20+ Mods To Enhance Vanilla Minecraft That I Can't Live Without

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hey guys I'm currently raising money for the bunge foundation charity event which is predominantly a Destiny 2 thing but I do have a Minecraft related incentive for people who donate $25 or I'll dedicate a statue to each person who does so in my upcoming hardcore series where I play Through The Dungeons and taverns data pack the link is in the description if you're interested and enjoy the video hey everyone welcome to my personal creative world and today I want to go over with you guys 20 plus vanilla friendly mods that I use every single day this isn't like one of those YouTube videos that just gets a bunch of different mods and just throws them in there because they're vanilla friendly no these are ones that I use every single day and I get a lot of questions about things like my resource pack shaders and just generally what other mods I use so that's what today's video is about so without further Ado let's get started the first thing I want to talk about is going to be my resource pack which is a modified version of the vanilla tweaks resource ource pack now the link to this will be in the description if you want the exact one that I'm using but some of the highlights are like changing the netherite helmet back to the classic texture of what you basically see every other helmet look like which is kind of funny because whenever it comes to the gold helmet I actually have the texture changed to a crown I'm a very big fan of the way that the crown looks and whenever I was little I always imagined the golden helmet being a crown anyways some of the other changes that I have in the vanilla tweaks pack is stuff like having no Ash at the bottom of camp fires because I kind of like to build with these sometimes and having the ash under them kind of makes it look a little bit ugly so that's one of the main changes that I have some other small changes that I have are of course my Crosshair as you can see it's a bit smaller than the vanilla one I also am using the different Bedrock texture because I don't know if you guys share the same opinion but the current default texture for Bedrock looks almost as ugly as the original netherite texture and I think this one looks a lot better some of the other changes I have are stuff like 3D ladders we have the 3D stone cutter I have varied bookshelves so they look slightly different 3D rails 3D lily pads and 3D iron bars that's not all the changes but some of the main ones that I feel like I can't live without next up I want to talk about my Shader pack now I get tons of questions about what Shader pack I use and this is complimentary shaders however this is a much older version of complimentary shaders because as you'll see it's just called complimentary shaders and nowadays the creator of the Shader pack has complimentary shaders Unbound and complimentary shaders reimagined and I'm not sure if you can get your hands on the OG version like I currently have I will have my settings down in the description for all of the changes that I made to this but from what I've seen complimentary reimagined is the closest that you can get to what I'm currently using you'll just have to make a few modifications to it moving on the next mod I want to talk about or mainly a resource pack is of course fresh animations now fresh animations is also going to come alongside two other things because if you are using sodium like I am instead of optify because well optify kind of sucks nowadays you are also going to need entity model features and entity texture features if you want this to run on something like sodium and in my opinion this makes the game just seem so much more alive it's one of those things that I truly feel like I can't play the game without because it just makes everything look so much nicer whenever the mobs feel alive and they feel feel less like just walking texture blocks now moving on the next mod I want to talk about is called 3D skin layers take a look at my current skin do you kind of see how there's a few different holes in my hair and it looks really really thin well if I enable this mod really quick you'll see that my hair looks actually full it looks kind of like hair you would see on a real person instead of just a really thin layer with some holes in it and that is what 3D skin layers does this is a very small mod but I feel like it makes my skin looks so much better than it normally does by default so I like having it around the next mod I want to talk about is called better F3 if you take a look at the top left you can see what my F3 menu looks like and it basically has all of the information that I could possibly want you can see things like the current day ticks days played slime trunks how many monsters there are creatures aelott uh water creatures all that kind of stuff as well as the coordinates FPS everything in between and a lot of this information I have colorcoded you can customize this basically down to the very last detail and I think better F3 at least for me is a must to get the specific information that I want without needing to search around too much moving on to something that I think you guys have probably already seen but you maybe have not noticed is called blur if you notice whenever I open up this inner chest you'll see everything else on my screen blur and the main thing that is of focus is of course the interner chest inventory just I don't know why I initially installed this but I feel like it just looks so much better and I feel like it should be like this by default maybe it is in Bedrock Edition I can't really remember I haven't played that version in a while but I feel like