“God’s Daily Plan for Your Life” - 3ABN Today (TDY210016)

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thank you very much as you're well aware we're living in unprecedented times join us now for today's special program i want to spend my night mending broken people removing pain lord let my words i wanna spend my life mending broken people i wanna spend life meeting broken people hello and welcome to 3abn today my name is john dency and it's a joy and privilege to be with you today during this hour we have a program that we have been praying for the lord to bless each person that tunes in watches listens and shares this program we have a special member of the family a guest that is joining us he's traveled from a little ways i would say lives far in the east side i'm referring to pastor pavel goya welcome back thank you so much it's a privilege to be here amen amen we're glad to have you back uh you work uh you know we say here at 3abn people wear different hats and i i from talking to you briefly you wear different hats the lord has you busy in many different ways could you share a little bit of how the lord has you busy i know one of your titles is director of ministry magazine what is ministry magazine briefly so i'm the editor of ministry magazine ministry magazine goes to pastors worldwide not only to our pastors in our church but to many other denominations many other pastors and gives prepares resources for the pastors to grow and to help the church and i would say in a few words i don't want to say much but in a few words we get letters from pastors from our church or from other denominations appreciating the resources that they receive yes wonderful praise the lord you also work with the general conference of the seventh-day adventist church as an associate secretary for ministerial or ministerial yes that also keeps you very busy amen if if you would lead us in prayer please i would be glad to let us pray father in heaven what a privilege to come in your presence we don't deserve it but we come only in jesus name and in his merits we thank you for your love for your grace for your promises and we know jesus is coming soon indeed and we can hardly wait to see him face to face father right now we pray in humility for your spirit for your leading that we may forget self and you may be uplifted that your spirit may touch our lips and may touch the hearts of the listeners and that we may be transformed made all before your glory we pray in jesus name and thank you lord amen amen amen well we are going to uh turn our pages to the bible in john chapter 14 and verse 12 and we're going to share a scripture and we're going to ask pastor goya if he will share just some brief comments about it and maybe we can talk a little bit more about it later as the lord leads but john 14 12 jesus says something that is remarkable when you look at it it says most assuredly i say to you he who believes in me the works that i do he will do also and greater works than these he will do because i go to my father these these words people have wondered that for years uh in your experience what does this mean to you we so many times while we love god and we believe the bible theoretically we say it but practically sometimes we struggle because we see power in the bible god has unlimited amazing power beyond human imagination god says and it happens and we see in the bible the red sea split can we grasp that the sea split we see in the bible the words of jericho coming down the sun standing still for several hours how do you explain the gravity and all that process we see in the bible sick being healed yes dead being resurrected we see five thousand baptized after a short simple sermon we see many things and yet in our lives today many times we go to church wonderful sermon wonderful music we come home and yet we don't see the power where is the power is it because god has arthritis he got a little older he has no more power or he is sleeping or he's in vacation or is it because it's not god's power not god's love not god's promises but on our side something that we need more what is the problem because ellen white says in the spirit of prophecy clearly that the work is going to close with greater power than it started where is it how do we get it should we look for power hmm very good praise the lord so this is this is going to get us started in what we will be talking about in a moment we'd like to share with you now what i like to call a musical offering and we have for you during this hour we have a message recorded some time ago by hope vazquez and you will hear a message entitled he knows my name [Music] i have a maker he formed my heart before [Music] he knows my name he knows and he sees each team that falls and he hears i have a father he calls me his own and he'll never leave me no matter where i go he knows my name he knows my everything and he sees each tear that falls and he hears me when i call he knows my name he knows my and he sees each tear that falls and he hears me when i call yes he hears me when i call amen hope vasquez singing he knows my name he knows my name he knows your name because he loves you cares about you and more than you know he has been watching over you we have with us pastor pavel goya and he will be sharing uh from the bible and personal experience uh things about the almighty god that we are hoping and praying that will be a blessing to you i first like to ask pastor goya did you grow up in a christian home yes i was privileged to be born an adventist you cannot be born an adventist but to be born in an adventist family and my father too and my grandfather was he became adventist when he was 21 he was among the pioneers in romania praise the lord yes now at some point in time the holy spirit worked in your life that you