Hope Sabbath School Lesson 8 Unity in faith

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to Hope Sabbath school and in depth into [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to Hope Sabbath school an in-depth interactive study of the Word of God we are in the middle of a wonderful series on oneness in Christ our topic today unity in faith now I'm sure we won't agree about everything but there are these great themes of the Bible that bring us together oneness in Christ I'm sure you'll be blessed and we welcome you to Hope Sabbath school and welcome to the team good to be together I am being so blessed by this series I think part of it is the Spirit is calling me to that oneness with him that enables me to have oneness with others that makes sense we just can't fabricate it without him can we and we're glad that you're all part of our hopes Abbott school family we whenever we receive an email from you we smile because we're happy you're part of our family here is a Amiri a jamaican living in north carolina nicole big smile jamaica all right yes our Mary writes and says hello my name is Amiri and I just turned 12 I'm originally from Jamaica but currently living in North Carolina every week my mom and I tune in to listen to hope service school through you I've learned more than I ever would have just studying by myself I would like to thank you for all your work to spread the word of God please keep it up that's awesome isn't it Thanks for writing to a Samari and we're glad that you're part of our hopes Abba school family the youngest person we've heard from so far I think was two and a half reading the Bible while we were having the class and the oldest is 101 we're glad that you're all part of our hopes Abba school family Jiri and de Nikki right from Tasmania we're so blessed by the whole team and the love of God the ooze is from you all amen amen the week would not be complete without you we regard you as family by the time you receive this we will be members of the local Adventist Church after two and a half years of studying the scriptures and listening to Bible messages we realize the gospel truth is being presented from Genesis to Revelation in its entirety with Jesus at the center of man praise God from whom all blessings flow riches blessings to all of you from the small island of Tasmania below Australia well we're glad you're part of our hopes Abba school family thanks so much for writing to us here's a note from a donor in Florida sent a check for $30 that can help we're all part of the team a donor based ministry thank you for hope Sabbath school and the other wonderful programs proclaiming the Word of God I watch you on roku may God continue to bless your ministry yours in Christ well thanks you know who you are thanks for being part of this miracle called Hope Sabbath school here's a note from walia walia that's a not a name like a million B wal Y Abe Walia he is Zambian studying in North Africa he says Bonjour Salam alaykom greet that's an Arabic greeting follow malikul Salaam alaikum greetings to all hopes have a school members I'm a Zambian student in Algeria I live in a province which has no church at all I was deeply disturbed by this fact until the Lord led me to a group of other devout Adventist students who've helped me to understand many biblical principles I had no idea about I follow hope Sabbath school each week and I deeply appreciate the way you've helped me to see God not as an abstract idea but rather a personal being who wants a relationship with me hallelujah that's it isn't it that's it I'm a singer and I love scripture songs too I like to imagine God smiling whenever those melodies rise to his throne though being a Christian in this country is not easy I can say that I'm learning more about Jesus here than I ever did in my own country thanks to hope service pray for me to be a light to those around me always and God bless you well thanks so much for writing to us Walia and let that light of Jesus shine through you one last note from ebony sir in Ghana anyone with Ghanaian roots oh whoa three hands just went up alright charity and Joshua and Samuel I really enjoy your inspiring interactions Evan easy writes please do continue to educate us on the Bible truth to help others like me get the in-depth analysis of the true gospel thank you and god bless you all but thanks for writing to us Ebenezer whether you're in New Zealand or Ghana or North Africa wherever you are we're glad you're part of our hopes Abbott school family why don't you write to us at SS hope at hope TV org and I'm excited we've got lots of other resources on our website we're just starting to offer some new Bible studies we'd like to invite you you can go to Hope Bible studies org and you can learn about more Bible study resources I really believe the Bible is the Living Word of God don't you lamp to our feet and the light to our path and right now we're gonna sing a scripture song based on Ephesians chapter four one two three it says I therefore beseech you to walk how worthy of the calling with which you were called we're not saved by the way we walk we're saved by the grace of Jesus Ephesians 2 tells us but in Ephesians 4 it says live a life worthy of the calling and part of that is oneness in Christ a unity that only comes through being connected with him let's sing the theme song together are therefore beseech you I therefore beseech you to walk worthy of the calling I therefore beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you [Music] with the loneliness and gentleness with submarine bearing with [Music] with a loneliness and gentle ways with long-suffering bearing with one I beseech you to walk worthy of the calling under or beseech you to walk worthy of the car you [Music] [Applause] to the spirit in the ball [Music] in the [Music] I beseech into walk worthy of their call me either or be speechin to