We installed 20 hives for a special customer!

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come on now give me some sugar give me some sugar little honey [Music] all right I'm Harold from Lanier B barn and we're here today at the TPC Sugarloaf Country Club to install their new hives we had a few kids do a little painting for us so we got some nice paint jobs on all these beautiful eyes today's the day we're going to install everything so we're going to begin transferring the nukes from our traveling boxes into the permanent Hive so these girls are probably ready to get out so we're going to take a look and see how they are we're going to have a whole bunch want to fly a little bit so overall they're looking pretty pretty satisfied Put a Little Smoke just to sort of Comb them just a little bit and then we're gonna we're gonna begin now each Hive has got a tag on the front that's the front of the hive and we want to orient these frames to wherever the front is so we'll just take one frame at a time gently lift it place it in and there we go take a look this to see if we can find Our Queen as we do this so everybody can get a good idea all right so this Frame right here they're drawing it out drawing the building to comb and I can see in there there are just tons of eggs I don't know if you can get close enough to see the egg inside of that cell every cell in here has eggs in it all right I don't see the queen as of yet I don't see her on that side all right so we'll just have to pry these apart what we have here on this Frame this is capped brood so when the queen lays the egg after three days it hatches and then it gives us what we call milk root or larva you see the larva inside here and then after nine days they put a wax capping on it and then it will finish pupating in there and then eventually 21 days she emerges as a new worker bee so let's take a quick look I don't see the queen here let's keep going sometimes you can look two or three times and not find her but you don't need to be concerned as long as you see eggs then she's good she's in here she's been in here in the last three days so we'll take another look on this one most likely she's on that outer frame that's left in there right here I'll point at a difference too you see this brood right here is all flat this is going to be worker brood this one little it's a bit taller you see it's kind of protrudes a little bit that's going to be a drone we may see more drone frames I'm looking for drones themselves in here I don't see any just yet all of these are female worker bees so these are just full of brood so all of this I can tell by the color this within a week all of this I will probably hatch once it hatches then they'll come back like this right here and lay eggs and she'll just keep refilling every place that they hatch the Queen's one and only job is to um lay eggs now here sometimes they when they start getting full this is what's called a queen cup and they just sort of make a practice run or Preparation sometimes most times they're empty there's nothing inside so there's no no need for concern this so I found our Queen for this colony and she's going through laying eggs and everything that's her only job you see how she's walking around looking for a place to lay that's her right there foreign there's typically only one Queen per Colony oh here we go this right here this is a drone that's a male bee and these are workers there's another drone and of course the the queen is a female for these hives this is true for for any langstroth type Hive this is our bottom board we're using solid bottom boards here there's also another type that has a screen bottom this is what we call a deep Hive body and later as they build that out we'll be adding medium supers to that for them to store the honey in so then we go from there we have obviously the frames where the bees will draw out and build comb and where they can lay eggs and raise larva it's also a wax coated plastic and this gives them a nice solid structure to build from and it also keeps them building in a straight line if you if you use wax or if you don't put foundation on that it'll it'll build what we call wonky cone you don't want the next piece that goes on is our inner cover and then this is called a telescoping outer cover and the reason there are two pieces is that if we simply put this on top they will propolize that or glue it down so tight that you can't hardly get it out without trying to pry it open in which case you're going to be stretching the joints it may break your top so you have that inner covered it makes that process easy to to get everything off [Music] oh this one is built this way I like to start up here in Colony we would like to feed them for at least a week especially this time of year just until they learn the floral sources that are around them so we put in what's called a division board feeder and give them at least maybe two quarts or a little more of sugar water and that gives them a good start so that you know at some point they'll find out all the real stuff they really don't like this I won't want this uh once they find the real nectar but this gives them a great start it's an easy way to do it some people feed them through the lid and then you get more work to cut the lids open to put a feeder jar and stuff in there but this gives them a really good Head Start easy to feed and they'll hold this will hold about a gallon altogether we don't put that much in there because they you know just enough to get them acclimated to their new location how do you make the sugar water good question sugar water that we Feed the Bees is a one-to-one mixtures it's one to one by the weight so a gallon of water weighs eight pounds and so we would mix eight pounds of sugar with that it's not by volume so just by weight took about 30 minutes to get 20 newts installed
Channel: Lanier Bee Barn
Views: 776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oN-weyP4Xzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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