What We Found IN the Horizontal BeeHives Made me REALIZE I Should've Done THIS Sooner!

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good morning modern studies it's been such a dry year this year we have to keep filling up the rainwater collection barrel at new york city we need to do that again this morning they were just about out of water last night so it's easier to do it when the goats aren't out of the barn and that way we don't worry about them escaping when we open the gate to get into the pasture come on in figaro you want to come for a ride i don't think he'd like riding in the mule [Music] when the goats are out here i gotta rush doing this because every time i open that gate it doesn't matter where they are they run towards it [Music] come on in moose and ladies it's nice having the big storage tank so even when we do run out of water which this summer's been a lot we can put 15 gallons in it at a time i could do more but i'm too lazy to do more than 15 gallons at one [Applause] that should last them two weeks if we don't get any more rain [Applause] they are calling for a bunch of rain this we're supposed to get like three quarters of an inch of rain tomorrow then an inch the next day it'll be interesting to see what happens i don't know if we have a tropical storm coming up the coast or what but just the other day we had to have our wood stove going for a few days in a row and then this morning i'm wearing shorts again our weather is all over the place it's just crazy [Music] good morning [Music] [Music] good morning hope iv nora you ladies coming come on come on nora i can't give you any let's go [Applause] so there you go little p you got this whole side to yourself oh there's hope one in hope so [Applause] that good or what our pigs have a 55 gallon drum of rain water collection system on the front of their pasture pig mobile that i've been filling up with water just like nyc but i like to give them at least one bucket of water a day on top of that they just like to get your faces in a big dish of water and really slop it down pigs enjoy playing in water so it's fun to give it to them huh ladies that's not their main thing of water because half of the time they just knock it over make a muddy mess and play in the mud so that's just for fun they enjoy it so we got all the high work done that we need the lift for on the new garage slash barn it is looking good the lift is going to be leaving any time now we got this side done and we need to take a break from the build project for a few days because we got a lot of other homestead stuff we need to get caught up on fall harvesting time that looks pretty i left these all along we're going to cut them back after and i came down lower than i needed to above the door because there'll be trim work there but we'll trim that all up when we're putting the trim up up i wanted to make sure all the high stuff was done before the lift left and we got it just in time for the lift leaving and it's supposed to start raining and a lot of rain so we got done just in time all dried in you got done we got it done just in time it's all dried in which is nice your birds are gonna love you giving them all your sunflower seeds one at a time one at a time a couple of times we're checking on our bees today before we do that we need some sugar syrup made up for them and i have two quarts of sugar right there add a bunch of hot water [Applause] gonna add in some more sugar get a nice thick syrup going a little bit of water tanner's thirsty are you thirsty mister now i'm gonna let this sit and cool off before we give it to the bees i think they'd appreciate that while our syrup cools off we need to get into the hives check on them i need to make a top plate or top cover to go over the frames so they can't get out i keep forgetting to do that but i got my tape measure and i got a board to do that today your blueberry patch is looking nice they're my love yeah look around some rain for it it'll be so good yes they'll love the rain pile the bees have been really active lately i've been keeping an eye on them all summer and they've been flying like crazy doing good they've been loving the golden rod lately but since we got our last frost it's killed most of the flowers so they don't have any nectar to get so that's why we that's why we got to get them fed so i'm going to get in there right now open it up check them out and then we'll get some measurements oh it's a good idea we should shut the fence off huh hopefully the bees are in a good mood today i don't feel like getting stung i think that would feel better than a nail yeah the nail didn't hurt still don't hurt we got some hive tools sent up from a subscriber he ordered them from the honey stead which has a youtube channel i'll put a link in the video description down below to their channel you can check out their hive tools their other equipment and they also sell honey and it was really good gina's been using the honey on her homemade yogurt you want to use mine i'll use the gray one it's pretty i don't need purple i'll let you use that one and this is why i need to put a cover over this because they're building their honeycomb up here can you leave that in there for food what i'm gonna do i'm gonna stick it out here and they'll get it [Music] um [Music] so 19 by 44. i'll need two of them at that oh look at that and then this side they're starting to fill up that's heavy [Music] take this and put it down in here and they'll clean that up [Music] honey [Music] um look at that yes we know it should have been done sooner i know it's been a crazy year all the way around everybody knows that so all these hives all these frames are loaded too [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you gotta be careful they're like all inside this camera put this one back together close it up i'm gonna go cut two pieces of board and we'll have them i'll open this back up cover this one then i'll get into that one and then we'll come back and add uh sugar syrup [Music] this is the time of the