Hope Sabbath School Lesson 10 Gods Everlasting Gospel

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[Music] [Applause] [Applause] welcome to Hope Sabbath school an in-depth interactive study of the Word of God we are making our way through a life-changing series of studies on the book of Revelation today the everlasting gospel and the three angels messages it's an exciting topic and it's an invitation to each one to accept the saving grace of Jesus Christ so welcome to hope Sabbath school and welcome to the team now this some people will be watching today they've never heard of these three angels in Revelation 14 but I'm praying that they'd find a word of encouragement and hope in Jesus amen and we're glad you're part of our Hope Sabbath school family wherever you're watching we know 150 countries we'd love to hear from you you can write to us at SS Hope at Hope TV org we forward these emails to our team so we can praise God and give thanks for what he's doing in your life here's a note from Jacqueline in Saba in East Malaysia and she writes it says I really enjoy hope service school it helps lift my faith in God may God bless your ministry but I badly need your help please pray for my husband last Sunday he almost had a heart attack he has diabetes and I'm very worried because his brother died a few years ago of a heart attack I don't want to lose him will you pray for Jacqueline yeah we want to join with you Jacqueline and hope Sabbath school members around the world to remember your husband but remember the most important thing is when we know Jesus death is defeated because we have the hope of the resurrection when Jesus returns in glory but still we want to keep our loved loved ones as long as possible right yes so we'll be praying for your husband and thanks for being part of our hopes Abba school family Rickie writes from Zambia greetings all interactive Sabbath school members my name is Ricky I always watch hopes a physical video every day before I see my patients and after I'm waiting for patients in my screening room its motivation how you share the Word of God may our Lord continue using you as we wait for his second coming to take us home well Ricky we don't know exactly what you're doing sounds like a clinic or a hospital or doctor's office but we're glad that in addition to helping people with their physical health you can share with them about the love of Jesus thanks for writing to us Renee writes from South Africa says I'm a 21 year old student of psychology at a university in South Africa my parents and I have been watching hope Sabbath school each week for a month now and is truly amazing it isn't interesting we've got young people we've got University students we've got professional people like the one we just read and then we've got people who 101 years old so all of the above we're glad you're part of our hopes Abbey school family you and your team have such friendly faces that radiates the love of Jesus and we say thank you Jesus that's our prayer that we really can reflect the love of Jesus even though Renee writes even though I don't know any of you I feel like I know you on a personal level because we are brothers and sisters in Christ and thank you once again for everything I look forward to service go each week with you all have a lovely day well thanks for writing to us Renee from South Africa here's a touching note I this was actually written by a donor and it says enclosed please find a check in memory of my wife from her loving husband and a gift for 2000 dollars to help hope service well you know when we invest in the kingdom the Bible says where your treasure is that's where your heart is - and I just want to thank you I just sensed that your that your wife was a follower of Jesus and she would want to know that we're doing what we can to get the message message out and the mission accomplished that was a tongue twister so that Jesus can come back soon and we can be with our loved ones again one last note from Bayon a Liberian studying in China we seem to get a few studying in China don't we oh yeah do you hope Sabbath school I'm from Liberia but I'm currently studying in China I joined this beautiful family recently while searching the internet to find Sabbath school material since the discovery I have been blessed well we're thankful it was an accident well maybe it wasn't maybe the Spirit of God led you to Hope Sabbath school and we're glad you're part of our family god bless you in your study band there in China and we'd like you to sing with us now you say Derrick I don't sing that well well actually let's sing together anyway revelation one seventeen and eighteen is our theme song for our series on the book of Revelation it's the words of Jesus do not be afraid he says I am the first and the last I am he who lives and was dead and behold I am Alive for evermore you can download the song mp3 files sheet music from our website let's sing it together now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and the last ayah [Music] Oh I am me up by the beginning I am [Music] the beginning [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to come I am [Music] Almighty my team [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you know I was just imagining we were studying about the beast power and the death decree in Revelation 13 and just like Shadrach Meshach and Abednego standing before the fiery furnace to hear the Lord Himself say to us do not be afraid I am the first and the last mm-hmm I am he who lives was dead behold I am Alive for evermore I think we could face anything with a living connection with Jesus don't you and we're just so glad that you can join us the everlasting gospel and the three angels messages let's pray together father in heaven it's all about Jesus revelation from Jesus about Jesus and I pray