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this is a brilliant level by the way can we just appreciate that like this level's actually really creative it's also satanic the geek troll level was made by all of you all right you deserve this just as much as i do carl goes to las vegas norvata you can lose it all fading away from my eyes and lost vegas norveda oh my god i just got the reference wow that's awesome [Music] well geek i hope you understand this if i have a heart attack playing this level it's on you the house always wins [Laughter] firstly i hope he gets so frustrated from the blanky rage quits the true troll is convincing everyone helping carl to abandon his troll for my what the only reason we still might keep wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait was all that [ __ ] what was all this [ __ ] hold on hold on i don't want this being so evil that he quits or wants to quit oh my gosh wait a minute what happened geek what happened the true troll is convincing everyone helping carl to abandon his troll for mine yeah because like a whole bunch of people who were working on my levels then switched over and started working at geek's level instead retract their trolls from him and giving them to me oh my god the only reason we still make evil levels is specifically because geek demands it it's all her fault truth truth why do we bother making those for carl when he gives us that cherry is it awful you're asking dick i just don't want my choices torches to inspire uh in levels inspiring you to create a monstrosity i'm sure your avengers will be the thing to do that embrace the evil so what i'm hearing is this room is great i don't think that's what you should be hearing that was during testing like one of the level one of the rooms in the level so what i'm hearing is this room is great and people are like i don't think that's what you should be hearing i'm not doing it again [ __ ] nintendo end this level oh my god i mean i want the antis to be fun too carl's gammon 42 bandless is geek and whoever she throws under the bus is there anything before the checkpoint hope hope [Music] geek i ain't [Laughter] carl goes to las vegas nevada featuring geek mortis devilish eddie timmy snow box and steve oh all the [ __ ] creators i thought she got the good creators okay oh no oh my gosh i love how shoved up played it why do we keep subjecting shove to bad things all right let's do it carl goes to las vegas norvata to visit the famous monte larlo carl sino the house always wins i wonder is this just going to be hold on we need to we need to like what do i think this level is going to be like what do i honestly legitimately think oh it's going to be rng [ __ ] it's going to be rng [ __ ] it's just going to be rng [ __ ] welcome yep it's just gonna be pure rng [ __ ] great great the question that i have is how many anti-soft flocks will this level have i'm gonna predict eight anti-soft locks all right all right welcome wait does that say welcome welcome to the rng carl ceno is this an rng level you know to be fair if it is that's better that's better than i thought that's better than i thought look at this geek actually made contraptions and stuff i would go left this time i wonder if it could have also wow i wonder if that setup could have made us go to the right also what does this say yes and yes wait so it just straight up didn't work and that's the end all right this level uh is off to a flaming hot start okay springs shoot out bombs explode the on and off switch goes off oh the clown car goes this way this time oh what is that what was that fish oh but that's easy this levels this level is easy it's a red coin level [Music] is this a hold on wait a second wait a second what do i actually have to do right here i guess they're gonna hit this wait that was easy though geek that was easy geek this level's easy wait why is there something happening something's happening something's happening oh i can go up here look at these contraptions i'm actually impressed the geek like put all this together oh no is this just an rng [Music] oh no i can go in this door okay i can go in this door wait a minute wait a minute is it a red coin level where the door that i could go in each time is determined by rng that's genius that is genius or is this an ante no it's a red coin oh all the red coins are probably aunties aren't they wait wait we have koopas can the koopas oh the koopa has to walk oh my god it has to go i see i see i see wait this is genius also this this on and off switch with the conveyor before it was clearly copied from my level oh god where am i i can't even see where i am okay i wonder if you can make it in one go oh that wasn't it in one go oh oh my gosh this is actually a great anti minus the fact that it's copied like 30 for me oh there it is there it is no let's try going when the ice block on the c is at the top right so like there okay i need to like i'll start running when it's right there oh that was not right actually at all okay that's not gonna work oh oh oh that's so good but the last one is crap okay i need to test something real quick do they desync i think they desync yeah let me check let me check yeah they do okay so this is actually cancerous garb so here's what we have to do here's the strat i could just keep trying randomly but okay so basically like every time this one gets here if you look at the position of this one right here it's right here but then right here it's right there and then right here it's right here and then right here it's right here so basically they're desynced in other words there is no consistent timing between the four of them which means that sometimes one might let you through but then the other one won't and other times that same position will let you through but the other one will let you through and it's like that for all four of them so basically it's four times rng fitting with the theme of the level which i like you know props for sticking to the theme of random [ __ ] geek but anyway other than that um i think that we could make an actual strategy for this which is that so what i'm going to do is if i start if i'm right here and i start running right when this block is right there that actually will