made a decision to be baptized and become a member of the church amen how did that happen can you briefly tell us about that yes it's a long story but i'll try to brief why i say briefly exactly it's a challenge for me to be brief while i did believe in god and i had an excellent adventist education i had my time of wandering and through a long story that i'm not going to go to right now god help me understand that he loves me amen and he has a plan for me and in that night i prayed probably the whole night and um asking god for forgiveness and asking god for his plan and so on and in that night i started to study and the bible verses that came was were just the answer to my very words my very prayer and i that was when god helped me to turn totally around and commit my life to him and his service so it was uh it was you studying and praying the bible that led you to make a decision or something happened in your life something happened a sermon yes okay something happened then you understood god loves you is willing to forgive you and make you his child yes okay let's fast forward a little bit because you have a a a miracle story you have many miracle stories but a miracle story of something that challenged your faith during a time when you were in the military yes uh you um were born in romania romania okay and when you went into the military the country was under a communist regime correct under ceausescu what is his name again nikolai nikolai nikolai and he was in control uh for how many years from one year to what year do you know that roughly about 45 years more or less 40 sorry yes i don't i could check it yeah yes so you uh went into the military volunteer or was it mandatory it was mandatory mandatory okay yes so as a seventh-day adventist adventist christian uh when you went into the military it challenged your faith tell us how uh the miracles the lord did or some of them okay there are many stories we are going to go through this story and i will try to use the story to underline a few points that would connect to our scripture that you just read in romania the military service was mandatory and you didn't choose where to go the government sent everybody to a specific place they we talk about god's unlimited power but we so many times struggle and as soon as we pray and we don't sense an answer to prayer we wonder i've been praying for my health or for my job or for my children why does it take so long and i want to emphasize that there is much to say about prayer but usually not always in the bible answer to prayer is not an event but a process abraham had to wait 25 years for the answer moses 40 years joseph in prison so many years yes daniel we look through the bible anna waiting for a baby in the bible people wait for god's answer those who wait upon the lord so many times in our life we pray and then we act instead of giving a chance to work i have a question because you know you mentioned people that the bible um talks about having great faith you talk about abraham you talk about joseph why why do you think briefly is there a delay in answering these prayers because abraham was a man of faith the father of the faithful but here he is having to wait about 25 years for his son to be born what what what do you what can you how can you explain that well i'm not sure if i have the answer but i could suggest two three reasons okay for instance um god works with people yes and we people we are not perfect far from perfect and god gave us freedom of choice yes and god respects god doesn't abuse his power to basically force us to do something he wants us to grow to the point that we understand and we joyfully freely choose to do what he says and usually when god speaks god speaks big god is not small if i have a plan and he's small that's my plan if it comes from god the plan is if i can say crazy big for instance noah that was not a small plan build an ark when there was never a to save the world that was a crazy big plan how do you bring the animals why would you build an art it was a crazy plan god's saying to moses go and deliver my people lord i don't have an army i used to have not anymore i don't have power i've been gone for 40 years it's crazy impossible god says cross the sea that's impossible take jericho walking around that's impossible god's plans for the human understanding that we don't see the picture we don't understand god how he works how much he loves us god's plans are crazy impossible big and because we don't understand we don't obey and don't trust we don't need to understand we need to know him not to know how it's going to happen in order to obey yes to know him enough to obey when we don't understand we cannot in human wisdom understand god's infinite wisdom therefore instead of trying to understand in order to obey it's better to try to have a relationship to know him enough to trust him when you don't understand what is going on and so number one god wants us to know him enough that we would obey regardless if god says to abraham leave your country sacrifice your son you don't try to why you just say if you say so i trust in you amen amen so number one to develop our faith to the point that regardless how crazy how big the plan would obey trust and obey trust the lord because he knows what's best for us and he knows the future and he knows the big picture but number two god has to work with people he says angel gabriel says to daniel it took three weeks because i had to work with the kings of medes and persians god has to work with people and god doesn't force them so it takes a while to prepare you for the plan and it takes a while to prepare the community or the church or whatever and so god works with them with patience and grace unlike us you know we have no patience you know and so there may be many reasons yes