Larl Does Everything Twice Twice (HOW DID HE KNOW?) | Troll Contest #2 Winner

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of course we do Laurel I'm already mad I'm already mad this is hot garbage this is actually huh garbage yes Maron Mario maker used to look like this all the time all right and we have Laurel does everything twice twice oh my god by symplectic let's go okay oh we wigglin whoa we fishin hi there's just raining garbage from this guy I was looking at the little door thing and the like little connected thing above the door oh I guess it is connecting these doors I don't know does this actually go to the ear it actually did bomb excavation there's no way this is right this is the bay this is this is so much Bay this is the biggest bait I've ever seen my life there's gonna be like a monster in my face or something oh man that is really hard to hit that last one that's I'm gonna let it walk a little bit did indeed beach sands less than the chance of me getting through this good what the [ __ ] yeah I were just gonna go in the cod Jim I just let me in the pike I can't go in I can't I can't go in the pike can you like not even like now I just need to know if you can okay all right please do something it does absolutely nothing it was for absolutely nothing god damn it all right well what do we actually do here then that means we need to that wasn't I don't I don't think that was there last time a feeling that wasn't there before me yeah that totally wasn't there that time there was a that was a fish in that fish Laurel does everything twice twice yeah well that's twice on that the real joke is I do it like 90 times more than twice okay get your [ __ ] fish in your fish out of my face like what else do I do I can't do anything in that other room [Music] how come a Beatle fill the other time I already should have known this how does everything 90 x 90 okay I have to go back in this I think because when I go back in this I get the [ __ ] beetle and the beetle is gonna be my key to break through that okay I think I stand in the bottom-right corner I think I got this I think I've got this 42069 IQ go back in here I don't know why spawns the other [ __ ] thing hide in the corner like the scaredy-cat that I am learn literally nothing from the 900s can't see this sorry learn literally nothing from the 900 troll levels that I've played that have used this exact same gimmick alright alright alright this is it bail get in that [ __ ] door let's go this is fine I didn't want to be in there anyway oh I got squished by the brake come up with a more creative troll you [ __ ] okay I don't quite get how I'm supposed to not get cars a block for this what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what [Music] how do you why not what how did I just die I pushed up yep online oh that's actually pretty creative I like that I like that all right I mean goddamn it dude that the the new meta the new meta it's like the same as the old meta like you at first it was a hat follow the arrows and the arrows actually trail you long and then like that was just like Oh nobody's gonna fall for that [ __ ] anymore so then you actually then the troll became actually following the arrows and now the troll is like come full circle full dodged a bullet proceeding up troll mounts that we're climbing mount role what is this this totally got patched would not you say that you can't get over that what the [ __ ] all right I don't want to go there I don't trust you anymore yeah I don't trust you anymore you little [ __ ] Trust is gone trust is 100% gone can you get then you can't right if you do like a little clip or something okay I don't trust the level that's that looks like a giant nightmare that's good I can't actually go in that one so I guess we have to go in this one is this gonna kill me I got scared and left I got scared and left I'm pretty sure I'm glad there's a good thing that I did because now I can oh I should go to the left wait what wait which way do I go okay I get [ __ ] like I'm gonna like I'm gonna be down there like a chump dodged the bullet I feel like I just avoided like three trolls get [ __ ] get [ __ ] all right let's go [Music] goddamnit not sure about that what what what is happening what is happening when you should talk the level and it just punishes you instantly and okay I think I needed to was that you're [ __ ] kidding me you're [ __ ] kidding me what was that they like was that the calls gonna be reading donation incentives so he gets trolled because he's gonna be reading I feel like that delay timer there was literally put there to [ __ ] me while I'm like reading stuff you guys ready to do everything twice twice because I am wait a minute what is it I was I get it I get it I was wrong I was wrong all along I thought I had smarter than all by getting the checkpoint but I didn't the troll outsmarted me I was never supposed to get the checkpoint wait I think I was never supposed to get the checkpoint are you [ __ ] kidding that didn't go there last time it's a fake it's a fake that's not the same room that's not the beginning that's about the beginning that's a fake beginning that's a fake beginning also I helped but I should have done at the beginning and it wasn't and it was not that so does this mean there's no fish in the fish this time I'm just curious like you know how piece which one off the last time I was here just I don't understand whatever made that piece fish go I mean it was obviously this is not the same place or whatever but ok ok damn it damn it damn it damn it damn it damn