always let me through the first one let me show you so i'm going to start running when the block is there and then i hit it see it always lets me through that one and it actually luckily let me through the next three but what i really need now is now i need a position of when that happens for the last one to also let me through we're gonna science the [ __ ] out of this all right you call it random all right i call it an interesting science problem let's go all right so what i'm gonna try now is we're just gonna we're just gonna we're just gonna record some data all right we're gonna record some data i'm gonna go here when that and the right the far right one was on top oh god that one actually killed me on the second one this time uh oh oh then the third one got me then the third one got me all right it's too many variables to line up at the same time well at the least i can do is ensure that i get through the first one do the first and second one desync oh they absolutely totally desync don't they oh but they don't desync that actually no the first the second one don't desync so there's actually one way that it'll work and one way that it won't i think yeah okay i actually know how to oh that was close okay i actually understand how to get through the first two if i time it right if i line up the first two in a certain way it will get through them that's okay well that was oh that was only the last one oh boy oh my goodness i might have to hit it multiple times you know i guess another strategy is to try to keep hitting it i wonder if you have to there's no way you have to keep hitting it look at that that's trash that's total trash like it's theoretically doable but it feels horrid oh my gosh quickly science goes out the window that's it no if only that would have been up that was so close oh that's so close oh my god that was see i think i'm gonna get it like this i just have to have the last one line up by chance maybe i could maybe actually maybe i could optimize only for the last one let me think about it i have to i probably have to go when the last one is just hitting the right side maybe this one will work let's see how this one oh look at that that one would have worked but then the one before the last one got me that's interesting i wonder if that'll always be the case i think the last one's not going to work this time it'll be close to oh the second one gets me then oh this is trash this is so we're going gonna get a different one aren't we we're gonna get we're not even gonna get the same one god this is such a brilliant idea though we have not seen a creative break like an actual creative use of having more red coins oh that almost is it gonna be a different one this time i think this is the rng setup i get it i get it this setup right here is to set the rng i totally get it um it's to make it so that the pattern that i use to get through that area is random because there is no true randomness in this it's just the series of inputs that you use i might actually be able to come up with a setup that makes hitting on and off switch consistent and then i don't move and i think after that we will actually have a it would actually be the same rng every time but for now we'll do it like this what counts as the first recording the first one that i get um so do i need to what do i need to do here what do i need to do here [Music] what do i need to accomplish or do i need to go up here wait i can i can hit that what does it do to hit that okay i can't go up there what does the pow do for me here what's the purpose of the pal i don't understand yet oh oh all right i understand the purpose of the power now i just i now understand the purpose of the power i need to like get a fast run off of this and it can let me through there it is it's not too bad that's interesting that you can oh it's bad that is interesting that you can uh actually make it through those bumpers does it get through i think yeah you have to oh my god i just saw that i can what is this [ __ ] what is the [ __ ] what is this [ __ ] this auntie is brilliant i love this auntie i love this auntie this is genius who came up with this who came up with this i need to immediately make them a mod oh my god this is genius [Music] this is what you get here wait wait i need i know what i need to do i need to go up now now i'll get through i need to like run as long as i can what do i need to duck under that one i might need to duck under that one when it comes at me right there oh that's the way i need to get through it what what was that i got flunganated i got sling-linged i got sling-a-ling dinged give me no no this one all right there we go we're in all right now we need to go right there no no no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait go right there this one i go through i think okay now we need to just lock out look out let's go let's freaking go first rig coin down let's go there's an anti just there's an ante to save your red coins wait there's an ante to save your raid [Music] oh god okay i thought there was an ante to save your red coin oh my god oh is it orgy whether it saves it's rng whether the red coin saves [Laughter] oh my god it's rng whether the red coin saves wow wow this level is genius wait look there's two wait they're all down wait look i can go wait wait wait i can go in if i beat one i can go in all of them benevolent level maker let's try this pipe also i probably need to die because i would save the see we are nice i think this would oh the mushroom oh this one's fun look at this it's just a happy staircase everybody knows since mario bros one that staircases are the most fun thing in the game always have been always will be oh this is actually fun yeah we really don't want to save the safety coin right now so like here we are but you know i should probably just restart the level so i don't save the safety coin oh no do i want to save the safety coin i actually think i want to save the safety coin the more i think about it the more i think i want to save the safety coin because if you think about it it's rng whether i'll get the safety coin at any given time and if i want it at the end oh no no no if i okay no no no if i get the very last coin get the key and then get