i would say another one of them and i would stop there there will be a lot more in god's plan he doesn't want just to throw a bomb do a miracle and we are not ready for it he wants us to be much spiritually mature because if i just give my son a million dollars he may spend it in right away but if you learn to work and to appreciate it then he would value it god may want us to grow spiritually that we value these things we believe in them they become life not only receive it as a miracle so there'll be many many other reasons but in the bible many times answer to prayer it's a process it's a process i like that you know because when a father and a mother have a child when he is a baby in the crib they don't go well son we have a key for your car right here whenever you're ready to drive just go ahead and grab them and take off it's a process yes and some things some things take time especially when it has to do with the lord working with people and that's that's something to consider so you are in the army yes and your your faith was challenged in many ways but something particular happened and let's let's go to that story we are tempted as i go to the story we are tempted after we pray asking god for help to do something yes as abraham was tempted and he he tried to have a baby through his own plans instead of waiting for god's power and god doesn't need our help those who wait upon the lord renew their strength god wants us to trust in him and do only what he says not what we think that it will be good to help god god doesn't need help we need help and so i was in the army and and and they uh put me in a unit it was a garrison with 5 000 soldiers but they picked hand-picked from the 5000 they picked 51 soldiers and the the unit was called genius not that you're genius or anything like that and we are trained not only artillery or this or that but you're trained to do anything to shoot any type of weapon regardless from small to big to make a bomb to plant a bomb to put a big bomb that you move part of the mountain or a small bomb in a telephone we could go one soldier in a place where the whole army could not go and do some limiting of the enemy in case of war so we are specially trained and and one day the captain was also the representant of the communist party in that unit in the army and they had unlimited power they decided your life or my life without any court or justice if they said this is it that would be the end and so he came to me i said goya you are the enemy of the state i thought he was kidding wow i said me look at me how could i be the enemy why why am i so dangerous are you kidding i said you are the enemy i said why because you believe in god in this country we have no god if you believe in god you need to be eliminated you need to be terminated i said you don't look like schwarzenegger to be the terminator why would you say that i thought he was joking and he said you need to give up your god and put country and the government and the communist party first let me ask you a question had he talked to you before how did he know about you they knew everything about everybody everything was wired we could not talk in the house if we wanted to talk about religion or government my father would take us a walk through the forest as soon as you attack in the house they would come and pick you up and that's not an exaggeration many many people many we talk about over 23 million people within 45 years were killed because of political or religious reasons including relatives friends they were picked up and they never came back and so they knew everything so at this point when he's telling you these these things you are doubtful about what he his intentions are you're not sure where he's going or what he's going to do and he said you need to put the country and the government and the communist party first above your god and i say listen i love my country my bible teaches me to pray for the country to pray for the king to pray for the president and sometimes we may not agree with this or that because i believe in god and you don't but that doesn't mean that we should hate each other the parties that we should fight against each other the bible says that we should love people love the government pray for them and i said i am praying for my country i love my country he said well if it was war and it was your day saturday your sabbath and i was in danger i was shot would you save me i said absolutely if you're in danger not only during war but peace if you had a car accident or your house was on fire i would absolutely save you he says i want you to prove today is saturday if i command you to dig a hole in the ground would you dig the hole i said no it's sabbah why would i do that you said you put country above god i said i never said that god comes first i told you that in an emergency i would be willing to sacrifice my life this is not an emergency there is no work why would i dig a hole he said goya that means that you put god above country i said absolutely god comes first oh he didn't like that oh he was not happy about that got angry right he started to curse i said god comes first and then country and i need to give to god what belongs to god and to caesar belongs to caesar he says there is no god you get in my hands no god will be able to save you from my hands no god will save you from the communist party was there anyone else around you while he was that's what he did next okay he said to me if you disregard my authority between you and me it's seven years prison but if you disregard my return in front of the other soldiers it's 14-year prison and in war you'll be executed on the spot 14-year prison or executed on the spot and he called the other soldiers 50 plus me 51. okay he commanded them to align themselves they all got straight