walk worthy of the call with you [Music] you know while we were singing I was thinking of moola is that there how I said their name correctly from from North Africa walia walia sorry about that well yeah I'm thinking he's singing there you know that foreknew and saying Jesus I want to shine for you amen all across the planet 150 countries that we know of people are saying Lord I want to walk worthy of the calling saved by your grace and today unity in faith let's pray together father in heaven what a privilege it is to be part of this global family in depth interactive study of your word and Lord that you've given us the opportunity to study your word today to share testimony to connect with our sisters and brothers around the world may the Holy Spirit guide in our discussion may your name be honored in US and through us we pray in the name of Jesus amen now I was noticing that quite a few of you have this Andrew study Bible and I just want to thank the Andrews University Press for supporting hope Sava school because many of you are blessed by this Study Bible and if you're looking for a great Study Bible the only reason I have this on my desk in fact I prepare the hope service school outlines with this Andrew Study Bible but the only reason I'm not using what I'm teaching is it's too happy for me so I've only got a little hand so I have a slightly smaller Bible but great resource and I'm glad some of you are using it you know the Bible is just such a precious gift let's never take it for granted never take it for granted well let's go into our study today of salvation of unity and faith and start with salvation in Jesus and what I want you to take away from our study is we may not have exactly the same understanding of every single thing in the Bible you know we're not saved by our knowledge we're saved by our relationship with Jesus now does he want us to grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord and Savior absolutely so that's why we have hope sabbath-school but there are general themes that we can see in the Bible that bring us together so let's start with salvation and I'm going to ask Joshua if you'd start our study today in Acts chapter 4 powerful testimony from the Apostle Peter verses 8 through 12 and I'll be reading from the New King James Version the Bible says then Peter filled with the Holy Spirit said to them rulers of the people and elders of Israel if we this day are judged for a good deed done to a helpless man by what means he has been made well let it be known to you all and to all the people of Israel that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth whom you crucified whom God raised from the dead by him this man stands here before you whole this is the stone which was rejected by you builders which has become the chief Cornerstone nor is there salvation in any other for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved amen so there's much we could learn about salvation but if we could summarize the way of salvation in one word Jamie one word would be green grace and I guess two words more through the grace of Jesus right which is the grace of the Father and of the Holy Spirit and the son all in action in the plan of salvation stay with the voice of Peter Samuel could you Eden for us in acts 10 and verse 43 Peter now is speaking to Cornelius and he's reinforcing the centrality of Jesus in the plan of salvation and I'll be reading from the New King James Version Acts chapter 10 verse 43 to him all the prophets witness that through his name whoever believes in him will receive remission of sins all right so what happens when we believe in Jesus as our Savior that's right we see Jesus I can't deal with my own same because the of sinners but you have dealt with that sin problem and through faith in you I can receive the remission or forgiveness of my sins now in another text it says he not only forgives us but he someone say hallelujah no it's not just you I'm forgiving you know I still hold dirty here he actually wants to cleanse us from all unrighteousness so we can walk in a new and pure life in him and such a beautiful beautiful promise well let's keep going 2nd Corinthians 5 verses 18 and 19 and I see Jason here we got to Jason stead so I'm gonna point Jason Lowe and Jason up okay we've got to Jason's Jason if you could read for us second Corinthians five verses 18 and 19 here the Apostle Paul gives his testimony I'll be reading from the New King James Version 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verses 18 and 19 now all things are of God who has reconciled us to himself through Jesus Christ and has given us the Ministry of reconciliation that is that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself not imputing their trespasses to them and has committed to us the word of reconciliation amen you some people have the idea that Jesus the Incarnate son of God's on our side and the Father isn't what do you learn from that text you're working together they're working together and the Holy Spirit - right because the Holy Spirit leads us to faith in Jesus and then empowers us to be his witnesses that's right Canada so I mean the whole Godhead is not trying to keep us out of an eternal joy with him but to draw us to him well the same Apostle Paul that wrote Travis to the Corinthian church wrote to the Romans - and I wonder if you could read for us this this is a very strong and powerful testimony Romans 10 verses 9 through 13 and I'll be reading from the New King James Version that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead you will be saved for with the heart one believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation for the scripture says whoever believes on him will not be put to shame for there is no distinction between Jew and Greek for the same lord over all is rich to all who call upon him for whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved