Hope Sabbath Sc hool Lesson 6 Unlimited Possiblities

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome to hope sabbath school an in-depth interactive study of the word of god we are in the middle of an amazing series on making friends for god today gifts for witness unlimited possibilities i'm excited because this is such a practical study for our lives today and i want to welcome you to hope sabbath school and welcome to the team you can see i'm excited today right and i'm excited because this is a great series but also because one of our team's going to be teaching today stephanie we're always blessed when you teach the word of god we're looking forward to a really practical study and we know that the holy spirit will be our teacher we're also glad that you're part of our hope sabbath school family you can always write to us at sshope hopetv.org we love to hear from we share it with the team and with our media team so they can be encouraged to know what god is doing laureen put a note on our facebook page and here's what she said hope sabbath school has been a blessing to me i've been watching it for years five days a week and i have learned and grown in joyful faith and we say praise god my relationship with the lord has blossomed i've never felt as loved as i do now and every time i read the bible i learn and gain more wisdom thank you god bless you all and we say praise god praise god thank you laureen for sharing that with us you know god loves us all with an immeasurable and unfailing love and he wants us to know that doesn't he we're going to talk about that in our study the gifts are given to the children he loves so that we can be empowered witnesses for him here's a note from mukisa in rwanda mukesa writes and says from the time i found hope sabbas school my spiritual life grew up i cannot find enough words to thank you i pray to our loving god to protect and support you in everything you plan to undertake as you commit yourselves to spreading the gospel around the world amen your brothers and sisters here in kigali rwanda are ready to meet you in our home above amen jesus is preparing a home for us keep trusting in him amen we can tell that you are a follower of jesus and we're glad you're part of our hope sabbath school family here's a little note from some donors in the united states they write and say please use these funds to continue to share the good news of the gospel we have been supporters or fans is the word they used for more than ten years and a gift of twelve hundred dollars to help the ministry of hope sabbath school we just wanna say thank you uh there in new hampshire for being partners with a submission we are a donor-supported ministry and uh you remember one cent 52 dollars right remember one dollar for a week each person we can just be part of the mission and we partner together thank you for your prayerful and loving support for hope sabbath school here's a note from charlesworth in antigua antigua in the caribbean hello hope sabbath school team hello i appreciate everything on hope sabbath school it's a bless blessing to watch you all the time your program helps me learn more of the gospel of jesus christ amen i get stronger when you're on my tv i like that thank you charlesworth for writing to us from antigua beautiful island there in the caribbean and one last note from faith in kenya lots of hope sabbath school members in kenya we welcome you all i'm faith i love everything about hope sabbath school it's been a blessing since i started watching i love the scripture songs and most of all jason's enthusiasm while singing jason why don't you wave to faith in kenya well faith thank you for being an encouragement we'd like you to sing with us now we've got a beautiful song that's the theme song for this series on making friends for god it's a 3 000 year old scripture song written by david my wife put a tune to it it's a cheerful tune that says oh give thanks to the lord call upon his name make known his deeds among the people we're making friends for god if you haven't learned it yet go to our website hopetv.org hope ss you can download the mp3 file and the sheet music learn it let's sing it together right [Music] now [Music] [Music] words let the hearts of those [Music] the lord rejoice his strength take his face ever more remember his marvelous words oh give thanks to the lord call upon his name o give thanks to the lord [Music] that's what we want to do stephanie as we begin our study today call upon the name of the lord let's pray dear heavenly father lord thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to study your word today we ask that as we study and then leave this place that we will use the blessings you have given us to be a witness to those around us thank you lord as we commit this study into your hands we ask for your holy spirit to guide us in jesus name amen amen amen our topic today is on gifts for witnessing all right so when you think of a gift what do you think of how would you define a gift special something special okay jason for me i think of something free they've given it to me i didn't have to do anything for it something free you didn't have to do anything for it chuck it maybe something i didn't have to start with yeah something that you didn't have to start with all right usually it's something that makes me happy something that makes you happy any other ideas well i'll tell you what the dictionary says it is something willingly given without payment now if you were to scan the bible