they saluted him and then he commanded me to saturday morning goya three steps forward bang bang bang i took three steps he says i command you to dig a hole it was saturday morning i said captain with all due respect i cannot do it is sabbath i'm not going to work you disregard my authority i will destroy you i will make you an example i will show you that there is no god that can save you you need to learn a lesson and he went on and on and he called me and then he started to curse god using really terrible dirty words and he says no god can save you from our hand i want to see what god has power to do that where is god and then he said you dig a hole right now i said i'm sorry i cannot hmm i said give me a reason there is war the enemy airplanes are attacking you right now dig a hole and hide i said you looked around there is no enemy airplanes dropping bombs on me i want you to imagine that there are airplanes i said well then i want you to imagine that i dug the hole [Laughter] so you this uh from the military standpoint you are speaking to a a superior a superior officer in a way that would get him really upset oh so people are afraid of them people are shaking people could lose freedom in a second yes and people would bow down and stay with their heads down and people would tremble and say please please please i have a family and my father taught me that god's presence would cast away fear and that if you are afraid your god must be very small because if you have a big god you have no reason god is in control and nothing would happen to you unless he allows it and if he allows it he has a reason he allowed joseph to go to prison he had a reason he allowed daniel to go to babylon hear the reason and that you don't need to understand but you need to know him enough to trust him when you don't understand what is going on so i got my back straight yes and he expected me to shake and i said well god is with me and if god is with me who can be against me he says are you crazy what god is with you let me ask you a question because uh you said the other soldiers were there did they have any rifles or weapons that in case he commanded them to follow you all of them we are in training field okay and you're basically he he would call us every day and that on saturdays when he would call us to training i would refuse and usually i would go and lock myself in the bathroom and pray and study and rest sabbath and so there are other stories as he tried to put in prison before but right now he commanded in front of the whole unit basically to have witnesses and the reason to to put me in prison wow this is a situation that i think the majority of people that are with us or listening would say i don't think i think i would go ahead and dig the hole to live another day but you were challenged this is uh serve god or serve man what what happened i want to make a parenthesis to try to touch a little lesser a lesson it's easy to say oh i would not i would go to prison it's easy to say it but when you get there yes it's a it's a little struggle yes it's easy to tell the story now but it was not easy done number two when we go to small crisis and we pray and we don't seem to get an answer right away we struggle moreover a big crisis and if we don't learn to trust god in small daily challenges how are we going to trust god in the final crisis the biggest of earth history and we need to learn to know our god and to trust our god but anyway another point that i want to draw attention to is that we so many times focus on self my freedom my health my job my blessings my needs my family my and and in the bible we are called to put god first his kingdom his honor his interest to love god more than self in fact the bible says whoever doesn't give up mother and father and this cannot be my disciple we are called to die to self yes we are not called to seek blessings but to give up everything including comfort and freedom and life we are called to do what jesus did and and unless we are ready to put god first yes jesus says you are not my disciple and like the rich young ruler lord i keep the commandments i eat vegetables i go to church and i know the doctrines and jesus said give up everything yes unless we are willing to surrender all paul says i consider all things a loss unless you are willing to surrender all we are not really christians because whatever comes between us and god and we cannot surrender that's what we worship wow this is uh this is true this is true uh now this was life or death the way the way you're you're you're presenting to us this story this is life or death he was ready to challenge your faith yes and uh have you had you seen him do things that you asked yourself why would he do that before have you then you had seen him many times many times okay so what happened next he got red angry started to mumble something that was obviously so angry that he could not speak fluently and clearly and he said i'm going back and today is the last day of your freedom i'm going to propose maximum prison 14 years in the toughest facility in the country and he named it many people who went to that facility never came back he said you'll face torture your beatings and so on and so forth you i'm going to teach you a lesson and i want to see what god can save you and then he said there if you don't obey what they say and you keep putting your gut first they are gonna double triple your sentence you'll never come back he says i'm gonna show you that we decide your destiny and i'm gonna teach you to give up your god and wow he left all the soldiers in the training field and me and he went to the garrison and he called an emergency meeting to propose prison for me [Music] in that moment i left the training field i was in charge of the warehouse i went inside the warehouse