is that it Nicolle just whoever calls on the name of the Lord that's what is that it's not the end of the journey is it the beginning that's right but it is the way of salvation hauling upon the name of the Lord why is that so important Jamie could you read for us in Romans chapter 3 verses 24 and 25 yes the new American Standard Bible says being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Jesus Christ whom God displayed publicly as the propitiation in his blood through faith this was to demonstrate his righteousness because in the forbearance of God he passed over the sins previously committed what's the theme you're hearing so far and all of the text we're reading Jesus Jesus that's right you know I think it was CS Lewis he did a series of broadcasts during the Second World War before I was born I didn't hear them but I have read the little book Mere Christianity which is the compilation of some of those and in those Lewis says you know people have these heated arguments over how Jesus saves us could we just agree that he does yeah could we agree that maybe when we get to the kingdom of heaven and the earth made new that we'll be learning throughout eternity the depths of the love and grace of God I think I think what I'm hearing here we'll look at one last verse in 1st Peter chapter two verses 21 to 24 that when we meet a fellow Christian we may have some differences on the other issues that we ought to experience a unity a oneness in Christ because we believe we are saved through Jesus our Savior and Lord right and maybe even to those who don't know anything about Christianity when they say well how are you saved we can say by calling upon the name of the Lord and they can say what does that mean and we can explain that right let's look in first Peter chapter 2 Gladys could you read for his verses 21 to 24 store I'm reading from the New King James Version 1st Peter chapter 2 verses 21 to 24 for to this you were called because Christ also suffered for us leaving us an example that you should follow his steps who committed no sin nor was he sit deceit found in his mouth who when he was revealed did not reveal in return when he suffered he did not threaten but committed himself to him who judges righteously who himself bore our sins in his own body on the tree that we having died to sins my left for righteousness by whose stripes you were healed amen Kenneth is like you said it's not the end it's the beginning right we died a sin that we might live your righteousness to righteousness right so if we took one theme and said this is something that unites us in faith it is that we are saved by the grace of God through through Jesus through faith in Jesus but we have a choice to make because it says we need to what was that text in Romans 10 we need to we need to actually call upon the name of the Lord right we need to confess our sins to but and to confess with our mouth right that he is our Savior Jesus save me amen all right we're gonna live from the rest of our days for the thief on the cross who said Lord remember me he just had that day to stop cursing right not saved by not cursing but stop cursing his Savior and called upon his name so if you're studying with us today just one thing that brings us together it is self ation in Jesus let's go on to a second theme as we talk about unity in faith and that is the teaching of the Bible about the second coming of Jesus charity if you could read what for some may be a very familiar text in John 14 one of my favorites verses one two three but someone may be hearing it for the very first time they may have grown up hearing about Jesus but have no idea what Jesus is going to tell us in this text yes I'll be reading from the New King James Version let not your heart be troubled you believe in God believe also in me in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am there you may be also clear teaching of Jesus do you know I was taking a class it was at a protestant seminary i was taking a class and i heard someone say well of course we can't take that seriously i mean that's not possible for him to come back mm-hmm Wow and I had a pastor turn to me and say to me Derrick I wish my church still believed in the Bible like you do because Jesus said I'm coming back again right he describes it let's look at Matthew chapter 24 Kenneth could you read for us Matthew 24 verses 26 and 27 Matthew 24 we're looking at the words of Jesus then we look at the words of a couple of angels that's pretty dependable right Candace read for us if you would Matthew 24 26 and 27 so I'll be reading from the King James Version so Matthew 24 verse 26 to 27 he says wherefore if they say unto you behold he is in the desert go not forth behold he's in the sukkah chamber believe it not for for us the Lightning cometh out of the east and shineth even unto the West so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be do you know just yesterday someone told me that a relative of theirs was going to a church and said the leader of our church is the Messiah yeah he's returned and he's pastoring our church Wow what what did Jesus say no if they say go to the secret room oh by the way he's in the desert don't go cuz you'll see him when he comes that's right like lightning I don't know what part of the world you live in do you have lightning we have lightning here in the United States lightning can light up the sky like lightning from the east to the west that's what the coming of the Son of Man will be it doesn't startle you that there might be someone today thinking he's in a room somewhere hearing no no Jesus said discuss actually make peace statement we've got in there the first one is don't even go there don't go there even though you don't physically go there don't even believe it ah you know okay don't believe it and don't go there it's just to check it out no because we know it's