this just looks right to me and I really like it moving a few hundred blocks away we are now in a Cherry Grove biome and one thing that you'll notice about the Cherry Grove is of course the fact that leaves fall and they might be falling a little bit more than usual right now and that is because I am using the falling leaves mod and basically this brings the particle effects of falling leaves over to any kind of tree in the game which come on Oak Tree don't don't disappoint me here you're making me oh you see it there's a leaf yeah see I wasn't lying uh it's just not as much because the Cherry Groves kind of do it intrinsically and this is just part of the mod now this is something that you can uh change you can change how many particles there are and how often they spawn and stuff like that but I feel like stuff that Minecraft absolutely needs is the little things like this that kind of bring the atmosphere to the game I really like small stuff like this and it is just the perfect addition to the game because well you only have one biome really that does it right now now while on the topic of biomes doing things that other biomes don't do here we are in the basalt I fell into lava here we are in the basalt Delta and one thing that you'll notice and one thing that I notic as soon as I started playing the nether update is the fact that the atmosphere in this biome is insane the particle effects that go through the basalt Deltas are just absolutely unmatched and I really wish Minecraft would add this to more aspects of the game and fortunately for you this mod does that back in the Overworld and taking a dip into the caves you will notice that these caves have a very similar effect to the basalt deltas and that is because I'm using the cave dust mod I just was really in love with what moang did to the basalt deltas and I just loved the effect that it gave off and I'd like to see it more often and Cave dust I mean it just makes sense right it just seems like something that you would see uh in Minecraft by default and this again is something that you can customize you can get way more cave dust than what you currently see on screen but I don't like it to be too much of a distraction so I keep it to a minimum and it just really allows for the atmosphere to shine through whenever you're down here now moving on to the next mod I am going to absolutely blow your guys' minds you guys are not going to know what to think whenever I show you what this next mod does I'm going to go into this water right here I'm going to mine out some sand and put down some Soul Sand and what you guys are going to see is Bubbles that are popping yes I know absolutely gamechanging this mod is called make bubbles pop and you'll never guess what it does it makes bubbles Pop I don't know why bubbles don't pop currently and it's a question that apparently this mod maker uh you you know wanted an answer to so he made a mod about it and you know I just I I really like it I don't know what I would do without it now this next mod is something that is way way way more important than what we were just talking about and this mod is going to be called Mouse tweaks now this is kind of like an inventory management thing there's only one real reason that I use this mod so you guys know how you can hold shift and then you can left click and you can move stuff into your inventory right well the main reason that I use this mod is so I can do that that was just me holding left click once and just dragging the mouse over it while holding shift and this just makes Inventory management just so so so much easier I I don't know what I would do without this it ju it just makes moving things around that much better and of course while on the topic of inventory related stuff you can't talk about inventory related stuff without having the mod known as well give me one second without having the mod known as shulker tool tips and this is basically what it says and what it shows instead of needing to place down a shulker box to see what's inside of it you can just simply highlight it you could also hold left alt so you can kind of shrink it down um yeah this is just absolutely needed as far as inventory stuff is concerned especially if you have a lot of Shuler boxes in the late game and I feel like most people probably already use this but I figured I'd mention it now going from something that is fairly important to something that doesn't matter at all this next one is called not enough animations and as you'll see it just gives some minor animations uh to you the player now this really isn't that important to many players out there uh as a YouTuber I use replay mod from time to time and having the extra animations while looking at myself through the theater mode uh is kind of nice for uh a little bit of a cinematic effect uh is there a ladder in here well I guess that'll do uh one of the other animations that you guys can see is of course somebody climbing a ladder although this is really Jank because there's only one ladder in here uh but there's multiple different kinds of animations that you can see but one of the biggest reasons for me to get this is because I used to play a lot of console edition Minecraft and one of the things in the console edition was the fact that you brought your hand up whenever you ate food why this isn't in the Java Edition is so weird to me like even as a child I was always so confused why that wasn't a thing and this mod fixes that as well as adds a bunch of other stuff now the next mod that I want to talk about is going back to something that really doesn't matter all that much and this mod is called particle rain and it basically changes the way that the base rain looks uh as well as