that as we study today that we would be drawn closer to Jesus our Savior may names today be written in the Lamb's Book of Life as hope Sabbath school members make a decision may be watching for the first time Lord write my name in your book Lord saved me we thank you that your Holy Spirit will guide in our study today in the name of Jesus amen amen well we're in Revelation chapter 14 by the way if you've missed anything you can go to our website you can look for the series on Revelation watch all of the programs in this series and you'll catch up we're in Revelation 14 now and we're talking about the message of the three angels and I want to begin Joshua in verse six if you'd read for us revelation 14 and verse 6 envision John the Revelator sees something new you know I'll be reading from the New King James Version and the Bible says then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth to every nation tribe tongue and people another angel have we seen other angels so far yeah we've seen lots of angels right an angel is a messenger and here is another angel what what is this angel how does it put it have having what to preach to the world everlasting why doesn't it just say having the gospel by the way gospel means what good news right it's actually the good news about Jesus when we use the word gospel in the scriptures why Stephanie does it do you think John calls it the everlasting gospel rather than just saying the gospel because it has no end okay has no end it's his continual effort to to bring people back to Christ and prepare people okay so as no end and and it's ongoing anybody else Jonathan maybe to clarify it it's not something new ah thank you yes Gary yeah the Bible says Jesus is the lamb slain from the foundation of the world so even before we were around this is new good news of salvation and and it's not it's not gonna change it's not another gospel in fact Paul got very upset when someone presented a different gospel right and it's a message of love and God's love for us is eternal so when it says everlasting gospel I'm reminded that forever and ever and ever the Lord will always share and give his love to us I like that I'd not ready it's I knew it was everlasting in that it hasn't changed but it will be good news forever all right Joshua thank you for sharing that that's important everlasting gospel and who needs to hear the message of this angel everyone every nation nation you know I visit different parts of the world and and you say how many languages do you have here well about a hundred whoa no I'm thankful for hope Sabbath school being broadcast many places but we actually need many languages too don't we here and I'm excited when they put closed captioning in a different language because it's got to go to every nation every kindred every tongue and every people this everlasting gospel and where do you get the idea that this is urgent yes running angel flying flying okay not strolling no surely no but flying you say well angels fly but well that may raise another question but okay flying love voice loud voice that's right you you remember Jesus one time he stands up in the temple and it says he cried out in a loud voice if anyone thirsts let her come let him come to me so the sense of this is urgent it's important yes right in the midst of heaven you can't miss it all right it's in the midst of heaven just airborne okay which raises the question this angel Jason is this like one of there are angels holy angels that is this a heavenly messenger or who is the messenger referred to here in the first part of the revelation 14 verse 6 even though it says midst of heaven the mist of having can be where the origin of it is but the angel itself refers to messenger and so this is those people that are giving the message of Christ soon coming and the messages here about worshipping God so you would say it could be a heavenly messenger bringing a message but bringing it to other messengers right doesn't Jesus say you'll receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be my good have sent my messengers right yes you'll be my witnesses and it sounds similar to this language because we're to go to Jerusalem Judea Samaria and the ends of the earth by the way if you're joining us and you don't know where that's found that's in Acts chapter 1 verse 8 that's the words of Jesus himself so I think you're right whether or not an angel brings it we received the message and it's a message that we're called to proclaim right so it's urgent why why is it urgent to proclaim this good news we're clear it's urgent right loud voice flying why is it urgent Jonathan I think the context is saying sometimes this is a the very end I mean the next little scene is the last harvest of both the good fruit and the grapes that are ready for destruction and so it's kind of this last ripening of God's true people and of this truth that kind of separates people and prepares for the end I'm thinking just a few verses later where it says thrust in your sickle and reap for the harvest of the earth is ripe and we're gonna read - it's the hour of his judgment so God wants to reconcile the world to himself this is a message of reconciliation and and yet there's also the urgency right that were almost home so how do you feel about being given such an important message would you would you say without feeling proud about it the hope Sabbath school is part of that first angel taking the good news to the world I'm so glad we're not the only part of it right you're just doing it in one language and we're just a small group how do you feel about being given that assignment of taking that good news to the world Jason that feels like a very weighty responsibility but it's also it feels like it immense privilege that God that Christ would have us be part of his salvation plan by sharing this