wrong rng i won't be able to enter the key door i won't be able to enter the key door oh come on oh my god dude [Music] oh my god dude oh my god what is this i'm so good at it now and it doesn't matter holy [ __ ] will i enjoy the first red coin i did enjoy it this is awesome i actually love this level this level is way more creative than i thought it was gonna be i thought it was just gonna be a bunch of trash and it's actually awesome wait a minute is it alright oh my not like this not like this oh i see this is to set the rng hold on hold on this is to set the rng we need to we need to figure out a system to predict the rng in that spot right there oh thank goodness all right we're saving the safety coin let's go we're saving the safety coin let's go let me just hold right the whole time here and see if it lets me over it does let me over that might get that might be predictable that was just holding right one jump let's see which one it lets down let's down the right one i might be able to honestly y'all we might be able to we might be able to rig this in our favor why does it say don't go in the red pipe why not go in the red pipe i'm about to timeout anyway so i think it can't be that bad wait how do i get out of here oh is it just to death it's just wait [Music] does it even launch oh my god the timer and how long it takes to launch is atrocious isn't it it's just an anti okay if i just hold right here jump once max jump and then hit that oh it depends on the timing of how many bounces i get on the bumper doesn't it it depends on the timing of the note of bump so i would have to but i can do it without slowing down actually i think i can manipulate this rng we're gonna try okay um oh you guys just all got scammed oh we'll get [ __ ] um okay we need to we need to ask ball escort i think we need a ball escort oh yeah moles on ice are you know traditionally known to be the most predictable and fun to control enemy in the game so this is a good choice this is a good choice okay first bounce is here oh the ball the balls tell me where are the blocks tell me where it bounces so first one is here second one is here i see i see i see okay this is a fair and balanced minigame look at this it tells me it tells me where it's gonna go tells me where it's gonna go you know i'm surprised we haven't had like a mole control look at him just going crazy oh this is good though this is good no it's not good it's horrible it's awful it's horrific it's disgusting that didn't hit it how did that not hit it stop going so fast okay no i need you to go fast this time boom no too fast okay we need to tame the mole okay i need to get him to here i get the idea we need to get him to turn around faster though look at that look at that look at that oh that was so close oh okay he's gotta sort of be on the right side of the ice block for this to hit [Music] easy oh i just had to turn around a little earlier i'm getting it i'm getting it i'm getting it learning is occurring it's all about which side of the ball i'm on because when you go when you go to the other side that's when the mole turns around okay i see so i wanted to go a little bit over here uh turn around and turn around perfect perfect oh i didn't turn around fast no i did oh my god it was so close i hated my life when i first played this one i actually i don't mind this i've always liked moles they they follow like a weird pattern but it is a predictable pattern there it is nice easy okay i want to try something i think does every bounce here change the rng though does anybody know if every single bounce here changes the rng is so we're [ __ ] there yeah well i'm good but it doesn't save unless it saves so like does it matter oh thank god it's saved let's go three red coins can i get can i touch don't have to save it can i touch another coin before timeout yes or no wait did she make it on purpose that you get the red pipe if you wait a minute if you just run full speed that would be genius um okay we gotta do i have this bitcoin [Music] and all my points are back can i save a coin i like how my chat is gambling while playing this level all right what is this monstrosity i have to get through here without getting grippy grabbed i think and then when i get grabbed i have to go up here okay i'm glad there are more claw games you know we hadn't we really didn't have enough claw yeah i think this this one is really clawsome i don't know this is this is gripping gameplay right here this is definitely gripping gameplay what wait do i need to jump up there wait what's the plan here i'm not sure what the plan is is it in the pipe i think that stuff down there is nothing and it's in the pipe or is this also rng which one of these entrances you get [Music] oh you can actually drop oh when it goes up when it takes me up i can drop wait wait wait this is actually good hold on oh hold on let me test something if it grabs me ah but i have to release okay there's actually a timing to release and save myself look at that oh look at that [ __ ] easy let's go [Music] let's go [Music] yes yes yes can i say can i can i touch another coin before timeout can i touch another coin before timeout we keep getting so lucky i want to see if this is red pipe that's my consistent setup yeah consistent setup is red pipe that's genius consistent setup when i hold right is red pipe but i'm gonna add one additional jump to that i'm gonna go one extra jump wow consistent setup is red pipe that is insane um oh we're not touching another rig coin y'all i hate to break it to ya well i just got i just got that accidentally which is not great so does it fire i forget if we determine if it fires from here or not what's the oh yeah yeah i gotta go from here okay okay can i accidentally put on the helmet that's hilarious oh here we go okay let's just drop as soon as it goes off screen oh that was close that was close okay so it's basically just after it goes off screen then we drop oh it wasn't droppable though just after it goes off screen then we drop easy ex what what what is this auntie what what it's a different timing now oh this auntie is genius it's a different timing when i'm up here [Music] oh my god it's a different timing when i'm up here [Music] nice auntie this is