HORSE CENTIPEDE: The Lord of Long Long Ranch

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Their body is divided into segments. Each with its own set of legs and internal organs.  This is the Horse Centipede. They are meat eaters.  Wow, what a beauty. Let’s kitbash the Lord of all horses.  If I was a wizard, of course I could  just summon one out in the wild.  Sadly I’m just a normal person with normal horses. But hay, that’s good enough for me.  After luring them in and gaining their  trust, we’re ready to line these studs   up for the sacrificial ritual. But which of these beauties   will be the centipede’s head? Neigh. Neigh. Neigh. Neigh. Neigh. None   of these will do. Oh, yes! This one!  This head will be our mane event. And these hindquarters will bring up the caboose.  Within this centipede sandwich, the lion’s  share of the legs will be this stack of steeds.  Now, it’s time to make our first  incision using a rotary tool.  The first surgery was a success, but we  have many more horses to get through.  Oh yeah, this one was a twist-off. After separating heads from tails,   you might realize we’re not building a Horse  Hydra so the rest of the heads must go.  Bill Making Stuff is always saying to “keep  the heads” for future kitbashing projects.  But I’m worried I’m going to wake up tomorrow with  a new pile of bits that I’ll be cursed to use up.  This is the general body layout, but the  next challenge might be a little cheeky.  We’ll need to blend these rear ends together.  Using a pin vice, I’m doing something  extremely normal to this plastic horse   to remove a little extra cheek chaff so I can  insert a piece of armature wire into the hole.  I’m sorry for this. From here, it’s a simple and morally reprehensible   process of impaling horses whilst coiling this  equine assemblage into a threatening semicircle.  Then a bit of super glue  to lock the pose in place.  To fill in the flesh gaps, a  combo of milliput and green stuff.  This creates grilliput, which  is not only a good gap filler,   but an excellent medium for holding the  intricate details of horse centipede flesh.  But to really capture that horse fur  essence, I’ll need to make a texture tool.  Using a chopstick, I’m skewering  a chunk of super sculpey.  Then, I’m lubing up a horse  with vegetable oil, as one does.  A greasy steed helps in sampling texture  so clay doesn’t get stuck in the fur.  After a quick bake, I can’t show it on YouTube. Nah, I’m just kidding, it’s just Earthworm Jim.  I’m blending the epoxy putty into the  plastic fur texture as best I can.  But as it turned out, the texture tool  wasn’t quite as good as just using a   spare pelvis from the horse bisection earlier.  Another reason to hold on to  the pile of severed horse bits.  After a quick prime, it’s time to  decide on the right color scheme.  I’ve always been a fan of  Epona in Ocarina of Time.  And since she is the pride  and joy of Long Long Ranch…  It feels right to imbue the horse  centipede with her lustrous chestnut   coat using a spritz of burnt sienna ink. A bit of carbon black for her hooves and nostrils.  And some light tan for her knee  highlights and that vascular horse face.  Her mane and tail get several coats of  ghost white which I blended toward black.  Then her front feet get the same treatment. Followed by her other sixteen feet.  After a rich brown wash to bring back  a little contrast, this statue is fully   crafted in the image of the Horse Centipede. Speaking of images, what do you think of this?  Would you wear it on a shirt? Heck, I would.  My partner designed this and we’re  thinking about doing some merch   with this and other designs. Sound off in  the comments if you need it on your body.  Now back to the build where we’re  using this clear disk as the base.  But it must be aggressively  sanded so terrain can stick to it.  Next, a lump of ground goop. Too thick, we need to beat this down.  That’s better, we don’t want the  horse to drown in deep sludge.  “ARTAAAAAAX!” Here’s how I made this ground paste by the way.  Before letting this delicious cookie dry  overnight, I pressed in a few chunks of   bark as boulders, then spiced  it with a few pinches of dirt.  I gave the bark a few passes of  a dirty wash until they looked   more rock-like, but the ground is  still missing something critical.  It’s grass. But do you know how to best grow a lawn?  Every lawn craves Lon Lon Milk. I pour it on extra thick.  That drinkable yogurt consistency. Spread that cream all the way to the edges,   then electrolize the proteins  so it's got what plants crave.  