good news with everyone the whole world so responsibility but also great privilege yes anybody else has it feel well I don't know about anybody but when I'm prepping for Hope service we'll always feel so incapable I feel so unworthy that it actually makes me a bit nervous but at the same time it fills me with hope and I can't help but wonder what a privilege you know who am i to do this and it makes you want to do even more I have a friend who always referring to the story of Balaam in the Old Testament he would always say if God can speak through a donkey he can speak through you I said thank you what he's saying though is it's not about how strong we are right yeah but we're available and this message is urgent and we're going to proclaim it there is another question for you how long have you been a Christian some of you have n have you been a Christian your whole life okay quite a few of you Alex how long have you been a Christian I was raised Christian and then I left for a while and I've been a Christian about lower four years now four years someone's Amen came back home alright to God but but now when you first hear there's this sense of urgency you know lift up the trumpet loud let it ring jesus is coming how do we maintain that sense of urgency that we just got to tell people in a loud voice how do we maintain that do you do you think I mean for me when I coming back to the Christian faith it's I realized all the time that I lost you know and so I realize there's an urgency now and I want other people know that to know that and I want to share it with other people it's it's a lot of responsibility of a man we don't have much time left so it's kind of like I remember the phrase redeeming the time you want to catch up not much time left Joshua um I really like that you brought this off because I feel as though when it comes to Christianity everyone has to have their own personal conversion so it's one thing to say okay I was born a Christian but how fruitful have you actually been because if one person decides at 21 years of age is where is when the time I felt like I became very serious about my faith for years before that I wasn't really fruitful as a Christian so someone who is an atheist could have been just as fruitful as I was technically speaking because neither one of us were sharing the gospel until that real conversion experience happened in my life no one was benefiting from me being a Christian and so I think it's important for us to realize that and to focus on okay what work am i doing for the Lord and how can I change lives with the new life that I have chosen I don't think we haven't fully answered my question yet but that's good we're on our way time I don't want to become lukewarm we've studied about the the Laodicean church right that kind of just neither hot or cold and and you like this is urgent flying in the midst of heaven loud voice and time of the judgment how do we how do we keep that urgency I think there is an answer yes okay so the good news about the Christian walk is that it's not you become a Christian and then that's the end you have this growth process where you grow closer to Christ and so I think the way to keep it going is to every day have that refreshing renewing experience with Christ being involved in sharing it with others it's being part of the Christian walk and letting God Mull doing and so that each day is a new experience so it's like your reconverted every day so I'm gonna take your points in a minute I've one of these little handheld vacuum cleaners you know it's a it's a rechargeable and you know like I'm not too good at impersonating whatever and and and after a little while hmm it kind of starts slowing down right oh it's slowing down so what's the solution you know I squeeze harder I need to plug in right yeah does that make sense at all yeah there is no way to just try harder to stay fervent you plug into 440 volts you'll blow up the little vacuum cleaner but you know what I'm saying when we're connected to the power of God that that that sense of urgency is there yeah we got lots of hands right let's start with Nicole try to get everybody who doesn't say that we have to also ask for it okay you cannot just everyday to say Lord fill me with what I need today to be able to be on fire for you and for your world thank you for sharing that sometimes we miss the obvious I need more power well you could ask right and that's part of the plugging in ready and it's a sustained connection just like your vacuum cleaner you unplug and then all of a sudden after a while goes down again so it's this sustained as Jason said a daily connection with Jesus that's what we need okay all right Travis I'd say a huge part is witnessing just because when you're witnessing week by week and having watching God work in other people's lives it keeps that fire lit it really does you see the miracle happening right yes Stephanie someone on the same thought is actually going out in doing something for someone else and being a blessing to someone else in the name of Jesus yes okay that's that's a form of witness isn't it you know go out and witness use words if necessary but but I like the simplicity of just asking didn't Jesus say ask and you will receive is it the will of God that we would be filled with power and enthusiasm to do his work I'd say Lord if it's you well the Angels go what right ask and you will receive the Holy Spirit's power is upon us I didn't want to miss someone Jonathan yeah I was thinking from the text I mean it says fear God and give Him glory for the hour of his judgment has come I think sometimes looking at the the reasons that we are to be earth to be about this urgency is and looking at what is God doing in our world today what is what is prophecy talking about what is what is this thing about worshipping Him who made