stevo's nerfed it three times i think we should do a challenge to see whether i can beat that auntie maybe when they're done with the level that would be fun which one did i get have i gotten this one before oh yeah yeah oh we keep getting new ones let's go okay what is the goal here it looks like i need to use the fire flower oh i need to i think i need to avoid i think i get the issue here can i slide underneath it when it goes up right there here's my plan [Music] good plan okay we need to avoid that somehow [Music] it's not trivial what what if i get it to drop can i get it to drop it over here drop it yeah yeah okay and it'll get re-picked up but what if we get it to drop it and then we oh we just get yeeted over it that might be a strat right there i like that strat how do i get in here okay here's the plan we drop it right there and then we yo yo no that was it i just didn't fire this is a good strat actually i like this dread i don't like the strat anymore [Music] i don't like the strat anymore how do i get through this consistently this is so weird i don't understand how i can't consistently get in there like what is this maybe i have to look if i look right it'll change what is the strat to even get in this this is such a crazy setup why won't i there it is it's like weirdly hard to even get in there there we go this is a good strat though actually this is actually a good strat oh i have to duck that's what it is look at that look at that okay now we've got this down to a science we just have to duck from there we have to come in from the side and duck a bit okay we want this to drop like right here nice nice nice nice nice this is totally doable we can do this okay we got another two we got another two off [Music] oh oh [Music] that was kind of interesting let me out hey wait a minute that makes me wonder can i just like can i just sit in one of these top claws here oh i can we're making that a little harder oh i need to go in the hole you idiot i need to just go in the hole wait i want to be in this one and then i just oh look at that look at that i was making that even harder than i needed to be what do you mean what do you mean there's not that's not dodd-dodgeable oh it's just that one too that's hard it's just that one okay what's the point of this what's the point of this i should just get into this one and i should be okay or not let's just do the old strap where we drop it and then go over the top there it is oh slide on in do this and then i have to get hit here okay easy now let's get bad rng and lose everything let's get bad energy here and lose absolutely everything please please please please to the right yes the god rng she said it herself in the in the trailer the house always wins in the carl sino i am the house wait now how come i can go in all of them this time also i haven't been keeping track of which ones i've been in by the way oh my god i don't know which ones i've gotten and which ones i haven't i literally don't know which one i've been in and which one i haven't we're gonna go in this one because i don't remember going in it but no do i remember going in this one i think i haven't been in this one oh my god i don't remember which one i've been in and which one i haven't well i remember going in this pipe but i don't remember whether i got the coin in it this is the one i'm the least certain about oh we did get a new one this is good is that rng whether that blows up or not all right we gotta go we gotta go we're gonna save this we got a hundred some odd seconds we gotta go oh i think i can do this one oh i know oh but then that's an issue okay [Music] oh this is [ __ ] this is trash let's go yeah there's no way the geek beat all these oh oh i could save myself and i didn't i could have saved myself oh i just needed that jump right there [ __ ] this is fun i actually like this one this one's really fun i have to do flicks on my controller or else i jump too high oh i need to get back there i need to get a little bit better at getting saving those dang that was a good jump gotta do gotta do flicks i gotta get the right timing to not oh if i just hit that last one i think that would have been it can i make it by doing it like this this might be easier huh that just goes up here but that might be okay and then i go and then i can stay here i can actually stay here oh what all right yolo was i supposed to jump up there oh god i was supposed to jump up there i just realized this is fine this is fine okay this is fine this is fine no no no no no it's less fine it's less fine oh it's bad it's over [Music] oh i'm a god let's go i know how to do this one i know how to do this one [Music] [Applause] that's bad that's bad oh this is i've played enough tempest funk though all right tempest funk has prepared me for this this is a brilliant level by the way can we just appreciate that like this level's actually really creative it's also satanic [Music] oh hey that's the same one again let's go do i have to go in here two times or is it random here which one will it take me to oh oh is it red coin based or something how does that one work how does that one work yo i'm so happy i get another shot at this [Music] oh this is also like just the right difficulty i think because if it had been much worse than this it would have been like you know it would have given me carpal tunnel to finish carpal tunnel to finish it but this is actually like the right difficulty i think like it's pretty [ __ ] but it's not too [ __ ] oh you have to time it so that you're in between the gap but off the ground when you drop off of there it's pretty rough there we go oh i just pushed the jump accidentally all right let's just go underneath that one oh i didn't hit that one in time the real thing i need to make sure it's right here i need to not jump too high oh i jumped extra times this time i'm trying to time the number of jumps the same every time i don't know if that affects it or not please [Music] by the way i don't know which one to do you've been indoors two three and four have i not been in this one oh yeah this one is horrible this one is the worst this one is i am so glad that like this one is so feels so much worse than the rest of them oh my god this one just feels