HONEST Couple Q&A - Baby soon? Worst Habits? Embarrassing Moments? The Future?

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- Hello, everyone, welcome back to the channel. As promised, we are doing our Q&A. - Part Two. - Yes, we've already done the fiancé or the boyfriend tag. But now that you have gotten to know us a little bit better, we thought it'd be fun to do another one. And so many of you asked questions I couldn't believe it. And such specific questions as well. Yeah, did you see how many nice comments there were and questions? - I did see the first few that were coming through. And I thought, you know, I'll leave it and I'll just see what happens at the end. - You've gotta wait for the surprise. So I actually think the first question is so nice and it is such an important question. It's from Irfan and it is, how are you? - That's a pretty good starter, yeah. - Yeah, I think a lot of people forget to ask this question. So thank you, Irfan. How are you, Will? - I'm very well, thank you. - Good. - Yeah, I've had a good day, a good week. Thank you for asking. - Yeah, it's nice that you asked. My day has also been quite good. I've had a very productive week. I feel like I've got a lot done, which hopefully, you'll see in some future vlogs. Right, this next question is from Alex and it's hilarious. It's, are you considered a celebrity in your local community? And how do you deal with the fame? - I'll take this one here Lucy. Yeah, so I've had quite a lot, no, obviously, that isn't me. And so I think it's for you. - I mean, you're pretty well known. The answer to that question is, absolutely not. None of my audience are really from the UK, as far as I know. Well, I think now on the vlogging channel there are a couple more people. But it's very strange. If I go abroad, I'm more likely to get recognised, although what happened when we went to Bali? - Yeah. Exactly. That's why I started to answer the question. - It was brilliant. So I can see my YouTube Analytics. And I can see that lots of my viewers are from Indonesia. So I thought, if I go anywhere on Earth, probably Indonesia is the place that I may get recognised. And we went to this tourist attraction in Bali. And these girls came up to us and asked, "Oh, can we have a photo? " "Can we have a photo?" And I was like, "Yes, fine, of course." Really excited. And it turns out that they wanted a photo with Will, because he was so tall. And that was the only thing that happened that entire trip, I think. - That was a highlight. - It was so funny. It really brought me back down to earth. So we have a question from Anna Radha, what was the first impression of Will and vice versa? My first impression of Will, well, if I'm being totally honest, I thought he was so handsome I didn't think he'd be a nice person. I thought that because he's so handsome, he would be really arrogant. And so I didn't really bother talking to him that much. We just said hello on the first night we met, didn't we? - Yeah. - But when I got to know him, I was so pleasantly surprised. You're just so funny and down to earth and there just is no arrogance in him at all. - So humble. - Okay, so what about vice versa? - Vice versa? Well, before you obviously start speaking to someone, you go off appearances, don't you? And looks and obviously, beautiful. - That's very kind (indistinct). - So that was my first impression of Lucy. I thought she was beautiful. And then when I actually started speaking to her, again, obviously Lucy's already just said we didn't speak that much the first time we met. But the second time, we spoke a little bit more. And then it was really over text really. - WhatsApp, voice notes. - Yeah. - I remember a lot of voice notes. - 'Cause we didn't live near each other. - No. - But thanks to modern technology-- - Yeah. - You don't need to. - Yeah, don't feel ashamed if your relationship kind of flourishes over text. I know it doesn't feel real, but it can quickly develop and WhatsApp voice notes I think are the best way 'cause you can kind of think about what you're going to say and delete it if it's come out the wrong way. You can just plan things a little bit more, I like it. Oh, I like this next one, it's from Emily, she says, "Will blink twice if you're being held captive for this video." - No, I'm not being held captive. - Oh, she does actually have a real question though. She says, "Do you have a consensus "on the number of kids that we're planning on?" - We have spoken. - Yeah. - Obviously. - I mean, if we're lucky enough to have children. - Yep, that's always the thing, isn't it? - Yeah, you don't wanna say, "Yeah, I'll