Buffalo Wings except they're Oven Roasted and made with Whole Chicken Pieces.

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thank you to skillshare for sponsoring today's video you can make deliciously crisp buffalo wings in the oven but you know what i think might be better crispy whole chicken pieces it's the same crispy chicken but more meat and a little more juicy as the meat doesn't dry out quite as much in the oven smother them in buffalo sauce or whatever your favorite sauce is and you have something special so it's obviously lower calorie than deep frying 150 gram cooked breast is 338 calories a 70 gram whole chicken wing is 215 and 100 gram thigh is around 255. if you want them served crisp i highly recommend eating right away but these also make some killer leftover sandwiches or salads so pick up a whole air chilled chicken dry it for four hours and away you go to crispy chicken that can be sauced with anything [Music] hey everyone i'm ethan a home cooking nerd who likes to find better ways to cook and share them with all of you so today's recipe was originally inspired by j kenji lopez alts method for buffalo wings baked in the oven and still getting the crispy but it got me to thinking you know why not try this with a whole chicken or chicken pieces like we did here and i'm really glad i did because i think i may actually prefer this to chicken wings the breast pieces with the crispy skin on top and the thighs absolutely killer little little spoiler alert i will say that but what we're also going to cover in this video is how chicken skin gets crisp in the first place because that's really what this recipe is about you can throw any sauce you want after you have the crispy chicken it's really up to you so let's hop into the video and i'll meet you back here for the taste test since this recipe is all about getting crispy chicken skin in the oven i wanted to run some of my own experiments to see how different variables affect the crispiness of the skin however before i get to those results here's a primer on how chicken skin gets crisp in the first place so as we've touched on in a number of my other videos crisping up chicken skin is primarily a dehydration process from the food lab it is noted that the chicken skin is made from water fat primarily collagen and then protein to crisp the collagen must first convert to gelatin then the water must evaporate and the fat must render and run off which leaves us with crispy skin so in general the less moisture we have the better the chicken skin will crisp up though you can't overdo it or else it'll be dry and leathery on the shortlist of ideas kenji mentions that using air chilled chicken instead of water chilled chicken works because the water chilling adds more moisture however because of this the process of air chilling is much more expensive then the next item used in this recipe is a mixture of salt baking powder and corn starch that is used to coat the chicken the baking powder is said to lower the ph which improves browning and also will create carbon dioxide on the surface that gives bubbles for surface area of crispy the corn starch as we know from my french fry sweet potato fry bagel and fried chicken videos will gel on the surface and is crisp up then finally another key factor is air drying the wings for a number of hours which will again drive off excess moisture now because i want to validate that expensive accounting degree to mine i remember the phrase trust but verify so i definitely trust what kenji is saying here but i did want to run some of my own experiments in my own home kitchen to see what the results were now i probably could have come up with over 25 different combinations but for purposes of this video i was most eager to try the air chilled versus water chill chicken to see if the extra couple of bucks may be worth it then i wanted to see the effects of air drying at 0 hours 4 hours and 12 hours for each of those based on my past experience it was pretty obvious that the baking powder cornstarch mixture is going to help so we just kept that as a constant for all six of these so i got a packet of air chilled chicken wings and a packet of normal chicken wings patted them dry to get the moisture out then i tested two wings for each category for a total of 12 wings starting with the 12 hour air dry the four hour air dry and no air dry at all and here are the wings before going in the 450 degree fahrenheit oven putting back my paper slips this time here's what they look like after 20 minutes in the oven and at this point it does seem like the air trilled and dry ones have a little more browning but these still have like another 20 to 30 minutes to go finally here's what they look like after another 25 minutes 45 in total and at this point the air chilled wings looked done to me so i pulled them completely and here's a sound test and up close for each wing after 45 minutes did so from this i think we can definitely conclude that air chilling and air drying for at least four hours will help the chicken skin crisp faster now you may be asking yourself well couldn't you just put the regular wings in longer to get them crisp and you absolutely can here's that same chicken wing after another 15 minutes in the oven about 60 total so you can get the chicken skin just as crispy with more cooking time but you do this at the cost of drying out the meat this is often why baking methods don't come out as juicy as their fried counterparts which can crisp faster without driving out as much moisture from the meat itself so my takeaway for this specific recipe is if i have the time and the money choosing an air chilled chicken and air drying it with the baking powder starch mixture will crisp chicken faster leading to juicier meat well that was a hell of a lot of information to digest so before we get to the recipe let me thank you to skillshare for sponsoring today's video including a guitar class update so as you all know skillshare is an online learning community that i've been using myself for the past few years primarily learning how to film edit and be more productive but they have thousands of inspiring classes where you can explore your creativity last time i told you i started taking the beginner guitar master class by henry olsen my strumming patterns have definitely improved and here's my current favorite riff prayer in c now i definitely still need some work but if you want to take this class or any of the classes skillshare offers the first 1000 of my subscribers to click the link in