minecraft server now you can choose whatever server variant you want I would highly recommend getting paper MC as it is just a lot more optimized than vanilla Minecraft server and it can run plugins so I will leave a link to this website in the description down below simply click on a downloads after that click on paper and then you simply want to download the latest build now after doing that you also want to install Java nowadays you don't need Java installed on your PC anymore if you want to run Minecraft but if you want to set up a Minecraft server on your own PC then Java is essential we're simply going to scroll down a bit until you see the windows installers though if you're using Mac or Linux they also have a version available for those platforms but we are simply going to click on this link for Windows you're going to execute the file we just downloaded and here you can just click on next then we're going to click on next again it will start installing for a bit and there we go it is literally that easy after that you want to create a Minecraft server folder and drag the paper. jar file we just downloaded inside now that we have Java installed we can simply double click on this jar file and you will see that it starts generating some files until eventually you will see the eul a.txt file now this file you want to open up because the Ula is something you need to accept so over here at the bottom where it says Eola you want to change false to true then save the file and double click the jar file once again and this time you will see that the server actually pops up you also have to accept a little Windows security thingy just click on allow and there we go our Minecraft server is officially open now I'm totally aware that for some people this doesn't work if they double click the paper. jar file this server console will just not pop up what can you do well if that is the case for you you want to create a B file the way you do that is first simply create a new txt T file AKA a text document now this text document you want to name run and inside of the text document you want to write the following Java space minus symbol capital x MX and then the amount of ram you want to dedicate to your Minecraft server so 1G is 1 GB 2G is 2 GB 3G is 3 GB and the list goes on I'm just going to go for four why not then you're going to type a space again minus symbol jar once again a space and then you want to specify the file name you want to run so in my case that is this file paper lots of other letters. jar you might want to change this file name into something a bit more easy so for example just paper. jar so then we can type paper. jar over here and after that you want to press enter two times one two and then incaps type pass and there we go we're done now we're going to save this file exit out and then the last thing we want to do is rename run. txt to run. bet so it actually becomes an executable file and there we go now it should be a Windows bch File and when we double click it you can see our Minecraft server will open first it will just be a Windows terminal and a little after that it should also open your Minecraft server that is perfect so now that we have a Minecraft server let's go back to the play it. program and we're going to click on this link and over here you want to create an account I'm not going to do that though I'm just going to use a guest account for now so there we go this is what you should see a program would like to create a new agent on your account now here you simply want to click on continue and then you want to click on ADD agent and there we go so you should see that the first three steps are already checked off so now we need to create a tunnel now here under use shared IP you can select a region at least when you're using the premium version of this program if you're using the free version you will only have access to global any cost which is fine so we're just going to leave that the same and then the tunnel type we're going to set to the game we want to play so in my case it will be Minecraft Java but like you can see you can also use this program for Bedrock servers volheim Terraria Starbound or unturned so I'm going to go for Minecraft Java and then we're going to click on ADD tunnel and there we go we are done like you can see my local address so the place where my server is currently being run on is Local Host and then ports 25565 which is always the case by default then it is connecting to the closest data center to me which in my case is Frankfurt as I live in the Netherlands Germany is very close so this makes total sense and now this will be my public IP address so I can simply copy this IP go in Minecraft past it in Click undone and there we go I'm able to connect to my server well I'm I'm not because I'm in the wrong version but the server is working all right there we go I'm back I just installed via version on the server so I'm actually able to get in but now I can just simply join I'm playing on a Minecraft server that's running on my own PC and this IP address you can now share with everyone and they will be able to get onto your server too without you having to port forward anything it is really cool now when we scroll down a little bit on the play it. website you will see an option called firewall now when you use the free version of this service you're only able to add a single firewall line now I would highly recommend you doing some research about firewalls because you are running this Minecraft server on your own PC which essentially means that if somebody now DSes your Minecraft server they're not just dsing a server somewhere at a hosting company they are dsing you your PC so using this method instead of hosting a Minecraft server at a server hosting company for sure comes with a higher risk but if you're just going to use this Minecraft server to play with a couple of friends that you trust and you know this should be no problem at all and that is going to be all for today I really hope you enjoyed watching this video if you did don't forget to subscribe to my channel you would really help me out by doing that you actually would also a massive shout out to my channel members for the incredible support thank you guys so much and then I will see you in the next one bye-bye by
Channel: KasaiSora
Views: 18,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft server, host minecraft server, free minecraft server, minecraft server hosting, free minecraft server hosting, best minecraft server hosting, best free minecraft server hosting 24/7, run minecraft server on your pc, how to make a minecraft server, how to create a minecraft server, how to make a minecraft server java, create minecraft server, how to create minecraft server, create minecraft server on your pc, how to play minecraft with friends, minecraft port forwarding
Id: itVVhcid2_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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