have two, I'll have three." And kind of and not have any, I don't know. - I suppose that's quite a pessimistic way of looking at it. But ideally, at least two. - Yeah, so I am one of two and Will is one of three. - Yeah. - And both the dynamics seem really nice, so either or. See what I can handle. Oh, this is a good one from Vane. I think that's how, I think it might be short for Vanessa, if not, it's Vane. Question for Will, how did you decide to be a farmer? And what's your background in that field? - So ever since I was about eight years old, I've been doing physical work on the family farm. And then that went up to the age of 18. And then I took a gap year and I spent half of it on another farm, just the other side of the world in New Zealand. - Well, 'cause you're the third generation, aren't you? - I am, yeah. - Yeah, Will's granddad was a farmer as well. And he actually built the house that we're in now. - Yes, he did. - So it's a really nice story. We have a very important question from Simon. I always love Simon's comments. It's a question for Diego. It's actually two questions for Diego. It is, who's a good boy? And do you like the cat? So we can say on his behalf that he is a very good boy. What do we think about liking the cat? - He's always wanted to be friends. From day one he said, "Hello, I'm Diego, lovely to meet you. "Let me show you around." And it's been very much, you know, the cat will take its time and Diego just has to-- - Yeah, it's all been on the cat's terms. But now the cat is more interested in Diego than Diego is in the cat. So the cat wants to play with his tail. I saw him playing with his paw and with the cat, I don't know why I'm calling him the cat, Alfonso starts off gentle and then he will go a bit harder with Diego and I think Diego is feeling a bit, you know, chill out mate. - Yeah, I was here first. - ADS Rajan says, "What's the most embarrassing moment in your life?" - I'm so happy I'm answering this question instead of my friends. - Oh God, the stories that I have about you. - You first. - Okay. It's really hard to think of the most embarrassing moment in my life because I feel like my life has been a series of embarrassing moments. The one that springs to mind is when I was working as a waitress in the pub. And there was a lady of about 60 and her mum, who was about mid 80s. And the 60 year old woman, the daughter kind of signalled to me saying, as in, can I have the bill? But I didn't process that. And I thought she said, can I have a glass of milk? And I thought, well, this woman is very old, she needs calcium, her bones might be weak. So I said, "Yes, right away." And I went off, made them a glass of milk, put it on the table. "There you are, enjoy." And they both sat there looking at this glass of milk for like five minutes until I came back. And they were like, "Sorry, can we have the bill?" And I was just so embarrassed. I think the lady was trying to mime it to me because she didn't want her mom to pay. She was trying to do something nice. And I just messed it up by giving her a glass of milk. - I can think of a more embarrassing story than that. - What, that you've done? - No, that you've done. - That I've done? Oh no, what have I done? - So Lucy had just passed her driving test. - Oh, no. - So Lucy had just bought a car. And had gone to pick it up from the garage and was on her way home. - So what had happened is I had come straight out of the garage stalled at the roundabout, tried to put it back in first gear but I accidentally put it in reverse, went straight back into the person behind me smashed their numberplate. He was so angry, I could see in my mirror him like flailing his arms. And then when I got out of the car, I was obviously very young and very scared. And I said, "I've just bought my first car. "I'm so sorry." And in the end, he let me pay him with cash. So we didn't have to go through insurance. And then I was too nervous to get going again. A police car came blocked off the roundabout and I was so nervous that I went straight ahead straight through a red light in front of the policeman. And I just kept on going. And as expected, I was like, if he chases me, he chases me. I just need to get home. Yeah, you're right. Will, that was probably the most embarrassing moment of my life. - Up there. - Up there, definitely. Okay, you've got a car related one though. - I do, I've got a terrible one, yes. - In New Zealand. - When I was 18, yep in New Zealand. I went to go and pick up a car that I was buying. And I get in the car, I look over my shoulder, turn on the ignition. Look to go into reverse and instead