it damn it I did it twice no no wait hi it's twice twice then four that's screw it is twice twice oh I'm still under I'm still under twice twice and still on workhorse we're steadily approaching twice twice your steadily approaching twice twice well there's that piece which I was looking for it was that [ __ ] piece which I remember all right I'm just gonna scope out the situation I'm gonna wait for this piece which if Shawn had taught me anything it's never go through the troll door while the piece which is active of course that's what that room is of course it's that room again oh my god I love this so much I love this so much it the rows they don't lead to the route the doors I'm so happy though I'm so happy with this level that I'm be mad at it okay oh my god dude this this isn't the best this is the best theme for a level ever it's just the same rooms repeated but I'd like with these slight little troll differences oh can I go through this if I don't know I just I I just can't go through it wait do we need to do this again of course we do Laurel of course we do we have to do it twice twice I feel like I should be if I went through the p-switch active okay I think I want to go through here with the p-switch active so that I can get out okay now I can get out and then I can go through the door and survive now I can survive the fish this is not gonna be this is not gonna be the same thing it's not gonna be the same thing it can't it can't it wouldn't but how whoa I am a defeated Laurel that I think the beauty of this - you know the fact that I'm a [ __ ] [ __ ] but I think the beauty of this is that you get to it you get like we already know the car gets Pavlovian training but then like this level uses the fact that the rooms look the same - like once I finally figured out what to do and um it undoes it because I forget which one goes to which because it didn't go to that last time and now it does at the beginning I'm just like such hubris Karl does everything twice not just twice but twice twice you sure got a lot of nerve oh my [ __ ] good alright we're fine we're fine all right don't get hit don't get hit the trick it tricked me no more pushing up on this door okay and then how would this work okay okay what okay okay wait last time it was right this time it's gonna be left last time it was right this time it's gonna be left I'm holding left [Music] Pavlovian dog I have free will I can live my own life the way Laurel wants [Music] you can't you're not the possum [Music] wait-wait-wait it really was on the task at hand [Music] yeah wait am i DS the [ __ ] the grace with which she just loved the fishes to me like he do exactly what I was going to do he knew exactly where I was going to go and he just loved to fish directly at my forehead it's just [ __ ] love the fish at my goddamn forehead okay you have to go fast because he knew he knew that when I got back here I would be cautious because it's the second time well something's gonna be different than Carl does everything twice well it's always gonna be cautious and I just got [ __ ] exploited because of that like what if it's just the same it's not the same it's tough I feel like a really good troll would have just been it actually just being the same I'm just gonna go down this little poop chute right here down my man I'm still not ro can't gottagofast here I'm still not quite sure what to do here like what do I actually do maybe there's a block maybe the block is still there no the block doesn't seem like it's there I don't actually get what to do the block could be above the spring block could be above the spring question mark or do I really go back I don't quite know what to do oh that must you know I bet you I bet you that it's either the block is under the I bet you the bloggers out there under this ring or the spring hits it because both of those things and things that you have to do fast and the and I'm sure that the level critter is banking on me taking my time to think right there because I don't want to be the dummy who does everything twice so I think I I think I'm being exploited and then that's what I'm going to need to do is the actual to think the think quick solution so it's either right there or right there okay and very nice very nice very nice now is it actually gonna be is it actually gonna be that now is it actually no no that's what the that's what he wants to make that's pretty month to make does that's they thick we are indeed doing everything twice twice twice twice twice twice twice twice twice I mean I guess [Music] is this just literally a Carl box is this literally just a Carl box and I'm just sitting in it is that I pretty sure that's what that is how do I not die how do I not die in the Laurel box okay definitely doesn't do anything yo-yo what is it just the timer is it just the Carl's gonna be stupid and go slow timer cuz he's late he's Laurel I just needed to not go slow god damn it good alright my bet is it's like the middle pipe or something I can't go wait a minute this small do something this small doing something for me come here bro come here baby I give you what you need okay last time it was the it was the down but the down one was moved I'm going to this one oh [Music] it's jumped that spring okay we're gonna go sit in the car box for a while because that's what happened last time and then we're also gonna just jump like a goddamn madman because then okay I think it's I think somehow he created a level where you need to literally just go sit in the [ __ ] car box for a while for a little timeout alright let's