the concept of gift could be a reward it could be a payment it could be a it could be where was an offering but it could also be a spiritual endowment and that's what we're looking at today spiritual endowment a power that is beyond ourselves so let's look and see where these gifts come from james chapter 1 verse 17 and aisha would you start our study today james chapter 1 verse 17 and let's see who is the giver of these good and perfect gifts i'll be reading from the new international version every good and perfect gift is from above coming down from the father of the heavenly lights who does not change like shifting shadows all right so where does every good and perfect gift come from the father in heaven let's turn to matthew chapter 7 verse 11 and pedro if you would take us or read that for us matthew chapter 7 and verse 11. i'll be reading from the new king james version matthew 7 verse 11. if you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him all right so where did the good gifts come from the father in heaven all right and what are some of the greatest gifts that we have received john 3 16 brittany would you take us there john chapter 3 verse 16 and this may be a well-known verse to some of us but there may be someone who's listening who's never heard it before john chapter 3 verse 16. i'll be reading from the new king james version john chapter 3 verse 16. for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life amen what is that gift that's given to each redeemed child of god everlasting everlasting life through who jesus through jesus and not just everlasting life but everlasting life with him yes that's what makes it amazing amen let's turn to first john chapter 3 verse 1 and laurel would you read that for us we're looking at some of the greatest gifts that are given to each redeemed child of god first john chapter 3 verse 1. okay it's a small book there yeah it took me a little while to find it um three verse one yes all right i'll be reading from the new american standard bible see how great a love the father has bestowed on us that we should be called children of god and such we are for this reason the world does not know us because it did not know him what is the gift that's given there behold what manner of love love the father hath bestowed upon us that we would be what so we're adopted we're done into the family of god let's turn to luke chapter 11 verse 13 and trevor would you read that for us luke chapter 11 verse or i'm sorry verse 13. chapter 11 luke chapter 11 verse 13 i'll be reading from the new king james translation if you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your heavenly father give the holy spirit to those who ask him all right good gifts come from where the father and what is the gift here the holy spirit the holy spirit now it has similar language to what we read in matthew chapter seven right so when you think about the holy spirit the bible has something very specific to say about the holy spirit it's in john john chapter 14 verses 15 through 18. and puyo would you read that for us john chapter 14 verses 15 through 18 and we want to hear of how the bible speaks about this gift of the holy spirit sure i'll be reading from the new king james version john 14 verse 15-18 if you love me keep my commandments and i will pray the father and he will give you another helper that he may abide with you forever the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him nor knows him but you know him for he dwells with you and will be in you i will not leave you orphans i will come to you amen that is powerful isn't it tell me what you hear about the holy spirit [Music] the holy spirit i believe is described in different ways another helper the spirit of truth and there is just different description of him and when you say another helper in some way this is uh someone who would in a way replace jesus after jesus leaves to heaven you know the holy spirit was to be another meaning in a same manner like jesus who would love us who is willing to do everything for us and just being there to help us amen jason in 18 it says i will come to you so apparently even though jesus is no longer with them through the holy spirit we can experience jesus again even if he's not physically here per se with us did you notice it said that he will be with you and in you why is that important today that the holy spirit the comforter will be with you and in you amen why is it important people know that they're not alone that the father the the entire godhead is with us so you never have to feel like you're alone in this world travis the answer is i think at the end it says i will not leave you orphans without him we're orphans yeah so you imagine a little orphaned child no one to feed you no one to take care of you you're just out there and helpless but he says no no i'm not going to leave you that way yeah i will take care of you i'll take care of you all right brittany and then we'll have to move on yes um so we've been talking about how he's with us but being in us is empowering us to reach somebody else to help them know that they're not alone and to know that they have a father that loves them so thank you for for leading us into our my next question how important is it of a preparation and crucial for us to fulfill the mission that jesus gave us in acts chapter 1 verse 4 and 8. do you recall that let's let's look at that chuck would you read acts chapter 1 verses 4 and 8. i'm reading acts chapter 1 verse 4 and 8 in the new