making it somewhat customizable and this isn't really a huge thing for me I'm going to be honest but but uh it's kind of nice I like the way that particle rain looks compared to the default rain and it's just one of those small things kind of like the cave dust and whatnot that just kind of add up and make me enjoy the atmosphere a bit more segueing on over to something that you'll notice a little bit more I'm going to kill this cow really quick and this next mod is called the pickup Notifier as you guys can see in the bottom right corner if I drop any kind of item and I pick them up it basically tells me what I just picked up because I feel like the game doesn't really do that good of a job about letting you know what you just picked up and having a little pickup Notifier at the bottom right is kind of nice and you can even see the exact amount of XP orbs that you pick up too it's it's pretty nice next I want to talk about visuality which is probably something that you've already seen thus far but basically visuality just adds these tiny little details into the game uh at at various little intervals as you can see right there uh you could see a little bit of shine on that amethyst Crystal right there and this applies to a few other things in the game if I equip some gold armor you'll see I have the exact same thing happen uh it also happens with diamond armor and it even happens with ores that you might be finding throughout the caves uh that obviously isn't the only thing that it does if I pull up a slime spawn egg and spawn a few of these guys you'll see that they leave uh a little bit of slime Left Behind after they jump uh if I spawn in a skeleton really quick which I should probably spawn him inside a here so he doesn't burn up you'll see that whenever I punch him Bones actually come out if I go up to this guy right here this villager and I punch him you'll see that well some emeralds fly out uh so it's just again one of those little atmospheric things that I like and um yeah doesn't really make that much of a difference in your day-to-day but it is still kind of neat the next thing I want to talk about is again something you guys have probably seen a bunch of already but you just haven't noticed it and that is something thing called tiny item animation do you see whenever I click on these boots they have like a little bit of an animation to them where they just kind of like jump out of my inventory and onto my mouse that's basically the mod it's something that you may have noticed something you may have not noticed many of these mods again are really tiny things but to me they all add up to make my experience a little bit better and this is just one of those silly ones that I really like moving on to something a little bit more important though and this is an absolute must uh that is zoomify as you can see I just press my c key and I Zoomed In And if I use my mouse wheel I can zoom in even more and you can get so close that you can see the animation on that lantern from all the way back here so it's basically a necessity I know a lot of people who used to use optify back in the day got used to zoom mods myself included but now with everybody switching over to sodium myself included Zumi is basically what the op the fine Zoom mod is but much much better so thus far we've talked about my resource pack we've talked about my shaders we've talked about a bunch of different mods so now let's talk about a few data packs with the first data pack being called all mob heads and this has got to be probably my favorite data pack in the entire game if we go to the advancements here you can see every single mob head in the game now it is a little bit laggy cuz there are just a lot of things here but this is kind of like I don't know it's kind of like a an extra objective that the data pack gives you while keeping the game feeling as vanilla as possible now it doesn't change any of the vanilla mob heads as you can see right here all of these are still obtained in their normal ways with some of them being uh through hr's Creeper explosion but every other mob in the game has a random chance to drop its head it'll tell you the base rate plus how how much you get per looting enchantment that you have and one of my favorite things about this mod pack or about this data pack is the fact that the warden will now give you a proper reward cuz I know that whenever this update first came out and the warden first got introduced and you know people started killing him realizing that he literally dropped nothing well this data pack allows you to get his head as a trophy kind of similarly to the fact of the ender dragon head even though traditionally you would find the in the floating ships uh on the end and so just to show you guys really quick uh just an example because I haven't gotten the warden head on this world yet I'm going to go and throw the warden into this water right here and just go to town and if you guys just give me a little bit I'll eventually come back with his head okay that took absolutely forever but as you'll see the warden drops his normal quote unquote reward the skull Catalyst that nobody cares about but more importantly we get the warden's head and as you can you can see in the top right corner you actually get an achievement for this or an advancement and of course we can place this down and use this however we want which I think is really neat and the fact that literally every mob in the game gets it is really cool and another thing that you'll actually get via this data pack is trophies because I I believe I if I remember correctly I ended up making a tiny little Trophy Room in this area um yeah so as you'll see this is one of every single parrot head in the