locked myself inside and started to do whatever christians do pray lord help me please lord i am in trouble my health my job my health my lord help me my freedom lord my i started to pray as we all do yes but this is what my father used to say to me the more you look to the problems the more discouraged you are the more you look at the this is something you one of those things you you kind of underline the more you look to the problem the more discouraged you are the bigger the problem seem to be like king saul he was taller than the others in israel but when he looked to giant to goliath goliath seemed pretty big even compared to seoul yes but david who was only a child probably very short yes when he looked he didn't look to goliath he looked to god he says i come to you in the name of our god and the almighty god of israel amen when he looked to god goliath seemed to be a baby yes we have big problems because we look too much to the problems and too little to god and we have a very small god the more we look to god the more we understand what he has done in the past his promises his might his love the more peace we have when we look to the problems the bible says you keep him in perfect peace him whose mind is fixed on you amen amen we think turn your eyes upon jesus but we so many times focus on problems and solutions instead of focusing on god and his grace and his power and his promise and what he has done in the past we have nothing to fear unless we forget our god has led us amen and so i was praying for my freedom lord i don't want to go to prison lord they are going to beat me and the lord what's going to happen 14 years lord and the more i prayed the more desperate i was because i was looking to prison and it came in my mind fix your eyes my father used to say they are going to challenge your faith there will be a time that they will have you'll have no solution turn your eyes upon jesus don't only sing the song do the song many times the communist party came and took him to police because he was bringing bibles from former yugoslavia and he would say to me turn your eyes upon your god have a real god not a theory of god and he would say to me your god is big why are you afraid and and and he would say to me in revelation chapter it says that this and this and this will not go to heaven on top of the list is people who are afraid yes if you have a real god you should not be afraid you should have courage jesus says from genesis to revelation don't be afraid for i am with you at the red sea tell them not to be afraid because i will go ahead of them jericho be courageous i am with you if god is with you why are you afraid that's right that's right and so i was praying and i was wondering am i a christian if i am i'm afraid of pleasure jesus gave his life to save even one soul what if god has one soul in prison to be saved shouldn't if joseph didn't go to prison he would have never been prime minister not that i will be prime minister or anything like that but what if god wants me to go to prison to save us all it could be and i said but i don't want to go to prison am i crazy i don't want to go to prison and then it came in my mind whoever doesn't love god more than self cannot be my disciple and and i said but but lord i love you more than freedom but i don't want to go to prison let me let me ask you just in case because there are people watching of different ages how old were you at this time when you received this challenge 18 18 years old yeah that was 100 years ago so you're praying asking the lord to deliver you from prison and how how was the transition how did you find peace and tranquility in the lord in the midst of this great challenge it came in my mind what my father would say again and again every time i would have a challenge i would talk to him and he will not give me the answer but he will throw some tips he said to me that in our life we have no blessings no growth no power no victory and we are unable to even help others because we don't learn to trust god and to fully surrender and let him deal with it everything regardless of his spiritual matter or whatever to surrender we talk about surrendering give him permission to work but then we act ourselves and my father said all bible stories are because people surrendered everything they trusted god even with life yes and in history people of faith have been people that learned to surrender and my father would say moses gave up everything god could not use you unless you give up everything as long as you are in control and you keep some things for you god cannot give you power because you are gonna use the power in a selfish way self-centered way according to your good plans your good wisdom but when you fully surrender and god takes over and he's in control of your life then god can give you power because he's gonna control how you use that power amen and paul says i've been crucified i no longer live christ lives and leads and so on he says i die daily basically my father will say if you really want to see god's power in your life you first need to die unless you die you'll never produce fruit as long as you are alive god cannot give you power because you'll control that power so when you say you have to die you're talking about having control you're saying you're saying dying to solve your ideas your ways you're saying allow god to control okay and he would repeat again and again that basically if you want to keep your life or your house or your salary you lose it but if you are willing to give it to god then you will save it because god can preserve it better than you can and you need to be willing to let go for god to be able to grow it bless it preserve it amen for instance you say if you love your family more than god you'll lose it but if you put god first he'll be