🔵Long Hive Beekeeping Episode 1.

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hi it's cayman reynolds in this video we're going to take a double deep strong colony and put it in this nice horizontal hive we could have stuck a nuke or a package but i really you know it's always like the next year the next year and sometimes i just want a little instant gratification so and we're going to try to do that this year and i want to say a big thank you to ricky rorick and his wife they donated this horizontal hive so we could do it they knew i would probably never get around to finishing mine and they were right it's a hard sometimes to get those side projects going so i'm going to leave a link to his youtube channel and also to his website where you can actually buy these if you're interested in something that's going to help you not have to bend all the way over and it'll be really interesting to see hopefully we'll get a bunch of honey from that this colony this year so we swiped this colony from another one another location it's just right over there you can probably see all those bees in the air kind of where that a single hive is on that two-way pallet and so of course all the forager bees we're going to lose those but the one that's in the dome above that double deep that's got the double screen board and that plastic dome on it it's big enough it's going to drop down in that location and pick up all the foragers and so it'll strengthen that colony this county will lose its foragers but only be for a little while and we're not to the honey flow quite yet so we're not going to lose anything the bees will just it'll take them a day or two to kind of figure it out so what i want to do is i'm going to keep all of the brood on the left hand side i'm also contemplating drilling a hole on the side he's got different models but this is the one that i like oh there's the queen right there dog got it i tell you what some days you're just hot and it's pretty warm today nice blue dot queen right there and we are definitely going to stick this nice b bread frame poor girl's just looking for room right here and that's kind of what you want this is a frame of honey this is a frame of bee bread so that's a natural way to have the brood nest so this is going to set the edge right here while the honey frames over here and now let's just start finding that brood and i'll show you kind of how i'd like to set it up so we have bunches of eggs over here and b bread just gonna set this to the side the main thing right now i'm wanting to do is ensure that the queen has plenty of room to lay because we're in swarm season we're really having a hard time keeping up with all the colonies and she's just laid this up full of eggs as the bees are emerging out of this this isn't too bad of a frame because some of that brood is still emerging one thing you'll notice that you know i give an occasional bit of smoke blocking those pheromones exchanges the alarm pheromone and keeping those guard bees down and wow there's just eggs all in that so the eggs i'm going to keep that a little more to the edge i'd like to see some really like to see some capped brood that's emerging to stick right next to her it doesn't have to be perfect though i could i could stick it to her like that just like it is wow she's just laying this stuff up mixture of capped brood and eggs all right nice nice frame of brood right here they're capping a lot of this gorgeous so again we're just wanting to put a big colony in here so that we hopefully get to see them do some really great things this year and go into winter we'll make a split off of them i'm sure and then we will see how they go through winter i'm sure they'll go through just fine if they have a great queen dead mites and good nutrition we have a big queen cup here but it is dry you can definitely tell i come over here just real quick and show it to you i guess but you can see kind of how this cell is built it's softer right here they're building them off of them a little bit and it's just uh they're a little bit bigger than usual they're in the mode i don't know how many of how many colonies we have that are starting to want to swarm so right now i don't have everything really organized i'm just kind of seeing what's available i'm confident that is a frame of food i can see it on this side glistening all that nice open nectar and whatnot we are getting a trickle of nectar right now from the red buds and a few other odds and ends let's see what kind of brood we have down in here that one looks like it's got a lot of capped brood in it and it does and this is emerging yes this is what we want to get close to that queen right here so we're gonna stick this on down in here and she's just right on this frame so as that's emerging she's gonna it's just gonna be right there for her and let's see what we have here kind of a mod podge a lot of b bread a lot of capped brood a little bit of young stuff stick it in here we definitely don't want to be separating the brood out a lot we're still getting nights that get around freezing and sometimes even drop below freezing this time of the year more brood in a younger pretty young stage they're starting to cap some of this some of it already is capped so it's going to be a while still and you know she can move around through this pretty quickly but i just like to always give her at least one or two frames that are really ideal for her keep that swarm tendency down i don't know if i mentioned this but we have pulled frames of brood from this colony already this year check can you see that larvae down in there i don't know how good the lighting is but it is just gorgeous and glistening with all that jelly they're putting around the young larvae and of course we're losing a lot of forager bees yes just tons of larvae down in there this queen's really getting it done i want to see if i can find one more ideal and our cutback of this colony was was really good this is pretty much dry right here you know what as strong as this colony is in this time of the year the forecast looks wonderful just average temperatures 70s at least and that's pretty normal for us so i'm just going to throw that one empty drawn comb right there so she's got most of the emerging brood over towards her that one drawn comb if we were getting some really cold temperatures like averages in the 50s during the day wouldn't do that some people still say don't do that you know i do a lot of things people say not to do but you know here i am for better or worse laurel and i were just talking about that before do we ever think it was going to escalate to this point no but then again it's kind of fun just try to hang on for dear life you know all right we're almost there and wow there is larvae down in here and some emerging brood and ow ow ow gorgeous little stinger nice it's been about a week the last two stings have been in videos not off to a great start this year those really close to the fingernails you know they have these techniques out there that you know you get really cold and they jump in the ice and they say it it's really invigorating makes you feel alive that's because you almost die and you know that makes you appreciate things this right here is second to that you really feel alive you're