Honda Civic - No A/C

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hey there and welcome back to the self-made Auto channel do here welcome to our Channel I've got this Oh three Honda Civic that got dropped out today with a complaint of warm a/c the guy said that he googled it and I was doing some poking around and he's not super mechanical but it was really cool to see that he was on YouTube and he was on you know the Internet and I know a lot of I don't know a lot of mechanics you know out there kind of discouraged that or get you know kind of little pouty about it but the fact of the matter is this guy approached it the right way he went on he educated himself about it he's seen you know what a fuse was and what to look for and what a typical low pressure reading is on the a/c system and then he had one of those little dude DIY you know homeowner kits there and he checked the pressure and he seen it was up high and he's also able to diagnose the fact he said that the compressor wasn't kicking on but he thought due to the fact that I had enough pressure on the low side that he shouldn't mess with it and he knew when to call it quits so I give him the big thumbs up on that to not go any further but he was able to go on and learn a little bit about the basics and and just see if he could fix it himself and you can't blame anybody for that because I would do the same thing if it was something that I wasn't familiar with so we're going to have a look at it for him we're going to see what's wrong with it and see if we get this baby chilled down we'll get our initial measurements here I just heard the pump kick on heard the cooling fans kick on the pump is running I suspect I see the cooling fans are running under the hood or I could hear them however we're sitting about 75 degrees something like that there I see the cooling fan under the hood still running for here rather if I assume that the compressor is on cooling fan just kicked off yeah the compressor is kicking on so let's uh now if I have it on low I am getting a little decrease in temperature here on about 70 70 and dropping just crank it up on high gun recirc obviously it's soso it's holding about 63-64 starting to creep back up on us you over a study about seventy right there on high pretty sure the compressors running pressors definitely running cooling fans Ron I say we'll leave it just like it is leave it running that way there nothing screws up we'll throw our gauge sexy words well it's pretty obvious watching this that the charge is low in this car you can see now with the key off you know our two pressures here are going to equalize as our low pressure side is put through the expansion valve or orifice tube whatever whatever it has in this case I think expansion valve on this Honda you'll see our pressures will start to equalize it'll probably come up around 110 which is you know realistically you know probably what he was seeing on his you know Joe homeowner gauge and it's simply you know just misinterpretation probably on his part the reading he should have been getting was or the reading he should have been looking for was you know with it running when you checking the static pressure on an AC system they're going to be equalized there's no way for it to really keep pressure on one side system and out the other sits here long enough these two will become equal that's what our system pressure is so yeah if you check the windows running it may have been a bigger clue but you know I could say trying to learn on your own sometimes it's it's kind of tough you know without a little bit of prior prior knowledge of it everything I know about EC or that I've learned on it I've just kind of learned from that's a little bit trial and error but just just reading and learning we're going to go ahead and recover the system see if there's anything left in it take it from there well living in New York we have a really really short AC season I guess if you're called that but it's been my experience from offering offering our customers on AC service you notice a you know annual check in charge you know special I've been finding on an average most operating a C systems that have no no problem so to speak you know customers come in just one tuned up for the year I've been finding on average that they lose anywhere from one to two ounces of r134a per year oh it's done recovering so we'll go check that out so that's just what I've been discovering so this cars Oh 312 years old we could be anywhere from 12 to you know 24 ounces low in my opinion I did talk to the customer he has no record since they've owned the car of ever doing an a/c tune-up or a sea service he quickly checked with the guy he bought it from who was the original owner and he had never done any a/c service so it is possible that this has just never been tuned up so to speak and that's we're going to find out let's go see how much it recovered out of here says recoveries complete took out seven ounces so let's go check the total system capacity well according to how new takes 19.4 - the seven ounces of dead leaves twelve point four ounces low and add that with a three you got 15 it's here 2015 so it is completely plausible that this has been losing one ounce per year being that we have you know a definitive proof that's never been touched according to the original owner and the current owner so that's pretty pretty cool we're going to take and throw a charge on it and see what the sentiment temperature is it didn't pull out any oil out of the systems we're not going to inject any oil in it we're just going to throw the nineteen point four ounces back in it start it up and