of going reverse like you did, I went straight ahead. But the problem was in front of me was their garage door and it was shut. And I just completely wrote off their garage door. And it was worth about two times what the car was worth or twice rather. And so I ended up having to buy a car and pay for a new garage door. And I'd only been in New Zealand for about three weeks. So I hadn't even had my first paycheck. - I felt so bad 'cause you went there to make money and that wiped out a lot of the profit you would have made. - And then two months later, the car broke down in the middle of Auckland. So-- - And was it a write off? - It was a complete write off, I could only sell it for scrap. - Oh, no. I love this comment from Letty. She says, "Will is so lovely, but he's huge." - Sort of negative. - I know, he's the same size as my brother. How do you get him clothes and shoes? Good question. - Yeah. - Because it's actually really not easy. All t-shirts seem to be too short. We just look anywhere with a tool selection. So like Levi's jeans, they do an extra long leg. - Yeah. - Ralph Lauren, do a slim fit shirt. So it's, you can get an XL, but it will fit you much, much better. - Yeah. - Yeah, it's not easy. But now we're actually starting to get stuff made for him. So my Christmas present to you a while ago was a made to measure suit. That was ideal, because you've never had a suit that fitted you before. But what happened in the changing rooms when you tried on their shirt? - Big personal problems. And so we went to go and try on the suit and they gave me a shirt that the store obviously gives to people to put on if they don't have one. And I went into the changing room. I didn't undo all the buttons. I thought I wanted to be quick about it, get in, get out. And I ended up ripping the shirt all the way down here. - So awful. I just heard, "Lucy, Lucy." And I was like, "What?" "I've ripped the shirt." And I said, "Did you put it on without undoing all the buttons?" And Will replied saying, "No." And I looked at him and I thought, yes, you have. But you never did it again, did you? - No, you live in and learn, don't you? - And they didn't charge us. They didn't charge us for it. So that was really nice. 'Cause we were buying a suit. Yeah. - Yeah. It would have been a bit harsh, I think. - But he was lovely and he did a great job. So yeah, we're just starting to get some made to measure stuff and ripping shirts. Oh, this is a good question from Rostislav. They want to know how things are going with the property we were going to buy? Have we been putting off until a later date? Or are we planning to stay on the farm forever? I hope this question isn't too personal. No, of course I said be brave with these questions. It's absolutely fine to ask that. What's happened to our house purchase? - It stopped about a year ago. - Yeah. - Yeah, a little bit less than a year ago. We had bought a place in a nearby village. - So when we say bought, we had had an offer accepted and had gone through all the finances and we had the mortgage offer. Everything was ready to go. But the people were being very slow, weren't they, the sellers? - Yeah, they just took their time, - We had a really difficult time, actually. So we really wanted to buy in the village where we used to live. But hardly anything comes up. It's a really desirable location, everything's really expensive. It's got a train line to London. So it's obviously really desirable for commuters. In the whole time we lived there and we lived there for two years exactly. Only two properties that fit our specifications came up. So the first property we went for it had our offer accepted and it was a probate house, which means the person had passed away and their will and all their inheritance had to be sorted out. And there were huge government delays. So by the time it got to six months, we were going to have to renew our mortgage application, which was quite an awkward thing to do. And by that time, another property had come up on the market and it was our dream property, wasn't it? - It was lovely. It was a lovely, lovely property. - It was stunning. I wish you could have seen it. It had this gorgeous garden that went down to a stream at the bottom. It was so gorgeous. There were beams. - Let's not talk about (indistinct) Lucy over here. - But there were problems with it. There weren't enough rooms for me to have a studio to film in and maybe a room for a child. So that was one thing we were thinking about. It wasn't perfect, but it was gorgeous. - At the time it was what we wanted. But unfortunately over time, as we were waiting on the