the heavens and the earth and focusing on his character and so when we wouldn't we imbibe both who God is and how he is and like keeping our eyes focused on him and and on the things that he has said will happen today they're like oh we have a very important thing to be doing here I need to be paying attention to that and being ready for it and let's go on then to verse 7 we've got this angel with a global message for all all people and the loud voice the everlasting gospel let's look at verse 7 Gladys could you read we're in revelation 14 and verse 7 I'm reading from the New King James Version and he says saying with a loud voice fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment has come and worship Him who made heaven and earth the sea and springs of water so is God the everlasting gospel is what we just heard the everlasting gospel or is that an message taken with the everlasting gospel it's part of the everlasting it's part of it okay because the everlasting gospel is God all of God the God's activity to save his people right so let's unpack that and again someone may have heard this before but people are hearing for the first time too so in a loud voice fear God fear God Gary yeah you know I some of you have traveled in in Europe you go into some of these churches built in the Middle Ages and you look at some of the artwork mm-hmm you know and it's it's scary even some of the things on the outside of the churches that you see up there you know these I don't know what they call these ugly faces that they have up there yes thank you what what does this mean what's the angels sing whew God so I believe it a part of the meaning of fear God means to give them reverence but I also know that in the Old Testament and proverbs it says that the fear of the Lord is to hate evil so when it says fear God means hate the things God hates which on the flipside means love the things that God loves but I like where you started which was not just things but what person yes it's interesting both in Hebrew and in Greek the word use for fear can mean to be afraid but it could also mean to reverence yeah yeah so help me with that what would make approve one person reverence and another be afraid Travis I think of the two thieves hanging on the cross really in a sense the hour of their judgment had come and one of them both of them knew they knew that they were condemned for to death they were hanging there and the one says to the other remember me but he says to the other thief don't you fear God don't you fear Him it's it's like don't you ever don't you realize this man can save you don't you have reverence to respect for him and that really hit me as I say he said don't you fear God so some people are afraid to remember in revelation 6 some cry for the rocks to fall on them and others look up and reverence God this is the same word so what makes the difference Joshua well you want to say something else okay the difference is you like because it's kind of like if your and I have to use this example because this is what comes to mind but it's kind of like a parent and child and the parent is the one who has the ability to discipline the child if you know what I'm saying okay so if you're doing what you're supposed to be doing you're not worried about getting disciplined but when you go against what your parent says now you are in a position where you could be disciplined so it goes from fear out of respect reverence to fear of punishment yeah are you looking for the word relationship oh thank you oh by the way both the thieves on the cross had a relationship one was negative resistant for fearing and the other was I need to connect with my Savior right yeah yeah unpack that a little bit more than what what makes a difference because it's the same event yeah yeah so I mean if you fear him in your reverence to him in your showing reverence to him you have a a loving relationship with God as your Savior and your Creator right but if you fear him you're looking only at the the punishment not the who he is in this relationship you're constantly against him not where so you're afraid rather than Reverend buddy Boyles don't a choice I'm going to choose to love him or go against him but the choice is not to reverence or be afraid the choice is the relationship right when I'm connected I think the reverence is the expression of that is that right for fear if I'm if I'm not connected Lily it's knowing him when you know him God is love anything that stumps from it it's gonna be love even if it's discipline there's a difference between a parent discipline a child out of love versus out of anger and out of what we now call the term abuse it's a huge difference when you know that person in your relationship that's what makes the entire difference how you look to them how you how you expect them to respond knowing him is to me what makes a difference relationship the relationship will define that fear God or reverence God is the call not to be afraid of him right and give glory to him this is all this first angel still and by the way who's the first angel we are it's it's the people of God who are taking this message right what does it mean to give you say Derek please how can I give any glory to an all glorious God give him glory Jason what does that mean well I think other places in Revelation I think back in the Thrain throne room where you're in the presence of God and you have all these beans around the throne and they're giving him glory by worshipping Him and acknowledging okay his power and greatness they're they're giving him praise so you would say that we give Him glory by not only reverencing him but by actively giving him praise yes all right someone else to give Him glory Travis can I read from Ephesians chapter 2 verses 8 and 9 you can Ephesians chapter 2 and we're answering the