Ginormous horse accidently hurts owner!

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foreign [Music] guys we uh we're off this morning to another job a big horse that adds some abscesses unfortunately but I was in great pain and kind of has learned that there's no way anyone's having my feet and it's a big horse this is the actual horse we're going to see guys it's a breed from Belgium called the brabant brabant I think it's called brabant um a very heavy horse this particular horse is around about a full turning weight which is very heavy my quarter horses are about half a ton just to give you an idea how big this horse is um lovely lovely horses though okay guys so there's the UK a lot of people ask uh to show where we're kind of heading where we are so there's Wales in the UK we live here at the moment we're heading over the priscelli mountains which are here so we're going oh the Sally mountains and then we're heading along then to a place called Newcastle emblem which is their where my pen is so we're in sort of that area and there's the UK it's early morning usually I get these guys in uh Nita and the two babes I will call them Chevy and Jimmy but uh we're off this morning I'm going to be back probably about two o'clock so I've decided to leave them out they usually come in now I don't know Nita hey yeah so they can stay out till they get back they've got plenty of good hailage there it's been very wet so we haven't got an awful lot of grass here but it'll grow I'll give that field a rest soon um so yeah they can they can stay out till they get back shepherds are tall recommissioned up and that will be uh someone's in next week and then periodically through the year people come with their horses and I try and help them with a few issues just check they've got everything I might need so yeah boots well is I've got my boiling stick the all-important helmets there uh run out of small lick so that's a lick in case I need it uh several different size holders so that's about it guys that's the kit but just quickly check right at the back of the house because it was a bit windy last night and I thought I heard some rubbish clear flight so oh it's peaceful around here yeah it's so peaceful out the back here I've never known a place like it it's just beautiful I mean we're quite near a road and in some ways Tanya prefers that because we're kind of in the world but just to sit out here in the summer is um we have quite a lot of wildlife as well we have herons which is that very very big I just noticed a few Ducks down there they've just disappeared out the way Kingfishers uh quite a few woodpeckers it's just it's just beautiful and there's the bar which will be recommissioning soon ready for people come in and look to sit in there and we have chicken and chips and things like that it's nice and some music on a better surprise you it's country music really but country music Tower I would think so yeah we must get going off we'll be late uh the video is about to start now guys now this was yesterday uh when me and Tanya went to this huge horse and I must admit I am a bit achy I am a bit achy you'll see why I mean it is a hell of a horse this is now over there the last 30 years that I've been kind of searching good horsemanship house to a stage where a little bit obsessive but I'm over that now okay but yes you know I I searched as much as I could to have a better relationship and work through problems with a horse now if if anyone said to me what is the biggest uh the biggest breakthrough in my mind that I had when I was searching this ad it is that saying make an hour idea the horse's idea okay and when I finally got that in my head I had to start to do I mean I'm just learning still like most people learn all their life lifetime is not enough time to to learn that all of this stuff but that one thing make it our idea the horse's idea that's that's that's the big one where it really sticks with a horse because a horse doesn't know what's right or wrong it's just whatever feels easiest or most comfortable to it that's what's right to the horse so this video guys is a special one I think I've just looked through it now and it really shows how there's no way we'd be able to make this horse do one thing you won't make this horse do anything this is why we I've had to really use that that um psychology of making the horse's idea whatever what we need at it because it's too big a horse too strongholds to um you know make the horse do anything uh so you have you know this is the video to really show you how we met we made that that difference so now if it's unfortunate but a lot of these big heavy horses that won't allow their feet to be picked up in fact they don't even have to be here the horses it's a return to things like sedation which is very expensive these days you've got sedation you've got stocks people still use stocks a big horse a draft horse Clydesdale Belgium there's all kinds of different breeds in the start this is how you trim people rope feet which can absolutely terrify horses roping feet up like that so there's roping a feet there's and I don't even like the name there's twitching which um you know funny enough uh done dance Xbox who trained him he was working horse the other day and it was twitched came out of twitch and kicked and broke his leg okay this is you know so there's