see how the gauges look and see how the center vent temperature feels back inside the car here I've got it run a button the hoses equalize on the AC machine we'll take a look at our Center bat temperature I can tell you right now that it's working pretty good and then once that's done clearing out of toeses we'll take and throw the gauge set back out of there and have a look and you can see what a good working a/c system works like today it's Gordon our Tamar selves it's 78 degrees and 74% humidity so it's very very humid today and that can really definitely an a/c systems operation but I think I think we did good I'll show you windows up a season-high keep an eye Murray circulate you can see we're about 38 degrees ish somewheres in there give us some throttle I'll hold it up about two grand here it might drop just a couple degrees of course we a little bit of air movement a will hover most good AC systems will hover around freezing and you can see that drop right off there no sweat will let her back to an idol that's good he's gonna be happy hi viewers things just got ugly you can hear the fan of it being near the car running we just discovered problem now that we kind of fixed the initial problem a low charge let me show you the gauges so there's our gauge reading now see our low side pressure is starting to come up high sides going down starting to equalize hey the compressor just kicked in there you're the same thing the gravel bar so obviously with the fans running racers night cacao fans of turning on let's tell it me cool blast pressures are involved 7075 it tells me that yes commanding this coil a little nudge see the other cool drop like a rock both sides get ball we've got a week of and you're on our watch or an excessive air gap Burnie alfalfa okay so I hope it's kind of it was hard it's hard to show that I would have stuck the camera down there with the bar and show you what I did I'm glad that I'm glad it did this simply because if I give a batch of customer been like you're good to go and he left and said I'm hot so it's really cool that I failed right here in the shot and I got to see how I was just gonna hook the gauges I'm like wait a minute fans running but our low-side run really high that's when I noticed you know like pressors not running brought you guys along kicked it in with a bar and everything's cool now so I got to look some stuff up here and see if this has an adjustable air gap on the AC clutch all right so I looked it up on this style clutch is a shim abort clutch and so basically your AC clutch is a magnet and it pulls in the outer face I don't want to turn this into a whole eight see you know how to but what I will do there is you know there's a great channel on YouTube ratchet wrenches this guy on there I don't know his name but he does a really great a C Series I don't remember how many parts it is I'll find the videos I'll put a link here a great guide those great videos and I'll put a link that so if you want to you want to learn more about the AC system and how it works he does a great job on it so essentially the the magnetic clutch is not pulling in the outer face of the clutch as it should so it's right here and the left side it's down low because Honda is awesome and I'm thinking if we take this on plastic crap out here that we'll be able to see it and hopefully just pull this clutch face off and hopefully there's a couple shims in there we can remove one because I don't have any here or will fashioned something and get this thing stuck back together and get it for the guy what I'll do to is before I tear this thing apart we had one clip there let's stick another one on here oh sweet look at that there's our AC clutch what today is going awesome so we'll just kind of stuff that out of the way for right now what I'm gonna do is I have a Vanessa hop in there and I'll demonstrate what's going on I'll show you how you know when I push on it it kicks on and that way there you guys can see it first and so I'll give this a quick rundown so the outside part this is the this is the outside of the AC clutch so this is the inner idler part and this spins all the time and everybody's happy and there's a magnet a strong magnet coil behind there when you turn the AC on it turned energizes that magnet all of a sudden that's outer face of this clutch click you hear it click and snap in and then it starts rotating the AC compressor itself has this naturally as this kicks on and off there's a there's a gap you know an air gap in between you know the outer face of this and the inner part of the clutch hub and that wears naturally as you know metal you know it's just a metal the metal friction surface it can only snap on so many times before it finally wears out this cars got about 180 thousand on the clock so probably been kicked on and off a lot until the point here the other day quit so this is pretty interesting I'm really glad to this quit instead of you know kind of embarrassing me as it left and then quit going down the road so what I'm going to do is we're going to start it up if it doesn't kick on I'm just going to give it a little push here with a screwdriver to kind of assist it and it should snap right in there for us alright go ahead and start it right you got a seat or not okay so the fans running so what I'm going to do technically this should be energized with magnetic force and I can kind of feel it drawing on my screwdriver there you can see it on just like that shut the AC off you can see it detaches itself turn it on quite enough magnetic strength pushed away we go that's what we want to fix does a CEO okay you turn the car off so now that we've