king james version and being assembled together with them he commanded them not to depart from jerusalem but to wait for the promise of the father which he said you have heard from me verse 8 but you shall receive power when the holy spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses to me in jerusalem and in all judea and samaria and to the end of the earth why is this gift so important and an ongoing necessity to have for this mission travis so in and of ourselves you know we're carnal the bible says sold into sin and so we are to testify of the love of god we just read behold what manner of the love the father has given unto us that we may be called the children of god so we have to reciprocate this love and we're not capable of doing that ourselves and so god empowers us through the holy spirit to be shining lights and beacons to testify of a loving kind gracious savior amen and the only way we can do that is with the power of the holy spirit the power of the holy spirit with us and in us all right so there are other gifts that are good and perfect gifts that we get from the father in heaven can you think of any of any verses in the bible that speaks about other spiritual gifts that chuck first corinthians 12. first corinthians 12. let's go there first corinthians 12 and let's look at verses 8 through 10. and sabino would you read that for us yes so first corinthians 12 verses 8 to 10 i'll be reading from the new international version to one there is a given through the spirit the message of wisdom to another the message of knowledge by means of the same spirit to another faith by the same spirit to another gifts of healing by that one spirit to another miraculous powers to another prophecy to another distinguishing between spirits to another speaking in different kinds of tongues and twist to another the interpretation of tongues and would you mind reading the the next verse because i think that is important verse 11. all these are the work of the one and the same spirit and he gives them to each one just as he determines so what do we learn about these spiritual gifts in this verse jason well one there's a lot of them and they all have very different uh actions you could say and how they uh affect us in practical life all right different gifts what do you notice differing gifts but one big one spirit okay so one spirit differing gifts given to each other yes that's right given to each into each redeemed child of god right as the spirit wills as the spirit wills brittany in verse 7 we didn't read it but it says it's for the prophet of all yes and we are going to go to the purpose of those gifts in just a moment let's look at ephesians chapter four verse seven and eight again we're looking at spiritual gifts and what they are ephesians chapter four verses seven and eight gary do you have that yes would you read that for us okay i'll be reading from the new king james version ephesians 4 7-8 but to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of christ's gift therefore he says when he ascended on high he led captivity captive and gave gifts to men all right what do we learn about these good gifts it's called grace grace very good and they have been given to us again that concept of a gift without no strings attached strings that's right that's what we would say um into our maybe there is a string attached yeah okay to use it well yeah um it's not it's not that we earned it right or deserve it it's grace grace but he the holy spirit would not give a gift unless it was god's plan for us to use it yes and we will see that later in our study won't we all right so i hope we can go back here to first corinthians again chapter 12 and we're now going to look at i'm sorry let's go to romans 12 first and take a look at the spiritual gifts there in romans 12. we don't want to miss that romans 12 chap chapter 12 verses 5 through 8 and pedro would you read that for us yes romans 12 verse five to eight i'll be reading from the new king james version and it says so we being many are one body in christ and individually members of one another having then gifts gets different according to the grace that is given to us let us use them in if prophecy let us prophesy in proportion to our faith or ministry let us use it in our ministry he who teach in teaching he who exhorts in exhortation he who gives with liberty liberality he who leads with diligency he who shows mercy with cheerfulness [Music] do you see any common theme throughout these these verses that we've looked at um multiple gifts one thing i heard stephanie is the list aren't the same they're not which tells me that there's lots of gifts maybe even more than those two lists right that the holy spirit might give yes pedro one thing i've been noticing here is the gift is not for ourselves it's first to give yeah it's uh it's a channeling process of receiving the blessing and part and giving to others as we receive yes very true we'll now we'll go back to first corinthians chapter 12 and we'll look at verse 7 and jason if you would read that for us first corinthians chapter 12 verse 7 and we're transitioning to understand what is the purpose and pedro already somewhat alluded to that it's for the purpose of not just ourselves jason would you read that for us i'm reading here from the new king james version first corinthians chapter 12 verse 7 but the manifestation of the spirit is given to each one for the prophet of all so it's for the prophet of all it's not just for the person who possesses it right