all these other Alternatives which are all most of them are dangerous in one way or the other and that's why if it's possible to make our idea the horses idea and do it without too much strength uh needed which in this case with the girls they're not strong enough to to even attempt to hold a big big leg like this so let's get into it let's start the video hope you can see why I'm I'm kind of jumping up and down about this video it really shows um that important thing okay so what we're about now is run again from here roughly yeah you've got to pick up your saddle first don't get that oh yeah look there's a bit of it and look out for any wild ponies or pizza got my helmet did you bring my alcohol it's a bit too bulky for me to work yeah see if you can see any Wild Horses some wild horses and if you'll be able to zoom in I'm not doing that much oh it's all bushy foreign 's on a good day apparently up here where we live really this is what what five minutes ten minutes from now from our house somewhere over here Brazilian Hills so that's just him we have a lot of people actually used to live in Wales and uh they have moved abroad and they say they love to watch the video so it reminds them of way yeah some people are you're right in Australia in fact there's a guy coming home there's a guy coming over from Canada and he said he wants to see you and other other beer have a beer is it English or is it he's English and he's from he moved to Canada he's from Wales actually on this bridge town like 25 years ago the trainer guys yeah we was crossing this bridge guys 25 years ago and it only takes one vehicle yeah it takes one vehicle and I've stopped here there's no one behind me we had a trailer on a horse trailer and someone came they'd been waiting for us and they came and they parked in front of us right here and there was a standoff look at all those moles telling them to go back we got a trailer and they were telling us to go back they hadn't got a trailer on and it just went on for ages then it turned and then suddenly about three three cars came behind us not them yeah so they knew then oh she was annoyed oh damn was a chick she was going absolutely mental because she had to give away to us we just laughed people are just it's just a beer and you can see some in there guys [Music] I don't know James comes here with the kids wow yeah well you know what James like he loves cold water I think he's bought himself a cold water dip thing let's put himself what a cold water dip a lot of people are into that yeah um which way do we go now I'm sorry I'm not looking I'm not paying attention oh look at that wait a minute what's that that's a good little gift shop we turn that's the river ice cream parlor yeah away ice cream powder ing ownership Saddlery do you think it's on a corner by that clock tower all right the clock tower that's right the clock tower there something big coming up this year shall we let everybody in on it go on cool Charlotte down and getting married I think they don't want to get married in this country because they're both a little bit shy I guess yeah Dan just just we were going to go to Las Vegas and go to the rodeo finals yeah but Sharla now wants to get married on a beach in Florida so if anybody out there knows of any wedding planners in Florida they want to get married on a beach and then we're going to have a little honeymoon with them for two weeks aren't we and then me and you yeah fly over to Vegas for the rodeo fight South Point Hotel Casino and Spa is a [Music] we'll be in in Las Vegas and we'll be in Florida we'll be in Florida for a couple of weeks nice to get together with anyone who wants to come for an evening and have a meal somewhere yeah what do you record yeah that'd be cool so if anybody if there's any wedding planners in Florida whether it be on a horse ranch because that's cool waiting on a horse run or a beach if there's any wedding planners or know of any wedding planners please get in touch yeah yeah because that's what they want you did want me some good ideas Tony yeah I'm impressed with that one I didn't know that was Plumbing yes yes well you know that why not yeah they'd be lovely oh I'm looking forward to already here yeah we are one minute away yeah and this is a great big huge Beast of a horse who hates having his feet feet picked up well the reason being um he has had a couple of abscesses and the last time the lady tried to pulse tis his foot yeah he knocked her out completely he knocked her out we're almost here but bless her she's a she looks after rescue animals as well yeah she's got a little rescue what do you mean he's got a rescue center I think so a little one yeah all you know about these jobs the same time people do on these videos I'm finding out as we get in there what it's all about I knew it was feet but yeah looking for Linda Linda thank you very much right out thank you all righty then a nice Venture already the number's still 9-1-1 all righty then those are the mud maps that Charlotte wants oh okay guys these go especially in Wales no it's really wet these go down down and then it becomes the glass will go through them and and you don't sink they're amazing Charlotte it's not funny seeing them a lot of these there is Linda Linda and um sorry what is your name oh that's a nice name so here's the uh said one so what do we pull