try going back in here oh maybe we go the other one get a mushroom yeah I'm probably bone yeah I literally can't oh the mushroom comes out of the vine whatever a muncher would have come out of that pipe if I didn't go fast enough okay this might not even like I don't even know man I don't even know I don't even know [Music] die-cut so I go left or right last time it was right so this time it's gonna be right again cuz [Music] [Music] see how did he know I would go right how did he know I would go right oh my god all right this is fun mushroom mushroom happy little goombas and get squishy squished what's up with this I go back and get the goon but it hit me because I can't fit through okay what is this troll how do those fights do this if it takes me back to the same spot I'm gonna lose my right [ __ ] yeah oh that was amazing that was amazing oh my god can you just is it just gonna work now is it just gonna work now what is going on there's like 800 pipes and they're all the same pipe and they all take you somewhere different but they're all the same time how do you do this what sorcery is this what sorcery is this it's a different thing how does that happen where does it go now oh my god dude what is going on what is this madness this must be a new trick this must be a new trick there's no way you have to do this I'm gonna just die I'm gonna just die what should I have gone back up there could I have gone back up there is this gonna go to the ice thing again what the [ __ ] I haven't the right deal what's going on yeah we need to try going in the top or wait I forget exactly well I forgot exactly what was up there it was just this door right and I can't I can go back through this okay there was that mole up there can I get that mole to come down here or something do you actually have to beat it with a mushroom and but how does it choose which place to take you I think I actually need to do it again with a different power of but how would it I don't actually know what it would change I don't actually know what it would change if I didn't [Music] what is going on so if we actually need to do it twice I think we need to oh it's the real beginning [ __ ] no this is possible you're ranked best have a guard this is why it's called twice twice it's like I can't not oh that thing is showing me right there maybe we feel like we don't actually need to do this twice twice but I could be wrong I hope we don't actually have to do it twice I don't know if I'm being dumb and just like should I not even I don't know if I'm being dumb and I shouldn't even ever do this at least I remembered that and now it's this oh yeah it's actually this oh I'm actually okay actually okay there we go oh please I'll hit two jump buttons at once there we go all right all right all right all right and this one it was just run and [ __ ] the Carl box god this is this is my life now this is my [ __ ] life now like I don't even know it has to be beautiful checkpoint but repeating the whole level is still beautiful like that is beautiful from jackpot it still counts as beatable from jackpot if you have to read even if you have to is the level gray to replay your holes same [ __ ] level no no I didn't want to do that but kill me dude I don't even know if I want to do this I don't even know anymore that's the other one that's the other one [Music] this is terrible stop trying to feed me down your garbage pit okay man that really tries to feed you down the garbage bin all right well here we are back again oh yeah we want that mushroom what do we want to do here what do we want to do what do we want to do here if we just go left then it's checkpoint death of doom so maybe there was an actual way to go to the right is it from waiting again did I ever just try waiting did I ever just try waiting right here do I just I'm just I'm just gonna get the [ __ ] checkpoint I don't know if I need to get the checkpoint but I'm gonna get the [ __ ] checkpoint because look at that [ __ ] bow antilock I've ever seen in my life this was literally put here to [ __ ] me for like getting distracted after going god days so we want to go down here how the [ __ ] do I not fall okay we want to do this or we're back at this [ __ ] checkpoint we got literally one shot at this so we need to not be a gigantic [ __ ] it says mushroom because you do need a [ __ ] mushroom alright so here's how we got baited beyond space and time we got baited beyond space and time because you can't [ __ ] get through this but maybe you can I mean is there's no actual way to do it so then we went back and I was like oh I need to get hit back cuz obviously now so I need to jump over here and get hit man lose my mushroom now get through the hole man but really if we just keep the goddamn mushroom get me the [ __ ] out get me what was that set up with the coins at the end there another way to beat that or what oh yeah it wasn't that bad best level I've ever seen Oh God oh my god her I want to see what was in one of those other pipes then this part was weird Oh what happens what is actually happening here okay wait if we had gone in the Carl box in the beginning does it kill you just just number does Carl boggs numero uno after your hot bud I think it does yep yeah Carl box numero uno es your hot bud all right so we at least avoided one troll in our goddamn miserable existence so then for this part oh my God look so there's a hidden block right here so it's not possible to go the left route you had to go the garbage dispenser route on the right side oh my god this pollute see what I think it does this