so much worse like i don't know if i can somehow try to do like a double double back and forth right there let's see what the timing of this is have it feels like you can't possibly go back and forth with it like there's just not enough control so it feels like you have to just get a lucky run all the way through which is very [ __ ] very very [ __ ] the one shot is extraordinary levels of [ __ ] momentous levels of [ __ ] titanic [ __ ] pile monumental shitastrophy save it save it please i beg you i beg you save save my coins [Music] all right which one is which one is the jumping mushroom i need to know which one is i need to remember which one is the jumping mushroom so that i can just so [Music] we just lost two coins we just completely lost two coins we just completely lost two coins we had such good rng this whole time and it is it is over it is over it is over the good rng is over here we go let it go off screen there we go there it is but i always wear it and then it's a different timing when i wear it oh i can duck at least right oh it still kills it [Music] oh my god what is this monstrosity [Music] i'm waiting it for it to fall off screen oh and then it's even longer than that though you have to let it fall off screen and wait even longer can i die now [Music] oh it's even longer than that oh come on yes all right i see the timing now [Music] [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] is that [Music] oh he wouldn't shoot at the very end it wouldn't shoot at the very end oh that was disgusting that was disgusting back to five coins we go dude imagine if it just drops the red pipe imagine if it just dropped the red pipe all right this fight i need to start writing down which ones i've been in oh i haven't been in this one yet i actually haven't been in this one yet let's go what is this one what is this one it looks like i don't oh no i do want the mushroom wait what is the plan here oh the mushroom chases wait do i want to get it or not do i not want to get it [Music] i think i just want to get the mushroom oh what is this mushroom doing to me oh that was it here's the timing i need to do timing from here when the spring is there let's try oh that's a good timing for that okay then we can coax the mushroom how does this mushroom work okay that's my timing on the spring but it doesn't time it with the mushroom too okay we need a mushroom timing maybe i'll go when the mushroom hits the ground there oh that was almost it is this the right idea here where it will like touch the mushroom the mushroom goes does a high bounce and a low bounce though which is jank ass [ __ ] by the way look at that the mushroom does a high balance and a low bounce this is like disgusting there oh didn't have the spring timing on that one okay i need to wait longer on the spring i think that might do it or else it'll still bounce me oh it was close okay this is a good timing i think on the spring yeah there it is easy game [Music] no what is this oh my god [Music] it's okay i got the timing i got the timing down don't worry oh i almost had that look at this timing that i got a perfect i forgot what i'm doing is i'm like i'm watching when the thing bounces and the position of the spring at the same time oh that was just a low bounce i think there [Music] oh so close there it is and i hold right i knew you would do [ __ ] like this i knew you would do [ __ ] like this of course you would do [ __ ] like this of course you would do [ __ ] like this of course this is still one of the easiest ones just because i have a really good setup okay that was just not a high bounce high low high low high i'm going on a high and that gets it okay when i go on a high then i get it i've got this i've got this down i need to hit this [ __ ] don't i oh it's just right there i think it's not possible for me to hit this and come back yeah i think i just have to do a loop okay well we've done enough loops to have been done already though like this is the one if we need to blaze through one quickly this might be it i think this is the pipe right okay i need to go on a high bounce wait it's not even bouncing high and low right now it's all low bounces what does that even mean oh it's only when it comes back it gets into a rhythm of high balances that's a weird high high i'm too slow or i'm too early yeah oh almost had it that bounce it was a low bounce though we'll go on the next bounce and that was the high bounce this is it yeah look at that look at that easy six strats okay is this gonna dick me all right [Music] oh let's go all right one bounce one jump two jump three jump four jump around four jumps in a round let's try that okay i can go through any of them now right so this is like my one grace my one grace period now i could hear theoretically like oh i can't do the one that's interesting i can't do the one that i just did again which is actually like genius and brutal i think i haven't finished this one in the save right i can't i can't remember if i finished this one in this save or not or is it this one that i haven't finished in this save i think it's this one yeah i have well i haven't finished this one one way or another so let's get rng i need to go pee oh god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god that was so lucky why am i getting lucky this time i couldn't get this ever before all right we're gonna do something different here we're gonna go one jump two jump three jump four jump five jump bounce just do a different jump whatever and there's like jumps there too this is all [ __ ] i think you have to face left no this is oh my god it's disgusting oh my god dude no way one jump just jump a bunch so i don't get the [ __ ] red pipe just don't give me anything you do don't give me the [ __ ] red pipe is it always red pipe wait a minute is it always red pipe it looks like it's always red pipe is this true is it true that it's always red pipe on the third go it feels like it's always red pipe on the third go i'm getting good enough at this ante though wait wait i think i can die to this we just have to we have to have we have to know the strats [Music] i wish i didn't get that on my head but i think if i go a little later i wouldn't get it on my head oh very close there very