with this one yeah wow holy we call them lots of names look at the size of those things yeah Tony's just read it to me her dad was this is he hurt you yeah oh yeah so it is so he's a gentle giant just don't like his feet yeah what's wrong with his face and in particular is this Hut's all right there are they small enough that's just there yeah but his feet he's had an abscess in one of the backs and he's had an abscess in one of the front so it's always heavy enough now anyway okay how about a failure then or do you do your own [Music] if I need him done I call him and he just comes up and fights with him wow and we're not strong enough well the thing is you know we all we've been all ever laugh but seriously I mean we've been to places people have ended up crippled sorry yeah yeah in the wrong place he wouldn't know him he's broke it back you know so he doesn't mean it it's nobody wouldn't know he'd done it and what's his name Brennan oh okay he's quite Pleasant to lead out he doesn't push you out over out there this is all to do with those things it's been you haven't done anything it's a good job he's got a rope holder on because I don't think we've got one that big yeah that's pretty funny seven eight nine somewhere around there and what what break what breed is he ather oh [Music] so my other half in his ultimate wisdom haunted another heavy yeah so he phoned the bloke that we got um the other one from the Belgium and [Laughter] just low puff one two three four easy again one two three four she she outrides me okay so I don't know about this um we'll go try and do it so you're using less effort so he picks it up and picks it out himself that's the idea that'll be good wouldn't it that's when I make make my fortune yeah that's when we've made it we'll just start off with just some some idea I've got just for a minute right so I'll get a little row is that a London accent yeah yeah it is yeah they're coming as much we were we were in Essex a couple of weeks ago yeah doing a demo doing a demo there and we loved it to be honest it was you around that area no yeah Southeast it's busy Minden 25. yeah if I if I pull that a little bit now I'm going to release it when he transfers his weights yeah you see the weight transfer there yeah and then tell him I believe yeah oh it lifted it so I don't know how good it is I want him to to say now to go through something with him right um but it's a lot easier to hold so a way to put it on the other one there take a knife pull that just hold it you won't want that discomfort to take it off should I give you a brush yeah Charlotte Charlotte did them all the other day we had a big pile on the floor [Music] that's it it took a load off no it hurts fortunately he's not shot [Music] my average quarter horses are about 1150 pound I'm guessing 1900 pounds but kilograms you know the kilograms kilograms is 8.50 yes 850 times two two is good yes you want to first so 8 15 17 and that extra bit 1800 s there we go so and I'm oh I'm asking for a bit more now is it a good time just tell you how Bloody minded he is no the longer this takes the more it's going to mean something to him and he's worked transferred now I will tell you very quickly I was there for about two and a half hours which is way too long with the extra added little bits as well for video I've left everything in that you need to see everything that might make you learn a little bit from it and all the little changes but I've speeded up a few little bits and left some little bits where it was just I was just holding for longer uh to make the to make it realistic the video okay thank you straight to the foot and every time he transfers his way off so he's yeah it was off there and that's off there because this has come in here and this is a big moment here guys do you see that right foot go to come across and I just and make my reactions really quick to say no you don't push through me that's a ton of a horse and that's really dangerous and he got that straight no no you've got to be with this size considered me then you considered me though they're good I think he's been really good no you're considered then he he said twice I'm gonna not say no and then he said okay just fine he's recognizing those slices oh man it really is telling my goodies um how much does he eat today they don't eat anymore really than anybody else two meals a day doesn't it he has two wheels a day and just ad lib hi yeah you certainly couldn't get on on him from the ground [Music] to get more back you'd never get on him on the floor we had special ones built so I just woke up and he just stands there and waits so hurry up mother I'm looking at it do you see what just happened yeah yeah so I rather than pursue that let him rest yeah just say look that's what we want that's all it is he's a bit sick he does take a little while before it gets sinks in she's still talking yeah when he's in there he's in there though yeah so first job is each foot to get so that I can look and get a weight transfer really go yeah he did yeah did you see that yeah that was from a squeeze so that's good that's good [Music] boy foreign [Laughter] what's the point again good boy good boy thank you [Laughter] we did a demo and he took his coat over there going off get it home and he went oh oh shut up no no first of all you said I haven't heard that for