able to preserve your family for you better than you do it amen he would say in god's hands it's safer than in your hands and so when it came in my mind to surrender my freedom and if i want to keep my freedom i'm going to lose it but if i'm willing to give it to god you'll do best i i was struggling to pray a new prayer and i said lord i really don't want to go to prison but i'm willing to surrender my freedom do to me whatever you want i give you my permission oh i know you respect my freedom so lord if you want to give me freedom please do that but if not if you have a job for me in prison like joseph like let me go to prison and if you want me to love you more than freedom let me love you joyfully more than freedom or life and so lord i joyfully surrender my freedom and my life even if i will be beaten or tortured do whatever you want and then it came this word in my mouth i don't know why but i said do to me not what i ask or what i want or what is important to me do to me what would honor you and serve you and your kingdom and your mission and your honor to the point that this communist people secular communists that don't know you they will have a chance to know that there is a god in heaven and to be saved so lord i'm gonna put you your mission your honor your work above my freedom when i said those words though i should have cried because hey i'm willing to give up my freedom instantly before when i prayed for freedom i was struggling when i said do to me whatever you want instantly i had peace like there was no problem with my freedom and i didn't know what will happen next but i stopped asking i didn't feel the need to ask anymore i basically i gave it to god and i was like no need to ask he knows it he's in control yes i gave him my freedom i gave it to him it's his problem not mine so you were willing to face what matter what happened even if you had to go to prison you were willing to face that if that that was god's way i didn't even think about it anymore and for some reason i was afraid to open my eyes i sense that god is right there he can hear me he knows my heart he knows the future and he's in control and i say lord you know it all you are god and i started for some reason to sing literally a song that is the one that trusts in the lord he has peace and the romanian words yes and i started to think and while i was thinking somebody knocked in the door powerful in the warehouse door and i i stopped singing and i opened the door and it was a sergeant his name was chuchu marian short guy he said pavel you're an adventist i said yes you cannot lie i said i'm trying to tell the truth always i want you to tell me the truth i said okay do you know general johnner general joannie joanna i said i don't know general joanna oh yes you do i said who is he pavel you cannot lie your god can hear you i said what are you talking about you don't know him no i don't know him who is he well all armies in romania are divided in four four big armies and there are four generals who are responsible with the four armies of romania and over them is the minister of defense and over them the president and these four people are people that everybody is afraid of them and the most fearful among all the one that people really shaking his presence he has the power to take anybody's life that guy is extremely powerful in our country his general journal we are in a meeting to put you in prison 14 years and the door opened and guess who came from bucharest to this city countryside general john showed up with his guards well and we all got straight this is interesting we said this is it we are done if he came to inspect our garrison we are in trouble and we are afraid for our jobs or freedom and he said relax sit down we all sat down waiting he says i came two years ago to inspect the garrison and it was a mess the fence was broken the driveway was broken the roof was leaking the windows were broken the museum and you said you have no funds no money i came now to inspect you have a nice new fence who fixed it for you well there is a soldier his name is goya he fixed it how much did you pay him oh he volunteered he did it for free nice praise the lord the driveway is fixed who he fixed the driveway who goya the same soldier yes the roof is fixed no new roof well he worked with his father roofs and construction and he fixed the roof who the same soldier goya how much did he charge oh every day he fixes something around the building he goes and he would fix something he says that he has to do everything as he would do it for god oh i noticed that the windows are replaced he wore glass with his father he owns a business in glass he knows how he replaced the windows the museum is fixed he did the museum the warehouse was missing tools soldiers would sell them to buy alcohol right now nothing is missing who is in charge of the warehouse goya and he doesn't allow anybody to steal he keeps them clean man what have you done to reward him to put a picture of him at the flag to send him home to put him on the tv to to give him a financial reward what have you done to honor him well and they said uh nothing why are you here an emergency meeting why we want to put a soldier in prison maximum sentence who goya why would you do that is he a traitor no is he talking against the government no but he believes in god well many people believe in god though he don't like it are you planning to kill them all is he going against our country no if there was an emergency would he oh yeah he in an emergency he would give his life what was the problem we asked him to dig a hole and it was saturday and he refused why would you ask him to dig a hole well we we wanted to see if you obey why would you do that well we told him that there is war but there is no war praise the lord said you wish