close here watch this i can do it from here actually i can actually do it from here ah look at that i can do it from here okay here we go shoot it here because i can use my old timing with this yeah let's go i got the timing down i got the timing down oh that's the one i want to oh is this is this actually benevolent it feels like it's giving me the doors that i actually want because i still need to save this one oh oh maybe maybe maybe maybe oh no no no no [Music] oh i just missed it no this one is this one is the worst because i can only control it so much i can only control this one so much i can i can ensure that it doesn't get hit by the first one in the second one but that doesn't oh please no but then that last one is just toxic garbage let me just sort of eyeball the right the right one okay the right one is headed towards that side which makes it impossible okay now i know what i know when that right one will be impossible now actually this that would have been impossible so i won't go this one i think will work but then we died to the third one but it would have worked on the end and that's important okay i'll just i think i'm only gonna time well okay i think this will work oh it didn't no no that wasn't good on the last one oh geez where does the last i'm still trying to figure out where the last one needs to be for it to work [Music] last one is just coming back when i started and that's horrible okay when the last one is just coming back when i start it won't it will never work all right good to know i need so the last one needs to be like maybe there that's just coming in oh no it wouldn't have worked either where does the last one need to be that one won't work this one might work no this is coming back i think it won't it would have actually that might have been closed just coming back on the last one like coming from up to down i think actually oh that would have been it right there but i didn't go let's try not this one not this one this one oh it would have worked but the third one got me [Music] oh that's it all right i have the timing i actually can do this one consistently i think i have the timing let's go let's go all right one two three skip a few random random is better than the trash that i was doing just jump randomly who cares anymore who cares anymore trying to manipulate the rng is dead please you've given me four [ __ ] rolls in a row dude yes give it to me six coins let's go we got 270 seconds left can i save a seventh coin before timeout can i save a seventh coin before timeout let's go please i don't remember which one i need i literally don't remember which one i need it might be this door but i don't remember i hope it's this door yes i like this one too let's go easy easy easy easy [ __ ] oh let me up this is winnable i can win this one in time it's not gonna be easy but it is possible these jumps are really hard [Music] i need to flick it plus this room reeks of shelter this is from reeks of tempest funk what are you talking about oh i can do a full jump there oh no no no no no this room reeks of tempest funk what are you even talking about [Music] oh let's go [Music] please save for the love of everything trolley for the love of everything drolly save my coin and now we need to see is it guaranteed [Music] jump many times way jump many times is this guaranteed red five is this guaranteed red pie we're just gonna [ __ ] with the rng a whole bunch bounce back spencer's fans is this guaranteed red pipe it's [ __ ] guaranteed red pipe are you kidding me how did you design this could i have died i could have died on that bomb i could have died on that bomb oh my god this is horrible like it was benevolent until that forced red pipe shenanigans it's gonna give it to me i wait i need to wait later there here's the plan though watch this fire oh i didn't fire fire okay don't get that though oh what fire oh oh this is too late this is too late [Music] what okay wait a little longer oh wait a little less long [Music] all right i take it back my timing's gone my timing's gone there it is no you're kidding me dude you have to hit the you have to hit the freaking edge of it all right [ __ ] it we're doing it like this we're not doing it like that i take it back that way it's horrible that weighs way worse fire please fire please there we go [Music] there we go we got a good timing now let's go carl i built the hub if you have questions oh it's really cool daft life but also [ __ ] you i hope it just gives you one a coin that you don't have that'd be insane but i don't know how it i know how i could possibly do that i know how i could possibly do that this level follows the troll guide it's a goddamn line you know now is this going to be a coin that i already have because so far it hasn't given me a coin that i already have oh god this is a coin that i already have oh no this is a coin that i already have we were getting very lucky then i think [Music] turn around there yeah yeah yeah turn around oh this is good oh let's go all right let's go so now i get a free choice though and but we but it's pure luck whether it's saves i need to know here's the thing though um we need to know which ones i haven't done yet because i'm actually not sure i know that so there's three coins left i know i haven't done this one have i also not done no i just saved this one right so there has to be so it's right door and i think there's two pipes but i'm not sure which i almost want to well we're gonna try to save this one but i it might be smart to do this one last because it's one that i can like consistently do you know so it actually it could be a good idea to uh do this one last but well we've already well we're gonna live with our bad decisions already [ __ ] i take it back this ending is actually a little bit disgusting there's a 50 chance that it won't save yeah that's kind of the issue right now i bet you we're not gonna save it i bet you're not gonna save it i'm gonna have a 330 second anti-soft watch [Music] let's go yes yes two to go two to go this is the hardest one yeah but i told you i've played enough tempest funk levels okay so it doesn't matter what i do i get red pipe i'm pretty sure this is red pipeville population me [Music] like that yeah let's