years I haven't heard that for a while you said [Music] hi that's it foreign guys you can see he experiments his weight everything's coming towards me there and I just block him and say no I'm noticing that now he did move me one foot um which I try not to allow a horse to do but he did but yeah he recognized again I was on to that [Music] Christmas yeah that was all right yeah that was good that was good hopefully associating the feet lifting with pain oh without a doubt yeah and the fact that he's been able to not give his feet and takes feet away he's convinced he's doing that to save pain yeah and he's doing the right thing he's just surviving the day by not the fact that we've not been able to do it he's convinced us right yeah because they don't know what's right or wrong it's only what feels better to him it's feeling better to him a couple of glimpses now feeling better for him to transfer the weight to there and to give me his foot for just a second you know so um good boy his lips did you ever give me these yeah yeah you got one if not I brought one I'll go and get it I'll go and get ours but she doesn't what so guys things are going really well at the moment really pleased everything but I needed something else to help the situation so it was like a double whammy and I knew that the lick I I really didn't want to use the lick straight away with this big horse um I had a feeling and I felt that the horse could push um push quite a little bit which I found out later on that that's what they've tried to lick before and it has kind of gone fish they've been pushing into them so we've got to be careful with that so now I'm gonna add another factor of the the food reward the lick the sweetness he never gets sweet stuff so you wouldn't use it all the time you'd leave it to when you do the feet so we're about to use the special special links now which is really going to make him um hopefully want to pick them feet up and not stun them down okay all right so I'm gonna try first without this not yet give give that's a good girl that's a good girl you can face it from me immediately yeah we'll come over with it all right okay ready takeaway so what we need to really get away from all of that it becomes for it then I'm going to make sure he doesn't come in yeah um but without all I just don't know so you're going up in a lot of stages yeah little stages so he he I really want him to take it off me a few times because as soon as he does it's gone huh whereas when that's he's nice with his foot with me he's having a plus um got surprise to be fair it's his other front that we've worked on mostly isn't it because that's the one that the abscess was in yeah so that's the one we've been trying to get him over which is when he's been moved we'll do that we'll do that next okay okay good it's like a dinner plate I think I I feel that's better than it was oh God yeah would you agree yeah would you agree I I feel we get some of that so I'm gonna one two three come on I'm gonna do that twice more on this foot yeah I'm finding a little cluck is helping as well just a little bit yeah looking at and talking a little bit so go down a little squeeze cable squeeze on Andy he gave me that then he got that okay and then what I'm doing I'm pretty confident enough to put it on my knee um I don't know how good he is I feel that's something to you yeah um I think that's good if he takes it away which I don't mind if he does he would be really good with your timing he takes it away okay almost gonna take it then if he does that goes one two three okay good timing good timing sometimes that difference of the timing couldn't affect this because immediately that's hitting the ground you're gone yeah that's yeah you know so he's only having that which means he's only having that with his foots we did one we did we did one in Essex a couple of months ago and this horse was kicking out really bad right I broke the Ferry's hand almost and everything else and then after from the farrier about a month later saying can't believe this horse I've just shot it I've just driven I'm a Believer I believe yeah I believe [Laughter] um we're gonna do this one more time okay um so whose idea is it becoming his yeah this is the only way you would never make the sauce do this which is unless he has been trying to do basically you can't do it you won't do it it's his idea not to now we're kind of smoking our idea his idea you know that's I don't think I said he's put up like that for ages right really yeah good with your timing again um yes [Laughter] he's keeping this on my knee quite well there so used to taking a foot off people so he keeps his foot is like an Impulse response he keeps like pulling it a bit because he's so used to doing that but he's enjoying that so much but uh okay so I've gone to another stage now the vet would be uh that's beautiful one two three well done guess what so so it's just me he tries to lay on isn't it same ideas now he's gonna be different foot different scenario who's going to be looking at different things with his eyes so we almost start again now but very good on the ground what's done that at the city first if I can get that foot unweighted yes good man good man let's see if we can unwrite that foot yes you can reward the slightest try saying this is a bit different this is where my access was so good