not true already exactly revelation 1 reinforces that teaching laurel if you have could find revelation 1 and verse 7 for us the fact that the coming of Jesus will not be some secret thing that we have to get a text on our phone that says oh he's in New York you know let's all go to New York Laurel chapter 1 verse 7 of Latian what does it say I'll be reading from the new American Standard Bible behold he is coming with the clouds and every eye will see him even those who pierced him and all the tribes of the earth will mourn over him so it is to be amen amen amen by the way and we could get into the whole topic but not everybody will be ready when Jesus comes apparently some will be warning or wailing nice later in Revelation it says they're crying for the rocks of all on them and hide them the glory which to them is a consuming fire to us is like hallelujah yes Jesus is coming back and notice what laurels read how many will see him every eye will see him he's not going to be secret yes Travis I'd like to point out it says behold he's coming with the clouds that clouds his angels he's a tree company by thousands of angels so he's not gonna be alone it's interesting we're gonna read from the book of Acts now where it says a cloud received him out of their sight and then he comes with clouds so you see a Jason up top made for us would you from Acts chapter 1 verses 9 to 11 is beautiful Jesus has just told them you'll receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you yeah not the end but the beginning right man and you're gonna be my witnesses where Jerusalem Judea yeah you can say a towel everywhere right what comes after that Jason acts 1 in verses 9 through 11 I'll be reading from the New King James Version and the Bible says now when he has spoken these words while they watched he was taken up and a cloud received him out of their sights and while they looked steadfastly towards heaven as he went up behold two men stood by them in white apparel who also said men of Galilee why do you stand gazing up into heaven this same Jesus who was taken up from you into heaven will so come in like manner as you saw him go into heaven there's a lot of information there in there Gladys what what jumped out at you from the Angels what what was an important truth they were conveying he I just like how they were so sure that the same way that they are looking at just they just put it in your mind the same way that he left he's coming back it was an assurance it was not there was no doubt in their words why do you think the Angels didn't just say he's coming back again why so much information usually because you know the Apostles warned that there will be false Christ's and false teachers and people are waiting for Jesus to come back we don't want it to be to be deceived and so they give details so that we know what to look for when he's returning yep so there's some specific things that are mentioned by the Angels Travis for every truth that that God has Satan has a counterfeit and and so I think he's writing specifically so that we're not duped so that we're not fooled that we're know and we're prepared for this amazing event anyone else something that jumps out at yous you hear the angels test out for me personally I like the fact when he said these same Jesus in other words it's not a different Jesus that is coming to pick us up is the same one exactly the same one that died on the cross and it is the same one that created the universe in the beginning so it is the same Jesus Christ that we can express salvation through beautiful amen is enough above yeah Hebrews just says that Jesus is the same today yesterday and forever so it's the pattern when they said that you know he would come in the same manner that he left so was very specific the way that he left you come back as Travis was saying you know in the clouds being angels and and that verb to see is there - the way you saw him go reinforces that every eye will see him right but something else amazing and I always have to remind myself that some people maybe you're watching today and you're like this is totally new to me there's something else remarkable that will happen when Jesus returns Nicole in first Thessalonians if you could read that for us verse chapter four verses 13 through 18 I know you're gonna be looking for some people on that day and you know it's not just here's Jesus we're saved and we're gonna be with him something else let's see what it says the New International Version of 1st Thessalonians 4 verses 13 to 18 says brothers and sisters we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind who have no hope if we believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him according to the Lord's word we tell you that we who are still alive who are left until the coming of the Lord will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep for the Lord Himself will come down from heaven with a loud command with the voice of the Archangel and with the trumpet call of God and the dead in Christ will rise four men after that we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with him in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and we will be with the Lord forever amen therefore encourage one another with these words is that awesome that is just such a beautiful promise and again to the person that says messiahs here he's pastoring a little congregation I'm going to say where's the resurrection right well every I saw him you were sleeping no no where's the resurrection of the righteous where's that trumpet sound in the call call of the Archangels this is a phenomenal climax of Earth's history now I have a question for you we talked about salvation right in Jesus we said you know let's not argue with each other about all of the details let's at least say through Jesus God has provided a way of salvation is that now let's keep studying Jason Laurie