word yes hating i also saw there in romans that we're to do it like wholeheartedly you know and do our best you know i have two teenagers at home and sometimes you tell them to do something and they're like that's good enough you know but god is telling us do it with your whole being you know do your best for the lord amen sometimes that's hard to learn isn't it it is so what would encourage us to do the best that we can for god wow pedro i think when we look back and and uh in acts we see the blessing of being a witness and and that portrays what the spirit is doing in us because we can have someone close to us i can have written next to me but she's not in me you know as a friend or somebody that you love if god is in you you're going to portray that what you live by with that person you know i can rejoice of my wife everywhere i go because that's she's inside of me now when we look into the into this gifts and to this blessing to be prophet of all when we have jesus in us everybody will profit because we show the love that we have for him so it's important going back to what we learned to have the spirit with us and in us working through us all right let's turn to ephesians you'll notice we're going back and forth between ephesians and 1st corinthians let's look at ephesians chapter 4 and this time we'll look at verses 11 through 16 and our focus is to find out what is the purpose of spiritual gifts and who has that that they could read it sure and i'll be reading from the new king james version ephesians chapter 4 verses 11-16 and he himself gave some to be apostles some prophets some evangelists and some pastors and teachers for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry for the edifying of the body of christ till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the son of god to a perfect man to the measure of the stature of the fullness of christ that we should no longer be children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the trickery of man in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting but speaking the truth in love may grow up in all things into him who is the head of christ from whom the whole the whole body joined and knit together by what every joint supplies according to the effective working by which every part does its share causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love amen amen there were quite a few points there weren't there let's start at starting in verse 11. how many gifts many many many many different gifts okay and and for the purpose ministry right the work of ministry to edify the body of the body correct that's right certifying the work of ministry perfecting of the saints so how can a a gift perfect the saints we're going to look at that when we look at the body right and we'll we'll understand that more what else do you see here is the purpose for the gifts chuck that says quite a few things that there be unity a unity of faith and that we no longer are tossed back and forth with false doctrines or things that would take us away from god so we're our foundation is solid in the word of god educating yes travis well that i was just going to build and what chug said and but also speaking the truth in love so it seems like these the trickery of men has something to do with uh the absence of love if he's saying this this truth will be spoken in love so definitely and and he ends it too for the edifying itself in love so so we see that these gifts are given so that the love that they'll testify of jesus the love of jesus is pronounced to the world and seen through the body of christ powerful speaking of the body of christ let's turn back to first corinthians chapter 12 and we'll be looking at a passage from verse 12 through 27 but we'll split that up so sabina if you would prepare to read verses 12 through 14 and treva verses 15 through 20 and then jason 21-27 i'd like us to be thinking about this image of the body similar to the church of god all right okay so i'll be reading from the new international version the body is a unit though it is made up of many parts although all its parts are many they form one body so it is with christ for we were all baptized by one spirit into one body whether jews or greeks slave or free and we were all given the one spirit to drink now the body is not made up of one part but of many all right what is something that you see in here that can help us understand the various gifts that are given to the body of christ chuck there's a lot of diversity yeah and yet there's unity there's this um a lot of differing uh parts to a body i mean anyone who's taking anatomy and physiology i forget how many bones we have over 200 right and we have that many and this is talking a whole lot more than that and yet it's all part of one thing accomplishing one purpose so god wants us to be like that so there are multiple members but one body amen yes all right have you ever seen hands moving in one direction and the feet moving in a different direction have you ever seen that how much work do they accomplish together they have to work in coordination together in order to accomplish the good and that's that's one thing that we can understand from the body let's look at verses 15 through 20 and trevor would you read that for us and i'll be reading from the new king james translation chapter 12 starting with verse 15. if the foot should say because i am not a hand i am not of the body is it therefore not of the body and if the ear should say because i am not an i i