boy get it yeah okay give give I want him to take it away because if he does you take away you know now I'm going to turn here interesting to see if you can think now what will he prefer in a minute or losing the list all right because we've got to make it here's idea get ready get ready okay yeah okay okay I don't care how many times he does that the more the better because the more like if it's at home I would have lunched again a little bit now yeah this foot not so bad now is it right ready one two three take away if you've seen yeah he 'd have he would try and lay on me oh yeah oh no I can feel that feel back no now I'm gonna do what a ferry would do foreign one two three take away the Rope was the only way I could get his face I've got cinnamon in there it's a thinner one which is the next step up but um you ready with that behind you back oh okay I'll let them have that okay can you get it here yeah okay well let's I'll say when I'll give him that little thing there just rub on him now there's probably small head she can't she got two two handsome use your forehead yeah do you notice the atmosphere we're all joking we're all laughing he'll feel all of this we're not all intensely worried about and trying to do it and all out of breath and it's a big one two three I'll come back and I'll get to this point really quick one good good because you're just released him from it right one two three okay me too with what I'm saying here I'm trying to because there's a chance I might not have to have him right for a week I think we leave last thing they do is first thing they learn so I'll get back to where I end up really quickly yeah but we'll see get ready with that yes so that was Bloody wonderful wasn't it what do you think didn't hesitate so now take away so what we're going to do now well you have to before we go to the backs so we're going to leave him now let him think about that for about 15 minutes all right advance and Retreat that's called and then we're gonna do the buckets okay oh look oh no sweetheart enough Bruno Bruno [Music] look guys this this little one here Shadow has been young he's looking for a lovely home okay foreign [Music] [Music] [Laughter] okay guys if anyone on here or knows anyone that would like to maybe adopt one of those dogs puppies then uh please give Linda a message or and Google it's called Linton boarding kennels Lander Soul that's double l a n d y s u l uh just check check out on Google um I don't want to give all telephone numbers out I don't know whether I should do that so just Google them message them uh look them up um because there's some lovely dogs there and uh I don't know if there's any way I've donated to them but you know uh check check on it yourselves if you're into some of those dogs were gorgeous guys so yeah I've been able to get him to lift the only way we've ever and I think even from day dot isn't it the only way we can get his feet up that's me of course they've given me this jacket because it's full of horse treats we've had a nice break uh we've got a couple people in a minute but we're just gonna get where we're almost ready to start there's one little side swipe he Taps me he wouldn't even know know it but he could he could really do some damage and I've seen people killed with back back feet so I will wear a helmet for that I suggest other people do for the front as well but um we're going to try and make it his idea again now for the back feet the girls have just told me that they've never actually managed to really hold the feet um so it'll be interesting if we could make his idea yeah just one second um apparently it's his back feet that he'll go to pick them up and he'll go out and that's what he hurts um Linda yeah so yeah I've got to be careful guys buddy we're not going anywhere we're not going forward unless we can unless you can pick his face are you riding you might want to shoot him one day who knows you might want to do some longer distance you know I don't think he'll agree to that Brandon doesn't go how you can build like I was building them with the friends yeah I was building a report and I was making his idea to work with me once you get to that stage and you get that after enough then you go another stage you might tap as if it's a shoe you put a rasp on and just tap it a bit until I know and as soon as he said no you take the lick off again you know or move them around yeah make it his idea to maybe stand that minute up in but yes if you went straight for [Laughter] before yeah I Know It Ends I actually do I think that's good I I felt really good then straight away who now just relax remember Precious Precious yeah beautiful we're all their names we've just been having a bit of a laugh here which is which is helping the whole situation but Tara um Linda's daughter is the one that has to go and catch him you ride him shall we shall we show Tara there she is [Music] I think he hates me what do you mean he hates you well well he loves the others and he hates me and I said what do you mean well you know it's hard for me to put that color on and she's probably come up with one other one of the reasons because they are clever we think they're not but they are Tara is the one that works and he doesn't like work he's very very lazy he's nature and the way he is he doesn't want to do anything so tar he knows Tara works