Jason I want to ask you a question someone might say well can we just agree clearly that Jesus is coming back and not really concern ourselves with the details of that I mean exactly what it will be like because there are different views aren't they I mean some people say oh that's a ridiculous idea you can't come back I I reject that because Jesus said he's coming back but what about whether you will see him or whether it will be secret does that matter what would you say so it's true its first important that we recognize that he is coming back so it is important that we agree on that basic point but it is also good for us to understand the how and the why because if we don't always understand the how and the why we can get confused and if we can get confused we may be led to believe something that's not true the devil may lead us to a false teaching and it is possible that our salvation its it sounds like a strong statement but our salvation could be at risk if we open our minds to something that the bible does not teach and so it's not that we're automatically going to be lost but it puts us in danger danger hmm okay so then let me ask you another question is it possible that Christ will return we've called upon his name we're saved by His grace through faith and it won't be exactly the way we thought it was going to be is that possible is that possible yeah yeah maybe someone turns to me and says I thought it was going to be like this I thought we were gonna just disappear or whatever and I might say well I thought it was like this but I didn't know that was going to happen we're not saved by having all the details Trin yeah but we may be in danger so let's see what the Bible teaches but remember that salvation is through Jesus right man yes who of us let's take the second coming of Jesus as an example would say well I don't want to go cuz I didn't think it was gonna be like that we're gonna be using my favorite Hebrew word right absolutely absolutely well we got to keep going in our study I don't want to take a lot of time with Matthew 25 1 2 13 it's the story of the ten virgins but the message is clear that not all who profess was saved are going to be ready right now that's a bit troubling because that's 50 50 right there and I don't want to say that that's the way it will be among professed followers of Jesus but I want to ask a question and I would encourage you to read Matthew 25 that that ten virgins story because how many does the Lord want to be ready when he returns oh you didn't hesitate so I have a question Tricia Lee maybe you can start our discussion and feel free to interact with us in practical terms what does it look like to be ready because Jesus says in Matthew 24 be ready hmm for in such a time as you think not not that it's gonna be a surprise as in you won't be able to see him but boom it's here what in the practical terms what does it mean to be ready when we think about the lesson the example of the Virgin's they were all waiting in a certain location because there was a ceremony that was going to take place so they were given some instructions that they had to follow and we know that all the all eyes will see the Lord and we know that we don't know when it's happening but we have been given some instructions on what we should all be doing United together as we wait and prepare for Jesus to come so the first step is to follow the instructions that allow us to be ready if we say that we're waiting for someone and we're not in the spot we're not really waiting so if Jesus tells us to prepare and we can talk about what that preparation is then we should be doing those things okay and and we would all agree him come to Jamie and charity here we would all agree that when it's happening is too late right so Jamie this is practical isn't it he says be ready what does that look like I think for me you have the five foolish and the five wise and the foolish are the ones that are relying on the faith of others I think symbolically and the ones that have oil they have that personal relationship with the holy spirit in Christ and so they they brought extra oil to light the way because they're they're light bears essentially so not only is the oil for themselves but to also share the light hmm when Jesus is coming so that others can know as well okay so it's something to do with again I you're telling me one have kind of a stale faith or a secondhand faith and and the others have a living faith a personal relationship charity my thoughts were similar to Jamie's that to be in constant relationship with Jesus okay so that you recommend again charity relationship with him yes so that you can recognize and also be renewed by him so that you do not tire as you watch and wait yeah and I've come to you know just a minute constant relationship with Jesus that's we're tweeting right yeah constant relationship with Jesus because if I'm ready now I'm ready right and someone has told me you know he may come five years from now but you're not sure you're gonna make it home today right don't live in fear but constant relationship with Jesus Gladys yes because sometimes when you are born and raised in the church you live off of what you learn at home or the stories you heard in Sabbath school hmm and you just go on fumes like we sometimes hey you don't go really renewing that relationship so let me let me put that in other language for those who second language right you're some people have fuel in their engine and some people the fuels all gone and there's just fumes yeah how far will that take you and that that's what their daily commitment to Christ every day that's what makes a difference I will make you go the long run but if he's just leaving oh I had an experience with God five years ago and that's what keeps me going and how long would that really that doesn't even work in a marriage does it I had a relationship with my