game and if you get every single one of the parrot heads you will then be given a trophy which is the golden parrot head and it'll just spawn in your inventory once you get the final advancement and I think the small stuff like that is pretty neat if we scroll all the way back up you'll see that I got all the parrot heads and once I unlocked this advancement right here it gave me a gold parrot head which is kind of cool so if you're ever playing in survival you know you can make your little trophy rooms for it and stuff and it's kind of reminiscent of what the Banners are and Terraria where you can just get them as random drops and it's kind of like a little mini trophy you know except unlike banners these heads don't really do anything in Minecraft but you can wear them if you want to and you can even put them on armor stands too now moving on to a data pack that is very similar to the one that we just talked about and one that I actually made a YouTube short on we have something called wandering trades and what this basically does it allows the wandering Trader to be a bit more useful than he normally is because for most players he isn't and it basically allows you to trade one block plus one Emerald for a mini version of the block and again this functions very similarly to the one that we just talked about where these are essentially just reskinned player heads but I really really really like uh this data pack because as you guys may have seen earlier uh I have a little trophy room over here that I made and we have the little mini versions of the gold blocks the diamond blocks and the emerald blocks uh over here I even made made this little cart with the horse and you can see right here we have some gold nuggets as well as over here a TNT blast mine and little mini versions of TNT that even if I were to get stuff uh like a redstone torch for example I can't set these off because well these aren't actual TNT blocks and can be used just for decoration so the wandering trades data pack just like the all mob heads data pack they're both very similar but they're both an absolute must in my opinion because at least with this one you can use these for your building projects now the next data pack that I want to talk about is called ships and basically what this data pack does is it gives the pillagers boat Ai and allows them to kind of go around in little mini patrols and boats around the ocean and it also allows for some ships to appear generated in the ocean which I feel is a definite I don't know it it just feels like something that should have been in the game already because we have sunken ships and these are just non sunken conversions and they are sailed by the pillagers and as you can see if I were to get on here I can actually go down here and we can find loot and a lot of this loot can of course be things like treasure maps uh we can go over here and we can find just their food and supplies and some of the stuff that they've gotten while they've been sailing and I think that this would be a really cool thing to come across and survival now what I will say is it does kind of tank your FPS just a little bit as the creator of the data pack said because the Pillager boat AI is kind of experimental but I still think that it's really neat and the fact that you can find these at random are pretty exciting now the last data pack I want to talk about is actually one that I dedicated an entire video to and that is called Dungeons and taverns and basically what this data pack does is it adds a bunch of vanilla friendly structures randomly generated throughout the game for you to find now what we're looking at right now is called the witch Villa and this is essentially uh the Pillager mansion version of The Witch uh kind of side of the game and it basically just functions as a very rare structure similar to the Pillager Mansion uh but with witches inside and you can see a bunch of different stuff take place here uh a bunch of different things that you can find I'm kind of just going to leave it at that but if I go ahead and pull up the locate command here uh this is what all of what this data pack adds to the game there are just a ton of randomly generated structures a lot of which are super rare to come across and it just kind of makes exploring throughout the game much more enjoyable or maybe not more enjoyable but more exciting you know what I mean and with all that said ladies and gentlemen that is going to do it for me today those are 20 plus vanilla friendly mods SL resource packs SL shers SL dat packs that I use on a daily basis and I kind of made this video just so I can send people to it whenever I get questions in my comment section so yeah I hope you guys did enjoy if I ever do end up installing more vanilla friendly mods uh which I probably most definitely will in the future I will probably eventually make a part two to this video but as it stands these are all of the vanilla friendly mods that I currently use in the game right now so thank you guys so much for watching I really do appreciate it and I'll see you guys next time
Channel: demonjoeTV
Views: 419,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demonjoefrance, demonjoeFR, Minecraft, Minecraft Java Edition, Minecraft Best Resource Packs, Minecraft Best Resource Packs 2024, Minecraft Best Java Shaders, Minecraft Best Shaders 2024, Minecraft Vanilla Friendly Mods, Minecraft Vanilla Friendly Mod Packs, Minecraft Best Data Packs 2024, Minecraft Best Mods 2024, Minecraft Vanilla Mods, Minecraft Vanilla Mods 2024
Id: el6aWFoYLx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 15sec (1275 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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