and so so he doesn't hate he was just trying to get out of work and there is always that other that always or the other reason maybe it wasn't that interview [Laughter] I believe so where is it going to be with these backs then yeah it's about to go to sleep love him yeah let's see if we can transfer weight same thing a little bit of pressure tell him how good he is we're not giving him maybe someone could take that off I always I'll call you flower because anyone I don't know if he forgets their name everybody a flower yeah so uh there telling my goodies so at the moment I'm rewarding the slightest try so as he goes over oh look at that can you see that yes it's got his toes so what we should do now um is off giving that now so he's having that when he's weight transfer I could put my finger under there now guys anybody any any takers for me no I don't think so all right he's got his lip and his weights transferred so while he's doing that now I'm going to take an opportunity on something might not work out so I'm gonna try to just pick this up a little bit there you go take it away he's understandable so you'll be ready with that now give give okay give take it away are you shocked at that yes good boy good boy he's not ripping though I have talked to thunderbrook so I'm waiting for them to get back to me take it away now I think I could get that rest now I think so but like I say we're gonna finish all this on a good note with him are you ready yeah yeah one two take away it really is a gentle giant isn't it take it away do you actually give that to him all right well that when we started this do you think I could get to this stage that's usually what you know that first part is where you start to a breakthrough I did want him to be worse with those because I wanted to turn him yeah because there's two things gonna help you with this one he's a food motivated so when you do that feed make sure when you do the feed make sure he has these all the pockets are full of them whatever he likes but hey cobs because he's got CPL we've got to be careful you can't have sugar okay well whatever he loves yeah but for the sake of it there's not a lot of sugar in them yes anything that he loves so we'll look forward to his feet yeah okay you ready we do we do just everything gets treated right okay guys okay gif three away this is look those horses yes you get we've got Dan is our phone you know he'll hold on there he's bloody clients get it done but walls like this no farrier would hold this horse and he'd taken through this brick wall well this is what we had it has to be in there in there we're changing it to make him want to do it we had this with the other day didn't we because her abscess you need to tell you Barry eventually even if I had to talk to him when he starts to take that foot just let it go yeah and just get the girls don't Circle him until he's he will offer you'll notice his life then you're rubbing then you get ready with your heart again he takes it off and even if the fire comes and he doesn't get it done the first time but finish on a good note because he's going to remember the fattest man yeah ready there okay no that's loose guys that's lovely one two three take it away that's exactly where we are going to leave that and then I'm going to try and juggle the diary and come in the next week or two hang on okay well I'm obviously we've got Lisa and Bug for five days stopping with us with her horse then we're going to Lancashire yeah for three days then we come back then we go then be back from Lancashire when we get back come then and then I'll very quickly get to unless Yeah well yeah as a rule of thumb if you finish in a good note right let's let's not lean push now I said if you take that off you turn that off we'll get out of can't blame him because we've been giving him that yeah he's coming so we can't blame that yeah good boy generally is a rule of thumb I was saying if you end up in a bad mood when you re-pick up whether it be for day six months whatever it's generally worse yeah if you end up like that when I pick up with him unless you've all Let It Go all right no probably be better than that then I'll reinforce it and then I need to get you girls to do it and on there then to help you do it and then you've got to try and work and you wouldn't go mad and say right we're doing although I'll make sure you can do the four you're the next day might do one foot let's just do one foot today and then you do the other foot so when he comes in for dinner oh yeah 100. it's not how dedicated are you to keep an open oh yeah I only asked you because because if it was for fear of getting hurt or whatever yeah sometimes you two more after say come on mom we'll make sure I know you looking at me terrible i've been to place I've managed to I knew it was going to be an accident and I've managed to get re-hand hooks yeah and I'm saying is see how this goes don't be silly you've got a Life to Live yeah you've got dogs to take care of you got these two if it was gonna mean you're getting hurt that well I think you did really well well what a bubbly Bunch them through yeah it looks lovely weren't they and that helped you know everyone smiling yeah joking I was trying to keep that going but so yeah there's no way you'd make that horse deal one thing it didn't want to do and that's what's happened