you had all soldiers like him why would you go against your best soldier and then the general said you touch him you touch me you go against him i'm gonna make sure you lose your jobs and your freedom i myself i'm gonna go against him against you don't you touch goya wow this is this is something amazing and then the sergeant said to me you tell me that you don't know him i said nope but i know somebody bigger you're the president or who i said somebody bigger i was referring to god praise god he says i'm gonna tell everybody that you know somebody bigger than the general sure enough from that day to the end of the military service they never asked me to do anything they would ask me go home go to church do whatever you don't have to work you don't have to do training you can go in your room and pray just call the general and talk to him about us maybe we get a promotion i said i don't know the general i know somebody bigger well whoever you know bigger talk to him for us i said i am doing every day i am talking to him about you because i was praying for them yes praise the lord but it so many times we want god to serve us while we put our needs above god and god cannot really serve us because we are supposed to serve him and we need to be willing to put god his honor his service the proclamation of the good news of the gospel we need to put god first and ready to give up life freedom money is not about money it's about everything time energy house job family we need self help we need to put god above everything because whatever is your treasure that's what your heart is we need to put god above these things in order to allow god to work at any price praise the lord you know you're you're as you're telling the story and how this general showed up at the time when they were about to make a decision to put you in prison the lord directed him to come long before the meeting started how what's the distance between bucharest where he was and where your military base i didn't check online but with the train would probably be seven eight hours uh i don't know this is one of those things five six hundred kilometers about three four hundred miles though obviously the lord was in control he knew what emergency his child and i'm saying you his child in this case was gonna be facing and the lord brought the solution the lord had the solution before you even started praying the lord had the victory done before i even had the trial god knows the future the problem is not with god god's hand is not shorter than before that doesn't change the problem is that we are so focused on self and our needs that we forget to worship god to know him to trust him to serve him and we try to solve our own problems and we make a mess instead of putting god first and learning to trust in him that he promised if we put him first he will take care of the other things praise the lord you know uh before time runs out uh we need to share your contact information so those of you at home that would like to contact him via email we're going to put his email uh on the screen in a few moments and we'll read it for you so those that are listening uh how do you get there how do you get to the place where you learn to trust god no matter what the circumstances very good question because every peop we day facing challenges and faith fails we begin to doubt like you said we begin to look at the problem the problem gets bigger how do you learn not to look at the problem but to look to god so many times we do want to have faith but we struggle help my unbelief you know i believe help i am brief i believe and i could be wrong again i don't pretend that i have the answers but from my experience from studying in the bible in the spirit of prophecy i believe that god would never allow over us more than he can handle and he would prepare also the way out when he allows a challenge a crisis and that god to daily challenges small daily things that we believe they are not related to anything oh today i had a flat iron small things that may not seem connected to anything in our spiritual life god through daily trials is teaching us faith trust dependence humility whatever we need and in the several phases towards the end in the last two three four chapters the spirit of prophecy says that some so many times people wait for a big thing but they need to be faithful in daily small things and if they are faithful in small things it grows them for bigger things and they are faith and so it's a progression it's a growing experience and so i believe that we need to instead of looking for big faith we need to learn in daily things to trust god and as we are faithful daily and learn to trust him as we stretch our faith we step out in faith in small things and we see how wonderful god is that would prepare us for bigger things and then bigger things and this way god is growing us growing us every day uh you mentioned a book what was the name of the book again the sour of age so you're saying towards the end okay i would apparently you recommend reading this book absolutely it's a life-changing book and and i believe that people say i've been praying studying trying to trust god every day and still there is no growth people need to understand that growth happens slow children grow but you don't see them growing but five years later you look and they are a lot taller so the work of the holy spirit is like the wind you don't see the wind but you do see the effects so growth should not be our concern we should stop monitoring self yes our my job is to be connected to god to love him to trust him to to surrender daily to spend time with him in prayer and study to trust in him even in small things his job is growth and transformation and victory so i need to do my job and stay connected and trust that god will finish what