am not of the body is it therefore not of the body if the whole body were an eye where would the where would be the hearing if the whole we're hearing where would be the smelling but now god has set the members each one of them in the body just as he pleased and if they were all one member we would where would the body be and verse 20 but now indeed there are many members yet one body so how does this help us to understand the importance of each spiritual gift trevor we should be working together as a unified body in christ given that gift of the spirit whatever gift that may be to glorify the church aisha it also reminds me of um different characters you know like different abilities that some may have and then you need all of them to make it work yes beautiful all right pedro it is interesting here that we all complement each other you know we need each other to grow inside we cannot be isolated otherwise we're not going to be able to grow but we need to be able to give but also be able to to receive a blessing from someone amen as we as we grow in christ as the head of the body we will be able to help each other and it's interesting here that we noticed on this part here that we're talking about the body but when we come to these verses here we're talking about the senses we see hearing we're seeing uh speaking we see smelling so it's important for us to be aware of our senses as we work in the community to help each other to bless each other amen very very well said thank you jason would you continue on in verses 21-27 of first corinthians chapter 12 i'll be reading here from the new king james version first corinthians chapter 12 verses 21 through 27. and the eye cannot say to the hand i have no need of you nor again the head to the feet i have no need of you no much rather those members of the body which seem to be weaker are necessary and those members of the body which we think to be less honorable on these we bestow greater honor and on our unpresentable parts have greater modesty but our presentable parts have no need but god composed the body having given greater honor to that part which lacks it that there should be no schism in the body but that the members should have the same care for one another and if one member suffers all the members suffer with it or if one member is honored all the members rejoice with it now you are the body of christ and members individually so what does that tell us about the importance of each spiritual gift each member of the body they're all very important they all play a role we shouldn't put one spiritual gift above the other and when we see as a body something is lacking we can ask and pray for god to help us and give us that gift that we need in order to glorify him no partiality yes gary uh as compared to the previous section 15 to 20 you see more of the the person or the individual kind of wanting or envying other gifts right be happy with the gift that god has blessed you with right because it is necessary yeah right and in the latter part 21 to 27 you see other gifts you know trying to rank each other right so there is an internal and an external um dichotomy that can be there but we should be thankful for what we have and be thankful that there are those who will make up for what we lack so we've spoken about the fact that every good and perfect gift comes from god and that there's a reason there's a purpose for our our gifts yes when do we receive those gifts can someone help me out with that when do believers receive their spiritual gifts and we need to have some biblical support so all right who wants to help me out with that brittany well we see the story of jesus in matthew chapter 3. can you take us there all right matthew chapter 3 verses 16 and 17. what does the bible say in matthew chapter 3 verses 16 and 17. i'll be reading from the new king james version matthew chapter 3 verses 16 and 17. when he had been baptized jesus came up immediately from the water and behold the heavens were opened to him and he saw the spirit of god descending like a dove and a lighting upon him and suddenly a voice came from heaven saying this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased amen when did the holy spirit come upon him when were those gifts at his baptism at his baptism all right what about the believers at pentecost yeah all right yes stephanie that the holy spirit was always with jesus yes so uh the holy spirit you know was with john the baptist in his mother's womb so i think it's important to recognize the holy spirit wasn't away from jesus at any moment but there's this anointing that's what the messiah is right the anointed one he's beginning his ministry his public ministry and there are special gifts that will be given to him yes for his public ministry yeah thank you thank you for catching that all right let's turn to acts chapter 2 verses 37 through 41. and jason do you have that that you could read that for us i'll read here from the new king james version acts chapter 2 verses 37 through 41 now when they heard this they were cut to the heart and said to peter and the rest of the apostles men and brethren what shall we do then peter said to them repent and let every one of you be baptized in the name of jesus christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the holy spirit for the promise is to you and to your children and to all who are afar off as many as the lord our god will call and with many other words he testified and exhorted them saying be saved from this perverse