not dying but it kind of feels like it i'm screaming inside so we saw the queen we got a nice frame with tons of bee bread here and some honey and the reason i got stung there is because i pinched to be on accident that's typically how i get stung all right what a gorgeous hive this is going to be now imagine if it had all of its forage or bees it would be quite a bit larger i don't know how many frames where the forage or bees we have in the field today but it's quite a bit all right so we're just gonna throw this in there then we're gonna throw some more drawn combs nice frame of bee bread that's just excellent and let's see here so we've got a couple of these division boards and these are nice you can put this say it's a winter cluster in your clusters eight frames slide it down in there that really helps them maintain that proper heat and air circulation and all that kind of stuff also if you get fancy he's got all kinds of systems he's got one that can handle flow hive frames and all kinds of stuff and medium supers as well as deeps a lot of different things that he has i told him um you know my my daddy always told me to kiss it keep it simple stupid so that's why i asked for this one and uh it's it's it's nice and cut and dry but this right here has an excluder on the bottom with the queen can't get through and now we are going to take these honeycombs that were extracted out last year and just start putting a bunch of honeycombs in here and hopefully we're going to get a big honey crop out of this colony right here it'll be really interesting to follow this hive and see how it does one of the things that will be a little bit interesting is to see how that how they do about um just just adjusting just adjusting things i have only fooled with a hive that was long like this between two buys one other time and that was when i did a cutout many years ago and it was in the floor joist of a second story building pressure treated boards and those that was one of the biggest hives i've ever seen and i mean they're just massive massive colony and they they seem to have no problem going long ways it was longer than this slightly narrower and i thought i got enough honeycombs i did not of course i want to space these out a little bit what i'm going to do is get one of those nine frame spacers and put that in here because i don't want them really tight like a 10 frame super whether you're using a uncapping knife or whatever system you're using i'm using a cow and silver queen you want those frames to be about nine you can go nine frame spacing like a 10 frame deep and all that kind of stuff and that way it's easy for the knives to go down and cut them you can do an eight frame in that setup or this setup but the problem with that is with the cow and silver queen is sometimes you get some brace comb between the combs and as that goes through the knife sometimes i can push the knives away from it and it doesn't actually cut deeper it can cut too deep on one side and too shallow on the other so it needs to be somewhat even i prefer nines in a 10 frame super so we've thankfully we found our queen looks good looks like i'm gonna have two four six eight ten well i'm probably going to have about 14 right in here i think this holds 30 frames ricky can comment below and correct me on anything that i've done but nice looking hive of bees right here it's going to take them a little while to adjust the nice thing about this type of a setup i think more americans and other beekeepers around the world should consider these type of hives in some countries these are extremely popular because you're not having to pick up boxes this is a it's harder for someone who's wanting to move bees around all the time but if you're just wanting to keep bees in your backyard or maybe another yard or two you could totally do this no problem and now you're not picking up supers you harvest your honey from over here and you just pull out frames one at a time not as efficient but it's a whole lot easier on your body if you don't have the right tools so we can close this up it's nice and got this air barrier up here it's vented laurel let's take them around the front real front real quick and also it's got these nice clamps so you don't have to worry about a wind coming through grabbing that lid and yanking it up and it's got these nice it's got vents it's got this entrance here the only thing i think i'm going to change is i'm going to probably put an entrance over here on the side and that way if i want to i might even put one on the other side i could divide it up and have multiple colonies going into winter with this setup i'm sure i have b vel here but anyways oh i forgot that comb down in there laurel i'm slipping i'm slipping nice calm bees though keep in mind again though they're they're pretty calm because all the foragers are over that way all those old bees you know got mostly just the nurse bees now all right move that over this is going to be a lot of fun so we'll check back here once the honey flow starts it'll be cool to see i hope we have a really nice honey flow year the weather is acting really good so far the bees look really nice best year we've ever had so far as far as the bees condition well that's good that's a this is a honey frame so that's a great way to start and stop the brood nest honey frames on the edge pollen brewed in the center she should have plenty of room in this and what we could do you know these are the things that are just running through my mind feel free to give me suggestions but i like dropping all of my colonies down to single brood management once the honey flow kicks into gear so what we could do is drop this colony down to about 10 or 11 frames bring that on over take these other frames right here yank them out and more than likely this is what i'll do i'll bring more drawn combs if i have them or i'll just drop some foundation here and get them to draw some deep foundations and get some new combs and and that would be really beautiful to see them draw some nice little combs so anyways thanks again ricky rorick check him out below if you're at all interested in buying a horizontal hive because i'm really pleased with the construction and the strength of this and the pressure treated legs and all that i'm going to shake all these bees in and we're going to create a playlist for this so if you want to just see videos on this specifically or anything like that check out our playlist so you can find what you're looking for not to hunt through all the videos thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Kamon Reynolds - Tennessee's Bees
Views: 56,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beekeeping, beekeeper, honeybees, bees, Kamon Reynolds, honey, beehive, Package of bees, swarming, swarm, queen cell, swarm trapping, swarm trap, horizontal hive, beekeeping 101, Long Langstroth, horizontal hives plans, horizontal hives, horizontal hive swarm trap, long hive beekeeping, long hives for bees, long hive build, top bar hives vs langstroth, top bar hives plans, top bar hives in cold climates, Top Bar Hive, layens hive beekeeping, layens beekeeping, layens swarm trap
Id: oHjj6shSl80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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