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Channel: The Farrier
Views: 10,963,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horseshoeing, animals, blacksmith, horses, horse, beauty, farrier, fire, burning, riding, shoes, forge, shoes on horse, hoof, gp, satisfying, recommend, the farrier, clean, restoration, Cleaning, Hoof cleaning, Horseshoe cleaning, asmr, restoring, video, camera phone, free, upload, sharing
Id: NgjmISsxsMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
You know your games doing well when people unironically want to scrape shit off of there horses hooves as content
I'd absolutely love to see more options for horse care, but please please please don't make a minigame out of it. As a kid I used to play those mundane horse games and there was always a mandatory grooming session which took like freaking ten whole minutes at a time and you couldn't skip it. I'd give anything to have those hours of my life back.
I absolutely love this thread. I don't really play RDO, but friends linked this thread to me because I write about horse games (and have written about Red Dead) and I got an article specifically about horse care mechanics in games and what usually makes them bad.
See here if you're interested
In my experience, many horse enthusiast gamers are fed up with these tedious minigames, but lots of us are open to alternative implementations that are actually fun, or just less annoying to play. I would honestly find it pretty amazing if RDO added something like this, because it would be super interesting to see how a AAA company tackles a kind of mechanic that is usually limited to lowest budget kids' games.
I'd play it
Better horse care mechanics as well as removing honour from looking after your horse
Horse care is an essential matter, not a moral one
Edit: losing the honour gain not honour itself
This is what I pay the stable master for.
If ranching and horse wrangling is ever added, it would be nice to have a set of horse-related missions to add an extra bonding level to your one favourite.
I honestly would love this, I've always wished we could do more with our horses.