generation then those who gladly received his word were baptized and that day about 3 000 souls were added to them and this is what the day of pentecost all right let's turn to acts chapter 19. and we'll look at verses one through six chuck would you read that for us acts chapter 19 verses one through six i'm reading from the new king james version acts chapter 19 starting with verse 1. and it happened while apollos was at corinth that paul having passed through the upper regions came to ephesus and finding some disciples he said to them did you receive the holy spirit when you believed so they said to him we have not so much as heard whether there is a holy spirit and he said to them into what then were you baptized so they said into john's baptism then paul said john indeed baptized with a baptism of repentance saying to the people that they should believe on him who would come after him that is on christ jesus when they heard this they were baptized in the name of the lord jesus and when paul had laid hands on them the holy spirit came upon them and they spake with tongues and prophesied all right back to our original question when do believers receive spiritual gifts i think what is common in this text that we're reading is that people receive believers receive the holy spirit when they're willing to turn away from their sins at the conviction of the holy spirit and accept jesus as their lord and savior i think that is the moment when god gives us the holy spirit and the gifts so go ahead well i think of the fruit of the spirit which are also gifts is love joy peace long suffering and we just read text that when we ask he will give us the holy spirit so we see people their lives are changed and they start being kind and one of the gifts we read about earlier was mercy showing mercy we see that so it's the when we ask for the holy spirit and he comes and dwells in us then he works through us with these different gifts so we saw in first corinthians chapter 12 there were multiple gifts right but one spirit yes right okay chuck you had a comment yes when we look at acts chapter 2 peter is saying that repent be baptized you receive the gift of the holy ghost we see in acts chapter 19 that they had already had a baptism of repentance but now they're having a baptism in the name of jesus christ and they received the holy spirit it's almost like uh the mindset we see in the early church and i pray someday also not someday but it will also be in our church and that is when a person is baptized into jesus christ it's not just the baptism into christ separate from receiving the holy spirit from ministry we see the holy spirit being poured out and yes the gift of tongues is given in acts 19 for the purpose of ministry amen and i think that that is the picture here you're not just being baptized to join a fun club so to speak you're being baptized to enjoy the same ministry christ had you're joining with him in ministry in baptism thank you for sharing travis so i was thinking about this as as chuck was speaking i remember a pastor preaching in the philippines spoken english the whole night all the people came forward when he made the altar call and um he said does the elder people because they mostly spoken to god like always come up with the young people and he said no he said then how did they know to come forward and they said pastor you were speaking into garlic all night so so whether it was the gift of interpretation or the gift of tongues the holy spirit gave it when it was needed that's right and so that's what came to me when is when do these gifts come when they're needed when the holy spirit sees they're needed yes all right brittany and i was going to just add on to that because we have that example with cornelius in acts chapter 10 where they received the gift of the holy spirit before they were baptized because they needed to understand and and there was speaking in tongues and different languages and everything then even before the baptism so exactly when it's needed is when the holy spirit is given those gifts so how do we discover those spiritual gifts that we have received there is a difference right you could have received a spiritual gift and you have not fully discovered that yet how do you discover the spiritual gift that you have received pedro i think it's going back what derek has said we have to understand the gift of the spirit in our lives we the spirit is available and it was always available but it comes into our life when we believe i think here in acts when we look in the chapter 19 there was a desire to believe they gave them do you want to believe on jesus christ that who came to die for our sins and when they believed we saw that in the activity of the spirit happening in their lives so as christians we should believe on these blessings god has spoken and sometimes we can be skeptical what bible have said can can that happen yes if you believe trevor well it goes back to what we talked about before like you have to be active in ministry like you cannot just ask for these gifts and then don't use them and so it goes back to when there is a need so if you're doing ministry and maybe you know you desire to teach and you want to spread the gospel you know father give me that gift of teaching i'm i'm trying to do it and i need help i need the power of the holy spirit so it really is about being active being engaged being engaged now you may try something and realize that is not your gift is that okay yes and someone may tell you it's