is what what all right um oh my god alright so this is all the well this [ __ ] ending what the hell is this ending leave this [ __ ] like the whole thing is built behind launchers I wonder about the significance of that is okay so this is this is the mirror version of everything was hot garbage alright so this part also I just want to know what's different oh the mole I think if you so if you go into the Carl box then you'll be standing like right here and I think what will happen is the mole will yeah he will slowly go off to the left go off to the right and then go back off the edge and fall off so then when you finally do run forward he won't hit the p-switch but instead if you just run to the right then the mole will run onto the p-switch and kill you so you have to like pause in the Carl box to not get rekt okay this one actually did do something and I didn't go in this play what is this pipe to him oh oh [ __ ] you oh [ __ ] yeah wait is this wait this is wait though this is the this this wood oh my god this would take you back to the original checkpoint that would take you back to the original checkpoint so this part this part is basically like this pipe this pipe takes you to the section that you can't get one oh no I'm sorry I guess she goes to the other one first I guess she goes through the other one first okay so this must be the one that you go through first so when you come through this one first wait where does the door go okay and I guess these get blown up I don't I didn't quite catch how these get Teddy's icebox get blown up but somehow those ice blocks got blown up somehow I'm pretty sure right but then when you come out here this is where I thought it was the same but really see we've shifted over first we were here now we're here and then so when you go back through this pipe we're actually going into a different pipe it's not the same pipe because you can come out of a pipe and then go back in through a different pipe that's overlaid but if you're I'd already gone through in through that one you know when I came back out it couldn't take me anywhere else other than the place it took me before that's why I got so confused but it was just a mirror that's how it worked uh while waiting for key to blow to blow bomb to blow up another blah blah screen both of the ice blocks oh okay interesting that I am okay okay so the ice blocks get blown up from doing something else alright alright I get it I get it so I don't quite understand what's going on right here look this whole section is like covered in these launchers but I'm not sure if it really serves a purpose or not it might though Oh No maybe level creator can tell us to dis serve any purpose or is it just for funsies it's just to cover in the preview so you can't see the ending oh that's really cool just covered in the thumbnail I like that I love that that's pretty cool this is a new level by Sam and Sam if anybody who doesn't remember is the most disrespectful level creator putting in the goddamn Carl's just gonna sit here and [ __ ] die block excited to see what he's got for us in the troll ology midterms I was like I like we have a theme going on here you know we're like we're learning we're taking like troll ology one on 101 now we're up to the midterm anyway um let's go this is the troll ology midterm by Sam I'm already mad I'm already mad I've already met [ __ ] this like this is this is [Applause] psychologic reminding me of the goddamn disrespect block I'm already mad what do you want me to do maybe I go to the ri either go go straight to the right or go to the left I'm gonna try going to the left okay why are they I are there go straight to the right or go to the left dodge the [ __ ] bullet right there oh oh by the way I have another emote slot if anybody could think of a cool you mode and I can think of one I mean Ken design one I'm good dude I'll pay for it to make me a good emote alright well that's something that's sure is something right there we've even get a double double troll to climb this vine would climb this vine what if I wasn't supposed to hit that I wasn't supposed to I already know I wasn't supposed to hit it no oh I'm gonna be trapped I'm trapped I'm dead instead all right think before you leap oh this is actually the way to go hold on this was actually right I thought that was not gonna be right okay huh what if it's possible to make that I feel like it is hey I am kidding why am I still here you already runs I'm still hitting the elevator buttons oh I know what this is the pipe if you push down in the pipe you put the helmet on you put the helmet on and get [ __ ] that's what happens I bet you that's it all right so we just need to not what are the odds what are the [ __ ] odds dude god damn it Yoshi is the Yoshi just like shiny distraction Chinese it's Chinese I don't know I was tempted by the Chinese no damn it damn it damn it damn it oh whoa [Music] how did he know I would get scared and hold forward i order like you heard the whoa hmm the woe is me getting scared and then holding forward because Carl's the [ __ ] Pavlovian dog and when Carl scared Carl run and we caught Ron Carl blind and when Carl blind Carl trolled alright stand still obviously I knew I knew I knew that he knew and he knew that I knew that he knew he knew that I knew that he knew twice twice he knew that I learned loving and I learned nothing god damn it wait and then go okay Chinese wall that fish get the [ __ ] out little [ __ ] least I didn't fall for that I didn't fall for that and God damns alright alright can I hit my elevator