go oh no since i have the coin there are two left yeah yeah there are two left um well it's oh my god this is horrible what is this what is that you literally can't go up one of those wait how is mario maker a game though like how can you not how can you just not go up that like that's just how the game works you just can't go up it what is this game that's how is that how the game works how is that how the game works [Music] oh my god i see what i have to do up there and it looks horrible okay we need to get out right here oh i don't have my hand on the controller right here we go oh this is gross this is disgusting this is all just to get if the level gets harder the deeper you get into it the antis get hard like as you get better at the antis the antis get better at you oh no [Music] no okay here we go here we go this is what i need this is what i need in life [Music] oh dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks it's actually better to go down here actually yeah this is actually it's actually better to go down here [Music] yeah because then i can start from right here and just go all the way back to the beginning anyway yep all right much better thank you yep definitely better we do one jump we do one jump over that oh it didn't go down the pit that time fall in the pit on purpose then just do a jump over there let's go oh my god okay we actually have a good attempt here [Music] i'm so lucky i got into that i actually shouldn't it actually shouldn't work to go into that i don't understand why i'm going in but i will absolutely take it this is good oh my god how do i keep getting into that let's go yeah the one way it must help somehow all right i don't care what i get this time just get me out of here get me out of here i don't want to play anymore i don't know which one of these i haven't been in yet um maybe i think it's one of the pipes that we have to do now right because i did did i do this one i think i did i think i saved this one this one's definitely done um i'm pretty sure i've done all the doors which pipe have i not been in yet i don't think i've been in this pipe but i honestly can't remember i don't remember dude have i been in this pipe oh i have been in this pipe no no no no no there we go at least i'm good at this one too bad this one is cancerous oh oh this one is the best i take it back i didn't have this one saved i didn't realize i didn't save this one oh how do i get hit here i have to get squished there and then i have to get squished there okay oh my god that please save please save this is like perfect if this saves i need this one to stay i've never needed one to save more of my life three pounds come on save please save yes yes i don't even know which one we haven't done yet we have to be really careful we need to get it on the first try which is impossible because of rng so get [ __ ] never mind we have to if we get on the second try oh this is disgusting because if you don't get the right entrance on the first try then you do one and then you do get a freebie on the next one but then since you've used your freebie it's kita central um well i guess we're going in this one we've already been in this door for sure no not this again [Music] oh please if i knew which one to go in this would be great but i don't i know that it's a pipe at least i think i know that it's a five but i'm not sure which pipe i'm gonna go on this pipe no it wasn't i keep going in this one thinking i haven't done it damn it may as well just time out at this point spam yes let's go please give me good things give me a pipe i don't remember which pipe i need but give me a pipe that's not a fight oh not this [ __ ] again dude not this [ __ ] again oh my god [Music] is this a happy level all right if i knew which pipe to go in we could have this right here but the problem is that i don't this could be a disgusting key to i think it's this one is it this one let's check this one oh i actually saved this one already didn't i i actually don't remember if i saved this one this was the first was this the first one i saved or did i never save it sometimes hard to remember what i've gotten because i've gotten so many coins multiple times it's hard to remember what i've like gotten and not saved versus gotten and actually saved so we need to wait and go like right there this should be good yeah that one will let me through that might actually let me through oh it actually let me through let's go yeah i'd already gotten this one okay well now we know what to do this is good this is good so here's what we need to pray for this is what we need to pray for we need to pray that it gives us the left pipe now we don't we still have 300 seconds so we still need to die we still need to die here now we get red pipe now we get red pipe maybe i can die to this oh it doesn't kill me dang it that is positioned to not kill me that's disgusting can i die before 200 sec quick prediction can i die before 200 seconds in the ante not looking good so far there we go easy all right let's see what we get please give me left five give me left five bounce bounce bounce jump jump jump left pipe left five give me that left five give me the left five that's not the left vibe oh boy all right so we have to beat this one then we have to do a loop and then we have to this is actually an okay one to do we'll get through this fast this is it keita no kidas here we go first let's see what the which one which one this is i don't even remember if i've done it before or not oh i need to need to boop a nate the switch the swatch give me here don't die to the bomb though i don't think you can okay now we do this pipe this is the last pipe i think uh oh [Music] does it mean does it mean i've forgotten where's the key or where's the where's the coin [Music] [Music] i was good at this once upon a time that's gone [Music] oh oh i do oh yeah this is the worst one to save to the end this is the absolute worst one to save to the end why would i save this one to the end last time when i got here i failed to even hit one of them because you can bonk your head and not even hit one of them target acquired target target acquired f's in the chat for timmy for making the rng within the rng within the rng look at this i