spouse five years ago it doesn't work yes Kenneth our member really want a powerful statement ones concerning about purple rating for the end times like for the second coming of Jesus Christ and this spend and this time and literally just blew me away when of us ready says if you're right with God today then you are right you're ready for Jesus Christ if you should come right now yes so if a person you know trying to figure out how they can be ready with Jesus Christ just if you were if you're right with God today like right now you're ready for Jesus Christ if if you should come even now if you ask most people would you like to be part of the kingdom of glory most people would say yes but the only way is to be part of the kingdom of grace now it's now isn't it that's that's the key lesson Joshua we got light you've got to move on to two other areas sure I know that we're taking this from a practical perspective so some people may be wondering what does it mean to be right with God what does it mean to have a relationship with him what does that look like and at the end of the day it's truly about your character like how is it that we can treat our brothers or sisters in a negative way like is your heart right with God because he's coming back for his children yes so do you live and reflect yourself as a child of God but I want to just say we have to move on that that is the fruit of the constant relationship right yeah that is the fruit that is the evidence if I don't see this happening don't just try to make it happen more work on that living connection with Jesus that makes sense we're gonna have to move on hopefully we'll have a little time later it's good to have a lively discussion what have we looked at so far well we've looked at unity in faith salvation in Jesus that Jesus is coming back again let's look now at the Ministry of Jesus in the heavenly sanctuary and I'd like to start with Exodus chapter 25 and Tricia Lee could you read it verses 8 and 9 and then someone go to Hebrews chapter 8 and verse 2 and will actually be staying in Hebrews 8 and 9 the Ministry of Jesus in the heavenly sanctuary that Jesus not only did something God sent his son came into humanity 2,000 years ago lived died for our sins rose again this same Jesus who ascended to heaven right what's he doing there is the question well let's look in Exodus 25 8 and 9 I'll be reading from the New King James Version and let them make me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them according to all that I show you that is the pattern of the tabernacle and the pattern of all its furnishings just so you shall make it who's the Lord speaking to Moses that's right did someone find Hebrews chapter 8 someone have that Jamie verse 2 the new American Standard Bible says a minister in the sanctuary and in the true Tabernacle which the Lord pitched not a man the true tabernacle all right someone read Hebrews 8 and verse 6 Laurel I'll be reading from the new American Standard Bible hew bruise 8 verse 6 but now he has obtained a more excellent ministry by as much as he is also the mediator of a better covenant which has been enacted on better promises and chapter 9 of still in Hebrews Joshua verses 11 and 12 and the Bible says but Christ came as high priest of the good things to come with the greater and more perfect Tabernacle not made with hands that is not of this creation not with the blood of goats and calves but with his own blood he entered the most holy place once for all having obtained eternal Redemption then Samuel same chapter 9 of Hebrews verses 23 to 28 just hearing a theme that Christ is doing something on our behalf now chapter 9 verses 11 to 12 23 to 28 okay and I'll be reading from the New King James Version it says therefore it was necessary that the copies of the things in the heavens should be purified with these but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these for Christ has not entered the holy places made with hands which are copies of the truth but into heaven itself now to appear in the presence of God for us not that he should offer himself often as the high priest enters the most holy place every year with with blood of another he then would have had to suffer often since the foundation of the world but now once at the end of the ages he has appeared to put away sin by the sacrifices of himself and as it is appointed appointed for men to die once but after this the judgment so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many to those who eat early wait for him he will appear a second time apart from sin for salvation Nicolle I saw you smile when he read that what he's doing now in the heavenly sanctuary is in preparation for where he's coming right now if you look at the gospel record during the Ministry of Jesus he prays for people can you think of times when Jesus prayed for people Jason the book of John 17 universities pray for himself first and he pray for disciples absolutely john 17 is a great example he prays for himself for his disciples and then for all who will believe another time when jesus says to one of his disciples I prayed for you you Peter Simon Peter right I prayed for you Satan sought to sift you like wheat and I prayed for you with that in mind someone read Hebrews 7:25 it's a beautiful beautiful text Hebrews 7 Jason down here 7:25 what does it say I'll be reading from the New King James Version Hebrews chapter 7 verse 25 therefore he is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through him since he always lives to make intercession for them amen so think about that charity let me give you a chance to start what does he how does it impact you to realize that your savior is now in the heavenly sanctuary and he's praying for you he's your advocate he's on your side he's interceding for you it's everything it's everything that he himself is praying a prayer that he himself will answer