owners of the property to find somewhere else, our priorities changed. - Well, yeah, these people who were selling, they hadn't found another property to buy yet or they had at the beginning and then they pulled out for some reason. And in the end, it took nine months. So we waited six months on one property, nine months on the other. And by the end of those nine months, we kind of knew that we'd already last a year and a bit. And the best solution for you is to be on the farm. If you're gonna work on the farm, you can't live away from the farm, can you? - It's tricky, it's tricky. It was tricky for those two years. - Yeah, we really didn't know what to do. We knew we wanted to buy a house. But the logistics mean that we are actually going to stay on the farm for the considerable future, definitely. Oh, we have a good one from Tom Keen. Mention one good and one bad habit about each other. Can't wait for your wedding. Neither can we, Tom Keen. I'm so bored of waiting. Okay, I would say a good habit of Will, one of your good habits is that when you say you're gonna clear up, he does such a good job. If we're having guests over, I have never seen anything like it, in half an hour he can make the house look like professional tidiers have been over. - I'm like the Tasmanian devil. - It's crazy. And yes, you might open up a door and have like, loads of stuff fall on you. - All right, don't give the secret away. - But it is brilliant. The bad habit and this is something that is really annoying me at the moment. Every evening, we have dinner and we watch a bit of TV or chill on the sofa. And without fail Will always falls asleep. And it's so annoying 'cause I normally go up to bed before Will. So I can't properly fall asleep until I know Will's in bed next to me because otherwise I know I'm gonna have to go downstairs, wake him up. What about my good habit then? - Your good habit is? All right, where do we start? Incredibly organised, I'd say is up there. - Okay, with work, yes, I'm organised. What about personal life? - No, with your personal life, incredibly organised when it comes to organising what we need throughout the week. Especially in the kitchen. - Oh, yes. Yeah, I am good at making sure, my biggest thing is I do an online shopping order. And the, I have to do everything in the moment. And this is something my mom taught me. I remember throughout my childhood it's like, "Lucy do it in the moment, write it down now." And it works. As much as I resented my mom at the time, the minute we run out of kitchen role, I add it to the list. The minute we need something, I do it there and then and then I know that it's done. A pat on the back for myself. - Yeah, yeah. - Okay, what about my negative? I don't know if I want to hear this. - Negative. One of the main deals that we have in the household Lucy loves cooking. Loves it. And obviously, I love her cooking, which is you know, it's brilliant. - It works out. - But the problem is Lucy's quite a messy chef, cook. - Yeah. - And so when the food is on the plate and everything has been served up, she uses every pot and pan in the kitchen and every utensil-- - It's true. - To make it and because I do a lot of the clearing up afterwards, you know, thank God for dishwashers. - Yeah, that's true. - Because I would be there for hours. But that was what I'd say is a negative, in terms of- - Yeah, I agree. - You're quite a messy cook. - I'm not an efficient chef, am I? I'm not good at like, sorting out, yeah, all my utensils, you're right. I'll work on that, I will work on it. Oh, Reba says, "Have you guys ever considered breaking up?" - No. - No, I've never considered breaking up. - Why the pause? - I know. I was waiting to see what you were gonna say I was expecting you to be really insulted. - Yeah, I can't now, I can't. - We're in too deep. No, I've never had a single doubt about Will. So. I would be very worried about committing to a marriage if I had had any doubts. So, yes. - That's a good answer actually. - Yeah, I wouldn't, I'd be concerned about committing to marriage if we'd have any doubts which I have absolutely have not. - Neither have I. - Oh, Miss Baby says, "Do we ever fight or argue over silly things?" - I think every couple do. - Of course. Of course, yeah, definitely. Silly things normally about clearing up and stuff, falling asleep on the sofa. - Tell the lip balm story. - Go on, you can tell it. - This is such an old story. - So silly. - Lucy was going on about all of the things that she'd done for me during the day. - I was feeling a little taken for granted that day. - And she listed about three or four things