question what does it mean to give him glory is that right Travis yep Ephesians chapter 2 yep verses 8 and 9 fusion scepter 2 8 and 9 and it says for grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is a gift of God not of works lest anyone should boast that boast is his glory so so we have we giving glory to God isn't that boasting in anything that we have done but boasting in what God has done for us okay so we're not glorying in ourselves we're giving glory to God so you'd say one way we give glory to him is to thank him for what he's done to save us Jonathan yeah I was thinking of when Christ says glorify your name and bring glory to your name into your son as he's about ready to go to the cross and I don't think it was about like a obviously was not that suddenly he became all bright and glorious yeah it was it was a glory of somehow through this experience he demonstrated God's character he demonstrated the beauty of soft sacrificial love through all the different things you're thinking of John chapter 17 where he says glorify your name yeah the hour has come exactly alright that glorified God so something about something to do here with how Jesus is walking in harmony with the will of his father that that the glory will come to God anybody else Alex yes can we turn through another verse from our lesson in first Corinthians sure 10 verse 31 first Corinthians 10 and verse 31 and what translation do you have be reading from the King James Version and the Bible says whether therefore ye eat or drink or whatsoever you do do all to the glory of God so it's it's an obedience whatever we do in our lives you know we can choose to do it for God or for ourselves and we want to do it all to the glory of God so it's that thing comes down to obedience yes and it's not just that we're praising him but actually in the way we're living yeah everything we do where we got a move on so existed we got a long way to go phew god that's reverence him it's all to do with the loving relationship and give glory to him we can certainly praise him for who he is but also by the way we will live and by the miracle of His grace reflecting the beauty of his character for the hour of his judgment has come that gives this a time context doesn't it does that remind you of any other portions of scripture the hour of his judgment travis has come acts 17 he says that there will be a day as appointed day when he will judge the world so there is a judgment what does it mean then the judgment has come I mean it's not the end of the world yet Jonathan I think it's interesting yeah it's not the end of the world and scripture talks about how there will be this judgment that happens before the end of time and I was thinking how if you we've we've noticed that there's a lot of signs from Daniel coming up and in the previous chapter as well so we might want to go back to look at Daniel and say hmm I wonder if this is the same judgment talked about in Daniel 7 and some of the things like that and so I think there's a good case to be made for this is that same time prophecy that is going on and that is pointing to right about between what we've been talking about in this time period between crisis and coming that fits right it's the last day message yeah that's why it's urgent we talked about that at the beginning right we're living in the time of the judgment because when Jesus says it is finished it's finished right he who is righteous righteous still unholy unholy still it's settled it says he comes his reward is with him so it's settled at that point so here we are at this time in Earth's history and then come the words that we read in the second half of verse 7 to worship Him we've heard the issue of worship over and over again but Stephanie unpacked that last part worship Him who made the heavens and the earth what what do you hear there in this last day message I guess I look at this verse and I think of the chapter before and there was such an focus there on worship and who you would give your allegiance to and this message now becomes more urgent to share worship God put your allegiance on God's side and remember the the identification of God's last-day people is those who keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus right the commandments of God and which ones focus on worship I guess several of them do don't they yes give me some first force how about the first commandment right no other gods before me what about graven images is that to do with worship yes what about the way we speak about God's name absolutely do is worship and what about remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy and isn't it interesting that in that commandment it speaks about worship Him who made you go wait a minute that's what this just said yeah so now I have a really important question how does the Sabbath truth hmm relate to the message of the first angel and that will almost at the end what do you think Jason well the Sabbath commandment is the one that references creation and harkens back to creation and we have here in the first angel worship Him who made heaven earth the sea and springs of water worship the Creator so we have a connection between the first angel and the creation and the Sabbath commandment is cama that ties these together now we studied about revelation 13 and the Beast that came from the sea and then the Beast that came from the land and this idea of enforcing worship have we seen anywhere where there's been an attempt to force people not to remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy mm-hmm does that ever happen in the history of the world you say I think I better go back and read my my I think even back in the fourth century there was a pause and talked about that I think they were probably lost or there was an enforcement even during the Dark Ages about