on my behalf not that I'm not responsible for making this happen but he's taking care of me from the beginning to the end preparing a place for me to be with him in his kingdom and it is it is my decision to walk with Him and it is a blessing and it really leaves such responsibility that I must do all these things to get into the kingdom which a lot of people struggle with what is it what is that Ministry of Jesus in the heavenly sanctuary tell you about his thoughts towards you he loved that I was also going to say that Christ's ministry right now in the sanctuary it changes my prayer life personally instead of pray are just being looking like a lonely experience now it feels like a joint experience with Christ where my prayers are being mingled with his prayers for me beautiful effective and Jason I just had to say hallelujah in Revelation 12:10 it talks about the latter part says there Satan is accused of the brother me know day and night he goes before God and it's just a great thought to know that Jesus goes even the more you know he ever lived to intercede on our behalf even the more in our in our state because we are sinners but only saved by the grace of God officially being united in our understanding of the sanctuary also helps to address the cheap grace idea that sin isn't important if we understand what's happening from the whole sanctuary service we know that sin is done away with and that it that's what Christ is doing for us right now and so it it helps us to remind ourselves that Jesus doesn't just save us to leave us the way we are but he's truly trying to transform us he wants to justify us cleanse us but also sanctifies cleanse us from sin and restores to this image so that we really can be in that holy of Holy's with him and so being united in this in this belief really helps us not to just think that we can live any old way yes we can always ask for forgiveness God will always restore us but the end goal is to transform us to a place where just like the heavenly sanctuary we're rid of sin and we are clean and pure before him amen noble thought Jamie well what stuck out to me was the text says he is also able to save forever those who draw near to God and He has given us his word and in this word is his promises and that means each and every one of us can clean those promises for our own and not on a personal relationship with Christ there's so many people thank you for sharing that there's so many people who don't understand that God is on their side yes that God loves us with an immeasurable and unfailing love he is not trying to keep us out he's trying to bring us in right and one of the gifts he gives us which is another area of unity and faith is Sabbath because Sabbath is a time to rest in him now I realize that many Christians may not understand the Bible Sabbath the way that some of us do but and they may say well I rest once a week let's talk about that and whether the Sabbath is an important aspect of unity of facia well let's go back to Genesis and let's see if someone hasn't read for us yet would like to read everybody read all right Jason would you read for us up up up a bottle above yes Genesis chapter 2 verses 1 to 3 and I'll be reading from the New King James Version thus the heavens and the earth and all the host of them were finished and on the seventh day God ended his work which he had done and he rested on the seventh day for all his work which he had done then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because in it he rested from all his work which God had created and made tells us that in the very beginning he blesses a day and he sets it apart as holy calls it a day to rest in him hyper-space forward to the giving of the commandments fourth commandment says oh what do you think it begins with the word remember he doesn't say remember you shall have no other gods before me remember not to take my name in vain or remember don't make graven images what do you think he he gives the word remember when he talks about remember the Sabbath day because he knew the events from the beginning and that the be a movement to change his Sabbath day to something else and so he's telling those who worship Him and who love him to remember that I've said this day this particular day apart for you to be with me and not any other day of the week anybody want to agree or add to what Nicole said Travis I agree with that but I also believe that in Exodus he says I'm your Creator and Jesus wants to work a work in us and recreate us as Trisha Lee was talking about transform us recreate us and it's a weekly day to remember the great things that God has done the promises of God a reflection so to speak on His grace and goodness so he both knows that that many will forget but he also saying there's a huge blessing for you here there's a wonderful blessing and in fact if you read the Gospels Jesus is constantly healing and blessing on the Sabbath day that's right visually we talked about the deception that can come from not knowing how she just comes back but we're also told in prophecy that there will be powers that try to change God's laws and his times yes and it's important to remember this I think that God wants to just highlight because there will come a time when people try to change what his law looks like and change times and I think it's important to realize it's not just a suggestion it's more than that this is very important to God because it's really a stamp and seal of his character and it's important to be united in that because there will come a time when not understanding this really becomes a test of our faith in our loyalty and I do believe as someone has said if a person has that constant loving relationship with Jesus when that issue becomes clear they'll take their stand because they're gonna follow Jesus doesn't it say in Revelation they follow the lamb wherever he goes so but that's why