that she'd done. - Like a proper run, I've done this, I've done this, I've done this. - And she says, "What have you done for me?" And I said, "I passed you the lip balm." - Because earlier that day, I'd asked him to pass me a lip balm. And that was the only thing he could think of and then ever since that we just broke out into laughter. And now anytime that we talk about kind of unfair dynamics, you always say, "I passed you the lip balm." As if to admit, yeah, actually, I realise I haven't done enough today. So this is a more serious one she asks kind of what your opinion is on everything that happened regarding the accent videos and the backlash and things like that, because obviously you saw it from a very specific angle. - Behind the scenes, yeah. - Yeah. - Personally, I think it was all really rather sad. I can say from behind the scenes, it did affect you a lot. And it was sad to see you, you know, not happy. So obviously, it wasn't something that you were expecting. - No. - And obviously you do, you do value everyone's opinions in terms of everyone in the English speaking industry in this teaching industry. Yeah, I don't particularly want to delve into it too much. Because obviously, I don't actually know completely everything that. I was just there for you. Because you were upset, because there's a lot going on, really, but-- - Yeah, I really felt for you throughout that whole ordeal because-- - It was my birthday the next day. No. - Oh, I'm really sorry. That was the worst timing. But how was your birthday, man? - It was great. Great, just another year older. No, I do think it was all very sad. And I am actually happy to see that you've worked things out with the people who, you know, got in contact with you. Or, you know-- - Yeah. - Had a problem with it. - Yeah, and that's definitely how I'd like to deal with things in the future. But I can say, honestly, that I'm really enjoying doing what I'm doing again and trying different things as well. I've tried a new couple of different style videos on my English with Lucy channel. And I just feel like I've got my mojo back a bit. So thank you for, thank you. Thank you for being there for me, because you were, I know, it's so cliche to say you were my rock but you were my rock. You really were. - That was so pathetic. - It was, sorry. Oh, Samantha, has asked quite a few questions. I would love to know each of your perspectives to my question. Okay, that's good. Where do you see yourselves in 10 years time? - Farming. - Yeah, probably farming. I hope that I'm still teaching I'd like to still be teaching. And would you like to have children? Yeah, I'd love to have children. It's something we've spoken about a lot. When do you think it might be? - I'd like to get married first. - That would be ideal. - Yeah, and then soon after that really. - Soon? - Soon after that. Well, our wedding's been delayed. - Yeah, it's true. Yeah, I mean, I don't ever want to put a date on it. - No. - We're gonna try on this day. - Soon could be anything. - Yeah. - Soon could be anything. - I don't want to wait too long, basically. So we're getting married next year. That's what we can tell you for now. And then after that, we'll just have to keep you updated. I won't be able to hide it if I'm vlogging. Oh, Corine, I've chosen Corine's question just because I'm in need of a compliment. Here's my question for Will, "What is it that you love most about Lucy? "What is that little thing that made you understand "that you wanted her by your side "for the rest of your life?" Go on, feed me. Feed me with compliments. - I don't need to delve into this too much, do I? - Go on, explain. - The number one thing. - Yeah. - Quick wit. - Quick wit? - Quick wit. - Oh. - Very funny. I think the number one thing personally that I would look for in a woman and I have found it is quick wit, witty. Someone that makes you laugh. Because that lasts a long time hopefully. - Yeah, unlike appearance which dies. Okay, that's it for our Q&A. Thank you so much for all of those lovely questions. I hope you enjoyed getting to know us a little bit more. And yeah, - Yeah. Yeah, I enjoyed it, I thought it was good. Thank you. - How does it feel to be on camera? - Just another day. It's just another day. - Right, we'll see you soon in another vlog. You have to see the kiss, ready? - No. (upbeat music)
Channel: Lucy Bella
Views: 450,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GI4-7qAYD9U
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Length: 25min 50sec (1550 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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