that why would why would any power if we're looking at Revelation 13 a political religious power try to force people not to remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy why don't they just say well you want to go worship on Tuesday but you want to worship on Thursday why is that such an important issue in in the end time Gary as a mark of its authority they the Bible says they would think to change times and laws and this obviously is a a law dealing with times that God sent set up right remember the seventh day and as a hallmark of his of his law they said no we have the ability to change this so we're gonna do it on a different day because it's our right to as an institution a religious institution so we need to remember I mean God could have said any day what's so important about the seventh day yes Travis Ezekiel 20:12 is one of my favorite verse and moreover I gave them my Sabbath's that it may be a sign between them and me that they might know that I'm the lord who sanctifies them but what if someone says well that's just for the Jewish people I mean Ezekiel was a Jewish prophet wasn't he mm-hmm Stephanie well in Genesis it says that he sanctified that day when he created it which was the seventh day and actually this call is all about creation and about worshipping the Creator right and so there's this call back it's actually more important about relationship and the day is not what creates a relationship right yes the day is the day we come because of the relation that makes it yes we worship Him who made the heavens in the earth the sea and the fountains of waters now I want to ask a practical question we've got to get on to the other to angels messages but I like the first one because it's the positive one because the two and three are kind of talking about if you disregard the first one so if someone said well I don't remember the others but I want to follow the first one I would say Amen okay but are there some other ways that we can worship Him who made the heavens and the earth he knows worship our Creator in addition to remembering this day that he blessed the sabbath day Nicole what are some other ways I think reflecting the character of Christ and our daily life being kind to those that we come in contact with praying for those who ask for prayer so just anything that we do to reflect Jesus and bring hope to someone who's in need of it it's a way of worshiping him yes anybody else Travis I think through song worshiping him through song as that is a great way to worship God so we lift up our song I heard this weekend a young lady play her saxophone and she played Alleluia for the Lord God Almighty reigns but she played it like she was standing before the throne of God and you know I Jason I know you're a cellist right play your cello any other musical instruments represented here Nicole flute a flute okay but have you heard some people that just kind of turn out the notes and other people so they're really like standing before the throne of God and I think they probably there are a lot of ways in our lives that we can worship God as our Creator maybe even taking care of our environment maybe even taking care of our bodies yes right yeah and we're not talking about eating our way to heaven right we're not talking about you know judging people who may eat things differently but didn't didn't we read eat or drink or whatever we do do it all to the glory of God Rodney share a personal testimony with Jesus what our relationship hasn't been like with someone else you were someone else uh-huh yeah so there's lots of ways that we we worship God because we're living in the end of time well we need to go to second angel revelation 14 and verse 8 and Lily could you read that for us please and I'll be reading from the New King James Version and another angel followed saying Babylon is fallen is fallen that great city because she has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication Babylon now we've talked in this series about signs he signified it this is not talking about a man named Babylon or a lady named Babylon it right what is Babylon in in the book of Revelation Kingdom anybody what is Babylon I was thinking I still there's an allusion back to the Daniel again and this symbol Daniel revelation are just connected together what did Babylon represent in the Old Testament of course the children of Israel were taken captive there yeah and it seemed to be the greatness the the best thing that man can create it was beautiful it was the best city I think it's still one of the wonders of the world as far as what the history tells us and it was this head of gold as the prophecy talked about it and so from that time I think maybe it's a symbol of all that man man's power man's way of structuring kingdoms that is an opposition to how God does things and it was the center of pagan worship right they weren't worshipping the God of heaven there they were worshipping Marduk and I don't know who all of the gods were they were worshipping there but but certainly it was not the God of heaven and in the book of Revelation Babylon represents a false system of worship so why is it important this second angel comes first angel comes with what never lasting gospel right how many do do we want to hear that and to make a decision to reverence God through a loving relationship to give him glory and everything and to remember the times we were living in the time of the judgment why is it important that this second angel come saying this whole false system of worship is fallen why is that important Stephanie you're thinking what do you think I think that's important because you could be disillusioned to think that the evil is winning oh I'm so glad you mentioned that because if you read the book just in chapter 13 which we studied in the previous study all the world