not your gift right in a loving way i'm thinking of our group here some are running equipment they're very skillful with with technology and and of course most of our hope sabbath school members don't see any of that some some have a gift of teaching amen others have a gift of compassion or mercy or sharing we have different gifts yes i think trevor's right on target when she says say god i'm available to be involved in ministry just like chuck said and and the holy spirit will guide us now let me share something that travis said which is a little bit radical as i step forward in faith he may actually give me a gift that i need amen to do what he's asking me to do so i think there's a dynamic process that goes on but actually it's when we step out and get involved in a team and someone says i think you're really good at logistics yeah you know or you're good at mercy so you go visit the people who are sick because when so-and-so goes it doesn't really help but but they're good at that they're going to this that's a gift they've been given right we we do ministry we listen to the body of christ affirming we listen to the spirit ourselves and and the holy spirit helps us to discover the gift that he's given travis i'm really happy that derek brought that out because there's something that struck me as derek was speaking is that we don't have to be discouraged in ministry when something don't work out maybe there's something else and i think that's really important you know we're not we're not built for everything and god may not give us certain gifts don't get don't get discouraged when something don't work keep putting yourself out there let god use you because he has a place for you oh yeah right and the question is how do we discover i think one one thing that we can all do is to ask you know to ask god to show us or to to lead us to the place where we can be useful for him sometimes we are not in a place where we are most useful or available for him so by asking god to lead us to places or to people whom we can help with our the gifts that he has gifted us with i think so we have to ask yes thank you for bringing that up and it's something that we might easily just overlook right when i was six years old a godly man came to my father who was still in his 20s working for a building company and said i believe you have the gifts to be a pastor i see you as a young youth leader in our little church and i i recognize in you so another way god can use my father left his job we all got a little car and drove to newborn college where he studied became a pastor and an evangelist and hopefully he's watching this program because god used him in amazing ways but someone came to him led of the spirit and said i recognize gifts of the spirit in you i think we may also be used by god to share that discernment yes with other people i see something does that make sense maybe someone's done that for for us and it made an impact on us yes what is interesting though is that he didn't just hear it he listened and obeyed and he obeyed he did and i happen to know your mom and dad and i know that they have been gifted for ministry they have that in their heart what are some promises that we could claim for those or we could share with those who to encourage them chuck james chapter 1 verse 5. all right james would you take us there james chapter 1 verse 5. you're talking about encourage them to discover their spirits absolutely okay of course there's encouragement here as well for everything but in james 1 5 i'm reading from the new king james version it says if any of you lacks wisdom let him ask of god who gives to all liberally and without a reproach and it will be given to him amen so asking for wisdom you wanted to say something yes no i mean this is beautiful because we all i can speak broadly broadly lack wisdom at times in our lives and he's promised that anyone who actually asks for wisdom so this is not a a spiritual gift that some may have and some may not have wisdom is something that anyone can have if they ask god of it amen and with that gift we can discover the other gifts that god has for us oh yeah i see yes um there are many times uh in the in a church in in church settings that i've experienced where as a pastor i overlooked some things where some members would come and say hey we should probably do this or some that i would have never thought about so so in some ways i would say if if someone doesn't feel like he has or she hasn't discovered the gift that god has given them yet i would say look for ways where you feel the need of improvement or the need how we can better the church of god the body of christ and when you see the need that no one else feel the need in some way that may be where god is gifting you to sense the need you know amen any other promises that you can think of laurel oh the gift of knowledge just getting knowledge from god as seen in jeremiah 33 all right would you take us to jeremiah 33 and verse 3 and verse 3 okay all right i'll read from the new american standard bible call to me and i will answer you i will tell you great and mighty things which you do not know amen call to me i will show you things that you that you don't know what we said earlier stephanie is the holy spirit gives at least one gift to every believer right that's right as he wills so it makes sense that if we're not sure what it is we can ask god show me and he may show me through a vision a dream a conviction or through a person coming yes but when they come we