year when the bees are really aggressive because they know it's the end of this season and they want to protect their food source for the winter so that's why they're swarming like this right now we're good waves from their hive and they're still swamping us [Music] they're not happy with us i was hoping to do this without the bee suit on but the bees won't leave [Music] they want to help us i guess [Music] i guess the bees want to learn construction today [Music] [Music] uh [Music] greece that's the first time i can say i ever did any construction wearing my bee suit we'll be using these deep hive feeders they go inside the beehive like where the frame would sit and you fill them up with your syrup or this will go in and then these are ladders the bees can climb in and out of to go down inside and get the syrup there's also grippies on the wall so they can get traction and climb out so we're gonna put one in each hive [Music] uh hope you don't lose my whisk you don't want the bees to have it no they're going crazy a lot of bees all right put that in right here these are already going in it and there's nothing in there now let's see if we can pour it in without making a mess i'm gonna try to get half of it in this one that's about half they say they'll hold a gallon i didn't think it would but i've got about a half gallon in there right now so next time we can make up twice as much watch out mr b i don't want to squish him there you go perfect i don't know if you can see in there or not but the bees can climb up this like a ladder get down in there get a drink and then come back out so now when we shut this off i want to make sure all the bees are out because they can't go back in their hives where we are this time oh my goodness so that hive is the stronger hive so far they're making a really dark i got some brood in there [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm gonna leave this out here like this on the front side of the beehive and the bees will go in here they'll clean up all the sugar water and that way another syrup will go away we had to come in the greenhouse to get reprieve from the bees like as soon as you come in here they left you alone we still got some tomatoes that are ripening in here and that's good the peppers are doing really good still and then all of our brassica plants are broccoli and cabbages they look really good over there i see at least four or six tomatoes that are good we still got quite a few tomatoes we could pick for making pasta sauce with it's pretty crazy to think here it is october and we're still getting tomatoes out of the greenhouse next time we go out remind me to bring the smoker so we can smoke the bees that'll settle them down more we haven't needed to do that so far with the bees this year [Applause] [Music] well moose what are you up to this afternoon wow how many eggs do you ladies think eight [Music] i'll say seven one there was a broken one two three four five six seven eight nine mom just think if hope was pregnant she'd be doing a month i have to breed her in like a month then we'll have spring babies oh mom cut down all the stalks how many eggs just six there was nothing behind that door go through and pick some green beans and then either figure out i'm going to freeze some freeze them or dehydrate i will decide after if i freeze them i will do french style i like how they cook better we're so excited for these green beans aren't we yes you feel dirty what are you enjoying rolling in the driveway [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] i was taking out the tomatoes so we can make tomato sauce put them in in the refrigerator to dethaw and found some steaks from farm foods grass-fed steak so we'll be having those tonight and i also found a recipe for creamy broccoli cheddar rice so we're just gonna have that try that out it sounded really good and it has the broccoli and the rice so that's just one dish instead of having to do multiple [Music] so [Applause] [Music] so [Music] there's something satisfying about the snap of the bean i figured once i get a bowl full i will stick it for my food processor and that will be enough for us to freeze for one serving [Music] here's where it starts getting a little messy [Music] one bag down probably i would say two more left i just want to squish all the arrow you can use a food saver or however you want to freeze your stuff it's easier if it's only a few bags if i use oh don't give up hold on yeah [Music] well the cheesy rice with broccoli is delicious goes great with a good old steak from farm foods man so good i was really surprised with how well the bees are doing for this time of the year they are very active still they were very i don't want to say aggressive because they weren't singing us but they weren't happy that we were there and that's all because it's the time of the year and they're trying to protect this food source i cannot blame them we have to keep an eye on them better and keep adding more sugar water or sugar syrup for them make sure they get through the winter if you guys have any suggestions on what we could be doing with the bees to get them through the winter better leave it in the comments down below we really appreciate all of you guys watching our videos thank you for coming along on our homesteading journey with us if you guys aren't already subscribed to the channel now it's a great time to do that hit the bell button turn on notifications and we'll see you right back here in the next video at alumni acres
Channel: Lumnah Acres
Views: 162,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Homesteading, DIY, Gardening, Raising, Animals, self-sufficiency, modern homesteading, do it yourself, simple, life, living, homestead, Growing season, Modern Steader, Lumnah Acres, CoopsNMore, backyard, goats, New England, New Hampshire, Homestead Vlog, Farm Vlog
Id: 5MqOmEG7brU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 39sec (1839 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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