would have won two i would have won i would have won without that [ __ ] that would have been the end that would have been the end of it right there and now we're back in the ante now we're back in the ante again gotta wait for it to sink down below the screen for just a second there we go silently judging geek for this level all right please give me give me left pipe just give me left pipe just be a good be a good rng level and give me that damn it not this one again oh not this one again we might need some we might need something to get us through this we need something [Music] or i'm a beast by the way alternatively i'm a beast no i'm a beast all right now we get to go in any pipe that we want but but but even if we get through this do you regret pushing geek to this point it's honestly really creative level i've never i've wanted an rng troll level like since the dawn of time and none of them have like people have tried a little bit but none of them have been like really on the money and this one is like so perfect all right yolo come on dead oh my gosh all right unban timmy if you win the roulette maybe maybe maybe we'll consider it [Music] yes oh this is so dicks all right we're gonna go [Music] let me let me plan it out i don't know [Music] good please just give me here let's bounce a bit well i didn't bounce as much give me the left five give me the left pipe no not morty is why it loves yours mortius just the pattern that i do or something i know a strat that gives you a 66.66 a chance to go to left i don't need your help get out of here this is between me and geek there we go all right will we get it this time please there's no way to tell which is it either disgusting why why would you do this even the hottest trash even the hottest trash still has strategies like the crappiest hot garbage levels you can still develop strategies like so many of these aunties i can still make a strategy for and that's fun and interesting this is just there's nothing i can do i am powerless i am powerless the house always wins has geek done a full run of this level we need to here's what we need to do here's what we need to do we need a petition we need we are going to coerce geek to do an a full actual run no cheating no dev exits we need geek to do a start to finish full playthrough yes i have 20. i've beaten all my levels even when i have a dead exit i'm not playing this [ __ ] lol wow wow wow forget which one all right here we go we got another shot let's do it there it is please blaze [Music] it all comes down to this please are bless rngs in the chat it all comes down to this one two three come on [Music] i'm so scared rn jesus i'm so scared [Music] [Laughter] what what what no no no no no way no way geek didn't beat this [ __ ] cake didn't have to do this geek didn't have to do this i'm just holding right in case there's a fish you're kidding me your key [Music] [Laughter] i almost went in without the clown car i almost went in without the clown car oh my god oh i just almost first tried that [ __ ] wait can i do it can i make it no there's no way i can make it without the clown car oh my god i was wasting precious time i was wasting precious time i was wasting precious time i was wasting precious time told you it was an easy auntie told you it was an easy auntie [Laughter] plan backfired i think i see here's the difference geek it was easy for me because i beat my own levels i could beat that no problem because i beat my own level let's see you geek let's see you beat your own level time for geek to go to las vegas nevada time to beat your own level want to know a secret about the end is it it probably always takes you down there right it probably always takes you down there let's see that took how long did that take two and a half hours yep clocking in at under two and a half hours no problem there's a kaizo that you missed oh my god oh i figured there was a kaizo up at the top i figured there's a kaizo up at the top that's why i moved the way that i did it no we got a this one has to this one has to go down in the go down in the history books we're saving this one with carl money collab some actual good levels we're saving this one but crates suck well then that was an experience all right that was honestly a really awesome level the creativity of using the rng was extremely good the creativity was so good that was like i was expecting hot trash and that was it was actually a masterpiece it was actually a masterpiece that was a super fun level huge props to geek and everybody else who worked on that level um the reality is is that the troll level the troll the troll level community is is actually really wholesome and this is just this is just how we this is just how we show appreciation for each other oh expected hot trash only timmy delivered that red pipe also delivered oh by the way i've missed this we need to shout out uh daft life mortyus box timmy snow my shake kitty stevo and all the people who play tested geeks level uh she says without them there would be no level my role was hey can we make an rng hub room and then definitely i've created this monstrosity dab live you did an amazing job making that hub room that hub room was absolutely incredible i don't know if uh if daft's still here um i actually like that was i have i have like had a deep underlying craving for an rng for a real good rng troll level and i feel like nobody lived up to it until that that rng hub world was so cool you did a really good job on it i had a really really great time playing those levels thanks again to geek and everybody who worked on it the more you know the more you know the more you know the more you know knowledge is power the more you know the more you know [Music] i think it might be time for us to make another level chat should we does this mean that it is time for us to make our retaliation level you
Channel: CarlSagan42
Views: 470,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario Maker 2, SMM, SMW, Mario Maker 2, Troll, Level, Nintendo, Switch, Romhack, Glitch, Puzzle, Tech
Id: vbnv2a1xoyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 30sec (4470 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 02 2022
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