recognize that god sent them amen and that would also be a the holy spirit leading us as well to understand so we have learned that all good gifts come from god all right and that there's a reason why we have those gifts yes right and there are multiple gifts but one spirit yes and we can we can receive that we can discover that but what good is it if we don't use it amen all right so let's take a look at a famous uh very well known story in matthew chapter 25 and we'll be looking at verses 15 through 30. is there someone who would be able to read that for us matthew chapter 25 15 through 30. aisha would you read that for us sure um matthew chapter 25 verse 15 to 30 and i'll be reading from the new international version 2-1 he gave five bags of gold to another two bags and to another one bag each according to his ability then he went on his journey the man who had received five bags of gold went at once and put his money to work and gave and gained five bags more so also the one with two bags of gold gained two more but the man who had received one bag went off dug a hole in the ground and hid his master's money after a long time the master of those servants returned and settled accounts with them the man who had received five bags of gold brought the other five master he said you entrusted me with five bags of gold see i have gained five more his master replied well done good and faithful servant you have been faithful with a few things i will i will put you in charge of many things come and share your master's happiness the man with two bags of gold also came master he said you entrusted me with two bags of gold see i have gained two more his master replied well done good and faithful servant you have been faithful with a few things i will put you in charge of many things come and share your master's happiness then the man who had received one bag of gold came master he said i knew that you are a hard man harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed so i was afraid and went out and hid your gold in the ground see here is what belongs to you his master replied you wicked lazy servant so you knew so you knew that i harvest where i have not sown and gather where i have not scattered seed well then you should have put my money on deposit with the bankers so that when i returned i would have received in back with interest so take the bag of gold from him and give it to the one who has 10 bags for whoever has will be given more and they will have an abundance whoever does not have even what they have will be taken from them and thrown that worthless servant outside into darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth so what happens when we use the talents god has given us he multiplies it right so we add he multiplies it's so important that we keep in mind that when he has given us these spiritual gifts it's not just for ourselves that's right it's for blessing other people there's a purpose and what is the purpose ministry to to witness to reach others and to become unified right in one body yes all right just a few comments as we close our study here well i'm thinking about something derek has said at the beginning of the study that we have to um we have to know god before we make friends with god before we can make friends for god the man with one talent didn't make friends with god obviously because he didn't understand the character of his master amen i like us to think as we're closing we've talked about the spiritual gifts when there is one spirit and there's one purpose there will be unity of service and when that happens what god can do with a body of believers who are unified the possibilities are unlimited are you ready for to experience acts chapter 2 again are you ready one spirit one purpose in unity of service thank you for studying thank you stephanie what a great study and you know maybe you're watching the program and you're saying i want to discover my gift well we've learned from jeremiah 33 ask you know call to me i will answer you show you great and mighty things which you do not know i love that text in james 5. ask for wisdom god will give liberally and without reproach or criticism he wants to give us wisdom not just to make good decisions in life but to discover the spiritual gift he's given to us so that we can be faithful spirit empowered witnesses for him i think it's an exciting journey but right at the very foundation is having that personal connection with god because when we know the master we'll be fruitful in his service and that's our prayer for each one let's pray that we can be those fruitful servants those faithful witnesses for him father in heaven we're challenged to recognize that the spirit has given us gifts some are using them already some may have other gifts yet to be discovered lead someone to a show us through an experience but when we find that gift may we be faithful servants who use the gifts for the honor of the master and the blessing of your children in the name of jesus we pray amen amen well thanks for joining us for hope sabbath school we're not just supposed to sit around till jesus come but use the spiritual gifts the spirit has given to be a blessing to those around us [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you
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Keywords: 8-2-20
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Length: 58min 32sec (3512 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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