button in peace please can't stop me now alright I think I'm actually supposed to be hid which is probably good yeah I actually supposed to lose my mushroom so that's good it's gonna be a swamp in one of these I'm just gonna run past that yeah alright alright we're not gonna hit a single other troll excuse me what just happened no so I was thinking okay we're gonna have to like inch in there and grab the thing but then I'm like that's probably a troll but then I'm like how can you possibly troll me with this boy did he find a way to troll me oh you go at it oh my god dude this is probably not even the way to go somehow this is probably not even in what I supposed to hit that block was I supposed to hit the Carlisle elevator button what comes out of you oh the Karl elevator vine I'm in the car box no do the doors go to the doors do we even want to find out obviously kaizo shell jump section let's go through the doors oh I think the door was right what was that oh there's another something else I can do here other than this okay oh don't you even try it I don't know no I'm not gonna do it I'm wait I need it do I need it do I need it though do I need it do I [ __ ] hate it let's go Karl suspicious wallets going up triggered the [ __ ] yeah there we go okay okay okay I think I actually just 100% outsmarted this why do I say things why do I talk I'm just gonna sit here in my car alright let's go in the other door question mark what's in this door oh my god dude it's like become Satan it was like the [ __ ] the [ __ ] preview door for the kaiser section okay how do we not get bodied by this wait yeah okay okay I almost walked into it again Z yeah [ __ ] your Z choosey out of here get it right Z hell out of here all right how do I jump like a not-idiot there we go right so when I get on this room I think I run I do run okay good all right all right let's go puzzling good trolling good in the neighborhood oh my like my like for 20 IQ solution to this was the keys actually just hit it in the beetle and it's an entire [ __ ] troll to ever do this in the first place that was not right that's not right like this is I don't trust anything yeah don't trust anything so how do I get the key then oh I get it it's in this one I bet cool cool look at me action one of them um they [ __ ] scared me oh my god I got so scared I just figured that one of those one offs had a [ __ ] I just figured that one of them had a [ __ ] enemy in it no scared me so bad dude now we're back in the car walks huh now let's go what if that's really the answer never trust the mushrooms Oh No [Applause] world can I go oh oh oh don't mind me why I just hit my elevator button for a minute right here oh [ __ ] me well I just know why meanwhile we just do all that again okay get hit do this do that go through door I think also so where do you get the key to get I get the key before the oh it fell down there what the [ __ ] is this I can't okay so that wasn't actually right so what do we actually do what do what do we actually do other than this what else was in here oh my god it's actually this isn't it it's actually this it's actually this it's actually this you actually had to get the mushroom oh my god all right all right all right all right no I almost did it I almost thought you did it I almost [ __ ] did it I almost I almost caught I need I almost went for the shinies all right all right all right I feel like I actually didn't get massively trolled for once in my life so I'm gonna count that as a victory for Carl smart Carl learn Carl troll good I only got sent back to the gym Midway once yeah I feel like when you avoid like you avoid like 10 percent of the trolls and you just feel like a goddamn God always a bigger troll let's see if I can see if I'm still on a roll actually avoiding puzzles for once in my life use tiny bits to this back Carl got a phone fine thank you this is fine this is fine it's gonna push all of these elevator buttons on my name but it's coping on in this level well this is like hot garbage mr. Oh mr. Aiken all right mr. a game I'm ready to see your A game what the [ __ ] is what is this I don't even know what's going on anymore this is hot garbage this is actually hot garbage well it's weird on the screen doesn't scroll it's kind of cool let's go dad all right yeah this is hot garbage this is actually hot garbage this is actually perfect you got you guys are man okay you guys are bad from Cotabato whoo I supposed to go in this remember what Mario maker used to be like remember remember this you guys remember this you're just bringing anything this that all this a [ __ ] you can go in this pipe I don't want to go in that pipe let me out of there well maybe I should at least see Miss Marron Mario maker used to look like this all the time mr. heym okay this literally it's literally just an elevator pipe there's nothing coming out of it we're getting back to our roots y'all we're getting back to our roots yeah but I was a kaiser block here okay wait a minute wasn't actually the way to go that was a nice suit there we go oh [ __ ] I want to go here MIDI trolling hard alright so how do we beat this is it oh um all right that was a level in mario maker what that was that was a goddamn level in Mario maker [Music] you
Channel: CarlSagan42
Views: 733,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario Maker, Super Expert, Troll Game, Rage Game, Puzzle, Tech, Kaizo
Id: 85lPRWQVR1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 45sec (2745 seconds)
Published: Tue May 15 2018
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