the description will get a free trial of the premium membership so you can explore your creativity and learn whatever your heart desires okay so back to the chicken again i decided to pick up a whole air chill chicken and let it air dry for four hours and let's make this thing after removing the air chilled chicken from the wrapping right away you can tell it's drier than the typical chicken i feel like this would normally be dripping all over the place so i'm going to butcher and chop it into 10 pieces here two whole wings two drumsticks two thighs and then four breast pieces and i'm not going to cover the step-by-step process there are countless videos out there that cover how to butcher a chicken so just find one that you like once broken down if you are using a non-air chill chicken i would use a paper towel to get rid of some excess moisture but once it's dry you can place a bowl over a scale and add the chicken pieces my chicken weighed 1 354 grams so i want 1 percent each of salt baking powder and corn starch which turns out to 13 grams of each of those once the mixture is added generously toss everything together until it is completely covered on the exterior of the skin and then you're gonna set the chicken aside and place a piece of aluminum foil over a baking sheet which will catch fat later for easier cleanup and then place a wire rack over top followed by those chicken pieces as a side note here the wire rack will promote air flow which leads us to crispier skin as well then we're going to place the whole sheet pan in the fridge uncovered again and i'm doing four hours here but you could do these right away or you could leave them overnight depending on what your situation is when you are ready to cook them preheat the oven to 450 degrees fahrenheit and if you do have the convection setting turn it on once preheated you're going to slide the chicken pieces into the oven and cook for 20 to 25 minutes during which the skin will start to render crisp and brown up now a note on the oven if you do have a convection oven setting or an airfryer you want to turn it on as this will crisp the skin faster as the air circulates so your cooking times will be shorter and less moisture loss from the chicken meat should happen during this time we can prep our buffalo sauce and blue cheese dipping sauce for the blue cheese i'm loosely following the recipe from the professional chef though i have changed the ratios you want to set a bowl over a scale and add 30 grams of qp mayo 30 grams of sour cream 20 grams of blue cheese 15 grams of milk the juice from a half of a lemon a sprinkle of garlic powder about 10 grams of worchester sauce and finally some salt and pepper distaste and then stir everything up now i gave this an obligatory dip with some celery and adjust any seasonings as you see fit i ultimately decided to add some chopped up dill just because i had some in the fridge now you want to give the chicken a quick check in the oven and you could rotate the pan if you would like but let's get back to sauce prep for the buffalo sauce it could not be easier you're going to add 40 grams of butter and 40 grams of your preferred hot sauce to a pan along with a sprinkle of garlic powder and about 20 cranks of black pepper melt everything together and stir it together until it's cohesive and it has cooked down slightly now you're gonna pour this sauce into a container and as you can see it is completely split into the fat and the hot sauce so to emulsify that all we have to do is give the container a shake and there's that classic orange sauce that we all know and love so this is the chicken after about 50 or 55 minutes in total and as you can see this is the final look and feel that we want we have crispy craggly bubbles of delicious chicken skin that is ready to devour that sauce now speaking of you do want to sauce and serve immediately as the water in the sauce will start to make the chicken skin soggy as it sits so place the chicken in a bowl drizzle over the sauce and give everything a toss that rhymed and there we have some absolutely delectable whole pieces of buffalo chicken but again you could toss this with any sauce that you would like to serve i plated it up on a platter with our blue cheese dressing some celery for a garnish and finally let's do our taste test alright everybody let's dive into these i already tried a breast piece and it's absolutely amazing so let's go for one of these drumsticks just because i can't stay away do a little breastpiece too i mean you guys will have to try it for yourself but i'm going to say right now give me a plate of whole chicken pieces over drums and flats any day i mean it's it's all those same things the drumsticks are so nice and juicy and meaty you know versus like trying to pick through some wings kind of get stuck in your teeth and whatnot then the breast meat is really nice as well i mean also because breast meat is going to be you know higher protein a little bit lower calorie than you know a bunch of dark meat and there's a little bit less skin on the breast too so for health reasons that could be another reason to make this instead of traditional wings it probably save a couple calories but really understanding that i the method behind getting that crisp chicken skin and then all the chicken is is just the canvas for whatever sauce you want to throw at it you know you don't have to do buffalo you could do barbecue sauces you could do like srirachas you could do a glaze like with honey and and whatever i don't know you can go wild with this serve it with a salad you've got a pretty solid meal and man i i'm struggling to not just keep diving in this i've already had like three pieces so hopefully you guys have enjoyed the video that's gonna wrap it up for me and this one the recipe for this will be up on my website if you will prefer like a mobile version or print version that you can look at but i will catch you all in the next one [Music] peace you
Channel: Ethan Chlebowski
Views: 332,665
Rating: 4.9415994 out of 5
Keywords: Ethan Chlebowski, buffalo chicken, oven roasted buffalo chicken, baked buffalo chicken, baked chicken wings, buffalo chicken wings, blue cheese dressing, buffalo wings, how to make buffalo wings, how to bake chicken wings, best buffalo wings, baked chicken wings crispy, oven baked buffalo wings, crispy roasted chicken, oven roasted chicken, buffalo sauce, buffalo chicken wrap
Id: jACqgyPAtD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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