is following after the Beast and and everyone you remember whose name is not written in the book of life is worshipping the image - right just like back to Daniel everybody bowed down to that golden image on the plain of Dura except for Daniel the baby girl now I have no idea where Daniel was that day but I know this we all have our tests he faced his in the lion's den right we all have our chance to stand true to God and that was that was their chance Babylon then this system of worship so you're saying Stephanie when things are really tough and it seems as if evils build evils winning who we need to remember the message of the second angel right yes that the system will collapse mmm now that's not the end because God's got some important message because he's got his people inside that fallen system right yeah it's gonna tell them what come out of her my people Revelation 18 and verse 4 Jonathan I can just make another Daniel illusion night you know what someone's gonna end our study and go I need to go back and read the book of Daniel Daniel 7 is interesting how like it has this judgment scene but before that it is talking about this Kingdom that is kind of Babylon we say would be Babylon and is doing all these things and and then the judgment scene happens and it in that it condemns so it seems like it's it's again this it's the judgment has come and now judgment is being pronounced against Babylon even though Babylon still has power it's showing it's fallen I'm struggling with these words I need your help it says the Babylon has fallen she made she made the nation's all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication fornication is a word here for spiritual adultery right how did this apostate system make people drink the intoxicating wine I mean is it really kind of pin them down force the jaw down how does this relate to Satan's whole strategy all along huh how does how does babble and make people drink that intoxicating wine Nicole it sounds like forced worship where I'm going to take away from you your liberty your life hey if you don't do what I have said for you to do so you would really see the maid as a forced okay anybody else that's all intense the deception is I see there's a word I was wondering about because remember in Revelation 12 it says that the dragon goes out to deceive so how could you because what will intoxicating wine do look about your sunset it won't it will yeah it will impair your ability to think well yes right yes so the only way that you could convince me to do that would be somehow to they see me into thinking what that it would be good for me right or maybe to force me or maybe a combination of both nickel but you're saying that I'm realizing that God loves us so much he's given us fair warning these things are gonna happen so be aware that you're gonna be forced into whatever you're going to be deceived but I am going to be the victor in the end and he's loved us enough to give us the path as this is gonna happen hmm you know you have to take us to Revelation 18 verses 1 to 4 because the apostate religious power described as Babylon will collapse but there's some there's some there's some encouraging word that we can find and Laura would you read for us in Revelation 18 verses 1 to 4 right and I'll be reading from the new American Standard Bible after these things I saw another angel coming down from heaven having great Authority and the earth where the lumen it was loomed with his glory and he cried out with a mighty voice saying fallen fallen is Babylon the Great she has become a dwelling place of demons and a prison of every unclean spirit and a prison of every unclean and hateful bird for all the nations have drunk of the wine of the passion of her immorality and the kings of the earth have committed acts of immorality with her and the merchants of the earth have become rich by the wealth of her sensuality hmm I heard another voice from heaven saying come out of her my people so that you will not participate in her sins and receive of her plagues now did you notice as Laura was reading that verses 2 & 3 so just like the message of the second age yeah I mean it's like it's the same right so what what does this angel in Revelation 18 bring that we don't see in Revelation 14 in the second angel that's so important it's a call Tiffany it's in the whole to come out a babbling so that you're no longer associated with the with that so call to come out of Babylon which implies several things help me with that if there's a call from the angel come out of Babylon it means you're still in there yes okay it means you're still there what else does it mean be partaker of their sins and what you don't have to be it also means you have to come to truth you have to come to truth opportunity you have the opportunity to come out Lily says if is this come out it means you still there and if all says you do have the opportunity to come out and hmm what else come out it for my people it's still my people that's right God recognizes even though you may be in a system that's collapsing yeah Wow you're my people yeah you're still in there you have an opportunity to come out mm-hmm back to Dave the judgment is come come out while you have a chance well you still have a chance right Rodney it sounds like a plea I beseech you I'm begging you please come out you don't have to die there is a way for you I've carved over the path for you it's a pleading it's deep yeah and there's the immeasurable unfailing love of God right then comes a third angel Alex in chapter 14 verses 9 through 11 but I've got to add verse 12 because I think verse 12 is essential revelation 14 verses 9 through 12 okay and I'll be reading from the King James Version and the third angel followed them saying with a loud voice if any man worship the Beast and His image