For these extra grass that failed to stick,  just vacuum it up and throw it in the trash.  Just kidding, catch them in a nylon  sock and save them and that’s my tip   I learned from Luke Towan of the Day. I’m finishing this horse home with   a garnish of the finest tiny pebbles  taken from an old dirt hole in my yard…  And if we’re lucky, the Horse Centipede will feel   comfortable enough in its new  home to leave us with a gift.  Oh wow, a baby Horse Centipede. Welcome to the world, little one.  Oh no… Welp, guess I’m cursed forever.  I shouldn’t have made you. I  knew you couldn’t be tamed.  There’s only one thing that  can tame a Horse Centipede…  A Human Centipede.  That means we’ll have to upgrade  our hero from Link to Chain Link.  Now, I’ve watched enough North of the Border  at this point to feel a lukewarm confidence   that I can also make a tiny Link, despite  my immense lack of sculpting experience.  But I’m pretty sure watching Adam make  a tiny Link six times is pretty much the   same as making a six-armed Link. With my long Link armature done,   Lonk is ready for his clay flesh using  the ol’ North of the Border tippy tap.  Oh no, that’s a bad skin graft. Okay, let’s try that one more time.  There we go! And look at that powerful pose. “Are you not entertained?”  We’ll start with Link’s handsome bishōnen face. But remember, I have no idea what I’m doing, so he   looks more like Ooccoo from Twilight Princess. But you know, extra arms, not extra nipples.  Or maybe he does have extra nipples, I don’t know. Don’t let me know in the comments.  Lonk’s hair is several strands of thick  pointy snakes arranged into a bald mullet.  Which is why he’s always seen  wearing a cap as to avoid burning   his exposed scalp under the hot Hylian sun. While the mullet does imply a party from the back,   he’s all business up front with a collared shirt. But not too business, because he’s rocking   the short sleeved six-armed tunic. Then I finished up the lower part   of his tunic to make sure he wouldn’t  catch those cold drafts from the back.  Then I flattened out some long  linguine noodles for his belt,   shoulder strap, and the cuffs  that go around his boots.  So far, he looks a little lumpy, but  I think he deserves a hand. Or six.  I rolled out a spaghetti noodle and doubled it  over a couple times to make six open palm hands.  A pose which I meant to look like an attempt to  calm the Horse Centipede, but instead it just   looks like he’s ready for the handsiest hug. After a quick bake, I painted him up in   an Ocarina of Time color scheme. This was the phase where my very   rough sculpting really revealed itself, because I  learned I didn’t make a handsome Hylian afterall.  The paint really emphasized every  lumpy imperfection, which I could   chalk up to an artistic choice to emulate the  low-poly game model, but that would be a lie.  For a moment, I thought maybe a  fleshshade wash could help salvage it,   but I made sure negate those efforts  by painting on two creepy little eyes  It’s okay though, I love my lumpy Pinocchio child. “Love me…”  I do love you. I love you so much I’m going  to give you a Master Sword and shield.  I’m sculpting the shield over a metal spoon to  take advantage of its built in shield curve.  I’m going for a Hylian shield,  complete with a perimeter of rivets.  Using my other offscreen hands,  I sculpted this Master Sword..  Then baked the sword and  shield right on the spoon.  Then I started painting, but it got a little  messier than intended, so I switched over from   my normal eating spoon to my painting spoon. Let’s quickly wrap up the painting,   then equip Chain Link on his task of taming  the wild Horse Centipede or die trying.  As always, thank you to all the support on Patreon  for making these videos possible, including these   patient patrons thanked in song form. Now roll the beauty shots.
Channel: Studson Studio
Views: 394,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: legend of zelda diy crafts, diy zelda crafts, zelda crafts, studson studio, zelda miniature, nintendo crafts, the legend of zelda, zelda toys, miniatures, link and zelda, miniatures diy, tabletop terrain, custom figures, nintendo diy crafts, 28mm miniatures, how to, Crafting, making monsters, horse centipede, ocarina of time, kitbashing, kitbash, how to kitbash, kitbashing monsters
Id: 3Ajb3Uva42w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2022
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