he started he'll do his job and so instead of monitoring oh i didn't grow from yesterday today just stay connected two three years down the road as you look back you will see that god has been working faithfully and this is probably one of the keys in my opinion it doesn't matter if you are here or here or here in your spiritual growth as long as you are in christ because god doesn't save us based on how good we are but based on his unbelievable grace god saved the thief on the cross was in the beginning of the spiritual growth he was a baby yes and god saved paul who was probably at the end of the fight after running the good fight you know and and so wherever you are you need to be in christ and let him grow you amen amen well let's uh share your contact information so that those of you that would like to contact pastor goya can do so uh what is your email that you can share with us it's p p g o i p g o i a 777 gmail.com p g o i a seven seven seven three sevens uh-huh at gmail gmail i want to mention sound a little rude but sometimes i receive i'm exaggerating 20 pages emails like a whole episode you know and when you receive 140 50 emails a day it's better if if there is an email that is short straight to the subject without too many introductions and yes because you know you can read and answer so many yes this is true this is true so patience if you contact pastor goya i have some patience that he has opportunity to answer you because he gets many many emails many many emails so praise the lord the lord took you from this experience that you were facing possibly 14 years of prison but you surrendered this is what you say how in in a couple minutes how do you surrender to the lord because you you had to discover this the spirit of prophecy uses a very nice word consent and i have the paragraph the quotation in my briefcase in one of my spiritual growth presentation how do you grow more and more like jesus and so she says give him the consent daily basically how do you surrender daily in the morning give god the consent give him the permission to do in your life what is necessary for instance and this is a challenging uh sentence that i'm gonna say next as soon as we face a problem we have got to solve it but we need to think about it if i say lord give me patience basically i am asking for trouble because how god could teach me patience if nobody bothers me so when i say give me patience god has to send somebody that would really bother me to how do i develop patients if i don't have a situation to exercise patients so then god has to allow somebody to bother me and as soon as somebody bothers me i say lord please solve this problem with my boss but god says didn't you ask for patience so instead of asking god to solve my problem we should rather ask god to grow us and then after we learn the lesson if he wants to remove the problem and so many times the challenges that we have got to take care of them are actually the very answers to our prayer to grow faith patience trust and so on praise the lord thank you so much we have another closing remarks that we would like to get to in a moment but we now are going to take the opportunity to give you the opportunity to hear news and uh things that are going on at 3abn that are one of that are things that you would say praise the lord and also things that you can pray for for 3 a.m so we're going to go to a news break at this time so that you can hear all the wonderful things that god is doing and also we want to include you to stand by because pastor goya will be back for some final comments to end this program and we'll see you in a moment thank you very much we are with pastor pavel goya and pastor goya we are grateful that you have been able to be with us uh the question i have for you now is what final message do you have for those that are right now listening to this message jesus is coming soon as we look around we cannot ignore that and in this situation when we know that we leave the final events of this earth is no time to wave between religion and no religion with god and with our god we need to dedicate ourselves fully we cannot play no longer play religion we need to fully dedicate ourselves to god we need to put him first and we need to start exercising that we cannot expect in the final crisis to learn to trust in him we need to learn daily to trust in him to spend time with him to make him a priority to learn to stretch our faith to to to step out in faith to exercise faith to develop faith we need to learn to know our god to trust our god to experience our god because uh what will be the benefit to to know about god and yet lose heaven we want to be there god is calling you to full commitment god may god bless you thank you pastor goya we are grateful that you were able to come and we hope that in the future the lord will give you the opportunity to come back and share we know you have much more to share and we want to thank you for joining us during this hour of 3abn today program we ask of you to pray for 3abn as we endeavor to bring the everlasting gospel to all the world the three angels messages and if this program has been a blessing to you we would like to know send us an email give us a call so that we can praise the lord for the things he is doing and remember give your heart to the lord jesus christ and you will find peace and happiness that begins in this world and continues forever god bless you [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 9,541
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Keywords: 3ABN, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, yt:quality=high, 3ABN Today
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 31sec (3331 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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