we need to study and I want to ask you a personal question for someone here because some of you may have grown up understanding about the Bible Sabbath but perhaps viewing it as a religious obligation rather than the Traverse don't talk about that huge blessing of remembering who we are and we have a creator and that he wants to bless us and transform us would someone like to share when you came to the place where you understand understood what a blessing Sabbath was to you from God we've got 17 hands like oh let's start with you this is an important topic is I realize when I had kids okay how important the Sabbath was because I work a lot during the week and so Sabbath is a day that not only do I come apart and spend time with a guy but I have my family and I think that he's very instrumental and making sure that there's a day that we have with him but also to read just as Travis it to regenerate and recreate who we are in him and seeing my kids and their love of the Sabbath helped me to realize this is an awesome day it's all right so being a parent and seeing what's happening with your children check Gladys I'm a teacher so I teach the whole week and Sabbath for me is like a time to be taught sit down and hear another perspective and relate with people my age you know I want to challenge the soul to explore all of the themes of Scripture as invitations go back to charity invitations to that constant relationship with Jesus Sabbath can be that in fact if we're just observing a day without Jesus we missed it then there's one last theme in Scripture and it is the theme that death is not the end death is not the end we have hope beyond the grave and I realize there may be some different perspectives that people have about death even among the Christians but we can agree that death is not the end now back to Jason what you said about the second coming we want to avoid the danger of being led astray right but could you read for us from John 11 verses 11 through 15 where Jesus is addressing the issue of death we'll just look at a couple of verses I'll be reading from the New King James Version John chapter 11 verses 11 through 15 these things he said and after that he said to them our friend Lazarus sleeps but I go that I may wake him up then his disciples said Lord if he sleeps he will get well however Jesus spoke of his death but they thought he was speaking about taking rest and sleep then jesus said to them plainly Lazarus is dead and I am glad for your sakes that I was not there that you may believe nevertheless let us go to him and what happens Jason when he goes to Bethany what does Jesus do when he gets there he resurrects Lazarus from the dead he does anything he wakes him up now I want you to notice several words Jesus uses describing death he speaks about sleep and waking up right so once I'm going to go to John chapter 5 verses 27 28 29 John chapter 5 let's take a at which verses would be to read their John chapter five let's read verses 28 and 29 Samuel could you read there for us and I'll be reading from the New King James Version do not marvel at this for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear his voice and come forth those who have done good to the resurrection of life and those who have done evil to the resurrection of condemnation so death is asleep but Jesus says I'm going to wake people up now there's a lot more we could talk about there but if someone says well I don't think it's going to be like that or like this could we just agree that death is not the end and that we need to study the Bible so we don't get disease you don't get to see you know there are some themes here summarize what you have learned what have you learned from our discussion today yes Samuel salvation is not an end but a beginning of a new life in Christ all right salvation is not the end but the beginning of a new life in Christ someone else yes Gladys that everything is made easier when you have that constant connection with Christ I would challenge that a little bit and say no you're in the sense of facing whatever comes your way I would say every year okay I would say everything is made possible yeah it is impossible without that constant relating relationship with Jesus and as we're talking about oneness in Christ and unity and faith we could spend all of our time squabbling about little details I'm not saying we shouldn't study the Bible but if we squabble about details that disconnect from a living relationship with Jesus we could be the most theologically educated lost people that living relationship with Jesus also gives us wisdom to discern the dangers and to discover new truth that will not only protect us but enable us to share that truth with those around us oh I long for that constant living connection with Jesus don't you it's a gift for us as we open our hearts to him let's pray together a father in heaven thank you so much for the beautiful truth that you are loving us with an immeasurable and unfailing love you you drawing us to yourself and I pray that we would live in a state of readiness and oneness with you and with each other constant relationship with Jesus that will bless not only our lives but those around us we pray it in the powerful name of Jesus amen well thanks for joining us for hope Sabbath school you say this is theoretical this could change my whole life and the answer is amen transform living a new life in Christ not just for you but go out and be a blessing to those around you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: HopeSabbathSchool
Views: 16,879
Rating: 4.8571429 out of 5
Keywords: Derek Morris, Seventh-Day Adventist, hopesabbathschool, unity, unity in faith, religion, bible study
Id: -6N-XG0LU7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 39sec (3519 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 20 2018
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