demonstrated that the spec is 20,000th to grab some feeler gauges here's kind of see where we're at because we're gonna have a bad bad coil - you know it's not not strong enough to pull it in at 20 is pretty loose just jump up to it dan hang on get crazy over here there's a 24 right there yeah at 24 is pretty loosey-goosey I think this suddenly goes up to 25 of course we could stack them up but I think we've got some proof so 25 just getting a little drag course this is a little bit tapered too let's zip that nut off they're all zippy zap like and see what we find I wish I had some shims I don't embarrass me enough but I think I've got another plan so that's a 14 mil zip the nut off there this should come off there should be a shim behind this you don't worry about the belt or anything that's all going to stay just want to drop anything here so that's off and guess what folks I don't believe all there is there it is and I think there's a shim on here but there is yeah we got a magnet everything's all magnetized in here wonder why there's our shim I can see the inside of our clutch up here is pretty crusty pretty rusty I might take a wire wheel it up let's say it's not looking too awful bad see we help this guy out maybe reach in this and buy them a little bit of time before we need to buy a whole new clutch kit there it is chrome packaged so tell you what quick and dirty let's show that little guy in there with no shim and see what happens I didn't even measure that shim thickness it's not very thin very thick when you guys think it is pretty tiny we'll see what happens maybe this is just enough to make the magic Tork the speck let's see what happens okay go ahead and start it up okay turn the AC on look at that folks shut it off turn it on Oh ah ah ah I want to do things we'll do it all right show us one more time just turn it off what happened are you messing with us I turn it off night oh we just want honest that you want to admire the work putting a beauty the whole thing how is is it cold feels cold cold is a polar bears pajamas alright go get the phone yeah drift after you give them up got the inner fender stuffed back upon earth on another little plastic push retainer here get that on slap our tire on all right viewers we're going to wrap this one up we got it fixed and that was pretty cool and I'm really glad that it broke down in the shop and we didn't assume that it was just you know low on charge which it was but you can see in this case we had kind of two underlying problems and it kind of all makes sense because you don't talk when the customer to have him saying you know the clutch wasn't coming on you know obviously I assumed you knew what he was talking about you know he had done enough research you know I find it to kind of look at that and judging by what he told us about his low side readings that's true and you know me he might have been going in there with an attempt to get a running reading so and I and that's probably true because that's you know probably why tolls what the low-pressure ones you might have been trying to check that in which case his compressor would turn on which it shut up it certainly had enough pressure to turn on and then you know possibly kick right back off but you know we've seen that it would actually turn on and stay on even with a really low charge because it was still running you know ten or fifteen pounds or something like that on the low side I don't recall but I do know when you give us a throttle a dropper at the zero which you know pretty characteristic of a low charge yeah I guess with that being said I'm going to take and put the links below about the videos that I told you about with that guy there from ratchet wrench it does a great job of AC system series and so check those out I think you'll find those pretty educational provide you a little bit more depth that than I could actually go into while I was working on this but you can see how you know how easy it was to pull that clutch face off and you know should it should have had a new you know AC clutch set yeah probably you know got it in there with no shim it's really no big deal how many thousand miles on a no three Civic yeah we know if that might go another you know five years before wears more off that clutch face - you know it's amount to anything in which case you can change event but I think it was a proper repair AC season around here super short he's going to use it next two months it's going to be the cyclone on and off of the defroster at that point here just kicked off but appears to be working good any air just kick back on good timing so anyhow viewers check us out on Facebook if you haven't already if you haven't subscribe to our channel please consider that and click the subscribe button check us out on Google too we're on Google+ you can drive our circles there so and remember viewers if I can do it you can do it thanks for watching
Channel: South Main Auto Repair LLC
Views: 710,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: refrigerant, freon, r134a, pag, no a/c, blows warm, air conditioner, a/c compressor, condenser, a/c cluch, a/c charge, Air Conditioning (Industry), Honda Civic (Automobile Model), Honda (Automobile Make), Civic, hot air, not cooling, no air conditioning, pump is not turning on, no a/c pump, refill the a/c, how to charge, Civic A/C problem, over heat with a/c on, Automotive Air Conditioning, Honda How To Civic A/C compressor and charging, charging a/c
Id: DNx0X4INfiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 33sec (1533 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2015
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