even the farrier you know everyone's tried to hold on tried to force it and I had a great break through there and I think our next visit I think uh yeah we're gonna go again and I'll put an update because this video gone first I've got an update how that goes yeah I've got a good feeling of you oh and what a beautiful horse he was a typical gentle giant absolutely who is that is for for Linda personally if Linda was my mum God bless she's gone now but if she was my mum I'd say but I've learned as the years have gone on to not push the issue the girls I went to one of the girls one of the girls went back to me I mean like if things did get I mean she knows nearly killed at this almost several times guys she was knocked out they came out and she was at a stable and she was out cold like come in but she loves the horse and in the loves the horse she's a rescuer of animals in general so she died for those animals but you know I all I can do is do my best to try and help the situation uh you know and if words come to worst I'd be willing to have that force of mine and get you know having a horse for five days but I've Got a Feeling we might do it now Tanya you had nothing to eat today so would you want to go for a little little something in a little Pub somewhere but I'm also trying to be good I've got a wedding to go today I love white wine tonight I know all right let's go and find somewhere we found it again time does it open found it again look at that view wow look at that yeah we said it before it would be lovely to sit out there on a on a sunny day yeah bring the kids foreign I just been walking around this lovely Pub and there's a couple of lovely sayings which I'm I need these things brilliant no um sorry something absolutely delicious traditional Welsh cow and then you get a bit of crusty bread and a cheese yeah and then we've got a lasagna with chips garlic bread and salad so we're just going to do a swap a Rooney well we're gonna just chair yeah that looks nice guys it's amazing yeah Tanya how good is that absolutely love it I can't tell yeah it's the best cow this is called the Taffy t-e-i-f-i Waterside bar absolutely unbelievable guys let's look at that oh well guys that's one of the nicest meals we were hungry mine that does help so yeah we'll get back now and get my horses in and get out there look I'll tell you very quickly about our boat in Dad's boat which is just gone out there ever so well it's quite good it's our first boat fella what's your name Bob Mark yeah occasionally we just bought our aren't it cheap you know we're gonna see if we like it do a bit of fishing and get a better one you know yeah that's the plan it's all right it's the first time we put it in oh that's it I'm sticking to horses I'm afraid the ants broke down I've not even got on I'm not even gonna he's having to be rescued look oh my life oh dear oh dear look guys it's shifting drifting in now oh is he going no he's not going it's not starting oh dear I think we got ripped off guys I think we I didn't think we'd be up I didn't think he's done it all right straight into the field we got holes just in case like where I put them uh yeah that's good perfect you're all right James what are you looking for bananas I'm not like bananas no carbs before Essex demos right then I got one is everything turned out all right in the end love the bone now I absolutely love it um it was just a block filter but it was so funny a theme drifting him like that but yeah love boating Cabanita we're back home come on girl yeah come on come on Dita come on I know there you go there you go come on Jimmy 's in come on Chef write yourself in the bucket right then you go Nita leave him alone ah sis it's late in the day but they can come in for a bit uh and I'll put them out I don't know about eight or nine o'clock usually I go out about six seven so that's that the day you done how's the day done uh we'll go and have a sit down so that's pretty much it guys that's the end of the video um I think it's a cracking video I think we got really did well with that that horse I'm going back in a couple of weeks time I'll do a little update on how we get on um I've got a good feeling about about the horse if at the end of the day I need the horse here I've said it's very few are I'll have here now but I wouldn't mind having the Wolves here for I mean Linda does so much for the for animal world doesn't show you so I've said I would have the horse it'd make a big difference five six days here um so that's it guys I've got to go now because I've got the vet on the way uh one of my new cool horses has got a wolf's tough and I'm about to start beating him now so we're having that that taken out so I'll I'll block that as well so yeah guys again if you can for us like share and comment comments are great I hope you enjoyed it again and happy trails and see you next time uh we've actually got a horse to go to to tomorrow weather's turn nasty so I don't know I hope there's an indoor there or somewhere indoor to work the horse uh so yeah okay see you guys catch you later
Channel: Steve Young Horsemanship
Views: 101,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pFioVDLqHiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 0sec (3840 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2023
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