and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the Holy Angels and in the presence of the Lamb and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever and they have no rest day nor night who worship the Beast and His image and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name here is the patience of the saints here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus now I want to hear that I know for sure I don't want to be marked as one who belongs to the Beast and by the way the Beast has a dragon behind so why don't want to be marked as one who belongs to the dragon right I want to be one who's sealed as one who belongs to God is that right yes but what do you think about this warning does that sound even more intense than the second angel yeah Harry why do you think the message of the third angel is so strong Larry is very clear said basically he's giving the warning with the first angel giving a little more detail in the second angel and the third injuries like well if you don't listen to the first two then you will suffer you know that the other side of what comes with a fallen you know Babylon and all the deception when you just have drank their wine for deception you will suffer the consequences oh it's it's almost like the fire alarm goes off and you know when a when a real fire alarm and they don't just say it's a test it's loud right it because it's the last the warning Nicole it's a matter of life or eternal death yes and I think the lord and the lord knows that he's like this is your last chance to live forever or die the eternal death that's only made for the development and your language and nicole raises another question where it talks about fire and brimstone and the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever and some people read that and by the way I don't argue with what the text says but but some read that and say that they're actually going to not die but they will suffer in some kind of torment for ever and ever tell me somewhere in scripture that would clarify that I mean the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever I I believe that it's eternal and his consequence are they suffering forever and ever these people where can I find just give me a text that would help clarify that Jonathan Sodom and Gomorrah I don't okay you're thinking in Jude the book of Jude where it says that Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed with eternal fire right they're still burning mm-hmm but the consequence is eternal where else can I find actually it's a word of hope because I want to tie if one of my loved ones chooses not to be saved it would not be eternal blessed for me to know they were suffering forever where else can I go Joshua just quote it for us cuz well short on time yeah it's a Malachi chapter 4 and in verse 1 it says for behold the day is coming burning like an oven and all the proud yes all who do wickedly will be stubble and the day which is coming shall burn them up says the Lord of Hosts that will leave them neither root nor branch so very clear there and by the way it's in John 3:16 right for God so loved the world whatever language you memorized it in that he gave the son believes in him doesn't say suffer throughout all eternity right perish means and done burned up like stubble yeah right in fact in Revelation chapter 20 it says fire came down out of heaven and devoured them if you heard your friend went on a safari and a lion came and bit her you'd say is she okay yeah but if the make text message came that a lion came and devoured there's nothing left so that's why this message of the third angel is so earnest now I just want to close with one text second Peter 3 I'm going to quote it the Bible says the Lord is not slack Peter 3:9 concerning his promise as some count slackness but is long-suffering toward us not willing that anyone should perish though there's that word again right not gonna torment forever but the old should but you know what the next verse says but the day of the Lord will come and the end of that verse 13 says nevertheless we look for a new heavens and a new earth where righteousness amen amen that's the good news and that's the message of the three angels that we can all have a part in a new heavens and a new earth where righteousness dwells I just want to use my favorite Hebrew word we do not need to suffer with those who eternally choose to separate themselves from God and will be destroyed perish we don't need that destiny we can have an eternal future with a God who created us loves us with an immeasurable and unfailing love will you make that decision with me today to rest in him today and every day father in heaven thank you for the warning messages of the three angels thank you for the everlasting good news and I pray for each hope Sabbath school member including those of us here in the studio that we would accept the precious gift of your salvation today and each day and walk in your way to bring glory to you in the name of Jesus amen well thanks for joining us for Hope Sabbath school the book of Revelation well if you've learned anything in our study today it's that you need to go back and read the Book of Daniel because they're tied together and it's preparing us for the soon coming of Jesus be ready for that day rest in him and share that good news with those around you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: HopeSabbathSchool
Views: 18,424
Rating: 4.7180614 out of 5
Keywords: Hope Sabbath School, Seventh-Day Adventist, Ever lasting Gospel, Derek Morris, bible study, Relgion, 3 angels messages, Mark of beast, creator heaven earth sea and fountains of waters
Id: ofBBuA0hp6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 26sec (3506 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2019
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